

名称 广东省广州市天河区2023~2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 50.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-05 19:18:09



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分45分)
Ten years ago, Airbn b passed a milestone: the number of people who had used the service to book a night’s stay outnumbered 4 million. But it was still believed to be a small player. Over the past decade, staying in somebody else’s home, or second home, for a short-term break has become the first choice I (and my mates, and my mum, and her mates) made when planning to visit a city.
We much prefer it. Away from the eyes of annoying tourists, our boys are free to treat the house as a genuine home-from-home: that is, using every surface, from bookshelf to boiler cupboard, as a huge wonderland. As there is always a separate living space (actually separate, unlike the open-plan “suites” offered by most hotels), we can chat and watch TV once they’ve gone to bed. We use the kitchen to make them dinner and breakfast, which saves us money; then we get a takeaway from Deliveroo (another technological marvel) once the kids are in bed.
I’ll admit that this routine can still present challenges. Simply loading up the car with daily necessities, snacks and drinks, and appropriate “in-flight entertainment” is an activity that, itself, kills your desire for holiday. But it’s always worth it. How I look forward to the small success when I’ve located the parking space for our rented room, after ten minutes of aimlessly driving around a complex one-way system. How I love examining the owner’s art and books, piecing together my impression of their personality from the clues they’ve left behind in random handmade objects. “Look, he’s got a signed Bruce Springsteen poster and an entire library of Jeffrey Archer! Did he turn Shakespeare as he got older, or inherit(继承) the books from his dad ”
Best of all, I enjoy waking up on Sunday morning and being somewhere new — yet not being constantly aware, as one is in a hotel, of the financial deal during the experience. Wandering around cities, I’ve often found myself idly imagining what it would be like to live there, and with Airbnb one gets quite a bit closer to actually knowing the answer. That is why, I suspect, it’s no “small player” anymore.
1. What does the author prefer to do when travelling
A. Use home-sharing platforms. B. Book a hotel in advance.
C. Choose long-term stays. D. Stay together with family.
2. What does the author like about the home-from-home experience, according to paragraph 3
A. Loading up the car. B. Locating a parking space.
C. Reading the owner’s books. D. Picturing the owner’s personality.
3. Why does the author write the text
A. To popularize a service. B. To share personal experiences.
C. To explore a social issue. D. To provide useful information.
“Although I have been teaching Hao Hao how to say ‘mom’ every day, he is still unable to say the word. He is now 24 years old,” says Zhao Xinling. Having a child with autism(自闭症), the 64-year-old has worked hard to help her son.
She is the founder and principal of the Loving Home for Children Special Education and Rehabilitation(康复) Center in Guiyang, the first of its kind in Guizhou province. Over the years, she has provided support to more than 7,000 children with autism and witnessed the autistic community flourish — from being under-recognized to being increasingly understood and accepted — and she has seen how the community is gaining more support from broader society.
Born in 2000, Hao Hao lost his language abilities suddenly when he was 22 months old and was later diagnosed(诊断) with autism. To better understand the disease, Zhao visited rehabilitation institutions, hospitals and schools in cities like Beijing and Guangzhou. She saw many parents like her and realized that their families shared enormous pressure. Fortunately, she met Guan Fuqin, a doctor among the first in Guizhou to provide autism diagnosis services for children. Guan advised her to establish an institution where children with autism could learn locally and their parents could help one another. And Guan would act as a volunteer, offering medical support. In 2003, the center was established.
Three years later, Zhao began trying her hand at integrated education. “In the past, we wanted autistic children to improve themselves and fit into the lifestyles of normal people. However, through integrated education, normal children can learn to understand, accept and care for autistic children. These two-way efforts can make the lives of autistic children easier, and their families happier,” she notes. The institute has carried out such practices with over 20 kindergartens, primary schools and high schools in the city, and more than 2,000 autistic children have been enrolled in regular schools.
Although there are still many challenges ahead, Zhao is confident about the future, “We need to view autism positively, accept it, and enjoy the different life it offers.”
4. What does the underline word “flourish” mean in paragraph 2
A. Unify. B. Progress. C. Change. D. Succeed.
5. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. Hao Hao’s sudden disease. B. Special support from a doctor.
C. The birth of the center. D. Great effort to treat Hao Hao.
6. What is Zhao Xinling’s suggestion for normal people
A. Be an active volunteer.
B. Show respect to every life.
C. Treat autistic children differently.
D. Help autistic people adapt to their life.
By 2040, nearly one in four Swedes will be 65 years or older. In a country where life expectancy is very high and most care for the elderly is government funded, that means a strain on spending and resources is approaching. One concern is the supply of affordable yet comfortable accommodations.
Furniture giant IKEA has one idea. The company is launching a new style of home for dementia(痴呆) patients through BoKlok, a joint enterprise with a construction company that makes sustainable and affordable housing.
“We see a growing concern that people are ending up in institutions where they do not want to end up,” noted Jonas Spangenberg, BoKlok CEO. “If we can crack the code where you can continue to live at a home that is more suitable for you, even with various syndromes(症状), we believe we could do a good thing for society.”
For the past three decades, the group has built more than 11,000 modular(组合式的) homes throughout Sweden, Finland and Norway using the IKEA model: cut down costs by producing large quantities of parts off-site. Lower income customers only pay what they can afford after taxes and living expenses.
Now, the company thinks it can help people who struggle with memory loss to live at home — saving the government money it would otherwise spend on care. It’s just built a small pilot with six apartments, the first tailored homes, just outside Stockholm. Design adjustments include taking mirrors and dark-colored floor out of bathrooms and fitting kitchen appliances with old-fashioned knobs, rather than digital controls.
The developments also highlight spending time outdoors, and will include “therapeutic” gardens and clubhouses for socializing. That could make it more appealing for a partner to move there, too. “To take care of elderly people, that cost is exploding,” Jonas Spangenberg told CNN Business. “It’s much cheaper for society and the public to give them service back home.”
7. What problem do senior people in Sweden face
A. A high aging rate.
B. No access to suitable housing.
C. Separation from their family.
D. Hug e expenses on health care.
8. Which words can best describe the six pilot apartments
A. Dark-colored and natural. B. Well-equipped and stylish.
C. User-friendly and comfortable. D. Visually-appealing and safe.
9. What does Spangenberg think of the project
A. It was launched too late to be effective.
B. It can reduce population with memory loss.
C. It remains to be seen whether it’s a wise decision.
D. It enables the government to better spend its money.
10. What could be a suitable title for the text
A. Aging population: a challenge for Sweden.
B. The IKEA model: a sustainable construction plan.
C. BoKlok project is better housing dementia elderly.
D. House companies are helping fight memory loss.
Money habits are the small daily decisions we make that influence how we spend and save our money. 11 But with a little awareness and effort, we can make improvements that will help us achieve our financial goals.
Taking a careful look at your existing spending habits is one of the first steps in improving your money habits. 12 It can make you realize the potential issues on your spending habits, and help you identify areas where you can adjust your spending patterns.
Next, set up clear financial goals for yourself. Having a specific aim in mind will help you keep motivated and focused, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a home, removing credit card debt, or creating an emergency fund.
13 A budget ensures that your spending is focused on your priorities and that you set aside enough cash to achieve your goals. Make sure to include a category for savings and use it consistently.
Impulsive(冲动的) purchasing is a crucial habit to break. 14 Making a list of the items you require before you go shopping and sticking to it is one approach to achieve this. Additionally, waiting a day or two before making a purchase can help you determine if you still want the item.
Finally, it’s critical to pay attention to your financial habits and adjust them as needed. 15 Keep in mind that adjust ng your spend ng patterns is a process, and its effects might not be seen right away. With a little knowledge and effort, you can make positive changes, helping you achieve your financial objectives and strengthen your overall financial health.
A. Besides, cutting your budget is essential.
B. It is effective to adjust our financial behaviors.
C. It might be challenging to change these habits.
D. Setting and sticking to a budget is also crucial.
E. Track your spending and goals, and be prepared to change if necessary.
F. Take action to stop it so that your bank account will be significantly increased.
G. This involves tracking all your spending for a month and then analyzing the data.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
As I prepared our Saturday night barbecue, my daughter Rikki stormed into the house and went straight to her room. Then I saw our neighbor Amy walking home across the street.
“Rikki, come here. I need your help with dinner,” I called. She came with a(n) 16 look on her face — the kind kids have when they know they are wrong but have convinced themselves they are right. “I noticed Amy 17 . Why didn’t she stay long ” I asked, watching her closely. “I don’t like her,” Rikki 18 . “She dresses terrible and smells bad. None of us like her.”
“That’s not her 19 , Rikki. I don’t know what her family is like, but maybe she doesn’t have anyone to help her.” I reminded her that everyone is unique and worthy, 20 their circumstances. As I couldn’t 21 her to like someone, I let it go. Rikki’s Dad, who had been watching while grilling, asked what was going on. He wanted to know 22 Amy was leaving with her head down and looking so sad. Rikki explained that Amy just dropped over 23 . Her dad then said, “Rikki, would you like to come with me for a 24 trip ” Curiously, Rikki jumped in the truck.
They went to Amy’s house and invited her over for 25 . Soon, they returned with a smiling Amy. The girls talked a lot and played 26 . We gathered around our picnic table under the huge oak tree. I could see Rikki had 27 her prejudice. They were unaware of what the world might throw at them as they grew up, but on this warm summer evening, everything was 28 . After Amy went home, Rikki’s eyes 29 . “I had fun today, Momma,” she said. “I’m proud of you, baby.” I smiled back.
Later her dad told me what they talked on the way to Amy’s house. He explained how he felt for Amy because he had been in her 30 as a child. He didn’t want Rikki to be judgmental but 31 and helpful. Rikki apologized, and she started thinking 32 .
Today, Rikki has a heart of gold. She is the first to 33 those whom others might turn away and is generous in helping others. She has the 34 to love the unloved. I believe that day 35 her.
16. A. innocent B. stubborn C. surprised D. blank
17. A. break in B. turn around C. pass by D. come over
18. A. announced B. complained C. whispered D. bargained
19. A. choice B. idea C. business D. fault
20. A. because of B. regardless of C. according to D. except for
21. A. force B. remind C. teach D. warn
22. A. when B. how C. why D. whether
23. A. uninvited B. uneducated C. unnoticed D. unwashed
24. A. regular B. quick C. summer D. pleasure
25. A. party B. dinner C. study D. fun
26. A. happily B. safely C. quietly D. carefully
27. A. deepened B. challenged C. overcome D hidden
28. A. perfect B. unique C. reasonable D. possible
29. A. shone B. rounded C. watered D. wandered
30. A. house B. shoes C. dream D. eyes
31. A. grateful B. brave C. kind D. responsible
32. A. seriously B. slowly C. differently D. clearly
33. A. welcome B. inspire C. respect D. bless
34. A. right B. chance C. duty D. ability
35. A. pleased B. freed C. moved D. shaped
The tulou, a type of earth-built dwelling(住所), is constructed using stones 36 the foundation. It is a special type of rural dwelling unique to the Hakka people living in the mountainous areas across Fujian province. The Fujian tulou, 37 you can find many details showing the 38 (wise) and myth of the local people, is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. With raw earth as the main material, together with bamboo and wood as the framework, the buildings 39 (build) layer by layer, ranging in height from three to five stories. A single tulou ean house hundreds of people who share the same surname. As for the shape, not all of 40 are doughnut-shaped. Some are oval, square or rectangular.
It is said that a tulou requires restoration only once a century. During the process, the craftsmen are considered not only 41 (architect) but also sculptors. 42 , nowadays young people are no longer interested in learning the necessary skills, casting a shadow over the future of the unique treasure.
43 (lucky), this unique form of architecture, 44 (dot) around mainly in Fujian’s Longyan and Zhangzhou, is still well preserved and 45 (function) today, attracting people to appreciate the intelligence and creativity of the Hakka people.
第三部分 基础知识(共三节,满分30分)
precise enhance submit assign guidance complicated superior capacity applaud platform
ChatGPT is an AI model created by OpenAI that can generate text based on given prompts(提示). It has gained global attention for its impressive advantages. One advantage is its 46 to provide quick solutions to tasks 47 by users, which can save users’ time for information gathering. Another positive aspect is its support for creative writing. Users input prompts for it to continue the unfinished story. If they are not satisfied with the version 48 by ChatGPT, they can give further 49 to get a desired one.
However, it’s important to note that the responses generated by ChatGPT may not always be 50 . This is because the model has been trained on a vast amount of data from the Internet, including both accurate and inaccurate information. Additionally, it also doesn’t always ask for more information when it needs to. For example, it might just give you a recipe without considering the 51 nature of individual request.
To solve those problems, OpenAI has offered users a 52 to provide valuable feedback and they can win up to $ 500 in API credits. They have also introduced a subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus with added benefits. These efforts aim to address ChatGPT’s limitations and therefore 53 its performance.
In conclusion, while we 54 ChatGPT as an innovative tool, we should also be aware of its weaknesses. With updates and feedback, OpenAI aims to offer a(n) 55 experience to users.
straight away be worthy of bring… to life be composed of take… for granted turn out have an urge to
56. A successful team ______ Individuals with diverse skills and talents who work together to achieve common goals.
57. You cannot expect to feel better ______ after taking the medicine.
58. We often ______ it ______ that our family and friends will love and support us, forgetting to express our gratitude to them.
59. Listening to that upbeat music, I______ dance and let go of all my worries.
60. I was worried about the exam, but it ______ to be easier than I expected.
______ was the people there, whose friendliness and warmth made me feel at home ______.
______, he firmly believed that ______ than becoming a better self.
______ the book has enjoyed great popularity since it ______.
With ______, she found ______ of being an astronaut.
If I ______ so hard, I wouldn’t ______ in my English study.
第四部分 书面表达(满分30分)
学校英文报为艺术节征稿,请以“How I Fell in Love with... ”为题写一篇短文,介绍你最喜爱的一项中国传统艺术,并讲述你和它之间的故事。