

名称 河南省鹤壁市淇滨区鹤壁市高中2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 55.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-07 18:20:22



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Where are the speakers
A.At school. B.On the field. C.In a hospital.
2.What should the woman do first
A.Arrange a meeting. B.Finish the reports. C.Order some paper.
3.What are the speakers discussing
A.A reader. B.A book. C.An author.
4.How does the man probably feel now
A.Anxious. B.Confused. C.Pleased.
5.What is the total value of the toy cars
A. 50. B. 130. C. 150.
6.What is the man going to do
A.Do an experiment. B.Have a class. C.Play sports.
7.Who will record the time
A.Galileo. B.Leonardo. C.Alessandro.
8.Why does the woman grow her own garden
A.To kill time. B.To develop a new hobby. C.To eat healthy food.
9.What is the woman mainly growing in her garden
A.Fruits. B.Vegetables. C.Grains.
10.What’s the woman doing
A.Picking strawberries. B.Watering plants. C.Eating vegetables.
11.What did the man do during the conversation
A.He signed his name. B.He paid some money. C.He parked the car.
12.Who will drive to the airport
A.The man. B.The man’s wife. C.A taxi driver.
13.Where does the man come from
A.America. B.Canada. C.Australia.
14.What have the speakers been doing up until now
A.Eating. B.Hiking. C.Dancing.
15.Which color can be seen in the waterfall
A.Green. B.Blue. C.Red.
16.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Waiter and customer. B.Guide and tourist. C.Co-workers.
17.What do the speakers plan to do first
A.Have lunch. B.Make sandwiches. C.Go back to the town.
18.Who is the speaker probably
A.The headmaster. B.A student. C.A teacher.
19.Where do all of the students have to go at 10:00 a.m
A.To the parking lot. B.To the cafeteria. C.To the library.
20.What will the following speaking be about
A.A lack of money for school spending.
B.An emergency fire preparation drill.
C.A serious storm and a game.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
About Ocean Info
Ocean Info, which was created in 2020, is a website that shares information and stories about the ocean, sea life, rivers, and a journey of oceanic discovery. Our mission is to educate and inspire our readers, promoting a deeper appreciation for the ocean’s invaluable role. With this, Ocean Info has donated $50 a month to Ocean Conservancy, as well as $30 a month to World Animal Protection.
Our Team
At Ocean Info, we are privileged to have a team of highly accomplished ocean experts who bring together an unparalleled depth of scientific knowledge and a committed passion for marine conservation. With qualifications spanning fields like marine biology, zoology, environment al policy, and climate science, our experts offer a multidisciplinary approach to understanding and protecting the vast oceanic ecosystems that sustain life on our planet.
How to Best Explore Ocean Info
◎Want to look for specific ocean animals, plants, lakes, or rivers Visit our Ocean Glossary(术语汇编):
Discover the biodiversity of ocean animals.
Learn more about marine plants.
Learn about bodies of water, such as key lakes around Earth.
◎Want to read about our ideas Visit our Listicles.
◎Want to have a comparison between two similar ocean animals or plants Visit our Comparisons.
◎To explore the ocean, you sometimes need to sail. See more on Sailing.
Join the Ocean Membership
We’re in the works of making an Ocean Membership, which combines the experience and expertise (专长) of Ocean Info, for something special. If you are interested, get in touch with us by email: support@.
21.What can readers mainly do at Ocean Info
A.Dive deep into animal-related topics. B.Obtain knowledge about the ocean.
C.Join in a voyage around the world. D.Contribute to ocean-saving charities.
22.What’s the key feature of the Ocean Info’s team
A.Making use of abundant education resources.
B.Knowing the actual situation of the environment.
C.Having extensive research experience and expertise.
D.Integrating their own subjects and cultural background.
23.Where can we learn more about major lakes at Ocean Info
A.Sailing. B.Listicles. C.Comparisons. D.Ocean Glossary.
Many economists predict 2024 will be the time shoppers tighten their belts. That doesn’t mean people will stop spending, say retail (零售) analysts. But it will change what they choose to buy. With a slowing job market, global consumers are likely to move away from more high-priced purchases and focus instead on smaller, less expensive treats.
The economic uncertainty means that consumers are becoming more discriminating about their purchases, says Ethan Chermofsky, senior vice president of marketing at intelligence platform Placer. ai. “There are the things we decide are necessary, and then there’s another category of things that aren’t necessary but that we consider affordable luxuries, he says. This desire for these “affordable luxuries” is common in difficult economic times. Some economists refer to the phenomenon as the “lipstick index”: a small economic increase led by budget-minded consumers seeking out relatively affordable splurges (挥霍), like small cosmetics (化妆品).
Analysts at Deloitte say consumers will spend on little luxuries like specialty coffees and snacks as well. Additionally, stressed-out shoppers are prioritizing small splurge purchases for wellness and personal care.
As retailers see shoppers turning to little luxuries, they’re offering more and more of them. Target, for example, has staked a flag in what they refer to as “affordable joy”, which includes a selection of self-care and cosmetic products, along with wellness-centric beauty products. Beyond diversifying their offerings, stores are also bringing in luxury-feeling products at lower price points to appeal to more consumers.
Ethan says not every shopper will shift their spending to little luxuries-but even those who are still longing for the “must-haves” of social media will also look to get a deal. They want the feeling of purchasing lower-priced affordable treats. To get these goods, shoppers are likely to tap into the re-sale market for designer items at a more reasonable price. They want things that make them feel good about themselves-they just want to do it without breaking the bank.
24.What can affordable luxuries be
A.Inexpensive daily necessities. B.High-end products.
C.Reasonably-priced designer items. D.High-priced purchases.
25.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The strategies retailers use. B.The joy businesses offer.
C.The competition stores face. D.The products consumers buy.
26.What do most shoppers seek according to Ethan
A.Social-media deals. B.World-famous brands.
C.Second-hand bargains. D.Budget-friendly pleasures.
27.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Lipstick Index: Where Does It Lead Us B.Must-have Treats: A Future Spending Trend
C.Affordable Joy: Will We Fall Into The Trap D.Little Luxuries: A Driving Force Behind Consumption
The ocean is a huge body of saltwater that covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface. An estimated 97 percent of the world’s water is found in the ocean. Because of this, the ocean has a considerable impact on weather, temperature, and the food supply of humans and other organisms. Despite its size and impact on the lives of every organism on Earth, the ocean remains a mystery. More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans. A far greater percentage of the surfaces of the moon and the planet Mars have been mapped and studied than that of our own ocean floor.
Although there is much more to learn, oceanographers (海洋学家) have already made some amazing discoveries. For example, we know that the ocean contains towering mountain ranges and deep canyons, known as trenches (海沟), just like those on land. The peak of the world’s tallest mountain — Mount Everest in the Himalayas, measuring 8.84 kilometers (5.49 miles) high — would not even break the surface of the water if it was placed in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench or Philippine Trench, two of the deepest parts of the ocean. On the other hand, the Atlantic Ocean is relatively shallow because large parts of its seafloor are made up of continental shelves — parts of the continents that extend far out into the ocean. The average depth of the entire ocean is 3,720 meters (12,200 feet).
It is unknown how many different species call the ocean their home. It could be that more than 90 percent of the ocean’s species are still undiscovered, with some scientists estimating that there are anywhere between a few hundred thousand and a few million more to be discovered. Currently, scientists know of around 226,000 ocean species. Since the ocean is so vast, there is plenty for future oceanographers from all corners of the globe to explore and discover.
28.Why does the author mention the research on the moon and Mars in paragraph 1
A.To emphasize the wide impact of the ocean.
B.To show how scientists do space exploration.
C.To prove people’s deep fascination with space.
D.To stress how little humans know about the ocean.
29.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A.Physical features of the seafloor.
B.Scientists’ discoveries about the ocean.
C.Varieties of landforms on the Earth.
D.Similarities between the land and sea.
30.What can we know from the last paragraph
A.Ocean exploration has great potential.
B.The number of ocean species is declining.
C.Ocean pollution has become more serious.
D.Oceanographers need to do more to protect the ocean.
31.Which is the best title for the text
A.A Big Discovery in the Deep Sea
B.The Ocean: A Mystery to Mankind
C.A Challenging Exploration of the Sea
D.The Ocean: A Vast Home to Sea Animals
Over the years, education technology has changed so greatly that it may be challenging to keep up with all the changes.
Online learning has changed a lot over the years. There was a time when learning mostly occurred when the students and the teachers were in the same place. Now, it is possible for a student in Kenya to attend classes in China, do their exams, pass and get their certificates Remember the days when, if you needed a textbook, you either had to go to the library or to buy a physical copy Now, there are many books you can find online. With Open Educational Resources, it is possible to find digital versions of some resources like textbooks. You can save the money for something else.
Long gone are the days when some few individuals held most of the knowledge, and the rest learned from them. Now, thanks to the Internet, anyone can learn and teach.
Take blogs for example. With blogs, anyone can give an account of their activities and their opinions, and discuss places they have visited on their websites. Of course, there are drawbacks to the technological advancement. One of the main problems is that it is easy for someone to publish wrong information.
Artificial intelligence is changing many ways of the education industry, from teaching to administration. For example, Al can be used to monitor a student’s progress and give reports to the teachers. Teachers can use Al to analyze students’ records and results and give feedback. Some universities are even using AI to teach.
When it comes to education technology, it is clear that some technological advancements were not directly created for education but have made learning more accessible. For example, one may not consider social media as educational technology.
However, consider how many people who have similar ideas have been connected and shared information over social media with those who would not have met otherwise.
This adaptation of different technological tools from different fields is helping improve the quality of education for students everywhere.
32.What enables students in different countries to learn the same materials at the same time
A.Online learning. B.Online blogging.
C.Open Educational Resources. D.Artificial intelligence.
33.What is the main disadvantage of blogs
A.False information. B.Delaying feedback.
C.Conflicting opinions. D.Repeated resources.
34.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Education development is not necessarily a good thing.
B.Social media were created for education in the beginning.
C.Not all technological advancements promote education.
D.Technological advancements in other fields may benefit education.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.The new trend of future education.
B.The development of education technology.
C.Advantages of modern education technology.
D.Changes of artificial intelligence.
Overtourism Is For Real: How Can You Help
Travel promotes understanding, expands our minds, makes us better people, and boosts local economies and communities, but the rapid growth of travel has led to overtourism in certain regions and destinations. 36 Certainly not. The loss of what travel offers would be unacceptable in today’s world. Here are some tips on making wise decisions to minimize pressure on the places we visit and improve our experience.
●Choose mindfully. Overvisited destinations are that way for a reason: they’re special. With so many online posts featuring the same places, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out. Go somewhere only when the landscape, culture or food deeply draws you. 37
●Get creative. The best way to ease pressure on over-touristed destinations is to go somewhere else. Though overtourism is described as a problem affecting the entire world, it’s actually concentrated to a small number of extremely popular spots. That means you have tons of less-visited options to choose from. 38 Why not try a regional alternative or check out a popular destination’s lesser-known sights
● 39 Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping major holidays or rush hour. You’ll compete with fewer tourists, save money, experience a different side of a popular place, and boost the economy when tourism is traditionally slower.
Visiting a place that others call home is a privilege (荣幸). Do your part to preserve what makes a destination special in the first place. 40 You may be amazed how much closer you’ll feel to the people there.
A.Visit during off-peak times.
B.So, should we stop traveling
C.Travel for you and no one else.
D.Can overtourism be avoided then
E.You can still find relatively undiscovered places.
F.You’ll find yourself virtually alone, or close to it.
G.Consider giving back to the communities you’re visiting.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
During the first weeks of his retirement from the fire service, Max had felt lost. And that’s when Polly, a library manager, helped him sign up as a 41 , for Robot Club in the library.
Max hadn’t volunteered before and he didn’t know anything about 42 . He opened the packs containing the robots, nervously staring at the mess of parts. A dozen primary-age children gathered around the table, 43 eagerly. Almost double the number of adults crowded around them, watching.
Glancing around the 44 at the many parents and carers accompanying the robot builders, Max knew he had to face this 45 .
“Okay, team,” he started 46 , adopting the tone he’d used to 47 his unit during his firefighting days. “We’re going to build these robots one step 48 .”
The children nodded, their hands busy with screws (螺丝) and plastic limbs. Max wandered from table to table, 49 words of encouragement, and slowly but surely, 50 the instructions in his mind.
An hour passed, and the room was filled with the sound of chatter and clinking parts. As the final minutes of Robot Club ticked away, Max stood back and 51 the room. Robots of all shapes and sizes stood on the tables. The children were excited, 52 their creations to anyone who would look.
As they began to leave, many children stopped to thank Max. Each “thank you” and “see you next week” chipped away at the sense of 53 he had felt since retiring. He hadn’t put out a fire today, but perhaps he had 54 something far more important — a new 55 for himself.
41.A.volunteer B.writer C.builder D.fireman
42.A.books B.programs C.children D.robots
43.A.searching B.waiting C.reading D.arguing
44.A.table B.neighbourhood C.team D.library
45.A.competition B.consequence C.challenge D.conflict
46.A.calmly B.coldly C.casually D.weakly
47.A.form B.brief C.warn D.scan
48.A.at one time B.in no time C.at a time D.at no time
49.A.processing B.offering C.exchanging D.understanding
50.A.putting aside B.turning down C.keeping off D.piecing together
51.A.surveyed B.cleaned C.decorated D.left
52.A.bringing up B.calling on C.showing off D.giving away
53.A.freedom B.relief C.loss D.guilt
54.A.reviewed B.lighted C.assessed D.reserved
55.A.version B.belief C.approach D.purpose
In the island province of Hainan, the village of Chubao boasts something unique. Hidden in the boundless lush mountains, the cottages there feature walls made of wood or mud, and triangular thatch (茅草) roofs, giving them the 56 (appear) of an overturned boat.
The boat-shaped houses 57 (build) by the local ethnic Li people. For thousands of years, the local Li people have lived in these houses in the rainforest. In recent years, locals have 58 (gradual) moved into modern new houses. But 59 the traditional dwellings bear evidence to the Li culture, they are now well preserved.
The Li people have developed 60 distinctive culture over many years of development. Legend has 61 that the ancestors of the Li people arrived in Hainan by boats. When they arrived, they turned the boats upside down as houses for shelter. Their descendants built the boat-shaped houses 62 memory of their ancestors.
But the houses were made of thatch or mud, 63 (make) them susceptible to the damage from wind and rain. Though villagers no longer live in the houses, they have unique feelings 64 (attach) to them. The houses should be preserved as cultural relics so that the younger generation will know the stories of their ancestors. Authorities are applying for the houses 65 (include) in the World Heritage List, hoping to draw more attention to the distinctive values of the Li culture.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66.假定你是李华,在澳大利亚悉尼做交换生,得知该城市会展中心(Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center)近日将举办中国丝绸展,需要志愿者讲解。请你写一封信,申请当志愿者。内容包括:
注意:1. 词数80左右;
Dear Sir and Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
How to Fix a Mistake
After many continuous days of steady downpour, the sun finally came out on a Sunday morning. My friend Allan and I decided to play catch in my yard. We were having fun throwing the ball back and forth.
“Run! Nice catch!” It had been days since we enjoyed ourselves. Then, I threw the ball too hard and Allan missed his catch. The ball flew like lightning, crossed the yard and hit my neighbor’s window. We heard the big sound. Crash! Smash! The window broke into many pieces.
Allan turned pale, and a look of panic crossed his face. He froze, too scared to move an inch. Without a second thought, I grabbed his hand, whispering, “Come with me!” We ran into my backyard and hid behind a stack of hay. It seemed to be a place of safety. However, my heart was still pounding hard, as if it were about to pop.
Mr. Jones, the neighbour, who was a seventy-year-old man, lived alone. Though he was poor, he was well loved in the neighborhood for he always helped those in need.
Obviously, he heard the big sound, too. He came out of his house, with a ball in his hands. It was exactly our ball! Did he recognize who the ball belonged to With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. In the meantime, Mr. Jones looked around, trying to see who threw the ball. Of course, no one was outside. He gazed the window for a while, and then the ball. Finally, he went back into his house.
A few days later, I saw that Mr. Jones had repaired the broken glass. He was sitting outside. When he saw me, he waved at me. I felt ashamed as I waved back at him. I knew what I should do, but I was afraid to do it.
Later, my mom and I were talking and she told me about the broken window.
Mr. Jones looked at me after I explained what had happened.
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
【听力材料】W: How is your broken leg after the operation
M: Oh, Dr. Smith, it’s recovering well. Yesterday I managed to get to the school and go back. The medicine you gave me really works.
W: That’s not bad. It’s only a month since the accident on the field.
【听力材料】M: Jenny, after you finish those reports, can you start arranging a meeting and ordering some paper for the company
W: OK, no problem. I should be able to get started in a couple of hours.
【听力材料】M: Have you seen this author’s latest best-seller
W: I’ve just finished it.
M: Oh, what do you think of it
W: It was a great improvement over the last one.
【听力材料】W: I’m sorry. When did you see her last
M: We walked into the grocery store together. Then I followed someone thought was her. But when I caught up with her, I realized she wasn’t my mother.
W: Don’t worry. I’ll make an announcement to call her to the front desk.
【听力材料】M: Hi, I’d like to make a toy donation.
W: Oh, great! Thanks. Wow, these are great toy cars!
M: Yeah, they were my son’s. There are 30 of them in that bag. They cost 5 each, if you buy them new!
【答案】6.A 7.C
【听力材料】W: Why are you going to the top floor of the science building with a basketball and a volleyball, Leonardo That looks very strange.
M: We have to recreate Galileo’s famous study for physics class. Alessandro is standing at the bottom with a watch waiting for me to drop them.
W: Cool! Which one do you think will hit the ground first
M: Don’t you know Galileo proved that they’ll hit the ground at the same time, even though the basketball is heavier. I did it once, but the watch fell, so I have to do it again.
【答案】8.B 9.A 10.B
【听力材料】W: Have you seen my garden yet It’s my first time growing one and, so far, it’s going really well. I didn’t have any time before, but I decided it was time to develop a new hobby.
M: That sounds interesting. What are you growing
W: Mostly fruits and some grains because I don’t like eating most vegetables. I know vegetables and grains are healthier than fruits but they definitely don’t taste as good.
M: That’s true! So, what are you doing right now
W: I’m just watering the strawberry plants and the orange tree. I also wanted to grow a pear tree, but the dry climate here is not right for it.
M: That sounds really cool.
W: Maybe you can have a try in your garden as well.
M: I’ll consider it.
【答案】11.A 12.C 13.A
【听力材料】W: Please put your name there. Thank you very much. I hope you enjoyed your vehicle during your trip.
M: I did. I parked it right there outside the window, by the sign in your parking lot.
W: We have already inspected it. It looks good, with no damage or any other issues. Please wait here while I get your initial security payment.
M: My wife and I are in no rush, thank you. Actually, we just booked a taxi to drive us to the airport. The guy is still 20 minutes away, so take your time. We’ll be here for a while.
W: All right. We have a question, sir. Would you be OK with receiving your money in Canadian dollars
M: Actually, we are flying to Australia before going back to America. Can you do Australian dollars
W: Unfortunately not, but I’m sure you can change money at the airport.
M: All right, then. Canadian dollars will do.
【答案】14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A
【听力材料】M: I know it has been hard hiking through this river valley in the mud and the rain, but it is worth it to see a view like that, isn’t it
W: Yeah, it’s amazing! The sun has finally come out. It lights up the entire valley in all sorts of shades of green. That waterfall is the most unique one that I’ve ever seen until now.
M: Beautiful, isn’t it The water is surrounded by a rainbow! There’ s not blue water in sight!
W: Just red, yellow and orange! It looks like the colors are dancing as the water pours down.
M: Shall we sit down here I’ve packed us an amazing lunch. We can have a bite to eat and enjoy that beautiful view.
W: Great idea. Wow! Egg sandwiches on brown bread! I love those!
M: I know you do. I’ve been working with you long enough to know what your favorite sandwiches are! After all, we have lunch together every weekday.
W: Right, before we eat, let’s take a e on, stand close to me with the waterfall in the background … smile...Here we go!
M: Can we eat now I’m starving. We need our strength to walk back to the town yet!
W: Oh yes! I forgot about that!
【答案】18.B 19.A 20.C
【听力材料】Good morning, all of my fellow Barlow High School students! It’s Jenny back again with the daily announcements. Today, we have an emergency fire preparation drill starting in just two hours. The bell will ring at 9: 55 a. m., which means you’ll have five minutes to get out of the classrooms, library, or cafeteria and into the parking lot in front of the school. The top two classes that organize the most quickly and neatly will be awarded our safety prize. At 2: 00 p. m., before the end of the school day, Headmaster Jones will announce the winners of the recent charity competition. Over 100 students, including myself, have participated in gathering donations and funding from people and businesses in the community to help our school. We’ve all seen this school suffer from a lack of funding during the recent economic crash. But thanks to an admirable group of student body members, we’ll start to turn that problem around. The top ten students to bring in funding for the school will each receive a prize for their contribution, but this award will be kept a surprise until 2: 00 p. m. For now, that’s all from me. The next speaker is your headmaster with important information on this week’s storm and our homecoming football game. Go Eagles!
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
【答案】21.B 22.C 23.D
【解析】21.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Ocean Info, which was created in 2020, is a website that shares information and stories about the ocean, sea life, rivers, and a journey of oceanic discovery. (Ocean Info创建于2020年,是一个分享有关海洋、海洋生物、河流和海洋发现之旅的信息和故事的网站。)”可知,读者在该网站可以获得一些海洋知识。故选B项。
22.细节理解题。根据Our Team下的“At Ocean Info, we are privileged to have a team of highly accomplished ocean experts who bring together an unparalleled depth of scientific knowledge and a committed passion for marine conservation. With qualifications spanning fields like marine biology, zoology, environment al policy, and climate science, our experts offer a multidisciplinary approach to understanding and protecting the vast oceanic ecosystems that sustain life on our planet. (在Ocean Info,我们很荣幸拥有一支由成就卓著的海洋专家组成的团队,他们汇集了无与伦比的科学知识深度和对海洋保护的坚定热情。凭借跨越海洋生物学、动物学、环境政策和气候科学等领域的资格,我们的专家提供了一种多学科的方法来理解和保护维持我们星球上生命的广阔海洋生态系统。)”可知,Ocean Info团队的主要特点是拥有丰富的研究经验和专长。故选C项。
23.细节理解题。根据How to Best Explore Ocean Info下的“Want to look for specific ocean animals, plants, lakes, or rivers Visit our Ocean Glossary (想要寻找特定的海洋动物、植物、湖泊或河流吗 访问我们的海洋术语汇编。)”及“Learn about bodies of water, such as key lakes around Earth.”(了解水体,例如地球周围的主要湖泊)可知在Ocean Glossary我们可以了解更多关于主要湖泊的情况。故选D项。
【答案】24.C 25.A 26.D 27.D
【解析】24.细节理解题。根据第二段“This desire for these “affordable luxuries” is common in difficult economic times. Some economists refer to the phenomenon as the “lipstick index”: a small economic increase led by budget-minded consumers seeking out relatively affordable splurges (挥霍), like small cosmetics (化妆品).(这种对这些“负担得起的奢侈品”的渴望在经济困难时期很常见。一些经济学家将这种现象称为“口红指数”:由精打细算的消费者寻找相对负担得起的奢侈品(比如小化妆品)导致的小幅经济增长)”可知,负担得起的奢侈品是指价格合理的名牌商品。故选C。
25.主旨大意题。根据第四段“As retailers see shoppers turning to little luxuries, they’re offering more and more of them. Target, for example, has staked a flag in what they refer to as “affordable joy”, which includes a select ion of self-care and cosmetic products, along with wellness-centric beauty products. Beyond diversifying their offerings, stores are also bringing in luxury-feeling products at lower price points to appeal to more consumers.(当零售商看到消费者转向小奢侈品时,他们提供了越来越多的小奢侈品。例如,塔吉特在他们所谓的“负担得起的快乐”上打了个旗号,其中包括一系列精选的自我护理和化妆品,以及以健康为中心的美容产品。除了使产品多样化,商店还推出了价格较低的奢侈品,以吸引更多的消费者)”可知,第四段的主要内容是零售商使用的策略。故选A。
26.理解理解题。根据最后一段“Ethan says not every shopper will shift their spending to little luxuries-but even those who are still longing for the “must-haves” of social media will also look to get a deal. They want the feeling of purchasing lower-priced affordable treats.(伊桑说,并不是每个购物者都会把他们的消费转移到小奢侈品上,但即使是那些仍然渴望获得社交媒体“必需品”的人,也会希望得到优惠。他们想要的是购买价格更低、负担得起的食物的感觉)”可知,根据伊森的说法,大多数购物者都在寻找预算友好的乐趣。故选D。
27.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Many economists predict 2024 will be the time shoppers tighten their belts. That doesn’t mean people will stop spending, say retail (零售) analysts. But it will change what they choose to buy. With a slowing job market, global consumers are likely to move away from more high-priced purchases and focus instead on smaller, less expensive treats.(许多经济学家预测,2024年将是购物者勒紧腰带的时候。零售业分析师说,这并不意味着人们会停止消费。但这将改变他们的购买选择。随着就业市场的放缓,全球消费者可能会不再购买价格较高的商品,而是将注意力集中在较小的、不太昂贵的商品上)”及下文可知,文章主要介绍随着就业市场的放缓,全球消费者可能会不再购买价格较高的商品,而是将注意力集中在较小的、不太昂贵的商品上以及出现这种现象的原因。由此可知,D选项“小奢侈品:消费背后的驱动力”最符合文章标题。故选D。
【答案】28.D 29.B 30.A 31.B
【解析】28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Despite its size and impact on the lives of every organism on Earth, the ocean remains a mystery. More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans. A far greater percentage of the surfaces of the moon and the planet Mars have been mapped and studied than that of our own ocean floor.(尽管海洋的大小和对地球上每一种生物的生活都有影响,但它仍然是一个谜。超过80%的海洋从未被人类绘制过地图、探索过,甚至从未被人类看到过。月球和火星表面的测绘和研究比例远远高于我们自己的海底)”可知,作者在第一段提到对月球和火星的探索,是为了突出人类对海洋的研究和认识很少。故选D项。
29.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Although there is much more to learn, oceanographers (海洋学家) have already made some amazing discoveries. For example, we know that the ocean contains towering mountain ranges and deep canyons, known as trenches (海沟), just like those on land. The peak of the world’s tallest mountain—Mount Everest in the Himalayas, measuring 8.84 kilometers (5.49 miles) high—would not even break the surface of the water if it was placed in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench or Philippine Trench, two of the deepest parts of the ocean. On the other hand, the Atlantic Ocean is relatively shallow because large parts of its seafloor are made up of continental shelves—parts of the continents that extend far out into the ocean. The average depth of the entire ocean is 3,720 meters (12,200 feet).(尽管还有很多东西需要学习,但海洋学家已经做出了一些惊人的发现。例如,我们知道海洋中有高耸的山脉和深深的峡谷,就像陆地上的峡谷一样,被称为海沟。世界上最高的山峰——喜马拉雅山脉的珠穆朗玛峰,高8.84千米(5.49英里),如果它被放置在太平洋的马里亚纳海沟或菲律宾海沟这两个海洋最深的部分,它甚至不会打破水面。另一方面,大西洋相对较浅,因为其海底的大部分由大陆架组成,大陆架是延伸到海洋深处的部分大陆。整个海洋的平均深度为3720米(12200英尺))”可知,本段主要介绍了海洋学家对海洋的探索和发现。故选B项。
30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“It is unknown how many different species call the ocean their home. It could be that more than 90 percent of the ocean’s species are still undiscovered, with some scientists estimating that there are anywhere between a few hundred thousand and a few million more to be discovered. Currently, scientists know of around 226,000 ocean species. Since the ocean is so vast, there is plenty for future oceanographers from all corners of the globe to explore and discover. (目前还不知道有多少不同的物种以海洋为家。可能有90%以上的海洋物种仍未被发现,一些科学家估计还有几十万到几百万的物种有待发现。目前,科学家们知道大约226000种海洋物种。由于海洋如此广阔,未来来自世界各地的海洋学家有很多东西可以探索和发现)”可知,仍然有很多海洋物种没有被科学家发现,海洋勘探具有巨大的潜力。故选A项。
31.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Despite its size and impact on the lives of every organism on Earth, the ocean remains a mystery. More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans.(尽管海洋的大小和对地球上每一种生物的生活都有影响,但它仍然是一个谜。超过80%的海洋从未被人类绘制过地图、探索过,甚至从未被人类看到过)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了人类对海洋知之甚少,海洋的众多奥秘仍需要科学家去探索研究,所以“海洋:对人类而言是个谜”适合作为文章标题。故选B项。
【答案】32.A 33.A 34.D 35.B
【解析】32.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Online learning has changed a lot over the years. There was a time when learning mostly occurred when the students and the teachers were in the same place. Now, it is possible for a student in Kenya to attend classes in China, do their exams, pass and get their certificates.(多年来,在线学习发生了很大变化。曾经有一段时间,学习主要发生在学生和老师在同一个地方的时候。现在,肯尼亚的学生可以在中国上课,参加考试,通过考试并获得证书。)”可知,在线学习使来自不同国家的学生同时访问相同的教育材料并参与课程。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Take blogs for example. With blogs, anyone can give an account of their activities and their opinions, and discuss places they have visited on their websites. Of course, there are drawbacks to the technological advancement. One of the main problems is that it is easy for someone to publish wrong information.(以博客为例。有了博客,任何人都可以记录自己的活动和观点,并在自己的网站上讨论自己去过的地方。当然,技术进步也有缺点。其中一个主要问题是,很容易有人发布错误的信息。)”可知,博客的一个主要缺点是容易发布错误信息。故选A。
34.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“This adaptation of different technological tools from different fields is helping improve the quality of education for students everywhere.(这种对来自不同领域的不同技术工具的适应有助于提高各地学生的教育质量。)”可推测,不同领域的不同技术工具的适应有助于提高各地学生的教育质量,也就是说,其他领域的技术进步可能会对教育产生益处。故选D。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Over the years, education technology has changed so greatly that it may be challenging to keep up with all the changes.(多年来,教育技术发生了巨大的变化,要跟上所有的变化可能是一项挑战。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要讨论了教育技术在过去几年中发生的巨大变化,并详细介绍了在线学习、开放教育资源、博客、人工智能等不同方面的发展。这些讨论都围绕着教育技术的发展展开,因此可以推断出文章的主要内容是关于教育技术的发展。故选B。
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
【答案】36.B 37.C 38.E 39.A 40.G
【解析】36.前文“Travel promotes understanding, expands our minds, makes us better people, and boosts local economies and communities, but the rapid growth of travel has led to overtourism in certain regions and destinations.(旅游促进理解,扩展我们的思想,使我们成为更好的人,促进当地经济和社区,但旅游业的快速发展导致了某些地区和目的地的过度旅游)”表明旅游带来了一些问题,后文“The loss of what travel offers would be unacceptable in today’s world.(在当今世界,失去旅行所能提供的东西将是不可接受的)”表示不能失去旅行,结合后文“Certainly not.(当然不)”可知,空处提问能否停止旅行,D选项“那么,我们应该停止旅行吗?”符合语境。故选B。
37.前文“Overvisited destinations are that way for a reason: they’re special. With so many online posts featuring the same places, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out. Go somewhere only when the landscape, culture or food deeply draws you.(游客过多的目的地是有原因的:它们很特别。网上有这么多关于同一个地方的帖子,很容易让你觉得你错过了。只有当风景、文化或食物深深吸引你时,才去某个地方)”表明不要跟风旅游,C选项“为你而不是其他人旅行”表明要关注自己在旅行时的感受,忠实自己的感受,不用管其余的建议,符合语境。故选C。
38.前文“That means you have tons of less-visited options to choose from.(这意味着你有很多不太受欢迎的选择)及后文“Why not try a regional alternative or check out a popular destination’s lesser-known sights ( 为什么不尝试一个地区性的选择,或者看看一个热门目的地不太为人所知的景点呢)”提出建议,可以选择一些冷门的景点,E选项“你仍然可以找到相对未被发现的地方”符合语境。故选E。
39.空处为小标题,根据后文“Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping major holidays or rush hour.(通过跳过重大节假日或高峰时间来最小化影响并最大化体验)”表示旅游时要注意避开高峰期,选择合适的时间,A选项“在非高峰时间参观”概括本段内容。故选A。
40.前文“Do your part to preserve what makes a destination special in the first place.(尽你的一份力,从一开始就保护一个目的地的特别之处)”表明旅游时应保护旅游景点,后文“You may be amazed how much closer you’ll feel to the people there.(你可能会惊讶地发现你和那里的人感觉如此亲近)”表示这样做的感受,G选项“考虑回馈你所访问的社区”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
【答案】41.A 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.C 46.A 47.B 48.C 49.B 50.D 51.A 52.C 53.C 54.B 55.D
【解析】41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,图书馆经理波莉帮助他报名成为图书馆机器人俱乐部的志愿者。A. volunteer志愿者;B. writer作家;C. builder建立者;D. fireman消防员。根据后文“Max hadn’t volunteered before(马克斯以前没有做过志愿者)”可知,他报名成为图书馆机器人俱乐部的志愿者。故选A。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:马克斯以前没有做过志愿者,而且他对机器人一无所知。A. books书籍;B. programs计划;C. children孩子;D. robots机器人。根据后文“He opened the packs containing the robots, nervously staring at the mess of parts. (他打开装着机器人的包装,紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件)”可知,他对机器人一无所知。故选D。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:十几个小学生围在桌子周围,急切地等着。A. searching搜索;B. waiting等待;C. reading阅读;D. arguing争论。根据前文“He opened the packs containing the robots, nervously staring at the mess of parts.(他打开装着机器人的包装,紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件)”可知,他打开装着机器人的包装,紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件,是因为十几个小学生正急切地等待着。故选B。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:马克斯环顾图书馆,看到许多陪伴机器人制造者的家长和护工,他知道自己必须面对这个挑战。 A. table桌子;B. neighbourhood邻居;C. team团队;D. library图书馆。根据上文“in the library”可知,马克斯环顾图书馆。故选D。
45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:马克斯环顾图书馆,看到许多陪伴机器人制造者的家长和护工,他知道自己必须面对这个挑战。A. competition比赛;B. consequence结果;C. challenge挑战;D. conflict冲突。根据前文“He opened the packs containing the robots, nervously staring at the mess of parts.(他打开装着机器人的包装,紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件)”可知,他紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件,这说明他正在面对这个挑战。故选C。
46.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“好了,队员们,”他平静地开始说,用的是他当消防员时向队员们汇报的语气。A. calmly平静地;B. coldly冷淡地;C. casually随意地;D. weakly虚弱地。根据“adopting the tone he’d used to brief his unit during his firefighting days”可知,完成任务后,他平静地说。故选A。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“好了,队员们,”他平静地开始说,用的是他当消防员时向队员们汇报的语气。A. form形成;B. brief给……指示;向……介绍情况;C. warn警告;D. scan细看,审视。根据下文“during his firefighting days”可知,用的是他当消防员时向队员们汇报的语气。故选B项。
48.考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们将一步一步地制造这些机器人。A. at one time曾经;B. in no time立即; C. at a time一次;D. at no time决不。根据常识得知,制造机器人需要一步一步按照程序完成。故选C项。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:马克斯从一张桌子走到另一张桌子,一边说着鼓励的话,一边缓慢而坚定地在脑海中拼凑出指示。A. processing加工;B. offering给予;C. exchanging交换;D. understanding理解。根据“words of encouragement”可知,此处是指给予鼓励的话。故选B。
50.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:马克斯从一张桌子走到另一张桌子,一边说着鼓励的话,一边缓慢而坚定地在脑海中拼凑出指示。A. putting aside放一边;B. turning down拒绝;C. keeping off不要踩上;D. piecing together拼凑。根据上文“Max wandered from table to table, words of encouragement, and slowly but surely”可知,在脑海中拼凑出指示。故选D。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:机器人俱乐部的最后几分钟一分一秒地过去了,马克斯退后一步,审视着房间。A. surveyed审视;B. cleaned清洁;C. decorated装饰;D. left离开。根据“Max stood back and”和后文“Robots of all shapes and sizes stood on the tables.(各种形状和大小的机器人站在桌子上)”可知,此处是指退后一步审视着房间。故选A。
52.考查动词短语辨析。句意:孩子们很兴奋,向任何愿意看的人炫耀他们的作品。A. bringing up抚养;B. calling on拜访;C. showing off炫耀;D. giving away泄露。根据“their creations to anyone who would look”可知,此处是指向任何愿意看的人炫耀他们的作品。故选C。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每一句“谢谢”和“下周见”都让他退休后的失落感一点点消失。A. freedom自由;B. relief缓解;C. loss失落;D. guilt内疚。根据“he had felt since retiring”可知,他退休后感到失落。故选C。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他今天没有扑灭一团火,但也许他点燃了更重要的东西——一个新的人生目标。 A. reviewed仔细研究,审视;B. lighted(使)照亮,点燃;C. assessed评价,评定;D. reserved预订;保留。根据上文“He hadn’t put out a fire today, but”可知,与扑灭相对应的是点然。故选B。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他今天没有扑灭一团火,但也许他点燃了更重要的东西——一个新的人生目标。A. version版本;B. belief信仰;C. approach方法;D. purpose目标。根据“He hadn’t put out a fire today, but perhaps he had lighted something far more important”可知,此处是指一个新的人生目标。故选D。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
【答案】56.appearance 57.were built 58.gradually 59.as/because 60.a 61.it 62.in 63.making 64.attached 65.to be included
57.考查动词时态语态。句意:船形房屋是当地黎族人建造的。陈述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时,The boat-shaped houses和build为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为复数名词,be动词用were。故填were built。
61.考查代词。句意:传说黎族的祖先是乘船来到海南的。Legend has it that…为固定句型,意为“据说……,传说……”。故填it。
62.考查介词。句意:他们的后代建造了船形房屋以纪念他们的祖先。in memory of为固定搭配,意为“为了纪念”。故填in。
65.考查非谓语动词。句意:有关部门正在申请将这些房屋列入《世界遗产名录》,希望引起人们对黎族文化独特价值的更多关注。空处需填非谓语动词作定语,表示将要发生的动作,需用动词不定式,the houses和include为被动关系,需用动词不定式的被动语态。故填to be included。
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66.【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m Li Hua, an exchange student who is studying in Sydney. Having learned that a Chinese Silk Exhibition will be held in Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center, I’m writing to recommend myself as a volunteer.
Born in Zhejiang Province, I learned more about Chinese silk, which makes it easy for me to recognize the extraordinary beauty hidden behind silk. What’s more, what makes me fit for the job is my outgoing personality combined with my good command of English that will generate smooth communication. More importantly, I am passionate about spreading Chinese culture.
I hope that my application will meet with your approval.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
此外:what’s more→in addition
酷爱:be passionate about→have a passion for
原句:More importantly, I am passionate about spreading Chinese culture.
拓展句:More importantly, I am passionate about spreading Chinese culture, which makes me more interested in the exhibition.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I’m Li Hua, an exchange student who is studying in Sydney.(运用了who引导定语从句)
[高分句型2] What’s more, what makes me fit for the job is my outgoing personality combined with my good command of English that will generate smooth communication.(运用了what引导主语从句,that引导定语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
67.【答案】One possible version:
Later, my mom and I were talking and she told me about the broken window. “Poor Mr. Jones,” she sighed, “He’s such a nice guy. I can’t believe anyone would break his window and not stay around to apologize.” Hearing what my mom said, I pulled the hem of my clothes tightly, the blood rushing to my face. Catching sight of the embarrassment written in my burning face, she seemed to know everything. “Yes, it’s me.” I confessed that I broke the window by accident, promising that I would go right over now and own up to my mistake. Then I plucked up the courage to knock on Mr. Jones’ door and decided to tell him what I had done.
Mr. Jones looked at me after I explained what had happened. He was not angry at all. On the contrary, a gentle smile danced around the corners of his mouth. Relieved but still ashamed. I apologized to him with sincerity and asked how much it cost to repair the window. I told him that I would save my money and pay back every penny of it. Patting me on the shoulder, Mr. Jones replied, “It’s not the money that matters.” He continued, “I was really hurt that someone would do that to me without stopping to apologize. Now that you have come and explained the accident, I feel good again.” What Mr. Jones spoke out had a lasting influence on me, reminding me to be honest and fix every mistake I made.
①道歉:apologize /make an apology
②承认:confess/ acknowledge
③偿还:pay back /repay
①尴尬:embarrassment / awkwardness
②生气的:angry /annoyed
【点睛】[高分句型1] Hearing what my mom said, I pulled the hem of my clothes tightly, the blood rushing to my face. (运用了what引导宾语从句和独立主格结构)
[高分句型2] I confessed that I broke the window by accident, promising that I would go right over now and own up to my mistake. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
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