

名称 广东省广州市荔湾区2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-04 20:29:42



1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡第1面和第3面上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写学校、班级、姓名、试室号和座位号,将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡的“条形码粘贴处”。
2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Discover the Wonders of Tide Pools!
Moon Cove's rocky shorelines are filled with colorful marine life waiting to be discovered This is the perfect family-friendly adventure to connect with nature, learn about coastal ecosystems and have fun!
What to expect
·Our experienced marine biologists will lead you through the tide pools, pointing out fascinating creatures and their unique adaptations.
·Get up close and personal with sea stars, anemones, crabs, and more! Learn how to gently handle and observe these amazing animals
·Interactive activities and informative talks about marine conservation and the importance of protecting our oceans.
·Capture (捕捉) the beauty of the tide pools with tips from our pool-side nature photography experts
Event Highlights
·Family-Friendly: Suitable for all ages. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
·Eco-Friendly: Learn how to explore responsibly without disturbing the natural habitat. Fill the tin with ocean water, use your net to collect animals, and gently place them in the tin. When you finish, carefully release the contents of the tin back to the water, close to where they were found.
·Free Souvenirs: Take home educational materials and a special tide pool explorer certificate!
·Choose a calm, shallow area to gather items from the water.
·Choose a dry, non-slippery area for children to walk on.
·Discuss water safety and the dangers of unpredictable ocean waves
·Bring life jackets if necessary.
How to Register
Limited spots available! Reserve your spot today!
Register online at: www.
Call us at: (123) 456-7891
21. What is special about the Moon Cove
A. Family can camp on the shoreline. B. Experts can create a new ecosystem.
C. Tourists can appreciate colourful rocks. D. Children can explore the wildlife there.
22. What can participants do in the tide pool exploration
A. Bring the caught fish home. B. Go on tours led by photographers.
C. Touch small ocean animals. D. Give talks about ocean protection.
23. Which of the following should be done first before the adventure
A. Book the desired spot. B. Release the fish to the pool.
C. Buy life jackets in advance. D. Prepare educational materials
When I was in middle school, my mom confirmed that I was, indeed, a baked good. “Children are like bread,” she explained one night at the kitchen table. “You choose the ingredients when they're young and shape them as the dough rises. But once they're in the oven, it's out of your hands. ”
“You're already in the oven,” she said, “It's all you now.”
Growing up, I was always involved in Mom's baking kitchen, especially on our monthly Baking Days. I would help with party treats. But my most important job was to pay attention and absorb her every word. The kitchen was part of my homeschooling.
“Always roast nuts before adding them to the batter (面糊) .”
“This is how I learned from my grandmother, Natalie.”
“Remember, you're in charge, not the tools.”
Years later, after I moved out for college. Baking Days became rare. But her bread metaphor became a touchstone for me, a reminder of why some habits feel unchangeable. But I also wrestle with her theory, wondering if I can still change and evolve. Have I not fundamentally changed since I was a girl at her elbow, measuring flour “Don't worry,” she once said, “you can always add a little egg wash later.”
Now, at 35, I realized her bread metaphor was about her parenting philosophy. She poured her stories, pain, strength, and joy into me, her only child, folding each piece with care. She gave me the freedom to rise and take shape, trusting her work and letting go.
Tonight, we sit at her kitchen table, drinking tea and eating her homemade cookies. I tell her about my week, the projects I'm working on, the meals I'm creating, the friends I have gathered. She holds a cookie mid-bite, looking at me with pride and admiration. She sees the adult I've become, shaped with the ingredients she lovingly provided.
24. What does the mother mean by saying “You're already in the oven.”
A. You are as hot as a baking bread. B. You are mature enough to fly alone.
C. You are already a baking master. D. You are bound to change yourself
25. Why were the monthly Baking Days meaningful
A. They were a way for the author to learn new recipes.
B. They were a chance for the mother to teach life lessons.
C. They were an occasion for the family to try new desserts.
D. They were the only time the author got to listen to her mother.
26. Which statement shows the mother's metaphor change over time
A. “You can always add a little egg wash later.”
B. “Remember, you're in charge, not the tools.”
C. “This is how I learned from my grandmother.”
D. “Always roast nuts before adding them to the batter.”
27. What is the best title for the passage
A. Kitchen Memories B. The Art of Bread Making
C. The Story of Dough D. Mother's Baking Philosophy
Scientists already knew African gray parrots are particularly clever, with large brains and exceptional problem-solving skills. But they wondered if these birds, separated from great apes by some 300 million years of evolution, also possess advanced social abilities, like helping one another. Corvids, another group of so-called "intelligent" birds that includes crows, have so far failed to demonstrate this ability, according to Desiree Brucks, a Swiss biologist.
“Parrots had not been tested yet,” says Brucks. “So it remained an open question whether or not the ability to help each other actively may have evolved (进化) within birds.” Brucks and his colleague placed many paired combinations of eight African grays into glass enclosures (围栏) , with a hole cut in a dividing wall that allowed the two birds to interact. The scientists then trained the parrots to trade coins to a person through another hole in exchange for nuts.
When one parrot had all the coins, it would assist its coinless partner by gifting some of them through the dividing wall. The parrots tended to give more coins to friends and family, but would also help parrots they had never met. Importantly, the parrots didn't help when their partner was blocked from accessing the experimenter, suggesting they could recognize when their assistance was needed, or even useful.
This behavior, detailed in their study, published this week in the journal Current Biology, is possibly a consequence of evolving in giant, moving groups where an altruistic reputation is important. Katherine Cronin, a zoologist in Chicago, approves the study for ruling out simple playfulness as an explanation for passing the coins. “We can be pretty confident that the African gray parrots are considering the benefits available to their partners,” Cronin says. She points out the research adds to growing evidence of selflessness across the animal kingdom-and reminds us it is not unique to humans.
28. What is the study mainly about
A. The living habits of African gray parrots.
B. The social abilities of African gray parrots.
C. The problem-solving skills of African gray parrots.
D. The comparison between African gray parrots and crows.
29. How did the researchers test the parrots' ability to help each other
A. By setting up the parrots enclosures.
B. By observing parrots work in groups.
C. By creating a situation for parrots to share coins.
D. By assessing the parrots' intelligence separately.
30. What does the underlined word “altruistic” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Selfless. B. Impressive. C. Fearless. D. Professional.
31. Where is this article most likely taken from
A. A nature guidebook. B. A pet care magazine.
C. A scientific journal. D. A bird-watching newsletter.
Scientists are working on new technology that may aid art historians in answering the question: Masterpiece or masterful imitation (仿制品)
Art historians, are often asked to authenticate (鉴定) art with their knowledge of the subject and science and technology. The materials used in the painting are often analyzed and X-rayed. Now, art historians may have another technological tool to help their process. Scientists have developed a new authentication technique that analyzes and sorts out paintings based on a digital analysis of the artist's style.
The digital authentication technique takes scans of art work that have already been authenticated as being from a master artist. From these scans, it creates a statistical model of the artist's work: a baseline. New paintings can be compared to the baseline to find consistencies and inconsistencies in an artist's work. The images of the two paintings reveal what the human eye could not see. When the analysis recognizes this difference, the fakes are found out. In an experiment, the model automatically grouped together the eight authenticated works, separating them from five imitations.
However, some art historians held some different views on the new technique. “It's an interesting idea. But I think a much larger sample of work has to be tested,” said Nadine Oberstein, head of an art museum in New York. If the technology turns out to be accurate, she added, it could be used to add to the expertise of scholars.
Most importantly, Hany Farid, a computer scientist says, “such a method could be used to determine whether more than one person or hand' was involved in creating a painting”. Using his model, Farid studied the faces of six individual characters in the painting Madonna with Child. Three of the faces proved to be statistically similar, while the three other faces were all different. This indicates that at least four hands contributed to the painting. “If further studies prove convincingly that this computer program effectively distinguishes between different artistic hands, it will lead to a whole new era in the study of the workshop practice of artists.” said Farid.
32. Why are scientists developing the new technique
A. To create digital copies of famous paintings.
B. To improve the process of art authentication.
C. To make displays more interactive for visitors.
D. To replace art historians in authenticating works
33. How does the digital authentication technique work
A. By analyzing materials. B. By identifying style patterns.
C. By X-raying a baseline D. By comparing to a statistical model.
34. What is Nadine's attitude towards the new technique
A. Enthusiastic. B. Indifferent. C. Doubtful. D. Optimistic.
35. What can the new technique tell about a painting
A. The painter of the masterpiece.
B. The materials used in the painting.
C. The time period in which the painting was created.
D. The number of painters involved in creating the painting.
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分。)
The hot summer sun has many of us heading outdoors to do summer sports. For some, the warm weather makes us feel like kicking a ball around. 36 Whatever your reasons for doing more sport this summer, make sure you're doing it safely to prevent injuries.
Know your limits
Before following a recipe, you need to check you have all the equipment and ingredients 37 Before getting started, people with health issues should consult a doctor to ensure their fitness for physical activity. Once you do start exercising, it's important to continue to pay attention to your body and its limits.
Ease into it
If you're unfit, you may wish to consider starting with low intensity exercises such as cycling or swimming to get your body used to moving. You should ease yourself into it. If you normally play soccer twice a week and suddenly you increase to five times per week, you are exhausting your muscles and joints. 38
Do strengthening and conditioning exercises
The most important thing for preventing injuries is actually strengthening and doing conditioning exercises. Running marathons is not about just running. You need to have strong muscles to support your joints. 39 You'll need to strengthen your legs and core muscles to allow you to go the distance
40 You can stand on one leg and throw and catch a ball against the wall at home. Standing on one leg will improve your balance and multitasking will improve your coordination (协调性)
A. So, don't just go out and run.
B. Picking up a new sport is no different.
C. Check your muscles and joints regularly.
D. For others, it's a good choice to go for a hike.
E. This can increase your chances of getting injured.
F. This will keep your muscles from getting too tight.
G. Balance and coordination are also very important.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分。)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
In the great Central Valley of California, the spring usually falls in November. But by the end of May, flowery plant is dead and 41 and crisp, as if every plant had been roasted in an oven.
Then the heavily breathing flocks and herds are driven to the 42 , cool, green grasslands of the Sierra. As exploring the untouched beauty had always been my dream, I was longing for the mountains about this time, but money was 43 . While I was 44 thinking about the bread problem, Mr. Delaney, a sheep-owner, for whom I had worked a few weeks, 45 me. And he offered to 46 me to go with his shepherd (牧羊人) .
The flock, he explained, would be 47 gradually higher, stopping for a few weeks at the best places. These I thought would be good centers for 48 from which I might be able to make many 49 trips to learn something of the plants, animals, and rocks.
I judged, however, that I was in no way the right man for the job, and 50 explained my shortcomings. With bears, wolves, and confusing bushes, I 51 that half or more of his flock would be lost.
Fortunately these shortcomings seemed 52 to Mr. Delaney. He assured me that the difficulties would disappear as we went on, 53 me further by saying that the shepherd would do all the herding. Therefore I 54 to go, though still fearing.
A week later, supplies were 55 on two horses, and the flock headed for the hills. With everyone's efforts, our journey began.
41. A. fresh B. dry C. hot D. sweet
42. A. high B. rocky C. huge D. poor
43. A. donated B. abundant C. lost D. tight
44. A. enviously B. calmly C. angrily D. anxiously
45. A. sent for B. wrote to C. called on D. knocked into
46. A. train B. engage C. remind D. appoint
47. A. moved B. walked C. pulled D. trapped
48. A. business B. entertainment C. observation D. communication
49. A. educational B. mysterious C. relaxing D. stressful
50. A. consistently B. easily C. accurately D. freely
51. A. hoped B. dreamed C. confirmed D. feared
52. A. unbelievable B. unexpected C. insignificant D. irregular
53. A. surprising B. encouraging C. disappointing D. challenging
54. A. decided B. regretted C. postponed D. hesitated
55. A. sold B. balanced C. packed D. Stored
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分。)
Hutongs, also known as alleys, are a key feature of Beijing's traditional architecture and culture. Originally built during the Yuan Dynasty, hutongs 56 (design) to provide housing for the city's growing population while also serving as a means of transportation and social interaction. Over the centuries, hutongs have witnessed countless 57 (dynasty) rise and fall, and yet they remain 58 (stand) . They show the toughness of this ancient city.
Today, 59 large number of brand-new shops are added to the vigour of hutongs. Many stylish shops have popped up 60 the busy streets and traditional courtyard houses. In recent years, great contributions have been made to improve the life of people in hutongs. Old buildings have been repaired and upgraded. As a result, the living conditions in hutongs have greatly changed, with 61 (improve) water and electricity supply.
Hutongs have always welcomed modernity as the time has changed. They are not just places for traditional elderly residents but also for the 62 (fashion) young generations. This is a perfect example of Beijing, a dynamic city that 63 (welcome) changes and innovations with open arms while proudly protecting its history and charm. 64 (true) , it's an ancient capital 65 the past meets the future.
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)
第一节 单句填空(共10小题,每空1分,满分10分)
66. Under any circumstances, we cannot ignore the __________ (迫切的) necessity to protect the environment.
67. One night, Mary had to work till late and it was __________ (有雾的) outside when she left the office.
68. The steady __________ (下降) in pollution levels is an evidence to the success of environmental conservation efforts in the area.
69. After a good night's sleep, she woke up feeling __________ (神清气爽的) and ready to face the day ahead.
70. The carnival held __________ (每年) enriches the city with its colorful festivities, diverse performances, and joyful atmosphere, drawing crowds from far and wide.
71. After a long day of hard work, she __________ (下沉) back into her seat, exhausted, but with a sense of satisfaction.
72. Developing students' critical thinking ability can help them deal with problems in __________ (复杂的) situation.
73. We encourage all students to work at their own __________ (步伐、节奏) .
74. He has a remarkable __________ (能力) for learning new languages, mastering three in just a year.
75. The person __________ (鼓掌) for others is cheering for one's own life too.
第二节 应用文写作(共1题,满分15分)
假定你是李华,你的英国网友Peter准备带领小组参加三分钟的“The Beauty of Nature”Vlog 视频展示,他来信向你请教,请给他回信,内容包括:
1. 提出建议并说明理由;
2. 表达祝愿。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter, Yours Sincerely Li Hua
第三节 读后续写(共1题,满分25分)
My brother Cody and I were in the back seat playing the guessing game I Spy when the rainstorm started. Fat drops of rain, like a million tiny water balloons, landed on our car, making it hard to keep the view clear.
“I spy something wet,” I said.
“Not fair,” said Cody, “Everything looks wet.”
He was right. In the hour since we'd left Grandma's house to return to our house, the weather had gotten worse. The highway was slippery.
“I meant Mom's raincoat,” I told Cody. We continued our game. Cody's turn came. “I spy something green,” Cody said. In the meantime, Dad expressed his concerns about the worsening visibility to Mom. The forecast had mentioned rain showers, but this seemed more severe. On either side of the highway, deep ditches (沟渠) were filing with water. As the car slipped on the wet pools, I noticed Dad's hands were tight on the steering wheel, his knuckles raised like bony mountains.
“Guess,” Cody insisted. “The green highway sign ” I guessed, although it was hard to read it. Wet rain blocked most of the letters. I looked around. “The green hat on the girl in the car behind us ” “Yes!” Cody laughed. “Your turn.”
At that moment, our car swerved (打滑) toward a ditch. Dad managed to straighten the wheel and stay on the road. My heart pounded like I was in a race. Other cars had also swerved toward the ditch. If we went down, how would we ever get out
Nobody talked. Cody and I stopped playing I Spy. Dad said we needed to get off and wait out this storm. Mom added, “Maybe we can find a place to have a rest.” But we can hardly see the road, let alone an exit.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, I saw a red, flashing light in the distance. “Over there!” I shouted when we finally reached the restaurant.