人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing 教学设计 (表格式)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing 教学设计 (表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 97.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-30 20:46:06



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing 教学设计
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高一必修二 Unit 1
姓名 学校
教材分析 What : The text is a news report that uses the example of the digital images of the Mogao Caves to teach students about a new way of protecting cultural heritage. In addition, the text is a way of popularizing the concept and importance ofpreserving cultural heritage. Why: The aim of reading for writing is to teach students how to write a news report, and the theme of this part is People and Society - Cultural Heritage. Therefore, the news report about the digital images of cultural heritage is chosen to provide students with a reference template for their writing and to help them to write their own news report. It also provides a reference template for students to understand the language style and structure of news articles, which inspires students to think about the importance of cultural heritage to human society. How: The reading for writing is divided into two parts. The first part is reading. The first paragraph of the article tells the story of a group of Chinese scientists and researchers who have digitalized the Mogao Caves in order to study and appreciate the cultural heritage of ancient China. The second paragraph tells how the culture of the Mogao Caves has been appreciated by many countries and has helped China to spread other cultural heritages such as the Silk Road and Dunhuang. The third paragraph tells how the digital images of cultural heritage that has increased the world's interest in the history, culture and traditions of ancient China, and raised awareness of the importance of understanding and preserving cultural heritage. The second part is to complete the writing, where students first read the news notes and learn to capture the main points of the writing, then write a news report based on the information and structure given in the materials, and finally correct the press release according to the criteria given in the materials.
学情分析 This is a senior class with 44 students who have a serious attitude to learning. However, they are able to experiment and explore problems, and have moderate writing skills. They have an initial understanding of the Mogao Caves and a basic reading and writing skills and the ability to use the attributive clause to describe people and things in detail. In addition, they are able to guess the meaning of words based on the content of a text and understand the meaning of words and cultural heritage.
教学目标 By the end of the class, students will be able to: 1. Collect information from the news report about promoting culture through digital images. 2.Identify the features of language and structure of a news report. 3.Write a news report about a person or a group who works to protect our
cultural heritage by using some newly acquired writing skills in this period. 4. Develop students' writing and cooperating abilities. 5. Strengthen students' high degree of cultural confidence and have a sense of cultural heritage protection.
教学重难点 1) Key Points: 1. Students will learn about the structure of a news report (headline, lead, body, and conclusion). 2. Students will practice writing different types of news reports (investigation, feature, and analysis). 3. Students will receive feedback on their writing from their peers and teacher. 4. Students will learn how to edit and revise their work for clarity and accuracy. 2) Difficulties: 1. Students may struggle with understanding the difference between a news report and other types of writing. 2. Some students may find it challenging to write objectively and without bias. 3. Students may need additional support in editing and revising their work.
教学资源 多媒体
教学过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Teaching procedures
Activities Steps Purpose
Lead-in (5 mins) 1.Show three pictures and ask students what they know about th e Mogao Caves.Information about the Mogao Caves will be dis played when the students answer. 2.Let students read the news on page 8 and complete three mult iple-choice questions. 1.To strengthen the students ’ understanding of the Mogao Caves. 2.Through these three multiple choi ce questions, students can better u nderstand the main idea of the articl e and sort out the structure ofthe a rticle.
Analyze the structure of news report (7mins) 1. let students read the news report again and disc uss the structure of the news report. 2.Lead students to learn the structure of the news report togethe r. 1.let students get the general unders tanding of the organisation of the ne ws report 2.To deepen students ’ understandin g of each part of the news reprot an d write a news report better.
Study the language features. (8mins) 1.Lead students to study the direct quote. The teacher uses the underlined sentence to analyze the characteristics of direct quote and puts forward three questions: Do you think it is necessary to use the direct quote Why are quotes often used in news report Whatfunctions do they have? 2.let students to notice the verb before the underlined sentence: reporting verbs. 3.Study the language features and identify the relative pronouns of attributive clauses. Get students to have a good understanding of news report. Make students use the attributive clauses concisely.
Pre-writing (5mins) 1.Lead students to do a draft and introduce the four steps of writing. 2.Let students to read the interview notes on the book. Help students form a basic writing framework.
While-writing & post-writing (20mins) 1. The teacher shows how to write the title which should catch the readers ’ eyes. Then let the students to write it on the spot and show their titles. 2. The teacher shows how to write the lead sentence which sho uld include “who, why, how, when, where, what” . Then let the students write it on the screen, then present the lead sentence. 3. The teacher shows how to write the body which should inc lude the details and fact of what have happened,then asks the students to write it on the spot, and sel ects several students to show it. 4. The teacher shows how to write the conclusion which should be able to help the readers understand the results or impacts. T hen let the students write on the spot and select several stud ents to show. 5. Students correct the news report according to the principles i n the textbook. 6. Have a presentation. To improve the ability to catch the key information in the news report. To cultivate students to write a news report properly and concisely.
课堂反思: 基于学生的实际情况, 在设计本节写作指导课的过程中, 笔者有几点思考: 1. 如何结合课题研究的重难点和新课标所提倡的发展学生英语学科核心素养, 选择合适的教 学素材和设计符合学情的教学活动; 2. 本课时的教学目标为写前知识储备, 即向学生输入符合本单元主题的单词和词块 、英语新 闻报道的内容结构和语言特点等, 为学生写作搭建语言支架, 助力实现“输入——内化——输出 ”
的教学过程; 3. 如何指导学生掌握新闻报道的常见文体结构 、标题特征和语言特点, 学会使用新闻报道中 的常见语言结构进行仿写; 4. 如何帮助学生了解中国文化遗产的现状 、所面临的挑战及相应的解决办法, 进而激励学生 向为保护 、传承中国古代文化遗产 、传播中国文化的伟大人物学习, 将立德树人融入课堂教学; 5. 如何合理设计小组合作的课堂活动, 真正体现学生为主体 、教师为主导的教学理念。