浙江省钱塘联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试题( Word版含解析,无听力音频及听力原文)


名称 浙江省钱塘联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试题( Word版含解析,无听力音频及听力原文)
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文件大小 255.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-27 15:54:25


1. 本卷共9页满分150考试时间120分钟。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,共20题,满分30分)
1. When will the woman get home
A. At noon. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A robot. B. A zoo. C. A hotel.
3. What will the speakers do tomorrow
A. Practice tennis. B. Go swimming. C. Play badminton.
4. Where does the man usually get the news
A. From the newspaper. B. From the Internet. C. From TV.
5. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Repairman and customer. C. Manager and client.
6. What made the man have the idea of going to South Africa
A. Laura’s pictures. B. Lisa’s invitation. C. His homesickness.
7. Why doesn’t the man book his ticket now
A. He has a lot of work to do now.
B. He wants to get the cheaper ticket.
C. He is waiting for Lisa’s final decision.
8. Where is Jim from
A. China. B. France. C. Germany.
9. What does Mary want to do
A. Get to know Jim. B. Collect new stamps. C. Learn foreign languages.
10. Who recommended this restaurant
A. Tony. B. The woman. C. Katie.
11. What didn’t the speakers order last night
A. Steak. B. Salad. C. Cheesecake.
12. Why did the speakers eat out together
A. To hold a farewell party. B. To solve office problems. C. To meet some new people.
13. How many applications has Peter looked through
A. 3. B. 4. C. 17.
14. What did Bill use to be most probably
A. An engineer. B. A salesman. C. A manager.
15. What is Lisa’s advantage
A. A good education. B. Rich work experience. C. Special management skills.
16. What do the speakers decide to do next week
A. Organize an interview. B. Train some new employees. C. Develop overseas business.
17. How did Tony Smith help the speaker
A. By picking her up last night. B. By arranging her holiday. C. By improving the program.
18. What made the speaker unpleasant during her trip
A. The weather. B. The food. C. The locals.
19. What is John Miller’s message about
A. His thanks. B. His apology. C. His suggestion.
20. What will the speaker do next
A. Play some music. B. Meet some listeners. C. Answer some questions.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Fascinating Facts about London’s Parks
Did you know that 47 percent of London consists of green space Takeaway the private gardens and that leaves 37% of the capital’s green land given over to Royal Parks, gardens, and public green spaces. It’s the third greenest capital city in the world. Now let’s take a look at the most fascinating facts about London’s parks.
Handing out flowers in Green Park
Nobody is totally sure how Green Park got its name. There are a few different theories. One tale says that the name originates from the time of Charles Ⅱ. The King was walking through the park with his wife and courtiers when he picked a flower. Instead of handing it to Queen Catherine, he handed it to another woman that was said to be his mistress. Extremely angry, the Queen ordered that all the flowers in the park be dug out, leaving only grass.
Counting trees in the Royal Parks
When counted together, the Royal Parks contain over 170,000 trees, with the oldest being the 400-year-old chestnut trees in Greenwich Park. These are young trees, though, compared to London’s oldest tree—a great elm in High Barnet that is said to be over 2000 years old. London has more than 8 million trees: nearly as many as people there.
Underground secrets in Greenwich
Greenwich Park shows more fascinating features. Deep under the surface are buried a series of secret tunnels that are tall enough for a person to walk. It’s been claimed that the tunnels were built as secret escape routes for King Henry Ⅷ. Their real purpose is a little less exciting, and the tunnels were actually built as waterways to allow groundwater from the hillsides to escape.
Walking is the best way to explore London’s beautiful green spaces. We hope you enjoyed these fun facts.
1. How much do private gardens cover in London green space
A. 47 percent. B. 33 percent. C. 37 percent. D. 10 percent.
2. How did Green Park get its name according to the text
A. The King Charles Ⅱ gave the park its name.
B. There were so many green trees in it.
C. Its flowers were removed and only grass was left.
D. The grass in the park was well protected by the Queen.
3. What will you see if you go to Greenwich Park
A. The hillsides with waterways. B. Tunnels under its surface.
C. The statue of King Henry Ⅷ. D. The oldest tree of London.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Did you know that 47 percent of London consists of green space Takeaway the private gardens and that leaves 37% of the capital’s green land given over to Royal Parks, gardens, and public green spaces.(你知道伦敦 47% 的面积都是绿地吗?除去私人花园,伦敦 37% 的绿地被用作皇家公园、花园和公共绿地。伦敦是世界上绿化程度第三高的首都城市)”可计算出私人花园占伦敦绿地面积为47% - 37% =10%,故选D。
细节理解题。根据Handing out flowers in Green Park部分中的“Nobody is totally sure how Green Park got its name. There are a few different theories. One tale says that the name originates from the time of Charles Ⅱ. The King was walking through the park with his wife and courtiers when he picked a flower. Instead of handing it to Queen Catherine, he handed it to another woman that was said to be his mistress. Extremely angry, the Queen ordered that all the flowers in the park be dug out, leaving only grass.(没有人完全确定格林公园的名字是怎么来的。有几种不同的理论。一种说法是,这个名字起源于查理二世时期。国王与妻子和朝臣们在公园里散步时摘了一朵花。他没有把花交给凯瑟琳王后,而是交给了另一个女人,据说她是他的情妇。王后非常生气,下令把公园里的所有花都挖掉,只留下草)”可知,格林公园的花都被摘掉了,只剩下草,由此得来格林公园这个名字,故选C。
细节理解题。根据Underground secrets in Greenwich部分中的“Greenwich Park shows more fascinating features. Deep under the surface are buried a series of secret tunnels that are tall enough for a person to walk.(格林威治公园展现了更多迷人的风景。地表深处埋藏着一系列秘密隧道,这些隧道高至足以让人行走。)”可知,如果你去格林威治公园,你会看到地表下的隧道。故选B。
Students at an elementary school in California, with the help of their art teacher, created a telephone hotline that people can call to get cheerful advice from kids during difficult times. In just days, the hotline began getting thousands of calls an hour.
Jessica Martin, who teaches art at West Side School in Healdsburg, California, thought her students just might have the magic words needed to bring calmness to people in these difficult times. “To hear the pure joy from kids is extremely comforting,” she says.
Ms. Martin, along with artist Asherah Weiss, worked with students at West Side on a project they called “PepToc”. Actually, they called it “Pep Talk” first. But when Ms. Martin’s 6-year-old son drew an advertisement for the hotline and spelled it “PepToc”, they decided they liked that even better.
The project had two parts — one was the hotline, and the other was creating encouraging posters.
The hotline is available in English and Spanish. It offers the happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive messages. For example, by pressing 3, you can hear a group of kindergartners saying together, “You can do it! Keep trying and don’t give up!” Pressing 4 triggers the sounds of children giggling and laughing — a sound certain to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Pressing 1 brings up ideas for people who are “feeling mad, frustrated, or nervous”. Helpful suggestions include: “punch your pillow”, or “go get a cookie”. Pressing 2 results in “words of encouragement and life advice”. This includes messages like: “The world is a better place with you in it.” And “You are okay!”
Other students took part in making encouraging posters, which were hung up around the town. Many posters had strips of paper that people passing by could tear off and take with them. For example, one poster said “If you are mad, think of positive thoughts”, and had tear-off strips reminding people to “Be happy”.
4 What do we know about the PepToc project
A. The project has not started yet. B. It got its present name by accident.
C. Its hotline only provides English service. D. Jessica Martin will answer the hotline calls.
5. You can press ______ to hear kids’ laughter when calling the hotline.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
6. What can passers-by do with the posters
A. They can add their comments to the posters. B. They can take away the poster’s strips.
C. They can take photos for posters for free. D. They can redesign the posters.
7. Who is the hotline possibly targeted at
A. Newborn babies. B. Relaxed vacationer.
C. Experienced advice providers. D. Mentally stressed adults.
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. B 7. D
细节理解题。根据第三段中“But when Ms. Martin’s 6-year-old son drew an advertisement for the hotline and spelled it “PepToc”, they decided they liked that even better.(但当马丁女士6岁的儿子为热线画了一则广告并拼写为“PepToc”时,他们觉得这个名称更好)”可知,PepToc项目现在的名字是偶然得到的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第五段中“Pressing 4 triggers the sounds of children giggling and laughing— a sound certain to bring a smile to anyone’s face.(按下数字4会引发孩子们咯咯笑和大笑的声音——这种声音肯定能让任何人的脸上绽放笑容)”可知,拨打热线时,按4可以听到孩子们的笑声。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Many posters had strips of paper that people passing by could tear off and take with them.(许多海报上都有纸条,路过的人可以撕下来带走)”可知,路人可以拿走海报的纸条。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“Students at an elementary school in California, with the help of their art teacher, created a telephone hotline that people can call to get cheerful advice from kids during difficult times.(加利福尼亚州一所小学学生在艺术老师的帮助下创建了一条电话热线,人们可以在困难时期拨打该热线,从孩子们那里获得愉快的建议)”及第二段中“Jessica Martin, who teaches art at West Side School in Healdsburg, California, thought her students just might have the magic words needed to bring calmness to people in these difficult times.(杰西卡·马丁在加州希尔兹堡的西区学校教授艺术,她认为她的学生们可能拥有在这个艰难时期带给人们平静所需的神奇话语)”及第五段中“It offers the happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive messages.(它提供了不同年龄的孩子们分享积极信息的快乐声音)”可知,这条热线电话针对的是精神压力大的成年人,为他们提供安慰和建议。故选D。
Lifting a spear (矛), Li Jinqi pulled it across her shoulders and spun it quickly. Following her example, 10 peers in two rows wearing the same kungfu-style clothing produced the same movements.
Li is a 24-year-old PhD student at Beihang University in Beijing, but she is more widely known on campus as a martial arts master. She has studied various martial arts styles and won several cross-campus martial arts competitions held in the capital city. She also led the university’s martial arts club, which has grown from a team of 2 to over 30 active members.
“Martial arts has seen a great uptick on campus, and I heard that my middle school and high school have both opened martial arts courses,” says Li. “I don’t think martial arts is about fighting,” she adds, “Martial arts is about finding the best version of yourself.”
Gao Xiaoya, a junior student at Beihang, also joined the martial arts club. Gao is among an increasing number of young people who were first drawn to martial arts as a way to keep fit, but who found their enthusiasm grew when they realized the advantages from the traditional values and culture the sport embodies. “You start to enjoy it more and realize that martial arts have taught you how to face challenges and be confident,” says the 21-year-old.
On China’s video-sharing platform Bilibili, short videos on topics of traditional Chinese culture, such as martial arts, hanfu and Peking Opera often receive lots of likes and comments.
“The fast development of the internet and social media has also promoted communication about traditional Chinese culture, enabling young people to have easier access to previously niche art forms,” says Song Yu, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences . As younger generation pay more attention to traditional culture, relevant industries and services are expected to thrive as well, says Song.
8. What do we know about Li Jingqi
A. She is familiar with all the martial arts styles.
B. She sets up a university’s martial arts club.
C. She is a martial arts coach at Beihang University.
D. She is famous for winning some martial arts competitions.
9. What does the underlined word “uptick” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Choice. B. Problem. C. Rise. D. Fall.
10. Why is Gao Xiaoya mentioned in Paragraph 4
A. To explain why people’s enthusiasm for martial arts increased.
B. To tell when people would like to join the martial arts club.
C. To display what people practiced in their daily lives.
D. To show how people faced challenges.
11. What’s Song Yu’s attitude towards the future of traditional culture industries
A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Cautious. D. Worried.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Li is a 24-year-old PhD student at Beihang University in Beijing, but she is more widely known on campus as a martial arts master. She has studied various martial arts styles and won several cross-campus martial arts competitions held in the capital city. (李现年 24 岁,是北京航空航天大学的一名博士生,但她在校园里更广为人知的身份是武术大师。她学习过多种武术,并在首都举办的几场跨校区武术比赛中获胜。)”可知,李锦琪因赢得一些武术比赛而广为人知。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线单词下文“I heard that my middle school and high school have both opened martial arts courses(我听说我的中学和高中都开设了武术课)”可知,李的中学和高中都开设了武术课,这说明武术在校园里发展起来了,即武术课程在校园里增加了不少,由此可推知,划线单词uptick意为“上升,增加”,与C项“Rise.(上升,增加)”意思一样,故选C。
推理判断题。根据三段中“Martial arts has seen a great uptick on campus, and I heard that my middle school and high school have both opened martial arts courses(武术在校园里大行其道,听说我的中学和高中都开设了武术课)”和第四段“Gao Xiaoya, a junior student at Beihang, also joined the martial arts club. Gao is among an increasing number of young people who were first drawn to martial arts as a way to keep fit, but who found their enthusiasm grew when they realized the advantages from the traditional values and culture the sport embodies. “You start to enjoy it more and realize that martial arts have taught you how to face challenges and be confident,” says the 21-year-old.(北航大三学生高晓雅也加入了武术俱乐部。高晓雅是越来越多年轻人中的一员,他们最初被武术吸引是为了强身健体,但当他们意识到这项运动所体现的传统价值观和文化的优势时,他们的热情就高涨起来。这位 21 岁的女孩说:“你开始更加享受它,并意识到武术教会了你如何面对挑战并充满自信。”)”可知,第三段提到武术在校园里盛行,第四段用Gao Xiaoya的例子对此进行了解释,指出人们喜欢武术的原因,由此可推知,第四段提到Gao Xiaoya是为了解释为何人们对武术的热情日益高涨。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“As younger generation pay more attention to traditional culture, relevant industries and services are expected to thrive as well, says Song.(宋宇表示,随着年轻一代更加关注传统文化,相关产业和服务也有望蓬勃发展。)”可推知,对于传统文化产业的未来,宋宇是持积极态度的,故选B。
Extreme land use combined with warming temperatures is pushing insect ecosystems toward collapse in some parts of the world, scientists reported Wednesday.
The study, published in the journal Nature, identified for the first time a clear and alarming link between the climate crisis and high-intensity agriculture and showed that, in places where those impacts are particularly high, insect abundance has already dropped by nearly 50%, while the number of species has been reduced by 27%.
These findings cause huge concerns, according to Charlotte Outhwaite, the lead author on the study and researcher at the University College London, given the important role of insects in local ecosystems, pollination (授粉) and food production, and note that losing insects could threaten human health and food security.
“Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators,” Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK, previously told CNN. “Without insects, crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries. We can’t feed 8 billion people.”
Scientists say, extreme land use has a link with the climate crisis. Clearing natural habitats for agriculture can dramatically change the area’s local climate and cause temperature extremes. Researchers found evident declines in insect populations in warmer areas, particularly in the tropics. They concluded that in areas with less agriculture, less climate warming, and a nearby natural habitat, insects only declined by 7%, compared to the 63% decrease in areas with less natural habitat cover.
Outhwaite told CNN there are things we can do to help prevent this crisis, like planting more native species and wildflowers, and reducing chemicals used in gardens. “It’s also probably a good idea to think about where the foods that we are buying are being sourced from,” Outwaite said. “So if they’re being sourced from tropical countries, there’s probably going to be a high impact on biodiversity there.”
12. Why does the author quote Dave Goulson’s words in the paragraph 4
A. To emphasize the importance of insects to human life.
B. To provide evidence for the decline in insect populations.
C. To suggest potential solutions to prevent the decline of insects.
D. To show the importance of preserving natural habitats for insects.
13. Which of the following may contribute to the largest decline in insect population
A. Making full use of land in colder areas. B. Preserving habitats cover in colder areas.
C. Planting more native species in warmer areas. D. Expanding agriculture production in tropics.
14. What does Outhwaite’s words mainly focus on in the last paragraph
A. The efforts that have been made to protect insects.
B. The suggestions on how to protect the diversity of insects.
C. The reasons why we should preserve the diversity of insects.
D. The advice on what kind of products to buy to avoid insect crisis.
15. What can be the best title for the text
A. Agriculture Harms Ecosystems B. Reasons for Endangered Insect Ecosystems
C. Insect Ecosystems Need Help D. Efforts Made to Save Insect Ecosystems
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
推理判断题。根据第三段中“These findings cause huge concerns, according to Charlotte Outhwaite, the lead author on the study and researcher at the University College London, given the important role of insects in local ecosystems, pollination (授粉) and food production, and note that losing insects could threaten human health and food security.(这项研究的主要作者、伦敦大学学院研究员 Charlotte Outhwaite 表示,鉴于昆虫在当地生态系统、授粉和粮食生产中的重要作用,这些发现引起了人们的极大担忧,并指出昆虫的消失可能威胁人类健康和粮食安全)”和第四段““Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators,” Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK, previously told CNN. “Without insects, crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries. We can’t feed 8 billion people.”(英国萨塞克斯大学生物学教授戴夫·古尔森此前告诉 CNN:“我们的四分之三的农作物依赖昆虫授粉。没有昆虫,农作物就会开始歉收。我们将不会有草莓之类的东西。我们无法养活80亿人。”)”可知,昆虫在当地生态系统、授粉和粮食生产中有重要作用,没有昆虫授粉,农作物就会歉收,人类无法生存,由此可推知,作者引用Dave Goulson的话是为了强调昆虫对人类生活的重要性。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第二段“The study, published in the journal Nature, identified for the first time a clear and alarming link between the climate crisis and high-intensity agriculture and showed that, in places where those impacts are particularly high, insect abundance has already dropped by nearly 50%, while the number of species has been reduced by 27%.(这项研究发表在《自然》杂志上,首次发现了气候危机与高强度农业之间的明确而令人担忧的联系,并表明在气候影响特别大的地方,昆虫数量已经下降了近 50%,而物种数量减少了 27%。)”和倒数第二段中“Researchers found evident declines in insect populations in warmer areas, particularly in the tropics. They concluded that in areas with less agriculture, less climate warming, and a nearby natural habitat, insects only declined by 7%, compared to the 63% decrease in areas with less natural habitat cover.(研究人员发现,在气候较温暖的地区,尤其是热带地区,昆虫数量明显减少。他们得出的结论是,在农业较少、气候变暖较少且自然栖息地较近的地区,昆虫数量仅减少了 7%,而自然栖息地覆盖较少的地区则减少了 63%。)”可知,在气候较温暖的地区,尤其是热带地区,昆虫数量明显减少,且在农业较少、气候变暖较少且自然栖息地较近的地区,昆虫数量减少的较少,但在高强度的农业地区昆虫数量下降很多,由此可推知,扩大热带地区的农业生产可能是造成昆虫数量最大下降的原因,故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Outhwaite told CNN there are things we can do to help prevent this crisis, like planting more native species and wildflowers, and reducing chemicals used in gardens. “It’s also probably a good idea to think about where the foods that we are buying are being sourced from,” Outwaite said. “So if they’re being sourced from tropical countries, there’s probably going to be a high impact on biodiversity there.”(Outhwaite告诉 CNN,我们可以采取一些措施来防止这场危机,比如种植更多本土物种和野花,减少花园中使用的化学品。“考虑一下我们购买的食物的来源也可能是一个好主意,”Outwaite 说。“所以,如果它们来自热带国家,可能会对那里的生物多样性产生很大影响。”)”可知,最后一段中 Outhwaite的话主要是关于如何保护昆虫多样性的建议。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Extreme land use combined with warming temperatures is pushing insect ecosystems toward collapse in some parts of the world, scientists reported Wednesday.(科学家周三报告称,极端的土地使用加上气温升高正在导致世界部分地区的昆虫生态系统崩溃。)”可知,文章主要介绍了极端的土地使用加上气温升高正在导致世界部分地区的昆虫生态系统崩溃,这进而影响了农作物产量,由此文章还就如何保护昆虫多样性提出了一些建议,由此可知,C项“昆虫生态系统需要帮助”适合作文章标题,故选C。
How to Build Resilience
Resilience (适应力) is a crucial skill that can help us face the unpredictability of life and thrive in the face of adversity. It can be developed and enhanced over time. ____16____
Enhance strong relationships
____17____ Having caring, supportive people around you acts as a protective factor during times of crisis. While simply talking about a situation with a friend or loved one won’t make your troubles go away, it allows you to share your feelings, get support, receive positive feedback, and come up with possible solutions to your problems.
Value physical health
Your physical well-being significantly impacts your resilience. A healthy body can cope better with stress and recover faster from illness or tiredness. ____18____ For instance, a 30-minute stroll and a short yoga session are all good choices. By taking care of yourself, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.
A sense of purpose can give you direction and motivation, especially during tough times. Consider what goals you have, whether little or large. These goals give a sense of purpose to your life and keep you focused. Write down a list of things you want to accomplish in life. Keep this list in a safe place and evaluate your progress regularly.
Develop problem-solving skills
Whenever you encounter a new challenge, brainstorm some of the potential ways you could solve the problem. ____20____ By practicing your problem-solving skills on a regular basis, you will be better prepared to cope when a serious challenge emerges.
A. Activate positive emotion
B. Discover your purpose
C. It’s important to have people you can trust.
D. It means the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool.
E. Experiment with different strategies to work through common problems.
F. Use the following strategies as a starting point for your resilience-building journey.
G. Start to improve your health by adding a simple exercise routine into your daily schedule.
【答案】16. F 17. C 18. G 19. B 20. E
上文“Resilience ( 适应力) is a crucial skill that can help us face the unpredictability of life and thrive in the face of adversity. It can be developed and enhanced over time.(适应力是一项关键技能,可以帮助我们面对生活中的不可预测性,并在逆境中茁壮成长。它可以随着时间的推移而得到发展和增强)”介绍了适应性的好处,下文“Enhance strong relationships(加强牢固的关系)”,“Value physical health(重视身体健康)”和“Develop problem-solving skills(培养解决问题的能力)”提出一些增强适应性的方法,由此可知,空处承上启下,指出有一些方法可以帮助你增强适应性,F项“使用以下策略作为你建设适应性之旅的起点”符合语境。故选F。
下文“Having caring, supportive people around you acts as a protective factor during times of crisis. While simply talking about a situation with a friend or loved one won’t make your troubles go away, it allows you to share your feelings, get support, receive positive feedback, and come up with possible solutions to your problems.(在危机时刻,身边 有关心和支持你的人会起到保护作用。虽然仅仅与朋友或亲人谈论情况并不能让你的烦恼消失,但它能让你分享自己的感受,获得支持,得到积极的反馈,并想出解决问题的可能方法)”介绍了有值得信赖的人的好处,这说明有值得信赖的人很重要,C项“拥有可以信赖的人很重要”能够引起下文,符合语境。故选C。
上文“Your physical well-being significantly impacts your resilience. A healthy body can cope better with stress and recover faster from illness or tiredness. (身体健康会极大地影响你的适应性。健康的身体可以更好地应对压力,更快地从疾病或疲劳中恢复过来)”指出健康的身体对适应性有很大好处,下文“For instance, a 30-minute stroll and a short yoga session are all good choices. By taking care of yourself, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.(例如,散步 30 分钟和做一小段瑜伽都是不错的选择。通过照顾好自己,你可以提高整体健康和恢复能力,并做好充分准备迎接生活中的挑战)”举例子说明可以在日常生活中进行简单的锻炼以此来改善身体健康,G项“通过在你的日常生活中加入简单的锻炼来开始改善你的健康”能够承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
此处是本段小标题,由下文“A sense of purpose can give you direction and motivation, especially during tough times. Consider what goals you have, whether little or large. These goals give a sense of purpose to your life and keep you focused. Write down a list of things you want to accomplish in life. Keep this list in a safe place and evaluate your progress regularly.(目标感可以给你方向和动力,尤其是在困难时期。考虑一下你有什么目标,无论大小。这些目标给你的生活带来目标感,让你保持专注。写下你想在生活中完成的事情的清单。把这份清单放在安全的地方,并定期评估你的进展)”指出要发现自己的目标,B项“发现你的目标”能概括本段内容,符合语境。故选B。
上文“Whenever you encounter a new challenge, brainstorm some of the potential ways you could solve the problem.(每当你遇到新的挑战时,集思广益,想出一些可以解决问题的潜在方法)”指出遇到挑战时要集思广益,想出一些可以解决问题的潜在方法,这说明要多尝试不同的策略来解决问题,E项“尝试不同的策略来解决常见问题”能够承接上文,符合语境。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Leigh Ann Sondrup, a devoted nurse at Valley wise, earned the title of a hero after a remarkable off-duty rescue.
The extraordinary chain of events ____21____ as Sondrup was heading home from work one morning. Having just completed her fourth straight night shift, she was ____22____. Driving on State Route 143 near Sky Harbor, Sondrup ____23____ noticed a horrible situation in the distance. As she ____24____, she found a concrete truck had overturned, with a man ____25____ inside.
Emergency first responders had not yet ____26____ to the scene. ____27____ her tiredness, Sondrup didn’t hesitate to make a decision to help. She ____28____ her car. No other cars were moving on the road, allowing her to safely walk across the usually busy highway. She got closer to the truck and then quickly ____29____ the situation. She discovered the driver was still conscious, but _____30_____ injured and losing blood at an alarming rate. Every second _____31_____. She quickly crawled underneath the overturned truck. In a display of resourcefulness (足智多谋), she used the man’s belt to stop the _____32_____.
Months later, the man who had suffered a life-threatening injury _____33_____ to Sondrup to express his _____34_____ for a second chance at life. The Phoenix Fire Department recognized Sondrup for her courageous actions. When interviewed, Sondrup said she _____35_____ a strong belief that everyone serves a purpose in life and that she was glad to have done her part when duty called.
21. A. exposed B. unfolded C. existed D. anticipated
22. A. heart-broken B. high-spirited C. open-minded D. worn-out
23 A. obviously B. abruptly C. temporarily D. ultimately
24. A. approached B. engaged C. commented D. emerged
25. A. absorbed B. hid C. trapped D. involved
26. A. got it B. took it C. made it D. left it
27. A. In spite of B. Instead of C. Rather than D. Other than
28. A. backed up B. pulled over C. held onto D. headed towards
29. A. assessed B. revealed C. improved D. settled
30. A. severely B. randomly C. accurately D. crucially
31. A. insisted B. inferred C. responded D. counted
32. A. injury B. wound C. operation D. bleeding
33. A. gave in B. got down C. set out D. reached out
34. A. sympathy B. gratitude C. apology D. mercy
35. A. attempted B. required C. maintained D. restored
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Leigh Ann Sondrup作为一名敬业的护士,在休假期间展现了她超凡的勇气和急救能力,成功救下一名在车祸中受伤的男子。她的事迹得到了社会的认可,她也因此被称为英雄。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天早上,当桑德鲁普下班回家的时候,一连串不同寻常的事件发生了。A. exposed暴露;B. unfolded(一系列事件的)发生;C. existed存在;D. anticipated预期。结合句中“chain of events”和下文讲述事件的起因、经过和结果可知,此处指一连串不同寻常的事件发生。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她刚连续上完第四个夜班,已经筋疲力尽了。A. heart-broken心碎的;B. high-spirited精神饱满的;C. open-minded开明的;D. worn-out疲惫不堪的,筋疲力尽的。根据上文“fourth straight night shift”可知,连续上完第四个夜班,所以她筋疲力尽。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:在天港附近的143号州际公路上开车时,桑德鲁普突然注意到远处有一个可怕的情况。A. obviously显然地;B. abruptly突然地;C. temporarily暂时地;D. ultimately最终。根据上文“Driving on State Route 143”可知,桑德鲁普当时专心正在开车,所以她是突然注意到可怕的情况。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她走近时,发现一辆混凝土卡车翻了,一名男子被困在里面。A. approached接近;B. engaged参与;C. commented评论;D. emerged出现。根据上文“noticed a horrible situation in the distance”以及下文“found a concrete truck had overturned”可知,她是靠近车祸现场才看清了具体情况。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她走近时,发现一辆混凝土卡车翻了,一名男子被困在里面。A. absorbed吸收;B. hid隐藏;C. trapped困住;D. involved涉及。根据上文“found a concrete truck had overturned”、下文“She discovered the driver was still conscious”以及“She quickly crawled underneath the overturned truck. In a display of resourcefulness (足智多谋), she used the man’s belt to stop the ____12____.”可知,男子的车翻了,他被困在车里。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:紧急救援人员还没有到达现场。A. got it明白了;B. took it接受了;C. made it成功,准时到达;D. left it留下,别管它。根据上文“Emergency first responders had not yet...”可知,紧急救援人员还没到达。故选C项。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管很累,桑德鲁普还是毫不犹豫地做出了帮助的决定。A. In spite of尽管;B. Instead of而不是;C. Rather than而不是;D. Other than除了。根据下文“her tiredness”和“Sondrup didn’t hesitate to make a decision to help”可知,她很累,但仍然决定伸出援手,前后文有转折关系,用介词短语in spite of构成让步状语。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:她把车停在路边。A. backed up支持;B. pulled over靠边停车;C. held onto抓住;D. headed towards朝……前进。根据上文“Sondrup didn’t hesitate to make a decision to help”和下文“She got closer to the truck”可知,桑德鲁普要停下车去救助伤者。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她走近卡车,然后迅速评估了一下情况。A. assessed评估;B. revealed揭示;C. improved改进;D. settled解决。根据下文“She discovered the driver was still conscious, but...”可知,桑德鲁普对情况作出了评估。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:她发现司机仍有意识,但伤势严重,失血速度惊人。A. severely严重地;B. randomly随机地;C. accurately准确地;D. crucially关键地。根据下文“losing blood at an alarming rate”可知,司机伤势严重。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每一秒都很重要。A. insisted坚持;B. inferred推断;C. responded回应;D. counted重要。根据上文“losing blood at an alarming rate”和下文“quickly”可知,司机伤势严重,情况紧急,所以每分每秒都很重要。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她机智地用那个男人的腰带给他止血。A. injury伤害;B. wound伤口;C. operation手术;D. bleeding流血,出血。根据上文“losing blood at an alarming rate”和“used the man’s belt to stop”可知,桑德鲁普用男人的腰带止血。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:几个月后,这名遭受了危及生命的伤害的男子找到了桑德鲁普,表达了他对第二次生命机会的感激之情。A. gave in屈服;B. got down记下;C. set out出发;D. reached out伸出。根据下文“to express his ____14____ for a second chance at life”可知,受伤的司机联系到桑德鲁普,reach out to意为“主动联系某人”符合语境。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个月后,这名遭受了危及生命的伤害的男子找到了桑德鲁普,表达了他对第二次生命机会的感激之情。A. sympathy同情;B. gratitude感激;C. apology道歉;D. mercy仁慈。根据上文可知,桑德鲁普救了司机的命,结合空后“for a second chance at life”可知,这个人要感谢Sondrup。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接受采访时,桑德鲁普说,她坚信每个人都有自己的人生目标,她很高兴在责任召唤时尽了自己的一份力量。A. attempted尝试;B. required需要;C. maintained坚持(意见),坚持认为;D. restored恢复。根据下文“a strong belief that everyone serves a purpose in life and that she was glad to have done her part when duty called.”可推知,此处阐述了桑德鲁普所坚持的信念。故选C项。
During Chinese New Year, a balloon loong (the Chinese pronunciation of dragon) ____36____ (measure) over 40 meters in length glided through a shopping mall in Hong Kong. The 40-meter long loong, ____37____ was made up of 38,000 balloons, broke the Guinness World Record as the ____38____ (large) balloon loong.
Balloon artist Wilson Pang, with over a decade of rich experience, realized his dream ____39____ (create) a loong-shaped balloon. Pang gathered a 60-member team, including students, to create the magnificent artwork. The loong project began on Jan 20, ____40____ the team working round the clock to finally complete a 41.77-meter balloon loong without skeleton support.
The ____41____ (exhibit) of the loong drew large crowds of people. To thank the audience for their support, Pang printed 5,000 postcards featuring the loong and ____42____ (arrange) a meeting with them at the mall. “To deliver ____43____ warm, loving, positive message to the people of Hong Kong is what I always want to do,” Pang says. Two-thirds of the members of the team who produced the loong were students. Pang believes that ____44____ is important to give young people opportunities, so he ____45____ (special) invited college and high school students to participate in the project.
【答案】36. measuring
37. which 38. largest
39. to create
40. with 41. exhibition
42. arranged
43. a 44. it
45. specially
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了农历新年之际,一条由 38000个气球组成的高达 40米的“长龙”在香港一家购物中心滑行,这打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。气球艺术家Wilson Pang与他的团队,倾注心血打造了这惊世之作。这条龙的展览吸引了众多观众,并获得了热烈回应。
考查非谓语动词。句意:农历新年期间,一只长达40多米的气球龙在香港一家购物中心滑行。此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰a balloon loon,动词measure和所修饰词是主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故填measuring。
考查非谓语动词。句意:拥有十多年丰富经验的气球艺术家Wilson Pang实现了自己创造龙形气球的梦想。此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词dream,所修饰词和动词create之间是同位关系,应用不定式作后置定语,故填to create。
考查时态。句意:为了感谢观众的支持,庞先生印制了50 00张以龙为主题的明信片,并安排在商场与他们见面。句子描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,谓语动词arranged和printed是并列关系,故填arranged。
第四部分 写作(共两节:满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46. 互联网已经成为高中生学习和生活的重要部分,但在利用网络时,难免有一些不愉快经历。你是学生会主席李华,为营造健康文明的网络环境,请以学生会的名义,向全校同学写一封倡议书。
1. 倡议的原因;
2. 具体的提议;
3. 发起呼吁。
注意:1. 字数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
【答案】Dear fellow students,
Nowadays, the Internet is easily accessible, which makes it convenient for us to interact with each other and get information we need. Unfortunately, the virtual world may also be a disturbing place for uncivilized behaviors. Therefore, I appeal to all students to be a civilized netizen.
Firstly, do remember to be polite, using words such as “thanks, sorry” and ensuring your good online conducts on a regular basis to show respect for others. Secondly, use officially registered websites rather than unauthorized ones to keep away from online fishing or cheating. Thirdly, once we meet with any illegal online behavior, report it timely to the police.
Let’s work together to foster a clean and unpolluted online environment
Students’ Union
呼吁:appeal to→call on
确保:ensure→make sure
定期地:on a regular basis→regularly
原句:Firstly, do remember to be polite, using words such as “thanks, sorry” and ensuring your good online conducts on a regular basis to show respect for others.
拓展句:Firstly, do remember to be polite, which means you should use words such as “thanks, sorry” and ensure your good online conducts on a regular basis to show respect for others.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Nowadays, the Internet is easily accessible, which makes it convenient for us to interact with each other and get information we need. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Thirdly, once we meet with any illegal online behavior, report it timely to the police.(运用了once引导的状语从句)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
It was two days before Christmas and young Maggie was told again that Paxton would not be returning.
Maggie’s father had found the weak deer a year ago and they had taken care of him. Maggie’s father, a vet, tended to the deer’s injuries and bandaged his foot. Maggie noticed that he had markings above his eyes that resembled the sun with rays of light. She named him Paxton and promised to take care of him.
Maggie couldn’t sleep that night and kept checking on Paxton from her window. The next morning, she rushed to the house to see Paxton. Paxton was still timid around her, but with time, he started eating carrots from her hand. Every morning before school, Maggie would feed Paxton.
Maggie wanted to keep Paxton, but her father explained that he was a wild animal and needed to be released after his foot was healed. Mr. Dotson could see his daughter’s affection for the little deer. That scared him, because he knew Maggie would never be able to say goodbye. So when Paxton’s foot had been healed, Mr. Dotson came home early one afternoon to set Paxton free. Maggie was overcome with sadness and called out to Paxton every day, hoping he would hear her.
In time, though, Maggie did come to understand that wild animals, even little deer, need to be in their natural habitat. But that didn’t change how much Maggie cared for and missed Paxton.
One day, as it started snowing, Maggie stood by a pond behind their house, feeling upset. The pond hadn’t frozen that winter, as the weather was warmer than usual. Mr. Dotson felt guilty about having not been more supportive of his daughter’s belief that she would see Paxton again. Although he didn’t want to give her false hope, he realized that no longer mattered, since Maggie was hurting and he wanted to help.
As Mr. Dotson walked outside to greet his daughter, he carried a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜) with him. He and Maggie would spend the next couple of hours in the woods, where they searched for deer tracks in the newly fallen snow. As Mr. Dotson had expected, their search came up empty.
“I’m sorry we didn’t have better luck, Maggie.”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As they hiked through the snow towards home, Maggie’s heart felt heavy.
“Daddy, look! It’s Paxton!” Maggie shouted, her voice filled with excitement.
As they hiked through the snow towards home, Maggie’s heart felt heavy. She couldn’t shake the disappointment of Paxton not returning to her. As Mr. Dotson and Maggie reached the edge of the woods, Maggie turned to take one last look at the place. At that moment, something caught her eye. A ray of sunlight reflected off the snow-covered ground, leading her eyesight deeper into the forest. There, standing among the trees, was Paxton, his sun-like markings standing out against the snow. Maggie’s heart skipped a beat as she watched him, a mix of joy and longing, filling her chest.
“Look! it’s Paxton!” Maggie shouted, her voice filled with excitement. “Look, Maggie, he seems happy and free in its natural habitat.” Maggie nodded. She knew Paxton was where he belonged, even if it meant they couldn’t be together. She realized her love for Paxton would always remain in her heart, no matter where he traveled. With a final wave to Paxton, Maggie turned to her father. As they walked towards home, Maggie carried with her a newfound wisdom. She understood that love isn’t always about possessing, but about cherishing and allowing others to follow their own paths. And she knew that the memories she shared with Paxton would forever be an invaluable part of her Christmas magic.
①回来:return/go back
②到达:reach/get to
③吸引某人:catch one’s eye/appeal to one’s eye
④意识到:realize/be aware
【点睛】【高分句型1】As Mr. Dotson and Maggie reached the edge of the woods, Maggie turned to take one last look at the place. ( 运用了As引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】A ray of sunlight reflected off the snow-covered ground, leading her eyesight deeper into the forest.( 运用了现在分词leading作状语)
【高分句型3】She understood that love isn’t always about possessing, but about cherishing and allowing others to follow their own paths. (运用了that引导的宾语从句、动名词cherishing和allowing作宾语)
听力答案:1-5 CCBAA 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 CACBA 16-20 ACACA绝密★考试结束前
1. 本卷共9页满分150考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
第一部分 听力(共两节,共20题,满分30分)
1. When will the woman get home
A. At noon. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A A robot. B. A zoo. C. A hotel.
3. What will the speakers do tomorrow
A. Practice tennis. B. Go swimming. C. Play badminton.
4. Where does the man usually get the news
A. From the newspaper. B. From the Internet. C. From TV.
5. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Repairman and customer. C. Manager and client.
6. What made the man have the idea of going to South Africa
A. Laura’s pictures. B. Lisa’s invitation. C. His homesickness.
7. Why doesn’t the man book his ticket now
A. He has a lot of work to do now.
B. He wants to get the cheaper ticket.
C. He is waiting for Lisa’s final decision.
8. Where is Jim from
A. China. B. France. C. Germany.
9. What does Mary want to do
A. Get to know Jim. B. Collect new stamps. C. Learn foreign languages.
10. Who recommended this restaurant
A. Tony. B. The woman. C. Katie.
11. What didn’t the speakers order last night
A. Steak. B. Salad. C. Cheesecake.
12. Why did the speakers eat out together
A. To hold a farewell party. B. To solve office problems. C. To meet some new people.
13. How many applications has Peter looked through
A. 3. B. 4. C. 17.
14. What did Bill use to be most probably
A. An engineer. B. A salesman. C. A manager.
15. What is Lisa’s advantage
A A good education. B. Rich work experience. C. Special management skills.
16. What do the speakers decide to do next week
A. Organize an interview. B. Train some new employees. C. Develop overseas business.
17. How did Tony Smith help the speaker
A. By picking her up last night. B. By arranging her holiday. C. By improving the program.
18. What made the speaker unpleasant during her trip
A. The weather. B. The food. C. The locals.
19. What is John Miller’s message about
A. His thanks. B. His apology. C. His suggestion.
20. What will the speaker do next
A. Play some music. B. Meet some listeners. C. Answer some questions.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Fascinating Facts about London’s Parks
Did you know that 47 percent of London consists of green space Takeaway the private gardens and that leaves 37% of the capital’s green land given over to Royal Parks, gardens, and public green spaces. It’s the third greenest capital city in the world. Now let’s take a look at the most fascinating facts about London’s parks.
Handing out flowers in Green Park
Nobody is totally sure how Green Park got its name. There are a few different theories. One tale says that the name originates from the time of Charles Ⅱ. The King was walking through the park with his wife and courtiers when he picked a flower. Instead of handing it to Queen Catherine, he handed it to another woman that was said to be his mistress. Extremely angry, the Queen ordered that all the flowers in the park be dug out, leaving only grass.
Counting trees in the Royal Parks
When counted together, the Royal Parks contain over 170,000 trees, with the oldest being the 400-year-old chestnut trees in Greenwich Park. These are young trees, though, compared to London’s oldest tree—a great elm in High Barnet that is said to be over 2000 years old. London has more than 8 million trees: nearly as many as people there.
Underground secrets in Greenwich
Greenwich Park shows more fascinating features. Deep under the surface are buried a series of secret tunnels that are tall enough for a person to walk. It’s been claimed that the tunnels were built as secret escape routes for King Henry Ⅷ. Their real purpose is a little less exciting, and the tunnels were actually built as waterways to allow groundwater from the hillsides to escape.
Walking is the best way to explore London’s beautiful green spaces. We hope you enjoyed these fun facts.
1. How much do private gardens cover in London green space
A. 47 percent. B. 33 percent. C. 37 percent. D. 10 percent.
2. How did Green Park get its name according to the text
A. The King Charles Ⅱ gave the park its name.
B. There were so many green trees in it.
C. Its flowers were removed and only grass was left.
D. The grass in the park was well protected by the Queen.
3. What will you see if you go to Greenwich Park
A. The hillsides with waterways. B. Tunnels under its surface.
C. The statue of King Henry Ⅷ. D. The oldest tree of London.
Students at an elementary school in California, with the help of their art teacher, created a telephone hotline that people can call to get cheerful advice from kids during difficult times. In just days, the hotline began getting thousands of calls an hour.
Jessica Martin, who teaches art at West Side School in Healdsburg, California, thought her students just might have the magic words needed to bring calmness to people in these difficult times. “To hear the pure joy from kids is extremely comforting,” she says.
Ms. Martin, along with artist Asherah Weiss, worked with students at West Side on a project they called “PepToc”. Actually, they called it “Pep Talk” first. But when Ms. Martin’s 6-year-old son drew an advertisement for the hotline and spelled it “PepToc”, they decided they liked that even better.
The project had two parts — one was the hotline, and the other was creating encouraging posters.
The hotline is available in English and Spanish. It offers the happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive messages. For example, by pressing 3, you can hear a group of kindergartners saying together, “You can do it! Keep trying and don’t give up!” Pressing 4 triggers the sounds of children giggling and laughing — a sound certain to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Pressing 1 brings up ideas for people who are “feeling mad, frustrated, or nervous”. Helpful suggestions include: “punch your pillow”, or “go get a cookie”. Pressing 2 results in “words of encouragement and life advice”. This includes messages like: “The world is a better place with you in it.” And “You are okay!”
Other students took part in making encouraging posters, which were hung up around the town. Many posters had strips of paper that people passing by could tear off and take with them. For example, one poster said “If you are mad, think of positive thoughts”, and had tear-off strips reminding people to “Be happy”.
4. What do we know about the PepToc project
A. The project has not started yet. B. It got its present name by accident.
C. Its hotline only provides English service. D. Jessica Martin will answer the hotline calls.
5. You can press ______ to hear kids’ laughter when calling the hotline.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
6. What can passers-by do with the posters
A. They can add their comments to the posters. B. They can take away the poster’s strips.
C. They can take photos for posters for free. D. They can redesign the posters.
7. Who is the hotline possibly targeted at
A. Newborn babies. B. Relaxed vacationer.
C. Experienced advice providers. D. Mentally stressed adults.
Lifting a spear (矛), Li Jinqi pulled it across her shoulders and spun it quickly. Following her example, 10 peers in two rows wearing the same kungfu-style clothing produced the same movements.
Li is a 24-year-old PhD student at Beihang University in Beijing, but she is more widely known on campus as a martial arts master. She has studied various martial arts styles and won several cross-campus martial arts competitions held in the capital city. She also led the university’s martial arts club, which has grown from a team of 2 to over 30 active members.
“Martial arts has seen a great uptick on campus, and I heard that my middle school and high school have both opened martial arts courses,” says Li. “I don’t think martial arts is about fighting,” she adds, “Martial arts is about finding the best version of yourself.”
Gao Xiaoya, a junior student at Beihang, also joined the martial arts club. Gao is among an increasing number of young people who were first drawn to martial arts as a way to keep fit, but who found their enthusiasm grew when they realized the advantages from the traditional values and culture the sport embodies. “You start to enjoy it more and realize that martial arts have taught you how to face challenges and be confident,” says the 21-year-old.
On China’s video-sharing platform Bilibili, short videos on topics of traditional Chinese culture, such as martial arts, hanfu and Peking Opera often receive lots of likes and comments.
“The fast development of the internet and social media has also promoted communication about traditional Chinese culture, enabling young people to have easier access to previously niche art forms,” says Song Yu, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences . As younger generation pay more attention to traditional culture, relevant industries and services are expected to thrive as well, says Song.
8. What do we know about Li Jingqi
A. She is familiar with all the martial arts styles.
B. She sets up a university’s martial arts club.
C. She is a martial arts coach at Beihang University.
D. She is famous for winning some martial arts competitions.
9. What does the underlined word “uptick” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Choice. B. Problem. C. Rise. D. Fall.
10. Why is Gao Xiaoya mentioned in Paragraph 4
A. To explain why people’s enthusiasm for martial arts increased.
B. To tell when people would like to join the martial arts club.
C. To display what people practiced in their daily lives.
D. To show how people faced challenges.
11. What’s Song Yu’s attitude towards the future of traditional culture industries
A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Cautious. D. Worried.
Extreme land use combined with warming temperatures is pushing insect ecosystems toward collapse in some parts of the world scientists reported Wednesday.
The study, published in the journal Nature, identified for the first time a clear and alarming link between the climate crisis and high-intensity agriculture and showed that, in places where those impacts are particularly high, insect abundance has already dropped by nearly 50%, while the number of species has been reduced by 27%.
These findings cause huge concerns, according to Charlotte Outhwaite, the lead author on the study and researcher at the University College London, given the important role of insects in local ecosystems, pollination (授粉) and food production, and note that losing insects could threaten human health and food security.
“Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators,” Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK, previously told CNN. “Without insects, crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries. We can’t feed 8 billion people.”
Scientists say, extreme land use has a link with the climate crisis. Clearing natural habitats for agriculture can dramatically change the area’s local climate and cause temperature extremes. Researchers found evident declines in insect populations in warmer areas, particularly in the tropics. They concluded that in areas with less agriculture, less climate warming, and a nearby natural habitat, insects only declined by 7%, compared to the 63% decrease in areas with less natural habitat cover.
Outhwaite told CNN there are things we can do to help prevent this crisis, like planting more native species and wildflowers, and reducing chemicals used in gardens. “It’s also probably a good idea to think about where the foods that we are buying are being sourced from,” Outwaite said. “So if they’re being sourced from tropical countries, there’s probably going to be a high impact on biodiversity there.”
12. Why does the author quote Dave Goulson’s words in the paragraph 4
A. To emphasize the importance of insects to human life.
B. To provide evidence for the decline in insect populations.
C. To suggest potential solutions to prevent the decline of insects.
D. To show the importance of preserving natural habitats for insects.
13. Which of the following may contribute to the largest decline in insect population
A. Making full use of land in colder areas. B. Preserving habitats cover in colder areas.
C Planting more native species in warmer areas. D. Expanding agriculture production in tropics.
14. What does Outhwaite’s words mainly focus on in the last paragraph
A. The efforts that have been made to protect insects.
B. The suggestions on how to protect the diversity of insects.
C. The reasons why we should preserve the diversity of insects.
D. The advice on what kind of products to buy to avoid insect crisis.
15. What can be the best title for the text
A. Agriculture Harms Ecosystems B. Reasons for Endangered Insect Ecosystems
C. Insect Ecosystems Need Help D. Efforts Made to Save Insect Ecosystems
How to Build Resilience
Resilience (适应力) is a crucial skill that can help us face the unpredictability of life and thrive in the face of adversity. It can be developed and enhanced over time. ____16____
Enhance strong relationships
____17____ Having caring, supportive people around you acts as a protective factor during times of crisis. While simply talking about a situation with a friend or loved one won’t make your troubles go away, it allows you to share your feelings, get support, receive positive feedback, and come up with possible solutions to your problems.
Value physical health
Your physical well-being significantly impacts your resilience. A healthy body can cope better with stress and recover faster from illness or tiredness. ____18____ For instance, a 30-minute stroll and a short yoga session are all good choices. By taking care of yourself, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.
A sense of purpose can give you direction and motivation, especially during tough times. Consider what goals you have, whether little or large. These goals give a sense of purpose to your life and keep you focused. Write down a list of things you want to accomplish in life. Keep this list in a safe place and evaluate your progress regularly.
Develop problem-solving skills
Whenever you encounter a new challenge, brainstorm some of the potential ways you could solve the problem. ____20____ By practicing your problem-solving skills on a regular basis, you will be better prepared to cope when a serious challenge emerges.
A. Activate positive emotion
B. Discover your purpose
C. It’s important to have people you can trust.
D. It means the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool.
E. Experiment with different strategies to work through common problems.
F. Use the following strategies as a starting point for your resilience-building journey.
G. Start to improve your health by adding a simple exercise routine into your daily schedule.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Leigh Ann Sondrup, a devoted nurse at Valley wise, earned the title of a hero after a remarkable off-duty rescue.
The extraordinary chain of events ____21____ as Sondrup was heading home from work one morning. Having just completed her fourth straight night shift, she was ____22____. Driving on State Route 143 near Sky Harbor, Sondrup ____23____ noticed a horrible situation in the distance. As she ____24____, she found a concrete truck had overturned, with a man ____25____ inside.
Emergency first responders had not yet ____26____ to the scene. ____27____ her tiredness, Sondrup didn’t hesitate to make a decision to help. She ____28____ her car. No other cars were moving on the road, allowing her to safely walk across the usually busy highway. She got closer to the truck and then quickly ____29____ the situation. She discovered the driver was still conscious, but _____30_____ injured and losing blood at an alarming rate. Every second _____31_____. She quickly crawled underneath the overturned truck. In a display of resourcefulness (足智多谋), she used the man’s belt to stop the _____32_____.
Months later, the man who had suffered a life-threatening injury _____33_____ to Sondrup to express his _____34_____ for a second chance at life. The Phoenix Fire Department recognized Sondrup for her courageous actions. When interviewed, Sondrup said she _____35_____ a strong belief that everyone serves a purpose in life and that she was glad to have done her part when duty called.
21. A. exposed B. unfolded C. existed D. anticipated
22. A. heart-broken B. high-spirited C. open-minded D. worn-out
23. A. obviously B. abruptly C. temporarily D. ultimately
24. A. approached B. engaged C. commented D. emerged
25. A. absorbed B. hid C. trapped D. involved
26. A. got it B. took it C. made it D. left it
27. A. In spite of B. Instead of C. Rather than D. Other than
28. A. backed up B. pulled over C. held onto D. headed towards
29. A. assessed B. revealed C. improved D. settled
30. A. severely B. randomly C. accurately D. crucially
31. A. insisted B. inferred C. responded D. counted
32. A. injury B. wound C. operation D. bleeding
33. A. gave in B. got down C. set out D. reached out
34. A. sympathy B. gratitude C. apology D. mercy
35. A. attempted B. required C. maintained D. restored
During Chinese New Year, a balloon loong (the Chinese pronunciation of dragon) ____36____ (measure) over 40 meters in length glided through a shopping mall in Hong Kong. The 40-meter long loong, ____37____ was made up of 38,000 balloons, broke the Guinness World Record as the ____38____ (large) balloon loong.
Balloon artist Wilson Pang, with over a decade of rich experience, realized his dream ____39____ (create) a loong-shaped balloon. Pang gathered a 60-member team, including students, to create the magnificent artwork. The loong project began on Jan 20, ____40____ the team working round the clock to finally complete a 41.77-meter balloon loong without skeleton support.
The ____41____ (exhibit) of the loong drew large crowds of people. To thank the audience for their support, Pang printed 5,000 postcards featuring the loong and ____42____ (arrange) a meeting with them at the mall. “To deliver ____43____ warm, loving, positive message to the people of Hong Kong is what I always want to do,” Pang says. Two-thirds of the members of the team who produced the loong were students. Pang believes that ____44____ is important to give young people opportunities, so he ____45____ (special) invited college and high school students to participate in the project.
第四部分 写作(共两节:满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46. 互联网已经成为高中生学习和生活的重要部分,但在利用网络时,难免有一些不愉快经历。你是学生会主席李华,为营造健康文明的网络环境,请以学生会的名义,向全校同学写一封倡议书。
1. 倡议的原因;
2. 具体的提议;
3. 发起呼吁。
注意:1. 字数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
It was two days before Christmas and young Maggie was told again that Paxton would not be returning.
Maggie’s father had found the weak deer a year ago and they had taken care of him. Maggie’s father, a vet, tended to the deer’s injuries and bandaged his foot. Maggie noticed that he had markings above his eyes that resembled the sun with rays of light. She named him Paxton and promised to take care of him.
Maggie couldn’t sleep that night and kept checking on Paxton from her window. The next morning, she rushed to the house to see Paxton. Paxton was still timid around her, but with time, he started eating carrots from her hand. Every morning before school, Maggie would feed Paxton.
Maggie wanted to keep Paxton, but her father explained that he was a wild animal and needed to be released after his foot was healed. Mr. Dotson could see his daughter’s affection for the little deer. That scared him, because he knew Maggie would never be able to say goodbye. So when Paxton’s foot had been healed, Mr. Dotson came home early one afternoon to set Paxton free. Maggie was overcome with sadness and called out to Paxton every day, hoping he would hear her.
In time, though, Maggie did come to understand that wild animals, even little deer, need to be in their natural habitat. But that didn’t change how much Maggie cared for and missed Paxton.
One day, as it started snowing, Maggie stood by a pond behind their house, feeling upset. The pond hadn’t frozen that winter, as the weather was warmer than usual. Mr. Dotson felt guilty about having not been more supportive of his daughter’s belief that she would see Paxton again. Although he didn’t want to give her false hope, he realized that no longer mattered, since Maggie was hurting and he wanted to help.
As Mr. Dotson walked outside to greet his daughter, he carried a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜) with him. He and Maggie would spend the next couple of hours in the woods, where they searched for deer tracks in the newly fallen snow. As Mr. Dotson had expected, their search came up empty.
“I’m sorry we didn’t have better luck, Maggie.”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As they hiked through the snow towards home, Maggie’s heart felt heavy.
“Daddy, look! It’s Paxton!” Maggie shouted, her voice filled with excitement.
听力答案:1-5 CCBAA 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 CACBA 16-20 ACACA