新-语境串记单词00 【单词易-单词记忆学案】人教版必修第一册Welcom Unit学案+习题


名称 新-语境串记单词00 【单词易-单词记忆学案】人教版必修第一册Welcom Unit学案+习题
格式 zip
文件大小 1.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-05 09:43:06


Welcome Unit Book One
Part 1
At the start of senior high, during registration, a male student was very anxious. When he saw a beautiful female, he tried to act formal. In the lecture on nation and nationality, he daydreamed of being a famous designer. Later, he nervously went to exchange numbers with the girl. She said, "I thought you were going to register as my boyfriend!" The whole campus burst out laughing. What a funny start to senior high!
exchange / / ks t e nd / n.&vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
lecture / lekt (r)/ n.讲座;讲课 vi.(开)讲座
registration / red stre n/ n.登记;注册;挂号
register / red st (r)/ vt.&vi.登记;注册
sex /seks/ n.性别
female / fi:me l/ adj.女(性)的;雌的 n.雌性
male /me l/ adj.男(性)的;雄的 n.雄性
nationality / n n l ti/ n.国籍;民族
nation / ne n/ n.国家;民族;国民
designer /d za n (r)/ n.设计者
design /d za n/ n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计
campus / k mp s/ n.校园;校区
formal / f :ml/ adj.办正式的;正规的
anxious / k s/ adj.焦虑的;不安的
Part 2
After that funny start, the male student tried to concentrate on his senior high school life. But the girl sometimes annoyed him. One day, in an experiment class, he was so concentrated on his work that he didn't notice the girl until she said something. He was a bit frightened. Later, he thought, "What if I just leave her alone " But he also wanted to make a good impression. At last, he decided to be more outgoing and not let these things be too awkward. He was a senior now and wanted to enjoy every moment. And the junior guy inside him was slowly growing up.
annoyed / n d/ adj.恼怒的;生气的
annoy / n / vt.使恼怒;打扰
frightened / fra tnd/ adj.办惊吓的;害怕的
p.m. /pi: em/ abbr.(源自拉丁)下午;午后
a.m. / em/ abbr.(源自拉丁)上午;午前
senior / si:ni (r)/ adj.级别高的 n.较年长的人
senior high school / si:ni (r) ha sku:l/ (美国)高中
at last / t lɑ:st/ 终于;最终
outgoing / a tg / adj.爱交际的;外向的
impression / m pre n/ n.印象;感想
impress / m pres/ vt.使钦佩 vi.留下印象
make an impression /me k n m pre n/ 留下好印象
what if /w t f/ 要是……会怎么样呢?
guy /ga / n.小伙子;男人;家伙
concentrate / k nsntre t/ vi.&vt.集中注意;聚精会神
concentrate on / k nsntre t n/ 集中精力于
experiment / k sper m nt/ n.实验;试验
leave ... alone /li:v l n/ 不打扰;不惊动
awkward / :kw d/ adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
junior / d u:ni (r)/ adj.地位低的 n.职位较低者
Part 3
As he moved forward in senior high school, he started to explore more. He became more confident in himself and his abilities. He made flash cards to take notes and organized his study with a clear strategy. He looked forward to achieving his goals and improving himself. He also made new partners and they would study together. He was curious to learn new things and his personality and style became more distinct. He revised regularly and was determined to do well. In the company of his friends, he continued to grow and develop. He remembered his junior high school days and was glad for how far he had come. He was ready to face the future with confidence.
junior high school / d u:ni (r) ha sku:l/ (美国)初级中学
explore / k spl :(r)/ vt.&vi.搜索;勘探
confident / k nf d nt/ adj.自信的;有把握的
confidence / k nf d ns/ n.信心;信任
forward / f :w d/ adv.向前;前进 adj.向前的
look forward to /l k f :w d t / 盼望;期待
take notes /te k n uts/ 记笔记
flash /fl / n.光;信号 vi.闪耀;闪光
flash card /fl kɑ:d/ 教学卡片;识字卡
organise /' :g na z/ vt.组织;筹备 vi.组建;成立
organisation / :g na 'ze n/ n.组织;团体;机构
goal /g l/ n.目标;球门;射门
strategy / str t d i/ n.策略;策划
partner / pɑ:tn (r)/ n.同伴;配偶;合伙人
improve / m pru:v/ vi.&vt.改进;改善
curious / kj ri s/ adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
company / k mp ni/ n.公司;商行;陪伴
personality / p :s n l ti/ n.性格;个性
style /sta l/ n.方式;作风
revise /r va z/ vt.&vi.修改;修订;复习
________ (n. 登记;注册)
________ (n. 国籍)
________ (v./n. 设计)
________ (adj. 焦虑的)
________ (v. 集中)
________ (n. 印象)
________ (adj. 高年级的;年长的)
________ (adj. 外向的)
________ (n. 信心)
________ (v. 探索)
________ (v. 改善;提高)
________ (v. 组织;安排)
________ (n. 策略)
________ (adj. 好奇的)
________ (v. 复习;修订)
registration (n. 登记;注册)
nationality (n. 国籍)
design (v./n. 设计)
anxious (adj. 焦虑的)
concentrate (v. 集中)
impression (n. 印象)
senior (adj. 高年级的;年长的)
outgoing (adj. 外向的)
confidence (n. 信心)
explore (v. 探索)
improve (v. 改善;提高)
organise (v. 组织;安排)
strategy (n. 策略)
curious (adj. 好奇的)
revise (v. 复习;修订)
________ (集中精力于......)
________ (期待......)
________ (留下印象)
________ (不打扰......;让......独自待着)
________ (最后;终于)
________ (对......感到好奇)
________ (自我提升)
________ (和某人交换某物)
concentrate on (集中精力于......)
look forward to (期待......)
make an impression (留下印象)
leave...alone (不打扰......;让......独自待着)
at last (最后;终于)
be curious about (对......感到好奇)
improve oneself (自我提升)
exchange sth. with sb. (和某人交换某物)
1. nation n.国家;民族 → ___________ n.国籍;民族 → ___________ adj.国家的;民族的
→ ___________ adj.国际的
2. anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的 → ___________ adv.焦虑地;不安地 → ___________ n.焦虑;不安
3. annoy v.使恼怒;使生气 → ___________ adj.恼怒的;生气的 → ___________ adj.令人恼怒的 → ___________ n.恼怒;生气
4. confident adj.自信的;有自信心的 → ___________ n.信心;信任
5. design v.设计 → ___________ n.设计;设计方案 → ___________ n.设计师
6. register v.登记;注册 → ___________ n.登记簿;注册簿 → ___________ n.登记;注册
7. sex n.性别 → ___________ adj.性的;与性有关的
8. impress v.给……留下深刻印象 → ___________ n.印象;感想
9. explore v.探索;探测 → ___________ n.探险;探索
10. improve v.改进;改善 → ___________ n.改进;改善
nation n.国家;民族 → nationality n.国籍;民族 → national adj.国家的;民族的 → international adj.国际的
anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的 → anxiously adv.焦虑地;不安地 → anxiety n.焦虑;不安
annoy v.使恼怒;使生气 → annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 → annoying adj.令人恼怒的 → annoyance n.恼怒;生气
confident adj.自信的;有自信心的 → confidence n.信心;信任
design v.设计 → design n.设计;设计方案 → designer n.设计师
register v.登记;注册 → register n.登记簿;注册簿 → registration n.登记;注册
sex n.性别 → sexual adj.性的;与性有关的
impress v.给……留下深刻印象 → impression n.印象;感想
explore v.探索;探测 → exploration n.探险;探索
improve v.改进;改善 → improvement n.改进;改善
When I entered senior high school, the 1. ______ process was truly chaotic and overwhelming. There were students of diverse 2. ______ and different 3. ______ bustling around the campus. A male student, who was extremely 4. ______, was doing his best to 5. ______ on filling the registration forms accurately.
In the first 6. ______ lecture, the teacher delivered a captivating speech about various 7. ______ and their distinct cultures. The detailed descriptions and fascinating stories left a deep 8. ______ on me. I was so inspired that I decided to 9. ______ this field further on my own.
One day, during a challenging 10. ______, a junior female student accidentally 11. ______ a senior guy. At first, he was a bit 12. ______ by the potential confrontation. However, after a moment of hesitation, he chose to leave her 13. ______, thinking, "What if this leads to a big conflict "
Later on, I managed to make many wonderful 14. ______. We utilized flash cards to take notes and 15. ______ our lessons regularly.
A. registration B. exchange C. organization D. revision
A. nationalities B. sexes C. styles D. goals
A. purpose B. sexes C. interests D. games
A. confident B. anxious C. curious D. annoyed
A. concentrate B. depend C. insist D. try
A. formal B. informal C. interesting D. boring
A. nations B. partners C. designs D. companies
A. impression B. choice C. decision D. plan
A. improve B. explore C. revise D. concentrate
A. experiment B. class C. lecture D. game
A. helped B. annoyed C. pleased D. attracted
A. angry B. frightened C. surprised D. sad
A. away B. behind C. alone D. out
A. friends B. partners C. classmates D. enemies
A. revised B. improved C. explored D. concentrated
A. registration (根据语境,这里说的是入学时的“注册”过程混乱,registration 有“注册”的意思。)
A. nationalities (students of different nationalities 表示“不同国籍的学生”,符合校园学生多样化的描述。)
B. sexes (different sexes 指“不同性别”,与前面的“nationalities”一起描述学生的多样性。)
B. anxious (前文提到注册过程混乱,一个男生努力填表格,结合语境他应该是“焦虑的”,anxious 符合。)
A. concentrate (concentrate on 表示“集中精力于”,这里说男生尽力集中精力准确填表格。)
A. formal (formal lecture 表示“正式的讲座”,符合老师演讲的情境。)
A. nations (talk about various nations 指“谈论不同的国家”,与后面的文化相呼应。)
A. impression (leave a deep impression on sb. 表示“给某人留下深刻印象”,符合语境。)
B. explore (explore this field 表示“探索这个领域”,前文说被吸引,所以决定自己进一步探索。)
A. experiment (during an experiment 指“在实验期间”,符合下文提到的学生之间的矛盾情境。)
B. annoyed (annoy 表示“使恼怒”,这里说女生意外地惹恼了男生。)
B. frightened (potential confrontation 可能的冲突让他感到“害怕”,frightened 符合。)
C. alone (leave her alone 表示“让她独自待着”,符合男生的选择。)
B. partners (make partners 表示“成为伙伴”,符合后面一起学习的描述。)
D. concentrated (concentrate on 表示“集中精力于”,这里说集中精力复习功课。)
exchange n.&vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
lecture n.讲座;讲课 vi.(开)讲座
registration n.登记;注册;挂号
register vt.&vi.登记;注册
sex n.性别
female adj.女(性)的;雌的 n.雌性
male adj.男(性)的;雄的 n.雄性
nationality n.国籍;民族
nation n.国家;民族;国民
designer n.设计者
design n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计
campus n.校园;校区
formal adj.办正式的;正规的
anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的
annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的
annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰
frightened adj.办惊吓的;害怕的
p.m. abbr.(源自拉丁)下午;午后
a.m. abbr.(源自拉丁)上午;午前
senior adj.级别高的 n.较年长的人
senior high school (美国)高中
at last 终于;最终
outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的
impression n.印象;感想
impress vt.使钦佩 vi.留下印象
make an impression 留下好印象
what if 要是……会怎么样呢?
guy n.小伙子;男人;家伙
concentrate vi.&vt.集中注意;聚精会神
concentrate on 集中精力于
experiment n.实验;试验
leave ... alone 不打扰;不惊动
awkward adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
junior adj.地位低的 n.职位较低者
junior high school (美国)初级中学
explore vt.&vi.搜索;勘探
confident adj.自信的;有把握的
confidence n.信心;信任
forward adv.向前;前进 adj.向前的
look forward to 盼望;期待
take notes 记笔记
flash n.光;信号 vi.闪耀;闪光
flash card 教学卡片;识字卡
organise vt.组织;筹备 vi.组建;成立
organisation n.组织;团体;机构
goal n.目标;球门;射门
strategy n.策略;策划
partner n.同伴;配偶;合伙人
improve vi.&vt.改进;改善
curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
company n.公司;商行;陪伴
personality n.性格;个性
style n.方式;作风
8 新人教版 必修一新版语篇串记单词
Welcome Unit Book One
Part 1
At the start of senior high, during registration, a male student was very anxious. When he saw a beautiful female, he tried to act formal. In the lecture on nation and nationality, he daydreamed of being a famous designer. Later, he nervously went to exchange numbers with the girl. She said, "I thought you were going to register as my boyfriend!" The whole campus burst out laughing. What a funny start to senior high!
exchange / / ks t e nd / n.&vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
lecture / lekt (r)/ n.讲座;讲课 vi.(开)讲座
registration / red stre n/ n.登记;注册;挂号
register / red st (r)/ vt.&vi.登记;注册
sex /seks/ n.性别
female / fi:me l/ adj.女(性)的;雌的 n.雌性
male /me l/ adj.男(性)的;雄的 n.雄性
nationality / n n l ti/ n.国籍;民族
nation / ne n/ n.国家;民族;国民
designer /d za n (r)/ n.设计者
design /d za n/ n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计
campus / k mp s/ n.校园;校区
formal / f :ml/ adj.办正式的;正规的
anxious / k s/ adj.焦虑的;不安的
Part 2
After that funny start, the male student tried to concentrate on his senior high school life. But the girl sometimes annoyed him. One day, in an experiment class, he was so concentrated on his work that he didn't notice the girl until she said something. He was a bit frightened. Later, he thought, "What if I just leave her alone " But he also wanted to make a good impression. At last, he decided to be more outgoing and not let these things be too awkward. He was a senior now and wanted to enjoy every moment. And the junior guy inside him was slowly growing up.
annoyed / n d/ adj.恼怒的;生气的
annoy / n / vt.使恼怒;打扰
frightened / fra tnd/ adj.办惊吓的;害怕的
p.m. /pi: em/ abbr.(源自拉丁)下午;午后
a.m. / em/ abbr.(源自拉丁)上午;午前
senior / si:ni (r)/ adj.级别高的 n.较年长的人
senior high school / si:ni (r) ha sku:l/ (美国)高中
at last / t lɑ:st/ 终于;最终
outgoing / a tg / adj.爱交际的;外向的
impression / m pre n/ n.印象;感想
impress / m pres/ vt.使钦佩 vi.留下印象
make an impression /me k n m pre n/ 留下好印象
what if /w t f/ 要是……会怎么样呢?
guy /ga / n.小伙子;男人;家伙
concentrate / k nsntre t/ vi.&vt.集中注意;聚精会神
concentrate on / k nsntre t n/ 集中精力于
experiment / k sper m nt/ n.实验;试验
leave ... alone /li:v l n/ 不打扰;不惊动
awkward / :kw d/ adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
junior / d u:ni (r)/ adj.地位低的 n.职位较低者
Part 3
As he moved forward in senior high school, he started to explore more. He became more confident in himself and his abilities. He made flash cards to take notes and organized his study with a clear strategy. He looked forward to achieving his goals and improving himself. He also made new partners and they would study together. He was curious to learn new things and his personality and style became more distinct. He revised regularly and was determined to do well. In the company of his friends, he continued to grow and develop. He remembered his junior high school days and was glad for how far he had come. He was ready to face the future with confidence.
junior high school / d u:ni (r) ha sku:l/ (美国)初级中学
explore / k spl :(r)/ vt.&vi.搜索;勘探
confident / k nf d nt/ adj.自信的;有把握的
confidence / k nf d ns/ n.信心;信任
forward / f :w d/ adv.向前;前进 adj.向前的
look forward to /l k f :w d t / 盼望;期待
take notes /te k n uts/ 记笔记
flash /fl / n.光;信号 vi.闪耀;闪光
flash card /fl kɑ:d/ 教学卡片;识字卡
organise /' :g na z/ vt.组织;筹备 vi.组建;成立
organisation / :g na 'ze n/ n.组织;团体;机构
goal /g l/ n.目标;球门;射门
strategy / str t d i/ n.策略;策划
partner / pɑ:tn (r)/ n.同伴;配偶;合伙人
improve / m pru:v/ vi.&vt.改进;改善
curious / kj ri s/ adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
company / k mp ni/ n.公司;商行;陪伴
personality / p :s n l ti/ n.性格;个性
style /sta l/ n.方式;作风
revise /r va z/ vt.&vi.修改;修订;复习
________ (n. 登记;注册)
________ (n. 国籍)
________ (v./n. 设计)
________ (adj. 焦虑的)
________ (v. 集中)
________ (n. 印象)
________ (adj. 高年级的;年长的)
________ (adj. 外向的)
________ (n. 信心)
________ (v. 探索)
________ (v. 改善;提高)
________ (v. 组织;安排)
________ (n. 策略)
________ (adj. 好奇的)
________ (v. 复习;修订)
________ (集中精力于......)
________ (期待......)
________ (留下印象)
________ (不打扰......;让......独自待着)
________ (最后;终于)
________ (对......感到好奇)
________ (自我提升)
________ (和某人交换某物)
1. nation n.国家;民族 → ___________ n.国籍;民族 → ___________ adj.国家的;民族的
→ ___________ adj.国际的
2. anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的 → ___________ adv.焦虑地;不安地 → ___________ n.焦虑;不安
3. annoy v.使恼怒;使生气 → ___________ adj.恼怒的;生气的 → ___________ adj.令人恼怒的 → ___________ n.恼怒;生气
4. confident adj.自信的;有自信心的 → ___________ n.信心;信任
5. design v.设计 → ___________ n.设计;设计方案 → ___________ n.设计师
6. register v.登记;注册 → ___________ n.登记簿;注册簿 → ___________ n.登记;注册
7. sex n.性别 → ___________ adj.性的;与性有关的
8. impress v.给……留下深刻印象 → ___________ n.印象;感想
9. explore v.探索;探测 → ___________ n.探险;探索
10. improve v.改进;改善 → ___________ n.改进;改善
When I entered senior high school, the 1. ______ process was truly chaotic and overwhelming. There were students of diverse 2. ______ and different 3. ______ bustling around the campus. A male student, who was extremely 4. ______, was doing his best to 5. ______ on filling the registration forms accurately.
In the first 6. ______ lecture, the teacher delivered a captivating speech about various 7. ______ and their distinct cultures. The detailed descriptions and fascinating stories left a deep 8. ______ on me. I was so inspired that I decided to 9. ______ this field further on my own.
One day, during a challenging 10. ______, a junior female student accidentally 11. ______ a senior guy. At first, he was a bit 12. ______ by the potential confrontation. However, after a moment of hesitation, he chose to leave her 13. ______, thinking, "What if this leads to a big conflict "
Later on, I managed to make many wonderful 14. ______. We utilized flash cards to take notes and 15. ______ our lessons regularly.
A. registration B. exchange C. organization D. revision
A. nationalities B. sexes C. styles D. goals
A. purpose B. sexes C. interests D. games
A. confident B. anxious C. curious D. annoyed
A. concentrate B. depend C. insist D. try
A. formal B. informal C. interesting D. boring
A. nations B. partners C. designs D. companies
A. impression B. choice C. decision D. plan
A. improve B. explore C. revise D. concentrate
A. experiment B. class C. lecture D. game
A. helped B. annoyed C. pleased D. attracted
A. angry B. frightened C. surprised D. sad
A. away B. behind C. alone D. out
A. friends B. partners C. classmates D. enemies
A. revised B. improved C. explored D. concentrated
Welcome Unit 汉语意思
senior high school
at last
make an impression
what if
concentrate on
leave… alone
junior high school
look forward to
take notes
flash card
6 新人教版 必修一