上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语试题(含解析)


名称 上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语试题(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 770.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-19 15:39:58



复旦大学附属中学 2023 学年第二学期
(考试时间: 100分钟; 满分: 115分)
I. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*15+1*10=25分)
Section A
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
1. To be in agreement with the new strategy, Alice needs to ______ her team’s focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing.
A. conceal B. ease C. measure D. shift
2. The basketball coach’s course is known for its ______ training, as he pushes his players to their limits to achieve maximum performance.
A. humble B. intense C. random D. undying
3. While cooking dinner, Mom accidentally knocked over a pot of boiling soup, causing it to ______ on the kitchen floor.
A. spill B. pile C. lean D. glare
4. On the eve of the annual fundraiser, the charity organization’s president decided to personally ______ all the donees to express their gratitude to all the donors and ask for continued support.
A. call off B. call in C. call on D. call up
5. When weighing Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, one must consider, ______, his promotion of democratic principles, despite his ownership of slaves.
A. once and for all B. in all C. after all D. above all
6. While these measures have been helpful in reducing the recent stress in financial markets, they ______ providing a lasting solution to the challenges.
A. act on B. lean towards C. fall short of D. give way to
7. The ______ of seasons was found to greatly influence the reproductive cycles of a plant species, with spring and summer promoting active growth, while autumn and winter causing inactivity.
A. projection B. succession C. evolution D. contraction
8. The past century’s struggles for gender equality have highlighted the ______ problem of gender discrimination that affects many aspects of daily life.
A. confusing B. conflicting C. perpetual D. financial
9. The charity, noted for its ______ programs, leaned towards funding projects aiming to reduce poverty and inequality in rural areas, ensuring the benefits reached the most ______ communities.
A. empathy-oriented; charitable B. empathy-oriented; established
C justice-oriented; demanding D. justice-oriented; needy
10. This moment is an opportunity to build a sharper UNESCO, a UNESCO with better delivery, ______ its ambitions and in line with the needs of the 21st century.
A in tune with B. in favor of C. at odds with D. at times of
11. Dominating the list are high-income countries, ______ average ecological footprint is now five times that of low-income nations.
A. whose B. which C. when D. that
12. Jane ______ by intimate friends at the cozy cafe, the atmosphere was relaxed as the conversation ______ freely among them, filled with laughter and shared stories.
A. was surrounded; tumbled B. was surrounded; progressed
C. surrounded; flowed D. surrounded; floated
13. It is the recent study ______ laid its stress on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems ______ shed light on the prompt need for conservation efforts in these vulnerable habitats.
A. that…where B. which…that C. where... that D. as…where
14. With various blossoms ______, the grassland is ______ with petals.
A. emerging; coated B. rumbling; coated C. emerging; masked D. rumbling; masked
15. It is crucial to opt for healthier foods to maintain good health and prevent lifestyle-related diseases,______ fast food is tempting due to its convenience and taste.
A. now that B. even if C. as long as D. no matter how
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. techniques B. negative C. factual D. slip E. identify F. conscious G. stick H. distance I. analyzers J. approach K. deceptive
The Language of Lying
“Sorry, my phone died.” “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” “I love you.”
We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day, and we spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect them, from medieval torture devices to polygraphs, blood-pressure and breathing monitors, voice-stress ____16____ and eye trackers. But although such tools have worked under certain circumstances, most can be fooled with enough preparation, and none are considered reliable enough to even be admissible in court. But, what if the problem is not with the ____17____, but the underlying assumption that lying brings about physiological changes What if we took a more direct ____18____, using communication science to analyze the lies themselves
Psychologically speaking, we lie partly to paint a better picture of ourselves, connecting our fantasies to the person we wish we were rather than the person we are. But while our brain is busy dreaming, it’s letting plenty of signals ____19____ by. Our ____20____ mind only controls about 5% of our cognitive function, including communication while the other 95% occurs beyond our awareness. According to the literature on reality monitoring, stories based on imagined experiences are qualitatively different from those based on real experiences. This suggests that creating a false story about a personal topic takes work and results in a different pattern of language use.
A technology known as linguistic text analysis has helped to ____21____ three such common patterns in the subconscious language of deception.
First, liars mention themselves less when making ____22____ statements. They write or talk more about others, often using the third person to ____23____ themselves from their lie, which sounds more false: “Absolutely no party took place at this house,” or “Nobody hosted a party here.”
Second, liars tend to be more ____24____, because on a subconscious level, they feel guilty about lying. For example, a liar might say something like, “Sorry, my stupid phone battery died. I hate that thing.”
Third, liars tend to use longer sentence structure, inserting irrelevant but _____25_____ sounding details in order to pad the lie. A President confronted with a scandal claimed: “I can say, categorically, that this investigation indicates that no one on the White House staff, no one in this administration presently employed was involved in this very odd incident.”
II. Reading Comprehension (1*15+2*15=45分)
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fit s the context.
When I was three, I had a very good friend named Gemma. She was fearless where I was anxious, rebellious where I was conservative, and ____26____ where I was awkward. She was also entirely imaginary. With Gemma’s support, I almost made it to the top shelf of the bookcase before my parents found me — and “Gemma said it was fine!” did not ____27____ me from a telling-off (责骂).
I cannot remember when or how I “met” Gemma, and, perhaps sadder still, I do not remember the ____28____ time I “saw” her. ____29____ my brain created her, she inspired me to go on adventures I would not have had the confidence to embark upon without her. It ____30____ me, then, that 72 percent of nursery workers believe children have fewer imaginary friends than they did five years ago, as is shown by a recent survey. This is believed to be a result of ____31____ screen time.
It is thought that 40 percent of us at one time or another had imaginary friends during our ____32____. In an essay for Aeon, writer Sophie Elmhirst found that 81 percent of those surveyed had “lost” their imaginary friends after they turned ten, but most of these friendships ended ____33____. Perhaps imaginary friends simply stay with us for as long as we need them. They move on when our lives become too ____34____ for our brains to make space to generate their own entertainment.
If you have enjoyed an imaginary friendship, I would guess that you did not _____35_____ sit down to create a perfect pal. They probably arrived as an indication of the thoughts and ideas you never knew you had. In order to be a good _____36_____ to an imaginary friend, you need to be able to make “what if ” into an exciting proposition. When we grow up, we are too quick to finish the sentence with “what if it goes wrong ”
Having grown up, we might not need our imaginary friends anymore, but we could still use a reminder that a little bit of boredom is good for us, and that our brains can create the best ideas when they are left to their own devices. If there are fewer imaginary friends _____37_____ the worlds where our children live, that might lead to a future with fewer artists, writers and problem-solvers. This is a real cause for _____38_____.
As an adult, I think of my fearless, invisible friend Gemma whenever I have to do something that _____39_____ me — usually public speaking, rather than scaling a bookcase. However, whenever I _____40_____ my own expectations and meet myself in a place that I did not think I could quite reach, I can hear my subconscious whispering, “Gemma made me do it.”
26. A. adaptable B. generous C. disturbing D. skillful
27. A. benefit B. conceal C. ban D. save
28. A. first B. last C. latest D. previous
29. A. As if B. As long as C. Even though D. Given that
30. A. convinces B. recalls C. reminds D. saddens
31. A. easy B. decreased C. hard D. increased
32. A. adolescence B. adulthood C. babyhood D. childhood
33. A. accidentally B. dramatically C. naturally D. unfortunately
34. A. secure B. instructive C. full D. productive
35. A. consciously B. invisibly C. personally D. realistically
36. A. boss B. companion C. expert D. instructor
37. A. challenging B. limiting C. locating D. populating
38. A. boredom B. concern C. imagination D. limitation
39. A. defeats B. encourages C. inspires D. scares
40. A. am short of B. go against C. go beyond D. live up to
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
The HISTORY Channel series Alone drops contestants into some of the planet’s most punishing environments with a bare minimum of clothing, safety and survival gear. In their battle against the elements, contestants are forced to use their fitness, their courage and their creativity to become true survivalists.
Few people choose to be thrown into such extreme situations, but those who do have usually stumbled into some immense bad luck. Just check out one of the famous real-life survival stories:
Mauro Prosperi is an Italian police officer who gained worldwide fame after getting lost in the Sahara Desert in 1994. A keen athlete and long-distance runner, Mauro took part in the 1994 Marathon of the Sands in Morocco, a six-day-long endurance race in one of the driest and barren environments on the planet.
During the race, a sandstorm caused Prosperi, then 39 years old, married and father to three children, to become disoriented. One day after going off track, he found himself in an abandoned Muslim temple in Algeria. In order to survive, he killed and ate bats. For liquid, he was forced to drink his own waste, lick dew off of rocks and suck moisture out of his wet wipes.
Assuming he would never be found, he cut his wrists with a pen knife from his supplies. However, it was such a dry heat that the wounds thickened and concreted, and he was forced to go back into the desert and attempt to find help.
For nine days he walked through the desert and ate insects and cold-blooded animals. Finally, he found a small village. From there he was flown to a hospital, where doctors said his liver had almost completely failed.
Having traveled 180 miles in all, Prosperi lost 35 pounds in body weight during his severe suffering in the desert; it took several months before he could eat solid food again. But he has remained an enthusiastic runner and even returned and completed the race in 2012.
41. Prosperi have to discontinue the Marathon of the Sands because ______.
A. his supplies were running out
B. his children didn’t want to lose him
C. he lost his way for the bad weather
D. he couldn’t tolerate the extreme heat
42. What caused Mauro Prosperi to head back to the desert for help
A. His intention to heal the wound. B. His failure to take away his own life.
C. His decreasing interest in food sources. D. His discomfort with the temple environment.
43. According to the passage, what can be inferred about Mauro Prosperi’s experience
A. He found an alternative source of water in a traditional way.
B. He demonstrated the determination to survive all the way through.
C. His story was a proof of the worsening relationship between man and nature.
D. His eventual return to the race signified his persistence.
44. What is the primary purpose of the passage
A. To entertain readers with an awe-inspiring fictional adventure story.
B. To educate readers about the possible dangers of punishing environments.
C. To inspire readers with human’s ability to survive the extreme challenges.
D. To remind readers of the value of essential survival skills and preparedness.
Fit to Be Tied: Four Common Knots
Are you one of those hikers who always prefers a square knot Here are simple, easy-to-remember alternatives that will do a better job in four common camping settings.
①Bind cargo to your car To secure a large bag to a car roof, you need a knot that acts like a pulley (滑轮). The trucker’s knot works best. Start by forming an overhand loop, pulling a loop through, and tightening. Next, feed the rope’s free end around a roof rack (架 子) or an S-hook on the frame. Pull on the working end to obtain the desired tension; then use a quick-release half-hitch, a type of knot, to “lock” the tension in place (and make untying cargo quick and simple). ②Attach tent guylines (拉绳) Attached to webbing loops at key stress points on the outer walls of tents, guylines are tied to the ground with stones. They stabilize the tent in strong winds by keeping the fabric walls tight. When setting up your shelter, tighten the guylines until no loose part remains in them or the tent walls. Fit the ropes with a tight-line knot, which lets you adjust the line’s length without untying the knot. When you move the knot by hand, it slides freely along the line, but it holds tight when the loop is tensioned—so the knot holds firm when gusts of wind pull tent walls hard.
③Lower a pack over a rock shelf Some packs feature a strong leather belt for easy rope-pulls—but most require a bowline knot, which doesn’t slip no matter the weight. It is very easy to untie after it’s been loaded. Slide the loop around the middle of the pack, tighten it, then lower away. A handy recall- aiding device: The rope’s long end is the “tree”; the loop is the “rabbit hole”; ④Fasten a canoe to shore The clove hitch is perfect for quickly fastening boats because it’s easy to tie, holds fast under tension, and releases instantly with a pull on the free end. This makes it a speedy way to fix a line to a tree. For extra security, add one or two half-hitches.
45. Which of the following may best match the types of knots in the numbered text description (1-4)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
A. (a)(d)(b)(c) B. (a)(c)(b)(d) C. (c)(d)(a)(b) D. (c)(b)(d)(a)
46 What is the best knot to use when a worker carries goods with a rope repeatedly between Ind floor and 2nd floor
A. Tight-line knot B. Truckers knot C. Clove hitch D. Bowline knot
47. Where are you most likely to read this article
A. A website on backpackers. B. A leaflet on safety guidance.
C. A scientific journal on knots. D. A travel guide on beauty spots.
The recent criticisms of Taylor Swift for her silence on the war in Gaza highlight a peculiar issue: the unrealistic expectations we place on celebrities to be know-alls. It’s a topic worth looking into.
While many are quick to urge figures like Taylor Swift to lend their voice s to critical global conversations, a concerning pattern emerges on the flip side: celebrities navigating the dark waters of complex debates with limited knowledge. Take, for instance, Billie Eilish’s fashion choice at the Oscars — a red hand pin. This wasn’t just any accessory (配饰); it’s rooted in the upset history of the 2000 cruel treatments of two Israelis. It begs the question: Was Eilish aware of the weighty story this symbol carries This moment serves as a reminder of the nuanced (微妙的, 细节的) balance celebrities must strike between being supportive and the profound responsibility of using apublic platform.
The celebrity culture in the United States, where public figures are elevated to almost god-like status, plays a significant role in this phenomenon. They are seen as perfect, their opinions holy. This is not only unfair to the celebrities themselves, who are, after all, only human, but it also takes away from the voices of actual experts on these subjects. When we prioritize a celebrity’s opinion over those with lived experience or specialized knowledge, we do a disservice to the complexity of these issues.
As a society, we must reevaluate our obsession with celebrity culture and recognize the limitations of looking to entertainers for guidance on complex issues. This doesn’t mean celebrities can’t or shouldn’t speak out on matters that affect them personally or on which they’re well-informed. It’s entirely appropriate for Taylor Swift to publicly support political candidates in her home country. The action stems from personal values and people’s engagement, which are different from commenting on international conflicts without a deep understanding of the nuances involved.
In advocating for this nuanced approach, we’re not suggesting celebrities should remain silent on all matters of public concern. Instead, we’re calling for a shift in how we, as the public, perceive and react to their involvement in social and political issues. By adjusting our expectations, we can foster a healthier, more informed public discussion that prioritizes substance over the temptation of star power.
Ultimately, the goal should be to create a more empathetic, informed society that values expertise and genuine activism over celebrity support. By encouraging public figures to use their platforms responsibly and directing our attention to where they can make a real difference, we take a step toward a more nuanced understanding of global issues. This isn’t just about relieving celebrities of undue burdens; it’s about empowering all of us to seek out and elevate the voices that matter most.
48. Why is “a red hand pin” mentioned in Para.2
A. To make fun of Billie’s limited knowledge on debating.
B. To show Billie’s unawareness of irresponsible advocacy.
C. To speak ill of Billie’s poor taste for fashion at the Oscars.
D. To criticize Billie for his abuse of the public platform.
49. What does “this phenomenon” in Para. 3 refer to
A. Billie’s unreasonable selection of a red hand pin at the Oscars.
B. Celebrities’ irresponsible opinions on critical global conversations.
C. Public’s great desire for celebrities to comment on key global issues.
D. Taylor Swift’s golden silence about the crucial international concern.
50. According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A. experts tend to increase the complexity of the issues
B. celebrities’ voices are as important as those of experts
C. celebrities should air views on matters at home and abroad
D. we should reassess the social and political roles of celebrities
51. Which of the following might be the best title of this passage
A. Expect the Unexpected B. Public Platforms, Powered Places
C. The Downside of Celebrity Advocacy D. The Essence of Celebrity Responsibility
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
The Psychology of Giving: Why do People Give to Charity
Every day, leaders in the nonprofit sector invest valuable time, energy, and money into educating and spreading awareness of their mission in the hopes that this will increase support for their nonprofit. They assume that if only more people knew about a school’s budget cuts, for example, then they would surely donate! So, they bombard (连续轰炸) potential supporters with depressing statistics or complex arguments. ____52____.
Why do people donate to charity While it’s true that donors and volunteers are motivated to make the world a better place because it’s the right thing to do, that’s not the entire—or even the primary—reason for their generosity. ____53____. In other words, we give because it feels good and that good feeling connects us to others in ways that we find satisfying. While that might sound selfish, all it really means is that people are wired to feel happy when they’re being kind.
____54____. Nobody wants to read yet another article about how the world is falling to pieces. Emphasize the good that’s being done at your organization so that your donors feel empowered, not depressed.
Since we give in part because it solidifies our connections to others, make sure that your communication with your donors is personal and specific (i.e. begin correspondence with “Dear Anna,” not “Dear Donor”). Prioritize community by finding ways to connect with your supporters on a personal level and give them the opportunity to interact with each other, whether it’s through a monthly video call or a donor appreciation night. ____55____.
Remember that, at base, all philanthropic work is fundamentally a social act, so aim to make your donors feel like they’re a part of a broader community in which they are included, valued, and seen.
A. Research shows that the number one motivator for charitable giving is the all-too-human quest for reward and social attachment.
B. But this begs the question: how do statistics influence people’s decision to donate
C. The more human ties your donors have with your organization and with each other, the more committed they’ll be to your mission.
D. While statistics and figures are important, make sure that your messages to your donors are upbeat and optimistic.
E. In this way, you are more likely to build long-lasting connection with both contributors and receivers.
F. However that’s not how the human mind works.
III. Productive Grammar(1*10=10分)
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Duolingo: Millions Aspire to be Multilingual
Follow the money, follow the language app. In 2009, Luis Ahn and his postgraduate student Severin Hacker launched Duolingo, a free app with an annoying green owl as its mascot (吉祥物). Although its unique selling point is a childish competitiveness, with league tables, elaborate boxes spilling cartoon jewels, and a high TikTok profile, it ___56___(soar) ahead of its competitors ever since.
Duolingo now teaches more than 40 languages to more than 70 million students, 54% ___57___ are aged between 18 and 34. It has a paid-for version for those who want to avoid advertisements. ___58___ it has yet to turn a profit, in 2019 Forbes Magazine counted it among the 25 next billion-dollar startups. In February this year alone, it ___59___(register) more than 13 million new downloads.
It is an early adopter of the advanced artificial intelligence model GPT-4, its offerings ___60___(include) look-at-me gimmicks such as courses in Star Trek’s Klingon, but also minority languages such as Xhosa and Navajo. The length it takes___61___(complete) a course varies. However, the 216 units currently available in Spanish — its___62___(popular) language, with more than 30 million learners — would take several years of a 15-minute-a-day habit.
While few actually complete a course, Duolingo, like its many competitors, shows that there is an aspiration to be multilingual. Earnest academic papers have been written about how much these learners benefit. ___63___demonstrate that it is a useful aid in classroom teaching, while others point out that it will never enable anyone to conduct a complex conversation about astrophysics, or get beyond the earliest stages of fluency.
Both are right. Languages are social constructs that exist to enable communication between people. While apps cannot replace interpersonal conversation or immersion in a culture, they___64___ supplement it. Their success should serve as a wake-up call: a reminder____65____ foreign languages have a valuable role to play in any fit-for-purpose education system, as much for personal enrichment as for career advantage in a networked world.
IV. Translation (3+3+4+5=15分)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
66. 沉迷于刷网红短视频使她学习时总心不在焉。(distract) (汉译英)
67. 万一电梯出故障了,请发出警告,并且安排机械师来维修。(arrange) (汉译英)
68. 显而易见,没有实地调查就很难获取一手信息,匆匆得出的结论最终经不起推敲。(end up)(汉译英)
69. 无论是给予陌生人一句赞美之词,还是为他扶一下门,小小的善举都会产生很大的影响,所以为何不把日行一善作为目标呢?(Whether) (汉译英)
V. Guided Writing(20分)
70. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
假设你是明启中学学生李明,学校计划在每个班级组织“防灾减灾日(Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day)”主题班会以提高学生防灾减灾意识,普及灾难应对常识。请你给班主任写一封信提出你对该主题班会活动设计的建议,内容应包括:
复旦大学附属中学 2023 学年第二学期
(考试时间: 100分钟; 满分: 115分)
I. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*15+1*10=25分)
Section A
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
1. To be in agreement with the new strategy, Alice needs to ______ her team’s focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing.
A. conceal B. ease C. measure D. shift
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了与新战略达成一致,Alice需要将她的团队的重点从传统营销转向数字营销转移。A. conceal隐匿;隐藏;B. ease减轻;缓解;C. measure衡量;D.shift转移。根据下文的“from traditional marketing to digital marketing”可知,此处表示转移重点。故选D。
2. The basketball coach’s course is known for its ______ training, as he pushes his players to their limits to achieve maximum performance.
A. humble B. intense C. random D. undying
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位篮球教练的课程以高强度训练而闻名,因为他会把球员推向极限,以达到最佳表现。A. humble谦卑的;B. intense十分强烈的;C. random任意的,随机的;D. undying永恒的。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作定语,结合句意以及下文中的“as he pushes his players to their limits to achieve maximum performance.”可知,此处表示“十分强烈的”符合句意。故选B项。
3. While cooking dinner, Mom accidentally knocked over a pot of boiling soup, causing it to ______ on the kitchen floor.
A. spill B. pile C. lean D. glare
【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在做晚饭的时候,妈妈不小心打翻了一锅热汤,导致它洒在厨房地板上。A. spill洒出;B. pile堆积;C. lean倾斜;D. glare瞪眼。根据句意,妈妈不小心打翻了一锅热汤,应该是汤洒在了地上,所以应该选A。而B、C、D选项的意思都与题意不符。故选A。
4. On the eve of the annual fundraiser, the charity organization’s president decided to personally ______ all the donees to express their gratitude to all the donors and ask for continued support.
A. call off B. call in C. call on D. call up
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在年度筹款活动的前夕,慈善组织的主席决定亲自拜访所有的捐赠者,以表达他们对所有捐赠者的感激之情,并要求继续支持。A. call off取消;B. call in召回;C. call on拜访; D. call up打电话。由“the charity organization’s president decided to personally”和“all the donees to express their gratitude to all the donors and ask for continued support”可知,慈善组织的主席决定亲自拜访所有的捐赠者,以表达他们对所有捐赠者的感激之情,并要求继续支持,空格处意为“拜访”,故选C。
5. When weighing Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, one must consider, ______, his promotion of democratic principles, despite his ownership of slaves.
A. once and for all B. in all C. after all D. above all
【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:在衡量托马斯·杰斐逊的遗产时,一个人必须考虑,首要的是,他对民主原则的推动,尽管他拥有奴隶。A. once and for all 一劳永逸;B. in all 总共;C. after all 毕竟;D. above all 首要的是。根据句意,此处需要一个表示“首先”的词语,故选D。
6. While these measures have been helpful in reducing the recent stress in financial markets, they ______ providing a lasting solution to the challenges.
A. act on B. lean towards C. fall short of D. give way to
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:虽然这些措施有助于减轻金融市场最近的压力,但它们无法为这些挑战提供持久的解决方案。A. act on对……起作用;B. lean towards倾向;C. fall short of辜负、达不到;D. give way to让位给。由“While these measures have been helpful in reducing the recent stress in financial markets”和“providing a lasting solution to the challenges”可知,句子表示“虽然这些措施有助于减轻金融市场最近的压力,但它们无法为这些挑战提供持久的解决方案”,空格处意为“达不到”,故选C。
7. The ______ of seasons was found to greatly influence the reproductive cycles of a plant species, with spring and summer promoting active growth, while autumn and winter causing inactivity.
A. projection B. succession C. evolution D. contraction
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:季节的更替对植物的繁殖周期有很大的影响,春季和夏季促进植物的活跃生长,而秋季和冬季则导致植物的不活跃生长。A. projection估算;B. succession交替,继承;C. evolution进化,演变;D. contraction收缩。根据后文“of seasons was found to greatly influence the reproductive cycles of a plant species”指季节的更替对植物的繁殖周期有很大的影响,故选B。
8. The past century’s struggles for gender equality have highlighted the ______ problem of gender discrimination that affects many aspects of daily life.
A. confusing B. conflicting C. perpetual D. financial
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:过去一个世纪争取性别平等的斗争凸显了影响日常生活许多方面的长期的性别歧视问题。A. confusing令人困惑的;B. conflicting冲突的;C. perpetual长期的;D. financial金融的。由“The past century’s struggles for gender equality”可知,性别歧视问题是长期的问题,空格处意为“长期的”。故选C。
9. The charity, noted for its ______ programs, leaned towards funding projects aiming to reduce poverty and inequality in rural areas, ensuring the benefits reached the most ______ communities.
A. empathy-oriented; charitable B. empathy-oriented; established
C. justice-oriented; demanding D. justice-oriented; needy
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该慈善机构以其以正义为导向的项目而闻名,它倾向于资助旨在减少农村地区贫困和不平等的项目,确保最贫困的社区受益。A. empathy-oriented以同情为导向;charitable慈善的;B. empathy-oriented以同情为导向;established确立已久的;C. justice-oriented以正义为导向;demanding苛刻的;D. justice-oriented以正义为导向;needy贫困的。分析句子结构可知,第一空为形容词作定语修饰名词programs,结合句意以及下文中的“funding projects aiming to reduce poverty and inequality in rural areas”可知,此处指的是该慈善组织以“正义为导向”符合语境,所以使用justice-oriented;第二空为形容词作定语修饰名词communities,结合句意以及上文中的“reduce poverty”可知,此处表示“贫困的”符合语境,所以应使用形容词needy。故选D项。
10. This moment is an opportunity to build a sharper UNESCO, a UNESCO with better delivery, ______ its ambitions and in line with the needs of the 21st century.
A. in tune with B. in favor of C. at odds with D. at times of
【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:这一时刻是一个机会,可以建设一个更加敏锐的教科文组织,一个符合其雄心壮志和21世纪需求的更好的教科文组织。A. in tune with与……一致,符合……的调子或步调;B. in favor of支持;C. at odds with有分歧;D. at times of在……的时候。根据后文“its ambitions and in line with the needs of the 21st century”指符合其雄心壮志和21世纪需求的更好的教科文组织。故选A。
11. Dominating the list are high-income countries, ______ average ecological footprint is now five times that of low-income nations.
A. whose B. which C. when D. that
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:在榜单上占主导地位的是高收入国家,它们的平均生态足迹现在是低收入国家的五倍。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词high-income countries作补充说明,先行词在从句中作定语,和average ecological footprint之间是所属关系,应用关系代词whose作引导词。故选A。
12. Jane ______ by intimate friends at the cozy cafe, the atmosphere was relaxed as the conversation ______ freely among them, filled with laughter and shared stories.
A. was surrounded; tumbled B. was surrounded; progressed
C. surrounded; flowed D. surrounded; floated
【详解】考查独立主格结构和动词词义辨析。句意:简被亲密的朋友包围在舒适的咖啡馆里,气氛很轻松,他们之间的谈话很自由,充满了笑声和分享的故事。A. tumbled跌倒,摔倒;B. progressed前进;C. flowed(谈话、文体等)流畅;D. floated飘荡。分析句子可知,句子已有谓语,第一空和逻辑主语Jane构成独立主格结构,作状语,结合“by intimate friends at the cozy cafe”可知,surround“包围”和Jane逻辑上是被动关系,应用surround的过去分词形式,表被动意义;第二空作as引导的状语从句的谓语,结合“freely among them”可知,描述the conversation应用动词flowed,说明谈话很流畅。故选C。
13. It is the recent study ______ laid its stress on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems ______ shed light on the prompt need for conservation efforts in these vulnerable habitats.
A that…where B. which…that C. where... that D. as…where
【详解】考查强调句和定语从句。句意:正是最近这项强调气候变化对海洋生态系统影响的研究,揭示了在这些脆弱栖息地中急需保护工作的紧迫性。第一空引导定语从句,修饰先行词the recent study,在从句作主语,指物,故排除C、D选项;第二空为强调句:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其他部分,被强调部分为主语the recent study ______ laid its stress on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems,应用that。故选B。
14. With various blossoms ______, the grassland is ______ with petals.
A. emerging; coated B. rumbling; coated C. emerging; masked D. rumbling; masked
【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着各种花朵的绽放,草原被花瓣覆盖。第一空中emerging表示“出现”,rumbling表示“隆隆作响”,不符合语境,故排除B、D选项;第二空短语be coated with表示“用...包上的,表面镀...的”;be masked with表示“被遮盖”,用于描述某物被另一物完全或部分地遮挡住,使得其外观或特征变得不明显,而这里描述的是花瓣“包”住了草地,所以用 coated 更为合适。故选A。
15. It is crucial to opt for healthier foods to maintain good health and prevent lifestyle-related diseases,______ fast food is tempting due to its convenience and taste.
A. now that B. even if C. as long as D. no matter how
【详解】考查连词的用法。句意:尽管快餐因其便利和口感诱人,但选择更健康的食物对于保持良好的健康和预防与生活方式相关的疾病至关重要。A. now that既然;B. even if即使;C. as long as只要;D. no matter how无论如何。根据句意,此处需要一个表示让步的连词,即使快餐因其便利和口感诱人,也要选择更健康的食物,故选B。
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. techniques B. negative C. factual D. slip E. identify F. conscious G. stick H. distance I. analyzers J. approach K. deceptive
The Language of Lying
“Sorry, my phone died.” “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” “I love you.”
We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day, and we spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect them, from medieval torture devices to polygraphs, blood-pressure and breathing monitors, voice-stress ____16____ and eye trackers. But although such tools have worked under certain circumstances, most can be fooled with enough preparation, and none are considered reliable enough to even be admissible in court. But, what if the problem is not with the ____17____, but the underlying assumption that lying brings about physiological changes What if we took a more direct ____18____, using communication science to analyze the lies themselves
Psychologically speaking, we lie partly to paint a better picture of ourselves, connecting our fantasies to the person we wish we were rather than the person we are. But while our brain is busy dreaming, it’s letting plenty of signals ____19____ by. Our ____20____ mind only controls about 5% of our cognitive function, including communication while the other 95% occurs beyond our awareness. According to the literature on reality monitoring, stories based on imagined experiences are qualitatively different from those based on real experiences. This suggests that creating a false story about a personal topic takes work and results in a different pattern of language use.
A technology known as linguistic text analysis has helped to ____21____ three such common patterns in the subconscious language of deception.
First, liars mention themselves less when making ____22____ statements. They write or talk more about others, often using the third person to ____23____ themselves from their lie, which sounds more false: “Absolutely no party took place at this house,” or “Nobody hosted a party here.”
Second, liars tend to be more ____24____, because on a subconscious level, they feel guilty about lying. For example, a liar might say something like, “Sorry, my stupid phone battery died. I hate that thing.”
Third, liars tend to use longer sentence structure, inserting irrelevant but _____25_____ sounding details in order to pad the lie. A President confronted with a scandal claimed: “I can say, categorically, that this investigation indicates that no one on the White House staff, no one in this administration presently employed was involved in this very odd incident.”
【答案】16. I 17. A
18. J 19. D
20. F 21. E
22. K 23. H
24. B 25. C
考查名词。句意:我们每天听到的谎言从10到200个不等,我们花了很长时间来想出检测谎言的方法,从中世纪的刑具到测谎仪、血压和呼吸监测仪、语音压力分析仪和眼动仪。根据上文“from medieval torture devices to polygraphs, blood-pressure and breathing monitors”及后面“eye trackers”可知,该空需要一个表示测谎设备名词作宾语与monitors和trackers并列,由此可知名词analyzers意为“分析者;分析仪”,符合句意。故选I项。
考查名词。句意:但是,如果问题不在于技术,而在于说谎会带来生理变化这一潜在假设呢? 该空需要一个名词作宾语,上文中“such tools”指的是中世纪的刑具到测谎仪、血压和呼吸监测仪、语音压力分析仪和眼动仪这些都是用科技手段测谎,而这里问假如测谎的关键问题不是技术问题呢, techniques“技术”为名词,符合句意。故选A项。
考查名词。句意:如果我们采用一种更直接的方法,用传播科学来分析谎言本身呢?该空需要一个名词作宾语,根据下文的举例“using communication science to analyze the lies themselves ”可知,此处在建议一种新的测谎的方法。名词approach意为“方法,方式”符合句意。故选J项。
考查动词。句意:但是,当我们的大脑忙于做梦时,它会让大量的信号溜走。该空需要一个动词作了let的宾语的补足语,动词短语slip by意为“溜走”符合句意。故选D项。
考查形容词。句意:我们的意识只控制了5%的认知功能,包括交流,而另外95%的发生在我们意识之外。该空需要一个形容词作定语;根据下文“while the other 95%occurs beyond our awareness.”可知,形容词conscious意为“有意识的”与beyond our awareness(意识之外)相对应,符合句意。故选F项。
考查动词。句意:一种被称为语言文本分析的技术已经帮助识别了潜意识中欺骗语言的三种常见模式。该空需要一个动词,help to do。根据第二段“We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day, and we spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect them…”可知,本文是在探讨检测谎言的方法,此处介绍了一种新的识别谎言的手段,动词identify意为“鉴别,识别”与detect意思相近,符合句意。故选E项。
考查形容词。句意:其次,说谎者往往更消极,因为在潜意识层面上,他们对撒谎感到内疚。该空需要一个形容词作表语,根据下文“they feel guilty about lying”,人在撒谎并且内心愧疚时,应该是情绪状态不很好。形容词negative意为“消极的”符合句意。故选B项。
II. Reading Comprehension (1*15+2*15=45分)
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fit s the context.
When I was three, I had a very good friend named Gemma. She was fearless where I was anxious, rebellious where I was conservative, and ____26____ where I was awkward. She was also entirely imaginary. With Gemma’s support, I almost made it to the top shelf of the bookcase before my parents found me — and “Gemma said it was fine!” did not ____27____ me from a telling-off (责骂).
I cannot remember when or how I “met” Gemma, and, perhaps sadder still, I do not remember the ____28____ time I “saw” her. ____29____ my brain created her, she inspired me to go on adventures I would not have had the confidence to embark upon without her. It ____30____ me, then, that 72 percent of nursery workers believe children have fewer imaginary friends than they did five years ago, as is shown by a recent survey. This is believed to be a result of ____31____ screen time.
It is thought that 40 percent of us at one time or another had imaginary friends during our ____32____. In an essay for Aeon, writer Sophie Elmhirst found that 81 percent of those surveyed had “lost” their imaginary friends after they turned ten, but most of these friendships ended ____33____. Perhaps imaginary friends simply stay with us for as long as we need them. They move on when our lives become too ____34____ for our brains to make space to generate their own entertainment.
If you have enjoyed an imaginary friendship, I would guess that you did not _____35_____ sit down to create a perfect pal. They probably arrived as an indication of the thoughts and ideas you never knew you had. In order to be a good _____36_____ to an imaginary friend, you need to be able to make “what if ” into an exciting proposition. When we grow up, we are too quick to finish the sentence with “what if it goes wrong ”
Having grown up, we might not need our imaginary friends anymore, but we could still use a reminder that a little bit of boredom is good for us, and that our brains can create the best ideas when they are left to their own devices. If there are fewer imaginary friends _____37_____ the worlds where our children live, that might lead to a future with fewer artists, writers and problem-solvers. This is a real cause for _____38_____.
As an adult, I think of my fearless, invisible friend Gemma whenever I have to do something that _____39_____ me — usually public speaking, rather than scaling a bookcase. However, whenever I _____40_____ my own expectations and meet myself in a place that I did not think I could quite reach, I can hear my subconscious whispering, “Gemma made me do it.”
26. A. adaptable B. generous C. disturbing D. skillful
27. A. benefit B. conceal C. ban D. save
28. A. first B. last C. latest D. previous
29. A. As if B. As long as C. Even though D. Given that
30. A. convinces B. recalls C. reminds D. saddens
31. A. easy B. decreased C. hard D. increased
32. A. adolescence B. adulthood C. babyhood D. childhood
33. A. accidentally B. dramatically C. naturally D. unfortunately
34. A. secure B. instructive C. full D. productive
35. A. consciously B. invisibly C. personally D. realistically
36. A. boss B. companion C. expert D. instructor
37. A. challenging B. limiting C. locating D. populating
38. A. boredom B. concern C. imagination D. limitation
39. A. defeats B. encourages C. inspires D. scares
40. A. am short of B. go against C. go beyond D. live up to
【答案】26 D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我焦虑,她无所畏惧;我保守,她叛逆;我笨拙,她技艺娴熟。A. adaptable适应性强的;B. generous慷慨的;C. disturbing令人不安的;D. skillful熟练的。根据上文“She was fearless where I was anxious, rebellious where I was conservative”可知,Gemma和作者的性格特征是相反的,再结合“where I was awkward”可推知,和“笨拙”相对的应该是skillful“熟练的”。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在Gemma的支持下,在我父母发现我之前,我几乎爬到了书架的顶层——“Gemma说没问题!”也没能使我免于挨骂。A. benefit使受益;B. conceal隐瞒;C. ban禁止;D. save避免。根据上文“I almost made it to the top shelf of the bookcase before my parents found me”可知,小时候的作者很大胆地爬到了书架的顶层,这是危险的行为,由此推知,“Gemma说没问题!”这句话没能使作者免于挨骂,固定短语save sb. from sth.表示“使某人免于某事”。故选D。
考查序数词和形容词词义辨析。句意:我不记得我是什么时候、怎样“遇见”Gemma的,也许更可悲的是,我不记得我最后一次“见到”她是什么时候。A. first第一的;B. last最后的;C. latest最新的;D. previous之前的。根据上文“I cannot remember when or how I “met” Gemma, and, perhaps sadder still”可知,此处描述比不记得是什么时候、怎样“遇见”Gemma的状况还可悲的情形,结合“time I “saw” her”可推知,这种情形是不记得最后一次“见到”她是什么时候。故选B。
考查连接词词义辨析。句意:尽管我的大脑创造了她,但她激励我去冒险,如果没有她,我是没有信心开始的。A. As if仿佛;B. As long as只要;C. Even though尽管;D. Given that鉴于。“my brain created her”表示作者的大脑创造了她,“she inspired me to go on adventures I would not have had the confidence to embark upon without her”表示她激励作者去冒险,如果没有她,作者是没有信心开始的,即Gemma让作者受益良多,前后有让步关系,应用Even though“尽管”引导让步状语从句。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近的一项调查显示,72%的托儿所工作人员认为孩子们的想象中的朋友比五年前少了,这让我很难过。A. convinces说服;B. recalls回忆;C. reminds提醒;D. saddens使难过。根据下文“that 72 percent of nursery workers believe children have fewer imaginary friends than they did five years ago”可知,72%的托儿所工作人员认为孩子们的想象中的朋友比五年前少了,结合上文描述的作者从Gemma那里学到很多可推知,这一调查结果让作者很难过。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这被认为是由于屏幕时间增加。A. easy容易的;B. decreased减少的;C. hard困难的;D. increased增加的。根据下文“screen time”和生活常识可推知,当今时代屏幕时间增加,孩子们会沉浸在屏幕世界中,因此想象中的朋友会减少。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:据信,40%的人在童年时期都有过想象中的朋友。A. adolescence青春期;B. adulthood成年;C. babyhood婴儿期;D. childhood童年。根据下文“In an essay for Aeon, writer Sophie Elmhirst found that 81 percent of those surveyed had “lost” their imaginary friends after they turned ten”可知,81%的受访者在10岁后“失去”了他们想象中的朋友,因此是在童年时期有过想象中的朋友。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:作家Sophie Elmhirst在为Aeon杂志撰写的一篇文章中发现,81%的受访者在10岁后“失去”了他们想象中的朋友,但这些友谊大多数都是自然结束的。A. accidentally意外地;B. dramatically戏剧性地;C. naturally自然地;D. unfortunately不幸地。根据上文“writer Sophie Elmhirst found that 81 percent of those surveyed had “lost” their imaginary friends after they turned ten”和表示转折意义的“but”可推知,虽然大多数孩子会在10岁后“失去”了他们想象中的朋友,但这种结束是自然发生的。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们的生活变得过于充实,我们的大脑无法腾出空间来产生自己的娱乐时,他们就会离开。A. secure安全的;B. instructive有教育意义的;C. full充实的;D. productive富有成效的。根据下文“for our brains to make space to generate their own entertainment”和生活常识可推知,当我们长大,生活变得过于充实,我们的大脑会没有空间留给这些想象中的朋友。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果你享受过一段想象中的友谊,我猜你并没有有意识地坐下来创造一个完美的朋友。A. consciously有意识地;B. invisibly看不见地;C. personally个人地;D. realistically现实地。根据下文“They probably arrived as an indication of the thoughts and ideas you never knew you had.”可知,这些想象中的朋友是我们从未意识到自己有过的想法和主意的象征,因此此处指并没有有意识地坐下来创造一个完美的朋友。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了成为想象中的朋友的好伴侣,你需要能够把“如果……会怎么样?”变成一个令人兴奋的命题。A. boss老板;B. companion伴侣;C. expert专家;D. instructor教练。根据这是谈论和想象中的朋友相处的情境,以及下文“you need to be able to make “what if ” into an exciting proposition”可推知,此处介绍通过拓展令人兴奋的命题来成为想象中的朋友的好伴侣。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果在我们孩子生活的世界里,想象中的朋友越来越少,这可能会导致未来艺术家、作家和问题解决者越来越少。A. challenging挑战;B. limiting限制;C. locating定位;D. populating居住于,生活于。根据上文“my brain created her”可知,我们的大脑创造出想象中的朋友,因此此处指生活在孩子世界里的想象中的朋友越来越少。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这确实值得关注。A. boredom无聊;B. concern关注;C. imagination想象力;D. limitation限制。根据上文“that might lead to a future with fewer artists, writers and problem-solvers”可知,如果想象中的朋友越来越少,未来艺术家、作家和问题解决者会越来越少,这是不好的情况,因此这非常值得关注。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个成年人,每当我不得不做一些让我害怕的事情时,我就会想到我无畏的、隐形的朋友Gemma——通常是公开演讲,而不是爬上书架。A. defeats打败;B. encourages鼓励;C. inspires鼓舞;D. scares使害怕。根据上文“She was fearless where I was anxious, rebellious where I was conservative”可知,作者的性格是焦虑的、保守的,再结合下文“usually public speaking”可知,公开演讲这样的事会让作者害怕。故选D。
考查形容词短语和动词短语辨析。句意:然而,每当我超越自己期望,在一个我认为自己无法到达的地方遇见自己时,我就能听到我的潜意识在低语:“Gemma让我做到的。”A. am short of缺乏;B. go against违背;C. go beyond超越;D. live up to达到。根据下文“meet myself in a place that I did not think I could quite reach”可知,作者在一个认为自己无法到达的地方遇见自己,因此是超越自己的期望。故选C。
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
The HISTORY Channel series Alone drops contestants into some of the planet’s most punishing environments, with a bare minimum of clothing, safety and survival gear. In their battle against the elements, contestants are forced to use their fitness, their courage and their creativity to become true survivalists.
Few people choose to be thrown into such extreme situations, but those who do have usually stumbled into some immense bad luck. Just check out one of the famous real-life survival stories:
Mauro Prosperi is an Italian police officer who gained worldwide fame after getting lost in the Sahara Desert in 1994. A keen athlete and long-distance runner, Mauro took part in the 1994 Marathon of the Sands in Morocco, a six-day-long endurance race in one of the driest and barren environments on the planet.
During the race, a sandstorm caused Prosperi, then 39 years old, married and father to three children, to become disoriented. One day after going off track, he found himself in an abandoned Muslim temple in Algeria. In order to survive, he killed and ate bats. For liquid, he was forced to drink his own waste, lick dew off of rocks and suck moisture out of his wet wipes.
Assuming he would never be found, he cut his wrists with a pen knife from his supplies. However, it was such a dry heat that the wounds thickened and concreted, and he was forced to go back into the desert and attempt to find help.
For nine days he walked through the desert and ate insects and cold-blooded animals. Finally, he found a small village. From there he was flown to a hospital, where doctors said his liver had almost completely failed.
Having traveled 180 miles in all, Prosperi lost 35 pounds in body weight during his severe suffering in the desert; it took several months before he could eat solid food again. But he has remained an enthusiastic runner and even returned and completed the race in 2012.
41. Prosperi have to discontinue the Marathon of the Sands because ______.
A. his supplies were running out
B. his children didn’t want to lose him
C. he lost his way for the bad weather
D. he couldn’t tolerate the extreme heat
42. What caused Mauro Prosperi to head back to the desert for help
A. His intention to heal the wound. B. His failure to take away his own life.
C. His decreasing interest in food sources. D. His discomfort with the temple environment.
43. According to the passage, what can be inferred about Mauro Prosperi’s experience
A. He found an alternative source of water in a traditional way.
B. He demonstrated the determination to survive all the way through.
C. His story was a proof of the worsening relationship between man and nature.
D. His eventual return to the race signified his persistence.
44. What is the primary purpose of the passage
A. To entertain readers with an awe-inspiring fictional adventure story.
B. To educate readers about the possible dangers of punishing environments.
C. To inspire readers with human’s ability to survive the extreme challenges.
D. To remind readers of the value of essential survival skills and preparedness.
【答案】41. C 42. B 43. D 44. C
细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“During the race, a sandstorm caused Prosperi, then 39 years old, married and father to three children, to become disoriented. One day after going off track, he found himself in an abandoned Muslim temple in Algeria.(在比赛期间,一场沙尘暴使当时39岁、已婚并有三个孩子的普洛斯彼里迷失了方向。在偏离赛道后的一天,他发现自己来到了阿尔及利亚一座废弃的穆斯林寺庙。)”可知,普洛斯彼里不得不停止马拉松,是因为恶劣的天气使他迷路了。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第五段“Assuming he would never be found, he cut his wrists with a pen knife from his supplies. However, it was such a dry heat that the wounds thickened and concreted, and he was forced to go back into the desert and attempt to find help.(他以为再也找不到他了,就从他的用品里拿了把钢笔刀割腕。然而,天气太热了,伤口变厚凝结,他被迫回到沙漠,试图寻求帮助。)”可知,普洛斯彼里回到沙漠寻求帮助是因为他没能结束自己的生命。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Having traveled 180 miles in all, Prosperi lost 35 pounds in body weight during his severe suffering in the desert; it took several months before he could eat solid food again. But he has remained an enthusiastic runner and even returned and completed the race in 2012.(在总共旅行了180英里之后,普洛斯彼里在沙漠中遭受了严重的痛苦,体重减轻了35磅;过了好几个月他才又能吃固体食物了。但他仍然是一个热情的跑步者,甚至在2012年回来完成了比赛。)”可以推论出,普洛斯彼里是一个坚持不懈的人。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“In their battle against the elements, contestants are forced to use their fitness, their courage and their creativity to become true survivalists.(在与大自然的斗争中,选手们被迫使用他们的健康、勇气和创造力,成为真正的生存主义者。)”和普洛斯彼里的故事可以推论出,本文的目的是通过人类在极端挑战中生存的能力来激励读者。故选C项。
Fit to Be Tied: Four Common Knots
Are you one of those hikers who always prefers a square knot Here are simple, easy-to-remember alternatives that will do a better job in four common camping settings.
①Bind cargo to your car To secure a large bag to a car roof, you need a knot that acts like a pulley (滑轮). The trucker’s knot works best. Start by forming an overhand loop, pulling a loop through, and tightening. Next, feed the rope’s free end around a roof rack (架 子) or an S-hook on the frame. Pull on the working end to obtain the desired tension; then use a quick-release half-hitch, a type of knot, to “lock” the tension in place (and make untying cargo quick and simple). ②Attach tent guylines (拉绳) Attached to webbing loops at key stress points on the outer walls of tents, guylines are tied to the ground with stones. They stabilize the tent in strong winds by keeping the fabric walls tight. When setting up your shelter, tighten the guylines until no loose part remains in them or the tent walls. Fit the ropes with a tight-line knot, which lets you adjust the line’s length without untying the knot. When you move the knot by hand, it slides freely along the line, but it holds tight when the loop is tensioned—so the knot holds firm when gusts of wind pull tent walls hard.
③Lower a pack over a rock shelf Some packs feature a strong leather belt for easy rope-pulls—but most require a bowline knot, which doesn’t slip no matter the weight. It is very easy to untie after it’s been loaded. Slide the loop around the middle of the pack, tighten it, then lower away. A handy recall- aiding device: The rope’s long end is the “tree”; the loop is the “rabbit hole”; ④Fasten a canoe to shore The clove hitch is perfect for quickly fastening boats because it’s easy to tie, holds fast under tension, and releases instantly with a pull on the free end. This makes it a speedy way to fix a line to a tree. For extra security, add one or two half-hitches.
45. Which of the following may best match the types of knots in the numbered text description (1-4)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
A. (a)(d)(b)(c) B. (a)(c)(b)(d) C. (c)(d)(a)(b) D. (c)(b)(d)(a)
46. What is the best knot to use when a worker carries goods with a rope repeatedly between Ind floor and 2nd floor
A. Tight-line knot B. Truckers knot C. Clove hitch D. Bowline knot
47. Where are you most likely to read this article
A. A website on backpackers. B. A leaflet on safety guidance.
C. A scientific journal on knots. D. A travel guide on beauty spots.
【答案】45. C 46. D 47. C
细节理解题。根据“①Bind cargo to your car”部分的句子“To secure a large bag to a car roof, you need a knot that acts like a pulley(滑轮). The trucker’s knot works best. Start by forming an overhand loop, pulling a loop through, and tightening. Next, feed the rope’s free end around a roof rack(架 子) or an S-hook on the frame.(为了将一个大袋子固定在车顶上,你需要一个像滑轮一样的结。卡车司机打结效果最好。首先形成一个上手环,拉一个环,然后收紧。接下来,将绳子的自由端缠在车顶架或车架的S钩上。)”可知,第一种绳结和图c是对应的。根据“②Attach tent guylines(拉绳)”部分的句子“Attached to webbing loops at key stress points on the outer walls of tents, guylines are tied to the ground with stones.(在帐篷外墙上的关键受力点处系上织带,用石头将绳系在地面上。)”和“Fit the ropes with a tight-line knot, which lets you adjust the line’s length without untying the knot. When you move the knot by hand, it slides freely along the line, but it holds tight when the loop is tensioned—so the knot holds firm when gusts of wind pull tent walls hard.(在绳子上打一个紧绳结,这样你就可以在不解开绳结的情况下调整绳子的长度。当你用手移动绳结时,绳结会沿着绳子自由地滑动,但当绳结被拉紧时,绳结会紧紧地固定住——所以当阵风把帐篷的墙壁拉得很硬时,绳结也会牢牢地固定住。)”可知,第二种绳结和图d是对应的。根据“③Lower a pack over a rock shelf”部分的句子“Some packs feature a strong leather belt for easy rope-pulls—but most require a bowline knot, which doesn’t slip no matter the weight. It is very easy to untie after it’s been loaded. Slide the loop around the middle of the pack, tighten it, then lower away. A handy recall- aiding device: The rope’s long end is the “tree”; the loop is the “rabbit hole”( 有些背包的特点是有结实的皮带,便于拉绳,但大多数背包需要打一个蝴蝶结,这样无论重量多大都不会打滑。装好后很容易解开。将环绕在背包的中间,拧紧,然后放低。一个方便的循环辅助装置:绳子的长端是“树”;这个环就是“兔子洞”。)”可知,第三种绳结和图a对应。根据“④Fasten a canoe to shore”部分的句子“The clove hitch is perfect for quickly fastening boats because it’s easy to tie, holds fast under tension, and releases instantly with a pull on the free end. This makes it a speedy way to fix a line to a tree. For extra security, add one or two half-hitches.(丁香结非常适合快速系紧船只,因为它很容易系,在紧张的情况下保持牢固,并且在自由端拉动时立即释放。这使得它成为一种快速的方法来固定一条线到树上。为了额外的安全,增加一个或两个半结。)”可知,第四种绳结和图b对应。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据“③Lower a pack over a rock shelf”部分的句子“It is very easy to untie after it’s been loaded. Slide the loop around the middle of the pack, tighten it, then lower away. A handy recall- aiding device: The rope’s long end is the “tree”; the loop is the “rabbit hole”(装好后很容易解开。将环绕在背包的中间,拧紧,然后放低。一个方便的循环辅助装置:绳子的长端是“树”;这个循环就是“兔子洞”。)”可知,第三种绳结Bowline knot适合工人用绳子在1楼和2楼之间反复搬运货物时使用。故选D项。
The recent criticisms of Taylor Swift for her silence on the war in Gaza highlight a peculiar issue: the unrealistic expectations we place on celebrities to be know-alls. It’s a topic worth looking into.
While many are quick to urge figures like Taylor Swift to lend their voice s to critical global conversations, a concerning pattern emerges on the flip side: celebrities navigating the dark waters of complex debates with limited knowledge. Take, for instance, Billie Eilish’s fashion choice at the Oscars — a red hand pin. This wasn’t just any accessory (配饰); it’s rooted in the upset history of the 2000 cruel treatments of two Israelis. It begs the question: Was Eilish aware of the weighty story this symbol carries This moment serves as a reminder of the nuanced (微妙的, 细节的) balance celebrities must strike between being supportive and the profound responsibility of using apublic platform.
The celebrity culture in the United States, where public figures are elevated to almost god-like status, plays a significant role in this phenomenon. They are seen as perfect, their opinions holy. This is not only unfair to the celebrities themselves, who are, after all, only human, but it also takes away from the voices of actual experts on these subjects. When we prioritize a celebrity’s opinion over those with lived experience or specialized knowledge, we do a disservice to the complexity of these issues.
As a society, we must reevaluate our obsession with celebrity culture and recognize the limitations of looking to entertainers for guidance on complex issues. This doesn’t mean celebrities can’t or shouldn’t speak out on matters that affect them personally or on which they’re well-informed. It’s entirely appropriate for Taylor Swift to publicly support political candidates in her home country. The action stems from personal values and people’s engagement, which a