教师姓名 课名 We fly kites in spring.
学科 英语 章节 Module7 教材版本 外研版
课时 第1课时 课型 新授 年级 三年级
一、教材分析 本单元是外语教学与研究出版New Standard English(三年级起)三年级下册Module7 Unit1。主题是四季及相关活动,功能是描述四季的气候及不同季节里人们的活动,语言结构为It’s spring... It’s warm...及We fly kites in spring... Module7与学生之前所学知识有着密切的联系,例如,favorite, I like..., go swimming, play football为Module 1和Module 3的旧知,在练习部分,学自Module 6的句型What do you do 将帮助学生巩固新知。本课的内容贴近学生生活,能够引起学生的学习兴趣,学生学起来比较轻松。
二、学情分析 教学对象为小学三年级学生。经过几个月的英语学习,学生的英语阅读水平、听力水平和口语水平得到了基础性地提高。基于学生之前所学内容,教师应从旧知中引出新知。教师应鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、探究和表演进行学习,创造贴近生活的语境引导学生在自主学习和合作学习中进行对话操练。
三、语言能力 1. 全体学生能熟练朗读课文,听懂会说本课重点单词及句型。 2. 能运用所学语言正确描述四季的气候及不同季节里人们的活动。
四、学习能力 1.使学生认识到预习的重要性,学会利用现有资料进行学习。 2.充分利用学习正迁移作用,为本课的学习做铺垫。 3.在会话教学中鼓励学生大声说,表达清楚并配以丰富的表情和适当的手势,采用委婉有礼貌的语调,有感情,有条理地说,培养学生口头表达能力。通过观察、参与课堂活动,把新知识融入到已学的知识中。培养学生的观察能力、记忆力、概括能力和理解能力。
五、思维品质 教师从设置情境入手,创设了Sam游览四季公园Season Parks的真实场景。在学习每一个季节主题时都采用了“Do you like ... Why”这样的开放性问题设置,发散学生的思维。教师有意识的引导学生学会读图,让孩子根据图片信息来学习英语,甚至挖掘图片中所隐藏的信息,注重培养学生们的思维能力。 孩子们思维能力的培养需要老师们在英语教学中不断引导,老师作为教学的引导者,如何引导,如何设置问题,如何让学生学会思考,很重要。
六、文化意识 1.通过学习让学生了走进四季,感受大自然的美,体味英语诗歌及英语语言的魅力,提高了同学们的审美情趣和审美能力,是跨学科整合的一次有效实践,提高了学生的综合素养能力。 2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与主动请教。 3.能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养学生的组织能力和合作精神。
七、教学目标 1.理解并掌握本课重点单词: We, fly, spring, summer, season, nice, warm, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold, go skating, play, snow, rain; 2.理解并运用句型: It’s spring... It’s warm… 及We fly kites in spring... 描述四季的气候及不同季节里人们的活动。
八、教学重难点分析及解决措施 教学重难点 理解和掌握本课新单词,在语境中正确运用本课重点句型。 用It’s spring... It’s warm... 及We fly kites in spring... 描述四季的气候及不同季节里人们的活动。 解决措施 整堂课围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,在课堂上,使用移动学习设备的平板电脑环境下开展教学活动,把信息技术和教育资源作为内容、方法与手段融合在学科教学过程中,努力培养学生的自主学习能力,探究学习能力,促进教学过程整体优化。运用了思维导图、蒙层等基本功能,还充分融合了希沃白板中语文的诗词、英语、科学等各学科功能,在互动课堂上开展抢答,评价,板书共享,作业上传,在线作答等功能。 运用情景教学法、任务型教学法、游戏法等多种教法,为学生创设一种轻松、活泼、和谐的学习氛围。
教学环节 环节目标 教学内容 学生活动 媒体作用 及分析
Step1. Warming up 激发学生学习兴趣,揭示与本课学习话题相关内容。 1.Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls.Welcome to my class! How are you today Yes,I’m fine too. Thank you. 2.Say and do. 学生和教师进行互动,共同完成打招呼,并和老师一起say and do。 通过互动课堂上开展抢答,评价,板书共享,提升孩子们的兴趣。
Step2. Lead in 设置情境入手,创设了Sam游览四季公园Season Parks的真实场景。引出课题学习。 T: Today we’ll learn Module7 Uint1 We fly kites in spring.(点题)Let’s read it together. Watch and say T: Boys and girls,Sam can do many things, let’s look.Say and do. You can do the actions. Wow, boys and girls, you did a good job. Look and say. (跟着Sam 游览 Season Parks) T: Welcome to the Season Parks. Boys and girls, today, let’s follow Sam to visit the Season Parks. 学生根据教师的启发式问题进行思考,提升对本课学习的兴趣。。 通过互动课堂的互动功能。板书,抢答,上传功能,快乐进入四季课堂的学习。
Step3. Presentation 通过学习新课,进行每一个季节公园的主题学习。掌握本节课的新知识点,提升孩子的语言能力,读图能力,思维能力。 (Spring Park) T: Let's go to the first Season Park.Wow, Which season is it Ss: Spring. It's spring . T: How is the weather in spring S: It's warm in spring. T:Wow ,Listen.(风声)It's windy in spring. What do we do in spring Yes. We fily kites in spring, T:Long long ago in China. Kite has another name: 纸鸢。 Do you remember the poem Ss:村居。Yes, there is a beautiful poem. “儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。” T: Do you know the poems of spring Do you like spring Why (Summer Park) T: Let's go to the second season park. Which season is it Let's guess.Wow , Look! (橡皮擦功能)What’s this (have a drink, eat watermelon, swimming pool, coconut tree ,beach umbrella ,sand beach) T: Which season is it Ss: Summer. 夏天 T: Summer. It's summer . How is the weather in summer Ss: Hot. Can you read Ss: Dog/shop/not. T: It's hot in summer.We can go swimming in summer . But, look ! We can't go swimming by ourselves.(我们不能私自去游泳)It’s dangerous. T: T: Do you know the poems of summer Do you like summer Why Let’s talk. (mind map) 导图T: Now let’s talk about summer. Look!Which season is it . It's summer.It's hot in summer.We go swimming in Summer.(Autumn /Winter Park) 3.(Autumn/Winter.Park)Look and say. T: Just now, we followed Sam to visit the Spring Park, Summer Park. Next, Which Season Park do you want to go Look and say. T:Which season is it Autumn. T: What do you think of autumn Ss: (weather, colour, food, activities......) Look and say. T:Which season is it Winter. T: What do you think of winter Ss: (weather, colour, food, activities......) 4.Group work (打开书 ,学生自学。) T: Boy aond girls. Open your books,turn to page 39 , 4 students in a group.Let’s learn more about autumn, winter. Choose your favourite season to share. 2 minutes for you! Go!Who can show us. 5.Group work. T: Choose your favourite poem, what can you say (选择你最喜欢的诗说一说。) 6. Ss in a group. Choose your favourite poem, describe it .Poem1/Poem2 T: Who can show us 1.学生通过跟随Sam游览四季公园学习本课相关话题。 2.学生通过白板的视频展示跟读功能。模仿语音语调。 3.学生通过小组活动展示自己最喜欢的节日。 1.通过互动课堂里的互动功能批注功能进行阅读后的答案的核对。 2.通过互动课堂的演示功能播放视频,动画,拓展有关四季的知识。 3.采用白板的橡皮擦,蒙层功能,带领孩子认识四季。通过在线英语单词翻译功能,利用四线三格,教授单词。 4.通过互动课堂的展示,评价功能,实现课堂的教学评一体化。
Step4. Practice 对本节课所学的课文内容进行多样化的练习,设计得有梯度,层层递进。使学生在课堂上能够生成自己的语言,最后并能达到实际的运用。全面提升孩子的语言能力,思维能力,创新能力。 Now, let's watch and imitate. (Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. ) Retell.(通过导图和板书呈现) Let’s match. Read and fill. Describe your favourite season.(描述你最喜欢的季节。) T:All of the seasons are beautiful. What’s your favourite season Look! This is my favourite season.(以自己为例) My Favourite Season I like spring. It's my favourite season. It's warm in spring. I fly a kite in spring. Describe your favourite season. 描述你最喜欢的季节。 4 students in a group. Describe it to each other. My Favourite Season I like_______________. It's my favourite season. It's__________in_________. I___________in________ . 1.学生将天气与对应的季节连线。 2.在课堂教学环节的小组活动中积极参加,并做好记录。 3.小组进行自我评价,生生互评,教学评一体化。 4.积极参与抢答展示活动。 1.通过互动课堂的互动演示作用,引导孩子积极拍照上传。 2.通过互动课堂里的抢答,批注,拍照等功能,积极展示自己课堂所学,学以致用。
Step5. Emotion and Summary 利用板书思维导图让学生对本书课所学习的内容进行总结、归纳,并朗读加深印象,对学生的表现予以肯定和鼓励。 Let’s watch. Why are there four seasons (为什么会有四季呢?) T: Nature is amazing.Study hard to explore the mysteries of nature with knowledge.(努力学习用知识探索大自然的奥秘。) T: Boys and girls. Look, Sam flies a kite ( 板书画上风筝线).The weekend is coming. The May Day holiday is coming. We can go outside to fly kites. Spring is the best season to fly kites . 学生情感升华,并根据教师提供的思维导图,对本节课所学内容进行总结,归纳。 1.教师通过交互式白板对本节课内容进行情感升华,提升学生的思维品质。 2.通过黑板上的思维导图板书,以及最后将板书生成Sam在放风筝的情境。加深了孩子们对本课知识的掌握和记忆。
Step6. Homework 对本节课的知识回顾,方便孩子课下进行复习。并对所学内容进行进一步的延伸。 1.Read the text.(熟读课文。) 2. Draw a picture of your favourite season and talk about it next class. (画一画你喜欢的季节并说一说。) T: That’s all. Thank you! 学生记录作业及要求。并为拓展作业进行准备。 教师通过互动课堂的展示功能对本节课进行课下任务的布置,清晰明了。
Warming up→Lead in→Presentation→Practice→Emotion→ Summary →Homework
Module 7 Unit 1
We fly kites in spring.
Xueshenglu Primary School
Sun Dan
Say and do.
ride a bike
Say and do.
play basketball
Say and do.
go swimming
Say and do.
fly kites
It’s________ .
fly kites
Let's talk.
fly kites
go swimming
Let's talk.
fly kites
go swimming
Group work.
Let's match.
Read and fill in the blanks.
Good 模仿录音中的语音语调,有感情地朗读。
Great 可以脱离课文,适当改动其中部分,语音地道。
Excellent 适当添加内容,意思完整,有创新,表演生动。
Show time.
My Favourite Season
I like spring.
It's my favourite season.
It's warm in spring.
I fly a kite in spring.
Describe your favourite season.
My Favourite Season
I like_______________.
It's my favourite season.
I ___________ in____________.
spring, summer,autumn,winter
play table tennis, skip,run ,ride bikes, skate, hot,warm, cool, cold...
Why are there four seasons (为什么会有四季呢?)
Let's watch.
Nature is amazing.
Study hard to explore the mysteries of nature with knowledge.
Learning Objectives(学习目标)
我能听懂、会说并认读单词: spring, summer, autumn, winter,warm,cool等。 ☆☆☆☆☆
我能用英语进行季节的描述活动,积极参与各种课堂活动,开始形成积极认真的英语学习态度和合作意识。 ☆☆☆☆☆
共计 星
1.Read the text.
2. Draw a picture of your favourite season and talk about it next class.
Thank you!