人教版(2019)>必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions单元知识清单 (讲义)


名称 人教版(2019)>必修 第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions单元知识清单 (讲义)
格式 docx
文件大小 49.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-01 11:59:16



Unit 4 History and Traditions 单元知识清单
1. Confucius n. 孔子
2. individual adj.单独的; 个别的 n. 个人
3. chief adj.最重要的; 最高级别的 n. (公司或机构的)首领; 酋长
4. nearby adj. 附近的; 邻近的 adv.在附近
5. legal adj.法律的; 合法的
6. battle n. 战役; 搏斗 vi.& vt.搏斗; 奋斗
7. port n. 港口(城市)
8. charge n. 收费; 指控; 主管 vt.收费; 控告; 充电
9. amount n. 金额; 数量
10. approach n. 方法; 途径; 接近 vt.接近; 接洽; 着手处理 vi.靠近
11. ensure vt.保证; 确保; 担保
12. generous adj.慷慨的; 大方的; 丰富的
13. position n. 位置; 姿态; 职位
14. snack n. 点心; 小吃
15. eager adj.热切的; 渴望的
16. county n. (英国 、爱尔兰的)郡; (美国的)县
17. feast n. 盛宴; 宴会; 节日
18. roll vi.& vt.(使)翻滚; (使)滚动 n. 卷(轴); 翻滚
19. dot n. 点; 小(圆)点 vt.加点; 遍布
20. cattle n. 牛
21. roar vi.& n. 吼叫; 咆哮
22. ocean n. 大海; 海洋
23. greet vt. 问候; 迎接
24. pub n. 酒吧; 酒馆
25. wine n. 葡萄酒; 果酒
1. puzzle n. 谜; 智力游戏; 疑问 vt.迷惑; 使困惑→puzzling adj.令人困惑的→puzzled adj.感到困惑的
2. defence n. 防御; 保卫→defend v. 防御; 保卫→defensive adj.防御的; 保护的
3. legal adj.法律的; 合法的→illegal adj.不合法的
4. surround vt. 围绕; 包围→surrounding adj.周围的→surroundings n. 周围的环境
5. evidence n. 证据; 证明→evident adj. 明显的
6. achievement n. 成就; 成绩; 达到→achieve vt.达到; 实现
7. location n. 地方; 地点; 位置→locate vt.位于; 找 … … 的位置
8. fascinating adj.极有吸引力的; 迷人的→fascinate v. 使 … …入迷, 迷住→fascinated adj.着迷的
9. announce vt.宣布; 通知; 声称→announcement n. 宣布; 通知→announcer n. 广播员; 解说员
10. poet n. 诗人→poem n. 诗歌→poetry n. 诗歌(总称)
11. striking adj.引人注目的; 显著的→strike vt.打击; 攻击; 打动 n. 罢工
12. crowd n. 人群; 一群人; 民众 vt.挤满; 使 … …拥挤→crowded adj.拥挤的
1. break away ( from sb. /sth. ) 脱离; 背叛; 逃脱
2. belong to 属于
3. as well as 同(一样也); 和; 还
4. join. . . to. . . 把 … …和 … …连接或联结起来
5. keep one’s eyes open (for) 留心; 注意; 警觉
6. result in 导致
7. date back to 追溯到
8. refer to. . . as. . . 认为 … …是 … …
9. have an influence on 对 … …有影响
10. make up 组成; 编造; 弥补
1. defence n. 防御; 保护; 保卫; 辩护
【教材原句】 They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence. (P40)像拥有同样的货币和国防一样, 他们使用同一面国旗。
( 1)defend vt.保护;保卫
defend...from/against...保卫 … …免受 … …伤害
(2)in defence 保卫,防守
in defence of...为了保卫 … … in sb’s defence 为某人辩护
(3)defensive adj.防御的,保护的 【经典例句】
(2020·浙江)Terrified,Elli and I tried all the bear defence actions we knew. We yelled at the bear,hit pots hard,and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.
2. surround vt. 环绕; 围绕
【教材原句】Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history. (P40)在英国, 几乎你的所到之处都有证据显示四个不同 群体在不同的时期统治过英国。
surround...with...用 … …包围 … … be surrounded by/with...被 … …包围 surrounding adj.周围的;附近的
surroundings n.周围的事物;环境 【经典例句】
① (2019 .江苏) We are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.
② (2020·全国Ⅲ)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds surrounding the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.
③(2020·浙江高考读后续写)The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, surrounded by a high wire fence. 这只饥饿的熊一路嗅着来到我们的营地,营地周围有高高的铁丝网。
3. evidence n. 证据; 根据; 证明
【教材原句】Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by evidence offour different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history. (P40)
在英国, 几乎你的所到之处都有证据显示四个不同群体在不同的时期统治过英国。 【词块拓展】
( 1)There is evidence that. . . 有证据 … …
(2)evident adj. 清楚的, 显然的
It is evident that. . . 显然 … …
(3)evidently adv. 明显地, 显然地
4. charge n. 费用; 主管; 指控 vt. 收费; 控告; 充电
【教材原句】Judy and I had our car parked in an underground car park near Trafalgar Square, where we could get our car battery charged. (P42)朱迪和我把车停在特拉法加广场附近的一个地下停车场, 在那里我们可以给汽车电池充 电。
( 1)charge for...收 … … 的费用
charge sb money for sth 因某事向某人收费
charge sb with(doing) sth=accuse sb of(doing) sth 控告某人(做)某事
(2)free of charge(=for free)免费 take charge of...接管/负责 … …
in charge of...负责/主管 … …(主语通常为人)
in the charge of... 由 … …管理(主语通常为物)
①(2020·天津第一次)Suppose you are in charge of the Shy and Mighty Society, what will you do to help other shy people
②(2020·全国卷 Ⅰ 参赛短文)My English teacher, who has been teaching for twenty years, is in charge of the school work.
5. announce vt. 宣布, 宣告; (尤指通过广播)通知; 声称
【教材原句】 When we finally reached the service desk to ask for audio guides, we heard it announced that there were no audio guides left. (P42)当我们最终到达服务处找语音讲解器时, 我们听到广播说没有语音讲解器了。
( 1)announce sth to sb=announce to sb sth 向某人宣布某事 It is/was announced that...据宣布 … …
announce that...宣布……;通知 … …
(2)announcement n.公告;发表;宣告;通告 make an announcement 发布通告
announcer n.播音员,广播员 【经典例句】
①(2017.全国 ⅠII). He said the 60 woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.
②(2022.全国 II)First announced in April, 2016, the tax which applies to soft drinks containing more than 5g of sugar per 100ml, was introduced to help reduce childhood obesity.
6. approach vt. & vi. (在距离或时间上)靠近, 接近, 着手处理(问题 、工作等) n. 方法; 途径, 接近 【教材原句】It was hard to approach the painting as there were so many people around. (P42)
周围有很多人, 所以很难接近那幅画。 【词块拓展】
( 1)the approach of … … 的来临
an approach to doing ... 做某事的方法
(2)approach to/towards ... 接近 … …, 靠近 … …
approach 作名词时,后面常跟介词 to,表示“ … … 的方法” ,而 way, method, means 表示“方法” 时后常跟介词 of。 【经典例句】
①(2019 ·北京)She also approached dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning.
②(2020 ·浙江)I couldn ’t see Don, but as I approached the tractor he jumped out onto the road, apparently unhurt, and dashed back to me.
③ (2022 · 北 京 )The result — an approach known as systems thinking— is now seen as essential in meeting global
7.amount n.金额;数量 【词块拓展】
a large amount of+不可数 大量;许多 large amounts of +(不)可数 大量; 许多
a large amount of+不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 large amounts of +不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
①(2020 · 新高考 Ⅱ )Rainforests are the lungs of the planet-storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount ofthe world ’s oxygen.
②(2021 · 浙江高考读后续写)Mom said seriously, patting me on the shoulder, “ Lazy people will not amount to anything in life. ”
③(2022.全国 I)— from “ugly ” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.
8. break away from 脱离; 挣脱
【教材原句】Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK. (P40) 最终, 在 20 世纪, 爱尔兰南部脱离了英国。
break into 强行闯入;忽然开始(大笑 、唱歌 、欢呼等) break off 断开;停顿;中断
breakin 强行进入;打断;插嘴
break out(战争等)突然发生,爆发 break up 分解;打碎;破裂;分手
breakdown 发生故障;垮掉;失败;失控崩溃 【经典例句】
①Your health will breakdown ifyou work too hard. 如果你过分辛劳, 会把身体搞垮。
②Fighting break out in three districts of the city last night. 昨夜这座城市有三个区发生了战斗。
③There is still scope for new writers to break through. 仍有一些领域需要新作家们去开拓。
①(2020 ·天津第一次)—The machine is working again!
—Yes,it broke down yesterday,but it has been fixed.
②(2021 ·浙江高考读后续写)My father carefully cut the pumpkin open, so I finally had my head break away from it. 我父亲小心翼翼地把南瓜切开,我的头终于从南瓜中出来了。
9. belong to 属于; 归属; 为 … … 的一员(无被动语态和进行时态)
【教材原句】The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas. (P40) 属于联合王国的四个国家在一些领域是一起合作的。
belong to 属于;是 … … 的一员 belongings n.(pl.)所有物;财物
( 1)belong to 中的 to 是介词,该短语既不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。
(2)该短语作后置定语时,形式为“ ...belonging to”。 【经典例句】
①(2019 ·浙江)The students feel that they belong to a particular group.
②(2020 · 天津第一次)Many people feel like they need a sense of cultural belonging, which is something that studying your roots and being open-minded to the evolution ofyour culture can provide.
10.crowd n.人群;一群人;民众 vt.挤满;使 … …拥挤
【词块拓展】 crowded adj. 拥挤的 a crowd of /crowds of 一群; 许多 crowd into … 挤进
crowd in (on sb) … 涌上(某人心头); 涌入(某人的脑海) be crowded with 充满;挤满 =be full of
①(2017. 新课标卷 II)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads.
②(2017.北京)People crowded in the post office because they were curious about the telephone.
11. as well as
【教材原句】 They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence. (P40)像拥有同样的货币和国防一样, 他们也使用同一面国旗, 即英国国旗。
as well 也,置于肯定句句末
may/might as well do sth 最好做某事
在句型“A as well as/ together with/ along with/ with/ rather than B+谓语动词+其他” 中, 谓语动词和 A 保持一致, 即“就远原则”。
①(2019 ·天津)Amy, as well as her brothers, was given a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
②(2020 ·新高考 Ⅰ)His judgment and references are decidedly American, as well as his delicate stomach.
③(2020 · 新高考 Ⅰ ) As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟)and imagine themselves living at a different time in history or walking through a rainforest.
12.if any 结构
【教材原句】 So what is the difference between them, if any (P40) 如果确有不同含义, 那它们之间的区别是什么呢
句型公式: 在 if, when, once, until, unless, while, as if 等引导的状语从句中, 如果主从句的主语一致, 或从句的主语是it, 谓语动词中含有 be 动词时, 有时为了使句子简洁, 可将主语和 be 动词省略 。在被动语态 中有时也采用这种省略现象。
ifpossible 如果可能的话
if/when necessary 如果必要的话/当必要时