

名称 山东省济宁市微山县启明高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题(含答案,含听力原文及音频)
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资源类型 教案
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-19 18:53:04


2023—2024 学年高二下学期月考3
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will Karen do tonight
A. Go swimming. B. Visit Michelle. C. Prepare for a performance.
2. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a restaurant. B. At a supermarket. C. At home.
3. When was the party previously scheduled to start
A. At 6:00 pm. B. At 6:30 pm. C. At 7:00 pm.
4. What should Mike do according to the man
A. Change learning habits. B. Work much harder. C. See a doctor.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A travel experience. B. A history lesson. C. A tourist attraction.
6. What is the probable relationship between Lily and John
A. Brother and sister. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.
7. Why does the man want to join in the woman’s activity
A. To help with a good cause.
B. To have fun on the beach.
C. To have a special camping.
8. How did Anna feel before coming to the classroom
A. Worried. B. Embarrassed. C. Delighted.
9. What bothers Anna now
A. Feeling a bit homesick.
B. Having trouble getting around.
C. Being weak in speaking Chinese.
10. Why does Jason have no time to relax on the weekend
A. He needs to write a book.
B. He must take music courses.
C. He has to do his schoolwork.
11. What is Jenny’s opinion on mental health days off from school
A. It may make things worse.
B. It can solve mental problems well.
C. It can boost parent-child relationship.
12. What does Jenny think is important in students’ mental health
A. Students’ self-control.
B. A mental health lecture.
C. Doctors’ suggestions.
13. Where did the man read the story about a flight
A. In a newspaper. B. In a magazine. C. On a website.
14. Who called the air traffic controller for help
A. A pilot. B. An air hostess. C. A passenger.
15. What did the air traffic controller decide to do
A. Teach how to operate a plane.
B. Ask his coworkers for help.
C. Make a video of flying.
16. What happened to the plane in the end
A. It crashed. B. It landed safely. C. It caused several deaths.
17. When did Aelita Andre begin to learn painting
A. At 10 years old. B. At 12 months. C. At 9 months.
18. What was the highest price of Aelita Andre’s work
A. $4,000. B. $10,000. C. $14,000.
19. What was Aelita Andre’s achievement in 2020
A. She drew a painting of Jackson Pollock.
B. She won Global Child Prodigy Awards.
C. She had her own exhibition in Manhattan.
20. Why does the speaker give the talk
A. To introduce a truly talented artist.
B. To show her concerns about Aelita Andre.
C. To illustrate the value of abstract paintings.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
Write a poem about how courage, determination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.
3 Grand Prizes(特等奖): Trip to Washington, D.C.for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner’s choice.Trip includes round-trip air tickets, hotel stay for two nights, and tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office of National Geographic World.
6 First Prizes: The book Sky Pioneer:A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch.
50 Honorable Mentions: Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart’s final flight.
Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification.
■Write a poem using 100 words or fewer.Your poem can be any format, any number of lines.
■Write by hand or type on a single sheet of paper.You may use both the front and back of the paper.
■On the same sheet of paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.
■Mail your entry to us by October 31 this year.
21.How many people can each grand prize winner take on the free trip
A.Six. B.Four. C.Three. D.Two.
22.What will each of the honorable mention winners get
A.A plane ticket.
B.A special T-shirt.
C.A book by Corinne Szabo.
D.A photo of Amelia Earhart.
23.Which of the following will result in disqualification
A.Typing your poem out.
B.Using both sides of the paper.
C.Writing a poem of 110 words.
D.Mailing your entry on October 30.
Some people never read any books again and feel that since they already know the outcome, there is nothing to be gained by rereading. I have to dissent.
I am reminded of a professor in college, who always had us read our assignments twice. “The first time, read fast and for fun,” he said. “The second time, look for delicate distinctions and small differences in meaning.” His suggestion works great for me.
When I have a new book, I read fast, eager to discover the resolution. Then if I like the book, I will read it again. Not right away, but a few months later, possibly on a rainy Sunday afternoon, I will grab the book and settle down to discover the small details. I will read more slowly the second time, appreciating the descriptions and looking forward to my favorite sections, enjoying the anticipation. Knowing those favorite passages are coming does not spoil anything. I'm looking forward to revisiting those treasured places in the book. Knowing they are coming heightens my enjoyment.
Rereading a book gives me a chance to appreciate the small things an author integrates into her story. A turn of a character’s head, a thought in the night, a sigh, these are the things that give insights into a book and the characters. I love dissecting (剖析) a story the second time around, looking for clues that give the tale a deep meaning. Reading is like revisiting a friend, familiar, yet always with something more inside.
What have I been reading lately The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart. These books rank among my all-time favorite rereads. Set in Britain in roughly the second half of the 5th century CE, they were Mary Stewart’s take on the familiar King Arthur stories. If you are unfamiliar with them, I highly recommend all three books, especially if you love fantasy and historical fiction.
24. What does the underlined word “descent” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Understand. B. Disagree. C. Complain. D. Discontinue.
25. According to the author’s professor, what should one do during the second reading
A. Look for assignment clues. B. Pay attention to the finer details.
C. Stick to the most interesting sections. D. Skip some parts to get to the end fast.
26. What does the author enjoy about rereading a book
A. Visiting the places mentioned in the book.
B. Discovering the resolution of the story quickly.
C. Finding out the lessons learned by the characters.
D. Appreciating the writer’s storytelling techniques.
27. What is The Merlin Trilogy
A. The author's new favorites.
B. A series of science-fiction novels.
C. Books based on ancient British stories.
D. Mary Stewart’s successful adaptations.
When Kurt Benirschke started collecting skin samples from endangered animals in 1972, he didn’t have a firm plan on what to do with them. As a researcher at the University of California San Diego, he believed that one day these samples would be used to save these animals. A few years later, he moved his collection to the San Diego Zoo, and called it the Frozen Zoo.
For a long time, it was the only project of its kind; however, in recent years, similar conservation efforts have spread globally, and tools Benirschke didn’t have are now available. Today, the Frozen Zoo is the world’s largest animal cryobank (生物冷冻库), holding samples from over 10,500 individual animals from 1,220 species, in the hope that one day science can bring them back as a species.
The Frozen Zoo’s advanced technology is the key to its success in saving species from extinction. By using cryopreservation techniques, the zoo can store cells and tissues from endangered animals. The stored genetic material can be used for research, breeding (繁殖) programs, and potentially cloning or genetic engineering to restore endangered species.
By protecting the genetic heritage of endangered animals, the Frozen Zoo provides hope for the survival of species that would otherwise be at risk of dying out. It has inspired the establishment of similar cryobanks worldwide, expanding efforts to conserve endangered species. These cryobanks contribute to the global network of genetic resources, improving cooperation and knowledge exchange. By demonstrating the potential of technology in the preservation of biodiversity, the Frozen Zoo serves as a powerful tool in raising awareness and driving change.
The Frozen Zoo is like a time capsule, preserving the genetic heritage of endangered species for future generations. It reminds us about the importance of conservation and offers a window into a world that could otherwise be lost forever.
28. What do we know about the Frozen Zoo
A. It is the world’s oldest and largest animal cryobank.
B. It started with a detailed plan led by Kurt Benirschke.
C. It is a project to explore the evolution of animal species.
D. It was established to protect animals in the San Diego Zoo.
29. How does the Frozen Zoo save species from extinction
A. By expanding their natural habitats.
B. By raising their survival rate with genetic technology.
C. By preserving their genetic material for further research.
D. By innovating breeding techniques to increase their population.
30. Why does the author mention “time capsule” in the last paragraph
A. To emphasize the importance of the Frozen Zoo.
B. To explain the urgency of saving endangered species.
C. To prove the potential value of preserving biodiversity.
D. To demonstrate the necessity of cooperative conservation efforts.
31. What words could best describe the Frozen Zoo project
A. Costly and worthwhile. B. Profitable and instructive.
C. Conservative and effective. D. Pioneering and significant.
These days, Fred’s huge skeleton (骨架) is exhibited in the Indiana State Museum. His tusks (长牙) were recently the subject of a research study tracing the life 13,000 years ago of mastodons, distant relatives of modern elephants.
By analyzing the chemical compounds (化合物) in Fred’s tusks, a team of researchers could construct a detailed account of his seasonal migration patterns. Josh Miller, a paleoecologist (古生态学家) at the University of Cincinnati, is one of the researchers studying Fred. “He has beautifully preserved bones and tusks, which provides a great opportunity for our research on his seasonal migration patterns,” Miller said.
Mastodons’ tusks generally grow in distinct layers, similar to the tree rings. As a result, the nutrients that build the layers of their tusks can tell us a lot about what they experienced. The team particularly focused their analysis on the variations in two elements in the layers: strontium (锶) and oxygen. The former is the key to understanding where Fred spent his life, while the latter tells us the season he was in any particular region. Then, with some statistical modeling, Miller and his team gained insight into the daily record of Fred’s behavior over ten thousand years ago.
The result indicated that Fred would have grown a lot when he was young. But there’s a year when his growth is reduced. “Probably like the modern male elephant, a male mastodon is just really obnoxious when growing up to be a bother and often arouses family members’ anger. At that point, the mom and aunts will essentially kick him out of the family.” Miller predicted.
After Fred set off to attend to himself, his tusks reflected where he travelled around. Based on the analysis, Fred would return to mate every summer in Northeastern Indiana, because his tusks started to show signs of injuries around this time. When competing for mates, mastodons get into huge battles with their own natural weapons sharp tusks. And that was exactly what brought Fred’s story to an untimely end.
32. What did Miller’s study mainly focus on
A. Effective ways of tusk preservation. B. Inner structure of Fred’s skeleton.
C. Possible tracks of Fred’s migration. D. Special functions of mastodon tusks.
33. How did researchers learn about Fred’s behavior in the ancient age
A. By analyzing nutrients in Fred’s bones.
B. By reviewing statistical records of previous studies.
C. By modeling data of chemical elements in Fred’s tusks.
D. By referring to the growth of tree rings to study Fred’s tusk layers.
34. What can be inferred about Fred from the last paragraph
A. He was killed by his opponents. B. He reunited with his family later.
C. He was drawn to cross-species fights. D. He was weak in living independently.
35. In which section of a newspaper will the article appear
Geology. B. Culture. C. Education. D. Science.
Four surprising ways algae (藻类) are driving innovation
Algae can be a double-edged sword. Increased human activity and climate change have caused explosions of algae populations in water bodies around the world sometimes choking entire ecosystems of sunlight and oxygen. Even though they are so closely associated with humanity’s negative impact on Earth, algae could also play key roles in helping fight pollution, viruses, and more. 36
Filtering (过滤) water.
With microplastic pollution documented in almost all water bodies, a recent study shows that through absorption, algae can help filter microplastics out of water. 37
Fueling air travel.
38 Researchers at a German algae cultivation facility are already using it to fuel drones. They believe this and other sustainable fuels could reduce carbon emissions from airplanes by up to 80 percent.
Fighting viruses.
Red algae can prevent the replication (复制) of some viruses, including COVID-19, according to a 2020 study. 39 Thus, it could become a powerful medication to treat HIV, the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (AIDS).
In 2019, freshwater algae were launched into space to turn the carbon dioxide exhaled (呼出) by astronauts on the International Space Station into oxygen. Since algae are also high in protein, they could replace up to 30 percent of astronaut food in the future.
Making space food more nutritious.
Making long-term space travel possible.
These are several ways algae are solving modern problems.
Some algae can also filter chemicals that can be used in fertilizers.
Brown algae have been shown to stimulate the body’s immune system.
Algae can produce more effective biofuels than traditional sources like soybeans.
It aims to harvest algae for energy while keeping the environment pollution-free.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was angry with my sixteen-year-old son Anthony, and stormed out of the house. Standing on the front porch (门廊), I 41 deeply. I saw my elderly neighbor, Clara, working in her garden. Seeking 42 , I walked across the street.
“Anthony again ” Clara asked. “It’s his hair again,” I replied. “Have you seen him All that mass of messy curls 43 over his shoulders! But just mention a haircut, and he gets that same 44 look in his eyes I’ve seen a million times before.”
Clara smiled, “It’s only hair, Liz.” She spoke slowly, 45 each word, “It’s … only… hair!” Then her smile disappeared, and her expression became 46 . “I learned years ago when my husband died, leaving me three young kids. I had to put everything in perspective if I were to 47 . I learned how to say, ‘But it’s only…’ But it’s only a bad day. Tomorrow will be better.” She nodded her head firmly. “You 48 it, don’t you, honey Everybody has enough 49 in their lives without wasting 50 on the ‘it’s only ’ things that come their way.”
After returning to my house, I baked some cookies, and carried them to Anthony’s room. “Can I come in, honey ” “Not if you’re going to 51 about my hair again.” I pushed the door open and held out the cookies. “Not one word. I 52 .” He stared at the plate of cookies greedily, but there was still a glint of 53 in his eyes. “Not one word about my hair ” He looked at me challengingly.
“It’s only hair,” I said. “It’s your hair. Not mine.” Anthony smiled broadly, saying, “Thanks for 54 understanding me, Mom. And thanks for the cookies.” Now I’ve learned to let go of the “it’s only” 55 , and Anthony is more willing to listen to me.
41. A. dug B. drank C. sighed D. reflected
42. A. acceptance B. sympathy C. company D. relaxation
43. A. fixing up B. showing off C. flying around D. hanging down
44. A. disapproving B. puzzled C. loving D. hungry
45. A. analyzing B. recalling C. emphasizing D. polishing
46. A. awful B. serious C. funny D. acceptable
47. A. return B. succeed C. persist D. survive
48. A. take B. make C. get D. believe
49. A. power B. trouble C. work D. support
50. A. mess B. freedom C. space D. energy
51. A. complain B. bring C. lie D. joke
52. A. doubt B. pretend C. promise D. protest
53. A. annoyance B. suspicion C. competence D. rebellion
54. A. finally B. instantly C. accurately D. completely
55. A. principles B. approaches C. situations D. regulations
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In November 2023, China launched a three-year action plan 56 (promote) the use of bamboo as a replacement for plastic. Actually, I’ve been using bamboo products more often over the years.
The look and feel of bamboo are absolutely above and beyond plastic, but there must be more positive aspects to bamboo other than just aesthetics (美学). When compared with unhealthy plastic, bamboo is a highly renewable, 57 (rely) and natural material that is biodegradable (可生物降解的) . And it 58 ( become) the “green gold” of modern times in recent years because it has so many good qualities. Living in a time 59 most of our homes are filled with plastic, I think it’s time to wake up to the green alternative, to show 60 (prefer) for it and to realize its full potential as 61 planet protector.
This super-powered plant is actually a grass and looks like a weed in terms of 62 quickly it can grow and where it can live. Due to the easy availability of this material, the production costs of bamboo are 63 (significance) low. From household objects to decorative settings, the quantity of bamboo uses has gone 64 our wildest dreams and I’d love to see it becoming more popular 65 time goes on.
第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
你校英文报开设了新专栏 “My future career”,请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
It was ten years ago. I was at the departure gates of the airport, reading a cartoon book to pass the time while waiting for my parents to check in. A sea of people filled the airport and loud chatter echoed (回响) throughout the vast terminal (航站楼) halls. People were coming in and out of countless doors.
The cartoon shop caught my eye, for it was filled with cartoon figurines (小雕像). I caught sight of a new figurine from my favourite cartoon, “One Piece” it was an action figurine of my favourite character, Luffy! My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes brightened like diamonds.
Without thinking twice, I ran towards the store. Holding the action figurine carefully in my hands, I imagined the scenes I could come up with using my action figurines at home. Filled with excitement, I hugged the toy and jumped for joy. Unfortunately, I did not have any money on me. Without doubt, I knew I had to share this newfound discovery with my parents!
After returning the action figurine to its shelf, I darted (飞奔) out of the store, retracing my steps back to where I had left my parents. When I reached the location where I had last seen them, I realised that they were nowhere to be found. I tried to look for the terminal departure gate my parents were supposed to be waiting at, but the gates all looked the same. As I stood rooted to the ground, my excitement started to die down. Anxiety enveloped me and my heart started pounding in my chest.
Tears rolled down my hot cheeks like a waterfall as I blamed myself. Why did I have to get distracted and leave my parents without informing them There were thousands of people at the airport! It would be impossible to find them! Regretting my actions, I blamed myself silently.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Suddenly, my mother’s advice echoed in my mind: “If you are ever lost, don’t panic! Stay calm, and ask for help!” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A few minutes later, my parents, extremely breathless, appeared at the information counter.
2023—2024 学年高二下学期月考3答案
1~5 CABAC 6~10 BAACC 11~15 ABCCA 16~20 BCBBA
21-23 DBC 24-27 BBDC 28-31 ACAD 32-35 CCAD
36-40 CDFEB
41-45 CBDAC 46-50 BDCBD 51-55 ACBAC
to promote 57. reliable 58. has become 59. when 60. preference
61. a 62. how 63. significantly 64. beyond 65. as
When it comes to the future career, I have been dreaming of becoming a lawyer since childhood.
To achieve my dream, I must work diligently for the time being to have a good command of knowledge. Only through hard work can I be admitted to my ideal university where I will major in law. Besides, I should also build myself up, which is the basic condition for my progress in study.
In short, I hope my efforts today will pay off next year and I can have a bright future and a meaningful life!
Suddenly, my mother’s advice echoed in my mind: “If you are ever lost, don’t panic! Stay calm, and ask for help!” Now I got into this mess, so I must get myself out of it! I wiped away my tears and looked for the signs which could lead me to the information counter. Following the signs, I reached the information counter. I nervously asked the lovely staff to help me find my parents. The lady reassured me with a kind smile, before beginning her announcement into the speaker, “Attention, there’s a missing child at the information counter at Terminal D...”
A few minutes later, my parents, extremely breathless, appeared at the information counter. My face lit up as soon as I saw them. “Mum! Dad!” I called out. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me and jumped into my mother’s welcoming arms. With tears streaming down her face, my mother praised me for staying calm. Excitedly, I filled my parents in on my little adventure, from realising I had gotten lost to finally reuniting with them. After listening to my tale, they enveloped me in a warm hug.
Text 1
M: Karen, I’m going swimming in the gym tonight. Would you like to join me
W: I’d like to, but Michelle will come to my home. We plan to practice for our performance.
Text 2
W: Mark, how about ordering some red wine and beef
M: Good idea. So what else do you want to have
W: I’m still looking at the menu. There’re just too many options.
Text 3
M: Why hasn’t anybody come yet It’s already 6:30 pm now.
W: Honey, I forgot to tell you. I’ve told them to come half an hour later. I thought I would need more time to prepare for the party.
Text 4
W: I heard Mike studies very hard. He often stays up late for his study.
M: I’ve also heard about that. But don’t you think it can do harm to his health I do think he needs to have better learning habits.
Text 5
W: Tom, where do you suggest I go in the coming holiday
M: Why not visit Jinggang Ancient Town It’s a very famous old town. It has a long and rich history.
W: That’s great. I really expect to learn more about the town.
Text 6
M: Lily, I planned to go camping with my sister this weekend. Would you like to go with us
W: Sorry, John, but I already have plans. I’m going to the beach with our classmates Grace and Dave.
M: Sounds great! I also want some fun on the beach. Can I join you
W: Sorry, but we’re not going there for fun. We’re going there to clean up the beach. We’ve decided to carry out beach clean-ups every weekend.
M: I’m passionate about environmental and climate change projects, too. I think tidying the seafront is a simple action we all can take. I’ll definitely go with you.
W: Good.
Text 7
M: Anna, do you love your time studying here
W: Yes. I was not so happy before I walked into the school. I knew nobody here and I really didn’t know what to expect. But the minute I came to the classroom, I started to feel at home. I was surprised how much everyone wanted to make friends and how welcoming everyone was.
M: I’m so glad to hear that. So do you know how to get around the city now
W: Yes. It was really a challenge to get around in the beginning, but now it’s easy.
M: How do you find your home stay family
W: They’re really nice. But I do have a problem.
M: What is it
W: I often fail to make myself understood when I talk to others in Chinese.
Text 8
W: Jason, do you think we should get mental health days off from school
M: Yes, Jenny. Sometimes we need to stay home and have a good rest after hard schoolwork. I want days when I need soft music to make me feel relaxed. I also enjoy playing around.
W: But you can do those things after school or on the weekend.
M: You know, I have to do schoolwork and read books as well.
W: Well, I don’t think schools should give students days off for their mental health.
M: Why
W: Having too many days off can affect our study and even our life. And many students’ parents like mine have to go to work. If students get too many days off, they might be at home alone too much. This could make some students’ mental health issues worse.
M: But some students have serious mental health challenges. How can they get help
W: I do think a mental health lecture can play a vital role in students’ daily life and help to protect them from mental illness.
M: That sounds like a good idea.
Text 9
W: Have you finished reading the magazine, Henry
M: Yes. Now I’m reading some online news. I just read a news story about a flight. It was really amazing.
W: Did anything happen to the flight
M: Yes. On Tuesday afternoon an air traffic controller in Florida got an emergency radio call. Someone taking the flight told him that he didn’t know how to fly the airplane.
W: Why did that person want to fly the plane
M: Because the pilot of the airplane wasn’t well.
W: The air traffic controller must have been very worried.
M: Sure. But he had been working as an air traffic controller for many years. Even more importantly, he trains pilots. By giving careful instructions, the controller was able to help the man pilot the plane down, and land safely.
W: Did anybody get injured
M: Luckily, that didn’t happen. It was really a miracle.
W: Surely it was. That man was really brave. He saved all the lives on the plane.
M: That’s true.
Text 10
W: Most babies first learn to walk and talk before developing any skills or hobbies, but this was not in the case of 15-year-old Australian artist Aelita Andre.When she was 9 months old, she started to learn painting by herself. By the age of one year and ten months, her first painting was in London Art Gallery. She had her first solo exhibition in Manhattan when she was just four years old. The show was called “The Prodigy of Colors”. Aelita’s exhibition in Manhattan was displayed for three weeks straight. All her 24 artworks were sold there within a week. The price was ranging from $4,000 to $10,000. Aelita’s work gained popularity and fame, and her artworks began appearing in the big galleries all over the world. Critics call her young Picasso, and her painting style is frequently compared with Jackson Pollock, the greatest abstract artist of all time. Global Child Prodigy Awards is the world’s first and only award ceremony to recognize unique and talented children. Aelita Andre won the award in 2020. Everyone has his or her own talent, so find your own talent.