

名称 甘肃省白银市靖远县第四中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(PDF版,含答案,无听力原文,无音频)
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文件大小 14.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-06 09:28:43


听  力
1~5 CBCCB 6~10 ACACC 11~15 AACBB 16~20 AACAB
阅  读
21.B 根据Drawing for Fun部分末句可知,该课程的学生应该是新学员。
22.C 根据The Music Takeaway部分第1句可知,这项课程让学员自己选择上课地点。
23.C 通读每个课程的介绍可知,所有的课程都和艺术有关。
24.D 根据第1段第2句中的“...is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter.”可知答案。
25.C 根据第1段第3句可知,第一次“世界大笑日”聚会于1998年在印度孟买举行;第2段前两句指出,两年后该节日聚会第一次在印度之外的地方举行。因此,这次聚会在2000年举行。
26.B 从最后两段作者对大笑带来的益处的介绍可以判断出,作者对此活动的态度是积极肯定的。
27.D 文章前两段介绍了“世界大笑日”的由来,后两段介绍了此节日的意义。
28.D 根据第3段最后两句可知,绘画对于提高老人的记忆的作用更明显。
29.B 根据第4段第3句可知,画线词指的是记忆技巧。
30.A 根据第5段第3、4句可知,作者认为利用绘画来学习很有趣,再根据第6段可推断作者认为这也很有效。
31.C 根据首尾两段可判断文章旨在介绍利用绘画来学习的方法。
32.A 根据第1段首句可知,这个活动的目的是挽救濒危物种。
33.A 根据第2段可知,重新引入动物通常需要数年时间,涉及多个阶段。在带回一个物种之前,自然资源保护者必须评估多种因素,因此过程是缓慢而谨慎的。
34.B 根据最后一段可知,这个项目的实施挽救了许多濒临灭绝的动物,取得了很大的进步。
35.D 通读全文可知,动物保护学家利用迁移和圈养繁殖方式将濒危野生动物重新引入它们的原生领地。
补 全 短 文
36~40 ADCEF
完 形 填 空
41.D 作者一开始对成为程序员没有兴趣。
42.A 作者决定攻读信息技术学位,这个想法让他自己感到吃惊。
43.B 作者来自一个中等收入家庭,昂贵的学费对作者来说是一个很大的难题。
44.A 作者从不放弃。
45.C 作者想得到信息技术的学位。
46.B 作者选择在这所大学读书,因为这所大学承诺能帮助学生很快学会相关知识。
48.D 作者的英语很差,第一个月他很难听懂美国人讲的英语。
49.D 当越来越多的学生听不懂的时候,功课就变得更加困难了。
50.B 作者没想到自己没有钱买食物。
51.A 作者相信努力付出是有用的,那也是他的动力之源。
52.C 作者马上要毕业了。
53.A 有些人认为自己什么也实现不了,会感到沮丧。
54.D 你需要为自己的梦想而努力。
55.A 你需要经常问问自己距离实现目标还有多远。
语 法 填 空
56.can/will/may 57.with 58.going 59.to develop 60.created 61.information
62.was grown 63.longer 64.the 65.who/that
写  作
One possible version:
Good afternoon, everyone!
As we all know, oceans play an important role in our daily life. In a way, human beings can t live without oceans. Then, what can we do to protect them
First of all, we should limit the use of plastic, so as not to put sea creatures at risk. Secondly, saving energy is essential. We may use energy efficient electrical appliances. Thirdly, keeping beaches and waterways clean is also of great importance. Lastly, we must tell others about ocean conservation. Each person can make a difference. In conclusion, as long as we all try hard, we ll protect oceans well.
One possible version:
One day, Jason came into the hospital room awkwardly, and placed a box beside me. “Tulips,” he said. I grinned, not understanding. He shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. “If you plant them when you get home, they ll come up next spring. I just wanted you to know that I think you ll be there to see them when they come up.” Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand. “Thank you,” I whispered. Jason grasped my hand and gruffly replied, “You re welcome. You can t see it now, but next spring you ll see the colors I picked out for you. I think you ll like them.” He turned and left without another word.
For ten years, I have watched those red and white flowers blossom every spring. In fact, this September, doctors declared me cured and I ve watched my children graduate from high school and go on to college. In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things. After all, that s what friends do.
(Text 1)
W:This movie is so boring! There s no story, but a lot of fights.
M:Just sit down and watch the movie, OK You will disturb others.
(Text 2)
M:How much does this pair of jeans cost
W:They’re on sale. The regular price is $125,but it is $25 off now.
(Text 3)
M:So, could you describe Mr Jones for me please, madam
W:Well, he’s about 45 years old and tall with brown hair and blue eyes. He’s got large ears and wears glasses.
(Text 4)
W:Look at this painting. It’s so peaceful and the colors are so rich.
M:But it makes me sleepy just looking at it. Because I’ve never taken a liking to the watercolor.
(Text 5)
W:Who’s that man with long hair in the picture
M:It’s my brother. He has played the guitar for 10 years. He even has his own band called The Swingers, and they just produced their CD.
W:Really A talented young man!
(Text 6)
M:Linda, Christmas is getting close. When will you go and do Christmas shopping
W:I read an article on the Internet the other day. It tells when we can avoid long lines when doing Christmas shopping. According to the article, two hours before noon is the best time in the day to do Christmas shopping.
M:Does it say on which day there are the shortest lines
W:Yes. It’s usually on Mondays.
M:Great. In this case, let’s go shopping together tomorrow morning.
W:Why not! I’ve no special plans for tomorrow morning after all.
(Text 7)
W:Does your wife work
M:Yes, she does. She works at home.
W:Oh, I understand. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children. She does all the housework, right
M:No, she doesn’t. Most of the time, I do those things.
W:You sound like a model husband.
M:I try to be. My wife is a writer. She writes on her computer. She has published ten novels already. Her next book will come out later this month. The name of the book is The Death of a Housewife.
W:Wow! I’ve got to read her new book as soon as it comes out.
(Text 8)
M:Hi, Maggie. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Did you do anything nice over the summer
W:Bruce and I went on an amazing vacation to Malta, which is a small island in the Mediterranean.
M:Sounds great!
W:Our hotel was only a short distance from the beach. The beach itself, which was small, was not good enough for swimming. However, the boats at the harbor were brightly painted and they were really beautiful. The home-cooked food was fresh and absolutely delicious.
M:You’re making me hungry!
W:We also explored the whole island, which was full of honey-colored buildings. The capital city, Valletta, has a lot of beautiful churches. We got lost a couple of times, but the friendly locals helped us.
M:Mmm... that was nice! I think I ll go there next summer.
W:Well, if you do, you must visit the small island of Gozo.
(Text 9)
M:Lisa, when is your birthday
W:Aug 1st, but I don’t celebrate it on this day. My birthday is close to my mom’s birthday, Aug 5th, so we celebrate our birthdays together on that day.
M:Oh, that’s nice. Do you usually have a big birthday party
W:Yes, we do. My mom usually prepares the dinner, my father buys the birthday gifts, and my brother is responsible for buying the birthday cake.
M:It must be wonderful. What would you do at the party
W:First we watch the family videos together with my grandparents, and then we sing “Happy Birthday” and enjoy the meal and cake. After the party, we will open the gifts and go to bed.
M:That sounds good. I also want to celebrate my birthday with a big family. But my family are always busy with work, so I seldom celebrate my birthday with them.
W:But you can still have fun at the birthday party with your friends, can’t you
M:Yes, I really enjoy being with them.
(Text 10)
W:Hello, everyone. Today, I’d like to share with you a true story of mine. One day, my friends and I had just finished dinner at a restaurant when it began to rain heavily. When it became lighter, I decided to brave the rain to get my car and go home. It was parked three blocks away. My friends advised me not to go because at that time, I was due to give birth in two months. I made a promise that I’d be very cautious. One of them wanted to accompany me, but I insisted she stay with another friend who needed help with her baby. When I made my way to the first crossroads, a cab stopped beside me and a young man with an umbrella got out, telling me he would walk with me to where I would go. I was embarrassed and refused, but he insisted. During our walk, he kept reminding me to walk slowly. When arriving at the car park, I thanked him, and we parted. I did not ask for his name and may not even recognize him now. Did he purposely stop for me It will never be known.