人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading for Writing教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading for Writing教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 111.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-01 11:55:58



Unit 4 History and Traditions
Reading for Writing 教学设计
基本 信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高一必修二 Unit 4
姓名 学校
教材 分析 本单元的话题以历史和传统为主题展开, 涉及中国 、英国 、俄罗斯 、爱尔兰 、 巴西 、 希腊、埃及等多个国家的悠久历史和传统文化等内容,这些国家在悠久的历史文化长河中, 孕育了一些独特的文化传统和风俗习惯 。 了解这些历史和传统对学生理解英语语言, 世界 重要文明的内涵及其蕴含的思维方式, 具有重要意义 。本节课选取的则是有关爱尔兰这个 国家文章 。本文是一篇景物描写, 作者从旅行者的角度将爱尔兰乡村的景致 、 自身感受与 当地风土人情融为一体, 内容丰富, 语言优美, 短小精悍 。作者生动地描述了乡村美景和 风土人情在视觉 、 嗅觉 、味觉 、 听觉和触觉等方面给人们带来的直观感受。
学情 分析 本次上课班级是普通高中高一学生,在英语学习上,学生基本了解教材的布局,具备 在阅读中获取细节信息的能力, 部分学生能用英语表达观点, 但是多数学生在综合运用语 言技能, 体会作者情感态度, 正确理解文章价值观等方面都比较欠缺 。此外, 虽然学生通 过母语迁移知识, 熟悉环境描写的手段, 但是对于如何用英语进行生动地环境描写, 如何 调动身体感官感受大自然美好事物,如何理解人与自然环境的关系等内容了解都比较片面, 对于自然与传统的联系更是缺乏深层理解。
教学 目标 In this class, you will 1.Figure out the organization and language feature of the passage. 2.Appreciate and describe a place from sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. 3.Write an essay of a place.
教学 重难 点 Teaching key and difficult points: 1. Enable students to analyse the organization and language features of the passage. 2. Learn how to write an essay using the “Introduction---Body---Ending” structure. 3. Enable students to write an essay from sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.
教学 资源 多媒体, 黑板
教学过 程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Step1. Lead-in Talk about some places that students like. T:Class,have you ever travelled around Can you describe a place that you like S:Yes, of course.I have been to many places like London. It is a traditional place with many places of interest. 通过问题 引出语篇 主题, 激 发学生兴 趣, 5mins
T:Can you give us more details about London S:The capital city London is a great place, as it is an ancient port city that has a history dating all the way back to Roman times.There are countless historic sites to explore, and lots of museums with ancient relics from all over the UK. Step2. Reading Ask students to read the passage with some questions. What's the main idea of the passage A. The beautiful scenery ofthe Ireland . B. The history of the Ireland . C. The beautiful scenery and traditions of the Ireland. D. The customs of the Ireland . C Read the text carefully and answer the questions. 1.What makes the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring 2.What are the best ways to experience some Irish traditions and cultures 3.What is the meaning of "breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song" 4.What are the best ways to experience Chinese traditions and customs 1.Its beauty and how it offers something for all the scenes. 2.By stopping by a village pub and relaxing with a drink and traditional meal while listening to music and watching dancing. 3.It means to not just smell but also breathe in the smell of fresh flowers early in the morning as the birds sing their first song of the new day. 4.By travelling to different places and using all your senses to experience everything and by interacting with local people. Identify and underline the paragraph’s introductory sentence and the ending sentence. The paragraph talks about different senses in different places. Write the 阅读理解 语 篇 内 容, 获取 细 节 信 息, 感知 文 本 结 构, 学习 语 言 知 识, 理解 与建构语 篇。 分析语篇 组 织 结 构, 感受 与分析语 篇语言表 达, 总结 常用表达 方式, 理 解与建构 语篇, 为 写作实践 做 好 准 备。 12mins
senses and places in the order that they appear. What words does the writer use to describe sensory details Step3 : Writing 假如你是南京某校的高三学生李华, 你们学校将举办一个演讲比赛, 题目为 “介绍自己的家乡”, 请你写一篇演讲稿介绍自己的家乡。 如何描述你喜欢的地方 描述一个漂亮或者特殊的地方总体上属于介绍事物的说明文 。它的要点内容 可包括:地理位置 、面积 、人口 、气候状况 、著名的景点以及与众不同之处等。 写说明文,时态应以现在时为主, 人称以第三人称为主。 谋篇布局 开头:介绍该地方的基本信息(位置, 面积等); 主体:描述该地方的一些具体信息(著名的景点, 与众不同之处); 结尾:作者对此地点的感受。 布局谋篇 第一段简要介绍该地方的基本信息(位置, 面积等); 1.be located/situated in....... 2.be well known for … … 3.cover an area of … … 4.have an history of … … 5.....stands at the foot of/on the top of... 学生的写 作过程需 要单独完 成, 旨在 练习前文 学习和总 结的内 容, 付诸 于实践。 23mins
第二段: 描述该地一些具体信息(著名景点, 与众不同之处) ① The city is home to....which is famous for... ② The special character of... is attracting more and more touristsfrom all over the world. ③ The places around our city are rich in natural resources. ④ The city, known as.., attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 第三段:描述自己的总感受或评价 。表达情感 、寄予希望。 1.You’ll have a wonderful time in…! 2.It is well worth visiting/a visit. 3.I love my hometown...If you have a chance, I hope you can come here. 常用过渡语: First,/Firstly,/ Secondly,/ Then,/ After that,/ In the end,/ Finally, /Meanwhile, /What’s more,/ In addition,/ Besides,/ Furthermore, … Pair work Exchange drafts. Assess each other's work according to the checklist. Does the writer give a clear description ofthe problem Is the advice clearly explained Does each sentence relate to the main idea Does the writer use pronouns to refer to things or people correctly Does the writer use correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation Are there any grammar mistakes Get your draft back and revise it. 满分范文 Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. My name is Li Hua, and I am a student in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province. located in the southeast of China. It covers an area of 6,587 square kilometres with a population of about 8 million. The city has a long history of over 2,400 years, which was the capital city often dynasties in the history, like the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. It is so rich in places of interest, such as the Xuanwu Lake, the Jiming Temple and the Stone City that attracts a large number of tourists from home and abroad. Besides, many modern factories and high buildings are seen everywhere. Most importantly, people can enjoy the pleasant climate all the year around and the convenient transportation available can make you enjoy the beautiful scenery in the city easily. I love my hometown Nanjing. If you have a chance, I hope you can come here. 引导学生 对自己及 他人的作 品做出合 理评价, 培养自我 评 价 意 识, 养成 良好书写 习惯。
板书设 计与教 学反思 本节课比较成功的地方有: 1. 教师教态亲切, 口语标准流利; 2. 基于单元主题选择有代表性语篇素材,教学活动的设计较为创新,教 学重难点突出; 3. 教学环节流畅,单元主题与话题词汇在课堂中多次复现,为学生提供 丰富的写作语料和很好地搭建了语言支架; 4. 运用现代信息技术娴熟。 诚然, 本节课也存在一些遗憾 。首先, 由于学生是第一次与授课教师接 触, 对教师的全英授课并不能马上接受, 导致部分学生较晚进入学习状态; 其次, 因教师语速过快, 部分学生对课堂指令未及时领会, 导致最后拖堂, 教学任务未能及时完成。
Homework: l Accumulate more on environmental description in daily life l Finish your writing and exchange drafts with a partner; Use the checklist to help you evaluate and polish his/her draft.