

名称 安徽省省十联考2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(含解析,含听力原文及音频))
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-07 17:55:43


(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
1. 答题前,务必在答题卡和答题卷规定的地方填写自己的姓名、准考证号和座位号后两位。
2. 答题时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
3. 答题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卷上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。作图题可先用铅笔在答题卷规定的位置绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔描清楚。必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。
4. 考试结束,务必将答题卡和答题卷一并上交。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the woman asking the man to do
A. Get home early. B. Speak more quietly. C. Go to sleep immediately.
2. What is the man going to do first
A. Have a meeting with the woman.
B. Pick up his son from school.
C. Work on a report.
3. When will the woman meet with Professor White
A. At 2:0 p.m. B. At 3:00 p.m. C. At 3:30 p.m.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At school. B. In a hospital. C. On the field.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers. B. A couple. C. Shopkeeper and customer.
6. When did the man break his leg
A. When he was going for a walk.
B. When he was painting.
C. When he was driving.
7. What is the man probably doing now
A. Making a call for help. B. Seeing a doctor. C. Driving a car.
8. What does the woman want to do at first
A. Have a picnic. B. Visit her family. C. Go fishing.
9. Why doesn't the woman want to play basketball
A. The basketball court is too far away.
B. Doing exercise makes her tired.
C. The weather is too hot.
10. Where do the speakers decide to go first
A. To a cafe. B. To a park. C. To a swimming pool.
11. What is the conversation mainly about
A. Starting university. B. Cooking a meal. C. Taking a class.
12. How does the woman feel
A. Hungry. B. Scared. C. Excited.
13. What does the man major in
A. History. B. Maths. C. Physics.
14. What is the woman's favorite website
A. Beatport. B. YouTube. C. Vimeo.
15. What does the man think of YouTube
A. It has many advertisements. B. It has little new music. C. It doesn't have up-to-date news.
16. What does the man do on Vimeo
A. Read news. B. Listen to music. C. Watch videos.
17. How can Beatport be improved according to the man
A. By cutting down on advertisements.
B. By providing full songs.
C. By updating content.
18. Who may get the money from Japan's government
A. Part-time workers. B. Some poor families. C. All children under age 19.
19. How often will the money be given
A. Once in their life. B. Three times a year. C. Twice a month.
20. Where did some people think the money will be according to the talk
A. In savings accounts. B. In computer stores. C. In shopping malls.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Best Writing Contests for High School Students
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
●Award Amount: $1,000 to $12,500 scholarships
●Deadline: Varies between December and January, depending on your region
●Fee: $10 for single entry, $30 for portfolio (作品选辑)
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards celebrate art by students in grades seven through twelve (age 13 or older) on a regional and national scale. Categories include science-fiction and fantasy writing, humor, critical essays, and dramatic scripts.
Ocean Awareness Contest
●Award Amount: Scholarships up to $1,500
●Deadline: June 13, 2023
●Fee: None
The Ocean Awareness Contest asks students to consider the future of a coastal or marine species that is under threat from climate change. Submissions are accepted in a variety of art forms. The contest is open to all international and US students between the ages of 11 and 18.
River of Words
●Award: Publication in the River of Words anthology
●Deadline: January 31, 2023
●Fee: None
The River of Words contest asks students to consider watersheds -an area that drains into the same body of water-and how they connect with their local community. Students can explore this concept in art or poetry. The contest is open to International and US students from kindergarten to grade 12 (ages 5 through 19).
YoungArts Competition
●Award Amount: Up to $10,000 cash awards
●Deadline: October 15, 2023
●Fee: $35
Open to students in a variety of disciplines, including visual arts, writing, and music, the YoungArts competition asks students to submit a portfolio of work. Applicants must be 15- to 18-year-old US citizens or permanent residents, or in grades 10 through 12 at the time of submission.
21. What can we know about the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
A. The deadline is not fixed. B. Entries can take any form.
C. It has the lowest cash awards. D. It is open to students worldwide.
22. What do Ocean Awareness Contest and River of Words have in common
A. They have the same closing date. B. Winners can get their works issued.
C. Students don't have to pay an entry fee. D. The age limit for applicants is the same.
23. Who can participate in the YoungArts Competition
A. Nancy, a college graduate majoring in literature.
B. Kevin, a 12-year-old English boy studying music.
C. Adam, a high school freshman who excels at sports.
D. Mary, a 16-year-old American girl who loves writing.
Bruce, a kea (啄羊鹦鹉), misses his upper beak (鸟喙), giving the olive green parrot a look of surprise. But scientists are the astonished ones.
The typical kea has a long, sharp beak, perfect for digging insects out of rotten logs or ripping roots from the ground in New Zealand's forests. Bruce has been missing the upper part of his beak since at least 2012 when he was rescued and sent to live at the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve in Christchurch.
The defect prevents Bruce from searching for food on his own. Keeping his feathers clean also becomes an impossible task. In 2021, when comparative psychologist Amalia Bastos arrived at the reserve with colleagues to study keas, the zookeepers reported something odd: Bruce had seemingly figured out how to use small stones to preen (用喙整理羽毛).
"We were like, 'Well, that's weird,'" says Bastos. Over nine days, the team kept a close eye on Bruce, quickly taking videos if he started cleaning his feathers. It turned out that Bruce had indeed invented his own way to preen, the researchers reported in Scientific Reports.
First, Bruce selects the proper tool, rolling pebbles (鹅卵石) around in his mouth with his tongue and spitting out candidates until he finds one he likes, usually something pointy. Next, he holds the pebble between his tongue and lower beak. Then, he picks through his feathers.
"It's crazy because the behavior was not there from the wild," Bastos says. Bruce was too young to have learned how to preen when he arrived at Willowbank. No other bird in the reserve uses pebbles in this way. "It seems like he just innovated this tool use for himself. It demonstrates a really flexible intelligence because it means he's been able to create his own solution to a problem unique to him," Bastos says.
24. What do we know from the first two paragraphs
A. Bruce was born in a reserve. B. Bruce has a physical disability.
C. Keas are an endangered species. D. New Zealand is the only habitat of keas.
25. What did the researchers initially think of Bruce's behavior
A. It was normal. B. It was dangerous. C. It was very strange. D. It was totally unacceptable.
26. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about
A. What led to Bruce's special behavior. B. How Bruce uses tools to preen himself.
C. Why Bruce needs to keep feathers clean. D. How zookeepers rescued Bruce from danger.
27. Which of the following can best describe Bruce according to Bastos
A. A creative player. B. An innovative partner.
C. A smart problem-solver. D. An ambitious self-starter.
Researchers at the Université de Montreal have found that our favorite music, particularly the emotions brought on by listening to bittersweet music, might be an effective, drug-free way of lowering our perception of pain.
Music has long been known to have a hypoalgesic effect, meaning that it causes a decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli (刺激物). But to test which kind of music was most effective for reducing pain, 63 participants received moderately painful heat stimuli to the inner forearm, resulting in a sensation similar to a hot teacup being held against the skin. The pain was paired with short pieces of music, each lasting around seven minutes.
Listening to their favorite music strongly reduced pain intensity and unpleasantness in participants, compared to control tracks or silence. Unfamiliar relaxing tracks did not have the same effect.
The researchers then interviewed participants about their favorite songs and conducted an analysis about four themes related to categories of emotional experience: energizing/activating, happy/cheerful, calming/relaxing, and moving/bittersweet. They wanted to see whether emotion themes could modulate the hypoalgesic effect of favorite music. "We found that reports of moving or bittersweet emotional experiences seem to result in lower ratings of pain unpleasantness, which was driven by more intense enjoyment of the music and more musical chills," said Valevicius.
While they don't define "musical chills" in their paper, the researchers point to previous neurological studies that suggest a dopamine (多巴胺) pathway in the brain may be fundamental to both the enjoyment of music and music-induced chills. In some people, the researchers say, chills can appear as a tingling sensation, shivers, or goosebumps.
28. What is the common view about music
A. It has a pain-decreasing effect. B. It can enhance brain development.
C. It is a universal language of mankind. D. It may reduce feelings of pressure and depression.
29. What does the underlined word "modulate" in paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Ruin. B. Improve. C. Judge. D. Adjust.
30. What can be learned about musical chills
A. They will be further studied by researchers.
B. They have been defined in previous studies.
C. They may be related to dopamine in the brain.
D. They contribute little to the enjoyment of music.
31. What's the text mainly about
A. Listening to music can make us more focused.
B. Music is a powerful tool for boosting our mood.
C. Emotional pain has an impact on our physical health.
D. Our favorite bittersweet music may help relieve pain.
In the Roman times and throughout the Middle Ages, salt was a valuable commodity (商品), and also served as "white gold". Soldiers in the Roman army were sometimes paid with salt instead of money. Their monthly allowance was called "salarium" ("sal" being the Latin word for salt). This Latin root can be recognized in the French word "salaire"-and it eventually made it into English as the word "salary".
Language is something we take for granted. However, as the example with the word "salary" shows, languages are not static. Like biological species, languages change over time, and sometimes develop to give rise to several descendant (后代) languages. For example, French, Italian, and Spanish are among the languages that have evolved from Latin. And like species, languages can go extinct, too.
Given all these similarities, linguists (语言学家) who study the evolution of languages often use tools that are similar to those used by evolutionary biologists. One such tool is the reconstruction of a species tree. Such a tree shows the evolutionary history and relationships within a given group of biological species.
Using a reconstructed species tree, evolutionary biologists can often infer specific characteristics of ancestral species. Or they can match up common ancestors in the tree with actual fossils that have been found by paleontologists (古生物学家). This allows them to put real dates at various branching points in the tree. Thus, species tree reconstruction is an essential tool in studying biological evolution.
A similar technique can be used to study language evolution because languages also evolve and consist of words that can be easily compared. Indeed, linguists have reconstructed entire language trees. And as with species trees, characteristics of ancient ancestral languages can be derived (衍生) from them.
Of course, there also are some differences between species evolution and language evolution, each requiring unique additional methods to study them in detail. But, overall, it is fascinating to see how the basic ideas and research tools of language evolution are similar to those of biological evolution.
32. Why does the author mention the word "salary" in paragraph 1
A. To illustrate the evolution of language.
B. To present the effect of Latin on languages.
C. To stress the value of salt in ancient times.
D. To show developments in linguistic theory.
33. What can we infer from paragraph 2
A. Cultural diversity and biodiversity are linked.
B. Species and languages have a lot in common.
C. Human-caused mass extinction is accelerating.
D. Languages influence and learn from each other.
34. What can we know about the reconstructed species tree
A. It is currently in the design stage. B. It facilitates the research of linguists.
C. It can be used in a variety of ways. D. It is the first choice for biologists.
35. What can be the best title for the text
A. The Language System Evolved Over Time
B. The Twin Extinctions of Species and Languages
C. Salt Played a Crucial Role in Early Human History
D. From Salt to Salary: Linguists Take a Page from Biology
As you prepare to enter the workforce, here are four tips that may help set yourself up for authentic career confidence.
Figure out which balls are plastic and which are glass. 36 And early on, you may feel as if everything is at the top of your to-do list. There are only so many hours in the day, and there will inevitably be times when you can't accomplish everything. So, if you're going to drop the ball on something, be strategic. Choose to drop balls that will bounce and not break.
Prepare properly. Too little preparation and you will have to wing it (临时应付). 37 Conserve your time and energy and struggle to find what feels just right for you. Maximize your efficiency in preparing for a particular task.
38 Celebrating aspects of our careers is not, and should not be, limited to a big win. Otherwise, most of us would rarely celebrate anything, and our professional existence would be dull. Celebrating isn't just about blowing your own horn. 39 In this way, celebration can enable greater confidence.
Darken the spotlight. Keep in mind that no one is scrutinizing (审视) you the way that you're scrutinizing yourself. Due to the spotlight effect, we have a tendency to overestimate the degree to which others care about our successes or failures. 40 After all, you have a 100% track record of surviving professional challenges, even if they didn't quite go as you hoped.
A. Celebrate good times and come on.
B. Celebrate your big wins.
C. Any career is full of tasks and responsibilities
D. Building real confidence is vital for career success.
E. So don't care how you will be viewed.
F. It's also about acknowledging and appreciating your efforts.
G. Too much preparation and you will have wasted precious time.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Inspired by the book Tarzan and the Apes, Jane Goodall decided that she wanted to go to Africa to study animals. People thought those 41 were just for boys. But Jane's mother 42 her daughter.
Once in Africa, Jane met the famous scientists Louis and Mary Leakey. Louis was 43 by Jane and hired her to work as his secretary. After a few years, he 44 Jane to the Gombe Preserve to study chimpanzees.
But it wasn't as simple as packing her bags and 45 into the forest. The managers of the preserve thought that Jane, as one of the first women in primatology (灵长类动物学), wouldn't be 46 working in the wilderness. There were 47 animals to worry about. Instead of being afraid when she went into the forest for the first time, Jane has said that she felt like she was "coming home" to a place where she 48 .
At this point, she still hadn't gone to 49 , so she didn't know how 50 normally did things. But Jane's methods 51 to work very well! She gave 52 to the animals she observed, like Greybeard, Goliath, and Flo, instead of numbers. She got to know each animal as an 53 and saw that each chimp had a unique personality, a lot like humans. She also saw them making 54 , which was hard for other scientists at the time to believe.
After Jane had spent a few years 55 chimpanzees, she attended Cambridge University to earn a doctoral degree. Just as she decided she would when she was 10 years old, she finally wrote several books on her experiences with the apes.
41. A. experiences B. adventures C. programs D. projects
42. A. supported B. protected C. questioned D. refused
43. A. motivated B. replaced C. impressed D. accompanied
44. A. forced B. persuaded C. instructed D. sent
45. A. heading B. falling C. integrating D. breaking
46. A. available B. helpful C. safe D. selected
47. A. endangered B. rare C. wild D. dangerous
48. A. belonged B. remained C. recalled D. served
49. A. ground B. court C. college D. prison
50. A. parents B. researchers C. women D. officials
51. A. won out B. sprang up C. went on D. turned out
52. A. names B. gestures C. orders D. pictures
53. A. alternative B. individual C. adult D. assistant
54. A. sounds B. mistakes C. tools D. plans
55. A. sorting B. training C. treating D. observing
As the very definition of classical beauty in China, West Lake is very 56 (attract): hills rise over willow-lined waters as boats drift slowly and leisurely. Walkways, parks, gardens and perfectly 57 (position) benches around the banks of the lake offer a thousand and one vantage points (有利位置) for visitors 58 (admire) the beautiful scenery.
The lake, 59 had been a lagoon near the Qiantang River, came into 60 (exist) in the 8th century. At that time, the governor of Hangzhou had the marshy areas dredged (挖掘). Later, gardens 61 (build), and causeways and islands were constructed from dredged silt (淤泥).
The famous poet Su Dongpo had a hand in the lake's development, 62 (construct) the Su Causeway during his time as the local governor in the 1lth century. It wasn't an original idea-some 200 years 63 (early), the poet-governor Bai Juyi had already constructed a causeway which was later referred to 64 the Bai Causeway in his honour. Lined by willow, plum and peach trees, today 65 traffic-free causeways with their half-moon bridges make for restful outings.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 讲座内容;
2. 讲座反响。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
A Constructive Speech
"Helen! Are you coming " a voice called from downstairs. "Yes," Helen replied, quickly putting on her slightly tight dress. "Where are we going, Dad " she asked, surprised by this rare opportunity to spend time with her father. He had been working tirelessly to support the family.
"We're off to collect the rent," he responded. "Oh," she understood. The rent was their lifeline during the Great Depression (经济大萧条), and going without it was unthinkable.
Their first stop was at the home of Mrs. Miller, who quickly handed them the rent in dollar bills. But the second tenant (租客) Mr. Schmidt was still searching his home for coins when they arrived. Apologizing, he gave them a bag full of coins.
The third tenants, the Katzes, worried Helen and her father. Their financial struggles had worsened, even though Helen's father had reduced their rent. He said it was important to be especially considerate to this family because Mr. Katz had served in the army and deserved their gratitude.
Mrs. Katz greeted them at the door, her eyes red from crying. Despite their financial difficulties, the inside of the apartment was always immaculately clean (一尘不染). Mr. Katz and the two children were sitting at the table, waiting for them. The family all had such gaunt (枯瘦的) faces. Helen was embarrassed, suddenly, by her own good health. It felt like a mark of her guilt when she saw the little girl's narrow, sad face and the boy's large eyes.
Mr. Katz gave Helen's father the money he was holding, and her father thanked him. Just as they were about to leave, Mrs. Katz's trembling voice stopped them. She said, "Mr. Resnick, we haven't eaten in two days." Helen couldn't imagine such a thing. Her stomach ached just to think of it.
They returned to the table, and Helen's father silently placed the Katzes' rent money back on it and counted out two dollars in coins. "Helen," he said, "I want you to go to the grocer's with this money, buy food, and bring it back here."
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Helen nodded, took the money, and rushed off to the grocer's. _________________________________________
Everyone's eyes turned to Helen as she entered Mr. Katz's house. ______________________________________
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1-5. BCCBA 6-10. BAACB 11-15. ACBBA 16-20. CBCAA
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
21-25. ACDBC 26-30. BCADC 31-35. DABBD
36-40. CGAFE
41-45. BACDA 46-50. CDACB 51-55. DABCD
56. attractive 57. positioned 58. to admire 59. which 60. existence
61. were built 62. constructing 63. earlier 64. as 65. the
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
A Constructive Speech
Last weekend, our school invited an expert to deliver a lecture on how to resolve interpersonal conflicts and promote harmony among students.
The expert started the lecture by discussing the common sources of conflicts among students. He then offered various strategies to handle conflicts, including effective communication, active listening, empathy, and mutual respect, while emphasizing the importance of understanding different perspectives and finding common ground.
The lecture received enthusiastic feedback from students. Many appreciated the practical advice and said they felt more confident about managing their relationships. The event paved the way for a more harmonious school environment.
Helen nodded, took the money, and rushed off to the grocer's. The cold air nipped at her cheeks as she made her way. Reflecting on the contrast between her family's situation and that of Mr. Katz, she acknowledged her modest privilege, even though her family was far from rich, and resolved to do something meaningful. At the store, Helen carefully chose food that was both filling and nutritious, all while keeping within the modest sum clutched in her hand. With her arms heavy with bags, she raced back, hoping to bring the family some comfort in these hard times.
Everyone's eyes turned to Helen as she entered Mr. Katz's house. The children's faces lit up at the sight of the food, and even Mrs. Katz's weary expression softened into a hopeful smile as Helen unpacked the groceries: bread, milk, a sack of potatoes, a bit of meat and even some candies. Mr. Katz murmured his thanks, his voice thick with emotion. On the way home, her father said softly to Helen, "Sometimes, sharing what we have is the truest form of wealth." She nodded, realizing the power of compassion: it not only brought warmth to the givers, but lightened the burdens of others, even if just for a little while.
21. A 解题思路:细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词“Scholastic Art and Writing Awards”定位至第一个比赛部分,由其中的“Deadline: Varies between December and January, depending on your region”可知,这个比赛参赛作品的提交截止日期依地区而定,不是固定的。故选A项。
22. C 解题思路:细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词“Ocean Awareness Contest”和“River of Words”定位至第二个和第三个比赛部分,由其中的“Fee: None”可知,这两个比赛的共同之处在于参赛的学生都不用交报名费。故选C项。
23. D 解题思路:推理判断题。根据题干中的关键词“Young Arts Competition”定位至最后一个比赛,由其中的“Applicants must be 15- to 18-year-old US citizens…at the time of submission.”可知,这个比赛的参赛人员必须是15至18岁的美国公民或永久居民,或在作品提交时在上10至12年级。由此可推断,16岁喜欢写作的美国女孩Mary符合该要求。故选D项。
24. B 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Bruce, a kea, misses his upper beak”及第二段中的“Bruce has been missing the upper part of his beak since at least 2012”可知,Bruce失去了它的上喙,它有身体缺陷。故选B项。
25. C 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,研究人员一开始认为Bruce的行为很怪异,于是他们开始拍摄视频来观察Bruce试图寻找答案。故选C项。
26. B 解题思路:段落大意题。根据第五段内容可知,Bruce首先选择合适的工具,用舌头把鹅卵石在嘴里滚来滚去,然后吐出来,直到找到它喜欢的,通常是尖的东西。接下来,它把鹅卵石夹在舌头和下喙之间。然后,它开始梳理它的羽毛。由此可知,第五段主要介绍了Bruce用工具梳理羽毛的过程。故选B项。
27. C 解题思路:推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Bastos认为Bruce的行为不是从野外习得的。它只是为自己创造了这种工具的使用方式。这显示了它真正灵活的智慧,因为这意味着它能够为自己独特的问题创造自己的解决方案。由此可推断,Bruce是一个聪明的问题解决者。故选C项。
28. A 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Music has long…decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli.”可知,人们早就知道音乐有镇痛作用,这意味着它会降低对疼痛刺激的敏感性。故选A项。
29. D 解题思路:词义猜测题。第三段介绍了研究发现听最喜欢的音乐可以大大减少参与者的疼痛强度和不愉快程度。画线词上文介绍研究人员对参与者进行了关于他们最喜欢的歌曲的采访,并对与情绪体验类别相关的四个主题进行了分析。下文介绍研究人员发现那些令人感动或苦乐参半的音乐似乎会导致更低程度的痛苦和不愉快。结合选项可推断,这里指研究人员想知道情感主题是否能“调节”参与者最喜爱的音乐所带来的镇痛效果。故选D项。
30. C 解题思路:细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,虽然研究人员没有在论文中定义“音乐寒战”,但他们指出之前的神经学研究表明,大脑中的多巴胺途径可能是音乐享受和音乐寒战的基础。由此可知,音乐寒战可能与大脑中的多巴胺有关。故选C项。
31. D 解题思路:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一项研究发现听最喜爱的音乐特别是苦情乐可能会缓解人们的疼痛感。故选D项。
32. A 解题思路:推理判断题。第一段介绍了英语中的“salary”一词的由来。下文介绍了语言进化同物种进化之间的相似性,这种相似性启发语言学家创建类似于物种树的语言树,帮助推进语言研究。由此可推断,作者在第一段提及“salary”是为了说明语言在不断演变。故选A项。
33. B 解题思路:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Like biological species…languages can go extinct, too.”可知,就像生物物种一样,语言会随着时间的推移而变化,有时会“物种化”,产生几种后代语言。就像物种一样,语言也会灭绝。由此可推断,物种和语言有很多相似之处。故选B项。
34. B 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第三、四、五段内容可知,语言进化与生物进化有很多相似之处,因此,一些语言学家经常使用与进化生物学家使用的工具相似的工具。物种树是帮助进化生物学家研究生物进化的重要工具,同时也为语言学家提供了灵感,推动了语言树的建立。故选B项。
35. D 解题思路:主旨大意题。作者在第一段以英语中的“salary”一词的例子说明了语言也在进化,进而在下文介绍物种和语言有很多相似之处,物种树启示语言学家创建语言树来推动语言的研究。D项能概括本文大意。故选D项。
36. C 根据本段的主题句可知,本段建议“找出哪些是塑料球,哪些是玻璃球”,也就是要找出重点,分清孰轻孰重。根据设空处下一句中的“as if everything is at the top of your to-do list”可知,设空处的内容应是对职场工作内容的概括。C项“任何职业都需要完成各项任务和职责”符合语境。故选C。
37. G 根据本段的主题句可知,本段建议“适当准备”。设空处上一句提到,准备太少,你将不得不临时抱佛脚,结合选项可知,G项“准备太多,你会浪费宝贵的时间”符合语境。G项中的“Too much preparation”与上一句中的“Too little preparation”形成对比,“precious time”与下一句中的“your time”呼应。故选G。
38. A 设空处是本段的主题句,根据本段内容可知,本段主要建议我们要庆祝职业生涯的方方面面,而不是只限于庆祝巨大的胜利。A项“庆祝好时光,加油”符合语境。故选A。
39. F 设空处上一句提到“庆祝不只是吹嘘你的胜利”,结合选项可知,F项“它也是认可和赞赏你的努力”符合语境。F项中的“It”指代上一句中的“Celebrating”,“also about”与上一句中的“not just about”呼应。故选F。
40. E 根据本段主题句可知,本段建议“把聚光灯调暗”,也就是不要高估别人对我们的成功或失败的关心程度。E项“不要在意别人怎么看你”与上文构成因果关系,符合语境。故选E。
41. B 解题思路:根据上文中的“she wanted to go to Africa to study animals”及设空处所在句可知,这里指人们认为这些“冒险行为”只是男孩的事。故正确答案为B项。
42. A 解题思路:根据设空处所在句及其上一句可知,人们认为这些冒险行为只是男孩的事,根据设空处所在句中表转折的“But”可知,这里指但是简的母亲“支持”她的女儿。故正确答案为A项。
43. C 解题思路:根据上文内容可知,简是一名女性,且孤身一人到非洲研究动物,这里指路易斯对简“印象深刻”,雇她做他的秘书。故正确答案为C项。
44. D 解题思路:根据常识及下文内容可知,这里指几年后,他把简“送到”了贡贝保护区去研究黑猩猩。故正确答案为D项。
45. A 解题思路:根据下文内容可知,保护区的管理人员认为简作为一个独身女性在那里工作不安全,所以这里指“但这并不像收拾好行李,进入森林那么简单”。故正确答案为A项。
46. C 解题思路:根据上文中的“just for boys”设空处所在句可知,这里指保护区的管理人员认为,作为灵长类动物学的第一批女性,简独自在荒野中工作是不“安全的”。故正确答案为C项。
47. D 解题思路:根据上文内容及设空处所在句中的“worry about”并结合常识可知,这里的工作环境很危险,这里指保护区有“危险的”动物。故正确答案为D项。
48. A 解题思路:根据设空处所在句可知,这里指当简第一次进入森林时,她没有感到害怕,而是说她觉得自己回到了一个“属于”自己的地方。故正确答案为A项。
49. C 解题思路:根据设空处所在句及下文的“so she didn't know”和最后一段中的“she attended Cambridge University to earn a doctoral degree.”可知,这里指那时,她还没有上过“大学”。故正确答案为C项。
50. B 解题思路:根据上下文内容可知,这里指那时,她还没有上大学,所以她不知道“研究人员”正常是怎么做的。故正确答案为B项。
51. D 解题思路:根据上下文内容可知,简还没有上大学,所以她不知道研究人员正常是怎么做的。所以这里指但“结果显示”简的方法效果很好。故正确答案为D项。
52. A 解题思路:根据设空处所在句中的“like Greybeard, Goliath, and Flo”可知,这里指她给观察到的动物取了“名字”,比如灰胡子、歌利亚和弗洛,而不是数字。故正确答案为A项。
53. B 解题思路:根据设空处上文中的给动物取名字可知,这里指她将每只黑猩猩作为一个“个体”去了解,并发现每只黑猩猩都有独特的个性,就像人类一样。故正确答案为B项。
54. C 解题思路:根据设空处所在句、上文中的“a lot like humans”及下文中的“which was hard for…to believe.”可知,这里指她还看到黑猩猩们制作“工具”,这令当时的其他科学家难以置信。故正确答案为C项。
55. D 解题思路:根据全文内容及设空处所在句可知,这里指简花了几年时间“观察”黑猩猩。故正确答案为D项。
Text 1
W: Everyone's sleeping, Francis. Please, keep your voice down. (1)
M: Sorry. I didn't realize the little ones were sleeping. I just wanted to let you know that I'm back.
W: OK.
Text 2
W: Would you please come to my office at five o'clock this afternoon
M: Can I meet you tomorrow instead My son will be home from school at 5:30 p.m. I must finish this report before then. (2)
Text 3
W: May I come to see you at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, Professor White
M: I'm sorry, Sally, but I'm meeting my students then. The meeting will last about half an hour. Why don't you come at 3:30 p.m.
W: OK, no problem. (3)
Text 4
W: How is your broken leg after the operation
M: Oh, Dr. Smith, it's recovering well. I couldn't walk on it two weeks ago, but yesterday I managed to get to the school and go back. The medicine you gave me really works.
W: That's not bad. It's only a month since the accident on the field. (4)
Text 5
M: Excuse me, I'm trying to find the art gallery. Is it near here, do you know
W: I'm sorry. I'm a visitor here as well. (5) I'm just waiting for my husband to take a photo.
M: OK, thanks anyway. I'll go into one of the shops and ask.
Text 6
M: Hello, I'd like to see a doctor please.
W: We don't have any appointments today. Would Thursday at 7:00 a.m. be OK
M: I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I've broken my leg. (6)
W: What happened, sir
M: I fell down while I was painting. (6) I'm in a lot of pain.
W: Ah, would you be able to get to the hospital right now
M: Not really. I can't walk.
W: Do you have anyone there who can drive you here
M: I don't, sorry. I'm here on my own.
W: OK, sir, take the weight off your leg and I'll arrange for an ambulance to pick you up.
Text 7
W: What a lovely day! Let's go for a picnic. (8)
M: Where
W: By the river. We can watch the ducks, maybe even go for a swim.
M: You're joking. We'll get sunburned on a day like this. It would be awful.
W: Lots of people go there. I saw a family fishing there yesterday. Do you have a better idea
M: Let's have a game of basketball in the park. (9)
W: Oh no, it's far too hot today. (9) The best time to do exercise is later in the day, when it's cooler.
M: Maybe we could just have a walk in the park and then stop for something to eat at the cafe there. (10)
W: OK. Let's go. (10)
Text 8
M: Scary, isn't it
W: What You mean the food
M: No, starting university.
W: Oh, I have a totally different view. It's an excitement for me indeed. (12)
M: That's one way of looking at it. I'm Phil, by the way.
W: I'm Holly. Pleased to meet you. What do you think of the cafeteria
M: It's nice, at least giving us a place to eat well.
W: I don't think I can afford to eat here all the time. I'll have to start making my own food.
M: Yes, me too. Now, that will be a challenge, because I haven't really done much cooking before.
W: You'll get used to it. If you're clever enough to come to university, I'm sure you can make it.
M: I suppose so. What are you studying (13)
W: History. I hope it will be interesting. What about you (13)
M: I really want to learn physics. But I changed my mind at last and followed my parents' advice, choosing maths instead. (13)
W: Oh, you must be very smart.
M: Well, it's just the way my mind works.
W: Oh, time for dinner. See you later.
M: OK, bye.
Text 9
M: In the Internet age nowadays, there are so many different websites we can visit. What is your favorite website and why (14)
W: Well, although there are various choices, I'd definitely say YouTube. (14) It has great content. I like to read news on it. It provides me with the latest news from all over the world.
M: You kidding ! I cannot stand YouTube. There are advertisements all the time. (15) It really ruins the experience for me.
W: I agree with you. That is the only problem with it. Especially when an advertisement appears between what you are watching, it is annoying. However, it can recommend what you like according to your browsing history. That's my favorite feature. What is your favorite then
M: I prefer Vimeo for videos. (16) For music, I use Beatport a lot. (17) It specializes in electronic music. It is updated fast. But there is one thing that I think can be improved. (17)
W: In what way (17)
M: Well, you can't hear a full song on the website. I'd like that to change. (17)
W: That's a good point. Maybe you should try to contact them.
M: I guess so..
Text 10
Japanese children may soon have smiles on their faces and money in their pockets. Japan's government is planning to give $880 to all children under the age of 19. (18) Around 20 million children, from newborns to 18-year-olds, will receive the one-time payment. (19) The new plan is part of an election promise from Japan's newly-elected Prime Minister. He promised to help "people in need", such as part-time workers and families with small children. Officials say the money will be given without considering the financial situation of a child's family. All children in any one family will receive the money. The plan is expected to cost around $17.6 billion. However, many people have doubts about spending so much money when Japan has so much debt. The country's debt is currently more than twice the size of its economy. Also, some people said most of those who received it would not go out to buy high-cost items, eat in restaurants or take holidays in Japan. It is predicted that much of the money will end up in savings accounts. (20) However, Yuki Ono, a mother of three, welcomed the plan. She said her children would be able to buy new computers.