

名称 云南省保山市智源高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月月考英语试题(含解析,无听力原文,含音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 8.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-02 19:09:25


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5: CBBCA 6~10: BACAA 11~15 : CCBCA 16~20 : BABBC
21~25:ACCDD 26~30: ACCAB 31~35:ADADA
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41~45:DACAB 46~50:DBCAD 51~55:BCCAB
entered 57.eventually 58.making 59.has appeared
60.What 61.and 62.beauty 63.on 64.visitors 65.their
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
【答案】 My Role Model
When asked who is my role model, my answer is Lang Ping.
As is known to all, Lang Ping, who is known as the “iron hammer”, was once a volleyball player, and then a volleyball coach. She won numerous honors during her career. What impresses me most is the Chinese women’s volleyball team spirit she created, which inspires me all the time. So I will always follow Lang Ping’s example.
第二节(满分 25分)
The whole cafe went quiet when they saw what was happening. Then, out of nowhere, people started clapping. It was like something from a movie. Everyone was smiling and looking at the boy enjoying his surprise meal. As the boy ate, the people in the cafe started walking up to the waiter and giving him some money. They were tipping him, but it wasn’t just a few coins; they were super generous. It was like the waiter’s kindness had the leading function, and now everyone wanted to offer him some money.
The boy, with a full stomach and a happy heart, looked as if he couldn’t thank the waiter enough. Perhaps this was the first time he had had such a delicious meal. At the same time, the waiter gave the boy all the money he received just now and encouraged him, “Everything will be OK. Never give up.” The boy was so moved that he couldn’t say any words. He knew that without the waiter’s kind act, he couldn’t have had a full meal. They didn’t talk much, but it didn’t matter. They were just two people sharing a quiet moment together, and it felt like they understood each other perfectly.
A篇 【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了四种“教育盒子”。
答案 A [细节理解题。根据Finders Seekers Boxes下的内容“After receiving a Finders Seekers box,you’ll...while solving puzzles.”可知,通过Finders Seekers Boxes可以了解城市的特点。]
答案 C [细节理解题。根据Kiwi Doodle Boxes下的内容“They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to 18.”可知,Kiwi Doodle Boxes适合不同年龄的学生。]
答案 C [文章出处题。根据第一段的“Monthly subscription (订阅) educational...in a particular subject.”可知,文章最可能来源于儿童杂志。]
B篇 【语篇解读】 
答案 D [推理判断题。根据文章第一段可推知,Sarah Park发明Spark Care+源于她从小对音乐效果的观察。]
答案 D [细节理解题。 根据文章第三段中“Spark Care+’s AI...lift the participants’ spirits.”可推知,Spark Care+推荐欢快的音乐,以提高参与者的情绪。]
答案 A [段落大意题。 根据文章第四段中“Sarah Park hopes to...The ninth-grader hopes to...She also wants to build an app to make Spark Care+ accessible to everyone.”可知,第四段主要在讲Sarah Park将来的计划。]
答案 C [标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了 13岁的女孩Sarah Park发明了名为Spark Care+的设备,该设备使用音乐疗法改善用户的精神健康状况,并因此赢得了“美国顶尖青年科学家”的称号,因此,C项切题。]
C篇【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了香港科技大学的一位科学家开发人工眼帮助盲人重获光明。
28.答案 C [细节理解题。由第一段“Blind people have long desired for brightness...developed a new artificial eye recently.”可知,发明人工眼的目的是帮助盲人重获光明。故选C项。]
29.答案 A [段落大意题。由第二段“The design for a new artificial eye...a friendly light-sensitive material.”可知,第二段主要讲人工眼的结构设计。故选A项。]
30.答案 B [细节理解题。由第三段“In theory,this artificial eye could see more clearly than the human eye...”可知,理论上人工眼可能比真正的眼睛看得更清楚。故选B项。]
31.答案 A [观点态度题。由尾段“Hongrui Jiang...a much more practical and efficient way to produce vast series of tiny wires...”可知,他认为科学家们设想的很难达成。持怀疑的态度。故选A项。]
D篇【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一个名为Chip Bag Project的公益项目,通过回收空薯片袋,为无家可归者制作睡袋,既保护了环境,又减少了贫困。
32答案 D [推理判断题。根据第一段“Eradajere Oleita thinks she...the Chip Bag Project.”可知,为了解决垃圾和贫困问题,Eradajere Oleita开展了Chip Bag Project。由此可知,Chip Bag Project的目的是保护环境和减少贫困。]
33答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段“The 26-year-old student and...for the homeless.”可知,Oleita是通过向吃薯片的人求助来获得睡袋材料的。]
34答案 D [词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段“‘We are committed to...environmentally,’she says.”可知,Chip Bag Project的目的之一是保护环境,通过回收空薯片袋,为无家可归者制作睡袋。由此可知,画线单词所在句指的是回收那些本来会被扔在垃圾桶里的袋子,并用它们来帮助无家可归的人,画线词与“recycling(回收)”意思接近。]
35答案 A [推理判断题。根据文章可知,Oleita通过回收空薯片为无家可归者制作睡袋,这是一个有创造性的想法;根据倒数第三段内容,自2020年启动以来,Chip Bag Project已经收集了超过80 000个薯片袋。截至去年12月,已经创造了110个睡袋。由此推知,Eradajere Oleita是一个有奉献精神和创造性的人。]
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要讲的是烘焙的好处。烘焙不仅仅是一种有用的生存技能,而且对情绪方面有着积极的影响。烘焙和烹饪已经被用来治疗有心理健康问题的人。
36.E [空格前说“Baking is not just a useful survival skill.”,空格后说“In fact,baking...mental health issues.”,说明空格处要说的烘焙的另外的一个好处是对人情绪方面的好处,E选项说明了烘焙对情绪方面的积极影响,因此承上启下,符合语境。]
37.F [空格前说 “Julie Ohana,a social worker...overcome many kinds of issues.”,空格处应继续对这种疗法进行介绍,F选项是对这种疗法的进一步介绍,因此承接上文,符合语境。]
38.C [空格前说“Baking is a process filled with love.”,空格后说“When you bake...it’s delicious.”,因此空格处应说烘焙出来的东西不光对人的情绪有积极影响,而且还是可以吃的,C选项承上启下,说明了烘焙出来的东西是有形的,可以吃的,因此符合语境。]
39.B [空格处是本段的小标题,由空格下方的内容 “Often our food experiences are tied to family memories and stories.”可知,本段主要讲的是烘焙是和情感有关的,B选项概括本段内容,可作为小标题。]
40.D [空格前说“Giving delicious,baked goods...for the person receiving it.”,空格处应讲烘焙对送出食品的人的影响,D选项说明了烘焙对送出食品的人的影响,承接上文,符合语境。]
第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节 满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述99岁高龄的大卫,仍然每天在尽自己的努力做志愿者,做慈善。
41.答案 D [根据上文“David spends almost three hours each day”及下文“to and from the charity (慈善) shop”可知,大卫每天在慈善商店来来回回往返需要将近三个小时的行程。]
42.答案 A [根据下文“He then works 8—10 hours at the St Columba’s Hospice shop”及上文“for the charity shop”可知,此处指他是志愿做事。purchase“购买”;accommodate“容纳,提供住宿”。]
43.答案 C [结合前文“David spends almost three hours...the charity (慈善) shop”及下文“includes a 20-minute walk and two different ”可知,他去做志愿的地方需要走20分钟同时乘坐两辆不同的公共汽车才能到。所以此处指他的行程包含这些内容。]
44.答案 A [根据前文“David spends almost three hours each day to and from the charity (慈善) shop”及“includes a 20-minute walk and two different”和下文“He then works 8—10 hours at the St Columba’s Hospice shop”可知,此处指他去做志愿的地方需要走20分钟同时乘坐两辆不同的公共汽车才能到。]
45.答案 B [根据前文“David spends almost three hours each day to and from the charity (慈善) shop”和“He then works 8—10 hours at the St Columba’s Hospice shop”可知,他的工作地方是慈善商店,会接受人们捐赠的东西。]
46.答案 D [根据下文“the things they’re looking for”,可知人们在寻找东西,所以此处指他帮助人们找到需要的东西。]
47.答案 B [根据前文“David is 99,but he still works four days a week”可知,此处指他认为自己的长寿的秘诀就是努力工作。]
48.答案 C [根据前文“He then works 8—10 hours at the St Columba’s Hospice shop,”及后文“sit in the house doing nothing”可知,他每天在这里工作8至10个小时,所以此处指这里关闭后,他将只能坐在家里,什么也不做了。]
49.答案 A [根据前文“I will try my best to live”可知,此处指他将尽力活得长久。]
50.答案 D [根据下文“when I fall down”可知,当他倒下,即意味着他不能工作时,就只能停止工作。]
51.答案 B [根据下文“Nobody believes he is 99.He keeps his mental agility in check by building model railways on his days off”,可知他的敏捷令人惊讶。]
52.答案 C [根据下文“for the charity”可知,他应是把这些模型出售之后,把钱用于做慈善。]
53.答案 C [根据下文“They were my and...It wasn’t for me.”可知,此处指他不喜欢他同龄人的那种安逸的生活,所以此处指他会考虑过更悠闲的生活吗?]
54.答案 A [短语:be one’s age“同龄人”,结合句意,此处指玩扑克游戏的人和他同龄。]
55.答案 B [根据前文“had started playing cards,but then I noticed they had all fallen asleep half way”可知,此处指玩扑克的人在玩的过程中睡着了。]
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。西湖的美景具有悠久的历史,其中不乏名人用诗词赞美。2011年,西湖被正式列入世界遗产名录。
56.entered [考查时态。根据前句中的“Thousands of years ago”及本段中的时态可知,此处应该使用一般过去时。]
57.eventually [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处修饰句中动词settled,应该使用副词形式。]
58.making [考查非谓语动词。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,此处为现在分词充当结果状语的用法。]
59.has appeared [考查时态和主谓一致。根据句中的时间状语“Since the ninth century AD”可判断,此处应使用现在完成时,且主语为第三人称单数,故填has appeared。]
60.What [考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,此处引导主语从句并在从句中作主语,故填What。]
61.and [考查并列连词。分析句子结构可知,句中wrote和compared属于并列结构,且此处表顺承,因此使用and。]
62.beauty [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处应使用名词,且表示“美人”,故填beauty。]
63.on [考查介词。be included on the World Heritage List“被列入世界遗产名录”。]
64.visitors [考查名词的数。句中an endless stream of提示此处应该使用复数形式。]
65.their [考查代词。句中的some of them和own stories提示应该使用their,表示“他们的”。]保山市智源高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月月考
1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分, 共150分。考试时间120分钟。
2. 请将选择题答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上,非选择题用黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上,填在试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力部分(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1. What will the woman do next
A.Buy a map. B. Ask for directions. C.Look for a route
2. Where are the speakers
A. At a bus stop. B.At school. C.At home.
3. What did the woman probably do yesterday
A. She visited Alice. B. She went for a swim. C. She played badminton.
4.What do we know about the ring
A. It is very valuable.
B. The woman often wears it outside the house.
C. It belonged to the woman's family member.
5. What does the man actually want to do at first
A. Get something fixed. B. Buy new shoes. C.Open a shop.
Why does the woman come to Mr.Jenkins
A.To make an invitation. B. To ask for permission. C.To arrange an event.
7. When is the school play
A. On Thursday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Monday.
8. What does Nina want to know
A. Who will attend the training course.
B.What happened to Mark's new phone.
C. How much Mark spent on his phone screen.
9.What will Nina probably do this weekend
A.Change her phone screen.
B.Attend the staff training.
C.Buy a new phone.
10.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Baking bread. B.Buying groceries. C.Choosing ingredients.
11.What does the man say about Denise
A. She prefers home-made bread.
B.She enjoys cooking very much.
C. She is impatient to bake often.
12.How much money did the woman spend on the ingredients
A. 1.50. B. 2. C. 3.50.
13.What is the man doing
A. Attending a concert. B. Making an interview. C.Buying a ticket.
14.Why is Mrs. Carter giving away tickets
A.To get publicity. B. To fill the seats. C.To reward her fans.
15.How is Mrs. Carter related to Barry Z
A.His wife. B.His friend. C.His colleague.
16.How does Mrs. Carter feel about the newly-released recording
A.Proud. B. Dissatisfied. C. Indifferent.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至20题。
17.Who is the speaker probably talking to
A. Non-native English-speaking students.
B. Native English speakers.
C.English teachers.
18.Why does the speaker give the talk
A. To tell the differences between British and American accents.
B.To share useful techniques for mastering a second language.
C. To stress the importance of learning English well.
19.What seems important when going abroad according to the speaker
A. Doing more reading.
B.Learning basic grammar rules.
C.Communicating with native speakers.
20.What is the speaker's last suggestion
A. Listen to music. B.Watch movies. C. Dare to speak.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Monthly subscription(订阅) educational boxes for students can be a great way to develop an interest in a particular subject.If you want to learn something at home while having fun, you can have educational boxes delivered monthly straight to your house.
Spangler Boxes
The Spangler boxes feature a range of hands-on scientific experiments designed by Steve Spangler, a former TY host of a popular science education program on News for Kids.Projects focus on STEM—science, technology, engineering,and math.Examples of projects include exploring lava(岩浆)science, the sound waves, and physical laws.
Finders Seekers Boxes
After receiving a Finders Seekers box, you’ll explore characters of a new city and culture every month while solving puzzles.Think of Finders Seekers as an escape room challenge that takes place in your living room. Clues and online research tools are available to help in case you get stuck solving the mystery. Each puzzle takes approximately two to four hours to complete.
Creation Boxes
Creation box teaches students electronics,digital tips and high-level problem-solving.Each box teaches a lesson and is progressively more challenging.A sampling of the projects includes a mood lamp,an electronic memory game, and a distance detector using an ultrasonic sensor(超声传感器).
Kiwi Doodle Boxes
Kiwi Doodle Boxes are among the most popular boxes on the market. They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to 18.Doodle focuses on art and design with projects such as a felt succulent(肉质植物)garden, a faux(人造的)leather sample set, and handmade soap.Doodle projects introduce students to new crafting materials and techniques and all craft supplies are included in the box.
21.Which of the following is included in Finders Seekers Boxes
A.Features of cities. B.Online instructions.
C.Historical mysteries. D.Escape room challenges.
22.Which box will be suitable for students of different ages
A.Creation Boxes. B.Spangler Boxes.
C.Kiwi Doodle Boxes. D.Finders Seekers Boxes.
23.Where is the text most likely from
A.A research report. B.A scientific journal.
C.A magazine for kids. D.An engineering textbook.
Sarah Park has known about the impact of music on the brain since a young age.The 13-year-old,who has been playing the violin since she was 4,says she noticed its positive effect on those around her,especially her grandmother,who suffered from mental illness.
Now,the Jacksonville,Florida,middle-schooler hopes to use music therapy (疗法) to help others struggling with mental illness.Her invention,Spark Care+, earned her the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist” at the 3M Young Scientist Challenge on October 19, 2021.
Spark Care+ requires participants to respond to a series of questions based on the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scale,designed to assess the person’s mental state.The device’s inbuilt sensors record vital mental health indicators,such as heart rate and blood pressure.Spark Care+’s AI component analyzes the information and recommends the appropriate music to help lift the participants’ spirits.It also monitors its impact on the listeners.
Sarah Park hopes to make her invention accessible to all.The ninth-grader hopes to turn it into a wristband with inbuilt sensors,a heart-rate monitor,and Bluetooth.She also wants to build an app to make Spark Care+ accessible to everyone.“I hope to be able to distribute it around the world to people of all ages,” Park says.
In addition to being an inventor,Park is also a musical prodigy who has won several violin competitions, including the Florida state championship.She also plays the piano and is a math champion.The teen hopes to be an innovator and researcher in the medical field using technology and robotics.Her advice to other young scientists is “Dream big,ask questions, and anything is possible.”
24.What led to Park’s invention of Spark Care+?
A.Her desire to earn a title.
B.Her research on brain health.
C.Her grandmother’s mental illness.
D.Her observation of the effect of music.
25.What’s a function of Spark Care+’s AI component
A.To monitor heart rate.
B.To collect information.
C.To lower blood pressure.
D.To suggest delightful music.
26.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about
A.Park’s future plans.
B.Park’s achievements.
C.Influence of Park’s invention.
D.Application of Park’s invention.
27.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.New Invention Surprises the Science Field
B.Sarah Park Has Become the Youngest Scientist
C.Young Scientist Uses Music to Improve Mental Health
D.Spark Care+ Brings Honor to Young Scientist Sarah Park
Blind people have long desired for brightness,but scientists don’t have the technology.To bring that one step closer to reality, Zhiyong Fan,a materials scientist of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, developed a new artificial eye recently.The device, which is about as sensitive to light and has sharper vision and a faster reaction time than a real eyeball, may outperform human eyes.
The human eye owes its wide field of view and clear eyesight to the retina(视网膜)—an area at the back of the eyeball covered in light-detecting cells.The design for a new artificial eye is based on the structure of the human eye and uses a friendly light-sensitive material.At the back of the eyeball,an artificial retina is lined with Nan scale light sensors(纳米级光感器).Those sensors measure light that passes through the lens(晶状体) at the front of the eye.Wires attached to the back of the retina send signals from those sensors to the processor, similar to the way nerve networks connect the eyeball to the brain.
“In the future,we can use this to replace damaged human eyes,” says the lead designer.In theory, this artificial eye could see more clearly than the human eye, because the artificial retina contains about 460 million light sensors per square centimeter while a real retina has about 10 million light-detecting cells per square centimeter.Besides,the artificial eyeball records changes in lighting faster than human eyes can—within about 30 to 40 milliseconds, rather than 40 to 150 milliseconds.Although its 100-degree field of view isn’t as broad as the 150 degrees a human eye can take in,the device can see as well as the human eye in poor light.
Hongrui Jiang, an electrical engineer at the University of Wisconsin,though,thinks engineers need a much more practical and efficient way to produce vast series of tiny wires on the back of the artificial eyeball to give it superhuman sight, which is super hard to achieve.
28.Why does Zhiyong Fan develop the artificial eye
A.To replace people’s real eyeballs.
B.To gain a sharper vision.
C.To help the blind regain their eyesight.
D.To help normal eyes perform better.
29.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The design of the artificial eye.
B.The structure of the human eye.
C.The advantages of the artificial eye.
D.The material used for the artificial eye.
30.What can we learn about the artificial eye and the human eye
A.They have the same structure.
B.The artificial eye may see more clearly.
C.The human eye sees better in weak light.
D.The artificial eye takes in a broader view.
31.Which word best describes Hongrui Jiang’s attitude to the artificial eye
A.Doubtful. B.Favorable. C.Tolerant. D.Ambiguous.
Eradajere Oleita thinks she may have a partial solution for two of our county’s longstanding problems: garbage and poverty.It’s called the Chip Bag Project.The 26-year-old student and environmentalist from Detroit is asking a favor of local snack lovers: Rather than throw your empty Chip bags in the trash,donate them so she can turn them into sleeping bags for the homeless.
Chip eaters drop off their empty bags from Doritos,Lay’s,and other favorites at two locations in Detroit: a print shop and a clothing store,where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them.After they clean the chip bags in soapy hot water,they slice them open, lay them flat, and iron them together.
It takes about four hours to sew a sleeping bag,and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags,depending on whether they’re single-serve or family size.The result is a sleeping bag that is “waterproof,lightweight,and easy to carry around, ” Oleita told the Detroil News.
Since its start in 2020,the Chip Bag Project has collected more than 80,000 chip bags and, as of last December,created 110 sleeping bags.
Sure,it would be simpler to raise the money to buy new sleeping bags.But that’s only half the goal for Oleita—whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria a decade ago with the hope of attaining a better life—and her fellow volunteers.“We are committed to making an impact not only socially,but environmentally,” she says.
And,of course,there’s the symbolism of salvaging bags that would otherwise land in the trash and using them to help the homeless.It’s a powerful reminder that environmental injustice and poverty often go hand in hand.As Oleita told : “I think it’s time to show connections between all of these issues.”
32.What is the purpose of the Chip Bag Project
A.To make donations for the homeless.
B.To deal with garbage and sleeping bags.
C.To stop pollution caused by snack lovers.
D.To protect the environment and reduce poverty.
33.How did Oleita get materials for sleeping bags
A.By turning to chip eaters.
B.By producing chip bags.
C.By purchasing snacks.
D.By cooperating with the poor.
34.Which of the flowing can best explain the underlined word “salvaging” in the last paragraph
A.Sewing. B.Designing. C.Emptying. D.Recycling.
35.Which of the following best describes Eradajere Oleita
A.Devoted and creative.
B.Determined and honest.
C.Ambitious and humorous.
D.Caring and independent.
Bread making is a survival skill.With very few simple things—such as flour, salt and yeast—you can bake a fresh loaf of bread for your family,neighbors or coworkers.Baking is not just a useful survival skill. 36 In fact,baking and cooking have been used to treat people with mental health issues.
Julie Ohana,a social worker,offers what she calls culinary therapy to her patients in New York City to help them overcome many kinds of issues. 37
Baking requires mindfulness.
When you’re in the kitchen,it really requires a certain level of mindfulness,of being present in the moment.And baking really requires step-by-step, following a recipe, being more precise.Kneading the dough (揉面团) or rolling something out,you really get the full benefit of being present in the moment and being able to relax and put aside all the other thoughts and just focus on the here-and-now.
Baking is a labor of love.
Baking is a process filled with love. 38 When you bake,you go through this whole process and it really is a labor of love and you end up with this finished product that—not only is it tangible—but it’s edible and it’s delicious.
Often our food experiences are tied to family memories and stories.We remember meals our grandmothers made.We teach our children important recipes for family favorites.
Baking is a win-win.
Giving delicious,baked goods makes the giver feel as good as the receiver.To pass the baked goods on to someone else certainly can make the day for the person receiving it. 40
A.Baking is rewarding.
B.Baking is emotional.
C.It not only makes you feel good,but it produces something you can touch and eat!
D.But it’s also just as powerful for the person who’s giving them.
E.It can make you feel better at stressful times.
F.She explains that culinary therapy works on many levels.
G.And the receiver can benefit a lot from baking.
第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节 满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
David is 99, but he still works four days a week—and has no plans to slow down any time soon.
David spends almost three hours each day 41 to and from the charity (慈善) shop where he 42 .He makes the 43 ,which includes a 20-minute walk and two different 44 ,throughout the year in all weathers.He then works 8—10 hours at the St Columba’s Hospice shop,receiving 45 ,steaming clothes and helping customers to 46 the things they’re looking for.
David said that 47 was the secret to his long life.“If they ever 48 the shop,I don’t know what I would do—I couldn’t just sit in the house doing nothing.I will try my best to live as 49 as I can,and will only 50 working there when I fall down.”
David works with 51 agility (敏捷).Nobody believes he is 99.He keeps his mental agility in check by building model railways on his days off,which he then 52 for the charity.
So would David now think about living a more 53 life
He said, “I went to a community club a couple of years ago.They were my 54 and had started playing cards,but then I noticed they had all fallen asleep half way through the 55 so I left.It wasn’t for me.”
41.A.walking B.moving C.turning D.travelling
42.A.volunteers B.purchases C.accommodates D.practises
43.A.research B.shopping C.journey D.business
44.A.buses B.planes C.conditions D.systems
45.A.letters B.donations C.praise D.treatment
46.A.share B.change C.remember D.find
47.A.deep concern B.hard work C.regular exercise D.fair play
48.A.left B.discovered C.closed D.entered
49.A.long B.well C.happily D.comfortably
50.A.resist B.keep C.avoid D.stop
51.A.struggling B.surprising C.popular D.similar
52.A.leaves B.pays C.sells D.cares
53.A.organised B.settled C.relaxed D.balanced
54.A.age B.type C.family D.mirror
55.A.day B.game C.story D.movie
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Thousands of years ago,the West Lake in Hangzhou was connected to the sea.The Qiantang River,not far away from the West Lake,56. (enter) the sea in the eastern part of this area.The solid material such as sand,stones and mud carried by the river 57. (eventual) settled at the bottom and blocked the connection between the West Lake and the sea, 58. (make) it an inland water.
Since the ninth century AD,the breathtaking scenery of the West Lake in all seasons59.
(appear) time and again in poems,stories and legends. 60. impresses people most is that there are about 630 legends of the West Lake alone.Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake61.
compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary 62. (beautiful).From then on,the West Lake got another elegant name—Xizi Lake.
In 2011, West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was included 63. the World Heritage List. It is now visited by an endless stream of 64. (visitor) from home and abroad.Perhaps some of them will add 65. (they) own stories to the West Lake’s wealth of literature.
你校正在组织英语作文比赛,请以你尊敬和爱戴的人(My Role Model)为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
My Role Model
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
At one table by the window, a lady just finished up her lunch. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a sandwich and some salad, with a cup of tea to wash it all down. She seemed to be in her own little world, staring out the window every now and then, like she was waiting for something. After a bit, she got up, paid for her meal at the counter and left.
Her table was still a mess, with bits of her meal left behind. It wasn’t a big deal—this happens all the time. But today, something different was going to happen. A young boy, who looked like he’d had a pretty rough time, had been watching her from the table around the corner.
This boy was in rough shape. His clothes were too big and looked like they’d seen better days. His hair was all over the place, and his face had streaks (条痕) of dirt on it. He had that look of someone who hadn’t had a good meal too long. When the lady left, the boy saw his chance, He quickly sat down and started wolfing down the leftovers (吃剩的食物) like it was the best meal he’d ever had.
But then, the waiter walked over. He was an older guy who’d probably seen everything. He didn’t say anything at first, just watched the boy for a second. The boy got scared, stopped eating, and tears started to fill his eyes. He thought the waiter would kick him out for sure. Instead, the waiter took away the half-eaten plate, and the boy’s heart sank.
The boy got up to leave, but before he could get far, the waiter came back and asked the boy to wait for a moment. The waiter gave him a full and fresh meal.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The whole cafe went quiet when they saw what was happening.
The boy, with a full stomach and a happy heart, looked as if he couldn’t thank the waiter enough.