

名称 山东省济宁市微山县启明高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(无答案,无听力原文,含音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-19 18:22:24


2023—2024 学年高二下学期月考2
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When will the plane take off
A. At 8:15 a.m.
B. At 9:15 a.m.
C. At 10:15 a.m.
2. Where is the woman going
A. The hotel.
B. The hospital.
C.The supermarket
3.What will the woman do tomorrow
A.Go to a concert with the man.
B. Take part in a basketball match.
C. See the WCBA stars off.
4. What does the man think of physics lessons in high school
A. Helpful.
B. Difficult.
5.What is the man confused about
A. The story's plots.
B. The story's beginning.
C.The story's ending
听第 6 段材料,回答第6至7题。
6.Why is the man angry with the woman
A. She is late.
B. She misunderstood him.
C. She won't wait for him.
7. What will the woman probably do
A. Try on some new dresses.
B. Wait outside with the man.
C. Read the bulletin board.
听第7段材料,回答第 8至9 题
8. What's the man's favorite fruit
A. Apples.
B. Peaches.
C. Bananas.
9.When were peach trees first planted in China according to the report
A. About 750 years ago.
B. About 5,000 years ago.
C. About 7,000 years ago.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10.What is the relationship between John and Malcolm
A. Classmates.
B. Brothers.
11. What is John crazy about
A. Tennis.
B. Basketball
C. Table tennis.
12.What does the man's wife want John to study
A. Spanish.
B. Law.
C. Business.
听第 9 段材料,回第 13 至 16 题
13. What did George do
A. He went to an exhibition.
B. He had a painting class.
C. He gave a lecture.
14. What does George like best
A. Watercolors.
B. Oil paintings.
15. What does George say about himself
A. He is a good painter.
B. He has artistic ability.
C.He loves art very much.
16. What is Mary going to do this weekend
A. Buy a ticket for the exhibition.
B. Paint a picture.
C.Go to the art exhibition.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. House rules for lazy kids.
B. Ways of making kids creative.
C.Kids’ health and intellectual development.
18. What should parents encourage their kids to do
A. Read more books. B. Keep the house tidy. C. Take a long break
19. Why does the speaker suggest limiting the amount of TV and video games
A. To make kids finish their homework ahead of time.
B. To keep kids away from the violent programming.
C. To make kids participate in more activities.
20. What is the speaker most probably
A teacher. B. doctor C. A writer.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
The best science books inspire a sense of wonder and make you amazed at the incredible world we live in.Here are four of them to feed your imagination.
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
How did it all begin And how did we get here Combining history and science,the book offers a comprehensive yet entertaining answer to these questions.Bill Bryson takes the reader on an impressive journey through the greatest scientific discoveries in history.It explains scientific topics in a vivid way,but it's quite a long read.
Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe
How do helicopters work Or cells Randall Munroe explains how things work using illustrations and only the most common 1,000 words in English.It will shift your approach to explanation.So,next time explain how something works rather than merely call it by its name.However,additionally providing more technical terms might have enhanced the understanding and learning experience.
Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake
What does it feel like to fly into space How do you prepare for it Astronaut Tim Peake answers all the questions you never knew about going into space.The book gives insights into the cutting-edge science,as well as the day-to- day life on board of the International Space Station.Its question and answer format makes it easy to quickly find answers,but it can become less appealing due to the lack of descriptive language.
Deep Time by Riley Black
Want to know the story of our planet Riley Black takes us on a journey,in the order of time,through the geological(地质的)events that have shaped our planet.The fascinating high-quality images are supported by easily digestible explanations of key historical moments.It also expands on key concepts in geology,astronomy and biology. Yet,measuring the size of some objects on the photos is difficult due to the lack of a scale bar(比例尺).
21.Which book is organized in the format of question and answer
A. A Short History of Nearly Everything. B. Thing Explainer
C. Ask an Astronaut. D. Deep Time
22. What's a shortcoming of Thing Explainer
A.It is rather too long. B.It is written in plain language
C.It lacks technical terms. D.It fails to include clear images.
23. What do A Short History of Nearly Everything and Deep Time have in common
A.They combine science and history. B. They feature vivid illustrations.
C.They introduce astronauts' daily life. D. They entertain readers of all ages.
I didn't go to Santiago,Chile to look for friendship.In fact,Chile was not even on my wish list.
A mid-life crisis woman,I got a chance to study abroad.I only wanted to learn about global business,taste South American cuisine,and check“study abroad”off my wish list.
On the fifth day,I joined a group for a neighborhood work project aided by the anti-poverty
(扶贫)organization. Our tasks were to build a water tower and paint the community center.Upon arrival,I couldn't believe my eyes.It was like a scene out of a horrible film.That moment redefined poverty for me because I had never seen such terrible living conditions.As advised,I showed no signs of the emotional battle going on inside me.
Just as I was about to start work on painting,a request came through for a few volunteers to help Nadia,a local resident who volunteered to cook for us.I raised my hand to help because I wanted to spend time with the people of the neighborhood despite my shortage of Spanish speaking skills. Nadia had a sincere smile but not overly friendly.Even without speaking each other's language,we started to learn about one another.We chatted about our children,our upbringing,shared pictures of our family,struggled to instruct each other to communicate in the other's language,and laughed many times.
After we fed everybody and the dishes were washed,my day was over.But I found myself hesitant to leave.It was as if I had known her my entire life.I had not predicted the unselfishness of heart I would encounter,and it was moving.
As we were waiting for the car to pick us up,Nadia showed me her plants that are well-maintained.I could see that despite the hard conditions she was passionate about life.She made me long to be a stronger person.She showed me that poverty was external,but happiness was internal.I was seeking to give 100 percent for a well-intentioned cause,but I left receiving 200 percent from her.
24.What was the author's initial purpose of going to Chile
A.To find new friends while traveling. B.To participate in an anti-poverty project.
C.To fulfill the desire to study abroad. D.To gain a graduate certificate in business.
25.What did the author do after seeing the living conditions in the neighborhood
A.She decided to relieve the poverty. B.She kept her emotions well hidden.
C.She comforted the shocked volunteers. D.She refused to continue the present task.
26.Why did the author volunteer to work with Nadia
A.She felt very sympathetic toward Nadia.
B.She longed to interact with the local residents.
C.She wanted to improve her Spanish speaking skills.
D.She preferred cooking to painting the community center.
27.What did the author learn from Nadia
A.True friends are never apart in heart.
B.Happiness is defined by a positive attitude.
C.Language is not a barrier to great connections.
D.Unselfishness is putting others before ourselves.
There' re plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available in local markets.But while those red juicy strawberries look fresh,consumers have no way of knowing how long the fruit can be stored at home.The same goes for distribution centers and supermarkets.
Now,the food technology startup One Third,located in the Netherlands,is looking to change that with an infrared (红外线)scanner that can accurately predict how long fresh fruits and vegetables will last.The startup is named One Third because one-third of food is wasted due to spoilage(变质)every year.
The startup's founders were inspired by a UK company that uses this type of technology in the medical field and decided to see if it was applicable for food.“I looked at the challenges in the food-supply chain and found out that 40 percent of food waste is fresh produce.One of the biggest causes of waste is that nobody knows shelf life." founder and CEO of One Third,Marco Snikkers said. Quality inspections at farms and distribution centers are done manually(手动地).An inspector checks the fruits and vegetables and makes notes about the size and quality.Then the food is sent to consumers without considering travel time or how long the produce will remain usable.
Using the infrared scanner at the distribution center means that inspectors can use the information to approve shipments that will ensure the produce can be distributed on a timely basis.This means that a shipment of ripe tomatoes will not be sent long distances away.
OneThird's scanner combines the technology of optical scanners,image modeling,and Artificial Intelligence to provide accurate shelf-life predictions. The startup found that the technology can reduce up to 25 percent produce waste that was caused by spoilage. “Global food waste has an enormous environmental impact;reducing global food waste cuts global greenhouse gas emissions and promotes global food security,"said Jacob Smith,a climate expert from the University of Maine.
28.What problem does One Third aim to solve
A.The high cost of storing fresh fruits and vegetables.
B.Inefficient quality inspections at distribution centers.
C.Food waste caused by uncertainty about its shelf life.
D.Consumers' difficulty judging the freshness of produce.
29.What inspired One Third to come up with the idea of using infrared scanner
A.The use of the device in another field.
B.Observation of the food-supply chain.
C.Consumer demands for fresher produce.
D.Experts' advice on food waste reduction.
30.What can we learn about the manual quality inspections
A.They are time-consuming and costly.
B.They are not performed at a regular time.
C.The inspectors tend to make wrong judgement.
D.The shipping time is not taken into consideration.
31.What's Jacob's attitude to One Third's effort
A.Approving B.Doubtful. C.Tolerant. D.Dismissive.
When it comes to lowering blood pressure,studies have typically shown that aerobic(有氧的)exercises are best. Recent research suggests another type of physical activity is worth including as an effective tool to prevent and treat high blood pressure.
Exercises that engage muscles without movement,such as wall squats and planks,may be best for lowering blood pressure,according to a large study published in July,2023 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
This type of training is known as isometric exercise,according to the Mayo Clinic.Isometric muscle action happens when muscles contract but do not visibly change length,and the joints involved don't move,facilitating stability of the body.Isometric exercises can be done with weights or without,just relying on the body's own weight.
“These findings provide a comprehensive data-driven framework to support the development of new exercise guideline recommendations for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure,"said study coauthor Dr.Jamie O'Driscoll in a news release. The researchers looked into randomized controlled trials that had reported the effects of exercise interventions, lasting two or more weeks,on blood pressure between 1990 and February 2023.From a review of 270 trials with 15,827 participants,the researchers found that among HIIT (high intensity interval training),isometric exercise, aerobic exercise,dynamic resistance training and a combination of the latter two,isometric exercise led to the greatest reductions in blood pressure.
It's also important to note that there are other lifestyle changes as well as exercise that can benefit your blood pressure.These include keeping to a healthy weight,eating a balanced diet,cutting down on salt,not drinking too much alcohol and ensuring that you continue to take any prescribed medication.
More research is needed to determine exactly why isometric exercises might be better for lowering blood pressure than other types of training,the authors said.
32.What does the underlined part "isometric exercise"in paragraph 3 refer to
A.Exercise that is done with extra weights.
B.Exercise that involves visible muscle contraction.
C.Exercise that focuses on stability of the body.
D.Exercise that engages muscles without movement.
33.How did the researchers carry out the study
A .By providing statistics. B. By interviewing experts.
C. By doing experiments. D. By making comparisons.
34.What does the author suggest the future studies about isometric exercise focus on
A. Exploring the reasons for its effectiveness.
B. Demonstrating its influences on mental health.
C. Assessing its suitability for different populations.
D. Determining its long-term impacts on blood pressure.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.The benefits of aerobic exercises. B.The best exercise for blood pressure.
C.The effects of various types of exercises. D.The importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Super communicators are people who are consistently able to create real connections with others just by listening and talking.The following are four habits of super communicators.
They know what kind of conversation they're having.Super communicators are usually able to respond accordingly.If you're having a practical conversation,your friend might ask you to help make hard decisions. 36 If your friend is just expressing his feelings,you just need to be a good listener.
They prove they're listening.There are plenty of ways to appear like you're listening,like making eye contact or nodding.To do that,experts suggest a technique called “cycle for understanding”.Ask a question and listen to the response.Repeat what they just told you.Ask your conversation partner if you got what they said correct. 37
They ask a lot of the right questions.Research shows that highly effective communicators tend to ask 10 to 20 times as many questions as everyone else.They may simply be follow-up questions like"What happened next " Super communicators also ask questions that get people to open up. 38___ They ask about people's values or experiences and create an opportunity for emotional connection. 39_____ The goal of a discussion isn't to impress someone,convince someone or wait for their turn to speak. It's to genuinely comprehend someone else's point of view and share their own views accordingly.The right response creates an atmosphere of trust and openness that both parties can benefit from. 40______
A.They aim to understand.
B.Experts call them“deep questions”
C.They are persuasive communicators.
D.The decisions should be easy to carry out.
E.This practice sounds simple but is powerful.
F.Then you should be ready to give good advice.
G.And that is actually the most magical thing that can happen.
第三部分 语言知识运用 ( 共两节,满分30分 )
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Anytime I travel on my bicycle across the country,I'm always amazed by how kind people can be to strangers.
One night,my friends and I were camping in a town in Missouri.There was a severe storm and we were getting 41 .A complete stranger came by to 42 us that there were tornadoes(龙卷风)heading our way.The stranger invited us to his home.We were surprised by his 43 for our safety.Later we learned that there had been a lightening strike near the place where we had camped and several cattle had been 44 .
Fortunately,we spent the night in a nice dry home.We were 45 given the opportunity to take a shower. The next morning we had breakfast with the family and 46 contact information.In a way we felt like the family had become a part of our journey.This was one of the most heartwarming 47 of my life because this family had nothing to 48 by being so kind to us.We were 49 not the type they would usually 50 but they treated us with respect and kindness. The kindness of a stranger always 51 my faith in humanity.Whatever the person 52 always comes with no strings attached and that's the most 53 part.
That family 54 us so much that during the rest of the trip,we 55 others out every chance we got. We even bought food with our busking(街头卖艺)tips for the homeless.It's always heartwarming when giving feels as good as receiving.
41.A.annoyed B.impatient C.excited D.nervous
42.A.warn B.show C.convince D.guarantee
43.A.demand B.concern C.desire D.responsibility
44.A.drowned B.deserted C.killed D.trapped
45.A.even B.merely C.often D.simply
46.A.submitted B.exchanged C.checked D.updated
47.A.experiences B.messages C.traditions D.comments
48.A.fear B.order C.gain D.offer
49.A.especially B.officially C.occasionally D.definitely
50.A.ask about B.complain about C.agree with D.associate with
51.A.reveals B.shakes C.strengthens D.shapes
52.A.states B.wishes C.saves D.gives
53.A.impressive B.practical C.satisfactory D.evident
54.A.funded B.inspired C.owed D.delighted
55.A.drove B.sought C.helped D.pointed
Dunhuang,an oasis(绿洲) in the Taklamakan Desert,used to be a major stop along the Silk Road,but is now mainly a fascinating tourist destination.
Those interested 56__ Dunhuang's colorful history will be attracted by the Mogao Caves,one of the city's main attractions.The entrance to each cave 57___ (block)by a locked door,which can only be opened by expert guides.Behind these doors are caves of all 58_____ (size)—from very small to absolutely huge.The caves contain thousands of priceless manuscripts and silk paintings,which,upon their discovery,drew much 59_____ (attend)to the area. Also,there are few things as special as walking across the desert oasis at sunrise. 60 (catch) this incredible scene,you must rise early.It's bitterly cold.But as the sun rises atop the golden dunes(沙丘)and paints a 61 (true)picturesque scene,all your efforts pay off.Sunset is a popular time for a camel ride.Get off the camels 62____ walk up a rather steep dune overlooking Crescent Lake.From this position, 63 (regard)as the best one,the incredible sunset is awe-inspiring.
No trip to Dunhuang is complete without visiting the Dunhuang Museum, 64___ it's possible to put all of the city's historical sites into proper historical context.The museum is expansive, 65__ (contain)many original artworks.Here,you are bound to be amazed by Dunhuang's rich culture.
第四部分 写作 ( 共两节 , 满分40分)
假定你是李华,劳动节到来之际,你做了关于“The Benefits of Doing Housework”的的校园采访。请你就 此次采访写一篇报道,向校英文报投稿。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡上的相应位置作答。
The Benefits of Doing Housework
When he was around 5-6 years old,my brother Ted,who is four years younger to me,suddenly found his legs unable to move one night.What followed was one of the hardest times of my parents' life.Months passed with them meeting various doctors,visiting different hospitals,and knocking at the doorstep of every possible chance ——all the time with Ted in their arms,since he wasn't able to walk on his own anymore.
There were doubts of permanent paralysis(瘫痪)— the very mention of which was enough to break us down. From finding it extremely painful to walk,to not being able to get up on his own,and to not being able to stand at all,Ted's problem was worsening day by day.Most surprisingly,all this while,he was as strong as,perhaps,only children can be in such difficult times. During this period,it was not unusual for my mother to have sudden breakdowns.Once,she burst into tears while watching Ted playing joyfully.He wiped off her tears,and said,"Don't cry,mummy.See,I can stand and even run on my own!”Saying this,he tried to get up,stood on shaking legs for just about a few microseconds and fell down,only to be safely caught in the arms of my mom,who hugged him dearly and cried some more.
This was the most heart-breaking thing that I had ever experienced.But it was also a powerful one for the simple fact that it was my little brother who taught us what life was all about—HOPE.
Witnessing my brother's strong will and positive attitude inspired me as well.As a brother,I could not stand by doing nothing at all.Hope was burning in my heart when I had the idea to train my brother to walk again.I firmly believe Ted could stand up and walk as he used to.Whenever school was over,I would put Ted into a pushchair and tell my mom that we'd just go to the park.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
In the park,I would put Ted one meter away from me,encouraging him to walk.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We agreed to keep this a secret from our parents until mom's birthday.
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