

名称 贵州省金成实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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文件大小 9.8MB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-03 16:07:57


1.(2024高一下·贵州月考) What is the woman going to do this evening
A.Cook dinner. B.Eat out. C.Go to the park.
【解析】【听力原文】M: If you'd like to go out for supper, I'll phone the restaurant.
W: Thank you, but I promised my sister I'd take her to the park.
【分析】题意:这位女士今晚打算做什么 根据听力内容W: Thank you, but I promised my sister
I'd take her to the park. 谢谢,但是我答应过我妹妹带她去公园的。可知选项Go to the park.符合题意;故答案为C 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语to the park来选出正确选项。
2.(2024高一下·贵州月考) What is Nick doing now
A.Doing the washing. B.Playing football. C.Watching TV.
【解析】【听力原文】W: OK, Nick, it's your turn to do the washing.
M: I'll be there. I want to finish watching the football game.
【分析】题意:尼克现在在做什么 根据听力内容I want to finish watching the football game. 我想看完足球比赛。可知选项Watching TV.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 watching the football game来选出正确选项。
3.(2024高一下·贵州月考) Why does the woman feel upset
A.She has no money to buy a car.
B.Tom didn't lend his car to her.
C.She quarreled with Tom.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What's the matter You don't seem to be in a good mood.
W: It's Tom. I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow, and he simply said "No". Can you believe how mean he was
【分析】题意:为什么这位女士感到失望 根据听力内容 I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow
, and he simply said "No". 我请他明天把车借给我,他干脆说"不"。可知选项Tom didn't lend
his car to her.符合题意;故答案为B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow, and he simply said "No".来选出正确选项。
4.(2024高一下·贵州月考) Where does the conversation take place
A.In a hotel. B.In a club. C.In a store.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Evening. Welcome to our hotel. I'm Cathy. What can I do for you
M: I'd like to check in.
W: OK. Please give me your ID card.
【分析】题意:对话发生在哪里 根据听力内容W: Evening. Welcome to our hotel.晚上好。欢迎光临我们酒店。 可知选项In a hotel. 符合题意;故答案为A 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Welcome to our hotel.来选出正确选项。
5.(2024高一下·贵州月考) When will the conference call start
A.At 2:30 pm. B.At 4:30 pm. C.At 5:00 pm.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Will the conference call begin at 2:30 this afternoon
M: Haven't you received the email It has been rescheduled. It won't begin until 4:30 pm.
W: That's bad. I planned to leave at 5:00 pm.
【分析】题意:电话会议什么时候开始 根据听力内容It won't begin until 4:30 pm. 下午4:30才开始。可知选项At 4:30 pm.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句It won't begin until 4:30 pm.来选出正确选项。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Manager and worker.
B.Husband and wife.
7.What does the man have to do now
A.Talk with the woman.
B.Meet Mr. Brown at the airport.
C.Wait for two more hours.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, Cathy. What's the matter
W: I've been here for two hours. Can you spare me a few minutes
M: Right now
W: Yes. I'd like to have a word with you about my job.
M: Sorry. I'm afraid I can't, for I must go to the airport to meet Mr. Brown now.
W: What about this time tomorrow
M: OK. This time tomorrow then. See you!
W: See you!
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I'd
like to have a word with you about my job. I must go to the airport to meet Mr. Brown now.来选出正确选项。
6.题意:说话者之间可能的关系是什么 根据听力内容W: Yes. I'd like to have a word with you about
my job.是的。我想和你谈谈我的工作。可知选项Manager and worker.符合题意;故答案为 A。
7.题意:男士现在要做什么 根据听力内容 I'm afraid I can't, for I must go to the airport to meet
Mr. Brown now. 恐怕不行,因为我现在必须去机场接布朗先生。可知选项Meet Mr. Brown at the
airport.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
8.Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A.He had her wait for a while.
B.He wasted some of her paper.
C.He can't mail packages for her.
9.What does the woman need the form for
A.Moving out of the dormitory.
B.Canceling the campus mailbox.
C.Applying for the mailbox service.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Sorry you had to wait. It's a busy time of year. Lots of people are mailing packages home.
W: I bet. I'll have to come next week to do that. I'm moving out of my dorm and I'm sending some papers home.
M: OK. We'll be here. What can I do for you today
W: Well, my roommate asked me to pick something up for her. She got this notice saying that there's a package to pick up.
M: I'm sorry, but she'll have to come and get it herself. It's university policy.
W: OK. I'll let her know. Also since I'm moving, I'll be able to receive my mail at my new apartment, so I don't really need my campus mailbox.
M: Oh, OK. Stop by the main desk on your way out of the building and pick up the form you'll need.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Sorry you had to wait. I don't really need my campus mailbox.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:为什么男士对女士说对不起 根据听力内容M: Sorry you had to wait. 对不起,让你久等了。可知选项He had her wait for a while.符合题意;故答案为 A。
9.题意:女士需要表格做什么 根据听力内容Also since I'm moving, I'll be able to receive my mail
at my new apartment, so I don't really need my campus mailbox. 而且因为我要搬家了,我可以在我的新公寓里收邮件,所以我不太需要我的校园邮箱。M: Oh, OK. Stop by the main desk on
your way out of the building and pick up the form you'll need.哦,好的。出大楼的时候,在总台前停下来,拿起你需要的表格。可知选项Canceling the campus mailbox.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
10.How long will it take the speakers to go to the club by car
A.About an hour.
B.About half an hour.
C.About 10 minutes.
11.What is the woman going to do in the Students' Club
A.Have a swim. B.Play basketball. C.Do some running.
12.Where will the speakers meet
A.At the school gate.
B.At the man's home.
C.At the club.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Are you free this weekend Go to the Students' Club with me, will you
W: Hmm, isn't it far away
M: Not really. It's only about half an hour's walk. If you drive there, it will take you just 10 minutes at most.
W: You often go there at the weekends, don't you
M: Yes, four times a month.
W: So how can I enjoy myself there
M: Well, you can play basketball and volleyball. If you are not interested, you can try some indoor exercises. They have a large indoor swimming pool and an indoor track. It's a great place to get relaxed.
W: OK. I'll have a swim there. How about meeting me at the school gate Let's walk there.
M: Sure. See you then.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语have a swim和关键句How about meeting me at the school gate 来选出正确选项。
10.题意:讲话者开车去俱乐部要花多长时间 根据听力内容If you drive there, it will take you just 10
minutes at most. 如果你开车去,最多只需要10分钟。可知选项About 10 minutes.符合题意;故答案为 C。
11.题意:女士打算在学生俱乐部做什么 根据听力内容I'll have a swim there. 我要在那里游泳。可知选项Have a swim.符合题意;故答案为 A。
12.题意:讲话者将在哪里见面 根据听力内容W: How about meeting me at the school gate Let's
walk there.在学校门口等我怎么样 我们走着去吧。M: Sure. See you then.当然可以。到时候见。可
知选项At the school gate.符合题意;故答案为A 。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
13.What does Lydia like to do in her spare time
A.Go camping.
B.Stay with her family.
C.See foreign films.
14.What do we learn about David
A.He hates camping.
B.He likes outdoor activities.
C.He lives near the Boundary Waters.
15.How does David find photography
A.Boring. B.Difficult. C.Interesting.
16.What are the speakers going to do this weekend
A.Visit the art gallery.
B.Take a photography class.
C.Hold a photography exhibit.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, what kind of things do you do in your spare time, Lydia
W: I'm really into watching foreign films. What about you, David
M: I like to do just about anything outdoors. Do you enjoy camping
W: Camping for an evening is OK, but I couldn't do it for much longer than one night!
M: Have you ever been camping in the Boundary Waters
W: No, but I've always wanted to do that. I've heard it's a beautiful place to go.
M: It's fantastic. My family and I are very fond of the place.
W: Do you have any photos of any of your camping trips there
M: Sure, would you like to see them
W: That would be great. So, you must be pretty interested in photography then.
M: I'd call it one of my hobbies. Do you know much about photography
W: Actually, I do. I took quite a few photography classes at university.
M: Have you heard about the photography exhibit that's going on at the art gallery this weekend
W: Yes, I was planning on going. Are you
M: Maybe we could go together.
W: Great.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 watching foreign films和关键句I like to do just about anything outdoors.来选出正确选项。
13.题意:莉迪亚在业余时间喜欢做什么 根据听力内容W: I'm really into watching foreign films. 我很喜欢看外国电影。可知选项See foreign films.符合题意;故答案为 C。
14.题意:我们对大卫有什么了解 根据听力内容M: I like to do just about anything outdoors. 我喜欢在户外做任何事情。可知选项He likes outdoor activities.符合题意;故答案为B 。
15.题意:大卫觉得摄影怎么样 根据听力内容So, you must be pretty interested in photography
then. 那么,你一定对摄影很感兴趣。M: I'd call it one of my hobbies. 我认为这是我的爱好之一。可知选项Interesting.符合题意;故答案为C 。
16.题意:讲话者这个周末要做什么 根据听力内容M: Have you heard about the photography exhibit
that's going on at the art gallery this weekend 你听说这个周末美术馆要举办摄影展了吗 ?W: Yes, I was planning on going. Are you 是的,我正打算去呢。你呢 M: Maybe we could go
together.也许我们可以一起去。可知选项Visit the art gallery.符合题意;故答案为 A。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
17.What is the talk mainly about
A.TV programs.
B.Sports competitions.
C.Entertainment activities.
18.What time is it now
A.8:20 am. B.8:40 am. C.9:00 am.
19.How is the weather today
A.Cloudy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
20.What do we know about the movie
A.It is free of charge.
B.It will start at 9:00 pm.
C.It will be showed in the Ship's Gym.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good morning. This is Bob, your entertainment officer for the day. I'd like to tell you what's on today's program. First of all, for those of you who are feeling energetic, the keep-fit class
meets in the Ship's Gym in 20 minutes at 9:00 am. If you missed yesterday's competition in the swimming pool, then come along at 3:00 pm for more fun and games. You don't need to be able to swim and it's one way of keeping cool as it looks to be a really clear cloudless day, unlike yesterday, when you probably needed an extra sweater! Now, on to this evening and there's a change to the advertised film programs. Starting in the Ship's Cinema at 8:00 pm — not 9:00 pm as advertised—is the classic movie The Singing Moon. There are no tickets for
this event, but as seats are rather limited, you're advised to come along early.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语a really clear cloudless day和关键句There are no tickets for this event,来选出正确选项。
17.题意:这篇演讲主要讲了什么 根据听力内容the keep-fit class meets in the Ship's Gym in 20
minutes at 9:00 am. 早上9点,20分钟后,健身课在船上的健身房开始。then come along at 3:00
pm for more fun and games. 那么下午三点来参加更多的娱乐和游戏。Starting in the Ship's
Cinema at 8:00 pm — not 9:00 pm as advertised—is the classic movie The Singing Moon. 不是广告上说的9点,而是晚上8点在船上电影院上映的经典电影《歌唱的月亮》。 可知选项Entertainment activities.符合题意;故答案为C 。
18.题意:现在几点了?根据听力内容the keep-fit class meets in the Ship's Gym in 20 minutes at
9:00 am. 早上9点,20分钟后,健身课在船上的健身房开始。 可知选项8:40 am.符合题意;故答案为 B。
19.题意:今天的天气怎么样?根据听力内容as it looks to be a really clear cloudless day, 因为今天看起来是一个非常晴朗无云的日子,可知选项Sunny.符合题意;故答案为 C。
20.题意:关于这部电影我们知道些什么 根据听力内容There are no tickets for this event, but as
seats are rather limited, you're advised to come along early.这个电影不要票, 但由于座位有限,建议你早点来。可知选项It is free of charge. 符合题意;故答案为 A。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The 2024 "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners across the Globe—Calligraphy and Painting Challenge has been officially announced.
This competition invites painting, calligraphy, and Chinese language enthusiasts from all around the world to take part in this exciting event.
Participants are encouraged to submit their creative themes for the contest, with the theme selection process being determined through public nominations.
If you're interested, feel free to submit the theme that you believe fits best with the requirements of the competition.
Here are the requirements:
Who Can Apply
The call for creative themes for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge is open to any Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide, with no limit to age or nationality.
Submission Dates
Submissions will be accepted from June 15, 2024, to 12:00 PM on June 30, 2024(Beijing Time.)
Announcement Date
The selected theme for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge will be announced on July 1, 2024, which also marks the official start date of the submission period for works under the selected theme.
Submission Methods
Participants can send their theme and related information to chinesebridge@. "Chinese Bridge" also accepts direct messages on its official account on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and Weibo.
21.Who can be invited to the competition
A.Tom who is crazy about Spanish.
B.Sandy who is creative in writing.
C.Lucy whose nationality is Chinese.
D.Bill who loves Chinese and calligraphy.
22.On which of the following dates can the participants submit their works
A.June 12, 2024. B.July 1, 2024.
C.June 20, 2024. D.July 15, 2024.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To build a competition organization.
B.To provide information about a competition.
C.To announce the opening of a competition.
D.To collect creative themes for a competition.
21.细节理解题。根据 The call for creative themes for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge is
open to any Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide, with no limit to age or nationality.本次书画挑战赛面向世界各地的汉语爱好者征集创作主题,不限年龄和国籍。可知比尔喜欢中文和书法,他可以参赛;故答案为D。
22.推理判断题。根据Submissions will be accepted from June 15, 2024, to 12:00 PM on June 30,
2024(Beijing Time.) 报名参赛时间为2024年6月15日至2024年6月30日12:00(北京时间)。可知2024年6月20日这天可以报名参赛;故答案为C。
23.推理判断题。根据 The 2024 "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners
across the Globe—Calligraphy and Painting Challenge has been officially announced.2024年"汉语桥"世界外国人汉语比赛-书画挑战赛正式揭晓。以及Here are the requirements:以下是要求:可知这篇文章主要目的是提供有关比赛的信息;故答案为B。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it, Van Dyke replied, "My whole career has relied on that. It's such a blessing to find a way of making a living that you love. I feel so sorry for people who hate their job. I look forward to going to work every morning!"
And some of his work helped define a generation. Take "The Dick Van Dyke Show"; it ran for five years on CBS, and it was such a hit that they're bringing it back. This week, CBS aired a two-hour tribute (致敬), "Dick Van Dyke, 98 Years of Magic", and for the occasion, they recreated the original Dick Van Dyke Show set, down to that well-known sofa.
Early in his career Van Dyke was quoted as saying he only wanted to make films his children could watch. That got the attention of Walt Disney, who promptly cast him in "Mary Poppins". And his next few films were equally family-friendly, like "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," which happened to have been co-written by James Bond creator Ian Fleming. From then on, Van Dyke was almost always assigned to play the good guy, though he claims to have missed out on a choice part: "Yeah, I could have been James Bond. When Sean Connery left, the producer said, ‘Would you like to be the next Bond ' I said, ‘Have you heard my British accent ' That's a true story!"
It seems that in show biz the true legends never stop. In an interview from 2017 with his friends, Van Dyke described what it was like hitting 90: "People are more afraid of aging than they are of death these days. And I want to say that remain young in heart and there's a lot of good living to do."
24.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.It's hard for Dyke to find a job.
B.Dyke likes working in the morning.
C.Dyke considers his job as a burden.
D.Dyke enjoys his job.
25.Why did CBS made a special programme for Dyke
A.To create a new set for his show.
B.To show their respect to him.
C.To encourage Dyke to sing with his group.
D.To invited young generation to watch his show.
26.Which statement is not true about Dyke's career
A.His films are family-friendly.
B.His films were only made for his children in his early career.
C.Van Dyke was always playing the good guy.
D.Van Dyke didn't play James Bond.
27.Which is the best title for the text
A.Van Dyke's Career. B.Work Is The Most Important.
C.Always Have Fun. D.Young Forever.
24.推理判断题。根据 At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still
makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it, Van Dyke replied, "My whole career has relied on that. It's such a blessing to find a way of making a living that you love. I feel so sorry for people who hate their job. I look forward to going to work every morning!"98岁高龄的迪克·范·戴克(Dick Van Dyke)仍然和他的乐队The Vantastix一起演唱,仍然让一切看起来很轻松。当被问及在比赛中获得乐趣有多重要时,范戴克回答说:"我的整个职业生涯都依赖于此。能找到一种自己喜欢的谋生方式是一种福气。我为那些讨厌自己工作的人感到难过。我每天早上都盼望着去上班 ! " 可知戴克喜欢他的工作;故答案为D。
25.细节理解题。根据 This week, CBS aired a two-hour tribute (致敬), "Dick Van Dyke, 98 Years
of Magic", and for the occasion, they recreated the original Dick Van Dyke Show set, down to that well-known sofa.本周,哥伦比亚广播公司播出了一个两小时的致敬节目(致敬),"迪克·范·戴克,98年的魔力",为了这个场合,他们重现了原来的迪克·范·戴克秀,直到那个著名的沙发。可知哥伦比亚广播公司要为戴克制作一个特别节目以表示他们对他的尊重;故答案为B。
26.推理判断题。根据 From then on, Van Dyke was almost always assigned to play the good guy,
though he claims to have missed out on a choice part: "Yeah, I could have been James Bond. 从那以后,范·戴克几乎总是被分配扮演好人,尽管他声称自己错过了一个选择角色:"是的,我本来可以演詹姆斯·邦德的。可知范·戴克并不是一直都扮演好人,在这之前扮演过坏人;故答案为C。
27.主旨大意题。根据第一段At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still
makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it,…98岁高龄的迪克·范·戴克仍然和他的乐队The Vantastix一起演唱,仍然让一切看起来很轻松。当被问及在比赛中获得乐趣有多重要时,……以及最后一段It seems that in show biz
the true legends never stop. In an interview from 2017 with his friends, Van Dyke described what it was like hitting 90: "People are more afraid of aging than they are of death these days. And I want to say that remain young in heart and there's a lot of good living to do." 在演艺圈,真正的传奇似乎永远不会停止。在2017年接受朋友采访时,范·戴克描述了90岁的感觉:"现在人们更害怕衰老,而不是死亡。我想说的是,保持年轻的心态,还有很多美好的生活要做。"可知这篇文章最佳标题: 一直保持开心;故答案为C。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The Jones-Baldwin family wasn't always so big. When Keia Jones married her husband Richardo Baldwin in 2010, she had just one child: a 2-year-old daughter, Zariyah from a previous relationship. Little did they know, though, that their family would eventually add not one, not two, but three more children to the Jones-Baldwin family, thanks to the gift of adoption.(收养)
First came 11-year-old Karleigh, in
2014. She and Zariyah became close friends at school, but due to some financial difficulties, Keia says Karleigh's mother fell on hard times and was unable to properly care for her. In 2017, the couple adopted a lovely 3-year-old named Ayden. That same year, their fourth child came into their lives unexpectedly.
"Unlike our three other black kids, the baby, named Princeton, is white," Keia recalls. Princeton was born seriously ill and stayed in hospital several weeks after his birth. "They needed someone to do skin-to-skin with him," says Keia, "and chose me for the task, and I was more than willing to take on the job."
The experience of being black parents raising a white son has certainly caused them some trouble. There are always lots of doubtful stares and unfavorable comments wherever they go. Someone even called the police and said the baby was stolen by the couple. Once the family were enjoying themselves on the beach in Florida when the police were called in. It was not until Keia showed the police their ID cards that they were convinced that the baby was indeed their adopted son.
When asked why they would make so much effort to adopt the kids, Keia smiled. "It's all love," she said."Both my husband and I love kids. We just can't stand seeing kids suffering. Thank goodness, the lovely kids, who are from different cultures and of different ages, are all growing up healthily and happily under the same roof. Over the years, they have brought us so much joy! Our hearts are so full and so grateful."
28.How many people are there in the family
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.
29.Why was Karleigh adopted
A.She was abandoned by her parents.
B.She was Zariyah's close friend.
C.Her mother failed to raise her well.
D.She needed someone to do skin-to-skin with her.
30.What is some people's attitude to the couple raising Princeton
A.Indifferent. B.Sympathetic. C.Optimistic. D.Doubtful.
31.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Keia will make every effort to adopt more kid.
B.Adopting the kids is a win-win situation.
C.The kids adopted were from the same family.
D.The kids have brought much money for the couple.
28.细节理解题。根据The Jones-Baldwin family wasn't always so big. When Keia Jones married
her husband Richardo Baldwin in 2010, she had just one child: a 2-year-old daughter,
Zariyah from a previous relationship. Little did they know, though, that their family would eventually add not one, not two, but three more children to the Jones-Baldwin family, thanks to
the gift of adoption. 琼斯-鲍德温家族并不总是这么大。2010年,当凯娅·琼斯与丈夫理查德·鲍德温结婚时,她只有一个孩子:与前一段感情所生的2岁女儿扎里亚。然而,他们一点也不知道,由于收养的礼物,他们的家庭最终将为琼斯-鲍德温家庭增加不止一个,也不是两个,而是三个孩子。可知他们家现在有六个人(包括三个收养的孩子) ;故答案为C。
29.细节理解题。根据 First came 11-year-old Karleigh, in 2014. She and Zariyah became close
friends at school, but due to some financial difficulties, Keia says Karleigh's mother fell on hard times and was unable to properly care for her. 第一个被收养的是2014年11岁的卡丽(Karleigh)。凯亚说,她和扎里亚在学校成为了亲密的朋友,但由于一些经济困难,卡丽的母亲陷入了困境,无法妥善照顾她。可知她母亲没能力把她抚养好;故答案为C。
30.推理判断题。根据The experience of being black parents raising a white son has certainly
caused them some trouble. There are always lots of doubtful stares and unfavorable comments wherever they go. Someone even called the police and said the baby was stolen by the couple. 作为黑人父母抚养一个白人儿子的经历无疑给他们带来了一些麻烦。无论他们走到哪里,总有许多怀疑的目光和不利的评论。甚至有人报了警,说孩子是被这对夫妇偷走的。可知人们对他们养普林斯顿是怀疑的;故答案为D。
31.推理判断题。根据When asked why they would make so much effort to adopt the kids, Keia
smiled. "It's all love," she said."Both my husband and I love kids. We just can't stand seeing kids suffering. Thank goodness, the lovely kids, who are from different cultures and of different ages, are all growing up healthily and happily under the same roof. Over the years, they have brought us so much joy! Our hearts are so full and so grateful." 当被问及为什么他们会如此努力地收养这些孩子时,凯娅笑了。"这都是爱,"她说。"我丈夫和我都喜欢孩子。我们无法忍受看到孩子们受苦。谢天谢地,这些来自不同文化、不同年龄的可爱的孩子们,都在同一个屋檐下健康快乐地成长。这些年来,他们给我们带来了这么多的快乐!我们的心是如此的充实和感激。可知领养孩子是一个双赢的事情;故答案为B。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for oversea travelers. Located in Longsheng Autonomous County, Guangxi province, the Longji Mountain is 80 kilometers away from Guilin City. Since Longji is the habitation for Yao and Zhuang ethnic group, it gains the official name of Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace.
Longji Rice Terrace was first built in Yuan Dynasty and was completed in the early Qing Dynasty. With a history of more than 700 years, the terrace now is still using for growing rice. It is hard to imagine that more than 800 years ago how the first group of Zhuang and Yao people moved here and cultivated(开垦) the first piece of field. From Yuan to the early Qing, about 650 years, the ancestors could not imagine that the fields they cleared with sweat and life became the terrace that so amazing with charming curves(曲线).
The scenes here are different in each season. In spring, mountains are wrapped in silver water, shinning in the sun; in summer, mountains turn bright green with growing rice waving under the sky; in autumn, the dropping ears of rice promise good harvest; in winter, sheets of snows cover the terraces, making the hills like pagodas(宝塔).
In Longji Mountain, the highest terrace is 1,180 meters above sea level, while the lowest is 380 meters. With a wonderful view, it owns the reputation(名誉) of The Top of The Terraced Fields in the world. As a main body of the terrace farming culture, Longji Terraced Field is a scenic spot that includes the natural scenery and the cultural landscape of ethnic minorities. The harmonious atmosphere and living environment attract more and more tourists at home and abroad, which makes it the top destination for holiday paradise and photography. So photography tips for the Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace will be helpful for your trip. Follow our step, and let's uncover them one by one.
32.Which of the following statement is TRUE about Longji Rice Terrace according to the passage
A.It was first built in Qing dynasty.
B.It is located in Guangdong province.
C.It gains popularity both from home and abroad.
D.It gains the official name of Longji Zhuang Ethnic Terrace.
33.What can be inferred according to the third paragraph
A.It is hot in the summer of Longji.
B.Mountains are shinning in the spring sun.
C.Snow can hardly be seen in the winter of Longji.
D.The farmers of Longji Rice terrace wear happy faces in autumn.
34.What may be talked about in the following paragraph
A.The beauty of Longji Rice Terrace.
B.The history of Longji Rice Terrace.
C.The reputation of Longji Rice Terrace.
D.The photography tips for Longji Rice Terrace.
35.What's the main idea of this passage
A.Longji Rice Terrace has a long history of more than 700 years.
B.The scenes in Longji Rice Terrace are different in each season.
C.The author makes a brief introduction about Longji Rice Terrace.
D.Longji Rice Terrace is a popular attraction for oversea travelers
32.细节理解题。根据Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for oversea travelers. 龙脊梯田是海外游客的热门景点。可知龙脊梯田很受到国内外的欢迎;故答案为C。
33.推理判断题。根据 The scenes here are different in each season. In spring, mountains are
wrapped in silver water, shinning in the sun; in summer, mountains turn bright green with growing rice waving under the sky; in autumn, the dropping ears of rice promise good harvest; in winter, sheets of snows cover the terraces, making the hills like pagodas(宝塔).这里的景色每个季节都不一样。春天,群山被银水包裹,在阳光下闪闪发光;夏天,山色变绿,稻谷在天空下摇曳;秋天,落下的稻穗预示着丰收;冬天,梯田上覆盖着厚厚的积雪,群山就像宝塔一样。可知龙脊梯田的农民们在秋天看到金灿灿的稻子都会面带喜色;故答案为D。
34.推理判断题。根据The harmonious atmosphere and living environment attract more and more
tourists at home and abroad, which makes it the top destination for holiday paradise and photography. So photography tips for the Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace will be helpful for your trip. Follow our step, and let's uncover them one by one. 和谐的氛围和生活环境吸引了越来越多的国内外游客,使其成为度假天堂和摄影的首选目的地。因此,龙脊瑶族和壮族露台的摄影技巧将对您的旅行有所帮助。跟着我们的脚步,让我们一个接一个地揭开它们。可知接下来的作者谈论龙脊梯田摄影技巧;故答案为D。
35.主旨大意题。根据每段的主题句第一段Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for
oversea travelers.龙基梯田是海外游客的热门景点。(龙脊梯田成为旅游胜地) 第二段Longji Rice Terrace was first built in Yuan Dynasty and was completed in the early Qing Dynasty. 龙脊梯田始建于元代,始建于清初。(龙脊梯田的悠久历史)第三段The scenes here are
different in each season.这里的景色每个季节都不一样。(龙脊梯田四季风光不同)第四段In Longji Mountain, the highest terrace is 1,180 meters above sea level, while the lowest is 380 meters. With a wonderful view, it owns the reputation(名誉) of The Top of The Terraced
Fields in the world.龙脊山的最高梯田海拔1180米,最低梯田海拔380米。这里风景优美,享有"世界梯田之巅"的美誉。(游客对这里的风景赞誉有加)可知作者主要对龙基梯田作了简要介绍;故答案为C。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
How to Pick High School Classes
Many high school students want to know what courses(课程) to take to improve their chances for admission to highly competitive colleges.  36.   Here is some advice to help you when you make these decisions.
 37.   Students should take challenging classes. But they should balance their schedule with easier classes, too. Students can talk with their teachers about what courses will offer the appropriate challenge.
Don't take classes for the wrong reasons. Students shouldn't take a class just because their best friend is taking it or it's a course they think they need to get into college. Students should focus on their strengths and make sure they have time to devote to studying. Parents shouldn't set unrealistic expectations either.  38.  .
Do consider future plans when choosing high school classes. Students should first think through their career plans and whether they want to go to a four-year college, or straight to go to work after graduation.  39.   While students don't need to know exactly what they want to do after high school, the closer they can get to figure out their career path, the better prepared they will be.
Don't neglect(忽视) to plan early. Students should become familiar with all the courses their school offers.  40.   Students can also research what the basic requirements are for colleges they are interested in attending – something school counselors(咨询师) could help with.
It is wise to first consult your teachers and high school counselors on what courses are most appropriate for you at your high school. We hope that these suggestions help you.
A. Do talk with your teachers.
B. Do create a strict but balanced schedule.
C. It is important to consider future plans when choosing classes.
D. Otherwise, they may miss out on classes they want to take later.
E. Focus on where your kids fit academically and don't add pressure.
F. Choosing classes may seem difficult at first and you may be at a loss for how to start.
G. By doing so, students can determine what high school classes will best prepare them for their future path.
36.根据上文Many high school students want to know what courses(课程) to take to improve their
chances for admission to highly competitive colleges. 很多高中生都想知道应该上什么课程来提高进入竞争激烈的大学的机会。以及下文Here is some advice to help you when you make these
decisions.这里有一些建议可以帮助你做出这些决定。可知空白处需要过渡句:你可能很难做出合理选择;选项Choosing classes may seem difficult at first and you may be at a loss for how to start.一开始选课似乎很困难,你可能不知道如何开始。符合题意;故答案为F。
37.根据下文 Students should take challenging classes. But they should balance their schedule
with easier classes, too. Students can talk with their teachers about what courses will offer the appropriate challenge. 学生应该上有挑战性的课程。但他们也应该在课程表上安排一些简单的课程。学生可以和他们的老师讨论哪些课程将提供适当的挑战。可知空白处需要主题句:要有一个平衡合理的课程表; 选项Do create a strict but balanced schedule.制定一个严格但平衡的课程安排表。符合题意;故答案为B。
38.根据上文 Students should focus on their strengths and make sure they have time to devote
to studying. Parents shouldn't set unrealistic expectations either. 学生应该专注于自己的优势,并确保他们有时间投入到学习中。父母也不应该设定不切实际的期望。可知空白处需要建议父母应该关注的方面; 选项Focus on where your kids fit academically and don't add pressure.关注你的孩子在学业上的位置,不要给他们增加压力。符合题意;故答案为E。
39.根据上文Students should first think through their career plans and whether they want to go
to a four-year college, or straight to go to work after graduation. 学生们应该首先考虑他们的职业规划,他们是想上四年制大学,还是毕业后直接去工作。以及下文While students don't need to
know exactly what they want to do after high school, the closer they can get to figure out their career path, the better prepared they will be.虽然学生们不需要确切地知道他们高中毕业后想做什么,但他们越能找到自己的职业道路,他们就会准备得越充分。可知空白处需要补充这样做目的:有助于决定高中要学习的课程; 选项By doing so, students can determine what high school
classes will best prepare them for their future path.通过这样做,学生可以确定哪些高中课程将为他们未来的道路做好最好的准备。符合题意;故答案为G。
40.根据上文Don't neglect(忽视) to plan early. Students should become familiar with all the
courses their school offers. 不要忽视提早计划。学生应该熟悉学校提供的所有课程。可知空白处需要需要补充如果忽视了会产生什么样不好的后果; 选项Otherwise, they may miss out on classes
they want to take later.否则,他们可能会错过他们以后想上的课程。符合题意;故答案为D。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. Until I was invited to 41. Guizhou province by the China Storyteller Partnerships Tour, I realized how 42. Guizhou can be in poetic(有诗意的) detail. There is 43. better than seeing things with one's own eyes. I will attempt to do so here.
My father used to ask my brothers and me on yearly fishing trips around Arizona. We would 44. to catch the largest fish, and those who succeeded would be rewarded. I remembered sitting in a small boat in the middle of the lake, mostly 45. my bored tongue, while my father tried to 46. me the whispers of the wind, or a fish dancing on the surface of the lake. He vividly described to me everything that he 47. in nature. On my trip to Guizhou I had the 48. to kayak(皮划艇) on Wanfeng lake. 49. one point I rested, floating at the center of the lake, listening to the spaces between silence and 50. the surrounding karst(喀斯特) mountains. I thought about my childhood, and 51. I had listened more closely to my father's 52. feelings.
I've 53. Arizona for 10 long years, creating my own destiny in China. I've managed to build myself a family, a career, and join in 54. activities. I feel 55. I have everything I need. For a moment, in Guizhou, I felt home.
41.A. find B. help C. look D. visit
42.A. original B. beautiful C. convenient D. disappointed
43.A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
44.A. play B. begin C. compete D. win
45.A. holding B. closing C. getting D. eating
46.A. play with B. argue with C. start with D. share with
47.A. had given B. had gone
C. had received D. had seen
48.A. experience B. chance C. idea D. ability
49.A. On B. At C. By D. From
50.A. taking up B. taking on C. taking in D. taking off
51.A. wished B. decided C. wanted D. thought
52.A. fishing B. working C. cooking D. competing
53.A. come B. stayed C. left D. returned
54.A. certain B. various C. sweaty D. grateful
55.A. above if B. even if C. only if D. as if
41.句意: 直到我受讲好中国故事伙伴之旅的邀请去参观贵州,我才意识到贵州在诗意的细节中是多么美丽。 根据上文I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the
planet. 我在亚利桑那州北部长大,那里有地球上最美丽的风景。可知作者之前没有去参观过贵州省,这次被邀请他才来参观贵州的;A: find查找;B: help帮助;C: look看;D: visit参观;故答案为D。
42.句意:直到我受中国讲故事伙伴之旅的邀请去贵州,我才意识到贵州在诗意的细节中是多么美丽。根据上文上文I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the
planet. 我在亚利桑那州北部长大,那里有地球上最美丽的风景。以及in poetic(有诗意的) detail. 可知作者感叹这里很美丽;A:original原创;B:beautiful美丽,C:convenient方便;D:disappointed失望;故答案为B。
43.句意:没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。根据下文I will attempt to do so here. 我将在这里尝试这样做。可知作者要亲眼看这里的美景,因此空白处需要否定词(否定词和比较级可以表示最高级,而不是否定意义);A: anything任何事;B: something有些事;C: nothing没有;D: everything一切;故答案为C。
44.句意: 我们会竞争谁钓到最大的鱼,成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。根据 and those who
succeeded would be rewarded. 那些成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。可知他们会进行钓鱼竞赛的;A: play玩;B: begin开始;C: compete竞争,比赛;D: win赢;故答案为C。
45.句意:我记得自己坐在湖中央的一条小船上,大部分时间都在控制着自己无聊的舌头,而父亲则试图和我分享风的低语,或是一条在湖面上跳舞的鱼。 根据上文句意" 我们会竞争谁钓到最大的鱼,成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。" 可知作者只是专心钓鱼,控制着自己的舌头不说话;A: holding控制;B: closing关闭;C: getting获得;D: eating进食;故答案为A。
46.句意:我记得自己坐在湖中央的一条小船上,大部分时间都在闷着自己无聊的舌头,而父亲则试图和我分享风的低语,或是一条在湖面上跳舞的鱼。根据下文 He vividly described to me everything
… 他生动地向我描述了……的一切。可知父亲想打破沉闷和作者分享周围的一切;A: play with玩弄;B: argue with争论;C: start with开始;D: share with和……分享;故答案为D。
47.句意:他生动地向我描述了他在自然界所看到的一切。根据上文句意"没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。" 可知父亲给作者分享着他看到的自然美景;A: had given给予;B: had gone到过;C: had received获得;D: had seen看到;故答案为D。
48.句意: 在我去贵州的旅途中,我有机会在万丰湖上划皮艇。 根据 floating at the center of the lake, 漂浮在湖中心,可知作者得到了在万丰湖上划皮艇的机会;A: experience经验;B: chance机会;C: idea想法;D: ability能力;故答案为B。
49.句意:有一会儿我休息了一下,漂浮在湖中心,倾听着山之间寂静的空间并欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉。根据上文句意"在我去贵州的旅途中,我有机会在万丰湖上划皮艇。"可知作者在湖上划皮艇的时候的某一时间点他休息了一会儿;A: On在……上;B: At在……点;C: By到……为止;D: From从……;故答案为B。
50.句意:有一次我休息了一下,漂浮在湖中心,倾听着山之间寂静的空间并欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉。根据上文句意"没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。" 可知作者在湖上欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉;A: taking up拿起;B: taking on呈现;C: taking in欣赏;D: taking off起飞;故答案为C。
51.句意:我想起了我的童年,真希望我能更仔细地倾听父亲钓鱼的感受。根据上文作者在湖上欣赏美景,想起来小时候与父亲一起钓鱼时,"他生动地向我描述了他在自然界所看到的一切。"但作者当时专心钓鱼却无暇顾及美景, 可知作者现在后悔没听父亲的描述,所以他现在多希望他当时认真听了;A: wished希望;B: decided决定;C: wanted想要;D: thought认为;故答案为A。
52.句意:我想起了我的童年,真希望我能更仔细地倾听父亲钓鱼的感受。根据上文 My father used to
ask my brothers and me on yearly fishing trips around Arizona. 我父亲曾经每年都会邀请我和我的兄弟们去亚利桑那州钓鱼。可知作者很想听他父亲钓鱼的感受;A: fishing钓鱼;B: working工作;C: cooking烹饪;D: competing竞争;故答案为A。
53.句意: 我离开亚利桑那州长达10年,在中国创造了自己的命运。 根据 I've managed to build myself
a family, a career, 我成功建立了自己的家庭,事业, 可知作者离开了自己的家乡留在了中国;A:come来;B:stayed留下来;C:left离开;D: returned 回来;故答案为C。
54.句意:我成功地建立了自己的家庭,事业,并参加了各种活动。根据作者作为文化使者(by the
China Storyteller Partnerships Tour)被邀请来中国,以及选项A: certain当然;B: various各种各样;C: sweaty汗流浃背;D: grateful感激的; 可知他会参加各种各样的文化活动;故答案为B。
55.句意:我觉得我好像拥有了我所需要的一切。根据下文 For a moment, in Guizhou, I felt home. 在贵州的那一刻,我有了家的感觉。可知作者在中国生活的很幸福,所以他决定自己好像拥有自己需要的一切;A: above if以上如果;B: even if即使;C: only if只有;D: as if好像;故答案为D。
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填写适当的内容或括号内单词正确形式。
Tomb-Sweeping Day is a Chinese holiday that  56.   (celebrate) in China for centuries. It is one of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms, which falls on either April 4th  57.   5th of the Gregorian calendar. It's also a time for people to remember family members  58.   have passed away.
The day is also regarded as the start of spring. As trees turn green and the sun shines brightly, people will go outside and enjoy the  59.   (amaze) spring. They will take this opportunity to travel together and go on long walks in parks, laughing and  60.   (chat). Therefore, Tomb-Sweeping Day not only is a day  61.   (memorize) the dead, but it is also a time for people to enjoy  62.   (they). There are many different activities, such as taking a spring outing, or flying kites.
On Tomb Sweeping Day, people often eat a kind of green colored balls 63.   (make) from glutinous rice(糯米). The green color is from  64.   juice of brome grass(雀麦草) that is added in the rice.
All in all, Tomb-Sweeping Day is a combination of sadness and  65.   (happy).
【答案】56.has been celebrated;57.or;58.who/that;59.amazing;60.chatting;61.to memorize;62.themselves;63.made;64.the;65.happiness
56.句意: 清明节是中国的一个节日,在中国已经庆祝了几个世纪。 根据分析句子结构,空白处需要限制性定语从句的谓语(先行词为 a Chinese holiday);时间短语 for centuries 常跟现在完成时态;主语 a Chinese holiday 与动词celebrate 之间是被动关系, 可知空白处需要动词celebrate 的现在完成时的被动语态形式has been celebrated ;故答案为has been celebrated。
57.句意:它是中国二十四节气之一,时间是每年公历4月4日或5日。根据常识清明节只有一天, 可知空白处需要选择连词 or 或者;故答案为or。
58.句意:这也是人们缅怀逝去的家人的日子。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要关系代词引导限制性定语从句,先行词是family members, 可知空白处需要关系代词 who/that;故答案为who/that。
59.句意:随着树木变绿,阳光明媚,人们会走到外面,享受神奇的春天。根据修饰名词需要形容词,名词 spring 春天,需要-ing形容词来修饰,可知空白处需要动词amaze 的现在分词形式amazing ;故答案为amazing。
60.句意:他们将借此机会一起旅行,在公园里散步,谈笑风生。根据and前后一致,前面 laughing是现在分词,可知空白处需要动词chat 的现在分词形式 chatting;故答案为chatting。
61.句意:因此,清明节不仅是一个纪念死者的日子,也是一个人们娱乐的日子。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要非谓语作定语,表示"将要去做某事" 可知空白处需要动词memorize 的不定式形式to memorize ;故答案为to memorize。
62.句意:因此,清明节不仅是一个纪念死者的日子,也是一个人们娱乐的日子。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:enjoy oneself 玩得开心,可知空白处需要主格代词they 的物主代词形式 themselves;故答案为themselves。
63.句意:在清明节,人们经常吃一种绿色的糯米团。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要非谓语作定语,名词 balls 与动词make 之间是被动关系; 可知空白处需要动词make 的过去分词形式 made;故答案为made。
64.句意:绿色来自添加在大米中的雀麦草的汁液。根据分析句子结构,介词短语 of brome gras限定了名词 juice的特性, 可知空白处需要定冠词the 表示特指;故答案为the。
65.句意:总之,清明节是悲伤和快乐的结合。根据 and前后一致,前面 sadness 是名词; 可知空白处需要形容词happy 的名词形式happiness ;故答案为happiness。
1)表示歉意。2)解释原因 3)接站安排
参考词汇: 高铁站 the high rail-speed station 同事:Colleague
注意:1)词数 80 左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
【答案】Dear Eric,
I'm writing to apologize for not being able to meet you as the highway speed station then this
Wednesday afternoon.
I've just been informed to attend an important conference, so I will arrange for my colleague Li Lei to pick you up. He will be waiting in due time as arrival exit. You can contact at 13955667788 if necessary.
Sorry again for the inconvenience that may be caused. I shall meet you at your hotel in the
evening and then we can have dinner together. Wish you a pleasant journey.
Li Hua.
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构 I've just been informed
to attend an important conference, so I will arrange for my colleague Li Lei to pick you up.(运用了结果状语从句),He will be waiting in due time as arrival exit. (运用了将来进行时态),Sorry again for the inconvenience that may be caused.(运用了限制性定语从句),Wish
you a pleasant journey.(运用了祈使句),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇和固定短语 apologize for , attend an important conference,pick up,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
67.(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Growing up, I was always around my grandma Meredith. She was the one who originally inspired my love for cooking and my dream of becoming a chef. Yet, one day I received a text that would turn my whole life around:"Grandma is seriously ill", the text read."We need your help in assisting with her care."
Without a second of hesitation, I agreed to travel back home. Thankfully, my boss at the restaurant let me take unpaid leave for the next several months so I could come home to help outwith grandma. After driving across several states, I finally got back to our family home in West Virginia. Yet, what I saw was really hard for me to bear. The Meredith I saw then was not the lively,joyful Meredith I had seen while I was growing up.
"Tony!" she called to me from her bed,"It's so good to see you!"
"Grandma,"I sighed,"I'm not Tony. That's dad, your son. I'm Hank."
This was the start of a months-long journey of helping out around the house—cooking, cleaning, and, most of all, keeping grandma in good health and good spirits.
Every day, I cooked delicious food to keep everyone's spirits high. But, secretly, I hoped that cooking some dishes that we had made together in my.childhood would somehow help get grandma's memory of me back, if just for a moment.
Stews(炖菜), chops(排骨), roasts—I served all of these to grandma and my parents around the clock. When I wasn't taking grandma out for a walk in her wheelchair or changing her bed sheets, I was cooking. I had cooked for celebrities while at the restaurant in New York City, but never had I poured my heart out into my meals than I did then for grandma. However, it didn't work at all.
Then I decided to make something simple.
After taking a few bites, grandma finally called out my name-my actual name.
【答案】Then I decided to make something simple. What came to my mind was a sandwich .
When I was a child, my grandma always made me a sandwich for breakfast. It was the
most delicious sandwich in the world. Since then ,I have dreamed about being a chef .
The sandwich made by my grandma has two layers, the first layer with ham and the se
cond layer with vegetable Salad.So I made a sandwich the way my grandmother did th
en. I give it to my grandma ,hoping it could help her remember me.
After taking a few bites, grandma finally called out my name- my actual name.
I was so excited that I hugged her ,saying "Finally ,you remember me! ""My dear, you come back, I miss you do much." My grandma said happily with tears rolling down her face .In the following days I accompanied my grandma and took care of her .Soon she recovered. It is not only the sandwich but always grandma's love for me that helps her recover.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:When I was a child, my grandma always made me a sandwich for breakfast. 运用了时间状语从句;So I made a sandwich the way my grandmother did then. 运用了限制性定语从句; I give it
to my grandma ,hoping it could help her remember me.运用了宾语从句;I was so excited that
I hugged her ,saying "Finally ,you remember me! "运用了结果状语从句和直接引语;It is not
only the sandwich but always grandma's love for me that helps her recover.运用了强调句。
1 / 1贵州省金成实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
1.(2024高一下·贵州月考) What is the woman going to do this evening
A.Cook dinner. B.Eat out. C.Go to the park.
2.(2024高一下·贵州月考) What is Nick doing now
A.Doing the washing. B.Playing football. C.Watching TV.
3.(2024高一下·贵州月考) Why does the woman feel upset
A.She has no money to buy a car.
B.Tom didn't lend his car to her.
C.She quarreled with Tom.
4.(2024高一下·贵州月考) Where does the conversation take place
A.In a hotel. B.In a club. C.In a store.
5.(2024高一下·贵州月考) When will the conference call start
A.At 2:30 pm. B.At 4:30 pm. C.At 5:00 pm.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Manager and worker.
B.Husband and wife.
7.What does the man have to do now
A.Talk with the woman.
B.Meet Mr. Brown at the airport.
C.Wait for two more hours.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
8.Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A.He had her wait for a while.
B.He wasted some of her paper.
C.He can't mail packages for her.
9.What does the woman need the form for
A.Moving out of the dormitory.
B.Canceling the campus mailbox.
C.Applying for the mailbox service.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
10.How long will it take the speakers to go to the club by car
A.About an hour.
B.About half an hour.
C.About 10 minutes.
11.What is the woman going to do in the Students' Club
A.Have a swim. B.Play basketball. C.Do some running.
12.Where will the speakers meet
A.At the school gate.
B.At the man's home.
C.At the club.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
13.What does Lydia like to do in her spare time
A.Go camping.
B.Stay with her family.
C.See foreign films.
14.What do we learn about David
A.He hates camping.
B.He likes outdoor activities.
C.He lives near the Boundary Waters.
15.How does David find photography
A.Boring. B.Difficult. C.Interesting.
16.What are the speakers going to do this weekend
A.Visit the art gallery.
B.Take a photography class.
C.Hold a photography exhibit.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 听材料,回答问题。
17.What is the talk mainly about
A.TV programs.
B.Sports competitions.
C.Entertainment activities.
18.What time is it now
A.8:20 am. B.8:40 am. C.9:00 am.
19.How is the weather today
A.Cloudy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
20.What do we know about the movie
A.It is free of charge.
B.It will start at 9:00 pm.
C.It will be showed in the Ship's Gym.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The 2024 "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners across the Globe—Calligraphy and Painting Challenge has been officially announced.
This competition invites painting, calligraphy, and Chinese language enthusiasts from all around the world to take part in this exciting event.
Participants are encouraged to submit their creative themes for the contest, with the theme selection process being determined through public nominations.
If you're interested, feel free to submit the theme that you believe fits best with the requirements of the competition.
Here are the requirements:
Who Can Apply
The call for creative themes for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge is open to any Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide, with no limit to age or nationality.
Submission Dates
Submissions will be accepted from June 15, 2024, to 12:00 PM on June 30, 2024(Beijing Time.)
Announcement Date
The selected theme for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge will be announced on July 1, 2024, which also marks the official start date of the submission period for works under the selected theme.
Submission Methods
Participants can send their theme and related information to chinesebridge@. "Chinese Bridge" also accepts direct messages on its official account on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and Weibo.
21.Who can be invited to the competition
A.Tom who is crazy about Spanish.
B.Sandy who is creative in writing.
C.Lucy whose nationality is Chinese.
D.Bill who loves Chinese and calligraphy.
22.On which of the following dates can the participants submit their works
A.June 12, 2024. B.July 1, 2024.
C.June 20, 2024. D.July 15, 2024.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To build a competition organization.
B.To provide information about a competition.
C.To announce the opening of a competition.
D.To collect creative themes for a competition.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it, Van Dyke replied, "My whole career has relied on that. It's such a blessing to find a way of making a living that you love. I feel so sorry for people who hate their job. I look forward to going to work every morning!"
And some of his work helped define a generation. Take "The Dick Van Dyke Show"; it ran for five years on CBS, and it was such a hit that they're bringing it back. This week, CBS aired a two-hour tribute (致敬), "Dick Van Dyke, 98 Years of Magic", and for the occasion, they recreated the original Dick Van Dyke Show set, down to that well-known sofa.
Early in his career Van Dyke was quoted as saying he only wanted to make films his children could watch. That got the attention of Walt Disney, who promptly cast him in "Mary Poppins". And his next few films were equally family-friendly, like "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," which happened to have been co-written by James Bond creator Ian Fleming. From then on, Van Dyke was almost always assigned to play the good guy, though he claims to have missed out on a choice part: "Yeah, I could have been James Bond. When Sean Connery left, the producer said, ‘Would you like to be the next Bond ' I said, ‘Have you heard my British accent ' That's a true story!"
It seems that in show biz the true legends never stop. In an interview from 2017 with his friends, Van Dyke described what it was like hitting 90: "People are more afraid of aging than they are of death these days. And I want to say that remain young in heart and there's a lot of good living to do."
24.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.It's hard for Dyke to find a job.
B.Dyke likes working in the morning.
C.Dyke considers his job as a burden.
D.Dyke enjoys his job.
25.Why did CBS made a special programme for Dyke
A.To create a new set for his show.
B.To show their respect to him.
C.To encourage Dyke to sing with his group.
D.To invited young generation to watch his show.
26.Which statement is not true about Dyke's career
A.His films are family-friendly.
B.His films were only made for his children in his early career.
C.Van Dyke was always playing the good guy.
D.Van Dyke didn't play James Bond.
27.Which is the best title for the text
A.Van Dyke's Career. B.Work Is The Most Important.
C.Always Have Fun. D.Young Forever.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The Jones-Baldwin family wasn't always so big. When Keia Jones married her husband Richardo Baldwin in 2010, she had just one child: a 2-year-old daughter, Zariyah from a previous relationship. Little did they know, though, that their family would eventually add not one, not two, but three more children to the Jones-Baldwin family, thanks to the gift of adoption.(收养)
First came 11-year-old Karleigh, in
2014. She and Zariyah became close friends at school, but due to some financial difficulties, Keia says Karleigh's mother fell on hard times and was unable to properly care for her. In 2017, the couple adopted a lovely 3-year-old named Ayden. That same year, their fourth child came into their lives unexpectedly.
"Unlike our three other black kids, the baby, named Princeton, is white," Keia recalls. Princeton was born seriously ill and stayed in hospital several weeks after his birth. "They needed someone to do skin-to-skin with him," says Keia, "and chose me for the task, and I was more than willing to take on the job."
The experience of being black parents raising a white son has certainly caused them some trouble. There are always lots of doubtful stares and unfavorable comments wherever they go. Someone even called the police and said the baby was stolen by the couple. Once the family were enjoying themselves on the beach in Florida when the police were called in. It was not until Keia showed the police their ID cards that they were convinced that the baby was indeed their adopted son.
When asked why they would make so much effort to adopt the kids, Keia smiled. "It's all love," she said."Both my husband and I love kids. We just can't stand seeing kids suffering. Thank goodness, the lovely kids, who are from different cultures and of different ages, are all growing up healthily and happily under the same roof. Over the years, they have brought us so much joy! Our hearts are so full and so grateful."
28.How many people are there in the family
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.
29.Why was Karleigh adopted
A.She was abandoned by her parents.
B.She was Zariyah's close friend.
C.Her mother failed to raise her well.
D.She needed someone to do skin-to-skin with her.
30.What is some people's attitude to the couple raising Princeton
A.Indifferent. B.Sympathetic. C.Optimistic. D.Doubtful.
31.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Keia will make every effort to adopt more kid.
B.Adopting the kids is a win-win situation.
C.The kids adopted were from the same family.
D.The kids have brought much money for the couple.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for oversea travelers. Located in Longsheng Autonomous County, Guangxi province, the Longji Mountain is 80 kilometers away from Guilin City. Since Longji is the habitation for Yao and Zhuang ethnic group, it gains the official name of Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace.
Longji Rice Terrace was first built in Yuan Dynasty and was completed in the early Qing Dynasty. With a history of more than 700 years, the terrace now is still using for growing rice. It is hard to imagine that more than 800 years ago how the first group of Zhuang and Yao people moved here and cultivated(开垦) the first piece of field. From Yuan to the early Qing, about 650 years, the ancestors could not imagine that the fields they cleared with sweat and life became the terrace that so amazing with charming curves(曲线).
The scenes here are different in each season. In spring, mountains are wrapped in silver water, shinning in the sun; in summer, mountains turn bright green with growing rice waving under the sky; in autumn, the dropping ears of rice promise good harvest; in winter, sheets of snows cover the terraces, making the hills like pagodas(宝塔).
In Longji Mountain, the highest terrace is 1,180 meters above sea level, while the lowest is 380 meters. With a wonderful view, it owns the reputation(名誉) of The Top of The Terraced Fields in the world. As a main body of the terrace farming culture, Longji Terraced Field is a scenic spot that includes the natural scenery and the cultural landscape of ethnic minorities. The harmonious atmosphere and living environment attract more and more tourists at home and abroad, which makes it the top destination for holiday paradise and photography. So photography tips for the Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace will be helpful for your trip. Follow our step, and let's uncover them one by one.
32.Which of the following statement is TRUE about Longji Rice Terrace according to the passage
A.It was first built in Qing dynasty.
B.It is located in Guangdong province.
C.It gains popularity both from home and abroad.
D.It gains the official name of Longji Zhuang Ethnic Terrace.
33.What can be inferred according to the third paragraph
A.It is hot in the summer of Longji.
B.Mountains are shinning in the spring sun.
C.Snow can hardly be seen in the winter of Longji.
D.The farmers of Longji Rice terrace wear happy faces in autumn.
34.What may be talked about in the following paragraph
A.The beauty of Longji Rice Terrace.
B.The history of Longji Rice Terrace.
C.The reputation of Longji Rice Terrace.
D.The photography tips for Longji Rice Terrace.
35.What's the main idea of this passage
A.Longji Rice Terrace has a long history of more than 700 years.
B.The scenes in Longji Rice Terrace are different in each season.
C.The author makes a brief introduction about Longji Rice Terrace.
D.Longji Rice Terrace is a popular attraction for oversea travelers
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
How to Pick High School Classes
Many high school students want to know what courses(课程) to take to improve their chances for admission to highly competitive colleges.  36.   Here is some advice to help you when you make these decisions.
 37.   Students should take challenging classes. But they should balance their schedule with easier classes, too. Students can talk with their teachers about what courses will offer the appropriate challenge.
Don't take classes for the wrong reasons. Students shouldn't take a class just because their best friend is taking it or it's a course they think they need to get into college. Students should focus on their strengths and make sure they have time to devote to studying. Parents shouldn't set unrealistic expectations either.  38.  .
Do consider future plans when choosing high school classes. Students should first think through their career plans and whether they want to go to a four-year college, or straight to go to work after graduation.  39.   While students don't need to know exactly what they want to do after high school, the closer they can get to figure out their career path, the better prepared they will be.
Don't neglect(忽视) to plan early. Students should become familiar with all the courses their school offers.  40.   Students can also research what the basic requirements are for colleges they are interested in attending – something school counselors(咨询师) could help with.
It is wise to first consult your teachers and high school counselors on what courses are most appropriate for you at your high school. We hope that these suggestions help you.
A. Do talk with your teachers.
B. Do create a strict but balanced schedule.
C. It is important to consider future plans when choosing classes.
D. Otherwise, they may miss out on classes they want to take later.
E. Focus on where your kids fit academically and don't add pressure.
F. Choosing classes may seem difficult at first and you may be at a loss for how to start.
G. By doing so, students can determine what high school classes will best prepare them for their future path.
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. Until I was invited to 41. Guizhou province by the China Storyteller Partnerships Tour, I realized how 42. Guizhou can be in poetic(有诗意的) detail. There is 43. better than seeing things with one's own eyes. I will attempt to do so here.
My father used to ask my brothers and me on yearly fishing trips around Arizona. We would 44. to catch the largest fish, and those who succeeded would be rewarded. I remembered sitting in a small boat in the middle of the lake, mostly 45. my bored tongue, while my father tried to 46. me the whispers of the wind, or a fish dancing on the surface of the lake. He vividly described to me everything that he 47. in nature. On my trip to Guizhou I had the 48. to kayak(皮划艇) on Wanfeng lake. 49. one point I rested, floating at the center of the lake, listening to the spaces between silence and 50. the surrounding karst(喀斯特) mountains. I thought about my childhood, and 51. I had listened more closely to my father's 52. feelings.
I've 53. Arizona for 10 long years, creating my own destiny in China. I've managed to build myself a family, a career, and join in 54. activities. I feel 55. I have everything I need. For a moment, in Guizhou, I felt home.
41.A. find B. help C. look D. visit
42.A. original B. beautiful C. convenient D. disappointed
43.A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
44.A. play B. begin C. compete D. win
45.A. holding B. closing C. getting D. eating
46.A. play with B. argue with C. start with D. share with
47.A. had given B. had gone
C. had received D. had seen
48.A. experience B. chance C. idea D. ability
49.A. On B. At C. By D. From
50.A. taking up B. taking on C. taking in D. taking off
51.A. wished B. decided C. wanted D. thought
52.A. fishing B. working C. cooking D. competing
53.A. come B. stayed C. left D. returned
54.A. certain B. various C. sweaty D. grateful
55.A. above if B. even if C. only if D. as if
(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填写适当的内容或括号内单词正确形式。
Tomb-Sweeping Day is a Chinese holiday that  56.   (celebrate) in China for centuries. It is one of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms, which falls on either April 4th  57.   5th of the Gregorian calendar. It's also a time for people to remember family members  58.   have passed away.
The day is also regarded as the start of spring. As trees turn green and the sun shines brightly, people will go outside and enjoy the  59.   (amaze) spring. They will take this opportunity to travel together and go on long walks in parks, laughing and  60.   (chat). Therefore, Tomb-Sweeping Day not only is a day  61.   (memorize) the dead, but it is also a time for people to enjoy  62.   (they). There are many different activities, such as taking a spring outing, or flying kites.
On Tomb Sweeping Day, people often eat a kind of green colored balls 63.   (make) from glutinous rice(糯米). The green color is from  64.   juice of brome grass(雀麦草) that is added in the rice.
All in all, Tomb-Sweeping Day is a combination of sadness and  65.   (happy).
1)表示歉意。2)解释原因 3)接站安排
参考词汇: 高铁站 the high rail-speed station 同事:Colleague
注意:1)词数 80 左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
67.(2024高一下·贵州月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Growing up, I was always around my grandma Meredith. She was the one who originally inspired my love for cooking and my dream of becoming a chef. Yet, one day I received a text that would turn my whole life around:"Grandma is seriously ill", the text read."We need your help in assisting with her care."
Without a second of hesitation, I agreed to travel back home. Thankfully, my boss at the restaurant let me take unpaid leave for the next several months so I could come home to help outwith grandma. After driving across several states, I finally got back to our family home in West Virginia. Yet, what I saw was really hard for me to bear. The Meredith I saw then was not the lively,joyful Meredith I had seen while I was growing up.
"Tony!" she called to me from her bed,"It's so good to see you!"
"Grandma,"I sighed,"I'm not Tony. That's dad, your son. I'm Hank."
This was the start of a months-long journey of helping out around the house—cooking, cleaning, and, most of all, keeping grandma in good health and good spirits.
Every day, I cooked delicious food to keep everyone's spirits high. But, secretly, I hoped that cooking some dishes that we had made together in my.childhood would somehow help get grandma's memory of me back, if just for a moment.
Stews(炖菜), chops(排骨), roasts—I served all of these to grandma and my parents around the clock. When I wasn't taking grandma out for a walk in her wheelchair or changing her bed sheets, I was cooking. I had cooked for celebrities while at the restaurant in New York City, but never had I poured my heart out into my meals than I did then for grandma. However, it didn't work at all.
Then I decided to make something simple.
After taking a few bites, grandma finally called out my name-my actual name.
【解析】【听力原文】M: If you'd like to go out for supper, I'll phone the restaurant.
W: Thank you, but I promised my sister I'd take her to the park.
【分析】题意:这位女士今晚打算做什么 根据听力内容W: Thank you, but I promised my sister
I'd take her to the park. 谢谢,但是我答应过我妹妹带她去公园的。可知选项Go to the park.符合题意;故答案为C 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语to the park来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: OK, Nick, it's your turn to do the washing.
M: I'll be there. I want to finish watching the football game.
【分析】题意:尼克现在在做什么 根据听力内容I want to finish watching the football game. 我想看完足球比赛。可知选项Watching TV.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 watching the football game来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What's the matter You don't seem to be in a good mood.
W: It's Tom. I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow, and he simply said "No". Can you believe how mean he was
【分析】题意:为什么这位女士感到失望 根据听力内容 I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow
, and he simply said "No". 我请他明天把车借给我,他干脆说"不"。可知选项Tom didn't lend
his car to her.符合题意;故答案为B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I asked him to lend me his car tomorrow, and he simply said "No".来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Evening. Welcome to our hotel. I'm Cathy. What can I do for you
M: I'd like to check in.
W: OK. Please give me your ID card.
【分析】题意:对话发生在哪里 根据听力内容W: Evening. Welcome to our hotel.晚上好。欢迎光临我们酒店。 可知选项In a hotel. 符合题意;故答案为A 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Welcome to our hotel.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Will the conference call begin at 2:30 this afternoon
M: Haven't you received the email It has been rescheduled. It won't begin until 4:30 pm.
W: That's bad. I planned to leave at 5:00 pm.
【分析】题意:电话会议什么时候开始 根据听力内容It won't begin until 4:30 pm. 下午4:30才开始。可知选项At 4:30 pm.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句It won't begin until 4:30 pm.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, Cathy. What's the matter
W: I've been here for two hours. Can you spare me a few minutes
M: Right now
W: Yes. I'd like to have a word with you about my job.
M: Sorry. I'm afraid I can't, for I must go to the airport to meet Mr. Brown now.
W: What about this time tomorrow
M: OK. This time tomorrow then. See you!
W: See you!
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I'd
like to have a word with you about my job. I must go to the airport to meet Mr. Brown now.来选出正确选项。
6.题意:说话者之间可能的关系是什么 根据听力内容W: Yes. I'd like to have a word with you about
my job.是的。我想和你谈谈我的工作。可知选项Manager and worker.符合题意;故答案为 A。
7.题意:男士现在要做什么 根据听力内容 I'm afraid I can't, for I must go to the airport to meet
Mr. Brown now. 恐怕不行,因为我现在必须去机场接布朗先生。可知选项Meet Mr. Brown at the
airport.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Sorry you had to wait. It's a busy time of year. Lots of people are mailing packages home.
W: I bet. I'll have to come next week to do that. I'm moving out of my dorm and I'm sending some papers home.
M: OK. We'll be here. What can I do for you today
W: Well, my roommate asked me to pick something up for her. She got this notice saying that there's a package to pick up.
M: I'm sorry, but she'll have to come and get it herself. It's university policy.
W: OK. I'll let her know. Also since I'm moving, I'll be able to receive my mail at my new apartment, so I don't really need my campus mailbox.
M: Oh, OK. Stop by the main desk on your way out of the building and pick up the form you'll need.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Sorry you had to wait. I don't really need my campus mailbox.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:为什么男士对女士说对不起 根据听力内容M: Sorry you had to wait. 对不起,让你久等了。可知选项He had her wait for a while.符合题意;故答案为 A。
9.题意:女士需要表格做什么 根据听力内容Also since I'm moving, I'll be able to receive my mail
at my new apartment, so I don't really need my campus mailbox. 而且因为我要搬家了,我可以在我的新公寓里收邮件,所以我不太需要我的校园邮箱。M: Oh, OK. Stop by the main desk on
your way out of the building and pick up the form you'll need.哦,好的。出大楼的时候,在总台前停下来,拿起你需要的表格。可知选项Canceling the campus mailbox.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Are you free this weekend Go to the Students' Club with me, will you
W: Hmm, isn't it far away
M: Not really. It's only about half an hour's walk. If you drive there, it will take you just 10 minutes at most.
W: You often go there at the weekends, don't you
M: Yes, four times a month.
W: So how can I enjoy myself there
M: Well, you can play basketball and volleyball. If you are not interested, you can try some indoor exercises. They have a large indoor swimming pool and an indoor track. It's a great place to get relaxed.
W: OK. I'll have a swim there. How about meeting me at the school gate Let's walk there.
M: Sure. See you then.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语have a swim和关键句How about meeting me at the school gate 来选出正确选项。
10.题意:讲话者开车去俱乐部要花多长时间 根据听力内容If you drive there, it will take you just 10
minutes at most. 如果你开车去,最多只需要10分钟。可知选项About 10 minutes.符合题意;故答案为 C。
11.题意:女士打算在学生俱乐部做什么 根据听力内容I'll have a swim there. 我要在那里游泳。可知选项Have a swim.符合题意;故答案为 A。
12.题意:讲话者将在哪里见面 根据听力内容W: How about meeting me at the school gate Let's
walk there.在学校门口等我怎么样 我们走着去吧。M: Sure. See you then.当然可以。到时候见。可
知选项At the school gate.符合题意;故答案为A 。
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, what kind of things do you do in your spare time, Lydia
W: I'm really into watching foreign films. What about you, David
M: I like to do just about anything outdoors. Do you enjoy camping
W: Camping for an evening is OK, but I couldn't do it for much longer than one night!
M: Have you ever been camping in the Boundary Waters
W: No, but I've always wanted to do that. I've heard it's a beautiful place to go.
M: It's fantastic. My family and I are very fond of the place.
W: Do you have any photos of any of your camping trips there
M: Sure, would you like to see them
W: That would be great. So, you must be pretty interested in photography then.
M: I'd call it one of my hobbies. Do you know much about photography
W: Actually, I do. I took quite a few photography classes at university.
M: Have you heard about the photography exhibit that's going on at the art gallery this weekend
W: Yes, I was planning on going. Are you
M: Maybe we could go together.
W: Great.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 watching foreign films和关键句I like to do just about anything outdoors.来选出正确选项。
13.题意:莉迪亚在业余时间喜欢做什么 根据听力内容W: I'm really into watching foreign films. 我很喜欢看外国电影。可知选项See foreign films.符合题意;故答案为 C。
14.题意:我们对大卫有什么了解 根据听力内容M: I like to do just about anything outdoors. 我喜欢在户外做任何事情。可知选项He likes outdoor activities.符合题意;故答案为B 。
15.题意:大卫觉得摄影怎么样 根据听力内容So, you must be pretty interested in photography
then. 那么,你一定对摄影很感兴趣。M: I'd call it one of my hobbies. 我认为这是我的爱好之一。可知选项Interesting.符合题意;故答案为C 。
16.题意:讲话者这个周末要做什么 根据听力内容M: Have you heard about the photography exhibit
that's going on at the art gallery this weekend 你听说这个周末美术馆要举办摄影展了吗 ?W: Yes, I was planning on going. Are you 是的,我正打算去呢。你呢 M: Maybe we could go
together.也许我们可以一起去。可知选项Visit the art gallery.符合题意;故答案为 A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good morning. This is Bob, your entertainment officer for the day. I'd like to tell you what's on today's program. First of all, for those of you who are feeling energetic, the keep-fit class
meets in the Ship's Gym in 20 minutes at 9:00 am. If you missed yesterday's competition in the swimming pool, then come along at 3:00 pm for more fun and games. You don't need to be able to swim and it's one way of keeping cool as it looks to be a really clear cloudless day, unlike yesterday, when you probably needed an extra sweater! Now, on to this evening and there's a change to the advertised film programs. Starting in the Ship's Cinema at 8:00 pm — not 9:00 pm as advertised—is the classic movie The Singing Moon. There are no tickets for
this event, but as seats are rather limited, you're advised to come along early.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语a really clear cloudless day和关键句There are no tickets for this event,来选出正确选项。
17.题意:这篇演讲主要讲了什么 根据听力内容the keep-fit class meets in the Ship's Gym in 20
minutes at 9:00 am. 早上9点,20分钟后,健身课在船上的健身房开始。then come along at 3:00
pm for more fun and games. 那么下午三点来参加更多的娱乐和游戏。Starting in the Ship's
Cinema at 8:00 pm — not 9:00 pm as advertised—is the classic movie The Singing Moon. 不是广告上说的9点,而是晚上8点在船上电影院上映的经典电影《歌唱的月亮》。 可知选项Entertainment activities.符合题意;故答案为C 。
18.题意:现在几点了?根据听力内容the keep-fit class meets in the Ship's Gym in 20 minutes at
9:00 am. 早上9点,20分钟后,健身课在船上的健身房开始。 可知选项8:40 am.符合题意;故答案为 B。
19.题意:今天的天气怎么样?根据听力内容as it looks to be a really clear cloudless day, 因为今天看起来是一个非常晴朗无云的日子,可知选项Sunny.符合题意;故答案为 C。
20.题意:关于这部电影我们知道些什么 根据听力内容There are no tickets for this event, but as
seats are rather limited, you're advised to come along early.这个电影不要票, 但由于座位有限,建议你早点来。可知选项It is free of charge. 符合题意;故答案为 A。
21.细节理解题。根据 The call for creative themes for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge is
open to any Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide, with no limit to age or nationality.本次书画挑战赛面向世界各地的汉语爱好者征集创作主题,不限年龄和国籍。可知比尔喜欢中文和书法,他可以参赛;故答案为D。
22.推理判断题。根据Submissions will be accepted from June 15, 2024, to 12:00 PM on June 30,
2024(Beijing Time.) 报名参赛时间为2024年6月15日至2024年6月30日12:00(北京时间)。可知2024年6月20日这天可以报名参赛;故答案为C。
23.推理判断题。根据 The 2024 "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners
across the Globe—Calligraphy and Painting Challenge has been officially announced.2024年"汉语桥"世界外国人汉语比赛-书画挑战赛正式揭晓。以及Here are the requirements:以下是要求:可知这篇文章主要目的是提供有关比赛的信息;故答案为B。
24.推理判断题。根据 At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still
makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it, Van Dyke replied, "My whole career has relied on that. It's such a blessing to find a way of making a living that you love. I feel so sorry for people who hate their job. I look forward to going to work every morning!"98岁高龄的迪克·范·戴克(Dick Van Dyke)仍然和他的乐队The Vantastix一起演唱,仍然让一切看起来很轻松。当被问及在比赛中获得乐趣有多重要时,范戴克回答说:"我的整个职业生涯都依赖于此。能找到一种自己喜欢的谋生方式是一种福气。我为那些讨厌自己工作的人感到难过。我每天早上都盼望着去上班 ! " 可知戴克喜欢他的工作;故答案为D。
25.细节理解题。根据 This week, CBS aired a two-hour tribute (致敬), "Dick Van Dyke, 98 Years
of Magic", and for the occasion, they recreated the original Dick Van Dyke Show set, down to that well-known sofa.本周,哥伦比亚广播公司播出了一个两小时的致敬节目(致敬),"迪克·范·戴克,98年的魔力",为了这个场合,他们重现了原来的迪克·范·戴克秀,直到那个著名的沙发。可知哥伦比亚广播公司要为戴克制作一个特别节目以表示他们对他的尊重;故答案为B。
26.推理判断题。根据 From then on, Van Dyke was almost always assigned to play the good guy,
though he claims to have missed out on a choice part: "Yeah, I could have been James Bond. 从那以后,范·戴克几乎总是被分配扮演好人,尽管他声称自己错过了一个选择角色:"是的,我本来可以演詹姆斯·邦德的。可知范·戴克并不是一直都扮演好人,在这之前扮演过坏人;故答案为C。
27.主旨大意题。根据第一段At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still
makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it,…98岁高龄的迪克·范·戴克仍然和他的乐队The Vantastix一起演唱,仍然让一切看起来很轻松。当被问及在比赛中获得乐趣有多重要时,……以及最后一段It seems that in show biz
the true legends never stop. In an interview from 2017 with his friends, Van Dyke described what it was like hitting 90: "People are more afraid of aging than they are of death these days. And I want to say that remain young in heart and there's a lot of good living to do." 在演艺圈,真正的传奇似乎永远不会停止。在2017年接受朋友采访时,范·戴克描述了90岁的感觉:"现在人们更害怕衰老,而不是死亡。我想说的是,保持年轻的心态,还有很多美好的生活要做。"可知这篇文章最佳标题: 一直保持开心;故答案为C。
28.细节理解题。根据The Jones-Baldwin family wasn't always so big. When Keia Jones married
her husband Richardo Baldwin in 2010, she had just one child: a 2-year-old daughter,
Zariyah from a previous relationship. Little did they know, though, that their family would eventually add not one, not two, but three more children to the Jones-Baldwin family, thanks to
the gift of adoption. 琼斯-鲍德温家族并不总是这么大。2010年,当凯娅·琼斯与丈夫理查德·鲍德温结婚时,她只有一个孩子:与前一段感情所生的2岁女儿扎里亚。然而,他们一点也不知道,由于收养的礼物,他们的家庭最终将为琼斯-鲍德温家庭增加不止一个,也不是两个,而是三个孩子。可知他们家现在有六个人(包括三个收养的孩子) ;故答案为C。
29.细节理解题。根据 First came 11-year-old Karleigh, in 2014. She and Zariyah became close
friends at school, but due to some financial difficulties, Keia says Karleigh's mother fell on hard times and was unable to properly care for her. 第一个被收养的是2014年11岁的卡丽(Karleigh)。凯亚说,她和扎里亚在学校成为了亲密的朋友,但由于一些经济困难,卡丽的母亲陷入了困境,无法妥善照顾她。可知她母亲没能力把她抚养好;故答案为C。
30.推理判断题。根据The experience of being black parents raising a white son has certainly
caused them some trouble. There are always lots of doubtful stares and unfavorable comments wherever they go. Someone even called the police and said the baby was stolen by the couple. 作为黑人父母抚养一个白人儿子的经历无疑给他们带来了一些麻烦。无论他们走到哪里,总有许多怀疑的目光和不利的评论。甚至有人报了警,说孩子是被这对夫妇偷走的。可知人们对他们养普林斯顿是怀疑的;故答案为D。
31.推理判断题。根据When asked why they would make so much effort to adopt the kids, Keia
smiled. "It's all love," she said."Both my husband and I love kids. We just can't stand seeing kids suffering. Thank goodness, the lovely kids, who are from different cultures and of different ages, are all growing up healthily and happily under the same roof. Over the years, they have brought us so much joy! Our hearts are so full and so grateful." 当被问及为什么他们会如此努力地收养这些孩子时,凯娅笑了。"这都是爱,"她说。"我丈夫和我都喜欢孩子。我们无法忍受看到孩子们受苦。谢天谢地,这些来自不同文化、不同年龄的可爱的孩子们,都在同一个屋檐下健康快乐地成长。这些年来,他们给我们带来了这么多的快乐!我们的心是如此的充实和感激。可知领养孩子是一个双赢的事情;故答案为B。
32.细节理解题。根据Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for oversea travelers. 龙脊梯田是海外游客的热门景点。可知龙脊梯田很受到国内外的欢迎;故答案为C。
33.推理判断题。根据 The scenes here are different in each season. In spring, mountains are
wrapped in silver water, shinning in the sun; in summer, mountains turn bright green with growing rice waving under the sky; in autumn, the dropping ears of rice promise good harvest; in winter, sheets of snows cover the terraces, making the hills like pagodas(宝塔).这里的景色每个季节都不一样。春天,群山被银水包裹,在阳光下闪闪发光;夏天,山色变绿,稻谷在天空下摇曳;秋天,落下的稻穗预示着丰收;冬天,梯田上覆盖着厚厚的积雪,群山就像宝塔一样。可知龙脊梯田的农民们在秋天看到金灿灿的稻子都会面带喜色;故答案为D。
34.推理判断题。根据The harmonious atmosphere and living environment attract more and more
tourists at home and abroad, which makes it the top destination for holiday paradise and photography. So photography tips for the Longji Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Terrace will be helpful for your trip. Follow our step, and let's uncover them one by one. 和谐的氛围和生活环境吸引了越来越多的国内外游客,使其成为度假天堂和摄影的首选目的地。因此,龙脊瑶族和壮族露台的摄影技巧将对您的旅行有所帮助。跟着我们的脚步,让我们一个接一个地揭开它们。可知接下来的作者谈论龙脊梯田摄影技巧;故答案为D。
35.主旨大意题。根据每段的主题句第一段Longji Rice Terrace(梯田) is a popular attraction for
oversea travelers.龙基梯田是海外游客的热门景点。(龙脊梯田成为旅游胜地) 第二段Longji Rice Terrace was first built in Yuan Dynasty and was completed in the early Qing Dynasty. 龙脊梯田始建于元代,始建于清初。(龙脊梯田的悠久历史)第三段The scenes here are
different in each season.这里的景色每个季节都不一样。(龙脊梯田四季风光不同)第四段In Longji Mountain, the highest terrace is 1,180 meters above sea level, while the lowest is 380 meters. With a wonderful view, it owns the reputation(名誉) of The Top of The Terraced
Fields in the world.龙脊山的最高梯田海拔1180米,最低梯田海拔380米。这里风景优美,享有"世界梯田之巅"的美誉。(游客对这里的风景赞誉有加)可知作者主要对龙基梯田作了简要介绍;故答案为C。
36.根据上文Many high school students want to know what courses(课程) to take to improve their
chances for admission to highly competitive colleges. 很多高中生都想知道应该上什么课程来提高进入竞争激烈的大学的机会。以及下文Here is some advice to help you when you make these
decisions.这里有一些建议可以帮助你做出这些决定。可知空白处需要过渡句:你可能很难做出合理选择;选项Choosing classes may seem difficult at first and you may be at a loss for how to start.一开始选课似乎很困难,你可能不知道如何开始。符合题意;故答案为F。
37.根据下文 Students should take challenging classes. But they should balance their schedule
with easier classes, too. Students can talk with their teachers about what courses will offer the appropriate challenge. 学生应该上有挑战性的课程。但他们也应该在课程表上安排一些简单的课程。学生可以和他们的老师讨论哪些课程将提供适当的挑战。可知空白处需要主题句:要有一个平衡合理的课程表; 选项Do create a strict but balanced schedule.制定一个严格但平衡的课程安排表。符合题意;故答案为B。
38.根据上文 Students should focus on their strengths and make sure they have time to devote
to studying. Parents shouldn't set unrealistic expectations either. 学生应该专注于自己的优势,并确保他们有时间投入到学习中。父母也不应该设定不切实际的期望。可知空白处需要建议父母应该关注的方面; 选项Focus on where your kids fit academically and don't add pressure.关注你的孩子在学业上的位置,不要给他们增加压力。符合题意;故答案为E。
39.根据上文Students should first think through their career plans and whether they want to go
to a four-year college, or straight to go to work after graduation. 学生们应该首先考虑他们的职业规划,他们是想上四年制大学,还是毕业后直接去工作。以及下文While students don't need to
know exactly what they want to do after high school, the closer they can get to figure out their career path, the better prepared they will be.虽然学生们不需要确切地知道他们高中毕业后想做什么,但他们越能找到自己的职业道路,他们就会准备得越充分。可知空白处需要补充这样做目的:有助于决定高中要学习的课程; 选项By doing so, students can determine what high school
classes will best prepare them for their future path.通过这样做,学生可以确定哪些高中课程将为他们未来的道路做好最好的准备。符合题意;故答案为G。
40.根据上文Don't neglect(忽视) to plan early. Students should become familiar with all the
courses their school offers. 不要忽视提早计划。学生应该熟悉学校提供的所有课程。可知空白处需要需要补充如果忽视了会产生什么样不好的后果; 选项Otherwise, they may miss out on classes
they want to take later.否则,他们可能会错过他们以后想上的课程。符合题意;故答案为D。
41.句意: 直到我受讲好中国故事伙伴之旅的邀请去参观贵州,我才意识到贵州在诗意的细节中是多么美丽。 根据上文I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the
planet. 我在亚利桑那州北部长大,那里有地球上最美丽的风景。可知作者之前没有去参观过贵州省,这次被邀请他才来参观贵州的;A: find查找;B: help帮助;C: look看;D: visit参观;故答案为D。
42.句意:直到我受中国讲故事伙伴之旅的邀请去贵州,我才意识到贵州在诗意的细节中是多么美丽。根据上文上文I grew up in northern Arizona, where it has the most beautiful landscapes on the
planet. 我在亚利桑那州北部长大,那里有地球上最美丽的风景。以及in poetic(有诗意的) detail. 可知作者感叹这里很美丽;A:original原创;B:beautiful美丽,C:convenient方便;D:disappointed失望;故答案为B。
43.句意:没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。根据下文I will attempt to do so here. 我将在这里尝试这样做。可知作者要亲眼看这里的美景,因此空白处需要否定词(否定词和比较级可以表示最高级,而不是否定意义);A: anything任何事;B: something有些事;C: nothing没有;D: everything一切;故答案为C。
44.句意: 我们会竞争谁钓到最大的鱼,成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。根据 and those who
succeeded would be rewarded. 那些成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。可知他们会进行钓鱼竞赛的;A: play玩;B: begin开始;C: compete竞争,比赛;D: win赢;故答案为C。
45.句意:我记得自己坐在湖中央的一条小船上,大部分时间都在控制着自己无聊的舌头,而父亲则试图和我分享风的低语,或是一条在湖面上跳舞的鱼。 根据上文句意" 我们会竞争谁钓到最大的鱼,成功钓到最大鱼的人会得到奖励。" 可知作者只是专心钓鱼,控制着自己的舌头不说话;A: holding控制;B: closing关闭;C: getting获得;D: eating进食;故答案为A。
46.句意:我记得自己坐在湖中央的一条小船上,大部分时间都在闷着自己无聊的舌头,而父亲则试图和我分享风的低语,或是一条在湖面上跳舞的鱼。根据下文 He vividly described to me everything
… 他生动地向我描述了……的一切。可知父亲想打破沉闷和作者分享周围的一切;A: play with玩弄;B: argue with争论;C: start with开始;D: share with和……分享;故答案为D。
47.句意:他生动地向我描述了他在自然界所看到的一切。根据上文句意"没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。" 可知父亲给作者分享着他看到的自然美景;A: had given给予;B: had gone到过;C: had received获得;D: had seen看到;故答案为D。
48.句意: 在我去贵州的旅途中,我有机会在万丰湖上划皮艇。 根据 floating at the center of the lake, 漂浮在湖中心,可知作者得到了在万丰湖上划皮艇的机会;A: experience经验;B: chance机会;C: idea想法;D: ability能力;故答案为B。
49.句意:有一会儿我休息了一下,漂浮在湖中心,倾听着山之间寂静的空间并欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉。根据上文句意"在我去贵州的旅途中,我有机会在万丰湖上划皮艇。"可知作者在湖上划皮艇的时候的某一时间点他休息了一会儿;A: On在……上;B: At在……点;C: By到……为止;D: From从……;故答案为B。
50.句意:有一次我休息了一下,漂浮在湖中心,倾听着山之间寂静的空间并欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉。根据上文句意"没有什么比亲眼所见更好的了。" 可知作者在湖上欣赏着周围的喀斯特山脉;A: taking up拿起;B: taking on呈现;C: taking in欣赏;D: taking off起飞;故答案为C。
51.句意:我想起了我的童年,真希望我能更仔细地倾听父亲钓鱼的感受。根据上文作者在湖上欣赏美景,想起来小时候与父亲一起钓鱼时,"他生动地向我描述了他在自然界所看到的一切。"但作者当时专心钓鱼却无暇顾及美景, 可知作者现在后悔没听父亲的描述,所以他现在多希望他当时认真听了;A: wished希望;B: decided决定;C: wanted想要;D: thought认为;故答案为A。
52.句意:我想起了我的童年,真希望我能更仔细地倾听父亲钓鱼的感受。根据上文 My father used to
ask my brothers and me on yearly fishing trips around Arizona. 我父亲曾经每年都会邀请我和我的兄弟们去亚利桑那州钓鱼。可知作者很想听他父亲钓鱼的感受;A: fishing钓鱼;B: working工作;C: cooking烹饪;D: competing竞争;故答案为A。
53.句意: 我离开亚利桑那州长达10年,在中国创造了自己的命运。 根据 I've managed to build myself
a family, a career, 我成功建立了自己的家庭,事业, 可知作者离开了自己的家乡留在了中国;A:come来;B:stayed留下来;C:left离开;D: returned 回来;故答案为C。
54.句意:我成功地建立了自己的家庭,事业,并参加了各种活动。根据作者作为文化使者(by the
China Storyteller Partnerships Tour)被邀请来中国,以及选项A: certain当然;B: various各种各样;C: sweaty汗流浃背;D: grateful感激的; 可知他会参加各种各样的文化活动;故答案为B。
55.句意:我觉得我好像拥有了我所需要的一切。根据下文 For a moment, in Guizhou, I felt home. 在贵州的那一刻,我有了家的感觉。可知作者在中国生活的很幸福,所以他决定自己好像拥有自己需要的一切;A: above if以上如果;B: even if即使;C: only if只有;D: as if好像;故答案为D。
【答案】56.has been celebrated;57.or;58.who/that;59.amazing;60.chatting;61.to memorize;62.themselves;63.made;64.the;65.happiness
56.句意: 清明节是中国的一个节日,在中国已经庆祝了几个世纪。 根据分析句子结构,空白处需要限制性定语从句的谓语(先行词为 a Chinese holiday);时间短语 for centuries 常跟现在完成时态;主语 a Chinese holiday 与动词celebrate 之间是被动关系, 可知空白处需要动词celebrate 的现在完成时的被动语态形式has been celebrated ;故答案为has been celebrated。
57.句意:它是中国二十四节气之一,时间是每年公历4月4日或5日。根据常识清明节只有一天, 可知空白处需要选择连词 or 或者;故答案为or。
58.句意:这也是人们缅怀逝去的家人的日子。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要关系代词引导限制性定语从句,先行词是family members, 可知空白处需要关系代词 who/that;故答案为who/that。
59.句意:随着树木变绿,阳光明媚,人们会走到外面,享受神奇的春天。根据修饰名词需要形容词,名词 spring 春天,需要-ing形容词来修饰,可知空白处需要动词amaze 的现在分词形式amazing ;故答案为amazing。
60.句意:他们将借此机会一起旅行,在公园里散步,谈笑风生。根据and前后一致,前面 laughing是现在分词,可知空白处需要动词chat 的现在分词形式 chatting;故答案为chatting。
61.句意:因此,清明节不仅是一个纪念死者的日子,也是一个人们娱乐的日子。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要非谓语作定语,表示"将要去做某事" 可知空白处需要动词memorize 的不定式形式to memorize ;故答案为to memorize。
62.句意:因此,清明节不仅是一个纪念死者的日子,也是一个人们娱乐的日子。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:enjoy oneself 玩得开心,可知空白处需要主格代词they 的物主代词形式 themselves;故答案为themselves。
63.句意:在清明节,人们经常吃一种绿色的糯米团。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要非谓语作定语,名词 balls 与动词make 之间是被动关系; 可知空白处需要动词make 的过去分词形式 made;故答案为made。
64.句意:绿色来自添加在大米中的雀麦草的汁液。根据分析句子结构,介词短语 of brome gras限定了名词 juice的特性, 可知空白处需要定冠词the 表示特指;故答案为the。
65.句意:总之,清明节是悲伤和快乐的结合。根据 and前后一致,前面 sadness 是名词; 可知空白处需要形容词happy 的名词形式happiness ;故答案为happiness。
66.【答案】Dear Eric,
I'm writing to apologize for not being able to meet you as the highway speed station then this
Wednesday afternoon.
I've just been informed to attend an important conference, so I will arrange for my colleague Li Lei to pick you up. He will be waiting in due time as arrival exit. You can contact at 13955667788 if necessary.
Sorry again for the inconvenience that may be caused. I shall meet you at your hotel in the
evening and then we can have dinner together. Wish you a pleasant journey.
Li Hua.
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构 I've just been informed
to attend an important conference, so I will arrange for my colleague Li Lei to pick you up.(运用了结果状语从句),He will be waiting in due time as arrival exit. (运用了将来进行时态),Sorry again for the inconvenience that may be caused.(运用了限制性定语从句),Wish
you a pleasant journey.(运用了祈使句),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇和固定短语 apologize for , attend an important conference,pick up,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
67.【答案】Then I decided to make something simple. What came to my mind was a sandwich .
When I was a child, my grandma always made me a sandwich for breakfast. It was the
most delicious sandwich in the world. Since then ,I have dreamed about being a chef .
The sandwich made by my grandma has two layers, the first layer with ham and the se
cond layer with vegetable Salad.So I made a sandwich the way my grandmother did th
en. I give it to my grandma ,hoping it could help her remember me.
After taking a few bites, grandma finally called out my name- my actual name.
I was so excited that I hugged her ,saying "Finally ,you remember me! ""My dear, you come back, I miss you do much." My grandma said happily with tears rolling down her face .In the following days I accompanied my grandma and took care of her .Soon she recovered. It is not only the sandwich but always grandma's love for me that helps her recover.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:When I was a child, my grandma always made me a sandwich for breakfast. 运用了时间状语从句;So I made a sandwich the way my grandmother did then. 运用了限制性定语从句; I give it
to my grandma ,hoping it could help her remember me.运用了宾语从句;I was so excited that
I hugged her ,saying "Finally ,you remember me! "运用了结果状语从句和直接引语;It is not
only the sandwich but always grandma's love for me that helps her recover.运用了强调句。
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