Unit 5 What does he do? Part A Let’s try&Let’s talk 表格式教案(含反思)


名称 Unit 5 What does he do? Part A Let’s try&Let’s talk 表格式教案(含反思)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-30 15:29:18



课 题 Unit 5 What does he do (Part A Let’s talk)
课时安排 1课时 课前准备 希沃白板、多媒体课件、教材配套音频、视频
教材内容 分 析 1.Let’s try部分通过家长日Oliver和Sarah谈论各自父母工作的情景来呈现新句型,引出Let’s talk板块的相关信息,为进入对话学习做准备。 2.Let’s talk部分学习的核心句型是:“What does he/she do? He/She is a/an ...”教材通过Oliver和Sarah在家长日谈论自己父母的情景让学生感知上述句型的语义和语用情景。第四单元已经介绍过一般现在时第三人称单数的肯定句和一般疑问句,本单元学习其特殊疑问句。
设计理念 建议从技术融合创新的思路上表达,描述整节课中期望利用何种技术,在教学教研、课堂应用、学生评价、有效反馈等哪个方面进行创新突破。 本堂课是对话课,首先是听的部分,然后过渡到对话,利用教材配套音频、视频以及有关职业的各种图片等资源,渗透到每一个教学环节,发展学生各方面的素养,信息技术的使用非常有效地提高课堂效率。 本堂课利用了希沃白板里面的优秀课件,以及教学通2.0中的相关音视频素材,将这个信息技术融入到课堂教学当中,使课堂比以往的常态课更加生动,能够取得更好的教学效果。
学情分析 本堂课是本单元的第一课时,主要是讨论职业,在此之前,学生已经学习了有关职业的部分句型表达,六年级的学生也已经有一定的语言积累,所以本课时的内容对学生来说应该是比较容易能掌握的。结合信息技术进行教学,可以增强学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
教学目标 语言能力: 1.能够听、说、认读词汇: businessman,country,head teacher; 2.能够在情境中运用句型“What does he/she do? He/She is a/an ... Do you want to be ... ”询问他人的职业及作答。 文化意识:通过学习职业的不同拓展到理解各种文化的不同,明白每种职业背后专业文化的特点。 思维品质:能够用英语准确询问并回答职业信息,能够介绍自己父母的职业,形成个人职业信念 学习能力: 1.能够听、说、朗读询问职业的相关句型,并能在真实情况中运用所学语言进行交流和运用; 2.能够按照正确的意群及语音语调朗读对话; 3.通过查阅资料,观看视频了解到更多的职业。
教学重难点 重点: 1.掌握词汇:businessman,country,head teacher; 2.在情境中运用句型“What does he/she do? He/She is a/an ... Do you want to be ... ”询问他人的职业及作答。 难点: 能够在情境中运用核心句型询问他人的职业及作答。
教学环节(一) 师生活动 Step 1 Warm up& Review 1.Greeting:How are you today All of you are so happy!Why not enjoy a song before our class 2.Enjoy a song:Enjoy the song and answer “What's the song about ”. (Yes,the song is about “jobs”) 3.Guessing game:Now let's play a game:“say more jobs”. Review the words about jobs and the sentences:-What's his/her job? -He/She is a/an... When we talk about job, we can also use the sentences:What does he/she do 揭题:Today we are going to learn “Unit 5 What does he do ”(生齐读课题,师板书) 师继续利用新句型看图提问并回答。
设计意图 设计在该环节里的技术应用的教研与技术融合的目的是否达到。如:“采用展示 石拱桥的图片导课”,让学生从实际生活中的几何图形中观察几何。 1.通过观看视频找出职业,激发学生兴趣,渲染气氛,引导学生进入本节课主题jobs,为下一环节做铺垫。 2.看图回答问题,通过复习旧知:What's his/her job?引入新知:What does he/she do 3.利用多媒体视频和图片进行导入和复习,让学生在轻松的课堂氛围中感知本课要学习的内容。
教学环节(二) 师生活动 Step 2 Presentation 1. Lead in: Here are our friends Sarah and Oliver. They are talking about the Parents' Day.( Do you know Parents' Day?家长日) Today is Parents' Day.Their parents will come to school to meet the teachers. Who will come 2.Listen and circle:Now open your books turn to page 48. 引导学生读题:Can Sarah's mother come today What about her father Now let's listen and you should pay attention to the key words. 3.呈现听力原文,圈出关键句。 From the dialogue we know Sarah's mother can come and her father is a doctor. 4.So much about Sarah, what about Oliver Do you want to know something about Oliver Who will come Oliver's father or his mother Watch and answer: (1) Is Oliver's father here today ( Where is his father today ) (2) Who will come 生回答两个问题,随后出示文本内容。 5.Read and answer:It's time for you to read by yourselves and find the answers to these questions: Q1:What does Oliver's father do Q2:What does Oliver's mother do Q3:What does Oliver want to be I will give you 3 minutes.(计时器)You can underline the key sentences. Now time's up.Can you tell me the answer to question 1? Ss: He's a businessman.(引导学生说出回答) 出示单词卡片,教学新词businessman,渗透自然拼读,随后操练问答句型。 Oliver's father is a businessman. He often goes to the other countries. ( Please pay attention to this word:countries) 出示图片,教学单词country countries 出示不同国家图片,感知country的复数形式:Oliver father is in Australia today. And he often goes to other countries like China, Germany, the USA, the UK, Scotland and so on. 拓展: My father is a businessman, too. But he doesn't go to other countries. He often goes to other cities.( Do you know city ) Such as Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou. Now here comes question 2: What does Oliver s mother do ( Is she a businessman,too ) Ss:No she isn't.She's a head teacher. 出示单词卡片,教学新词head teacher Oliver's mother is a head teacher.That's nice! Does Oliver want to be a head teacher,too Ss: No, he doesn't. T: Then what does Oliver want to be Ss:He wants to be a businessman. 6. We have learned something about Oliver's family.Now can you say?
设计意图 设计在该环节的技术应用是否合理。同样需要考虑到技术应用是否能满足教学、是否能创新教学环节、是否符合学生学情等一些列问题。 1.能够借助图片听懂简短对话,学会抓住关键信息,提高听力能力。完成听力任务,在听的过程中再次感知新句型。 2.通过观看视频回答问题,整体感知Let's talk部分对话大意。 3.通过自主阅读回答问题,学习目标句型:What does he/she do? He/She is a/an ... 4.这一环节充分利用了信息技术等资源,能比较好地引导学生进行新知学习,也使老师的课堂更加丰富,有趣。
教学环节 (三) 师生活动 Step 3 Practice 1.Listen and imitate! 呈现let's talk对话文,本音频跟读,模仿语音语调。 2.Let's read: Can you read now 学生用正确的语音语调朗读课文( You should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.) 3.Read in role:让学生分角色进行朗读 4.Do the dubbing 5.Read and fill:将课文部分挖空,让学生填空
设计意图 如上思考,建议要充分考虑到“恰当的时机使用恰当的技术”的问题。 1.通过听音,跟读,模仿,用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 2.让学生角色扮演,巩固对话内容。 3.根据课文内容重构文本,进一步巩固对话内容。 4.操练时由易到难,每一项任务都让学生结合多媒体,信息技术等进行展示。
教学环节 (四) 师生活动 Step 4 Consolidation & Extension 1.Pair work: Talk about your family. There are some words about jobs. What can you find about these words (讲解职业词汇的构成) Now talk about your parents' jobs.You can use these sentences.(呈现P49图片,给出语言支架,请学生根据所给信息调查同学的父母职业,进行句型操练) 2.Do an interview:My dream career Emotional education: How to make your dream come true?
设计意图 1.通过问答对话练习,进一步巩固目标语言,培养学生目标语言的口语输出能力。 2.培养学生的语用能力,在相对真实的语境中运用目标语言。 3.拓展环节先通过视频等形式让学生通过信息技术了解具体过程,再进行小组合作,使小组合作取得更好的效果。
教学环节 (五) 师生活动 Step 5 Summary&Homework 1.Watch a video and talk about feelings. 2.利用板书呈现的句型,回顾本节课所学的内容。 Today we have learned how to talk about jobs. Please remember these sentences. So much for today. And here comes your homework.
设计意图 巩固本课内容,训练学生运用目标语言的能力。
板书设计 Blackboard design Unit 5 What does he do A Let’s try&Let’s talk -What does he/she do? your mother -He/She is a/an ... businessman head teacher I want to be a/an ...
教学反思 反思请多反思教学重难点用技术环境展示是否得到了优化、教学过程中的技术应用是否符合预期、学生互动是否满足效果、技术应用是否得到创新等问题。 学习英语,兴趣很重要,在活动中学习是关键。本堂课的教学设计,很好地结合了信息技术,利用好各种多媒体资源,形式多样,从头到尾,让学生在活动中学习。从导入到新授,到巩固练习,到拓展延伸,都在活动中进行,并且都围绕着话题“职业”展开,借以突出重点,在活动中突破难点。每一个教学环节都充分利用了信息技术,让学生学得更加轻松而愉快。本堂课设计当中的信息技术等在教学过程中有很好的体现,取得了比较好的效果。