

名称 福建省宁德市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题(无答案,无听力原文,含音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 22.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-05 19:22:08


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the man do next
A. Write a note. B. Call Mr. Brown. C. Wait for Mr. Brown.
2. What does the woman think of the weather
A. It’s nice. B. It’s warm. C. It’s cold.
3. What does the woman want to do
A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address.
4. When will the speakers leave home
A. At 7:00. B. At 7:10. C. At 7:30.
5. Why is the man in Texas
A. For fun. B. For study. C. For business.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
7. How often does the boy go to the bookstore
A. Everyday. B. Once a week. C. Once a month
8. What is the woman dissatisfied with
A. The kitchen. B. The bedroom. C. The living room.
9. What does the man say about the living room
A. Big and bright. B. New and beautiful. C. Small but well-furnished.
10. What is the man’s opinion about the restaurant
A. It is too expensive.
B. It is below expectations.
C. It lives up to its reputation.
11. What does the man suggest doing
A. Eating out. B. Having delivery food. C. Attending a meeting.
12. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. On the street. B. In a restaurant. C. In the office.
13. Who gave the woman her first mountain bike
A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother.
14. Why did the woman slowdown at one point in the Regional Championship
A. The road was full of rocks.
B. She was too tired to speedup.
C. Someone appeared on the road suddenly.
15. What does the woman think is the most important before a race
A. Doing sports to keep fit.
B. Looking at the route in advance.
C. Making sure the bike is in good condition.
16. What kind of clothes does the woman suggest wearing for the race
A. Pretty clothes. B. Tight clothes. C. Comfortable clothes.
17. When does the Business Studies course start
A. On June 4th. B. On June 14th. C. On July 14th.
18. What can the students bring with them during the course
A. Mobile phones. B. Business videos. C. Notebook computers.
19. Where is the Business Studies Department
A. Opposite to the staff car park.
B. On the left side of the Science Center.
C. Beside the main entrance to the college.
20. What language classes are available this summer
A. French and Spanish. B. Italian and Chinese. C. German and Russian.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Visitor Guidelines
We look forward to welcoming you to The Met! Please review the guidelines below before you visit.
How much should I pay
■General Admission
Adults $30
Seniors (65 and over) $22
Students $17
Children (under 12) Free
Members and patrons Free
■Suggested Admission
New York State residents and New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut students: the amount you pay for admission is up to you, but you must pay something ($0.01 minimum per ticket)
What can I bring with me
Small backpacks are allowed but must be worn on your front or carried in your hand.
Water is allowed in a secure bottle. No other liquids are permitted.
Front-facing baby carriers are welcome. Service dogs are welcome.
What should I know before entering the building
You may be asked to re-check your ticket when exiting and re-entering the galleries. For everyone’s safety, all visitors and members must pass through a security check.
Children twelve and under must be always accompanied by an adult.
Refund, resale, or exchange of Museum tickets or Membership benefits is not permitted.
Photographs and video taken at The Met cannot be published, sold and reproduced.
Feel free to write, draw, or take notes with pencil. Other marking materials such as paint, charcoal, and markers are not allowed.
21. How much should a Connecticut student pay at least
A. $0. B. $0.01. C. $17. D. $30.
22. What can visitors bring to the museum
A. An oversized bag. B. A guide dog.
C. A bottle of fruit juice. D. A back-facing baby carrier.
23. What are visitors prohibited from doing at the museum
A. Reselling tickets. B. Taking photographs.
C. Taking notes with pencil. D. Re-entering the galleries
Now, since it is Christmastime and thus the season of forgiveness, I must admit, I have a “dirty” little secret. And you all probably have one too. I am are-gifter. I actually have a closet (橱柜) that is just for my gifts to “Re”!
Don’t judge me. Re-gifting is an established Southern tradition. Waste not want not, right Most of you probably have a shelf or a drawer at home that houses some things that are nice but just aren’t for you. So, rather than throw them away, you save them for a rainy day when you realize you need just the right thing for that person you totally forgot about.
My re-gifting is an inherited practice. My mom keeps a closet filled with goodies to give. And my grandmother One years he gave my mom this really fancy sweater on Christmas Day After dinner we pulled the videos and we watched everyone open the gifts from the year before. What did we see My grandmother receiving the exact same sweater that she had just given my mom! Coincidence No. So see There was no way I was gonna be able to avoid my re-gifting.
You would think I would learn my lesson since we have had one or two gifting disasters. Once, I sent my cousin, who lives in California, a wedding present from my closet…a clock that was s given to me on my birthday by my crazy Aunt Nadine. It was unique! I truly thoughts he would love it. Weeks later I received a thank-you note for my thoughtful gift.
Dear Erica: Thank you so much for the wonderful clock. I was a little confused when I opened it up and there was a card inside that said, “Happy Birthday Erica. Love, Aunt Nadine”
But even after all that, the practice remains. I mean, I promise I’ll quit someday. First, I just have to get rid of the whistling key finder, light up shower mirror, cupcake-scented cream and the dot print hat. Any takers
24. Why is re-gifting a longstanding Southern tradition
A. It helps in reducing waste. B. It is linked to the rainy days.
C. It is a symbol of forgiveness. D. It reminds people of the forgotten.
25. What does the underlined word “inherited” mean
A. Created. B. Distinguished. C. Long forgotten. D. Passed down.
26. Which of the following best describes the two re-gifting stories
A. Confusing and annoying. B. Funny and embarrassing.
C. Encouraging and heart-warming. D. Surprising and disappointing.
27. What can we infer about the author from the text
A. She will make new gifts out of old ones.
B. She may hold on to the family practice.
C. Takers have been found for her closet gifts.
D. Her cousin was a bit confused about the gift.
According to a paper published in Science, one in ten residents of China’s coastal cities could be living below sea level within a century, as a result of land subsidence and climate change. Subsidence island sinking to a lower level than normal, usually owing to extraction(抽取) of subsurface water, rock or other resources
The authors, led by Tao Shengli, a researcher in remote-sensing technology at Peking University in Beijing, assessed 82 cities across China. They used radar pulses(雷达脉冲) from satellites to measure the changes in the distance between the satellite and the ground to examine how its heights changed between 2015 and 2022.
They found that some 16% of the mapped area of China’s major cities is sinking “rapidly”—faster than 10 millimetres every year. An even greater area, roughly 45%, is sinking at a “moderate” rate, greater than 3 millimetres annually.
They links a range of natural and human factors to sinking, such as the depth of a city’s bedrock, groundwater extraction, the weight of buildings, and the use of transport systems. Previous studies have found that over-extraction of groundwater is a primary cause of severe land subsidence in cities across the world. The authors also listed the weight of buildings as a factor. Contrary to expectations, heavier buildings, such as the skyscrapers, tend to sinks lower than lighter structures do, possibly because those buildings are fixed on deeper rock.
As cities sink, global sea levels are rising, owing to the effects of climate change. The double whammy will cause 22-26% of China’s coastal lands to drop below sea level by 2120, the paper says.
Subsidence is certainly not only a problem in China. By 2040, almost one-fifth of the world’s population is projected to be living on sinking land. Given the urgency of this threat, scientists around the world are exploring various approaches to tackle the issues.
28. How did the researchers measure the land subsidence
A. By using satellites to monitor climate changes.
B. By analyzing satellite data on city populations.
C. By tracking varied satellite-to-ground distances over a session.
D. By observing changes with remote-sensing equipment on the ground.
29. What can we learn from paragraph 4
A. Transport systems greatly contribute to land subsidence.
B. Management of groundwater is key to slowing down city sinking.
C. The depth of city bedrock is a primary factor in urban land subsidence.
D. Heavier buildings make the ground sink faster than lighter buildings do.
30. What does “double whammy” underlined in paragraph 5 refer to
A. Heavier buildings and climate change.
B. Climate change and sea level rising.
C. Heavier buildings and land subsidence.
D. Sealevel rising and land subsidence.
31. What maybe talked about in the following paragraph
A. Possible solutions. B. Population growth.
C. Various threats. D. Energy conservation.
The smallest object visible to the naked eye is a human egg cell. It measures just 0.1 millimetres in length. Beyond that limit, the world is completely invisible. Nanotechnology(纳米技术) is the field of science and engineering at a scale(规模) of one to a hundred nanometres. That’s a thousand to a hundred thousand times smaller than the smallest thing we can see
The tiny objects at this scale be have completely differently to the full-size structures we are used to. Gold changes colour from yellow to purple and becomes liquid at room temperature. Carbon transforms into an extraordinary electrical conductor. During the Cold War, a Nobel Prizewinner, Richard Feynman, was investigating the possibility of science on anatomic(原子的)scale. Feynman wanted to miniaturize computers and create machines that could assemble molecules(分子)atom by atom. And he dreamed of a day when you could swallow your surgeon, delivering a life-saving robot into your body to perform surgeries.
In the 1980s, two powerful l new microscopes revealed the nanoworld in detail. The scanning tunnelling microscope used a very fine wire and an electric current to map even the thinnest of materials. At nanoscale, electrons behave like waves, allowing them to pass through solid objects. Another atomic force microscope could tell researchers about the chemical and physical properties of materials they could never hope to see with their own eyes.
By the 1990s the field had exploded. Researchers observed carbon nanotubes for the first time—just a single atom thick. They were stronger than steel. In the years that followed scientists developed the ability to fold DNA like paper, and they discovered that it was possible to guide nanoparticles inside the body like homing missiles. Now, with science advancing at lightning speed, Feynman’s dreams are closer than ever.
32. Why does the author mention a human egg cell in paragraph 1
A. To give a definition. B. To explain a rule.
C. To make a comparison. D. To make a prediction.
33. What did Feynman dream of nanotechnology
A. Electrons could pass through solid objects.
B. Miniaturized computers could be created atom by atom.
C. Nano robot would travel through the body and do operations.
D. Nanomaterials could be engineered with extraordinary properties.
34. How did the two powerful microscopes help understand nanoworld
A. They made atoms visible.
B. They helped obtain nanoscale features.
C. They provided detailed images of atoms.
D. They measured the electrical properties of materials.
35. What is the best title for the text
A. Nanotechnology:From Theory to Reality
B. Nanotech Innovations: Shaping Our World
C. The Promising Prospect of Nanotechnology
D. Journeying into the World of Nanotechnology
In today’s rapidly evolving information age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a vital role in our lives, particularly in the field of education 36 And that will help us better adapt to future trends in language education.
Traditional teaching models usually require all students to follow the same learning plan, often overlooking individual needs, while AI technology can adjust instructional content based on the learner’s ability. 37 Therefore, this approach can greatly improve learning outcomes.
38 Timely feedback is crucial for correcting mistakes and reinforcing understanding during the learning process. AI systems can instantly point out errors and offer suggestions for improvement. This rapid feedback mechanism is highly ‘effective in enhancing learners’ language skills.
AI technology makes English learning more interactive and fun. AI-assisted teaching tools, such as Virtual Reality (VR) technology, help to create real life settings 5.39 They can immerse(沉浸) themselves in an environment where they communicate entirely in English.
The-application of AI in English learning is not limited to enhancing specific skills like speaking. 40 By providing more diverse and in-depth reading materials and targeted writing guidance through the analysis of vast text data, AI helps learners improve their abilities in all aspects of language.
In conclusion, learning English with AI enhances learning efficiency. With the advancement of technology, we look forward to seeing more innovative learning tools emerge, helping people better learn and use English.
A. It offers a personalized learning experience.
B. Learners can get engaged in them to practice their oral English.
C. AI can also be applied in English learning to provide continuous feedback.
D. This article will explore how AI technology help stole am English efficiently.
E. It can help learners improve reading comprehension and writing skills as well.
F. This article will discuss the potential of AI technology in language education.
G. Another significant application of AI in English learning is providing immediate response.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My mother always said, “Can’t never could until he tried.” She recited it to me many times. Like it or not, it 41 in my heart.
Many years ago, my husband was 42 , leaving us with a single income—mine. Worse still, soon I lost my 43 .too. One day I had lunch with a 44 coworker who insisted I would be great at teaching 45 classes. I had used word processing software extensively at my former job and was definitely an expert, but could I 46 that skill My mother’s motto rang a bell.
After 47 a suitable meeting room, I surfed the Internet, got a list of local business 48 and printed them on labels. I then designed a 49 that could be mailed, advertising my class. I was filled with self-doubt as I waited for 50 .I had absolutely no experience in 51 a business, even a small one. Would I make it 52 , one by one, my students wandered in and took their seats. I did my best to stay calm, turning to smile nervously at the class a few times. Within minutes I was 53 ,g guiding them through, answering their questions. The hours passed quickly
Over the next months, I did several more classes. I made enough money to 54 I my expenses. That felt wonderful!
From then on, whenever I am handed a new 55 , I still hear my mother’s voice, “Can’t never could until he tried.”
41. A. took root B. lost control C. took place D. lost ground
42. A. promoted B. dismissed C. awarded D. disciplined
43. A. job B. balance C. temper D. direction
44. A. reliable B. former C. professional D. efficient
45. A. business B. math C. computer D. science
46. A. sharpen B. master C. learn D. sell
47. A. securing B. entering C. locking D. searching
48. A. locations B. names C. addresses D. reports
49. A. software B. plan C. survey D. brochure
50. A. response B. approach C. donation D. contribution
51. A. expanding B. running C. maintaining D. buying
52. A. Accidentally B. Naturally C. Surprisingly D. Interestingly
53. A. disappointed B. upset C. relaxed D. curious
54. A. cover B. minimize C. track D. cut
55. A. contract B. account C. budget D. challenge
Wearing new clothes is a traditional Chinese custom for celebrating the Lunar New Year During this Spring Festival holiday, the traditional skirt mamianqun, 56 (literal)meaning “horse-face skirt”, has become 57 favorite choice of the younger generation as the “New Year’s New Dress.”
Mamianqun is one of the main styles of hanfu, 58 is the traditional outfit worn by the Han people in China. This skirt looks like the horse face fortifications; (防御工事) on ancient city walls, so it gets the name “horse-face skirt”. The history of the skirt can 59 (trace) back to the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing dynasties, mamianqun had become the most typical style for women. Its style has undergone a series of 60 (change), from the fresh and elegant Ming Dynasty to the magnificent and 61(wealth) Qing Dynasty. However, its “horse-face” structure has always been deeply rooted.
In recent years, Chinese people 62 (wear) traditional clothing can be almost seen everywhere. Clothing has a strong association 63 cultural identity. Chinese consumers’ pride with traditional culture has been growing, leading 64 (they) to prefer products with cultural heritage. This trend 65 (reflect) not just a choice in daily consumption but also the revival of China’s rich culture.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了二手书市活动(Second-hand Book Fair)。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,要点包括:1.活动内容;
The rain had come to an end, painting the whole world with a fresh, clean smell and decorating every leaf with twinkling water drops. In this peaceful part of town, a boy named Timmy stood outside his best friend Bella’s home. His heartfelt very sorry because, while they were having fun playing, he accidentally broke Bella’s most cherished flower pot. It was just a moment when he wasn’t paying enough attention, but now, he felt as heavy as the big, dark clouds that had been in the sky before the rain.
Timmy and Bella’s neighborhood was known for its peace and harmony, where front yards always transformed into playgrounds and friendships strengthened. On that day, they decided to tum their playtime into an exciting soccer match right in Bella’s backyard. They laughed and ran, chasing the ball pretending they were part of a grand championship. During one of his excited attempts to score a goal, Timmy kicked the ball with all his might, not noticing the beautiful line of flowerpots along the garden edge. Unfortunately, his powerful kick sent the ball crashing into Bella’s favorite flowerpot, causing it to break into pieces. The happy sounds of their game were replaced by the sound of breaking pot and then silence, except for Bella’s soft weep
Timmy’s eyes widened a she saw what he had done. “I’m...I’m so sorry, Bella,” Timmy stuttered(结结巴巴地说), feeling his eyes start to water. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.” Bella looked at him, her lip quivering(颤抖). “It’s okay, Timmy,” she said softly, even though it clearly wasn’t. “Accidents happen.”
But Timmy knew “okay” wasn’t enough. That was why he was standing outside her house now, ready to properly apologize and find a way to replace the broken flower pot. He wanted to show Bella that he truly valued their friendship and was willing to make up his mistake. With a determined look, Timmy walked up to Bella’s door, ready to face the consequences and hopefully mend the hurt he had caused.
Taking a deep breath, Timmy knocked on Bella’s front door.
Together, they selected a new pot with beautiful flowers in the shop.