人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-20 13:09:30



课 题 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns(reading and thinking )
课时安排 2课时 课前准备 30分钟
教材内容 分 析 本单元出自是人民教育出版社出版的高二英语新教材必修5的第五单元First Aid—First Aid for Burns,其中心话题围绕“First Aid”展开,reading部分是本课的重点,重在训练学生精确找到阅读信息的能力,并且从阅读中获取解决实际问题的技能,如怎样判断烧伤的不同等级以及如何处理烧伤。本课所学到的知识有利于学生解决生活中的实际问题。阅读部分以阅读任务推动,引导学生发展阅读能力;读后部分以小组为单位学习不同小意外的处理方法,然后进行班级分享,鼓励学生以动作、语言输出所学知识,并结合实际情况学以致用。总结部分采用新闻视频,让学生观看一名护士利用急救知识偶然在高速公路上久了一名发生车祸的陌生人的新闻报道,引导学生形成用所学拯救他人的价值观,弘扬社会主义核心价值观。
设计理念 阅读设计理念应该以学生为中心,注重学生的个体差异和实际需求,以提高学生的阅读能力、扩大词汇量、培养思维能力、拓展文化视野为目标。同时,也要不断更新和完善教学方法和手段,以适应时代发展的需要。1.Warming-up以学生实际生活中可能遇到的小意外的照片引入话题,激发学生兴趣;2.Pre-reading Today we are going to learn first aid for burns. Please look at the picture on the screen , and answer: What has happened to the girl (利用多媒体呈现)3. Reading,Please read the title and the headings . Skim for general idea.(skills and contents)4.post reading (output)
学情分析 学生情况分析: 本课的授课对象是高二的学生,已经积累了一定的英语阅读技巧,但3班的学生英语基础较差,英语学习热情不足,表现在词汇量不足:由于词汇量有限,学生在阅读、写作和听力方面会遇到困难。 语法知识不扎实:一些学生对语法知识掌握不够扎实,导致在阅读和写作中经常出现语法错误。 学习方法不当:部分学生没有掌握有效的学习方法,只是机械地记单词和学习语法,缺乏实际的语言运用能力。 学习态度和兴趣不足:一些学生对英语学习的兴趣不高,缺乏主动性和积极性,这会影响他们的学习效果。语表达
教学目标 Enable the students to master : 1).burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeeze out, over and over again, bandage, in place 2).Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. First degree burns turn white when pressed. Enable the students to master some knowledge of first aid. Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger.
教学重难点 1. Get students to acquire some first aid skills through reading 2. How to output what learned into practice to solve some daily problems.
教学环节(一) 师生活动 Step Ⅰ Lead-in T: Last time you have learned warming up of unit 5 ----first aid ,and known something about first aid . Now who can tell us what first aid is Ss: First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or get injured before a doctor can be found . T: good ,And it is very important for injured people .Sometimes it will draws the line between life and death. T: In our life, sometimes we will face different kinds of injuries .and I hope you all can dealt with every accident in the right way.
设计意图 Using ppt and short video to lead in the topic of the class-first aid as well as arousing the student’s learning interest.
教学环节(二) 师生活动 Step Ⅱ Pre-reading T: So. Today we are going to learn first aid for burns. Please look at the picture on the screen , and answer: What has happened to the girl Sa: The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself. T: What sort of injures the girl will have Sb: She will have bad burns. T: What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation What should you do S: Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold water for several minutes. Cover the wound with a loose bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth. See a doctor if necessary. T: Ok , remember your opinions, and now let’s find out the answer in the passage, then decide whether your opinions are right or wrong .
设计意图 设计在该环节的技术应用是否合理。同样需要考虑到技术应用是否能满足教学、是否能创新教学环节、是否符合学生学情等一些列问题。
教学环节 (三) 师生活动 Step Ⅲ Fast reading Please read the title and the headings . Skim for general idea. T: What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized S: It is about first aid for burns and the information is organized according to causes, types, characteristics and first aid treatment for burns. T: These topics are disorder . could you number them from 1 to 5 according to the passage . _____ the three types of burns _____ what to do if someone gets burned _____ the function of skin _____ the symptoms of burns _____ how we get burns
教学环节 (四) 师生活动 Step Ⅳ Detail reading T: Good. Pay attention to the title and subtitles. It clearly shows the main idea of each paragraph. We’ve known the main idea of the article from the headings. Now let’s get to details. Let’s read the first paragraph and fill in the blacks : 1. Our body’s largest organ:_____ 2. We have ______ ______ of the skin. 3. Your skin ______ you _____ or _____. 4. It ________ your body ______ ______ ______. 5. It gives you your _____ _____ _____ . T: Very good. So the skin is very important for our body. How can we get burnt Now let’s read the second paragraph and answer the question. S: We can get burnt by: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals. T: Good. Then let’s come to the third paragraph, see how many types of burns. What are they S: There are three. First degree;Second degree;Third degree. T: Good. Now read Ex. 2. If you don’t want to read the whole text ,but you have to finish Ex.2. Which part of the text do you need to look at S: The section under the heading Characteristics of burns. T: Yes. Please read para.3-4. And fill in the blank bellow.
教学环节 (五) 师生活动 Step Ⅴ Summary of first aid treatment
1. ______ clothing and jewellery near the burns. 2. ______ the burns with cold water. 3. ______ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. 4. ______ the burned area gently. 5. ______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 6. ______ the burned area ______ than the heart, if possible. 7. ______ the victim ____the doctor or hospital, if possible.
板书设计 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns(reading and thinking ) Key words: burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeeze out, over and over again, bandage, in place Key sentence: Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. First degree burns turn white when pressed.
教学反思 课前导入部分使用了学生自己的照片,而非单一地呈现书本上的图片,让学生有耳目一新的感觉,自然地引入本单元话题。阅读部分采取Jigsaw Reading,引导学生快速找到相关阅读信息,再通过合作完成信息交换。读后阶段,利用小组活动拓展急救知识,并鼓励学生大胆利用适当语言、课堂教具、肢体动作等分享急救技能。本课内容完整连贯,但读后部分由于时间关系,组间分享不充分,可布置学生课下更充分地准备,下节课继续分享。