

名称 河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)
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文件大小 106.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-05 10:27:48


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What time will the man see Dr.Lin
A.At 2:00 pm. B.At 3:00 pm. C.At 4:00 pm.
2.What does the woman agree to do
A.Take a train. B.Change the seats. C.Sit next to her mom.
3. How many bags does the woman take along
A.Two. B.Three. C.Five.
4.What does the man mean
A.The major is unfit for him. B. He is unwilling to take a test. C.He wants to be a news reporter.
5.What makes the man feel unhappy
A.His lonely life. B.His friend's refusal. C.His parents' overprotection.
6. How much should the man pay in total
A.$3. B.$6. C.$15.
7.Where does the conversation take place
A. In a supermarket. B.In a post office. C.In a bookstore.
8.What is the man
A.A taxi driver. B. A businessman. C.A tour guide.
9.Where is the woman going
A.To the airport. B.To the bus station. C.To the railway station.
10.What will the woman do
A.See a friend off. B.Pick someone up. C.Go on a business trip.
11.What does Nick think of Dave Burton
A.He is professional. B.He is responsible. C.He is impolite.
12.What is Nick probably going to do next
A.Give a report. B.Fill in a form. C.Send a form.
13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Brother and sister. C.Teacher and student.
14.Why did the woman hardly recognize the man
A.He's taller than before.
B.He's slimmer than before.
C.He has changed the color of his hair.
15.When did the man move to San Antonio
A.Two years ago. B.Eight years ago. C.Ten years ago.
16.Where does the woman live now
A.In Houston. B.In San Antonio. C.In New York.
17. What is the hard thing to run a school garden according to the speaker
A.Raising money.
B.Finding creative ways.
C.Seeking support from parents.
18. Who manages the elementary school's large garden
A.Ron Finley. B.Susan Hobart. C.Toby Adams.
19. What does Toby Adams say about school gardening
A.It helps students learn various subjects.
B.It offers teachers a different experience.
C. It helps calm students.
20.What is the purpose of Ron Finley Project
A.To make extra money.
B.To promote a relaxing hobby.
C.To change the culture around food.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Anyone who has seen a waterfall up close will agree that their majesty(壮观)is almost indescribable. These are the four falls on the planet, each of which is wonderful in its own way.
Niagara Falls
At 3,950 feet wide, Niagara Falls is far from the largest waterfall around, but it is the falls with the largest volume of water traveling through it and is undoubtedly the best known
waterfall on the planet, It receives somewhere between 14 and 20 million visitors annually. It has three separate parts: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Horseshoe, or Canadian Falls.
Chutes Kongou
Also known as Kongou Falls, Chutes Kongou measures 10,500 feet wide,making it the world's third largest existing waterfall. It's part of the Ivindo River in Gabon,and is roughly185 feet tall. Among the most powerful waterfalls in the world, roughly 31,800 cubic feet of water flow down it each second. It is located within the Ivindo National Park,which was setup to protect the biodiversity of the Ivindo River.
Salto Para
Salto Para, or Para Falls, is an 18,400-foot wide waterfall on the Rio Caura in the Bolivar region of Venezuela. These half-moon-shaped falls are formed where two parts of the river come together and drop down almost 200 feet, each side of which is a green jungle island.
Chutes de Khone
Chutes de Khone-also known as Khone Falls-is the largest waterfall in the world. At 35,376 feet wide, it's almost twice the width of its next largest competitor. The falls are part of the Mekong River in Laos, and occur where the river divides into seven large channels and many more smaller ones. It's made up of several different rapids and falls, pouring down from a height of 69 feet.
21.What is special about Niagara Falls
A. It is the most famous waterfall. B.It is next to a green jungle island.
C. It is made up of four separate parts. D. It is a half-moon-shaped waterfall.
22.Where is Chutes Kongou
A.In Laos. B.In Canada. C.In Gabon. D.In Venezuela.
23.Which is the largest waterfall in the world according to the text
A.Salto Para. B.Chutes de Khone.
C.Chutes Kongou. D.Niagara Falls.
It was a typical weekend for Mitch White and his friends. They were out celebrating a bachelor party, sailing the peaceful waters of the Minnesota River. They never expected that this single party would transform from a relaxed canoe trip into a painful rescue mission. With the sun setting, an unexpected bark changed everything.
Led by Mitch White, the soon-to-be-married man, they searched for the source of the sound along the banks of the river. Suddenly, a weak cry for help came from the mud. They were surprised to find that the head of a 13-year-old St. Bernard named Ed was barely visible in the thick mud. Mitch said, “The dog wasn't moving on its own, so we should feed it and give it water. ” The dog looked like i had used all its strength.
The men took up their oars(桨) and began digging, their festive mood giving way to a focused rescue mission. It took them more than half an hour to free the trapped dog as it was already breathing very feebly after possibly being trapped for 24 hours. When they got the poor fellow out of the mud, he couldn't walk, so they carried him back to the house. Back home with his owner, George Niskanen, Ed began his slow restoration-a happy ending to a dangerous adventure. George was thankful to the bachelor party heroes.
Now, the people of Carver, Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for. Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party. It became a heroic tale of humanity, friendship, and the instinct(本能)to do what's right.
24. What can we know from the first two paragraphs
A.A baby's cry came from the Minnesota River.
B.Mitch White was about to end his single life soon.
C.A dog named Ed ran into Mitch White and his friends' party.
D. Mitch White and his friends planned to watch the sunrise by the river.
25. What does the underlined word “feebly” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Excitedly. B.Smoothly. C.Quietly. D.Weakly.
26.What do the locals think of Mitch White and his friends
A.Ambitious. B.Creative. C.Courageous. D.Independent.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. An Unexpected Rescue at a Bachelor Party
B.The Story Between St. Bernard and Its Owner
C.A Heart-Stopping Competition on the Minnesota River
D.The Weekend Activities for Mitch White and His Friends
If you're thinking about growing apples, now is the time to test different kinds and talk with local growers. This advice comes from gardening writer Lee Reich. His books include The Pruning(修剪)Book and Weedless Gardening. Reich grows an apple called Hudson's Golden Gem, and he does so for one reason-the taste. He says the fruit's wonderful taste makes it truly special.
When you buy apples at the store, your choice is limited to the 12 or more kinds available for sale. Gardeners, however, have more choices. They can plant any of more than 5,000different kinds of apples.
Gardeners can also harvest their apples just as each kind reaches its moment of perfection.Reich says his Macoun apples taste much better than any Macoun apples found in stores. One reason is that his can be left to ripen until they nearly fall off the tree.
Here are some other flavorful apples to plant. The Ashmead's Kernel apple was first grown more than 200 years ago in a garden belonging to Dr. Ashmead in Gloucester,England.The apple has a reddish, golden brown color. Inside, it has tasty, sharp flesh. Cox's Orange Pippin is another old apple from England. It was first grown by Richard Cox in 1825. This apple's orange and red color makes it unpopular in the American market. But it is loved for its strong taste. Ellison's Orange is another British apple that came from Lincolnshire in 1911. It is a late summer or early autumn apple, golden yellow with stripes,with juicy flesh.
Before you run out to buy trees to grow the kinds you love to eat, Reich does have a warning: Apples are not easy to grow in many parts of the country. The plants require yearly pruning and insect control. But if you're willing to learn how to keep the unwanted insects away,a few kinds of trees chosen for their taste will give you years of good eating.
28.What can we infer about Lee Reich
A.He is a teacher. B. He loves planting.
C.He grows a very rare kind of flower. D.His books are about how to sell trees.
29.Why are Reich's Macoun apples tastier than those in the store
A.They are naturally ripe. B.They are planted in the garden. C.They have been picked out carefully. D.They are genetically modified products.
30. How many types of apples are mentioned in the text
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
31.What do you need to do in planting apple trees according to the last paragraph
A.Water enough. B.Read many relative books.
C.Pay attention to light and nutrition. D.Prune the trees and remove insects.
A major meeting of computer hackers(黑客)planned for this summer is to include an event that will test the limits of artificial intelligence(AI) tools. The event, in August, will be held as part of the yearly DEF CON hacker meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Organizers say the meeting provides a chance for hackers to hear from leading industry officials about the latest developments n computer security. It also includes hacking competitions.
This year, several major AI developers will take part in DEF CON. Among them will be OpenAI, which launched its latest AI model, ChatGPT-4,in March.
Recently released AI tools are built by feeding huge amounts of information into machine learning computer systems. The data trains the AI systems to develop complex skills and produce human-like results.
Experts have warned that such systems may bring major changes to many different jobs and industries. It affects everyone from managers to workers to housewives. They also fear the tools,known as “chatbots”, could greatly increase the amount of misinformation in the news media and on social media.
Chowdhury, an organizer of the hacking event, says the results of the event can provide helpful information to companies looking at ways to safely use the fast-developing AI systems.She notes that the hackers' work will not end after the gathering. They will spend months afterward creating reports on their findings and identifying specific system vulnerabilities(漏洞).
Jack Clark is the co-founder of AI developer Anthropic. He says he hopes the DEF CON event will lead to deeper commitments from AI developers to measure and test the safety of their systems. For this to happen, though, AI systems will need to be examined by third parties both before and after deployment(部署).“We need to get practice at figuring out how to do this. It hasn't really been done before,” he says.
32.What can hackers learn from this meeting
A.The rules of AI tool competitions.
B.The application of model ChatGPT-4.
C. The future of hackers in the computer field.
D. The latest developments in computer security.
33.What does the underlined word “They” in paragraph 4 refer to
A.Experts. B.Managers. C.Workers. D.Housewives.
34. Which of the following statements does Chowdhury agree with
A. The current network system is approaching perfection.
B.The activity of improving network security will not stop.
C.The reports accelerate the development of AI.
D. AI systems need to be inspected by the third parties.
35.What do Jack Clark's words imply
A. AI users must test the security of computer systems.
B. AI developers may overlook the shortcomings of their own products.
C.AI systems develop complex skills and produce results similar to those of humans.
D. The DEF CON event will encourage companies to develop new products.
Writing a poem is about observing the world within or around you. 36 ·from lave to loss to the gate at the old farm. Writing poetry seems difficult. However,with the right approach, you can write a poem that you can be proud to share with others.
Pick a specific theme or idea. This can make it easier for you to narrow down what images and descriptions you are going to use in your poem. For example, you may decide to write a poem around the theme of love and friendship. 37 .
Avoid cliche(陈词滥调). Your poetry will be much stronger if you avoid cliches,which are phrases that have become so familiar that they have lost their meaning. 38 . By doing so, your reader is surprised and attracted by your writing. If you feel a certain phrase or image is too familiar to your reader, replace it with a more unique one.
39 .Poetry is made to be read out loud. So you should write your poem with a focus on how it sounds on the page. Pay attention to the structure of your poem and your word choice. Notice how each line of your poem flows into one another and how placing one word next to another creates a certain sound.
Get feedback(反馈)from others. You can also share your poem with other poets to get feedback from them and improve your poem. 40 ,where you discuss your poems with other poets and work on your poetry together. Or you may take a poetry writing class, where you work with an instructor and other poets to improve your writing.
A.Write for the ear
B.Do writing exercises
C.A poem can be about anything
D. You may join a poetry writing group
E.Go for creative descriptions and images in your poem
F.Strong emotional moments make for beautiful and interesting poems
G. Then you may think about the moments where you experienced them
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In a heartwarming turn of events, a two-year-old girl who had gone lost in Newberry County was found safe and sound after a careful search. The young child had last been 41 at about 3:00 pm, lying beside her mother, but was reported 42 later in the day.
What followed was a remarkable chain of events that led to her safe 43 .
Around 6:00 pm, the situation took a hopeful turn when a deer 44 in the area heard the cries of the lost child. 45 quickly, the hunter 46 an emergency call to the Newberry County 911, reporting the child's 47 .
Newberry County 911 operators sprang into action, 48 advanced mapping technology to 49 locate the coordinates(坐标)provided by the hunter. This 50 information was then immediately sent to a South Carolina Law Enforcement Division(SLED) helicopter and the county's devoted first responders, who were already on their way.
With the location data 51 , a search team was quickly sent to the 52 area,situated nearly a mile away from the child's home. The hunter and the two-year-old were found,safe and 53 ,in the dense forest. The 54 of these responders finally led to a heartwarming 55
41.A.recognized B.seen C.checked D.saved
42.A.safe B.dead C.missing D.sick
43.A.rescue B.arrival C.journey D.departure
44.A.lover B.raiser C.protector D.hunter
45.A.Leaving B.Adapting C.Reacting D.Writing
46.A.placed B. forgot C.answered D.presented
47.A.progress B.location C.need D.identity
48.A.introducing B. providing C.developing D.using
49.A.creatively B.mostly C.accurately D.likely
50.A.useless B. crucial C.wrong D.cheap
51.A.in hand B.in return C.in secret D.in order
52.A.parking B.crowded C.playing D.wooded
53.A.uneducated B.bored C.unharmed D.confused
54.A.purposes B. efforts C.words D.stories
55.A.gift B.movie C.tradition D.reunion
Recently,Ma Xiaohui,a famous Chinese erhu 56 (perform) and composer with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, held 57 erhu concert with the theme of“Erhu Holding Hands with the World, New Music Trend, New Cultural Tour” in the Delegates' Room at the UN headquarters in New York City.
Attendees from different backgrounds and participants in the World Madam Global Awards Ceremony were 58 (deep) moved by the unique charm of traditional Chinese musical instruments 59 (display) during the concert.
The concert began 60 the song “Woman Flower”. In the first movement,“Seven Colors of Erhu,Walking with Beauty, Colorful Silk Road,” melodies from Chinese and Western songs created an “ink painting” of the Silk Road.
In the next three 61 (movement), a classical repertoire(曲目)including“Butterfly Lovers", “Thoughts on a Silent Night” 62 “The Spirit of My Erhu” attracted the audience. Next 63 (come) the theme song from the movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, 64 beautifully celebrated the classic dialogue between erhu and cello(大提琴).
“This beautiful and 65 (inspire) concert wonderfully mixed classical,Chinese,and cross-cultural themes. It was a feast for the ears and souls,” multimedia artist Ranjit Bhatnagar said.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:交响乐团 symphony orchestra
The Student Union
With a wave of the wooden stick in my hand, the buffaloes(水牛)moved forward. I guided them along the road's edge, through the heart of the village. We walked past homes and villagers bending over to tend to their crops. We eyed the green fields, where the buffaloes could eat grass. This was the life in a small village. We had little, but I had a big dream.
Up ahead laughter drew my attention. A group of students came into view. Their uniforms contrasted sharply with my faded trousers and worn-out shoes. I held my stick tightly,stepped forward and asked, “Could you show me your books ”
The students looked from my face to my stick. They quickly opened their bags and showed me their books. Illustrations of people and places stimulated my imagination.“Someday,I'll go to school, too,” I declared,returning their books. They looked at each other with a taunting(嘲弄的)smile and left me to my buffaloes.
Months passed. Every day I rose to my housework and buffaloes. Until, one day I got my chance. Uncle Peter came to visit. He and my father sat outside, talking.
Finally,Uncle Peter convinced my father that I should go to school. The following week,I went to primary school. Armed with my own books, I set out to learn everything. I read textbooks, asked questions, and even read newspapers and magazines for my father and his friends. By the end of the year, I proved to be one of the best students in the school.
When I was in middle school, I told my classmates I wanted to study literature at University of Karachi, a big city over 150 kilometers away. Everyone laughed and made jokes.
I turned to writing prose(散文)and poetry as an outlet for my emotions and creativity.The challenges life set before me didn't discourage me; rather, they became stepping stones toward realizing my dream to be a writer.
The day of going to university was approaching, but my father couldn't afford my further education. .
Now, when I reflect on the laughter and doubtful looks from others, their opinions hold no weight. .
(Text 1)
W:Hello,Dr.Lin's office. How can I help you
M:Hello,this is Tom Harris speaking. I need to make an appointment to see Dr.Lin.
W:How about 2:00 this afternoon
M:Good, but can you tell me how to get to your office
(Text 2)
M:Excuse me, madam. Would you mind switching seats with me I'd like to sit next to my mom. It's the first time she takes a train. And my seat number is 15B.
W:No problem.
(Text 3)
M:Do you only have two bags, madam
W:No,I have three more in the car.
M:OK. Let me take all of your bags to your room.
(Text 4)
W:Jerry,you've got a chance to go to college without taking a test, right
M:Ah, yes, the news goes so fast. But I haven't decided yet.
W:Don't hesitate. That's a very famous university.
M: Maybe. But the major is not fit for me.
(Text 5)
M:I'm tired of everything in my life.
W:Why How happy your life is! I do envy you sometimes.
M:I have been overprotected by my parents these years. I really need to live independently.
(Text 6)
W:Good afternoon,sir. What can I do for you
M:Good afternoon. I want to buy some postcards.
W:We have three different types of postcards: $1, $2 and $5. Which type do you prefer
M:Can I take a look at these, please
W:Of course,sir.
M:Are these postcards $2 each I need three.
M:Oh, wait a minute,please. Are these $5 each
W:Yes.Do you want to change them to this type
M:Oh yes. Can I mail these postcards to my friends from this post office
(Text 7)
M:Good morning, ma'am. Get in, please. Where's your destination
W:Please drive me to the railway station.
M:OK,ma'am. We'll arrive there within 10 minutes.
W:How exactly do you calculate the fare
M:The first 3 kilometers are $10, and each additional kilometer is $ 2.
W:OK,I see.
M: Do you go to travel Or do you go for a business trip
W:Neither. I'm going to collect an important client.
(Text 8)
M:Hi, Vivian, do you have time to talk
W:Yes,Nick. What's up
M:Before I begin, I want you to know that I'm not here to complain. I'm here to ask for your help.
W:OK,what is it about
M: It's Dave. He has had bad behavior when working with the team.
W:Dave Burton
M:Yes. He's good at his job. But some of the things he did brought negative effects to the office.
W:Really Can you be more specific
M: Last week, Anne didn't agree to his proposal in a meeting. So he spoke to her so rudely and irresponsibly.It was very unprofessional and affected other people.
W:Have you talked with him about this
M:Yes, but it seemed my efforts were in vain.
W:OK. Fill in this form to report. Then I'll send it to Human Resources.
(Text 9)
M:Hey, Cindy! It's me, Douglas. We were classmates in high school.
W:Oh,Douglas! Fancy meeting you here. You look very different now. I almost didn't recognize you.
M:No wonder. I was pretty fat. I've lost a lot of weight, since I'm into sports now. I wish I had been more involved in the sports clubs in high school.
W:That's true. We had some fun times in high school.
M:I'm with you on that. Remember Mr. Robinson's chemistry class that I had that funny accident
W:You mean that explosion in the experiment
W:Luckily, no one got hurt. Well, you didn't show up at our 10-year high school reunion, so I haven't heard from you since graduation.
M:Unfortunately,I wasn't able to make it to the reunion.
W:I see. Did you know that Nancy married Tom 2 years ago
M:That's great.
W:Do you still live in Houston now
M: No, I moved to San Antonio 8 years ago. What about you
W:I still live here in New York.
(Text 10)
W:School gardening has become very popular recently, with parents and teachers saying its hands-on lessons can be used to teach many subjects. Finding the money to keep a school garden going can be tough. Some experts and teachers, however, are finding creative ways to make it work.
Susan Hobart is a retired elementary school teacher. She manages the school's large garden with 12 raised beds. She said that the gardens help calm the kids and give them a whole different perspective they wouldn't have just sitting at desks.
Toby Adams directs the New York Botanical Garden's Edible Academy, where schoolchildren learn about growing food. He said that school gardens can teach lessons in health, science,social studies and even arts classes. “For schools without space for even a small garden, turning to local botanical gardens and parks can sometimes be the answer,” Adams said.
Ron Finley supports teaching city kids about seeds and growing. His non-profit Ron Finley Project aims to“change the culture around food". Finley remembered being amazed as a boy when he witnessed how“a seed destroys itself to become food”.“Having a garden in a school is just as important as any other education,”Finley said. Finley used the term reverence, or honor or respect that is shown, when talking about gardening. “If kids respect soil, they'll respect themselves and this planet... Gardening is not a hobby but a life skill. I see this as one of the most valuable lessons of humanity,”Finley said.
1~5 ABCAC 6~10 CBACB 11~15 CBABB 16~20 CABAC
21.A 细节理解题。根据Niagara Falls 部分“Niagara Falls...is undoubtedly the best known waterfall on the planet.”可知,Niagara Falls是最有名的瀑布。
22.C 细节理解题。根据Chutes Kongou部分“It's part of the Ivindo River in Gabon...”可知,Chutes Kongou位于加蓬。
23.B 细节理解题。根据Chutes de Khone 部分“Chutes de Khone——also known as Khone Falls——is the largest waterfall in the world.”可知,Chutes de Khone是世界上最大的瀑布。
24.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Led by Mitch White,the soon-to-be-married man...”可知,Mitch不久后就要结婚了。
25.D 词义猜测题。根据第二段“Suddenly,a weak cry for help came from the mud.”及画线词后“after possibly being trapped for 24 hours.”可推断,这只狗被困24小时以上,它的气息已经很微弱了。故画线词与Weakly意思接近。
26.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Now,the people of Carver,Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for.Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party.”可推断,当地人觉得Mitch White和他的朋友们是非常勇敢的。
27.A 标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了Mitch White和他的朋友们在开单身派对时救了一只被困的圣伯纳犬,并被人们称赞的故事。
28.B 推理判断题。根据第一段“This advice comes from gardening writer Lee Reich. His books include The Pruning(修剪)Book and Weedless Gardening. Reich grows an apple called Hudson's Golden Gem, and he does so for one reason-the taste. He says the fruit's wonderful taste makes it truly special.”及下文对 Reich种植苹果的一些介绍可推断,Reich喜欢种植。
29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段“One reason is that his can be left to ripen until they nearly fall off the tree.”可知,Reich的苹果比商店里的好吃是因为他等苹果熟透后才采摘,甚至让苹果自己掉下来。
30.C 细节理解题。根据第一、三、四段的内容可知,文中提到的苹果种类有:Hudson's Golden Gem、Macoun、The Ashmead's Kernel,Cox's Orange Pippin 和 Ellison's Orange 五种。
31.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段“The plants require yearly pruning and insect control.”可知,在种植苹果树时要注意修剪和除虫。
32.D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Organizers say the meeting provides a chance for hackers to hear from leading industry officials about the latest developments in computer security.”可知,这次会议为黑客们提供了一个机会,他们能够听取业界主要官员对计算机安全最新发展的看法。
33.A 代词指代题。根据画线词前句意:专家警告说,这样的系统可能会给许多不同的工作和行业带来重大变化。它影响着从管理者到劳动者到家庭主妇的每一个人。画线词所在句意:他们还担心,这些被称为“聊天机器人”的工具可能会大大增加新闻媒体和社交媒体上的错误信息数量。故此处的“他们”指的是“Experts”。
34.B 细节理解题。根据第五段“She notes that the hackers' work will not end after the gathering.”可知,Chowdhury指出网络安全工作不会在会议后结束。
35.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“...AI developers to measure and test the safety of their systems. For this to happen, though, AI systems will need to be examined by third parties both before and after deployment(部署).”可推断,人工智能开发者在测试过程中可能会忽略系统中的漏洞,需要请第三方机构进行检测和测试。
36.C 根据空前“Writing a poem is about observing the world within or around you.”及空后“from love to loss to the gate at the old farm.”可知,C项“一首诗可以是关于任何事情的”符合。
37.G 根据空前“For example,you may decide to write a poem around the theme of love and friendship.”可知,G项“然后你可能会想起你经历过的那些时刻”符合。
38.E 根据空前“Your poetry will be much stronger if you avoid cliches, which are phrases that have become so familiar that they have lost their meaning.”及空后“By doing so,your reader is surprised and attracted by your writing.”可知,E项“在你的诗中使用创造性的描述和形象”符合。
39.A 根据空后“Poetry is made to be read out loud. So you should write your poem with a focus on how it sounds on the page.”可知,A项“写的诗歌要悦耳”适合作本段的主题句。
40.D 根据空前“You can also share your poem with other poets to get feedback from them and improve your poem.”及空后“where you discuss your poems with other poets and work on your poetry together.”可知,D项“你可以加入一个诗歌写作小组”符合。
41.B 这个小女孩最后一次被看到(seen)是在下午3点左右,躺在她母亲身边,但当天晚些时候就被报告失踪了(missing)。
42.C 见上题解析。
43.A 随后发生的一系列事件使她安全获救(rescue)。
44.D 下午6点左右,当该地区的一名猎鹿人(hunter)听到失踪孩子的哭声时,情况出现了转机。
45.C 猎人反应(Reacting)迅速,拨打了(placed)纽伯里县911报警电话,报告了孩子的位置(location)。
46.A 见上题解析。
47.B 见第45题解析。
48.D 纽伯里县911接线员立即采取行动,使用(using)先进的测绘技术精确(accurately)定位猎人提供的坐标。
49.C 见上题解析。
50.B 这一重要(crucial)信息随后被立即发送给南卡罗来纳州执法部门的直升机和该县的救援人员。
51.A 有了(in hand)位置数据,一个搜索小组很快被派往距离孩子家近一英里的森林(wooded)地区。
52.D 见上题解析。
53.C 猎人和两岁孩子在茂密的森林中被发现,两人安然无恙(unharmed)。
54.B 这些救援人员的努力(efforts)最终促成了一次温馨的团聚(reunion)。
55.D 见上题解析。
56.performer 57.an 58.deeply 59.displayed 60.with 61.movements
62.and 63.came 64.which 65. inspiring/inspirational
One possible version:
In order to enrich the campus life of us students, our school has invited a symphony orchestra to hold a concert at the school's Concert Hall from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm next Sunday.
During the concert, you will definitely enjoy the wonderful performances of musicians, which can not only help you release the pressure of studying, but also cultivate your passion for music. Please arrive ten minutes earlier. When enjoying the music, be sure not to make noise.
Looking forward to your active participation.
The Student Union
One possible version:
The day of going to university was approaching, but my father couldn't afford my further education.I was not discouraged and decided to find a part-time job to fund my education. This was where my love of reading newspapers and magazines came into play. I tried my luck with a leading daily newspaper and succeeded in finding my employment. Through this job, I made enough money to cover my tuition. And the most wonderful milestone of all was that I did make it to University of Karachi where I gained a degree in literature and had my first book published.
Now,when I reflect on the laughter and doubtful looks from others, their opinions hold no weight.What truly matters is that I nurtured the dreams ignited by those books and persevered. Just as I guided the buffaloes with my wooden stick, I navigated through challenges and hardships, steering my life course. I've proven that with a little luck, a willingness to work and kind mentors, dreams can come true. Life may not always be easy, but it's important to never stop dreaming.写作评分细则
第一节(满分 15 分)
1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。
3.词数少于 60 或多于 100 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
第五档(13~15 分)
第四档(10~12 分)
——虽漏掉 1~2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。
第三档(7~9 分)
第二档(4~6 分)
第一档(1~3 分)
0 分
第二节(满分 25 分)
1.本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。
3.词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分;只写一段的原则上不超过 10 分。
第五档(21~25 分)
第四档(16~20 分)
第三档(11~15 分)
第二档(6~10 分)
第一档(1~5 分)
0 分