

名称 安徽省亳州市涡阳县涡阳县蔚华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 49.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-01 14:34:05



英 语
4.本卷命题范围:人教版选择性必修第三册Unit 5~选择性必修第四册Unit 2。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What’s the weather likely to be in the afternoon
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
2. How soon will the meeting begin
A. In 10 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.
3. What does the man think of the opera he saw last Sunday
A. Confusing. B. Disappointing. C. Satisfying.
4. Which of the following is the best time for an interview according to the study
A. 10:30 am. B. 3:00 pm. C. 5:30 pm.
5. Why does the woman call the man
A. To express thanks.
B. To extend an invitation.
C. To get some information.
6. What will Paul probably do next
A. Go to school. B. Set the alarm clock. C. Turn on the computer.
7. What is Paul
A. A student. B. A tour guide. C. A computer engineer.
8. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Operator and customer. C. Father and daughter.
9. Who is probably using the man’s computer system now
A. The man’s son. B. The woman. C. The man’s wife.
10. Why does the man have to go home
A. To cancel his shared account.
B. To talk with his family member.
C. To ask his children to do homework.
11. What does the boy take with him
A. A music book. B. A reader’s card. C. A student ID card.
12. On which floor can the boy find newspapers
A. The sixth floor. B. The third floor. C. The second floor.
13. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a museum. B. In a library. C. In a record company.
14. What does the watch look like
A. It’s square in shape.
B. It has the latest style.
C. It has a leather white band.
15. What do we know about Helen’s grandfather
A. He is still alive.
B. He got the watch from his friend.
C. He went to England with little money.
16. Why is Helen unwilling to sell the watch
A. It is not worth much.
B. It tells the right time.
C. It was left by her grandfather.
17. What is the main purpose of the announcement
A. To discuss a weekday plan.
B. To report some changes of a visit.
C. To tell the history of a local museum.
18. Where will teachers and students meet tomorrow morning
A. At the bus stop. B. At the school gate. C. On the playground.
19. How will teachers and students go to the museum
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
20. What does the speaker suggest doing
A. Wearing beautiful dresses.
B. Touching things in the museum carefully.
C. Avoiding taking pictures inside the museum.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Four Best Science Books
A Short History of Nearly Everything
Price: $15.95
Author: Bill Bryson
Release date: February 4, 2003
+Explains a variety of scientific topics in a vivid and comprehensive way
+No science knowledge required
Thing Explainer
Price: $19.84
Author: Randall Munroe
Release date: November 24, 2015
+Explains complex concepts using illustrations and only the most common words in the English language
+Entertaining and easy to understand
+A few of the topics (e. g. the periodic table) also include detailed fold-out diagrams
Ask an Astronaut
Price: $9.19
Author: Tim Peake
Release date: October 19, 2017
+Entertaining Q&A format makes it easy to quickly find answers
+Suitable for both children and adults
+Accompanying graphics illustrate some of the more complex ideas
Brief Answers to the Big Questions
Price: $13.76
Author: Stephen Hawking
Release date: January 1, 2020
+Does not require prior physics knowledge—there is only one equation in the entire book
+Complex ideas communicated in a simple and understandable language
+Great introduction to the thoughts of Stephen Hawking
21. Which book was published the earliest
A. Thing Explainer.
B. Ask an Astronaut.
C. Brief Answers to the Big Questions.
D. A Short History of Nearly Everything.
22. What do Thing Explainer and Ask an Astronaut have in common
A. They are priced the same. B. They include illustrations.
C. They are hard to understand. D. They employ a Q&A format.
23. Who wrote Brief Answers to the Big Questions
A. Tim Peake. B. Bill Bryson.
C. Stephen Hawking. D. Randall Munroe.
It was a typical weekend for Mitch White and his friends. They were out celebrating a bachelor party, sailing the peaceful waters of the Minnesota River. They never expected that this single party would transform from a relaxed canoe trip into a painful rescue mission. With the sun setting, an unexpected bark changed everything.
Led by Mitch White, the soon-to-be-married man, they searched for the source of the sound along the banks of the river. Suddenly, a weak cry for help came from the mud. They were surprised to find that the head of a 13-year-old St. Bernard named Ed was barely visible in the thick mud. Mitch said, “The dog wasn’t moving on its own, so we should feed it and give it water.” The dog looked like it had used all its strength.
The men took up their oars(桨) and began digging, their festive mood giving way to a focused rescue mission. It took them more than half an hour to free the trapped dog as it was already breathing very feebly after possibly being trapped for 24 hours. When they got the poor fellow out of the mud, he couldn’t walk, so they carried him back to the house. Back home with his owner, George Niskanen, Ed began his slow restoration—a happy ending to a dangerous adventure. George was thankful to the bachelor party heroes.
Now, the people of Carver, Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for. Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party. It became a heroic tale of humanity, friendship, and the instinct(本能) to do what’s right.
24. What can we know from the first two paragraphs
A. A baby’s cry came from the Minnesota River.
B. Mitch White was about to end his single life soon.
C. A dog named Ed ran into Mitch White and his friends’ party.
D. Mitch White and his friends planned to watch the sunrise by the river.
25. What does the underlined word “feebly” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Excitedly. B. Smoothly. C. Quietly. D. Weakly.
26. What do the locals think of Mitch White and his friends
A. Ambitious. B. Creative. C. Courageous. D. Independent.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. An Unexpected Rescue at a Bachelor Party
B. The Story Between St. Bernard and Its Owner
C. A Heart-Stopping Competition on the Minnesota River
D. The Weekend Activities for Mitch White and His Friends
If you’re thinking about growing apples, now is the time to test different kinds and talk with local growers. This advice comes from gardening writer Lee Reich. His books include The Pruning(修剪) Book and Weedless Gardening. Reich grows an apple called. Hudson’s Golden Gem, and he does so for one reason—the taste. He says the fruit’s wonderful taste makes it truly special.
When you buy apples at the store, your choice is limited to the 12 or more kinds available for sale. Gardeners, however, have more choices. They can plant any of more than 5,000 different kinds of apples.
Gardeners can also harvest their apples just as each kind reaches its moment of perfection. Reich says his Macoun apples taste much better than any Macoun apples found in stores. One reason is that his can be left to ripen until they nearly fall off the tree.
Here are some other flavorful apples to plant. The Ashmead’s Kernel apple was first grown more than 200 years ago in a garden belonging to Dr. Ashmead in Gloucester, England. The apple has a reddish, golden brown color. Inside, it has tasty, sharp flesh. Cox’s Orange Pippin is another old apple from England. It was first grown by Richard Cox in 1825. This apple’s orange and red color makes it unpopular in the American market. But it is loved for its strong taste. Ellison’s Orange is another British apple that came from Lincolnshire in 1911. It is a late summer or early autumn apple, golden yellow with stripes, with juicy flesh.
Before you run out to buy trees to grow the kinds you love to eat, Reich does have a warning: Apples are not easy to grow in many parts of the country. The plants require yearly pruning and insect control. But if you’re willing to learn how to keep the unwanted insects away, a few kinds of trees chosen for their taste will give you years of good eating.
28. What can we infer about Lee Reich
A. He is a teacher.
B. He loves planting.
C. He grows a very rare kind of flower.
D. His books are about how to sell trees.
29. Why are Reich’s Macoun apples tastier than those in the store
A. They are naturally ripe.
B. They are planted in the garden.
C. They have been picked out carefully.
D. They are genetically modified products.
30. How many types of apples are mentioned in the text
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
31. What do you need to do in planting apple trees according to the last paragraph
A. Water enough. B. Read many relative books.
C. Pay attention to light and nutrition. D. Prune the trees and remove insects.
A major meeting of computer hackers(黑客) planned for this summer is to include an event that will test the limits of artificial intelligence(AI) tools. The event, in August, will be held as part of the yearly DEF CON hacker meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Organizers say the meeting provides a chance for hackers to hear from leading industry officials about the latest developments in computer security. It also includes hacking competitions.
This year, several major AI developers will take part in DEF CON. Among them will be OpenAI, which launched its latest AI model, ChatGPT-4, in March.
Recently released AI tools are built by feeding huge amounts of information into machine learning computer systems. The data trains the AI systems to develop complex skills and produce human-like results.
Experts have warned that such systems may bring major changes to many different jobs and industries. It affects everyone from managers to workers to housewives. They also fear the tools, known as “chatbots”, could greatly increase the amount of misinformation in the news media and on social media.
Chowdhury, an organizer of the hacking event, says the results of the event can provide helpful information to companies looking at ways to safely use the fast-developing AI systems. She notes that the hackers’ work will not end after the gathering. They will spend months afterward creating reports on their findings and identifying specific system vulnerabilities(漏洞).
Jack Clark is the co-founder of AI developer Anthropic. He says he hopes the DEF CON event will lead to deeper commitments from AI developers to measure and test the safety of their systems. For this to happen, though, AI systems will need to be examined by third parties both before and after deployment(部署). “We need to get practice at figuring out how to do this. It hasn’t really been done before,” he says.
32. What can hackers learn from this meeting
A. The rules of AI tool competitions.
B. The application of model ChatGPT-4.
C. The future of hackers in the computer field.
D. The latest developments in computer security.
33. What does the underlined word “They” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. Experts. B. Managers. C. Workers. D. Housewives.
34. Which of the following statements does Chowdhury agree with
A. The current network system is approaching perfection.
B. The activity of improving network security will not stop.
C. The reports accelerate the development of AI.
D. AI systems need to be inspected by the third parties.
35. What do Jack Clark’s words imply
A. AI users must test the security of computer systems.
B. AI developers may overlook the shortcomings of their own products.
C. AI systems develop complex skills and produce results similar to those of humans.
D. The DEF CON event will encourage companies to develop new products.
How to Get Your Best Friend Back
Most people have a falling-out with their best friend at some point. Things may feel rough, but stay positive. 36 . Here are some tips for you.
Tell them how you feel. Your friends may miss you as much as you miss them. 37 . You could say, “It’s been really hard for me lately. I’m used to being able to talk to you every day, but lately, I’ve felt like you were too busy for me.”
38 . You may have different ideas, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you are able to share your own feelings on the situation without judging your friend. Avoid statements like “You never listen to me!” Instead, say, “I felt like you weren’t hearing me, and that made me feel frustrated.”
Take responsibility for your actions. 39 . Don’t make excuses, no matter how justified you felt in doing what you did. There is no excuse to hurt your friends, just as there is no excuse for them to hurt you. For example, avoid saying, “I’m sorry I forgot about your birthday party. I had a busy week and lost track of the days.”
Suggest ways to work through your issues. 40 . Healing(修复) your friendship will require work, and your apology will hold more weight if you show your friend that you have a plan. Ask them to go to see a popular movie together. You can spend time together without expectations of talking, and then you have a shared topic to discuss afterward that will put less pressure on you to find suitable topics.
A. Use “I” statements
B. Don’t project your feelings onto your friend
C. Talk to your friends about how much you miss them
D. As you apologize, resist the urge to explain for your behavior
E. However, one of you has to be the first to explain those feelings
F. Talking can start the healing, but may not fully restore your relationship
G. Whether you’ve quarreled, or they’ve moved away, you can get your best friend back
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Looking at some of Vivian Xue Rahey’s tiny masterpieces, you’d think she has been practicing nail(指甲) painting for most of her life, but you would be 41 . She only started doing nail art to relieve stress while 42 to start her own tech company. However, she ended up becoming so absorbed that she decided to abandon her 43 in the tech world and become a 44 nail artist instead.
45 , Vivian had to close her physical nail salon after the COVID-19pandemic. “The first month after we 46 , I was really confused,” the artist said. “We already had pretty little 47 at the salon. I didn’t think we were going to be 48 to afford rent.”
Then she started 49 some of her best works online and they were rapidly spread, getting 50 from Snoop Dogg, an American rapper and actor, who shared one of Vivian’s works with his tens of millions of 51 .
Vivian’s 52 works include a variety of artistic masterpieces, from hand-painted recreations of actual paintings to numerous Disney cartoon characters. Whatever you 53 on your fingernails, she can probably 54 it. Regarded as one of the world’s most 55 nail artists, Vivian is reimagining what is possible in the world of nails.
41. A. depressed B. confused C. mistaken D. awaken
42. A. working B. regretting C. refusing D. remembering
43. A. family B. study C. rule D. career
44. A. wealthy B. kind C. professional D. lonely
45. A. Generally B. Unfortunately C. Frequently D. Immediately
46. A. shut down B. set off C. dressed up D. checked out
47. A. time B. change C. experience D. profit
48. A. grateful B. able C. available D. generous
49. A. collecting B. buying C. posting D. donating
50. A. money B. attention C. information D. advice
51. A. employers B. students C. colleagues D. followers
52. A. ancient B. valueless C. natural D. impressive
53. A. see B. want C. put D. touch
54. A. guess B. move C. paint D. skip
55. A. talented B. serious C. beautiful D. mysterious
International students from the Beijing Language and Culture University are busy preparing 56 the 2023 Competition for the Transmission and Promotion of the Beijing Central Axis, with three songs 57 (highlight) heritage sites along its length.
The 58 (annually) competition, hosted by the Beijing Cultural Heritage Bureau and the Beijing Office for Conservation and Management of the Beijing Central Axis, includes five categories, one of which, the Artistic Central Axis category, 59 (call) for participants to present the heritage sites using different art forms.
Three groups of international students from 13 countries are practicing songs about the Wanning Bridge, the Temple of Heaven 60 Jingshan Park.
The students are taking an elective course 61 (offer) by the university’s Department of Art 62 teaches songs adapted from ancient Chinese poetry, and most are Chinese language majors. “I think this song about Wanning Bridge is very beautiful. When I was learning the lyrics(歌词), I got to know about the 63 (bridge) history and architectural style. I feel that I’m very lucky to 64 (participation) in this course and the competition, because they have allowed me 65 (learn) more about Chinese culture and history,” says one of the students, Bach Tong Khanh Minh from Vietnam.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校上周组织的诗歌朗诵比赛(poetry recitation competition)的情况。请给他回信,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Best regards,
Li Hua
Austin Riley is a race car driver. Racing is an exciting sport, but Riley represents a lot more than that. He is breaking barriers, educating people around the world and giving families hope.
He has been drawing crowds to the race track for years. But his claim to fame isn’t just being fast on the speedway. He is breaking barriers on the track for those with disabilities. Riley has autism(自闭症). Simple tasks like tying his shoes are extremely complicated for him, but when you put him in a race car—a complex, delicate piece of machinery—he will blow your mind.
I first met Riley and his father Jason at the local go-cart(卡丁车) track. I still remember how excited Riley was to have me and my cameraman there filming his every move. He was a go-cart racer back then. He could barely talk to me, let alone look at me. But despite how quiet and shy he was, I knew this kid was going to be something big.
The go-cart track is where Riley’s racing career began. His dad just wanted to give him something to focus his energy on. Riley has always loved cars. He has literally been absorbed in them since he was three years old. So why not try go-carts The minute Riley hit the gas, he was attracted. Little did Riley and his father realize this going around the track would change their lives forever.
In Riley’s mind, everything moves fast. Slowing things down makes things difficult and frustrating. But the minute Riley slid into that go-cart, everything felt in sync(同步). He had found his calling and it put him on the podium(颁奖台) many times.
Riley’s journey on the track soon took him from fast go-carts to really fast cars. He became the first person with autism to get his race car licence in his country. He was an impressive force on the track, but an even more impressive person off the track.
People were coming up to Riley, wanting to know who he was. _____________________________________
Parents with autistic children saw hope from Riley’s story. _________________________________________
(Text 1)
W: It is very warm this morning, isn’t it
M: Yes, the sun is shining, but the wind is strong. The radio warned us of heavy rain in the afternoon.
(Text 2)
W: Hi, Ted, our meeting will start in 30 minutes. I need to copy your report. Can I get it now
M: I am working on the last sentence. Just give me 10 more minutes.
(Text 3)
W: Hi, Mike. I heard you went to the Opera House. How was the opera you saw last Sunday
M: Don’t mention it. It was not as good as I expected. I should have watched the live matches at home.
(Text 4)
M: Mary, a recent study on job interviews says the best meeting time is between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning, and the worst meeting time is after 3:00 in the afternoon.
W: Good news indeed. Mine is at 10:00 am.
M: Oh, you are lucky.
(Text 5)
W: Hello, is that Adams Auto Repair Shop
M: Yes. Can I help you
W: Yes. This is Amanda. I’m calling you about my car. When can I pick it up
M: I’m mending it right now. It’ll be ready at 2:00 this afternoon.
(Text 6)
W: Paul, what are you doing
M: I’m playing my computer game.
W: Paul, stop playing on that computer. It’s late and you’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning.
M: I suppose you’re right, Mom. The field trip will start at half pa st eight. I’ll set my alarm clock so that I’ll have plenty of time to go to school.
W: Good idea. You are going to bed before 10:00, aren’t you
M: Yes, Mom.
(Text 7)
W: Hello, customer service. How may I help you today
M: Hello, this is Jack speaking. I noticed something strange on my account.
W: Let me see. Your account history shows some purchases.
M: But I haven’t made any purchases.
W: Do you have a shared account, by any chance
M: Yes, that’s shared by my wife and both of my children. They wouldn’t buy things without asking me first.
W: Are you sure, sir In fact, someone is using your computer system right now.
M: Thanks. I got it. My son is at home now. I must go home and I’ll have a talk with him.
(Text 8)
W: Good morning, boy. What can I do for you
M: Good morning, Miss. It’s my first visit here. I want some books and I need your help.
W: Have you got a reader’s card Let me have a look.
M: I’m afraid not, but I have my student ID card with me. Is it useful
W: Yes, that is enough. What kind of books are you interested in Here are some popular books.
M: I prefer art and music.
W: Well, let me see. Now we are on the 2 nd floor. You need to climb one more floor. There are a lot of music books, especially a collection of classical music composed by Beethoven, Mozart and Bach, which I think you must like.
M: Thank you. By the way, I also want to look for some magazines and newspapers.
W: Magazines are on the 6th floor. You can look through the open shelves. And newspapers are just next to them. You can keep books for two months, but magazines and newspapers, only four weeks.
M: Good. Thank you.
(Text 9)
W: I’d like to talk about this watch. It’s quite old, nearly sixty years old. It has a leather black band. The face of the watch is white and it’s square.
M: Why is this watch special, Helen
W: It’s my grandfather’s watch.
M: I want to hear the story about it.
W: He came to England more than fifty years ago and this is the watch he was wearing when he arrived here. When he came over here, he didn’t have much—just a few pounds in his pocket. But this watch was a present to him from his grandfather, his twenty-first birthday present, so it was really special to him and now it’s special to me.
M: Is it very valuable I mean, I know you don’t want to sell it but is it worth a lot of money
W: No, not at all. It doesn’t even tell the right time! It’s just an ordinary watch but it’s special to me because it really reminds me of my grandfather.
M: Is your grandfather still alive
W: No, he isn’t. He died 2 years ago.
M: So he left the watch to you in his will.
W: Yes, it will stay with me all my life.
(Text 10)
M: Hello, teachers and students! Now I have an important announcement to make. There are a few changes that have been made to the visit. So, please pay full attention to what I’m saying next. We still have been arranged to pay a visit to the local museum this weekend, but this time it’s on Saturday not on Sunday. We are informed that the museum won’t open this Sunday due to some special reasons. And we are going to meet on the playground instead of the school gate at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. We will go directly there by bus. You’d better wear comfortable shoes for long walks in the museum. Please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Oh, I nearly forgot to remind you of the rules. Don’t take pictures of the cultural relics. But if you do want to take a picture, you can do that in front of the museum. And nobody is allowed to touch anything there, or else they will be fined. Have a nice weekend!
1~5 ACBAC 6~10 BABAB 11~15 CABAC 16~20 CBCBC
21. D 细节理解题。根据A Short History of Nearly Everything部分“Release date: February 4, 2003”及其他三本书的发行日期可知,A Short History of Nearly Everything最早出版。
22. B 细节理解题。根据Thing Explainer部分“+Explains complex concepts using illustrations and only the most common words in the English language”及Ask an Astronaut部分“+Accompanying graphics illustrate some of the more complex ideas”可知,这两本书的共同点是都有插图。
23. C 细节理解题。根据Brief Answers to the Big Questions部分“Author: Stephen Hawking”可知,Brief Answers to the Big Questions 是斯蒂芬 霍金写的。
24. B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Led by Mitch White, the soon-to-be-married man...”可知,Mitch不久后就要结婚了。
25. D 词义猜测题。根据第二段“Suddenly, a weak cry for help came from the mud.”及画线词后“after possibly being trapped for 24 hours.”可推断,这只狗被困24小时以上,它的气息已经很微弱了。故画线词与Weakly意思接近。
26. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Now, the people of Carver, Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for. Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party.”可推断,当地人觉得 Mitch White和他的朋友们是非常勇敢的。
27. A 标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了Mitch White和他的朋友们在开单身派对时救了一只被困的圣伯纳犬,并被人们称赞的故事。
28. B 推理判断题。根据第一段“This advice comes from gardening writer Lee Reich. His books include The Pruning(修剪) Book and Weedless Gardening. Reich grows an apple called Hudson’s Golden Gem, and he does so for one reason—the taste. He says the fruit’s wonderful taste makes it truly special.”及下文对Reich种植苹果的一些介绍可推断,Reich喜欢种植。
29. A 细节理解题。根据第三段“One reason is that his can be left to ripen until they nearly fall off the tree.”可知,Reich的苹果比商店里的好吃是因为他等苹果熟透后才采摘,甚至让苹果自己掉下来。
30. C 细节理解题。根据第一、三、四段的内容可知,文中提到的苹果种类有:Hudson’s Golden Gem、Macoun、The Ashmead’s Kernel、Cox’s Orange Pippin和Ellison’s Orange五种。
31. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段“The plants require year ly pruning and insect control.”可知,在种植苹果树时要注意修剪和除虫。
32. D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Organizers say the meeting provides a chance for hackers to hear from leading industry officials about the latest developments in computer security.”可知,这次会议为黑客们提供了一个机会,他们能够听取业界主要官员对计算机安全最新发展的看法。
33. A 代词指代题。根据画线词前句意:专家警告说,这样的系统可能会给许多不同的工作和行业带来重大变化。它影响着从管理者到劳动者到家庭主妇的每一个人。画线词所在句意:他们还担心,这些被称为“聊天机器人”的工具可能会大大增加新闻媒体和社交媒体上的错误信息数量。故此处的“他们”指的是“Experts”。
34. B 细节理解题。根据第五段“She notes that the hackers’ work will not end after the gathering.”可知,Chowdhury指出网络安全工作不会在会议后结束。
35. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“…AI developers to measure and test the safety of their systems. For this to happen, though, AI systems will need to be examined by third parties both before and after deployment(部署).”可推断,人工智能开发者在测试过程中可能会忽略系统中的漏洞,需要请第三方机构进行检测和测试。
36. G 根据空前“Things may feel rough, but stay positive.”以及空后“Here are some tips for you.”可知,G项“无论你们吵架了,还是他们搬走了,你都可以把你最好的朋友找回来”符合。
37. C 根据空前“Your friends may miss you as much as you miss them.”及空后“You could say,’It’s been really hard for me lately. I’m used to being able to talk to you every day, but lately, I’ve felt like you were too busy for me.’”可知,C项“告诉你的朋友你有多想念他们”符合。
38. A 根据空后“‘You never listen to me!’ Instead, say, ‘I felt like you weren’t hearing me’…”可知,A项“使用以‘我’为开头的陈述”符合。
39. D 根据空前“Take responsibility for your actions.”以及空后“Don’t make excuses, no matter how justified you felt in doing what you did.”可知,D项“道歉的时候,不要急于为自己的行为辩解”符合。
40. F 前文中主要介绍的是通过交谈表达歉意,但仅仅通过言语是无法真正修复彼此关系的,如果想要彻底恢复友情还要有具体的做法,故F项“谈话可能开启修复,但可能不能完全恢复你们的关系”符合,起到承上启下的作用。
41. C 看了Vivian Xue Rahey的一些小杰作,你会以为她一生中大部分时间都在练习手绘美甲,但你可能错了(mistaken)。
42. A 她开始做美甲只是为了缓解她努力(working)创办科技公司的压力。
43. D 然而,她最终变得十分沉迷,以至于她决定放弃科技界的职业生涯(career),转而成为一名专业的(professional)美甲师。
44. C 见上题解析。
45. B 不幸的是(Unfortunately),在新冠肺炎大流行后,Vivian不得不关闭她的实体美甲沙龙。
46. A 这位艺术家说:“我们关门(shut down)后的第一个月,我真的很困惑。”
47. D “我们的沙龙已经没有多少利润(profit)了。我认为我们付不起(able)房租。”
48. B 见上题解析。
49. C 然后她开始在网上发布(posting)一些自己最好的作品,这些作品迅速传播开来,引起了美国说唱歌手兼演员Snoop Dogg的注意(attention),他与数千万粉丝(followers)分享了Vivian的一幅作品。
50. B 见上题解析。
51. D 见第49题解析。
52. D Vivian令人印象深刻的(impressive)作品包括各种各样的艺术杰作,从手绘的真实画作到许多迪士尼卡通人物。
53. B 不管你想(want)在指甲上画什么,她都可能给你画(paint)出来。
54. C 见上题解析。
55. A 作为世界上最有才华的(talented)美甲艺术家之一,Vivian正在重塑美甲界的可能性。
56. for 57. highlighting 58. annual 59. calls 60. and
61. offered 62. that/which 63. bridge’s 64. participate 65. to learn
One possible version:
Dear Peter,
Last Friday, our school organized a poetry recitation competition in the school hall. The competition was held to promote the appreciation of poetry among students. It was a great opportunity to share and explore the beauty of poetry.
I actively participated in this competition. Through this competition, I not only deepened my understanding and appreciation of poetry but also learned more about its power to express emotions and ideas.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the competition, please feel free to write back.
Best regards,
Li Hua
One possible version:
People were coming up to Riley, wanting to know who he was. Many were shocked to find out Riley had autism. So Jason talked about it. He talked about Riley to anyone who would listen. The catch phrase, “Racing with autism”, became Riley’s motto and the name of an education campaign they would take from track to track, and then school to school. Riley and his father hosted hundreds of presentations telling kids, teachers and parents about his story.
Parents with autistic children saw hope from Riley’s story. They felt if Riley could do what he was doing, their kids had a chance, too. These parents often took their autistic kids to watch Riley’s games. Riley offered to take photos with these autistic children and gave them some gifts he had prepared in advance, hoping to encourage them in this way. “I feel very happy and proud of what I’m doing because I love racing, and I’m doing it to change the world,” he told me.