2025人教版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--UNIT 2 高考练(含答案与解析)


名称 2025人教版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--UNIT 2 高考练(含答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 323.4KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-19 21:54:21



Grizzly bears, which may grow to about 2.5m long and weigh over 400kg, occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche—we revere(敬畏)them even as they give us frightening dreams. Ask the tourists from around the world that flood into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see, and their answer is often the same: a grizzly bear.
“Grizzly bears are re-occupying large areas of their former range,”says bear biologist Chris Servheen. As grizzly bears expand their range into places where they haven't been seen in a century or more, they're increasingly being sighted by humans.
The western half of the U.S. was full of grizzlies when Europeans came, with a rough number of 50,000 or more living alongside Native Americans. By the early 1970s, after centuries of cruel and continuous hunting by settlers, 600 to 800 grizzlies remained on a mere 2 percent of their former range in the Northern Rockies. In 1975, grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Today, there are about 2,000 or more grizzly bears in the U.S. Their recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to de-list grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted. Both efforts were overturned due to lawsuits from conservation groups. For now, grizzlies remain listed.
Obviously, if precautions(预防)aren't taken, grizzlies can become troublesome, sometimes killing farm animals or walking through yards in search of food. If people remove food and attractants from their yards and campsites, grizzlies will typically pass by without trouble. Putting electric fencing around chicken houses and other farm animal quarters is also highly effective at getting grizzlies away. “Our hope is to have a clean, attractant-free place where bears can pass through without learning bad habits,” says James Jonkel, longtime biologist who manages bears in and around Missoula.
1.How do Americans look at grizzlies
A.They cause mixed feelings in people.
B.They should be kept in national parks.
C.They are of high scientific value.
D.They are a symbol of American culture.
2.What has helped the increase of the grizzly population
A.They European settlers' behavior.
B.The expansion of bears' range.
C.The protection by law since 1975.
D.The support of Native Americans.
3.What has stopped the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from de-listing grizzlies
A.The opposition of conservation groups.
B.The successful comeback of grizzlies.
C.The voice of the biologists.
D.The local farmers' advocates.
4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.Food should be provided for grizzlies.
B.People can live in harmony with grizzlies.
C.A special path should be built for grizzlies.
D.Technology can be introduced to protect grizzlies.
1.frighten v.使惊恐;使害怕 →    adj.令人恐惧的;可怕的
2.increase v.& n.增加;增长→     adv.越来越多地;不断增加地
3.continue v.持续;继续;延伸→    adj.持续的;不断的
4.settle v.定居;解决;确定→    n.移民
5.list n.名单;目录 v.列清单→de-list v.   
6.loose adj.宽松的;不受约束的→    v.(使)放松,变松
7.conserve v.保护;保存;节约→     n.保护;节约
8.obvious adj.明显的;显然的 →    adv.明显地;显而易见地
9.typical adj.典型的;一贯的→    adv.通常;典型地
10.campsite n.   
11.attractant-free adj.   
12.longtime adj.   
13.flood v.   
14.sight v.   
In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws) website from a family in Topeka. They had to move to Virginia but they were on a very tight  1 . They could not afford to pay for  2  for their dog, Tiffy, and  3  wanted to take her with them.
It just 4  that I was planning another PNP flight with another pilot, Karen, who  5  to take Tiffy from Kansas City to Virginia. What I was to do was fly to Topeka to  6  Tiffy.
When I met Tiffy's owners, they seemed very 7 . George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was  8  for him, having to leave his dog to a  9  and trust that everything would
 10 .
After some goodbyes, I asked George and his wife to help me 11  Tiffy into the plane. I promised to take care of Tiffy and  12  them as soon as we got to Kansas City.
The flight was 13 , and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she  14  with Karen and made it back to George in Virginia within a few days. He was so  15  and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great to know that I had helped bring this family together again.
1.A.turn   B.budget   
C.schedule   D.connection
2.A.food   B.shelter   
C.medicine   D.transportation
3.A.desperately   B.temporarily   
C.secretly   D.originally
4.A.appeared    B.proved   
C.happened   D.showed
5.A.waited   B.offered   C.hurried   D.failed
6.A.see off   B.look for   
C.hand over   D.pick up
7.A.confused   B.nervous   
C.annoyed   D.curious
8.A.hard   B.fine   C.common   D.lucky
9.A.coworker   B.passenger   
C.stranger   D.neighbor
10.A.speed up   B.work out   
C.come back   D.take off
11.A.feed   B.follow   C.change   D.load
12.A.call   B.join   C.leave   D.serve
13.A.unnecessary   B.unexpected   
C.unavoidable   D.uneventful
14.A.returned   B.fought   
C.flew   D.agreed
15.A.thankful   B.generous   
C.proud   D.sympathetic
1.fly v.飞行;空运 →    n.飞行;航班
2.own v.拥有;有 →    n.主人;物主
3.desperate adj.极需要的;渴望的;绝望的 →    adv.极度地;绝望地
4.strange adj.陌生的;奇怪的→    n.陌生人
5.eventful adj.多事故的;多变故的→    adj.平安无事的;平淡无奇的
Ⅰ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。本文介绍了美国濒危动物灰熊的特征、生存区域、濒危原因和现状,及其与人们的相处等。
1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche—we revere them even as they give us frightening dreams”可知,美国人对灰熊有着矛盾的心态,灰熊既令他们心生敬畏,又给他们带来可怕的梦境。由此可知,灰熊引起美国人复杂的情感。故选A。
2.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“By the early 1970s...600 to 800 grizzlies remained”和“In 1975, grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.”以及第四段第二句“Their recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to de-list grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted.”可知,1975年,被列入《濒危物种法》的灰熊数量恢复得很成功,所以这部法律的颁布有助于灰熊数量的增长。故选C。
3.A 细节理解题。根据题干中的关键信息“stopped the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from de-listing grizzlies”可定位到第四段,根据“Both efforts were overturned due to lawsuits from conservation groups.”可知,由于环保组织的诉讼,将灰熊从法律保护名单上除名的尝试失败了。故选A。
4.B 推理判断题。最后一段讲到了灰熊给人类带来的危害和人们对灰熊的防范,其中提到人类生活的区域如果没有引诱灰熊的东西存在,灰熊一般会径直路过,而不带来麻烦,由此可推断,人类与灰熊是能够和谐共处的。故选B。
原句 Their recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to de-list grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted.
分析 本句为主从复合句。“so...that...”表示“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句;which 引导非限制性定语从句,对主句进行补充和说明。
译文 它们的(数量)恢复得非常成功,以至于美国鱼类与野生动物管理局两次试图将灰熊从名单上除名,这将放松对灰熊的法律保护,允许它们被猎杀。
【高考词汇站】 1.frightening 2.increasingly
3.continuous 4.settler 5.除名 6.loosen
7.conservation 8.obviously 9.typically 10.野营地;度假营地 11.无引诱物的 12.为时甚久的 13.大量涌入 14.看到;发现
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者与另一名飞行员主动帮助经济困难的乔治一家将狗运送到弗吉尼亚州的故事。
1.B 考查名词。由下文他们支付不起费用,可得知他们预算紧张。A.轮到的机会;C.安排;D.联系。故选B。
2.D 考查名词。句意:他们支付不起狗的运输费用(transportation)……。由下文可知作者和另外一个飞行员Karen帮助运送这只狗,故此处表示的是“运输”。A.食物;B.收留所;C.药物。故选D。
3.A 考查副词。此处表示“他们很(desperately)想带着这只狗”。B.暂时;C.秘密地;D.起初。故选A。
4.C 考查动词。句意:碰巧(happened)我们正安排另外一个PNP航班……。It happened that...碰巧……。A.出现;B.证明;D.展示。故选C。
5.B 考查动词。上文提到他们预算紧张,不能携带这只狗,所以Karen主动帮忙。offer to do sth.主动提出做某事。A.等待;C.匆忙;D.失败。故选B。
6.D 考查固定短语。从下段可知作者去见了狗的主人,狗的主人将狗托付给他。由此可知,作者飞到Topeka去接(pick up)Tiffy(狗)。A.送行;B.寻找;C.移交。故选D。
7.B 考查形容词。句意:当我见到Tiffy的主人时,他们好像很紧张(nervous)。下文提到了George尽量保持冷静,所以刚见到作者时应该是很紧张的。A.迷惑的;C.生气的;D.好奇的。故选B。
8.A 考查形容词。句意:George(丈夫)尽量保持冷静,但是我能看出来这对他来说很难(hard),因为要把狗交给一个陌生人(stranger),而且要相信一切都会进展顺利(work out)。this在这里指代的是尽力保持淡定。B.很好;C.普遍的;D.幸运的。故选A。
9.C 考查名词。句意同上题。作者对于George来说是陌生人。A.同事;B.乘客;D.邻居。故选C。
10.B 考查固定短语。这里表示“要相信一切都会进展顺利(work out)”。A.加速;C.回来;D.脱下,起飞,成功。故选B。
11.D 考查动词。句意:道别后,我叫George和他妻子帮我把Tiffy装上(load)飞机。A.喂养;B.跟随;C.变化。故选D。
12.A 考查动词。从上文可知George把Tiffy托付给作者时的担忧,因此作者保证会照顾好Tiffy,并且一到堪萨斯城,就会给他们打电话(call)。B.加入;C.离开;D.服务。故选A。
13.D 考查形容词。从下文中Tiffy was a great passenger(Tiffy是一个很棒的乘客)可知这次飞行平安无事(uneventful)。A.不必要的;B.意想不到的;C.不可避免的。故选D。
14.C 考查动词。句意:第二天,它跟着Karen飞行(flew),没有几天就回到了弗吉尼亚州George的身边。A.返回;B.斗争;D.同意。故选C。
15.A 考查形容词。句意:他是如此感激(thankful),给我发送了一封友好的邮件,里面有一些照片。B.慷慨的; C.自豪的; D.有同情心的,赞同的。故选A。
【高考词汇站】 1.flight 2.owner 3.desperately
4.stranger 5.uneventful
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