

名称 河南省驻马店市新蔡县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月月考英语试题(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-05 18:06:05



The protesters who had gathered on a lawn in Rome’s central Piazz a Venezia came from neighborhoods all around the capital, but they had one concern in common: saving the towering umbrella pine trees that for centuries have decorated the city’s skyline but are disappearing in alarming numbers.
Celebrated in music and art, and admired by the ancient Romans, the trees are as much a part of the city’s identity as its human-made landmarks. “They are in the hearts, photographs and memories of everyone,” said Jacopa Stinchelli, who is helping lead the defense of the pines, which in recent years have taken a turn for the worse.
An attack by an invasive pest, which sneaked into Italy about a decade ago, has killed many trees. In the eyes of some Romans, however, it’s not just the bugs that are to blame but also a city government that has struggled to deliver basic services.
Critics say that the pines have been subjected to indiscriminate removal, with trees that could still have been saved. They claim that during the past two years at least 4,000 potentially curable trees have been chopped down. While it’s hard to lay responsibility on Rome’s municipal government for the invasion of pests, critics say the city could be doing more to preserve the pines.
The primary method to counter the pest in urban areas involves injecting a special insecticide into the tree to kill the female population. But the current costly and high-maintenance approach “can’t be a permanent solution,” said Pio Federico Roversi, the director of a national research center for plant protection. “We’d better introduce natural predators—animals that kill and eat the pests, which doesn’t pose a risk for the Italian environment,” Mr. Roversi said.
Sabrina Alfonsi, the member of Rome’s City Council, said in an interview that the city had set aside 100 million euros, or $110 million, to care for the city’s green spaces. All infected pines had been treated, she added, the city has begun monitoring all its 350,000 trees of various species.
No solution is likely to eliminate the pest problem entirely, Mr. Roversi said, but it could become manageable “so that the plants no longer suffer.”
21.What can we learn about the umbrella pines in recent years
A.The distribution is hugely uneven.
B.They have faded out of Roman mind.
C.The number has dropped dramatically.
D.They are used to celebrate special occasions.
22.What should the government do according to the critics
A.Remove the bugs as soon as possible.
B.Make efforts to defend curable pines.
C.Chop down the trees destroyed by pests.
D.Take responsibility for the invasion of pests.
23.How might the pest problem be better handled
A.By using natural enemies.
B.By spraying chemical pesticides.
C.By replanting pines resistant to pests.
D.By establishing a nature reserve for pines.
24.What’s the attitude of Roversi to the government’s latest response
A.Indifferent. B.Skeptical. C.Discontented. D.Approving.
Andrew McCarthy-stars roles in era-defining movies such as Pretty in Pink, St. Elmo’s Fire and Less Than Zero. But he is also an award-winning travel writer whose books include The Longest Way Home (2012) and Walking With Sam (2021). In the new book, he looks back on an epic adventure, where he walked 500 miles across Spain’s Camino de Santiago with his 19-year-old son, Sam.
McCarthy had hoped the trip would be a way to re-examine their evolving relationship, as Sam was just stepping into his own manhood. “I wanted to get to know my son. Not just in the parent-child, dominant-submissive or unruly roles, but as adults, as equals, as peers (同龄人),” he said. “The Camino gave me the greatest luxury you have with adult children—which is time.” For McCarthy it was a chance to spend time with Sam, and perhaps avoid repeating the history he had with his own father. “My relationship with my dad ended pretty much when I left home at 17 years old, and I didn’t want that happen with my kids,” MeCarthy said.
The book’s structure follows the path of the Camino, with a chapter per day over the course.
It creates a pleasant rhythm of the trail. It also establishes a gradual sense of community and friendship among the other walkers they encounter, and paints a clear picture of McCarthy as somebody extremely in touch with his feelings.
Sometimes physical togetherness and shared experiences are the most you can ask for in a relationship, and there are lovely examples of both here. In one scene McCarthy realizes Sam is suffering from a sugar crash, and offers him a protein bar he’s been saving for just such a moment. “I reach out and rub his shoulder,” McCarthy writes.“He nods softly, gratefully. We sit together as thousands upon thousands of dandelion puffs (蒲公英) float in the air like dancing diamonds.” Walking with Sam captures this encouraging and hopeful expedition as the pair walk across the country and towards one another.
25.What do we know about Walking With Sam according to paragraph 1
A.A fantasy novel. B.A travel memoir.
C.A prize-winning diary entry. D.An era-defining movie.
26.Why did McCarthy start the adventure
A.To honor his father. B.To help his son fly the nest.
C.To bond with his son. D.To seek for writing inspiration.
27.McCarthy develops Walking with Sam by ______.
A.Comparison and contrast B.Cause and effect
C.Facts and opinions D.Sequence of events
28.What does the author think of Walking With Sam
A.Plain but functional. B.Inspiring and touching.
C.Brief but informative. D.Humorous and straightforward.
Washington, DC is a theatre town. Here’s where you can get the best performances and cultural experiences offered for every taste in the nation’s capital.
Kennedy Center
Kennedy Center hosts hundreds of world-class performances each year and is home to the National Symphony Orchestra and the Washington National Opera. The Suzanne Farrell Ballet also counts Kennedy Center as its performance headquarters. The company—under the direction of Farrell—was first invited to perform there in 1993 and has since become one of the venue’s most famous attractions.Woolly Mammoth Company
Woolly Mammoth Company is an experimental theatre that welcomes original plays that push the boundaries of live theatre. The New York Times has called it “Washington’s most daring theatre company”, and the half dozen plays Woolly produces each year continue to live up to that reputation.
Shakespeare Theatre Company
For more than 25 years, Shakespeare Theatre Company has committed itself to serving as the nation’s classical theatre. It operates out of two spaces, including Sidney Harman Hall at the Harman Center, which seats 775, and the Lansburgh Theatre, which seats 451. The shiny, glass-walled Harman Center showcases classic Shakespeare plays, modern updates and Shakespeare-inspired original shows.
Wolf Trap
For locals, summer isn’t complete without at least one trip to Wolf Trap, the only national park dedicated to the performing arts. The venue is best-known for performances of touring artists. The open-air theatre offers covered seating, but when the weather warms up, we suggest buying seats on the grassland and packing a picnic.
29.When did the Suzanne Farrell Ballet first perform at Kennedy Center
A.In 1993. B.In 1998. C.In 2000. D.In 2003.
30.Which of the following is known for experimental plays
A.The Harman Center. B.Woolly Mammoth Company.
C.The Lansburgh Theatre. D.Shakespeare Theatre Company.
31.What sets Wolf Trap apart from other theatres
A.Its covered seating. B.Its Shakespeare plays.
C.Its selected directors. D.Its open-air atmosphere.
Steager is an engineer at the University of Pennsylvania. His colleague Hyun Koo is an inventor and dental researcher there. Together, they found a way to form the nanoparticles (纳米颗粒) into long, skinny bristles (鬃毛), a lot like the ones on a toothbrush. But these bristles shape-shift to fit whatever surface they encounter. They can even squeeze between teeth.
“A new way to clean teeth could help out anyone who finds this chore boring,” says Koo. But it would be especially life-changing for people with disabilities or illnesses that make it difficult or impossible to hold and move a toothbrush.
The tooth-cleaning robot works thanks to two magnets (磁铁). One goes on each side of the teeth. The nanoparticles sit in a water-based solution between the magnets. When the magnets are turned off, the nanoparticles float randomly in the solution. As soon as one magnet gets turned on, the nanoparticles clump together near its center. When you turn on the other magnet and turn off the first one, the nanoparticles extend outward in long, skinny bristles.
When there’s a tooth in the way, these bristles can’t stretch out as far as they want. So they push against the tooth’s surface. If there’s a gap between teeth, they push into the gap. Moving the magnets makes the bristles move against and between teeth.
Besides, as a bonus, the nanoparticles can kill what harms the teeth and keep them health y because it contains something commonly added to toothpaste and mouthwash.
The new invention is just a proof of concept. The researchers still need to turn it into a product that people will want to use. It must fit comfortably and safely in people’s mouths. It can’t draw too much power or cost too much. “There’s a lot of engineering to get from here to there,” says Steager. But he adds, “every good idea needs to have a start.”
32.What is a feature of the bristles
A.They can be solved into water. B.They can change shapes.
C.They only work in liquid. D.They feel much softer.
33.What aspect of the invention is mainly talked about in paragraph 3
A.Its shape. B.Its function. C.Its structure. D.Its working principle.
34.What does the underlined word “clump” mean in paragraph 3
A.Subscribe. B.Drag. C.Gather. D.Remove.
35.What can we infer from Stager’s words
A.The invention still needs them to put more efforts. B.The first step is always the hardest.
C.Engineering can be applied to every field. D.A good beginning is half done.
Knowledge is power, and the more you learn about mental health, the better the position you may be in to help those facing mental health battles. Consider doing the following things to support those closest to you.
Attend a training course
36 . In fact, anyone can benefit from depression awareness training that focuses on supporting those at risk. You might be a teacher that manages youth or a sports coach wanting to pick up on depression risk signs in your players. You may even be a worried parent who wants to make sure your children can tell you anything. Depression awareness and prevention courses teach you both theoretical and practical skills to recognize warning signs and behaviors. 37 .
If someone approaches you in their time of need, it’s not always easy to know what you’re supposed to do, and it may be more beneficial for you to just listen. 38 . They may just need to get what they are feeling off their chest and to feel valid at that moment. Try your best not to interrupt, but ask questions if you require clarification. The more listening you do, the better your position in deciding what to do next.
While being a listening ear is sometimes all someone needs to feel better, you can also become an ongoing source of support. Check in with the person experiencing a mental health problem like depression so that they know you are always there for them. Make contact with them regularly to see how they are feeling. Just knowing someone cares can make a world of difference.
Call emergency services
Your support, guidance, and listening ear can be of great value to anyone going through a tough time. 40 . If someone you know is experiencing self-abuse thoughts or tendencies, don’t delay in seeking emergency help. The faster you act, the safer your friend or family member may be.
A.Check in with them
B.Suggest support services
C.However, it’s essential to know your limits
D.Such a course may just help you to prevent someone’s depression
E.They may not need you to offer solutions or even give them a hug
F.Sometimes, the best thing you can do is encourage them to seek professional help
G.You don’t have to be in a professional health role to attend depression prevention training
Alexander Graham Bell hated spending summertime in Washington, DC. He usually 41 to his farm in Nova Scotia, but one year he had to stay in the capital.
“Why humans have 42 how to warm a house but not how to cool one — until now,” he wondered, and in 1872, he 43 a cold-air-producing device and brought the temperature in his room down to 21℃.
When 69-year-old Bell told that 44 in a speech to the 1917 graduating class of McKinley Manual Training School, the students went 45 . The clapping lasted so long that he was 46 to say something more surprising.
“Could postage stamps be used in 47 of persons ” asked Bell, who had thought of 48 a low price for public transport, but the cost of building additional roads was too high. “Perhaps, the flying machine will be the 49 .”
In the speech, Bell also 50 on a century of progress and looked ahead with remarkable foresight. In the reflection, he was amazed by the 51 made in the past century: Gas lighting had evolved into electric bulbs and automobiles 52 horse-drawn vehicles. He then went on to 53 the commercial airplane, solar panels, and the 54 for renewable resources.
Gilbert Grosvenor, the editor of National Geographic magazine, asked for the 55 and published a revised version in the February issue. Now, more than one hundred years later, Bell’s predictions still remain prescient (预见性的).
41.A.wandered B.escaped C.flew D.applied
42.A.agreed on B.insisted on C.figured out D.ruled out
43.A.designed B.bought C.saw D.borrowed
44.A.accident B.loss C.problem D.story
45.A.wild B.hungry C.disappointed D.silent
46.A.allowed B.forced C.paid D.chosen
47.A.favor B.memory C.transportation D.case
48.A.cutting B.raising C.avoiding D.charging
49.A.pollution B.solution C.discovery D.issue
50.A.relied B.switched C.reflected D.called
51.A.profits B.advances C.materials D.failures
52.A.replaced B.destroyed C.attacked D.missed
53.A.sell B.rent C.invent D.predict
54.A.deadline B.competition C.need D.balance
55.A.text B.book C.contract D.interview
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The Classic of Tea, 56 (write) by Tang Dynasty “tea saint” Lu Yu, rates 57 unique kind of tea, not made from the green leaves commonly used, as superior. The leaves were purple and shaped like bamboo shoots. They are known 58 Zisun (or “purple bamboo shoots”) and grow primarily in the mountains of Changxing county, Zhejiang province.
Zheng Funian, a national-level representative inheritor (继承人) of the Zisun tea-making technique, grew up near Guzhu Hill, the 59 (origin) site of the Tang Dynasty Imperial Tea Factory. When he was 17, his parents started to teach him how 60 (process) tea.
61 (believe) that tea can “embody the tea maker’s soul”, he has always processed the leaves by hand, rather than by machine. Most of his fingers were hurt until he gradually 62 (master) the roasting process.
As the local government has been engaging tea experts to revive (复兴) the Zisun tea processing technique, 63 for centuries was preserved only in texts, Zheng began experimenting back in the 2000s. It took him eight years 64 he successfully produced the compressed tea.
In 2017, he 65 (make) a national-level inheritor of Zisun tea processing, and last year, Zisun tea processing techniques were inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
1 自动贩卖机 vending machine
2 空调 air-conditioner
3 微波炉 microwave oven
Even now, I can still recall the moment when my dream finally came true during my last year of school.
The dream of becoming a member of my school cabinet took shape when I was just seven. Those school leaders were my role models as they always gave instructions, conducted activities and represented us to give speeches on school issues. So, for the next few years, I tried so hard to make it a reality.
When I was twelve, I entered my name. I prepared my election speech and then, on the afternoon that we all gave our speeches. Everybody voted. I was hopeful and I prayed that I would win. The next morning,at the school assembly I waited anxiously for my name to be announced. I was all set to realize my dream.
One by one, the names were announced and the whole school cheered as the girls with the highest votes walked up to the stage. I closed my eyes and waited for my name to be called. The last name was read and my name wasn't among them. I was totally brokenhearted. My dream had been shattered, and I just wanted to cry my heart out.
Then the reality struck me: I hadn't had a chance to win. I wasn't well known and wasn't pretty. Girls across the school hardly knew me. I just did not have what it took to win a school election. I was so depressed because I had nurtured this dream for a long time.
As I cried in my room that evening, I suddenly decided I was going to stop seeing myself as a failure. I decided that I would stand for elections again in my final year at school-and I would win.
I recognized that my competitors had a lot of things in their favor. Their personalities were their biggest strength.However, I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful. And my biggest strength was the faith I had in myself to be a good leader.
That evening, I began my election plans a whole year in advance.
The day after the election, every minute seemed like an hour while I waited for the results.
21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D
25.B 26.C 27.D 28.B
29.A 30.B 31.D
32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A
36.G 37.D 38.E 39.A 40.C
41.B 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.C 51.B 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A
56.written 57.a 58.as 59.original 60.to process 61.Believing 62.mastered 63.which 64.before 65.was made
66.One possible version:
Dear Principal,
As a freshman, I really appreciate the initiative to enhance our campus life through new acquisitions. Among the options presented—vending machines, air conditioners, and microwave ovens—I firmly advocate for the installation of air conditioners.
The rationale behind this choice is that, while vending machines and microwave ovens offer convenience, they do not address the fundamental issue of thermal comfort, which is paramount for academic success. As we all know, the comfort of a regulated temperature is crucial for our learning environment, especially during extreme weather conditions. Therefore, by ensuring a comfortable classroom temperature, air conditioners will not only improve our concentration but also foster a healthier and more productive learning atmosphere.
Thank you for considering my perspective.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
67.One possible version:
That evening, I began my election plans a whole year in advance. The first target I wanted to achieve was to familiarize myself with the girls and obtain their recognition. I did everything I could to assist them whenever they were confronted with unpleasant situations. I also attended a course on effective public speaking and occupied myself with intense training on a daily basis. With time passing by, everything seemingly went to my advantage. When the election rolled around, I delivered the speech with more confidence than before.
The day after the election, every minute seemed like an hour while I waited for the results. The question haunted me whether my efforts would bear fruit. While the girls kept encouraging me, I felt anxious that my imperfect performance would cost me the opportunity to win the election. Then came the thrilling moment when the result was announced. Instantly the principal read my name, the students erupted into thunderous applause. It dawned on me that I accomplished more than I had dreamed of.