Lesson 26 What Will I Be 教学设计
学校名称 临漳县香菜营中学
课例名称 Lesson 26 What Will I Be 教师姓名 杨彦霞
学段学科 初中 教材版本 冀教版
章节 Unit 5 年级 八年级
教学目标 提示:从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三方面对现有教学目标进行优化与完善。 要求:1.教学目标可测量;2.过程与方法目标体现学生思维经验的积累。 一、知识目标: (一)能听说认读单词:yearbook, airplane, overcome. (二)能听懂会用以下单词及短语:page, pilot, fear, height, model, fear of heights, stop… (from) doing, take steps to 二、语言技能目标: (一)能听懂,读懂谈论理想工作的文章 (二)能用英语简单介绍自己未来的工作 (三)培养学生的预测能力、猜词能力、获取信息的能力等其他阅读能力。 三、情感态度目标: 培养学生理想信念、目标信念,以及为实现理想不怕苦难的精神。 四、学习策略目标: 积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流;鼓励自主、合作、探究的学习行为。 五、文化意识目标:了解年刊及年鉴。
教学重难点 本课内容是冀教版八年级英语第三册第五单元第26课为蓝本来设计,是一堂英语阅读课,主要学习谈论未来工作的词汇及短语,并从而培养学生树立理想、树立目标,并未理想不怕苦难、坚持到底的精神。同时培养一定的阅读的技巧和能力。因为生词较多,难度较大,所以课堂教学需注意,难度肢解。 重点:听说认读page, pilot, height, model, fear of heights, stop… (from) doing, take steps to… 难点:听说认读;fear of heights, stop… (from) doing, take steps to, overcome; 培养一定的阅读能力及技巧。
学情分析 学生们对未来工作这一话题比较感兴趣,但由于生词、难词较多,需要注意难度分解,兴趣调动,利用多媒体教学可以较好地调动其学习兴趣。八年级的学生学习虽英语已有一段时间,但阅读能力欠缺,在学习课文时,需注意阅读能力的培养。本课单词,同学们虽已跟着录音学过,但需要,进一步巩固。
教学方法 利用多媒体课件,穿插音频、图画等多种文件,采用师生交互、生生交互方式,有意识地调动学生积极性。让学生在协作活动中充分运用探究方式自主学习。采用任务型教学途径、情境教学法等。
教学过程 要求:1.给出完整的教学流程图;2.强调以下三方面的设计:(1)教学内容的任务化;(2)完整连续的任务情境;(3)体现能力成果的学习活动;3.体现具体资源与工具的应用;4.任务与活动设计能够突破重难点。 (
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Reading and Listening
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New Word Study
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Show the new words and key phrases
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New word study
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Learn the new words and key phrases
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Read and listen
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Check the answers, play the audio of the text
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ead and answer, listen and fowllow
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Present the key words and structures of the text
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Retell the text
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and report
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Enlarge ss
knowledge of the words of jobs with pictures. Assign the task.
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A task
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and homework
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) Step 1 Leading-in 5’ a. Prediction Now everyone, look at the title of Lesson 26 and predict the main idea of Tiantian’s yearbook page. You can work in pairs. 【设计意图】:培养学生在阅读中的预测能力。 b. Skimming Now let’s read the text quickly to find out whether it is right, OK Besides, you need to find out the best choice to this question: What will Tiantian be in the future A. An airplane pilot. B. An engineer C. An airplane pilot or an engineer. 【设计意图】:培养学生浏览全文,获取大意的能力。 Step 2 New Word Study 7’ students guess the meaning of “pilot”. use pictures to introduce the other new words and phrases. students say the new words and phrases with the help of the pictures. 【设计意图】:以“pilot”一词为突破口,锻炼学生的猜词能力,同时开始新词学习。 Step 3 Read and Listen 11’ a. Students read the text and answer the questions 1. Is Tiantian sure about her future 2. What would be a cool job in Tiantian’s opinion Why does she think so 3. What is Tiantian afraid of 4. Will it stop her from being a pilot 5. Do you like Tiantian’s idea for a new plane Why Students try to finish this exercise in five minutes by themselves. Then they can work in groups to discuss their answers. Pay attention to the key phrases like “fear of heights” “stop…(from) doing” “take steps to” 【设计意图】::通过小组讨论,及抢答,调动学生们学习兴趣及热情。并对重点短语进行再次感知。 b. Students listen to the text and try to understand each sentence. 【设计意图】:听课文录音,再整体感知课文。 Step 4 Retell 8’ Try to retell the text with the help of the words. Work in pairs to retell the text with the help of the chart. Presentation of the retelling. (
What will Tiantian be when she grows up
Maybe, an airplane pilot
(reason: a cool job, people travel to… see the world, experience )
(problem: a fear of heights
Solution: take small steps)
Maybe, an engineer
(like building model planes, a new type of plane, safer and more comfortable)
) 【设计意图】:在大量输入之后,进行语言输出,检测学生对课文的理解,对重点知识掌握。 What will Tiantian be when she ______ up Maybe she’ll be an airplane ______. She thinks that would be a cool job because she would help people ______ all around the world. She would ______ the world and _____ many interesting things. But she has one problem. She has a fear of _____, but that won’t _____ her from being a pilot. She can take ____ to overcome the fear. Or maybe she will be an engineer and build planes because she likes building ______ planes. She might build a new type of plane someday. She thinks people would feel ______ and _____ comfortable in her plane. 【设计意图】: 通过填空复述课文,检查学生对本节课重点 句型及词汇的掌握情况。同时对文章整体,又有了进一步的认识,间接培养其概括能力。 Step 5 A task 9’ 1. Use pictures to help students brainstorm the names of jobs 2. Interview Use what you have learned to interview two of your classmates and fill in the table. Later report it to the class. NameDream Problem Solutions
【设计意图】:: 拓展学生关于职业的词汇。 创造情景,让学生运用本课所学来进行交流。 Step 6 Summary 3’ Encourage students to try their best to realize their dreams. 【设计意图】:鼓励孩子们为实现理想中的工作而努力。 Optional activities: 1. Create their own yearbook page. Talk about the following questions What will you be in the future Why?Where will you live in the future What will you do in the future How will your life be different than it is today Do you have any problems to make your dream come true What will you do to solve the problem 【设计意图】:创造情景,让学生运用本课所学来进行交流。 当堂测评, 了解学生掌握情况。 2. Listen to the English song Be what you wanna be. 【设计意图】:感受英文歌曲,所传达的意志。 3. A quiz Complete the dialogues with the words in the box. (
fear, page, model , pilot, height
) 1. That kind of bird can fly at a ______ of 800 meters. 2. I hope to be a ______. I hope to travel around the world someday. 3. Please turn to ____ 7. Let’s read Lesson 3. 4. Tiantian likes building ____ planes. 5. I have a ____ of heights. 【设计意图】:当堂测评, 了解学生掌握情况。 Homework: Write a short paragraph to introduce your jobs in the future. 【设计意图】:通过写小作文,来巩固本节课所学重点词汇和句型,同时培养同学们思考问题解决问题的能力。
教学反思 本教学设计采用信息技术与英语学科整合的教学理念,并使用任务型活动方式,为学生提供了良好的英语学习环境和适当的资源,让学生在教学过程中自主学习,合作参与,并进行语言实践。通过上课,我有以下几点体会。 一、注重情景化的教学设计,让学生参与体验,以学生为主体的活动安排。运用课题导入,简洁有效,同时兼顾培养学生阅读能力。课堂设计以谈论未来工作主线,在一定的语境和情景中安排了多样的学生活动:从而培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力。 二、利用多媒体教学具有多样性、直观性和情境性的特点,它能有效地吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣和发挥学生主体的作用。在本课教学中,图画,音频等都使同学们多角度地学习文章。 三、在语言教学中注意了情感意识的渗透。通过学习本课,同学们都能着眼于未来,树立目标,并积极的制定实现目标的措施。 四、由于新授课,难度较大,时间有限,课堂上学生朗读及说的练习较少。需要进一步改正。以后课堂上应该加大学生说的练习和任务,比如进行朗读比赛,或模仿录音等活动。