

名称 福建省厦门双十中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(含答案,含听力原文,无音频)
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文件大小 183.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-20 22:14:04



厦门双十中学2023—2024 学年高二年第二学期月考(二)英语试卷
June 12, 2024
满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
第一卷(选择题, 共95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the man do tonight
A. Offer a recipe. B. Make some cookies. C. Go to a bakery.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. On a bus. B. In a hotel. C. At the seaside.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. Weather forecast. B. A vacation plan. C. Outdoor activities.
4. What does the woman want to watch
A. Evening news. B. A sports game. C. A quiz show.
5. How does the woman feel about the store
A. It has many choices. B. The prices there are low. C. Most of its assistants are helpful.
6. Who is the man
A. A part-time salesman. B. A local author. C. A physics teacher.
7. What do we know about the physics section
A. It is newly-opened.
B. It is restricted to members.
C. It has increased its collection.
8. What is the major problem of the repair
A. The man has a tight schedule.
B. The woman can’t find the right place.
C. The replacement parts are hard to get.
9. What will the man do next
A. Buy a new bike. B. Check the cost. C. Deliver the supplies.
10. What are the speakers discussing
A. A competitive market. B. Various product models. C. Last month’s product sales.
11. What does the woman say about TV commercials
A. They ran for 5 months. B. They are successful. C. They cost a lot.
12. What does the man suggest
A. Having a meeting. B. Talking with the president. C. Reviewing the report together.
13. What is the woman doing
A. Introducing an art form. B. Hosting a program. C. Giving a lecture.
14. How do visitors attend indoor events at the Uitmarkt
A. By booking tickets in advance.
B. By buying a pass for the entire weekend.
C. By entering freely before the doors are closed.
15. Why do performers offer their services at the Uitmarkt
A. To attract audience to future performances.
B. To enhance their own talent and skills.
C. To give their support to local artists.
16. What impressed Roland about the Uitmarkt’s organization
A. Various performances. B. Efficient waste clearing. C. Convenient transportation.
17. What did people worry about concerning the post office
A. It would be closed down.
B. It would be expensive to run.
C. It would be moved out of Scotland.
18. Why did the Fords want to come back home
A. To start a company.
B. To look after their mothers.
C. To do business with a company.
19. When did the Fords decide to make an offer for the post office
A. Once they had completed their research.
B. Immediately after viewing the listing.
C. After taking advice from their mothers.
20. What do the Fords expect
A. To cut back postal services. B. To build a new community. C. To receive more visitors.
第二部分 阅读理解(共2节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题, 每题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
The Role of Crowdfunding in Business Growth
Crowdfunding is a fundraising method that makes use of the power of the Internet and social networks. It involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of individuals or investors, typically through online platforms. These platforms connect entrepreneurs (创业者) with potential backers who contribute funds to support a specific project, business, or idea.
Types of Crowdfunding
Reward-Based Crowdfunding—Backers get a reward, such as a product sample or easy access, in exchange for their contribution. This model is popular for startups and creative projects.
Equity (股权) Crowdfunding—Investors receive shares or equity in the business in exchange for their funding. This model is ideal for small businesses looking to raise substantial capital and is subject to specific regulations.
Debt Crowdfunding—Entrepreneurs borrow money from backers and agree to repay it with interest over time. This model is similar to a loan and is suitable for businesses with a clear repayment plan.
Tips for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Set clear goals: Define your funding goal, the purpose of the funds, and how you’ll use the money.
Persuasive story: Make an appealing and genuine story about your business. Explain why it matters and how backers’ contributions will make a difference.
Engage your network: Mobilize your existing network of friends, family, and professional contacts to support your campaign. Their initial contributions can build momentum (动力).
Transparency: Be transparent and honest about your project’s progress and any challenges you encounter. Backers appreciate honesty.
Fulfill promises: Once your campaign is successful, fulfill your promises to backers timely and communicate regularly.
21. According to the passage, which of the following is accurate about crowdfunding
A. Reward-Based Crowdfunding is the most popular type of crowdfunding.
B. Backers can get the same kinds of rewards in the three types of crowdfunding.
C. Crowdfunding is a fundraising technique that relies on offline platforms.
D. Debt Crowdfunding is fit for businesses with a specific repayment schedule.
22. The 4th tip “Transparency” probably means “________”.
A. modesty B. perseverance C. frankness D. optimism
23. The owners of Exploding Kittens, a card game corporation established six years ago, plan to raise a large sum of capital to start a promotion campaign. They are highly recommended to ________.
A.choose Reward-Based Crowdfunding instead of Equity Crowdfunding
B. draft an attractive story about the campaign based on real information
C. realize their promises to backers on time even if the campaign is a failure
D. compare the initial support provided by different existing contacts
I used to think I was a good person. I was caring to my friends, my partner, my family; I gave to charity and I volunteered. But when I started training to become a therapist (治疗师), I began to understand that however much we might like to think of ourselves as good people, we don’t actually know ourselves very well. I learned about how we might, without consciously realizing it, deny the feelings and motivations we consider to be bad, pushing them down into our unconscious and projecting them out on to others, so they become the bad people. I learned that deep in the human mind, alongside love and kindness, run currents of anger, need, greed, envy, destructiveness, superiority—whether we want to acknowledge them or not.
It was 22-year-old Boru who taught me what it really means to be a good grown up. We first spoke two years ago. He was unemployed, living with his parents, watching his friends’ lives progress. A good grown-up, he told me, is “someone who has his ducks in a row”—and that wasn’t him.
I also didn’t feel like the competent, confident grown-up I thought I should be—and neither did most of the adults I knew. I researched statistics about people hitting the traditional landmarks of adulthood later and later, if at all—from buying a home to getting married or starting a family. I recognized what made me feel like a bad grown-up: that I’ll sit with a broken fridge rather than call an engineer to repair it.
Then I saw Boru again. He told me how, over two years, he’d found a job he loves, rented a flat with a friend. He’s now cycling round the world, having adventures that will keep him strong for the rest of his life. So what changed “You start to have those conversations with yourself, and you become more of an honest person. I don’t feel like I’m hiding from anything anymore, because I’m not hiding from myself.”
I think growing up must involve finding your own way to have those conversations. Boru does it on his bike, I do it in psychoanalysis, others I spoke to do it while cooking or playing music. That, for Boru, and for me, is what it means to “have his ducks in a row”.
24. What does the first paragraph imply about understanding ourselves
A. Recognizing our positive traits is enough for growth.
B. Our understanding of our motives and feelings is accurate.
C. True self-awareness means accepting both good and bad sides.
D. Ignoring our negative traits does not affect our self-perception.
25. What critical lesson did the author learn from Boru about being a good grown-up
A. It involves having a clear career path and financial stability.
B. It requires constant self-improvement and education.
C. It means being employed and living independently.
D. It is like a journey of self-discovery and honesty.
26. What does the author identify as a reason for feeling like an inadequate adult
A. Escaping basic responsibilities.
B. Delaying reaching traditional life milestones.
C. Comparing personal achievements to others.
D. Investigating changing patterns of adult life.
27. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage
A. Why Hide Harms B. How to Be Better Adults
C. Why Growing up Matters D. How to Have Effective Conversations
From Marie Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors to Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion (鬼屋) to horror-themed escape rooms, haunted house attractions have terrified and delighted audiences around the world for more than 200 years.
These attractions turn out to be good places to study fear. They help scientists understand the body’s response to fright and how we perceive some situations as enjoyably thrilling and others as truly terrible. One surprising finding: having friends close at hand in a haunted house might make you more jumpy, not less so.
Psychologist and study co-author Sarah Tashjian, who is now at the University of Melbourne, and her team conducted their research with 156 adults, who each wore a wireless wrist sensor during their visit. The sensor measured skin responses linked to the body’s reactions to stress and other situations. When the sensor picked up, for example, greater skin conductance — that is, the degree to which the skin can transmit an electric current — that was a sign that the body was more aroused and ready for fight or flight. In addition to this measure, people reported their expected fear (on a scale of 1 to 10) before entering the haunted house and their experienced fear (on the same scale) after completing the haunt.
The scientists found that people who reported greater fear also showed heightened skin responses. Being with friends, Tashjian and her colleagues further found, increased physiological arousal during the experience, which was linked to stronger feelings of fright. In fact, the fear response was actually weaker when people went through the house in the presence of strangers.
Other investigators have used haunted houses to understand how fear and enjoyment can coexist. In a 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen, a member of the Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark, scientists joined forces with Dystopia Haunted House. The Danish attraction includes such terrifying experiences as being chased by “Mr. Piggy”, a large, chain-saw-wielding man wearing a bloody butcher’s apron and pig mask. People between the ages of 12 and 57 were video recorded at peak moments during the attraction, wore heart-rate monitors throughout and reported on their experience. People’s fright was tied to large-scale heart-rate fluctuations(波动); their enjoyment was linked to small-scale ones. The results suggest that fear and enjoyment can happen together when physiological arousal is balanced “just right”.
28. Studying haunted house attractions helps scientists to learn about ________.
A. the psychological effects of fear on individuals
B. the history of horror-themed entertainment
C. the body’s response to material rewards
D. the impact of technology on people’s fright
29. How did Sarah Tashjian and her team conduct their research on haunted house experiences
A. By surveying participants. B. By analyzing historical records.
C. By employing wireless wrist sensors. D. By using virtual reality simulations.
30. What did Tashjian and her colleagues discover in their study
A. Being with friends boosted level of physiological arousal.
B. The fear reaction was stronger in the company of strangers.
C. Psychological effect was unrelated to intensified feelings of fright.
D. Those reporting lightened fear showed increased skin responses.
31. It can be concluded from the 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen that ________.
A. fear and enjoyment are always experienced separately
B. large-scale heart-rate fluctuations were linked to enjoyment
C. the age of the participants was not related to the study’s findings
D. fear and enjoyment can coexist under certain conditions
Hundreds of people die at sea every year due to ship and airplane accidents. Emergency teams have little time to rescue those in the water because the probability of finding a person alive falls dramatically after six hours. Beyond tides and challenging weather conditions, unsteady coastal currents often make search and rescue operations extremely difficult.
New insight into coastal flows gained by an international research team led by George Haller, Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at ETH Zurich, promises to enhance the search and rescue techniques currently in use. Using tools from dynamical systems’ theory and ocean data, the team has developed an algorithm (算法) to predict where objects and people floating in water will go. “Our work has a clear potential to save lives,” says Mattia Serra, the first author of a study recently published in Nature Communications.
In today’s rescue operations at sea, complicated models of ocean dynamics and weather forecasting are used to predict the path of floating objects. For fast-changing coastal waters, however, such predictions are often inaccurate due to uncertain boundaries and missing data. As a result, a search may be launched in the wrong location, causing a loss of precious time.
Haller’s research team obtained mathematical results predicting that objects floating on the ocean’s surface should gather along a few special curves (曲线) which they call TRansient Attracting Profiles (TRAPs). These curves can’t be seen with our eyes but can be tracked from instant ocean surface current data using recent mathematical methods developed by the ETH team. This enables quick and precise planning of search paths that are less sensitive to uncertainties in the time and place of the accident.
In cooperation with a team from MIT, the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algorithm in two separate ocean experiments near Martha’s Vineyard, which is on the northeastern coast of the United States. Working from the same real-time data available to the Coast Guard, the team successfully identified TRAPs in the region in real-time. They found that buoys and manikins (浮标和人体模型) thrown in the water indeed quickly gathered along these emerging curves. “Of several competing approaches tested in this project, this was the only algorithm that consistently found the right location”, says Haller.
“Our results are rapidly obtained, easy to interpret, and cheap to perform,” points out Serra. Haller stresses: “Our hope is that this method will become a standard part of the tool kit of coast guards everywhere.”
32. In a search and rescue operation, ________.
A. the use of dynamical systems leads to the wrong location
B. the survival rate drops to almost zero after six hours
C. weather conditions are a determining factor
D. changing currents present a challenge
33. The main significance of the new algorithm is ________.
A. accurately predicting weather conditions during rescue operations
B. dependence on satellite technology to locate distressed individuals at sea
C. cost-effective, efficient tracking of objects and individuals in coastal waters
D. predicting the exact time and location of ocean accidents
34. Paragraph 5 mainly talks about ________.
A. the collection of data B. the testing of the algorithm
C. the identification of the TRAPs D. the cooperation of two research teams
35. Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A. How Mathematics Can Save Lives at Sea
B. How Coastal Waters Affect Saving Lives
C. Why Algorithms Are Popular in Rescue Operations
D. Why Success Rates of Rescue Operations Have Risen
第二节(共5小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
We humans are comparison creatures. ____36____ This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy (等级) of the cultures we inhabited. Regardless of the reasons, social comparison plays a significant role in how we view and evaluate ourselves, and how we interact with our world.
It used to be that our primary reference of comparison was our local communities, primarily neighbors and co-workers. Because we tend to gather around those similar to ourselves in terms of educational level, work income, and shared interests, the range of differences when we compared ourselves to others was fairly small. Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world. ____37____ What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.
____38____ When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful. famous, influential and beautiful, given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and “less than”.
These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack. ____39____
It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive (逐步侵蚀的) to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others. ____40____
A. We are constantly measuring ourselves against other people.
B. Yet it is possible, and it is worth the effort for your mental health.
C. Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.
D. We believe that there is something wrong with us compared to others.
E. We can even feel bitterness and anger at others for the unfairness of it all.
F. Comparing ourselves to others has the potential to increase our life experience.
G. This new level of comparison has huge implications for our psychological lives.
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15题, 每题1分, 满分15分)
Many of the world’s islands were previously unexplored places, but over time, people have come to these places with far-reaching effects, including deforestation, over-hunting and the introduction of invasive species. ____41____, most of the bird species disappeared.
While the death of many birds since the 1500s has been ____42____, our knowledge of the fate of species before this relies on fossils, and these records are limited because birds’ lightweight bones are ___43____ over time. This conceals(隐瞒) the true ____44____ of global extinctions.
Researchers now believe 1,430 bird species — almost 12 per cent — have died out over modern human history since around 130,000 years ago, with the vast majority of them becoming extinct directly or indirectly ___45____ human activity.
The study, led by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and published in Nature Communications, used statistical modelling to ___46____ the undiscovered bird extinctions.
Lead author Dr Rob Cooke, an ecological modeler at UKCEH, says: “Our study demonstrates there has been a far higher ___47____ impact on diversity than previously recognized. Humans quickly destroyed bird populations through habitat loss, over-exploitation, and the introduction of rats, pigs, and dogs, which attacked the birds’ nests, and____48____ with birds for food. We show that many species became extinct before written records and left no____49____, lost from history.”
Dr Soren Faurby of the University of Gothenburg, a co-author of the study, adds: “These historic extinctions have had a major impact on the current biodiversity crisis. The world may not only have lost many fascinating birds but also their varied ___50____ roles, which are likely to have included key functions such as pollination (授粉). This will have had knock-on effects on ecosystems, so, ____51____ bird extinctions, we will have lost a lot of plants and animals that ____52____ these species for survival.”
Observations and fossils show 640 bird species have been driven extinct — 90 per cent of these on islands ____53____ by people. These ____54____ from the iconic Dodo of Mauritius to the Great Auk of the North Atlantic to the lesser-known Saint Helena Giant Hoopoe. But the researchers estimate there have been further 790 unknown extinctions, meaning a total of 1,430 lost species — leaving just under 11,000 today. Therefore, from the perspective of protecting species ____55____ , the protection of birds is an urgent issue for mankind.
41. A. In other words B. On average C. As a consequence D. In short
42. A. confirmed B. recorded C. abandoned D. discussed
43. A. distracted B. disposed C. dismissed D. decomposed
44. A. extent B. context C. outcome D. influence
45. A. due to B. other than C. instead of D. in spite of
46. A. declare B. illustrate C. estimate D. emphasize
47. A. climate B. human C. environmental D. natural
48. A. connected B. coped C. lived D. competed
49. A. trace B. route C. change D. chaos
50. A. interactive B. ecological C. productive D. social
51. A. in terms of B. because of C. except for D. in addition to
52. A. count on B. cooperate with C. fight against D. keep off
53. A. inhabited B. removed C. developed D. killed
54. A. result B. range C. suffer D. date
55. A. origin B. project C. growth D. diversity
第二卷( 非选择题 共55分)
第一节 单句语法填空 (共15题, 每题1分, 满分15分)
They will hold a meeting to discuss the ______________ (restrict) laws.
Building a ______________ (harmony) society is our common goal.
He said after a short space of silence he ______________ (consider) the problem again.
59. They need to be ______________ (tolerate) of different points of view.
60. There is some doubt ______________ he’ll keep his promise.
61. Under the agreement, ______________ (release) of cancer-causing chemicals have been cut by about 60 percent.
62. The house that is being built should be ______________ (habit) by the new year.
63. Having undergone something miserable, he did not fall asleep, turning ______________ in bed from time to time.
64. Look after your personal ______________(belong) while waiting for the bus.
65. The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms ______________abandon.
66. The two friends ______________(chat) on the Internet for three hours, and they will go on till next morning.
67. Activities all take place under the ______________ (guide) of an experienced tutor.
68. We ______________ (advertise) in all the local papers for a nurse-companion, but with no result to date.
69. It was the most extreme example of (cruel) to animals I had ever seen.
70. We (stick) in the traffic for over an hour, so we failed to catch our flight.
第四部分 书面表达(40分)
第一节 应用文(15分)
假如你是李华,你所在的国际学校庆祝6月5日“世界环境日”(World Environmental Day)系列活动落下帷幕,校英文报在全校征集活动反馈。请你写一封邮件给编辑,内容包括:
注意: 1.词数80左右;
Dear Sir or Madam,
Best regards,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(25分)
ln the town of Greenfield, a group of three adventurous spirits—Jack, Simon, and Lucas—had discovered an ancient map in Jack’s grandfather’s house. The map, yellowed with age, described a mysterious island that had the legendary Silver Falcon, a statue that was said to award its finder enormous wisdom and fortune.
As typical eighth graders with the excitement of discovery and dreams of greatness, they decided they would be the ones to discover this hidden treasure. They agreed to start this search during the up-and-coming spring break, keeping their plans a secret from the adults who would undoubtedly discourage such a dangerous adventure.
The days that followed were filled with preparation. They read books on survival, learned about the stars for navigation, and tested their courage in smaller woods. The boys were united by their unshakable resolve and the promise of an adventure that could change their lives forever.
As spring break began, they set out just as the sun painted the sky with colors of orange and gold. They felt a mixture of excitement and slight nervousness. They carried backpacks filled with supplies and the ancient map that they hoped would lead them to glory.
The beginning of their journey was full of laughter and songs around the campfire, but as days passed, the trip’s reality set in. The path grew more dangerous, and the maps guided them through thick woods and muddy wetlands. They learned to work together as their friendship was tested by constant challenges. Slowly, the island drew nearer.
A conflict arose when they reached the foot of Mount Veritas, the final barrier before reaching the island. Lucas twisted his ankle, and the slightest movement sent sharp pains shooting through his leg. With time running out, Jack and Simon had to make a choice: should they push on and risk Lucas’ well-being or turn back after coming so far
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
At crossroads, Jack and Simon exchanged knowing glances.
Paragraph 2:
When reaching the Silver Falcon, the three boys found no fortune there at all.
厦门双十中学2023—2024 学年高二年第二学期月考(二)英语试卷
听力理解30分:1-5BABCA 6-10ACCBC 11-15CABCA 16-20BABBC
阅读理解50分: 21-23 DCB 24-27 CDAB 28-31 ACAD 32-35 DCBA 36-40 ACGEB
完形填空15分 :41-45 CBDAA 46-50 CBDAB 51-55 DAABD
56. restrictive 57. harmonious 58. would consider 59. tolerant 60.whether
61. releases 62. habitable 63. over 64. belongings 65. with
66. have been chatting 67. guidance 68. have been advertising
69. cruelty 70. were stuck/had been stuck
Dear Sir or Madam,
I hope this email finds you well. I’d like to provide some feedback on the series of activities organized to celebrate the World Environmental Day.
Firstly, I must highly praise the team for their outstanding efforts in putting together such a diverse and engaging program. From informative workshops to interactive exhibits, not only did the activities raise awareness about the importance of environmental preservation but also developed a sense of appreciation for our natural world among students. Personally, I found learning about the various initiatives aimed at preserving the earth globally has inspired me to reflect on my own behaviors to protect the environment.
Overall, I do believe the event was a great success, and I look forward to participating in similar activities in the future.
Best regards,
Li Hua
读后续写 25分
At crossroads, Jack and Simon exchanged knowing glances. They couldn’t give up halfway nor leave their companion behind. They decided to move on. So, they used emergency handling skills they had learned previously to help Lucas relieve his pain. Then they had Lucas sit on their crossed hands and carried him. When they were tired, they took turns to carry him on their backs, step by step towards the destination. Along the way, they encouraged and helped each other, and finally overcame all the difficulties and arrived at the destination.
When reaching the Silver Falcon, the three boys found no fortune there at all. Lucas was disappointed. They had taken pains all the way to the destination, only to find that the statue did not give them the legendary wisdom and fortune as a reward. However, Jack and Simon felt this adventure was rewarding. Their friendship had been tested, which was more important than any wisdom and fortune. Although they did not receive the expected reward, they did experience personal growth, and achieve a deeper sense of fulfillment and pride.
(Text 1)
W: Would you like some cookies I just made them.
M: Thank you. Mmm ... they are delicious. Are they hard to make
W: No, they’re really quite easy. I've got the recipe right here. You just follow the directions.
M: That does look easy. I think I'll give them a try tonight.
(Text 2)
W: Do you go to the sea-front
M: No, you’re going the wrong way. You want a 143 from the park.
W: Have we got much further to go
M: It’s the next stop.
(Text 3)
M: Where should we go for a getaway this year
W: I want somewhere warm. How about the beach
M: I want to ski. Let’s find a middle ground. How about skiing in the Alps in April
W: But I’m unsure if it will be sunny and warm. I need to research first.
(Text 4)
W: What comes on next after the sports news
M: As far as I can remember there’s a quiz program.
W: Would you mind if I watched it
M: No, I’ve been looking forward to it all evening.
(Text 5)
M: I got a great pair of shoes in that store, reduced to half price.
W: Oh, that’s rare to find good deals there. But they always have what you’re looking for.
M: Yes, it took me a while to find the right pair. I asked two assistants but they didn’t bother to check my size.
W: That’s typical of the staff there.
(Text 6)
W: You’re still at the campus bookstore. I thought it was just for the summer.
M: Haha! You know, the income has been great to cover my tuition.
W: Your physics section is quite extensive!
M: Yeah, with a new supplier we expanded our collection, mixing editions authored by international and local individuals.
W: Are there promotions for teacher members I need some for my physics class.
M: Absolutely! There is a 10% discount.
W: I’m worried you won’t be able to fix it this time.
M: Well, we’re not there yet, but it will take time to repair. We’ll have to wait for the replacement parts to be delivered—there’s only one place left now that supplies them.
W: And expensive
M: I’m afraid so. But if you love your old bike, then it’s not about price, is it But I can work it out for you first, so you can decide for yourself.
W: OK.
(Text 8)
M: Jane, according to the report, our TV sales went down by 10% while air conditioner sales increased by 5% last month.
W: The results seem a little surprising. As you know, we have spent millions of dollars on TV commercials on both of them for the past 3 months. The president has expected the sales of both models to go up greatly.
M: In my opinion, we should have lowered the prices of our TV. I think they are priced too high compared to those of our competitors. We’d better call a meeting as soon as possible in order to talk about the price issue with other managers.
W: OK, I’ll give you a call after I have my secretary arrange a meeting.
(Text 9)
W: Good evening, welcome to our arts review time. Our guest today is Roland Welsh. Roland, I believe you’ve just returned from a rather special weekend in Amsterdam.
M: That’s right. I went to the Uitmarkt, which was held the last weekend in August.
W: Well, what exactly is the Uitmarkt
M: It marks the beginning of the new season’s entertainment. The main streets and squares are filled with promotional stands, advertising the new season’s performances, selling advance tickets and taking bookings. But more importantly, the whole weekend is focused on free entertainment.
W: You’re joking.
M: No, I’m not. You simply choose the event you’re interested in, join the queue and if it’s an indoor event, once the seats are all taken, they close the doors.
W: How do the performers earn anything
M: Well, they don’t. They give their services free in the hope that they’ll draw an audience later in the year.
W: But if you’re a tourist, you’re hardly likely to go back for a show.
M: Possibly not, but it’s primarily aimed at the Dutch, not tourists. The organization and preparation must take months. It is so well organized. One of the things that struck me was how clean the streets were. And during the day there were people constantly clearing away the rubbish. Actually, they close the main streets for most of the day, so you don't have to worry about the traffic.
W: Thanks, Roland.
(Text 10)
M: Well, the world’s oldest post office has been operating out of Sanquhar, Scotland for over 300 years. But when its manager put the building up for sale in 2019, some worried that it would go out of business for good. Now, a Florida couple has decided to purchase the post office and move to Sanquhar to run it. Barry and Mary Ford are both initially from the U.K. They had been living in Florida for the past 20 years, where Barry ran an aircraft detailing company, but they were looking to move back home to take care of their respective mothers, who had fallen ill. While searching for a business to buy in the U.K, the couple came across a listing that caught their attention: a post office in southern Scotland recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest in the world. And they immediately put in an offer for the post office. “Mary and I are very excited to be serving this community, and we also look forward to welcoming tourists from both near and afar who come to Sanquhar to enjoy our community’s offerings.” Barry told Sky News.