

名称 河南省驻马店市新蔡县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷(含解析)
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文件大小 35.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-25 23:33:11



Valencia lives, for the time being, in a mobile home park.
He greeted me when I arrived and poured me a cup of coffee. He told me that his dad had worked at a brick-manufacturing plant. His mother worked at home. Most of his seven brothers and sisters didn’t go to college.
Valencia was determined to be the first, despite his late start. He said he was an average student struggling with math and went to community college a year after graduating from high school but decided quickly it was not for him.
He got into construction and then the insurance industry, but he’d always liked to write and do crossword puzzles. “And I loved to read. A lot,” he said. And he joked with his mother that if he won the lottery, he’d use the winnings for college.
It was around 2007. Valencia got tired of telling himself he was going to go back to school. He told his mother it was finally for real. She said, “I hope you make it, Jerry.” And I told her, “I’m going to make it, Mom. Surely!”
The plan was to capitalize on his former construction experience to study civil engineering—the design, building and repair of roads, bridges, etc. But he discovered other interests.
“He was not the youngest student,” says Grant Tovmasian, coach of the forensics debate team Valencia joined. “But he was the most motivated and dedicated, encouraging fellow students and inspiring them to live a more satisfying life ”
Valencia’s sister Sindi Majors says her brother was always bright, but he went through a couple of rough experiences in his life.
Because Valencia has nearly always been homeless, she bought him a motor home, where he lived from 2009 to 2018.
There is something splendidly irrational about Valencia’s determination to get a four-year degree and then a master’s. At his current pace, he’ll be 90 when he finally achieves his goals.
But that doesn’t influence him. He’s found all the youthful energy and academic opportunity stimulating.
“Valencia’s grade in my class this semester will not show up on his transcripts (大学生的成绩单). But I’m giving him an A and in the most important ways, it counts.” says Tovmasian.
1.What does the underlined phrase “capitalize on” in paragraph 6 probably mean
A.Make use of. B.Get rid of. C.Break down. D.Appeal to.
2.Which of the following is the right order of Valencia’s experience
a. Valencia joined the debate team.
b. He went to a community college.
c. He got into construction industry.
d. He planned to study civil engineering.
A.b-d-c-a B.b-c-d-a. C.c-a-d-b D.d-c-b-a
3.Which of the following can best describe Valencia
A.Caring and ambitious. B.Devoted and modest.
C.Positive and generous. D.Determined and motivated.
4.Why does Tovmasian decide to give Valencia a grade A
A.Because he hopes to see Valencia graduate as soon as possible.
B.Because he admires Valencia for his good quality and performance.
C. Because Valencia has done extra work to perform the best in the class.
D.Because Valencia has reached his goals earlier inspired by Tovmasian
The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas has issued a recent report in order to recommend ways to increase food donations, reduce food waste, and fight hunger, which may help Kenyan leaders meet 2030 food waste reduction goals.
Food donation can reroute eatable food — that would otherwise give off greenhouse gasses in a landfill — to those experiencing hunger. According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, 3.5 million Kenyans, roughly 37 percent of the population, face severe hunger. At the same time, the Policy Atlas reports roughly 40 percent of food produced within Kenya goes to waste. But Broad Leib, Deputy Director of Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), sees some promising changes. “While progress is not happening as quickly as needed, Kenya’s food loss index has been steadily reduced from 1,744 metric tons in 2017, to 1,531 in 2018, to 1,446 metric tons in 2019, indicating a steady improvement and national commitment to food loss reduction,” reports Broad Leib.
According to the Policy Atlas, motivating food donation with rewards is particularly important, which helps food donors and food recovery organizations make up for costs necessary for recovery, storing, processing, and transporting food for donation.
“A major driver of food waste is inconsistent or unclear date labels that cause confusion among all actors along the value chain and limit the ability of businesses to donate food. This increases the likelihood that much safe food will go to waste,” Broad Leib tells Food Tank. However, he acknowledges Kenya’s current dual (双的) date labeling laws. While food may lose its freshness over time, it is still edible before expiration (到期). Dual date labeling on packaged foods reduces confusion by defining dates for both safety and quality. This helps reduce considerable waste and responsibility for donors.
Broad Leib believes that the private sector can also play a significant role in decreasing food waste in Kenya. It is vital for consumer education campaigns. FLPC’s research shows that public-private initiatives can help raise awareness among consumers and donors around issues of food waste and food donation.
5.What changes does Broad Leib see
A.Kenya is not committed to reducing food loss.
B.Progress in reducing food waste is happening quickly.
C.People in Kenya no longer suffer hunger.
D.Kenya has gradually reduced its food waste.
6.What does the underlined word “edible” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Eatable. B.Affordable. C.Delicious. D.Convenient.
7.How can Kenya reduce food waste according to Broad Leib
A.By reducing food produced within the country.
B.By using double date labeling on packaged food.
C.By increasing storehouses.
D.By fighting hunger with rewards.
8.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Only the private sector is helpful in reducing food waste.
B.Bro ad Leib doesn’t agree with FLPC on food waste reduction.
C.Private and public joint efforts matter around food issues.
D.Consumer education campaigns are the most important.
There is growing evidence to show that our past knowledge about Mars was not always the case. Now European researchers say they have discovered the first evidence of a huge groundwater system that once existed below the planet’s surface.
A new study was carried out by Francesco Salese and his team, who studied images of 24 deep craters (n.弹坑) in the northern half of the Red Planet. These pictures were captured by ESA’s Mars Express orbiter (n.宇宙飞船), which was launched in 2003. The study provides the first geological proof that Mars once had a “planet-wide groundwater system.”
According to Salese, scientific evidence already suggests Mars was once a watery world. His team says the images showed that large amounts of successive groundwater activity connected the areas they studied. Evidence of basins and coastlines was also found on the surface of Mars, supporting the idea that water was once present. He added that all the basins seemed to reach about the same height.
Scientists have yet to find out what happened to all that water. And the complex history of water on Mars has linked to whether or not life ever existed on it. During the latest study, researchers also discovered evidence of minerals within some of the identified (adj.被识别的) bodies of water.
The researchers say the findings adds weight to the idea that the water basins on Mars may have once held the materials required to support life. Some of this material could still be buried on Mars, providing possible evidence of life during future exploration. Francesco Salese believes the latest findings could also help us learn new things about our own planet.
9.What can we infer about our past knowledge of Mars
A.It had no water.
B.It had no groundwater.
C.It had a great groundwater system.
D.It had water on the surface of the planet.
10.Where can you find the evidence that Mars once had a “planet-wide groundwater system”
A.In paragraph 3. B.In paragraph 2.
C.In paragraph 1. D.In paragraph 4.
11.Which of the following best explains “successive” underlined in paragraph 3
A.complicated B.brilliant C.continuous D.incredible
12.What is the main idea of the text
A.Evidence of water on Mars enables us learn new things about the earth
B.Our past knowledge about Mars was incorrect.
C.Evidence of life could be revealed by the discovery of water on Mars.
D.The ever existence of groundwater system on Mars was discovered.
Top 3 Best Museums in the World
Whether you are a fine art or historylover, the following three museums are sure to take your breath away.
Le Louvre, Paris, France
A visit to the Louvre and its collections lets visitors discover Western art from the Middle Ages to 1848 as well as a large number of ancient civilizations. The grand palace that houses the museum. which dates back to the late twelfth century, is a true lesson in architecture: from 1200 to 2011, the most innovative architects have in turn built and developed the Louvre.
●Official website: Louvre
●Highlight: Leonardo da Vinci`s “Mona Lisa.”
The British Museum, London, UK
The British Museum in London was founded in 1753 and opened its doors six years later. It was the first national museum to cover all fields of human knowledge, open to visitors from across the world. No other museum is responsible for collections of the same depth and breadth, beauty and significance.
●Official website: British Museum
●Highlight: the Rosetta Stone.
The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
The second-largest art museum in the world, the State Hermitage Museum was founded in 1764(200 years later than The Uffizi Galleries, Florence, Italy), when Empress Catherine the Great acquired an impressive collection of works from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky. Today, the collection of art works contains paintings, sculptures and so on.
●Official website: State Hermitage Museum
●Highlight: Golden masterpieces from Eurasia.
13.When was the British Museum, London, UK opened to the public
A.1564. B.1753. C.1759. D.1848.
14.What do the Top 3 best museums have in common
A.They have exhibits from the Middle Ages. B.They feature exhibits from ancient times.
C.They have exhibits concerned with kings. D.They have both fine art and history exhibits.
15.Which is the largest art museum but one in the world
A.Le Louvre, Paris, France. B.The State Hermitage Museum, Russia.
C.The British Museum, London, UK. D.The Uffizi Galleries, Florence, Italy.
16.Health, as the old saying goes, is over wealth, so it’s of great significance to keep fit. You can take away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive. ① That is why I eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.
Eating healthfully is important to maintain one’s health. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount of animal protein I consume. ② So, it is important to know how to cook these foods so that the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.
Our muscles must continue to be strong to support our body as we age. Exercise helps the bones build density and helps us maintain our posture. ③ A regular exercise program of cardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping us healthy.
④ Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and recover faster from diseases than those who aren’t socially active. For the sake of health, I like to play and interact with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.
By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. ⑤
A.It can also strengthen our muscles.
B.Take away our health and we will die.
C.Friends are an important part of one’s health.
D.These are my three secrets to keeping a healthy lifestyle.
E.Besides, I always stay away from junk food which lacks nutrients.
F.By joining in relaxing activities, I can refresh myself to study well.
G.Instead, I eat lots of vegetables and fruit which are rich in fiber and vitamins.
My writing career began at the age of ten. That year, my mother gave me my first journal to help me deal with the 1 of my grandmother's death. In many ways, my grandmother was the 2 behind my own writing career.
When she was alive, my grandmother had 3 much emotional pain, but she also knew that writing was her key to 4 . While growing up in Galicia, Poland, during World War I, she 5 both her parents, and then had to care for herself and her eight-year-old sister. She found solace (慰藉) in journal writing.
Many years after her death, I 6 her journal and read every word. The void (空虚感) she had left in my life became stronger as the years progressed and I had my own health issues to 7 , such as being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 47. My 8 caused me to write down my grandmother's life story, based
on the 9 of her journal. Although at times the writing was 10 , it did bring me close to her once again and help me more 11 understand her many hardships.
Keeping journals has helped me 12 emotionally. Whether you're 13 by change, loss or pain, finding the time to write is 14 to the healing process. So why not 15 your pen and write down whatever comes to your mind
17.A.secret B.reason C.suffering D.place
18.A.idea B.inspiration C.tip D.instruction
19.A.described B.studied C.forgotten D.experienced
20.A.existence B.education C.survival D.dream
21.A.lost B.missed C.left D.loved
22.A.picked up B.came across C.took away D.gave back
23.A.display B.make C.explain D.handle
24.A.job B.failure C.illness D.confusion
25.A.contents B.suggestions C.demands D.pages
26.A.scary B.painful C.vital D.great
27.A.happily B.nearly C.exactly D.clearly
28.A.respond B.succeed C.struggle D.recover
29.A.tracked B.affected C.injured D.punished
30.A.important B.close C.equal D.related
31.A.borrow B.purchase C.grab D.throw
32.“With your fingers crossed, inhale; then slowly lift your arms above your head.” Lu Jing, 66, is demonstrating a Ba Duan Jin exercise in a video she posted on the Douyin video app. As one of a handful of high-level professionals in China, Lu ① (teach) Ba Duan Jin since 2005. Each morning from 7 to 8:30, she organizes offline exercise sessions, attracting many a ② (participate) every day.
Ba Duan Jin is ③ easy-to-learn indoor exercise ④ (consist) of a sequence of eight qigong movements that strengthen the muscles, improve circulation and respiration, and boost the immune system. Such health benefits appeal ⑤ Lu’s followers aged 16 to 70. “Losing weight is difficult for women at my age, but my ‘love handles’ have gone!” one says. “I need to be ⑥ (high) concentrated on the coordination of my movements and breathing so I feel ⑦ (liberate) from anxiety,” says another.
Lu is keen ⑧ (collect) feedback from viewers and interact with experienced practitioners. In Lu’s opinion, Ba Duan Jin is not a rigid fitness regime. It’s important to listen to people’s responses, so that the traditional exercise can ⑨ (tailor) to meet modern people’s needs. That is ⑩ we truly inherit the treasure of Chinese culture.
33.你校英语报将出一期主题为“勇于面对挑战”的专刊,请你以“Growing through Challenges”为题目写一篇投稿。
要点:1. 结合个人的学习或生活,描述成长经历;
2. 表达自己对待挑战的观点。
Growing through Challenges
34.I was an average student in my early elementary years. I came home with a steady flow of B’s, C’s and the occasional F’s in second language subjects. I was told that I wasn’t applying myself and, as every report card I ever brought home clearly stated, I talked too much.
I didn’t write when I was supposed to write. I talked to others while the teacher was giving instructions. That I could recite what she had said to the class while I was talking was not helpful because I had a negative effect on my classmates’ learning. So I regularly brought home disappointing report cards.
My parents and my teachers didn’t know what to do with me. Punishments didn’t seem to work. Rewards didn’t seem to either. And, frankly, I don’t think I knew what I could do to “apply myself”. And I certainly didn’t know how to not enjoy talking with my classmates! What I knew was that I talked too much. Until grade 5.
That autumn, we had a sudden change in teachers as our elderly teacher took a medical leave. In his place, a young substitute (代课老师) arrived — Mrs Royal. She looked like she was freshly out of university and seemed too young to be cast in the role of being responsible for a class of tween, but there she was, charged with a lively group, and me.
I don’t remember many details of that year except the afternoon when I got my first report card from her. She handed out the report cards right after the afternoon break and invited us to look them over. Then she let us know that we could all talk quietly amongst ourselves while she called each student up one at a time, in alphabetical order (按字母顺序), to discuss our report cards with her.
I looked over my report card, expecting the usual result.
Then it was my turn to talk with her.
解析:词义猜测题。根据原文第六段“But he discovered other interests.(但是他发现了其他兴趣。)”可知,Valencia 的计划是利用他之前在建筑行业的经验,学习土木工程。capitalize on为固定搭配,意为“利用”。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据原文第三段“He said he was an average student struggling with math and went to community college a year after graduating from high school but decided quickly it was not for him. (也说他是一名数学成绩不好的普通学生,高中毕业后一年上了社区大学,但很快就觉得这不适合他。)”可知,Valencia 先去上了社区大学。根据原文第四段“He got into construction and then the insurance industry, but he'd always liked to write and do crossword puzzles.(他进入了建筑行业,然后是保险业,但他一直喜欢写作和做填字游戏。)”可知,Valencia 后来进入了建筑行业。根据原文第六段“The plan was to capitalize on his former construction experience to study civil engineering the design, building and repair of roads, bridges, etc. (计划是利用他以前在建筑行业的经验,学习土木工程道路、桥梁等的设计、建造和维修)。”可知Valencia 再后来计划学习土木工程。根据原文第七段“ “He was not the youngest student," says Gran Tovmasian, coach of the forensics debate team Valenci joined.(“他不是最年轻的学生,”Valencia 加入的法医辩论队的教练格兰特·托瓦马西安说。)”可知,Valencia 最后加入了辩论队。因此,Valencia 经历的正确顺序是:b-c-d-a。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据原文第五段“He told his mother it was finally for real. She said, “I hope you make it, Jerry." And I told her, “I'm going to make it Mom. Surely!(他告诉他妈妈这次是真的。她说:“我希望你能成功,杰瑞。”我告诉她,“我会成功的,妈妈。肯定会的!”)”可知,Valencia 是一个有决心的人。根据原文第七段““He was not the youngest student," says Grant Tovmasian, coach of the forensic debate team Valencia joined. “But he was the most motivated and dedicated, encouraging fellow student and inspiring them to live a more satisfying life ”(“他
不是最年轻的学生,”Valencia 加入的法医辩论队的教练格兰特·托瓦马西安说。“但是他是最积极和最专注的,鼓励同学们,激励他们过上更令人满意的生活 ")”可知,Valencia 是一个积极的人。故选D。
解析:推理判断题。根据原文最后一段""Valencia's grade in my class this semester will no show up on his transcripts.(大学生的成绩单). But I'm giving him an A and in the most important ways, it
counts.”says Tovmasian.(“Valencia 这学期在我课上的成绩不会出现在他的成绩单上。但我给了他一个A,在最重要的方面,这是有意义的。”Tovmasian说)”可知,Tovmasian 决定给 Valencia 一个 A是因为他欣赏 Valencia 的优秀品质和表现。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中Broad Leib说的话“While progress is not happening as quickly as needed, Kenya's food loss index has been steadily(稳步地)reduced from 1,744 metric tons in2017,to 1,531 in 2018,to 1,446 metric tons in2019,indicating a steady improvement and national commitment to food loss reduction(虽然进展没有像需要的那样快,但肯尼亚的粮食损失指数已从2017年的1744公吨稳步下降到2018年的1531公吨,再到2019年的1446公吨,这表明粮食损失稳步改善,国家致力于减少粮食损失)”可知,Broad Leib看到的变化是:肯尼亚稳步减少了食物浪费。故选D项。
解析:词句猜测题。根据第四段中“While food may lose its freshness over time, it is still edible before expiration (到期).(虽然食物可能会随着时间的推移而失去新鲜感,但在过期前仍然edible)”和常识可知,食物在到期之前,它依然是可以食用的,edible意为“可食用的”,与eatable意思相同。故选A项。
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“However he acknowledges Kenya's current dual (双的) date labeling laws.(然而,他承认肯尼亚现行的双重日期标签法)"和“Dual date labeling on packaged foods reduces confusion by defining dates for both safety and quality. This helps reduce considerable waste and responsibility for donors.(包装食品上的双日期标签通过定义安全和质量的日期来减少混乱。这有助于减少大量浪费和捐助者的责任)”可知,Broad Leib认可肯尼亚现行的双重日期标签法,它有助于减少大量浪费和捐助者的责任,可得出Broad Leib认为使用双重日期标签能减少肯尼亚的食物浪费。故选B项。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Broad Leib believes that the private sector can also play a significant role in decreasing food waste in Kenya (Broad Leib认为,私营部门也可以在减少肯尼亚的粮食浪费方面发挥重要作用)"和“FLPC' sreseach shows that public-private initiatives can help raise awareness among consumers and donors around issues of food waste and food donation.(FLPC的研究表明,公私合作举措有助于提高消费者和捐助者对食物浪费和食物捐赠问题的认识)”可知,围绕粮食问题,私人和公共的共同努力很重要。故选c项。
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“There is growing evidence to show that our past knowledge about Mars was not always the case.(越来越多的证据表明,我们过去对火星的认识并不总是正确的)”和第二段“The study provides the first geological proof that Mars once had a “'planet-wide groundwater system.”(这项研究提供了第一个地质学证据,证明火星曾经有一个“行星范围的地下水系统”。)”推知,我们过去对火星的认知是它上面没有水,而事实是那里曾经存在大范围的地下水系统。故选A项。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“His team say the images showed that large amounts of successive groundwater activity connected the areas they studied Evidence of basins and coastlines was also found on the surface of Mars, supporting the idea that water was once present.(他的团队表示,这些图像显示,大量连续的地下水活动将他们研究的地区联系在一起。在火星表面也发现了盆地和海岸线的证据,支持了水曾经存在的观点。)”可知,从第三段可以找到火星曾经有过“行星地下水系统”的证据。故选A项。
解析:词句猜测题。根据上文“According to Salese, scientific evidence already suggests Mars was once a watery world.(根据萨莱斯的说法,科学证据已经表明火星曾经是一个有水的世界。)”和下文“connected the areas they studied.(将他们研究的地区联系在一起)”可知,他们的研究发现过去火星上是有水的。由此推测,只有大量连续的地下水活动才能将研究的区域联系在一起。由此可知,successive意为“连续的”。故选C。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“There is growing evidence to show that our past knowledge about Mars was not always the case. Now European researchers say they have discovered the first evidence of a huge groundwater system that once existed below the planet’s surface.”(越来越多的证据表明,我们过去对火星的了解并不总是如此。现在,欧洲研究人员表示,他们发现了火星表面下曾经存在巨大地下水系统的第一个证据)”可知,文章主要讲述了科学家发现了火星上曾经存在的地下水系统。故选D
解析:细节理解题。根据文章“The British Museum in London was founded in 1753 and opened its doors six years later.”(伦敦的大英博物馆于1753年建立,并在六年后对外开放。)可知,大英博物馆于1759年对外开放。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内“Whether you are a fine art or history lover, the following three museums are sure to take your breath away”(无论你是美术爱好者还是历史爱好者,以下三个博物馆一定会让你大吃一惊)可知这三个博物馆都收藏有与美术和历史有关的作品。故选D项。
解析:细节理解题。根据文章“The second-largest art museum in the world, the State Hermitage Museum was founded in 1764”(世界第二大艺术博物馆,国家艾尔米塔什博物馆于1764年建立。)可知,世界第二大艺术博物馆是俄罗斯的国家冬宫博物馆。故选B。
解析:①B根据前文“You can take away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive. (你可以拿走我们的钱,拿走我们的房子,拿走我们的衣服,我们还能活下去。)”和后文“That is why I eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life. (这就是为什么我吃得健康,经常锻炼,保持我的社交生活。)”可知此处是指拿走健康人便无法存活,所以选项B“拿走我们的健康,我们就会死去。”切合文意。故选B
②E根据后文“'So, it is important to know how to cook these foods so that the nutrients are not lost in the cook in process.(所以,知道如何烹饪这些食物是很重要的,这样营养成分才不会在烹饪过程中流失。)”可知此处是指要知道如何烹饪食物从而避免没有营养的垃圾食品,所以选项E“此外,我总是远离缺乏营养的垃圾食品。”切合文意。故选E。
③A根据前文“Exercise helps the bones build density and helps us maintain our posture.(锻炼有助于骨骼增强密度,帮助我们保持姿势。)”可知,此处是指锻炼对身体的好处,所以选项 A“它还可以增强我们的肌肉。切合文意。故选A。
④C根据后文“Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and recover faster from diseases than those who aren’t socially active. (研究表明,与那些不活跃社交的人相比,拥有)泛社交关系的人患感冒的概率更低,康复速度也更快。)”可知,此处是指朋友对健康的重要性,所以选项C“朋友是一个人健康的重要组成部分。”切合文意。故选C。
⑤D根据前文“By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. (合理的饮食和有规律的锻炼,我可以保持我的身体在一个适当的体重,可以保持我的健康。通过花时间与我的朋友,我可以保持我的思想以及我的身体快乐。)”可知,此处是指合理饮食、规律锻炼和活跃社交这三个保持健康的秘诀,所以选项D“这是我保持健康生活方式的三个秘诀。”切合文意。故D.
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:那一年,我母亲给了我第一本日记,帮助我应对祖母去世带来的痛苦。A.secret秘密:B.reason理由:C.suffering产难;D.place地方。根据后文“of my grandmother's death”指祖母去世,日记用来应对作者的痛苦。故选C
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在很多方面我的祖母是我写作生涯背后的灵感来源。A.idea想法;B.inspiration鼓舞;C.tip诀窍;D.instruction指示。根据后文“'much emotional pain, but she also know that writing was her key to”可知,祖母也从事写作是作者写作生涯背后的灵感来源。故选B.
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的祖母在世时经历了许多情感上的痛苦,但她也知道写作是她生存的关键。A.described描述;B.studied学习;Cforgotten忘记;D.experienced经历。根据后文“much emotional pain”以及“both her parents”指祖母经历了情感上的痛苦。故选D。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的祖母再也这时经历了许多情感上的痛苦,但她也知道写作是她生存的关键。A.existence存在:B.education教育;C.survival幸存;D.dream梦想。根据后文“had to care for herself and her eight-year-old sister.”可知,祖母要照顾自己的和8岁的妹妹,所以写作是生存的关键。故选C。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:第一次世界大战期间,她在波兰的加利西亚长大,失去了双亲,然后不得不照顾自己和8岁的妹妹。A.1ost失去;B.missed错过;C.lef离开;D.loved爱。根据后文“had to care for herself and her eight-year-old sister”曰知,祖母失去了双亲。故选A。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:在她去世多年后,我偶然发现了她的日记,并把每个字都读了一遍。A.pickedup捡起;B.came across偶然发现;Ctook away拿走;D.gave back归还。根据后文“her journal and read every word”指作者偶然发现了祖母的日记。故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,她在我生命中留下的空虚变得越来越强烈,我也有自己的健康问题需要处理,比如在47岁时被诊断出患有乳腺癌。A.display展示;B.make制作;Cexplain解释;D.handle处理。根据后文“such as being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 47”指作者患有乳腺癌,需要处理自己的健康问题。故选D。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的病使我根据祖母日记的内容写下了她的生活故事。A.job工作:B.failure失败:C.illness疾病:D.confusion困惑。呼应上文“being diagnosed with breast cancer”指作者患有乳腺癌。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的病使我根据祖母日记的内容写下了她的生活故事。A.contents内容;B.suggestions建议;C.demands要求;D pages页数。根据后文“of her journal”以及上文“'writedown my grandmother’s life story”祖母的生活故事雷要根据她日记的内容来写。故选A。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然有时写作是痛苦的,但它确实使我再次接近她,并帮助我更清楚地了解她的许多苦难。A.happily快乐地;Bnearly几乎;C.exactly恰好地;D.clearly清楚地。根据上文“'it did bring me close to her once again”可知写作让作者靠近祖母,更清楚地了解她的苦难。故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:写日记帮助我情感上得到恢复。A.respond回答;B.succeed成功;C.struggle努力;D.recover恢复。根据后文“to the healing process”可知,写日记帮助作者情感上得到恢复。故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论你是否受到改变、失去或痛苦的影响,找时间写作对愈合过程很重要。A.tracked追踪;B.affected影响;C.injured伤害;D.punished惩罚。根据后文“by change loss or pain”指受到改变、失去或痛苦的影响。故选B
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论你是否受到改变、失去或痛苦的影响,找时间写作对愈合过程很重要。A.important重要的;B.close靠近的;C.equal相等的;D.related有关的。根据上文提到写作帮助作者情感上得到恢复,以及后文“to the healing process”可知,指找时间写作对愈合过程很重要。故选A。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以为什么不拿起你的笔,写下你想到的任何东西呢 A.
borrow借来;B.purchase购买:C.grab抓住;D throw扔。根据后文“your pen and write down
whatever comes to your mind”指拿起笔,写下想法应用动词grab。故选C。
32.答案:①has been teaching②participant③an④consisting⑤to⑥highly⑦liberated⑧to collect⑨be tailored⑩how
Growing through Challenges
Challenges are part of our life, which come in different forms. However, it is growing through these challenges that makes us stronger.
As for me, one challenge that I faced was living in the dorm independently. It was the first time that I had left my parents and learnt to manage my life all by myself. At first, it was very frustrating that I couldn't adapt to living without my parents. But with the help of my teachers and classmates, I overcame all the difficulties I met. Not only my parents but also I was amazed to find a completely new me.
As Santiago in the book of The Old Man and the Sea says, “A man can be destroyed but not be defeated.” Only by bravely facing challenges can we gain growth.
克服:overcome→get over
面对:face→be faced with
原:But with the help of my teachers and classmates .I overcame all the difficulties I met
拓展:It was after my teachers and classmates
offered help that I overcame all the difficulties I met.
高分句型1As for me, one challenge that I faced was living in the dorm independently.(运用了that引导定语从句)
[高分句型2] Only by bravely facing challenges can we gain growth.(运用了Only+介词短语置于句首引起的部分倒装)
I looked over my report card, expecting the usual result. But to my surprise, her feedback was different. Instead of focusing on the negatives, she pointed out the improvements I had made. She acknowledged my efforts, however small, and encouraged me to keep working on my weaknesses. I double-checked and made sure it was definitely my report card. Even though we had been given permission to talk amongst ourselves, I had very little to say to friends as I waited anxiously for her to call my name.
Then it was my turn to talk with her. She began with a warm smile, “You have any questions for me ” I remember looking down at my report card and saying, “I don’t get A’s, besides, nowhere on here does it say I talk too much.” She said, “I figured you already knew you talked too much, so I thought I could tell you something different. As for the grades, you earned the A’s.” From that day on, I knew I was capable of “straight A’s” and could have qualities other than that of a student who talked too much in class.
②由第二段首句内容“然后轮到我和她说话了。”可知,第二段可描写作者和Mrs Royal交流的具体内季-肯定进步--开2.续写线索:成绩单反馈不同始谈话--给予肯定--感动。
①指出:point out/identify
[高分句型1]Even though we had been given permission to talk amongst ourselves, I had very little to say to friends as I waited anxiously for her to call my name.(运用了even though引l导的让步状语从句和as引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]I don't get A's, besides, nowhere on here does it say I talk too much.(运用了nowhere位于句首的倒装句以及省略that的宾语从句)