人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 155.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-01 11:58:24



Unit 4 History and Traditions
Reading and Thinking 教学设计
基本 信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高一必修二 Unit 4
姓名 学校
教材 分析 (What) 本板块的主题是学习“通过历史来了解一个国家 ”。 阅读语篇是一篇说明文, 介绍了英国名称的由来 、组成部分 、各部分之间的异同以及发展历史。 (Why) 本单元的主题是“History and Traditions ”,本节课的语篇以英国为例,介绍了 英国的历史 、联合王国的几个主要组成部分的由来、受到哪些文化的影响等,帮助学生理 解英国为什么叫大不列颠联合王国和北爱尔兰, 让学生感受到学习一个国家历史的重要 性。 (How) 本语篇以英国名称让人迷惑为引子, 引出了英国历史 。然后分别从学习英国历 史可以让读者解开名字之谜、可以让读者更多地了解国家和习俗、可以让读者游玩时更尽 兴三方面展开介绍,每一方面都有明确的主题句。介绍历史部分均以时间顺序展开,介绍异 同用 however 转折,整个文章思路清晰,行文节奏紧凑。
学情 分析 授课对象为高一学生, 他们能用英语提取并处理一些简单的信息, 简单表达自己的观点, 并掌握了简单的阅读技巧,如预测和找主题句 。但学生对问题解决式的语篇模式不太熟悉, 对这类文章阅读不太感兴趣 。如果学生在阅读材料前没有任何阅读目的, 阅读动机不强, 就会觉得阅读的材料枯燥无味, 很难产生读的欲望 。此外, 他们会因为词汇积累不足, 遇 到长篇文章会感到胆怯, 还没学会用语篇分析的方法来帮助推断理解文章的意义。
教学 目标 1. To learn to use the reading strategy--- reading maps. 2. To learn to guess the new words in a context. 3. To understand the importance of learning a country ’s history for learning the country and can express their opinions and views freely.
教学 重难 点 Key point and difficult point Important points: 1. Find out three reasons to study the history of the UK and the supporting details. 2. Explore three significances of studying the history of the UK. Difficult points: 1. Explore three significances of studying the history of the UK. 2. Express their own opinions about a country in groups.
教学 资源 多媒体, 黑板
教学过 程 活动形式及步骤 活动意 图 时间
Step1. Lead-in Show pictures about tourist attractions in London. Step 2. Pre-Reading Look at the map. What does it show What is it used for 1.The map shows the British Isles, the islands which make up Great Britain and Ireland and some other islands round about. 2.It is used for showing the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities. Step 3. While-Reading 1.What is the main idea of the text 2.Read and match the main ideas with each paragraph. 2.Scan the text to find the Structure of the passage . 3.Read the text and answer the questions. 1.What are the four countries of the United Kingdom 通过图 片和视 频引出 语篇主 题, 激 发学生 兴趣, 在与文 本的交 互阅读 中训练 阅读技 能, 获 取语篇 信息, 理解语 篇内 容, 理 清语篇 文本结 构。 5mins 5mins 5mins 5mins
Which two were the first to be joined together The four countries of the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England and Wales were the first two to be joined together. 2. According to the text, who are two chief advantages of studying the history of a country To help you understand more about the country and its traditions and to make visiting it more enjoyable. Read again and sort out the information according to the timeline. Suggested answers 学生运 用阅读 中获取 的信息 和表达 法进行 复述, 内化语 言。 5mins 5mins 10mins
Step 4 Discussion: 1. Why is it important to study the history and culture of a country before vistiing it 2. What important things should visitors know about before they coem to China 通过讨 论进一 步加强 对于本 课的理 解
板书设 计与教 学反思 (
) (
solve the problem
) (
more than
)教学反思 1. 撰写本课时目标时, 怎么和英语学科核心素养提到的文化意识对接? 2. 怎样对本语篇更好地进行文本赏析? Blackboard design What is in a name (
) (
more enjoyment
) more understanding ↓ help with cross-cultural communication
Homework: 1. Read the text and underline the useful words and expressions; 2. Finish the language points on the exercise book; 3. Write a summary of the text according to the following clues.