吉林省白城市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 (含解析,含听力原文及音频)


名称 吉林省白城市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 (含解析,含听力原文及音频)
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文件大小 28.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-19 15:06:35


1. What are the speakers doing
A. Cleaning. B. Shopping. C. Planting.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A painter. B. Some pictures. C. A museum.
3. What will the speakers do this weekend
A. Visit a zoo. B. See a movie. C. Go horse-ri ding.
4. Why didn’t the man go to the wedding
A. He was busy. B. He had the flu. C. He got food poisoning.
5. How did the man know the ending of the film
A. He just guessed it. B. He had watched the film. C. He read the book in advance.
6. What is the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers. B. Colleagues. C. Teacher and student.
7. What is the man
A. A trader. B. A student. C. A receptionist.
8. Where is the woman from
A. Brazil. B. England. C. Australia.
9. Why does the man buy the flowers
A. For his wife’s birthday. B. For the wedding anniversary. C. For his daughter’s graduation.
10. How much does the man save on the roses
A. $5. B. $20. C. $25.
11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Manager and worker. B. Fellow workers. C. Husband and wife.
12. What does the man think of Diana
A. She is a difficult person. B. She seems bad-tempered. C. She is easy to get along with.
13. When does the conversation take place
A. At the beginning of a term. B. In the middle of a term. C. At the end of a term.
14. Why does the man look worried
A. He can’t finish his paper. B. He did badly in chemistry. C. He failed a physics test.
15. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Join a study group. B. Drop out of the physics class. C. Ask Professor Smith for help after school.
16. What place is the man interested in
A. The hotel. B. The gas station. C. The coffee houses.
17. What is opposite the shopping center
A. A gas station. B. A school. C. A park.
18. How far away is the hotel
A. 500 meters. B. 200 meters. C. 100 meters.
19. What should the listeners bring on Monday
A. Food. B. A jacket. C. Drinks.
20. What will the listeners do on Tuesday
A. Cycle to the mountaintop. B. Enjoy the fantastic views. C. Cycle to the camp.
21. When can the listeners make a purchase
A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
22. Where will the listeners go on the last day
A. To the beach. B. To the observatory. C. To the factory.
Can exercise during childhood protect you against memory loss many decades later Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain,in rats at least.
“This is an animal study,but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important,not just for physical development,but for the whole lifelong track of cognitive(认知的) development during ageing,” says Martin Wojtowicz of the University of Toronto,Canada. “In humans,it may delay the appearance of Alzheimer’s symptoms (阿兹海默氏症),possibly to the point of preventing them. ”
Wojtowicz’s team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups,and placed running wheels in the cages of one group for a period of six weeks. Around four months later—when the rats had reached middle age—the team taught all the rats to connect an electric shock with being in a specific box. When placed in the box,they froze with fear.
Two weeks later,the team tested the rats in three situations:exactly the same box in the same room,the same box with the room arranged differently,and a completely different box in a different room.
The rats without access to a running wheel when they were young now froze the same percentage of times in each of these situations,suggesting they couldn’t remember which one was dangerous. But those that had been able to run in their youth froze 40 to 50 percent less in both changed box settings.
“The results suggest the amount of physical activity when we’re young,at least for rats,has influence on brain and cognitive health—in the form of better memories—when we’re older,” says Arthur Kramer of Northeastern University in Boston,who has found that,in humans,exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.
23. What does the study show
A. Physical activity is important for physical health. B. Using the running wheels is of benefit to the rats’ growth.
C. Physical activity can prevent human’s Alzheimer’s symptoms. D. The more exercise a rat has when young,the better memory it will possess when older.
24. How are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly developed
A. By analyzing causes. B. By giving an example.
C. By describing the process. D. By showing differences.
25. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A. Exercise. B. Development.
C. Benefit. D. Study.
26. What is the author’s attitude towards the animal study
A. Negative. B. Objective.
C. Critical. D. Doubtful.
Rajasthan is one of the most visited states in India.These top tourist places to visit in Rajasthan shouldn’t be missed.
The Pink City,Jaipur,is one of the Rajasthan’s most popular places.It has many famous forts(堡垒) and palaces,with most beautiful views and buildings.Staying in Jaipur is particularly enjoyable.Hotels are reasonably priced,which gives guests a very unforgettable experience!
Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore National Park is one of the best places in India to spot a tiger in the pared with many national parks in India,it’s also easy to get to.This makes it very popular.Unfortunately,it has been facing lots of tourist problems.As well as nature,the park is home to the 10th century Ranthambore Fort.It’s a huge fort that contains ruined pavilions,monuments,and three Hindu temples.The park is full of history,having seen many wars played out on its land,and the rise and fall of many rulers.
A beautiful sandstone city rises magically from the sand dunes(沙丘) of the Thar Desert.It looks like it’s straight out of an Arabian Nights fable.Its ancient fort,built in 1156,lets visitors view the city.It houses five palaces,several temples,as well as shops and other houses.Riding a camel into the desert is also a popular thing to do in Jaisalmer.
Known as the Blue City for its blue painted buildings,Jodhpur is the second largest city in Rajasthan.Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur provides a good look at Jodhpur’s blue buildings.It’s one of the largest and most well-protected forts in India.Insides,there are numbers of palaces and a museum.It’s great to do nothing but relax here.
27. What does the text mainly introduce to us
A. Tourist attractions at risk. B. Travels in the desert.
C. The culture and history of India. D. Several places of interest in Rajasthan.
28. If you want to travel by riding a camel,you can go to .
A. Jaipur B. Jodhpur
C. Jaisalmer D. Ranthambore National Park
29. When you are in Mehrangarh Fort,you can .
A. watch tigers in the wild B. see beautiful sand dunes
C. appreciate blue-painted buildings D. learn about many wars in history
30. What can be learned from the text
A. Jaipur is known as the Blue City. B. Five Hindu temples lie in Ranthambore Fort.
C. Jaisalmer’s ancient fort was built in the 11th century. D. Ranthambore National Park is very popular with tourists.
Farmers have long relied on things that work without their involvement—bees to pollinate (授粉) flowers,earthworms (蚯蚓) to turn the soil,swallows to eat pests—to make sure that crops grow the right way.Now a team of British researchers is trying to take this hands-off thinking in a high-tech direction.Last October,scientists at Harper Adams University started a farm called the Hands Free Hectare to make the entire process of farming—from sowing and fertilizing to harvest—fully automatic.The project has just succeeded with five tons of robot-grown barley (大麦).
“We believe the best idea is that in the future,farmers will manage groups of smaller,autonomous machines,” the researchers explained.“They will go out and work in the fields,allowing the farmer to use their time more effectively instead of having to drive up and down the fields.”
At the moment,agricultural machines—very large and heavy—can cover a lot of space quickly.But there are shortcomings.“Fertilizer gets sprayed over entire farms,regardless of the different needs of different crops.They’re also so heavy that they’re damaging farmers’ soils,” researcher Jonathan Gill said.
Gill and his colleagues went smaller:a tractor,a combine and a harvester,which followed a programmed route,using GPS.Altogether,they spent less than £200,000 on equipment,and used open-source technology and a drone (无人机).Eventually the system will be complex enough to treat different parts of a field,or even individual plants,differently.
The team is quick to caution that they don’t want to put farmers out of work.They said,“Instead of being busy in the fields,the farmer will manage the machines and monitor their crops.” The next stop for the barley will be a brewery.That’s not going to be completely automatic.At least not yet.
31. What feature of bees,earthworms and swallows inspired scientists
A. Their dependence on nature. B. Their special way of survival.
C. Their selfless love for the earth. D. Their natural involvement in farming.
32. What advantage of Gill’s equipment is introduced in Para.4
A. Freeing workers totally. B. Reducing the cost of harvest.
C. Improving the accuracy of farming. D. Increasing the output of different crops.
33. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Gill’s project is still at the design stage. B. Unemployment wouldn’t be a concern.
C. The brewery will realize automation soon. D. Complete automatic farming is unrealistic.
34. Which of the following would be the best title for the text
A. The future of hands-free farming B. The functions of agricultural machines
C. The development of automatic harvest D. The shortcomings of traditional farming
“Wow, this carrot is shaped like a spaceship!”
As a child, I’d always been drawn to strangely shaped vegetables in the produce aisle: horseshoe eggplants, flat bell peppers, three-legged carrots...but as time passed, TV ads and perfect supermarket displays taught me that tomatoes should always be perfectly round, carrots straight and apples bright red. I was taught that what looked nice must taste nice.
Today, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) acts much like Vogue and Cosmopolitan, setting unrealistic beauty expectations on how produce ought to look, down to the exact color, shape and size. But appearance is a poor indicator of flavor, nutritional value and even freshness. Food stylists in TV ads have conditioned us to see pretty as delicious and nutritious. However, Linda Hagen, a professor of consumer behavior from the University of Southern California, denies the connection between beauty and nutrition, explaining that it is just another marketing strategy used by food companies to increase sales.
In the United States alone, an estimated six billion pounds of ugly produce is left unharvested, unsold and uneaten every year. That’s enough food to feed three million people for a whole year!
The discarding of imperfect produce is not just wasteful; it also contributes significantly to climate change. Rotting produce creates large amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas 28 times more effective than carbon dioxide. When supermarkets toss away an ill-shaped tomato, they are also tossing away all of the fertilizer, water and energy that went into growing, storing and transporting that tomato.
I’ve decided to take this issue into my own hands. Working with local farms, markets, meal centers and food banks, I have rescued over 4, 500 pounds of edible, nutritious, often organic, ugly produce in my city. However, helping can be a lot easier than driving from farm to farm every weekend.
35. How does the writer find the USDA
A. Inactive. B. Invaluable.
C. Inaccessible. D. Irresponsible.
36. What is Prof. Linda Hagen’s attitude towards the outside beauty of produce?
A. It reflects the inside value of produce. B. It’s a reasonable marketing strategy.
C. It’s by no means connected with nutrition. D. It indicates flavor, nutrition and freshness.
37. What will be talked about next
A. Some simple ways to rescue ugly produce. B. Some other countries that waste produce.
C. Some stories of the writer visiting farms. D. Some new discoveries by food professionals.
Active listening is a way of communicating that can increase understanding between a speaker and a listener.Its goal is to have an open sharing of ideas and feelings.It shows respect and consideration for the person speaking.
Active listening is very useful for family members.Family members often develop bad listening habits.They react to each other based on what they expect the other person to say rather than on what is actually said. 38
39 Miscommunication or lack of understanding between co-workers can lead to hurt feelings,making it difficult for people to work together.Active listening can solve such issues and create greater understanding and team spirit among co-workers.
For example,someone is unexpectedly rude to their co-worker,or seems inconsiderate of their needs.The co-worker might feel hurt,angry and even dislike that person.Active listening can help resolve such problems. 40 Meanwhile the co-worker is given a chance to explain and maybe even apologize.
It could be that the rude co-worker was going through a difficult time and was unaware of how bad his or her behavior was.By listening respectfully,another person might learn more about that co-worker’s situation. 41 In this way,situations that could turn into major conflicts instead lead to greater understanding.
Sometimes people do not communicate with those they are close to because they fear the other person’s reaction.Rather than saying,for example,“It really hurts my feelings when you behave like that way”,the partner might say nothing at all in order to avoid a fight. 42 If the partners actively listen to each other,though,they can fully explain how they feel,and this can help avoid any hurt feelings.
A. Active listening can also be useful in the workplace.
B. Active listening provides a way to break this pattern.
C. However,the hurt feelings remain and can build up over time.
D. So the family can be expected to be harmonious.
E. You can be sure that co-worker’s problems must all be solved.
F. It allows a person to say how they feel about their co-worker’s behavior.
G. And he also gains that co-worker’s appreciation for the willingness to listen.
It has been five years.No one’s quite sure how Sasha,the 6-year-old black cat,43 it from Portland to New Mexico after five years.But apparently it isn’t uncommon for cats—who are known for their 44 character—to go hitchhiking(搭便车).
“It’s like he never left.He’s so 45 ,” said its owner Usov.“I guess he was on a great American 46 .”
When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might have 47 wolves.But not every cat that disappears 48 a bad end.It’s very common for a cat to 49 on a train or the back of a truck,but for a cat to travel 1,200 miles and then go back to its owner That 50 happens.
Sasha’s fur was matted(乱成一团的) when he was found 51 the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter this month.They set out to find his owner.“Sasha didn’t miss a meal,” Kirdar, a worker at the shelter,said.
The shelter reunites families with their 52 pets every day, 53 this is the first time Kirdar has done an in-person delivery.Sasha’s 54 would not have been possible if he had not been microchipped(植入微芯片).
“The microchip is the best form of 55 ,” said Kirdar.However, just getting your pet microchipped isn’t enough.It’s important to 56 the microchip’s producer if there is a 57 in your contact information.
43. A. hated B. made C. received D. learnt
44. A. complex B. popular C. independent D. weak
45. A. happy B. annoying C. pitiful D. helpful
46. A. adventure B. farm C. island D. holiday
47. A. teamed with B. fallen victim to C. made friends with D. fought against
48. A. brings B. demands C. meets D. expects
49. A. bite B. live C. sleep D. jump
50. A. actually B. rarely C. normally D. hopefully
51. A. clearing B. blocking C. wandering D. checking
52. A. thrilled B. unlucky C. missing D. crazy
53. A. and B. but C. because D. though
54. A. return B. illness C. disappearance D. movement
55. A. technology B. civilization C. identification D. explanation
56. A. download B. record C. copy D. update
57. A. fact B. number C. name D. change
58. The problem with 1.       (learn) history by key dates and moments is that it gives us a spotlit view of the past—bright stars of major events twinkling against a giant—but dark and mysterious night sky of history.2.       a result,we lose the sense of the context of major events,and the ways in 3.       our history—and our world—have been,and still are,connected.
So we set out to find out 4.       was happening elsewhere on October 14,1066 as the Battle of Hastings was raging.
The Norman knights were also expanding into Sicily and mainland Italy,while the migration of Seljuk Turks from Central Asia was about to threaten the Byzantine Empire,5.       (eventual) leading to the call for the First Crusade.
But my 6.       (favor) moment in 1066 is from China,where Sima Guang began writing his monumental history of China,7.       (know) as the Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government.
Frances Wood,a former head of the Chinese section at the British Library 8.       (dig) out an early manuscript of this work.Wood explained how this history 9.       (suppose) to be of use to those in charge—by setting in context the 10.       (decide) made by China’s leaders in centuries past (403B.C.-207B.C.) and by analyzing the moral virtues of their actions.
59. 读后续写
Derek and Shirley walked out of the airport building and into the bright sunshine.Looking up at the brilliant blue sky and then at the faraway mountains rising above the swaying palm trees,they couldn’t wait to start their holiday.
A taxi pulled up swiftly and silently.Derek dropped their suitcases into the boot and joined Shirley in the back seat.“Palm Trees Hotel,please,” Derek said excitedly.“Certainly,sir,” replied the driver,as he turned around with a flashing white smile.Derek and Shirley gave each other a puzzled look as the taxi eased smoothly into the traffic.“Excuse me,er,your face seems very familiar—in fact,you remind us of that famous film star,Rocky Overton...but of course,you can’t be.”
Derek and Shirley sat in silent disbelief as the driver explained that he was not a real person,but a robot made to look like a famous actor.“Rocky” explained that the taxi company had purchased the latest model of robot drivers since they were programmed to be safer and more reliable than human drivers.“So,here I am,” “Rocky” continued,“your first robot taxi driver!”
Derek and Shirley held each other’s hands more tightly.“Relax,” “Rocky” reassured them,“there is nothing for you to worry about.I can assure you that my driving skills are excellent.I’m equipped with perfect vision and superior reactions,and I know every street in the city.I am instantly updated with the latest traffic information so that I can avoid traffic jams and get you to your destination in the quickest and least stressful manner.Please sit back,relax and enjoy the journey.”
Derek and Shirley,feeling a little better,leaned back in their seats and closed their eyes.“And another thing,” “Rocky” added,“my line of robots represents the ultimate in computer technology.I am beautifully designed,made from only the best materials and subject to the strictest quality checks.Therefore,you are entirely safe with me.Nothing could possibly go wrong...could possibly go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...”
Derek and Shirley looked at each other with great fear in their eyes.

“Don’t worry,sir,” came the calm reply on the phone.“And your taxi is also a driverless car.”
60. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛, 内容包括:
1. 分析优势与不足;
2. 提出学习建议。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目和首句已为你写好。
Be smart online learners
Online learning has become an important way to learn recently.
1. 【答案】B
【原文】M:OK.So,what do we need
W:Let’s look at the vegetables.We need some potatoes.
M:How about tomatoes Do we need any tomatoes
W:Yes,we do.They’re on the list.
2. 【答案】B
【原文】M:I know these works!They are by Turner,who is one of the most important painters in British history.But they should be in a museum or a gallery,not here.
W:Are you sure that these paintings are original
M:Yes.I studied them at university.
3. 【答案】B
【原文】W:The zoo’s closed all weekend.Maybe we could go horse-riding
M:I am not sure I can afford that.
W:Hmm,that movie about the woman who rescues animals is on.We could see that.
4. 【答案】C
【原文】W:Tell me all about how the wedding went!
M:I wish I could,but I missed.
W:Were you too busy to go to it
M:No,I got really sick on Friday night.I thought I had the flu,but it turned out to be food poisoning.So I couldn’t go to the wedding.
5. 【答案】A
【原文】M:I told you what! I’m pretty sure that the lady who helped Dr Nelson is a spy.
W:How could you possibly figure that out You probably read this book or watched the film before.
M:No,I didn’t.I’m just good at guessing the ending of films.
【原文】M:Nice to meet you.I’m Daniel and I’m a student at university.
W:Hi,Daniel.My name is Susan.I’m from Australia.What about you
M:I’m Brazilian,but my mother’s home country is England.What do you do,Susan
W:I work as a receptionist in a trading company...
M:Oh,it looks like it’s my turn now for the interview.Excuse me.See you later,and good luck to you.
W:Thanks.You too.
6. 【答案】A
7. 【答案】B
8. 【答案】C
【原文】M:Hello.I’d like to buy some flowers for my wife’s birthday.
W:Perhaps you’d be interested in red roses.
M:How much do the roses cost
W:They’re only $20 a dozen.
M:That sounds good.Last month I paid $30 per dozen in another shop for our wedding anniversary.
W:Yes,you’re saving money because they’re on sale today.Their regular price is $25 per dozen.
M:Good.I’ll take a dozen of your most beautiful roses.
W:Okay.I’ll pack them for you.Do you need anything else
M:No,thanks.I’ve prepared a cake and a bottle of perfume.
W:Wow,you are such a good husband.Your wife must be very pleased with your arrangements.
M:I hope so.My daughter will graduate from university next month.I think I’ll need some lilies by then.
9. 【答案】A
10. 【答案】A
【原文】W:Hey,how do you feel about Diana
M:The new manager
W:Yeah.I have a close friend at her former company and he said Diana was always a difficult person.
M:Hmm...I don’t think so.I once talked with her.She seemed pretty nice.
W:Really?Anyway,I was really tired of our old manager who was so mean.I’m so glad he’s gone.
M:I see.I heard him yelling at Bob last month.
W:Yes.Well,would you like to try the Italian food with me after work
M:I’d like to,but my wife will cook dinner at home.
11. 【答案】B
12. 【答案】C
【原文】W:Joe,you look worried.Is everything OK
M:Honestly Not really.I just got my grade on my physics,and I failed it horribly.
W:I’m sorry to hear that.But don’t feel too bad.It was a pretty hard test,and there’s still half the term left.I’m sure you can turn things around.
M:Thanks.But I don’t know.All my classes are so hard this term.I just don’t have enough time to study for it.I had my chemistry mid-term exam the day before.And I had to write a ten-page paper for my literature class over the weekend.By the time I got finished with all of the other tests and projects,I couldn’t catch up on this class.I even thought about withdrawing from this class.But we’re pretty far into the term now.If I withdraw,it’ll show on my academic record.
W:Well,there’s a study group for this class.You know,we meet after each class for about an hour.And I’m sure Professor Smith would be happy to help you out during his office hours.If you really need to pass,I think that would be helpful.
13. 【答案】B
14. 【答案】C
15. 【答案】A
【原文】W:Welcome to the famous Peace Block in the capital.Let me introduce you to the place so that you can have an easy and pleasant journey in the next few days.
M:Louise,I’d like to know where the coffee houses are.
W:Well,the place we are standing in is very near the coffee houses,just 200 meters down the second street.We are standing here at the south entrance of the second street.Left to us is a gas station.If you walk straightly along the second street and turn right,you will find a school after a 100 meters’ walk.Ladies and gentlemen,pay attention! Right opposite the school is the famous shopping center of the capital.Anyway,the most important thing—our hotel! It’s at the end of the second street in the north,about 400 meters farther than the school.
M:Excuse me.I hear the central park is very famous.Is it far from the hotel
W:If you go out of the hotel and turn right,after about a 200 meters’ walk,you will see the central park.
16. 【答案】C
17. 【答案】B
18. 【答案】A
【原文】M:Hello,everyone.Now I’ll tell you about our trips.On Monday,you will have a forest walk.It’s a guided walk of about seven kilometers.There’ll be a stop halfway,and you’ll be provided with a drink and sandwiches.There are some fairly steep climbs up the hills,so you need to be reasonably fit for this one and bring a waterproof jacket in case it rains.Then on Tuesday we’ll organize a cycle trip,which will give you all the fun of biking without effort.We will take you and your bike up to the top of Mount Lama,and leave you to bike back to the camp.It’s a pity that you may not have fantastic views because it isn’t a clear day according to the forecast.
On Wednesday you’ll be taken to a factory where jewelry is made.If you want,you can buy some of the souvenirs but that’s entirely up to you.The trip starts after lunch,and you’ll return by 6 pm.
On Thursday we can offer trips to the observatory for those who are interested in astronomy.And you’ll be shown the huge telescopes and have a talk from an expert,who’ll explain all about how they work.
Finally,the last day,there’s horse riding.It’s a great experience if you’re a keen horseback rider,or even if you’ve never been on a horse before.They take you down to the beach,and you can ride a horse along the sand and through the waves.
19. 【答案】B
20. 【答案】C
21. 【答案】B
22. 【答案】A
23. 【答案】D
24. 【答案】C
25. 【答案】A
26. 【答案】B
27. 【答案】D
28. 【答案】C
【解析】细节理解题。根据Jaisalmer中的最后一句“Riding a camel into the desert is also a popular thing to do in Jaisalmer.”可知,如果你想骑骆驼旅行,你可以去Jaisalmer。故选C。
29. 【答案】C
【解析】细节理解题。根据Jodhpur中的“Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur provides a good look at Jodhpur’s blue buildings.”可知,在Mehrangarh Fort你能欣赏到粉刷成蓝色的建筑物。故选C。
30. 【答案】D
【解析】推理判断题。根据Ranthambore National Park中的“Compared with many national parks in India,it’s also easy to get to.This makes it very popular.”可知,Ranthambore National Park很受游客欢迎。故选D。
31. 【答案】D
【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段的“Now a team of British researchers is trying to take this hands-off thinking in a high-tech direction”以及第二段的内容可知,蜜蜂、蚯蚓以及燕子不需要人类的干涉就可以使庄稼受益,研究者希望将这种“无为而治”的思想应用于科技农业的领域。
32. 【答案】C
【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Fertilizer gets sprayed over entire farms,regardless of the different needs of different crops”可知,现有的农业机械设备不能精准施肥。第四段介绍了科研队选用小规模的农业设备,再加上GPS和无人机等设备的配合,可以实现精准农业的目标。
33. 【答案】B
34. 【答案】A
35. 【答案】D
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“Today, the United States Department… indicator of flavor, nutritional value and even fresh- ness.”可知,作者认为美国农业部对农产品的外观设定了不切实际的美丽预期,而农产品的外观并不能很好地反映风味、营养价值甚至新鲜度,他们的这种做法是不负责任的(irresponsibe)。inactive意为“不活动的”;invaluable意为“极为宝贵的”;inaccessible意为“难以达到的”均不符合。故选D。
36. 【答案】C
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“However, Linda Hagen, a professor of consumer …increase sales.”可知,Linda Hagen教授对农产品外在美的态度是它与营养毫无关系。故选C。
37. 【答案】A
38. 【答案】B
39. 【答案】A
40. 【答案】F
【解析】根据上文可知,本段主要是举例说明积极倾听可以帮助解决和同事之间存在的问题。而空后“Meanwhile the co-worker is given a chance to explain and maybe even apologize.”指的是同事得到机会解释或道歉。选项F说的是可以说出对同事行为的感受,接着引出同事的解释。所以选项F与上下文一致。故选F。
41. 【答案】G
42. 【答案】C
43. 【答案】B
【解析】根据空后的“it from Portland to New Mexico”及联系下文可知,这只猫成功地回来了,make it表示“成功地完成某事”。
44. 【答案】C
45. 【答案】A
【解析】happy开心的;annoying今人恼怒的;pitiful可怜的;helpful有帮助的。根据后文的“on a great ...”推知,这只猫很开心。
46. 【答案】A
【解析】根据前文的“from Portland to New Mexico”和后文的“travel 1,200 miles”可知,这只猫有一段很不错的探险经历。adventure冒险经历;奇遇。
47. 【答案】B
【解析】team with与……为伍;fall victim to成为……的牺牲品;make friends with与……交朋友;fight against与……斗争。根据后文的“But not ...a bad end.”可知,这只猫的主人以为它会成为狼的牺牲品。
48. 【答案】C
【解析】结合前文可知,猫的主人以为它会成为狼的牺牲品,此处指并不是每一只消失的猫都会遭遇不好的处境,meet a bad end意为“有一个不好的结局”,符合语境。
49. 【答案】D
50. 【答案】B
【解析】根据前文的“It’s very common ...but ...”可知,此处是说一只猫穿越1 200英里后回到主人身边并不常见。rarely罕有,很少。
51. 【答案】C
52. 【答案】C
53. 【答案】B
【解析】根据后文的“this is the first time...”和前文的“...every day”可推知,此处为转折关系。
54. 【答案】A
55. 【答案】C
【解析】technology技术;civilization文明;identification身份证明;explanation解释。根据前文的“would not have been possible ...microchipped”可知,此处意为微芯片是最好的身份证明形式。
56. 【答案】D
57. 【答案】D
【解析】根据文意及后文的“contact information”可知,此处意为如果联系方式发生了变化,需要及时更新信息。
58. 【答案】1. learning 2. As 3. which 4. what 5. eventually 6. favorite 7. known 8. dug 9. was supposed 10. decisions
2.as a result因此,为固定搭配。
3.分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是the ways,指物,并且关系词在介词in之后,故用which。
4.分析句子结构可知,空处引导的从句作find out的宾语,从句中缺少主语,并且指物,故填what。
8.根据空前的former(之前的)及全文主体时态可知,dig out的动作发生在过去,故应用一般过去时;France Wood与dig之间为主谓关系,故用主动语态。
9.be supposed to应该;该件事情发生在过去,此处应用一般过去时;主语为this history,谓语应用单数。
10.空前有定冠词the,因此应用名词形式;结合空后的China’s leaders可知,此处应用复数形式。
59. 【答案】[参考范文]
Derek and Shirley looked at each other with great fear in their eyes.The taxi was moving faster and faster,and “Rocky” seemed to be not functioning.“Slow down!” Derek shouted,but “Rocky” did not respond.The robot drove even faster than before and narrowly missed a car.Terrified,Derek grabbed his phone.With trembling fingers,he called the taxi company.“Hello?” Derek shouted into the phone.“Our robot driver is having a breakdown and he’s completely out of control.We need help quickly!”
“Don’t worry,sir,” came the calm reply on the phone.“And your taxi is also a driverless car.” The reply continued,“We have the authority to disable the robot driver.Let me switch your taxi to the driverless mode and get you to your destination safely.” The taxi immediately slowed down and continued as if nothing had happened,although its driver could be heard mumbling to himself,“...go wrong...go wrong...”When they finally arrived at their hotel,Derek and Shirley quickly got out of the taxi,relieved and grateful to be alive.As they watched the taxi move away,they agreed that for the rest of the holiday,they would walk everywhere!
60. 【答案】参考范文
Be smart online learners
Online learning has become an important way to learn recently. However, online learning has both advantages and disadvantages.
Its advantages are obvious. It allows us to learn anytime and anywhere. Besides, we can absorb all kinds of resources to learn more efficiently. However, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Staring at the screen is harmful to our eyes. Worse still, we don’t have many opportunities to interact with our teachers and classmates.
Then how to be smart online learners?First, we should be brave to discuss our problems with others. Second, it is wise to take a short break after learning for 30 minutes.
In conclusion, only by being smart online learners can we truly enjoy the benefits of modern technology.