Unit 2 Ways to go to school 讲义+练习(无答案)


名称 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 讲义+练习(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 36.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-23 15:26:34



第4讲 Unit 2 Ways to go to school
Part A
知识点1 重点词汇与短语
on foot 步行
例句: I go to the park on foot. 我步行去那个公园。
比较:walk (动词)步行;走
用法:I walk to walk every day. = I go to work on foot every day.
by (prep. 介词) (表示方式) 乘
例句:Mr. Li comes to school by car. 李先生乘小汽车来学校。
短语: “by+交通工具名称” 表示搭乘某种交通工具。
例子:by car 乘小汽车 by boat 乘小船
同音异义词: buy 买 bye 再见
bus (n. 名词) 飞机
例句:There is a new bus over there. 在那边有一辆新公交汽车。
短语:by bus 乘公共汽车 bus stop 公共汽车站
plane (n. 名词) 飞机
例句:There is a plane in the sky. 空中有一架飞机。
短语:by plane 乘飞机
形近词plate 盘子 plant 植物
taxi (n. 名词) 出租汽车
例句; Shall we go by bus or by taxi 我们坐公共汽车还是出租车?
短语:taxi driver 出租车司机 take a taxi 乘出租车 by taxi 乘出租车
ship (n. 名词) (大)船
例句:The ship is very big. 这艘船很大。
形近词:shop 书店
近音词: sheep / / 绵羊
辨析:ship 主要指大型的,非人力作为动力的船只;boat 一般指靠人力工作的,体积较小的船只。
subway (n. 名词) 地铁
例句:I can do anything on the subway. 我乘地铁的时候可以做任何事情。
短语:subway station 地铁站 take the subway 乘地铁
辨析:subway 指城市中的地铁或地下人行道,主要用于美国;underground为一般用词,指城市中的地铁。
train (n. 名词) 火车
例句:We can catch the early morning train. 我们能赶上早上的那趟火车。
短语:by train 乘火车
形近词:rain 下雨
知识拓展:train 还可以作为动词,表示“培训”
例句:He is training us. 他正在培训我们。
知识点2 重点句型
How do you come to school 你们是怎么来学校的?
询问出行方式的固定句型:How +助动词(do/does) +主语+come /go to ...
此句是由how 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问别人如何去某地,如果come/go后面所接的词为副词,则要省略介词to,如:here, there, home等。
例句:How do you go to the park 你是怎么去公园的?
How does she come to Beijing 她是怎么来北京的?
How do you go there 你怎么去那里
Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. 通常我走路来。优势我乘公共汽车来。
1). 常见的频率副词:
频率副词 词义 发生频率的指数 例句
always 总是 I always go to school on foot.
usually 通常 What do you usually do after school
often 经常 She often does her homework on Saturday afternoon.
sometimes 有时 I sometimes go to work by bike.
never 从不 / He is never late for school.
. 出行方式的表达
固定结构:“by+交通工具”表示搭乘某种交通工具,意为“乘/骑...”,by后面一般直接加交通工具的单数形式,不加冠词。On foot(步行)是固定搭配,不用by。
例句: I go to school on foot. 我走路去上学。
He goes home by bus. 塔城公交车回家。
例句: I go to school by bus. = I take a bus to school. 我乘公交车去学校。
1.I go to school by bike .= I _____ ___ _____to school.
2.I go to Hunan by plane. = I _____ ___ _____ to Hunan.
3.He goes to Canada by ship. = He ____ ___ ______ to Canada.
4.She takes a train to Beijing. = She goes to Beijing ____ ______.
5.My home is near the school. = My home is _____ ____ the school.
What about your classmates and teachers 你的同学和老师呢?
询问情况的固定句型:What about +名词/代词/动名词(+其他) 表示询问情况或征求意见, “What about... ” 是日常会话中常用的句型,以下是其用法:
用法 例句
询问某人的情况 I go to school by bus. What about you 我乘公交车去学校,你呢?
询问对方的意见 I’d like a glass of tea, what about you 我想喝杯茶,你呢?
提出建议 What about going to the cinema 你看点一个怎么样?
与“What about... ”类似的句子还有“How about... ”,两者都表示”...怎么样 ”
例句:My father is a teacher. How about your father
What do we do after school 我们放学后干什么?
---How about playing football 踢足球怎么样? (提出建议)
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri.
read English × √ √ √ √ √
do sports × √ × √ √ √
watch TV √ × × × × √
often usually sometimes
I _________ read English in the morning.
I _________ watch TV at home.
I _________ do sports with my good friend, Mike.
by at to How on
_________ do you go to school
I go home ________ foot.
I must pay attention _______ the traffic lights!
Don’t go ________ the red light!
She goes to American __________ plane.
do how you come school to
I usually go school to foot on
can go subway you by
Part B
知识点1 重点词汇与短语
slow (v. 动词) (使)放慢速度;(adj. 形容词) 慢的
例句: The school bus is very slow. 小车很慢。
短语: slow down 慢下来
反义词:fast 快的
扩展:slow 也可以做副词
The bus runs slow. 车开的很慢。
down (adv. 副词)减少;降低
例句:Turn the music down. 把音乐声关小点。
扩展:down 作副词表示事物程度、数量、强度等降低;还可以表示“向下”,此时其对应词是“up向上”。
stop (v. 动词) 停止
例句:Does this train stop at the supermarket 这趟车在超市停吗?
I’m getting off at the next stop. 我下一站就要下车。
红灯停 stop at a red light!
绿灯行 go at a green light!
黄灯亮了减速等一等 slow down and stop at a yellow light!
过马路走人行道,交通规则 traffic rules要记牢。
知识点2 重点句型
Mr. Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital 琼斯老师,我怎么能到复兴医院?
询问怎样去某地固定句型:How can I get to +地点名词?
In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴(头盔)。
must 情态动词,表示“必须”,没有人称数的变化,后接动词原形。
例句:We must drive on the right of the road. 我们必须靠右行驶。
I must learn English well. 我必须把英语学好。
Hey, don’t go at the red light! 嘿,别闯红灯!
该句是祈使句,表达告诫某人不要做某事句型:Don’t +动词原形+其他。意为“不要做某事”,用于命令、请求、劝告对方不要做某事。
例句:It’s raining. Don’t go outside. (现在)正在下雨,不要外出。
Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.
表示交通灯的含义用“动词+at a ...light”结构。表达“当...灯亮的时候”要用“at a ...light”.
知识拓展:交通型号等的英文表达是traffic lights,也可以是traffic signals。
Look! It’s the yellow light, so we must __________ __________ and ____________.
Look! It’s the red light, so we must __________ and _________.
Look! It’s the green light, so we can __________.
( )1. Go at a red light.
( )2. Stop at a green light.
( )3. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.
( )4. Don’t touch the door. You can see this on the road.
( )5. If you go on foot, you don’t have to know the traffic rules.
look traffic at lights the
how I Fuxing get Park to can the
at a light stop red
green go a light at
___________步行 2._____________(表示方式)乘
bus ___________ 4.plane _____________
taxi________________ 6.______________(大)船
subway_______________ 8.______________火车
______________ 减少;降低 10.slow_____________
11.slow down ___________ 12.______________停下
Mrs 夫人 2.early 早到的
3.helmet 头盔 4.must 必须
5.wear 戴 6.attention 注意
7.pay attention to 注意 8.traffic 交通
9.traffic lights 交通信号灯 10.Germany 德国
11.Alaska 阿拉斯加州 12.sled 雪橇
13.fast 快的 14.ferry 轮渡
15.Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛 16.Scotland 苏格兰
( )1. 乘地铁A. by bus B. by train C. by subway
( )2. 直走A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight
( )3. 必须A.same B.must C. many
( )4. 开始A.start B.want C.party
( )5. 科学博物馆在哪?
A. Is there a cinema near here
B. Is there a library near here
C. Is there a museum near here
( )1.A.on foot B.by bus C.by subway D.by plane
( )2.A.usually B.sometimes C.often D.then
( )3.A.stop B.light C.wait D.go
( )4.A.traffic B.red C.yellow D.green
( )5.A.turn right B. go home C. turn left D. go straight
( )1. How do you _________
---I often go to school on foot.
A.go school B.go to school C. go to home
( )2. Do you go to work ______ bus
A. on B. by C.at
( )3.How can I get to Zhongshan Park?
A.You can go by bus. B.I can go by bus. C. We can go by bus.
( )4. Stop at the ______.
A. yellow light B. green light C. red light
( )5. There are always ______ traffic lights in every country.
A. three B.four C.five
( ) 6. We must ______ the traffic rules.
A. pay attention to B. watch C. find
( )7. Go at the ______.
A. yellow light B. green light C. red light
( )8.My home is near. You can go _____
A. by plane B. on foot C. by ship
( )9. The Science Museum is near the school _____the right.
A. on B. at C. in
( )10. Is there a cinema near your home
A. Yes, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is.
( )11. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the ______.
A. hospital B. library C. cinema
( )12. Turn right ________ the school, then go ________.
A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight
( )13.I usually go to school on foot, ______ by bike
A.usually B. Often C. Sometimes
( )14. In the USA people ______ bikes must wear a helmet.
A.by B.take C.on
A.off B.far C.Go D.for E.at
F.of G.Stop H.means I.on J.with
1.Turn left _______ the bookstore.
2.Thank you all _____coming to my birthday party.
3.The hospital is west________the post office.
4.Get ______at the post office .
5.It is ______from our school.
6._____ at a green light.
7. ________at a red light.
8.The yellow light_______ “wait”.
9.He is going to the supermarket_______ his mother.
10.What are you going to do ________the weekend.
1. is where please the hospital
bus stop go the to we on can foot
my next the cinema home is to
my home to by I come bike
take NO. the you 21 can bus our to school
Liu Yun is asking to a policeman.
Liu: Excuse me. Where is the ZhongBai Supermarket, please
Policeman: It’s west of the hospital.
Liu: Is it far from here
Policeman: Yes.
Liu: How can I get there
Policeman: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) the street. You’ll be in front of the post office.
Liu: Thank you.
Policeman: You’re welcome.
( ) 1. The post office is next to the supermarket.
( ) 2. The Supermarket is west of the hospital.
( ) 3. Liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.
( ) 4. Liu Yun asks a policeman for help.
乘公共汽车__________________ 乘坐飞机______________________
坐船 ___________________ 走路___________________
坐地铁_____________ 坐出租车______________________
坐火车______________________ 锻炼_________________________
( )1. ___ ___ly A. aer B. ear C. rea
( )2. w___ ___ ___ A. ear B. aer C. rea
( )3. f___ ___t A. sa B. es C. as
( )4. h___l___t A. e, me B. a, ma C. e, am
( )5. sl___ ___ A. eb B. ed C. ad
at to for by in
Let me read this _________ you.
You must stop __________ a red light.
They’re from my cousin ___________ the USA.
I must pay attention __________ the traffic lights.
He goes to school _________ ferry every day.
( )1. Stop at the ______.
A. yellow light B. green light C. red light
( )2. There are always ______ traffic lights in every country.
A. three B.four C.five
( ) 3. We must ______ the traffic rules.
A. pay attention to B. watch C. find
( )4. Go at the ______.
A. yellow light B. green light C. red light
( )5.In China, drivers drive ______the right side of the road
A .On B.at C.to
( )6._____ do they go to the park
----They go there by bike
A.How B.Where C.What
( )7.I usually go to school on foot, ______ by bike
A.usually B. Often C. Sometimes
( )8. In the USA people ______ bikes must wear a helmet.
A.by B.take C.on
( )9.The science museum is_______the left.
A.on B.at C.of
( )10.Wait at the_______.
green light B.yellow light C.red light
There is a king. His name is James. He likes writing stories, but his stories are not good. But people in the country all say his stories are very good, because they are afraid of him.
One day James shows his stories to a writer. He waits for the writer to praise these stories. But the writer says, “ Your stories are so bad!” He throws the stories into the fires. The king is very
angry with him and sends him to prison(监狱).
After some time, James sets him free. Again he shows the writer some of his new stories and asks, “How do you feel about them ” After reading them, the writer turns to the soldiers and says: “Take me back to prison, please.”
( )1. What does James do
A king. B. A writer. C. A police officer
( )2. Do the people really like his stories
Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.
( )3. “praise” means _________.
赞扬 B. 谈论 C. 批评
( )4. The writer throws the stories into the fire. How does Jame feel
He’s afraid B. He’s happy. C. He’s angry.
( )5. The writer __________ James’ stories.
likes B. doesn’t like C. wants
I am a student. My home is near our school, so I go to school on foot. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________