

名称 山西省朔州市怀仁市大地学校高中部2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(含答案)
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文件大小 49.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-06 18:17:42


known,to,is,officially, came,
a, to bring, which. production reflecting.
Dear Mr Smith,
I am Li Hua, a 15-year-old teenager who is crazy about animals. Recently, I learned that several volunteers are needed in your zoo. I'm writing to apply for this position.
Here are the main reasons why I am qualified for the position. Firstly, influenced by my mother, I have a deep love for animals. Secondly, I have a good understanding of animals by reading books. Therefore, I know how to take good care of them. Last but not least, I'm able to communicate with visitors fluently in English.
I would appreciate it if I could get this opportunity. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours, Li Hua
The next morning, I walked into headmaster Mr Thompson's office. As I stood before Mr Thompson, I took a deep breath and found the courage to speak up. I expressed to him my desire to give up my qualifcation for the jacket. Mr Thompson was surprised and wanted to know what had happened. “She needs this jacket more than I do," I responded to him after informing him of the news I had learned. Mr Thompson thanked me for bringing this to his attention after hearing what I said. He said that he would investigate the situation further.
The day of the decision arrived, and the whole school gathered in the auditorium. Mr Thompson announced some changes to the election policy for this year. He praised me for my act of kindness. He underlined how important these traits were and how they should be acknowledged. Finally, he declared that I, along with Joann, would receive the scholarship jacket, though for quite different reasons. Joann was awarded the jacket for her exceptional academic performance and resilience in the face of personal tragedy, while I was given the jacket for my generosity and kindness.绝密★启用前
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
1. 本试卷由三个部分组成。其中,第一和第二部分的第一节为选择题。第二部分的第二节和第三部分为非选择题。
2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) (略)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
Here are four amazing online photography(摄影) classes to improve your photos.
Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop (By Andrew Kerns)
Every professional photographer uses post-processing(后期处理)skills to make their images stand out. In fact, editing and post-processing your images is a major part of the photography work.Luckily,Andrew Kerns has put together an amazing online class to help you learn the latest professional Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop skills.
Wildlife Photography Workshop(By Charly Savely)
Professional wildlife photographer, Charly Savely,has recently decided to share her secrets with the world through her online Wildlife Photography Workshop recorded in Alaska's Katmai National Park.Learn how she chooses camera settings using art to influence your style, where to find wildlife and how to photograph animals safely in the wild.
A to Z of Selling Your Photos(By Lola Akinmade)
Lola Akinmade is an excellent travel photographer whose works are regularly published by brands(品牌) like The New York Times and Travel &. Leisure. She has also put together an excellent online photography class that goes into detail about how to make your photos be brands,including getting close to brands,how to deal with copyrights,working with editors, getting model shows and much more.
Photographing the World(By Elia Locardi)
Elia Locardi is a very successful landscape photographers. who's been travelling the world for years. His course Photographing the World is full of tips and post-processing skills he uses to create his landscape and travel photography. With 15 lessons and more than 12 hours of video content ,his photography class takes you from the on-lo- cation capture(外景拍摄)all the way through his post- processing skills in the studio.
1. Who should you turn to if you want to learn to photo- graph wild animals
A. Andrew Kerns. B. Charly Savely. C. Lola Akinmade. D. Elia Locardi.
2. Which course offers tips on making your photography works a brand
A.Mastering Lightroom&Photoshop. B.Wildlife Photography Workshop.
C.A to Z of Selling Your Photos. D.Photographing the World.
3. What do Andrew Kerns's and Elia Locardi's courses have in common
A They include post-processing skills. B They focus on photographing wild animals.
C They provide skills of on-location capture. D They teach how to work with big brands.
Mathea Allansmith isn't your typical grandmother. She's the oldest woman in the world to have completed a marathon. She was 92 years and 194 days old when she crossed the finish line at the 2022 Honolulu Marathon ,setting the record for the oldest female to complete a marathon.
Mathea,now 94,of Koloa,Hawaii,USA,stays in shape all year round by running seven days a week,no matter what the weather is. Whether it rains or shines,she covers 36 miles every week,even when she's on holiday. The retired doctor didn't take up running until she was 46 years old-after a friend suggested running two miles per day.
“The Honolulu Marathon is my favorite marathon mainly because it doesn't close the gate at a certain time,which allows even the slowest runner to finish the race," she said. “It's one of the best races.Fantastic registration,set-up and management make it a joy to run the race. ”
Mathea,who doesn't allow her age to slow her down,thinks she is the happiest person when she's on the road. She enjoys running for miles and waving and saying hello to the people she passes. To stay in shape,Mathea keeps a steady training routine(惯例). “I train all year round but in- crease the mileage 18 weeks before a marathon," she said.
Mathea said it was her career as a doctor that allowed her to understand how her body and mind respond to diet and exercise. “I see the direct relation between moving and health," she said. "It is important to reduce stress rather than ignoring it without a plan on how to do so. Of course , exercise of any kind is a natural stress reducer. ”
Mathea thought getting through the finish line and winning a Guinness World Records title was the excitement of her life. “My family completely surprised me after the 2022 Honolulu Marathon,in which I achieved the world record,by wearing matching T-shirts stating my achievements," she said.
4. What do we know about Mathea from the first two paragraphs
A. She used to be in poor health.
B. She is the oldest to win a marathon.
C.She was encouraged by her patient to run.
D.She runs daily regardless of the weather.
5.Why is Mathea crazy about the Honolulu Marathon
A.It gives winners the best awards.
B.It has no time limit for runners to finish.
C.It provides runners with quality service.
D.It allows runners to set a world record easily.
6. What led to Mathea's understanding of the connection between moving and health
A.Her professional experience. B. Her training courses.
C.Her views on stress in life. D.Her hobby from young.
7.What message does Mathea's story deliver
A.Practice makes perfect. B. Interest is the best teacher.
C.Age is no barrier to success. D. Ups and downs make one strong.
The benefits of sports have been shown in numerous studies. Now a research team at the Technical University of Munich looked specifically at children's physical strength and their endurance(耐力).They used internationally standardized test procedures to look at children's ability to concentrate and their health-related quality of life.
The study involved more than 3,200 girls and more than 3,200 boys at primary schools in Bavaria's Berchtesgadener Land District. The results of the study show:The higher the level of children's physical fitness is,the better they can perform. While the boys do better on the fitness tests, the girls perform better in terms of concentration and quality of life values.
“This means it's important to encourage physical exercise in children at an early stage,since this can also have a positive impact on the development of mental fitness,” said Prof Oberhoffer-Fritz.
Collaboration(合作)among schools,communities and athletic clubs is very important when it comes to creating a proper range of possibilities.Dr Thorsten Schulz, head of the study team said,“Based on the results of the study, since2019 the Berchtesgadener Land District Administration Office has been giving all first-grade pupils in the region a voucher(优惠券)for a one-year membership in a sports club. This is a great example of how different organizations can work together and lead children to be more athletically active.”
Having children get a high level of physical fitness may seem difficult to the parents who have a child that doesn't seem to be interested in sports.However, with a little effort, they may be able to find a sport that their child does like. By allowing children to try more sports and exploring with them, parents may help their children find one that they are good at and one that they enjoy participating in,and it is even better if it is something the whole family can play together.
In a further study, the research team also investigated older children and young adults at secondary schools. An additional scientific publication based on these data is planned.
What can we learn from the results of the study
A.Boys tend to take exercise more often than girls.
B.Boys and girls benefit differently from physical exercise.
C Girls are likely to perform better in more challenging sports.
D Boys and girls have different preferences for physical activities.
9. Why does the author mention the Berchtesgadener Land District Administration Office
A To point out a lack of community services for kids.
B To introduce a way of offering free sports programs to kids.
C To suggest physical exercise helps improve kids' social skills.
D To show joint efforts are necessary for encouraging kids to do sports.
10.What are parents advised to do to help children find a sport to play
A. Keep an eye on children's daily exercise. B .Act as role models for children in sports.
C. Take children to experience different sports. D. Find coaches to teach children to play sports.
11. What could be the best title for the text
A .Sports Matter to Kids at an Early Age
B. Exercising on a Regular Basis Keeps Kids Energetic
C. Children with Less Sporting Ability Have Poor Mental Health
D. Hobbies Play an Important Part in Children's Development
Growing up on a small farm in Zimbabwe, I liked to sing the song "That sweet potato in the pot. Who should I eat it with ". In the early 1990s, the song was popularized by Zimbabwean musician Oliver Mtukudzi.After I moved to the US, it became my favorite Thanksgiving song as it celebrates both the amazing food and the joys of friendship.
In my village, sweet potatoes came in many colors, shapes and tastes. My mother loved the easy preparation (boil and serve), but we also ate them uncooked or roasted them on an open fire. There is simply no bad way to prepare sweet potatoes.
At some point sweet potatoes faded (逐渐消失) from our diets as more farmers started growing Irish white potatoes. It's easy to understand why. They could grow more white potatoes than sweet potatoes in the same unit of land, and, what's more, the white potatoes' growing time was shorter. But the white potato is no match for the sweet potato in nutritional(营养的)value. Full of vitamins (维生素),sweet potatoes are as good as any superfood but cost much less. Despite having lower levels of vitamins, white potatoes became common. In the 1990s and early 2000s,sweet potatoes were largely ignored by agricultural development organizations.
However, thanks to efforts to breed (培育)improved varieties of sweet potatoes, they're making a comeback in many African countries. These varieties greatly benefit farmers more harvest for the same amount of effort. They're sweeter to the taste. And they have higher levels of vitamin A than past generations of sweet potatoes. The sweet potato is also a“climate-smart" crop. It is resilient to drought and heat stress,thus offering small farmers a practical climate change adaptation strategy.
More than a type of food, “sweet potato” is also a lovely expression used by many Zimbabweans. Men often write love letters with words like“You will forever be my sweet potato” or sign “Your sweet potato".Very few foods have made this magical jump into the world of love.
12. What can we learn about sweet potatoes
A.They can be cooked in various ways. B. They can be found easily in the US.
C. They are too common to be loved. D.They are typical Thanksgiving food.
13.Why did many farmers once grow white potatoes instead of sweet potatoes
A. They were healthier and tasted better. B. They were encouraged by the authorities.
C. They meant the higher productivity of the same land. D.They could adapt to the local environment better.
14.What do the underlined words “resilient to” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Responding quickly to something. B. Sticking closely to something.
C. Depending mainly on something. D.Recovering easily from something.
15.What is the expression“sweet potato”used as in Zimbabwe
A. Aromantic term. B.The magic words.
C. An excellent idea. D. An honorary title.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)
How to Improve English Pronunciation
It's true that you do not have to sound exactly like a native English speaker. However , when you meet someone for the first time,a good pronunciation will help leave a good impression on him/her. Here are some tips on improving your English pronunciation.
You cannot correct your pronunciation when you don't know the rules of it. So, start improving your pronunciation by first making yourself clear about the knowledge.
Watch while listening.
Find an article with recording. 17 In this way,you can learn the relationship between the spelling of a word and the sound,and what words sound like when they're in a sentence together.
Have yourself recorded.
Hearing your own voice can be a strange experience. But it is a great way to improve your speech habits. If there's a letter or word that you want to improve upon, record yourself saying it. 18 Find the differences and improve your way of pronunciation.
Add correct stress to words.
English is a stressed language. 19 You can hear this when you say a word out loud. For example,the word“introduce” is pronounced with a stress at the end, so it sounds like this:“in-tro-DUCE”.
Practice every day.
After learning how to say something correctly,you need to practice often. 20 With enough practice, you can get what sounds right too.
A. Learn the rules.
B. Write down what you hear.
C. Look at the words while listening to the recording.
D. Then compare it with the recordings of native speakers.
E. That means greater force is used in speaking some words.
F. There are some excellent recordings on English pro- nunciation.
G. For at least 30 minutes a day , repeat the correct way to pronounce the words.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Last week when coming home from work,I decided to go to the supermarket.I 21 ,ran inside and spent about 45 minutes looking and trying to shake the work pressure away. Having filled the cart(购物车),I went to pay for my 22 only to find my wallet was not in my pocket! Wondering where my wallet had 23, I put down the foods and hurried to my car,surprisingly finding the door was open and things were 24 all over the ground. Had I forgotten to 25 the door Or had the car been 26 into
A few steps 27, I saw a tall man stood there. He asked if it was my 28,explaining he'd been in his car opposite me when I had left. After I closed the car door, the seat belt got 29.He was about to close it 30 he saw a wallet had been on the ground,with credit cards 31. He decided to stand there guarding it, 32 no one took anything and he had been careful not to touch anything. If he hadn't been such a(n) 33 , the mistake could have destroyed my whole life, as my driver's license,credit cards, ATM cards and some money were all there. I was 34 to him and thanked him 100 times. He just kept smiling,saying it was nothing. I told him he was my angel and he said,“Just 35 it on.”
21.A.pulled B.landed C.settled D.parked
22.A.flowers B.licenses C.groceries D.books
23.A.been B.gone C.appeared D.existed
24.A.lying B.floating C.sitting D.missing
25.A.fix B.paint C.push D.lock
26.A.driven B.fallen C.broken D.run
27.A.closer B.sooner C.faster D.longer
28.A.book B.car C.handbag D.card
29.A.on the way B.by the way C.over the way D.in the way
30.A.until B.before C.when D.after
31.A.away B.nearby C.in hand D.beyond reach
32.A.figuring out B.making sure C.depending on D.accounting for
33.A.stranger B.customer C.assistant D.angel
34.A.devoted B.attached C.grateful D.respectful
35.A.pass B.deliver C.send D.throw
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
The Honghe Hani Rice Terraces(梯田),in southern Yunnan,China,cover a huge 16,603-hectare area.The terraces , 36 (know) to all of the world now, were made out of a thick forest by the Hani people.The terraces rise at different angles from a shallow 15°37 a steep(陡峭的)75°forming a wonder -ful landscape that 38 ( be ) rare in the world.
In 2003,the terraced fields were 39 (official) recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site.About 1,300 years ago,the Hani people first 40 ( come ) to the steep mountains. They struggled against the difficult terrain(地形),successfully creating the terraces, where they grew rice in order to make 41 living. Over the past 1,300 years,the Hani people have developed a complex system of channels 42 (bring) water from the forested mountaintops. They show great ap- preciation for natural phenomena such as rivers, mountains , the sun, fire and the moon. They have also created a complete farming system 43 involves cattle,ducks,and fish and supports the 44 (produce) of red rice, the area's main crop.
The landscape changes through the year.In April the terraces are all green as rice starts to grow;in later parts of the year it is yellowish brown as the rice ripens.In February, the terraces become bare earth,with the water 45 (reflect) the sky。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,正在纽约学习,得知当地的动物园要招募数名志愿者。请你给动物园的负责人Mr Smith写一封邮件,申请做一名志愿者,内容包括:
第二节 (满分25分)
The small Texas school that I attended carried out a tradition every year during the eighth grade graduation: it awarded a beautiful gold and green jacket, the school colors, to the student who had maintained the highest grade for eight years. The scholarship jacket had a big gold S on the left front side and the winner's name was written in gold letters on the pocket. It would be a great honor for any of the students.
I was fourteen and in the eighth grade. I had been a straight A student since the first grade, and I had looked forward to owning that jacket. Even though I was quite athletic, there would never be a sports school jacket for me because of my poor family. This one, the scholarship jacket, was my only chance. But according to the school tradition, there was only one position for the top student, and Joann was my biggest opponent(对手), whose grades were enough to compare to mine. The school would make the final decision through teacher voting three days later.
One day, after a history class, another hour of sweating in basketball was coming up. Then I remembered my P.E. shorts were still in a bag under my desk where I'd forgotten them. I had to walk all the way back and get them. I was almost back at my classroom's door when I heard the voices from Mr Schmidt, my history teacher, and Mr Boone, my math teacher They seemed to be talking about the coming voting.“Martha has straight As and you know it," that was Mr Schmidt.Mr Boone said,“Yes, it' tough. Joann's father was dead in a car accident. We could say the jacket will be a huge encouragement to her ...”
Shaking, I waited a few minutes and then went in and got my bag and escaped from the room. To this day I don't remember how I made it through the rest of the afternoon. I knew little about Joann because we were not in the same class. I had overheard that conversation, which made me reconsider the matter of this jacket.
The next morning, I walked into headmaster Mr Thompson's office.
The day of the decision arrived, and the whole school gathered in the auditorium (礼堂).