

名称 云南省玉溪市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题(含解析,有听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 22.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-07 08:18:18


【考试时间: 7月6日08: 30~10: 30】
玉溪市2023-2024 学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测
1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman get
A. The flower. B. The fruit. C. The flower cake.
2. When will the woman probably get gifts
A. This week. B. Next week. C. In three months.
3. How many subjects will the man do in the afternoon
A. Two. B. One. C. None.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At home. B. On the subway. C. In a parking lot.
5. What does the man mean
A. Stay at the grocery. B. Go and get the umbrella. C. Buy a new umbrella now.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What is the relationship between the two speakers
A. Best friends. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife.
7. Why can't the woman enjoy the chocolate
A. Because it's not her favorite one. B. Because she is trying to lose weight.
C. Because the man is on a business trip.
8. When did the woman start running in the park
A. Today. B. One month ago. C. One year ago.
9. What is Plogging according to the man's introduction
A. A global trend that started this year. B. An activity for the benefit of marathon runners.
C. A new trend combining picking up trash and running.
10. Why is Plogging becoming popular
A. Because of the good effect of losing weight. B. Because of the desire to be close to nature.
C. Because of the increasing awareness of the plastic problems.
听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第13 三个小题。
11. Where is the man working
A. In LA. B. In Paris. C. In London.
12. What does the man think of his living place
A. It's polluted. B. It's clean and beautiful. C. It's near the town center.
13. What problem does the man have
A. Job. B. Language. C. Transportation.
听下面一段对话,回答第14 至第16 三个小题。
14. Why do the two speakers want to travel
A. Because they've got tired of work. B. Because they think city life is boring.
C. Because they've saved up enough money.
15. When can they begin their vacation
A. Tomorrow. B. On Sunday. C. Next Monday.
16. What will they do next
A. Fill up the tank. B. Make a list of necessities. C. Buy the high-speed train ticket.
听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20 四个小题。
17. How does Vivian make a living in China
A. By doing live streaming. B. By running a video sharing app.
C. By showing the Chinese a real America.
18. How many followers does Vivian have
A. 200, 000. B. 300, 000. C. 400, 000.
19. Where is Vivian's income mainly from
A. Online sale of goods. B. Virtual gifts from her fans. C. Donation from her followers.
20. What does Vivian realize despite her success
A. She cannot rely on Momo in the long run. B. She can earn much more on a new platform.
C. She should owe her success to her followers.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Creative Travel Guide
With impressive museums, trendy fashion, and incredible innovations, Stockholm is a city you must go.
Best Time to Travel
The best time to visit Stockholm is from July to September when the temperatures are the warmest and you can enjoy long sunny days. However, hotel prices are at their highest at this time too. Visiting at the beginning of June can give you better hotel prices. While at the end of September offers plenty of light, but the temperature does begin to drop slightly.
As the biggest city in Sweden, Stockholm is a transportation hub for the region, meaning that there are plenty of national and international connections to the city. You could choose to fly to one of the two airports that aren't too far from the city with Stockholm Orlando Airport being the biggest airport in the country.
Flights are available from across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. From the airport, you can take a bus or commuter train into the city center.
Getting Around
Stockholm has an excellent public transport system that is made up of several bus lines, commuter rails, trams metros, and ferries covering the majority of the city efficiently. Many people choose to cycle around Stockholm as the city has plenty of bike lanes and paths to get around. You can get yourself a Go City Stockholm card offering free entry to over 60 top attractions. You could also choose to take a taxi but it is expensive. So try to avoid if possible.
Food and Board
Hostel dorm prices can be found for under 350 Krona while budget Hotels begin at 2, 000, and four-or five-star hotels can be found for around 4, 000 Krona. Breakfast costs around 50Krona and lunch begins at 120, while dinner starts at around 200 Krona.
21. When will you get cheaper hotel prices
A. In July. B. At the beginning of June.
C. In August. D. At the end of September.
22. Which part will be helpful if accommodation is needed
A. Best Time to Travel. B. Transportation.
C. Getting Around. D. Food and Board.
23. In which column of a newspaper will you find the text
A. Entertainment. B. Technology. C. Travel. D. History.
The book, Art Forms in Nature, published in 1904, is the most famous work of the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. Including more than 450hand-drawn pictures by him, the book is also known as the encyclopedia(百科全书) of nature. The pictures in the book have been at the crossing of art, biology, and maths for over a century.
Born in Potsdam, Germany, Ernst Haeckel studied medicine in Berlin, Wurzburg and Vienna, and received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Berlin. He was also a professor of Zoology at Jena University. He was one of the first to draw animals. When Haeckel was a young medical student at the University of Berlin, Professor Johannes Muller took him to see small sea animals off the coast of Heligoland in the North Sea. At that time, Haeckel became intrigued in animals.
Haeckel's biological research is wide. He studied everything from the highest mountain to the deepest ocean. Haeckel's discoveries described and named thousands of new species. He used a paintbrush to draw these new species in fine detail. People learned about many animals that had never been seen before, and the most interesting one is the microorganism(微生物) described by Haeckel. These creatures that we can't see in daily life look like monsters that crawl out of science fiction. Through his book, Haeckel shows the diversity of the Earth's ecosystems.
It is worth mentioning that Haeckel and the famous biologist Darwin were very good friends. Haeckel would often send Darwin drawings of creatures he had drawn by hand for Darwin to study. Darwin once said, “Haeckel's paintings are the most attractive that I have ever seen, and I am proud to have his gifts.”
24. Why is Art Forms in Nature mentioned in the text
A. To explain the importance of biology. B. To introduce the author of the book.
C. To present the art skills in 1904. D. To show the features of animals.
25. What does the underlined word “intrigued” probably mean in paragraph 2
A. Worried. B. Tired. C. Interested. D. Agreed.
26. What do we know about Ernst Haeckel from paragraph 3
A. He found new species through his research.
B. He drew what he dreamed about in his spare time.
C. He made many experiments with his friends.
D. He discovered some animals that people had seen before.
27. What did Darwin think of his friend's gifts
A. Strange. B. Normal. C. Annoying. D. Impressive.
Is she turning towards you or away from you She is the subject of Dutch master Johannes Vermeer's “Girl with the Pearl Earring,” a painting often referred to as the “ Mona Lisa of the North. ”
Belonging to a Dutch style of idealized, the “Girl with the Pearl Earring” has the attractive and subtle characteristics of Vermeer's works. In many of his works, Vermeer demonstrates his command of perspective(透视). That's a technique that uses distortion(扭曲) to give the illusion(错觉) of an object moving gradually away in the distant. Other elements, like sight lines, mirrors and light sources describe the moment through space and position.
Vermeer's treatment of light and shadow, uses a dark, flat background to further spotlight her three-dimensionality. Instead of being like a set piece in a theatrical narrative scene, she becomes a psychological subject. Her gentle eyes and slightly parted lips, as if she is about to say something, draw us into her gaze.
The new turban(头巾) worn by the “Girl with the Pearl Earring” emphasizes the world of the merchant class, and the pearl itself, is also a symbol of wealth. The hope of wealth is mirrored in the painting itself. In greater context, the pearl appears round and heavy, but a detailed view shows that it's just a floating unclear image of paint. Upon close inspection, we are reminded of Vermeer's power as an illusion maker.
While we may never know the real identity of the “Girl with the Pearl Earring,” we can engage with her portrait in a way that is unforgettable. As she hangs in her permanent home in the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague. In her mysterious way, she represents the birth of a modern perspective on economics, politics and love.
28. What is the style of Vermeer's art work
A. Impressionistic. B. Idealized. C. Religious. D. Abstract.
29. What do we know about the girl in the painting
A. Her lips are closed. B. Her turban is worn out.
C. Her eyes are full of hatred. D. Her earring represents wealth.
30. What can be inferred about the artist Vermeer
A. He painted “Mona Lisa”. B. He was an illusion maker.
C. He was good at using lines. D. He created a new painting technique.
31. What is the text mainly about
A. Dutch people's favorite jewelry. B. Understanding the smile of “Mona Liza”.
C. Introduction to one of Vermeer's works. D. The influence of the “Girl with the Pearl Earring”.
Miguel Camacho Collados, a police inspector in Spain, became frustrated at how often his team had to deal with robbery complaints that turned out to be fake(假的). “We were wasting a lot of time investigating cases that had never occurred,” says Miguel.
People did fake robberies for various reasons. Some simply wanted to avoid telling family or friends they lost something valuable, but others did it to cash in on insurance claims. The only strategy for catching them was asking experienced police officers to review skeptical reports, but this approach was not always effective. So Miguel, who is also a trained mathematician, and other scientists designed VeriPol, which can pick out fake reports by examining the wording of statements. It is an effective text-based lie detection model for police reports.
The team trained VeriPol on a total of 1, 122 robbery reports the national police had closed. It then tested how accurately VeriPol classified a sample of 659 reports as true or false, compared with two human experts. VeriPol achieved better results than the two human experts by 15 and 20 percent, separately. A June 2017 pilot test in the cities of Murcia and Malaga helped to find out 25 and 35 false robberies in just one week, compared with only 3 and 12, separately, for that month in the previous decade.
William Wang, a computer scientist at the University of California, agrees that VeriPol is a useful tool for policemen and he thinks VeriPol's success could be copied in other countries, particularly where police departments are short-staffed. With the help of VeriPol, people in Madrid are going to think more than once before filling in a fake report.
32. What was Miguel's problem in his work
A. He had to look into many false robberies. B. He set down a lot of robbery complaints.
C. He wasted quantities of time to catch robbers. D. He was forced to ask colleagues to handle robberies.
33. Why did Miguel create VeriPol
A. To assist experts to go over reports.
B. To ensure insurance companies will not lose money.
C. To help policemen find out false robberies.
D. To make sure families will not miss valuable things.
34. What do we know about VeriPol
A. It can memorize robbery reports without mistakes.
B. It works more efficiently than experienced experts.
C. It reads false robbery reports slower than policemen.
D. It can pick out false robbery reports without being trained.
35. What can be inferred from William Wang's words
A. VeriPol is successfully used globally.
B. All police departments badly need VeriPol's help.
C. VeriPol’s system can be easily copied in other countries.
D. People in Madrid should think twice before making a false robbery report.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Living heritages are cultural elements that are considered to be an important part of the cultural heritage of our nation and that are still present and transmitted today. 36 It is an artistic practice of writing Chinese characters, often with a brush and ink on Xuan paper.
The evolution of Chinese calligraphy began alongside the earliest Chinese characters discovered to date—inscriptions on oracle bones(甲骨文), from the Shang Dynasty(c. 16th century—11th century BC) in Anyang, Henan province.
Over time, calligraphy gradually took shape as a form of art rather than a mere means of record. Five major styles of script were born. They were running, cursive, official, seal and regular.
37 The type of brush, density of ink and texture of paper can all change the output. From brush inclination and direction to speed of writing, every twist and turn of the wrist is also calculated. Structure of individual characters and special layout as a whole determine its quality. Moreover, the emotions of the writer are directly reflected on calligraphy.
Calligraphy is a fine art. Lan Ting Xu is one of the most celebrated masterpieces. 38 Its elegance and expressive brushwork gave it both historical and cultural significance in Chinese literature.
Calligraphy is also within reach. Like the Spring Festival couplets that decorate doors of everyday folks, calligraphy has always been the sign of appreciation for the Chinese. Where there is Chinese language, there is calligraphy. 39
Chinese calligraphy is still highly valued today for its more than just writing. 40 It was written on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in2009. We strongly believe Chinese calligraphy will be passed from generation to generation.
A. It is a living heritage.
B. Calligraphy is a demanding art.
C. Calligraphy can be learned easily.
D. Chinese calligraphy is one of them.
E. It is one of the most famous and favorite art works.
F. And where there is Chinese calligraphy, there is beauty.
G. It was created by Wang Xizhi during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A 7-year-old Bryce Schottel had been diagnosed with cancer. He’d already been through three rounds of treatment and having a fourth one scared him a lot. During that 41 time, his mother wondered that someone would act as Superman to 42 her son's spirits, since we related superheroes to bravery and kindness. So his mom posted her 43 online. Little did she know that a couple of days later, a Superman would really 44 her.
After 45 Bryce's story online, a policeman, Damon Cole, in Dallas 46 to help somehow. He decided to call Bryce's family and ask whether he could visit Bryce or not. His family 47 agreed and couldn't wait to see their son's reaction. So, Cole drove 11 hours from Dallas to Bryce's hometown of Smithton, Illinois, where he 48 the young boy at his home around 8 o’clock in the evening. He wore the same Superman costume as in the movies. Bryce and his mom couldn't 49 someone had driven from so far away just to 50 up an unknown boy.
Cole wanted to spend a bit of 51 time with Bryce. After all, he'd driven 11 hours from Dallas. The two 52 cards and enjoyed some video games together. Before Cole left, he gave the young boy a parting 53 , a Superman cape(披风). Cole could hardly tell Bryce was sick because he had such a(n) 54 attitude.
It's not every day you get to meet Superman. But when you do, it's guaranteed to bring 55 and hope.
41. A. casual B. merry C. tough D. short
42. A. lift B. destroy C. catch D. break
43. A. order B. request C. suggestion D. rule
44. A. say goodbye to B. do harm to C. play a trick on D. get in touch with
45. A. sharing B. reading C. posting D. editing
46. A. longed B. refused C. afforded D. pretended
47. A. partly B. nearly C. hardly D. totally
48. A. annoyed B. threatened C. surprised D. frightened
49. A. confirm B. believe C. spot D. predict
50. A. cheer B. pick C. take D. bring
51. A. study B. breakfast C. leisure D. story
52. A. collected B. made C. watched D. played
53. A. medicine B. present C. money D. kiss
54. A. competitive B. passive C. optimistic D. careless
55. A. freedom B. knowledge C. sorrow D. delight
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
As a professional Chinese snowboarder and Olympic champion, I am often asked about my Japanese teacher, Yasuhiro Sato. When I first met him, the problem we had was the language barrier. I could not speak Japanese 56 he could not speak Chinese. We had to communicate with each other in English. My English was still not good at that time. With some gestures and guessing, we could 57 (bare) communicate with each other. After 58 (get) to know each other, he would call me Xiao Ming. I would teach him some Chinese and learn Japanese by myself. As a result, our conversation 59 (mix) in Chinese, English, and Japanese. It was like a secret code, 60 only the two of us could understand, but I actually enjoyed this kind of communication and found 61 very interesting. Because we could not see each other often, he guided me through video chat. Although we had been in different 62 (country) most of the time, I could feel that he stayed 63 my side all the time. Sato-san himself said that this was 64 (amaze). Definitely, without Sato-san, I would not be able to win the competition. After winning the gold medal, we 65 (hug)each other and cried. We both understood each other's feelings, even though we didn't say a word.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,上周五你们班上了一堂户外劳动实践课。请你写一封邮件给英国朋友 Chris,和他分享这次经历。
1. 你和同学们完成的劳动;
2. 你的感想。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Chris,
I am writing to share with you a labor practice class I had in the open air last Friday.
Li Hua
My mother always said, “Can't never could until he tried.” She recited it to me many times during my childhood. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Angry as it was, it took root. I strongly believe that I will never be able to do something unless I try.
Last year, my husband was downsized out of his job, leaving us with a single income—mine. We were a two-income family with two children to support. Just when it looked like things couldn't get worse, I lost my job too.
While my husband was making calls for another job, I stayed at home and did my best to figure out how to make the most of every cent. When I tried to get some milk from the refrigerator, I found the milk had gone bad. What was wrong It took me some time to make it out. The refrigerator didn't work. It was often difficult for me to have a hopeful and positive attitude at that time.
Anxious about our situation, I tried to think of something that I could do to earn some money. Even a little would help. Maybe we could at least get the refrigerator repaired. But what could I do I began searching the want ads, applying for anything that I was even able to do.
I had lunch with a former coworker who insisted that I would be great at teaching computer classes. I had used word processing software at my former job and was definitely an expert. I used to help my friends learn how to use computer software. I was considerate and easygoing and I was good at describing things patiently. Once my friends had difficulty in using the computer, I would be willing to help—guiding them through, answering all their questions. From their facial expressions, I could tell they loved me.
Was it possible that people would actually pay me to teach them I suddenly remembered my mother's words “Can't never could until he tried”.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
I wasn't sure where to start, but finally I got an idea. ________________________________________________
Fortunately, I made enough money to do the things I wanted. _________________________________________
玉溪市2023-2024 学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5 CBACB 6~10 CBACC 11~15 ABCAC 16~20BACBA
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
21~25 BDCBC 26~30 ADBDB 31~35 CACBD
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分 12. 5分)
36~40 DBGFA
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41~45 CABDB 46~50 ADCBA 51~55 CDBCD
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分 15分)
56. and 57. barely 58. getting 59. was mixed 60. which
61. it 62. countries 63. by 64. amazing 65. hugged
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Chris,
I'm writing to share with you a labor practice class I had in the open air last Friday. We were tasked with planting young trees in groups. Some loosened the soil and some put the saplings in the hole. Others fetched the water from the nearest river and watered the saplings.
The entire experience was incredibly refreshing. Being surrounded by nature not only sparked my motives to work but also offered a much-needed break from the usual hustle and bustle of school life. Through the hands-on class, not only do I gain a sense of achievement from labor, I also appreciate the close connection with nature that I truly cherished.
How have your classes been lately I would love to hear about them.
Li Hua
I wasn't sure where to start, but finally I got an idea. The first thing I did was write the advertisement for my computer class. Then I designed brochures, handing them out in the street. I was filled with self-doubt as I waited for responses. I had absolutely no experience in running a business and I had no training experience. But on the third day, I got my first response. Two people registered for my computer class. Then, I got another 10 registrations. I couldn't believe it.
Fortunately, I made enough money to do the things I wanted. I will never forget the day that our new refrigerator was delivered. It was much larger than our old one. I paid for it with the money I earned. I could not have been prouder of myself. I had a tremendous satisfaction that I had tried and succeeded. Thanks to my mother, I didn't give up easily before trying some ways to solve problems. Now I will tell my children my mother's words: “Can't never could until he tried”.
第二部分 阅读
体裁:应用文 主题语境:人与社会——旅游
21. B 细节理解题。从文中首段小标题 Best Time to Travel段落中第三句内容可知,六月初来的话,旅馆的价格会稍微便宜一点。故选B。
22. D 细节理解题。从文中末段小标题及内容可知,其是关于旅游住宿信息。“旅游住宿酒店宿舍的价格在350 克朗以下,经济型酒店的价格从 2000 克朗开始,四星级或五星级酒店的价格在 4000 克朗左右。早餐约 50 克朗,午餐 120 克朗起,晚餐约200克朗。”故选 D。
23. C 文章出处题。从全文内容来分析,文章介绍前往斯德哥尔摩游览前须知,属于旅游的范畴,故选 C。
体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——生物领域的代表性作品和人物
24. B 细节理解题。从文章首段首句内容可知,介绍出版于 1904 年的《自然的艺术形式》是为了引出这本书的作者德国生物学家恩斯特·海克尔。故选B。
25. C 词义猜测题。从文章第二段最后两句内容可知,当海克尔还是柏林大学医学院的一名年轻学生时,约翰内斯·穆勒教授带他去观察北海黑尔戈兰海岸附近的小型海洋生物。就在那个时候,他对动物变得感兴趣。故选 C。
26. A 细节理解题。从文章第三段内容可知,海克尔发现并命名了数千个新物种。故选A。
27. D 观点态度题。根据文章末段末句,达尔文曾经说过:“海克尔的画是我见过的最吸引人的,我很自豪能拥有他的馈赠。”可推测出,达尔文被海克尔的画所打动,并感到很自豪。故选 D。
体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——绘画领域的代表性作品和人物
28. B 细节理解题。从文中第二段首句可知,《戴珍珠耳环的少女》属于理想化的荷兰风格,具有维米尔作品迷人而微妙的特点。故选 B。
29. D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段末句可知,画中的女孩眼神是温和的,没有充满仇恨,嘴唇微张。第四段首句提到新头巾是她身份的象征,并不是旧的。珍珠本身是财富的象征。故选 D。
30. B 推理判断题。从文章第四段末句“仔细观察,我们会想起维米尔作为一个错觉制造者的力量”可判断出维米尔善于制造错觉。故选 B。
31. C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,介绍荷兰大师约翰内斯·维米尔(Johannes Vermeer) 的艺术作品《戴珍珠耳环的少女》。故选C。
体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——科技新产品
【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。介绍来自西班牙的 Miguel 研发了一款人工智能的VeriPol系统帮助警察局识别伪案。
32. A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句中内容 “became frustrated at how often his teamhad to deal with robbery complaints that turned out to be fake” 可知 Miguel 在工作中的难题是花时间处理伪抢劫案。故选A。
33. C 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句中提到 “which can pick out fake reports by examining the wording of statements” 内容可知设计 VeriPol的目的是帮助警察分辨抢劫案的真假。故选 C。
34. B 推理判断题。根据第三段第三句 “VeriPol achieved better results than the two humanexperts by 15 and 20 percent, separately. ” 可知在甄别伪案件方面,VeriPol比有经验的专家效率高。故选 B。
35. D 推理判断题。根据末段末句内容 “With the help of VeriPol, people in Madrid aregoing to think more than once before filling in a fake report. ” 可知在 VeriPol系统的帮助下,在马德里人们不敢轻易地填写虚假报告。故选 D。
体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——非物质文化遗产
36. D 考查句间例证关系。根据空前内容提到“活态文化遗产被认为是我们国家文化遗产的重要组成部分,并且是今天仍然存在和传播的文化元素。”可知后面应举例“中国书法就是其中之一。”故选 D。
37. B 考查主旨句。空后内容提到“毛笔的类型、墨的密度和纸张的质地都会改变作品质量。从毛笔的倾斜度和方向到书写的速度,手腕的每一次扭动和转动都是经过计算的。个别字符的结构和整体的特殊布局决定了它的质量。”以上内容都充分说明书法是一门要求极高的艺术。故选 B。
38. G 考查句间承接关系。根据空前内容提到“《兰亭序》是中国书法最著名的杰作之一”可知后面应补充是东晋时期的王羲之创作了《兰亭序》。故选 G。
39. F 考查句间递进关系。根据空前内容“哪里有汉语,哪里就有中国书法。”可知后面进一步描写“哪里有中国书法,哪里就有美。”故选 F。
40. A 考查句间并列关系。根据空前内容“时至今日,这种艺术仍然受到高度重视,因为它不仅仅是文字”可知,后面并列连接“而且是一种活态文化遗产”最为合适。且本段最后一句“我们坚信中国书法将会代代相传”也体现出中国书法生生不息的生命力。故选 A。
第三部分 语言运用
体裁:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我——个人生活
41. C 考查语境中形容词的辨析。casual“随便的;休闲的”;merry“愉快的;高兴的”;tough“艰难的”;short“短暂的”。根据语境,在那段艰难的日子里,他的母亲希望有人能扮演超人来鼓舞儿子的精神。故选 C。
42. A 考查语境中动词的辨析。lift“鼓舞;鼓励”destroy“毁坏”;catch“抓住”;break“打破;打碎”。解析同上。故选 A。
43. B 考查语境中名词的辨析。order“指示;命令”;request“请求”;suggestion“建议”;rule“规则;规章”。根据语境,因此他妈妈把她的请求发到网上。故选B。
44. D 考查语境中动词短语的辨析。say goodbye to“告别;再见”;do harm to“损害;伤害”;play a trick on“开某人的玩笑”;get in touch with“取得联系”。根据语境,她不知道的是,几天后,一个超人真的会联系她。故选 D。
45. B 考查语境中动词的辨析。share“分享”;read“读”;post“发帖子;张贴”;edit“编辑”。根据语境,达拉斯的一名警察达蒙·科尔在网上读到布莱斯的照片和故事后,不知怎么地,渴望能帮助他。故选B。
46. A 考查语境中动词的辨析。long“渴望”;refuse“拒绝;不接受”;afford“买得起;提供”;pretend“假装;伪装”。解析同上。故选 A。
47. D 考查语境中副词的辨析。partly“部分地;某种程度上”;nearly“几乎;差不多”;hardly“几乎不”;totally“完全地”。根据语境,他的家人完全同意了,迫不及待地想看看儿子的反应。故选 D。
48. C 考查语境中动词的辨析。annoy“使恼怒;打扰”;threaten“威胁;恐吓”;surprise“吃惊;意外发现”;frighten“使惊吓;惊恐”。根据语境,所以,科尔驱车 11 个小时从达拉斯来到布莱斯的家乡,伊利诺斯州的史密斯顿,他在布莱斯家里给了他一个惊喜。故选C。
49. B 考查语境中动词的辨析。confirm“确认;证实”;believe“相信”;spot“发现”;predict“预言;预计”。根据语境,布莱斯和他妈妈不敢相信有人从这么远的地方开车过来就为了让一个陌生的男孩高兴起来。故选 B。
50. A 考查语境中动词短语的辨析。cheer up“使高兴;振奋起来”;pick up“学会;捡起”;take up“从事于”;bring up“养育;提出”。解析同上。故选 A。
51. C 考查语境中的名词辨析。study“学习”;breakfast“早餐”;leisure“休闲活动”;story“故事”。根据语境,科尔走之前想要和布莱斯有个休闲时光。毕竟,他是从达拉斯开了11个小时的车过来的。故选C。
52. D 考查语境中动词的辨析。collect“收集”;make“制作;成为”;watch“看”;play“玩”。根据语境,两人一起打牌,一起玩电子游戏。故选 D。
53. B 考查语境中名词的辨析。medicine“药物;医疗”;present“礼物;恩赐”;money“钱;财产”;kiss“吻”。根据语境,在科尔离开之前,他给了这个小男孩一份离别礼物——超人披风。故选 B。
54. C 考查语境中形容词的辨析。competitive“竞争的;好胜的”;passive“被动的;消极的”;optimistic“活跃的;积极的”;careless“粗心的”。根据上下文可知,故选C。
55. D 考查语境中名词的辨析。freedom“自由”;knowledge“知识”;sorrow“悲伤;痛苦”;delight“快乐”。根据语境,不是每天能见到超人。但当你遇到时,肯定会带来快乐和希望。故选 D。
体裁:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我——个人经历
【语篇导读】作者克服语言交流的障碍,向日本老师 Sato-san 学习滑雪,并与老师建立深厚的师生情。
56. and 考查并列连词。句意:我不会说日语,他不会说中文。两个句子之间需要连接词,故填and。
57. barely 考查词形转换。句意:我们几乎不能交流。根据句意判断,形容词bare变为副词,修饰动词“communicate”。 故填 barely。
58. getting 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们认识之后,他叫我小鸣。介词“after”后接动词ing形式,get为重读闭音节,双写末尾字母t+ing,故填 getting。
59. was mixed 考查动词的语态和时态。句意:我们的对话混杂中文、英文和日语三门语言。根据句意判断,动词使用被动语态,故填 was mixed。
60. which 考查定语从句的连接词。句意:那就是只有我们两个能懂的秘密代号。关系代词 which 在定语从句中作宾语,指代先行词“code”,故填 which。
61. it 考查代词。句意:但实际上,我很喜欢这种交流方式并发现这种交流非常有趣。动词“find”后缺少宾语,it指代上文“this kind of communication”,故填 it。
62. countries 考查名词。句意:尽管大部分时间我们都在不同的国家,但是我总是感觉他一直在陪伴我。根据句意可知,此空需要填入名词复数的形式,故填 countries。
63. by 考查介词。句意:我感觉他一直在陪伴我。stay by one's side“陪伴在某人身边(指在某人身旁持续陪伴,不离不弃)”,常使用介词by,故填by。
64. amazing 考查词形转换。句意:Sato老师说这太了不起。根据句意判断,动词 amaze变为形容词,作从句的表语。故填 amazing。
65. hugged 考查动词时态。句意:在获得金牌之后,我们拥抱在一起,并落泪了。句中动词cry使用过去时,判断动词 hug也使用一般过去时,hug变过去时态需要双写末尾字母g,故填 hugged。
Text 1
W: Thanks for the rose flower cake. It tastes different from apricot flower cake in Shanghai.
M: I'm glad you like it. The rose flower cake is from Pan Xiangji, a Yunnan time-honored brand. (1)
Text 2
M: Are you going to buy the new cellphone P70 this month
W: Yes. I am planning to buy one. Is there any discount recently
M: If you buy a new one next week, China Mobile is going to offer valuable gifts(2). You don't have to wait until National Day, which will be in three months.
W: What a good offer! I'll consider it carefully. (2)
Text 3
W: I finally finished my homework on weekends. Are you done
M: Almost. I had my Math and History done. English teacher said we would shoot a short video, right (3) I find it difficult for me.
W: Well, don't forget your geography assignment as well. (3) You still have time in the afternoon.
Text 4
M: Honey, I don't see any parking space on the ground floor or this floor. (4) Let's park a couple of blocks away and walk to IKEA or you get off here and I'll pick you up after you buy everything.
W: I don't like those parking spots on narrow streets. Go back home and I'll return by subway.
Text 5
W: Sorry, I meant to bring my umbrella with me, but I left it on our table at the restaurant. I should remember to bring it with me when we were going to the grocery.
M: You're always forgetting things. We can't go home. You should fetch it now. (5)
Text 6
M: Maya, thank you for booking the air ticket for me to Beijing. I'm now at the airport.
W: So have you got everything necessary with you
M: Of course, but I'm calling to say it hit me that it is your birthday today. I'm sorry I'm on a business trip.
W: Ah…it is. It's a pity that you can't take part in my birthday party.
M: I just ordered a bunch of roses and a box of chocolate and you'll get them in half an hour.
W: How sweet of you! But you know I'm on a diet, the chocolate. . . (7)
M: It's your favorite chocolate. Just take a small bite and you can share it with our boys at home. (6)
W: Good idea. Why not have a video chat when I get home after work
M: Great! I'll be at hotel then. See you, honey.
Text 7
W: Hi, Mark. Long time no see.
M: Nice to see you, Jenny. It's the first time we've met in this park since I began jogging.
W: I just began running here this morning. (8) Why do you carry a plastic bag with some trash Do you forget to drop it
M: Haha…no. I'm involved in an activity called Plogging, in which you pick up trash while running.
W: Interesting. But I've never heard this word, Plogging.
M: The word combines picking and jogging. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a trash bag, and it can help you keep fit by picking up trash and carrying weight in jogging. (9)
W: Then I think the health benefits are increased.
M: You said it. The trend appears to have started one year ago, but is now going global, due to the increasing awareness of plastic problems around us. (10)
W: Running and good causes have always gone hand in hand—just like all the fundraising marathon runners do. But there couldn't be a more popular way of keeping fit than Plogging.
M: That's right. Anything that's getting people out in nature and connecting positively with their environment is a good e and join us next time.
W: I will.
Text 8
W: When you said you got a job working abroad, I thought you were going to London or Paris. Where exactly are you working
M: I'm working in the Chinese community in Los Angeles. (11)
W: Wow, I had no idea you were working in a place like that. Is it far to get there
M: You would need to take a 14-hour flight from Beijing to LA.
W: How is your living place
M: It is far from the town center. But it is not polluted. I rent a house with a big garden. It's clean and beautiful here. (12) You should come to visit me someday.
W: Wow, can you speak Chinese there
M: When I moved here last month, I chatted with my neighbors in Chinese.
W: Great! You have no communication problems. You only need to focus on your work. How do you go to work
M: That is a big problem. I have no driving license now, so I go to work by bus on weekdays. (13)
Text 9
W: Darling! I have a one-month vacation saved up. How about traveling abroad
M: I could go for that. But I'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year.
W: Oh, but I really need to leave this city for a change. Working day after day has worn me out.
M: Me too. (14) We should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away. How about the countryside There must be many interesting places, and we could enjoy the fresh air.
W: Wonderful! I think that's a great idea. How soon can we make this happen Tomorrow I can't wait!
M: On Sunday, I have a meeting with my boss. What about next Monday (15)
W: Perfect. (15) I'll start preparing tomorrow. If we're going to drive, I'll need to fill up the tank.
M: No need. I think it's still plenty full. Even so, I'd rather travel by bus or train. It would cost much less than driving. Oil prices are going up nowadays, you know.
W: We can take the high-speed train and that will be faster. I'll book the tickets tomorrow morning.
M: Great! Oh, one more thing, don't forget to check the weather before we go. I hate to get caught in the rain.
W: No problem. I'm really looking forward to the coming week.
M: Me, too. Now let's make a list of what we need to take with us. (16)
Text 10
I'm Vivian, a full-time live streamer in China. (17) Probably it's not the answer you would expect from an American girl like me. But for a yearlong period from spring 2022 to spring2023, I streamed on several Chinese apps. I have had over 400, 000 followers so far. (18)
I first began live streaming on the popular video sharing app Meipai with the intention purely of growing an audience. Then Momo, a dating app that has now become famous for its live streaming, invited me to stream on it. With the help of the agency, the number of my followers grew rapidly and within a couple of months, I had nearly 300, 000 fans on the Momo platform. I am making a full-time income from my live streaming, usually 20, 000—30, 000 RMB($3, 200—4, 800) per month, the majority of which comes from virtual gifts from my followers. (19)This doesn't happen by chance. I've taken live streaming seriously and treated it like a job.
In spite of my success, I have quickly realized Momo may not be a good long-term choice for me. (20) I decide to choose a new platform and focus more on becoming an influence r who can help people learn more about America.