

名称 广东省深圳市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-08 18:36:30


(笔试部分,满分 130 分)
第一部分 基础知识(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
1-5 CCBDB 6-10 CBDCA 11-15 DDAAB
第二部分 阅读理解(每小题 2.5 分,共 50 分)
16-18 DCC 19-22 AADB 23-26 BBAA 27-30 CDDB
31-35 GCEBF
第三部分 语言运用(共 40 分) 第一节(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
36-40 CABBD 41-45 DCACB 46-50 BADDC
第二节(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 51-55 GKDCA 56-60 BJIEH
第三节(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
61. elegant 62. or 63. flew 64. as 65. devoting
66. who/that 67. a 68. to acquire 69. have played/have been playing
70. truly
第四部分 写作(25 分)
One possible version:
To Maggie’s joy, her garden became beautiful and lively in a few months. The sunflowers were standing tall and the daisies were dancing in the breeze, attracting plenty of butterflies and bees. Maggie was delighted by the sight of the rainbow-like flowers. Excited, Maggie posted pictures of her plants on social media with captions detailing her gardening journey with GreenThumb. Her posts drew attention from neighbors, friends and even strangers. People admired Maggie’s dedication, creativity, and the stunning results she had achieved with the help of GreenThumb. As comments and likes poured in, Maggie felt proud and fulfilled.
“I saw your photos online! How did you make your garden so amazing ” a classmate asked one morning. “It was GreenThumb! Let me introduce him to you!” Maggie beamed as she proudly shared her story with the classmate during lunch, drawing the attention of other classmates too. This time, everyone listened attentively and kept asking questions. It was a great moment, one that gave her a sense of recognition and belonging that she had longed for. GreenThumb opened a new world to her and she realized a small step toward personal growth can lead to remarkable transformations, both in the garden and within herself.深圳市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语 2024.7
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。
2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔在答题卡上将对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答案不能答在试卷上。
单项选择 从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.Your constant progress can ______ you to set higher goals in your fitness plan.
A.advise B.force C.motivate D.request
2.Considering our health,it's necessary to _______our body annually.
A.approach B.estimate C.examine D.appreciate
3.With government support,there is a growing ________of using electric vehicles
A.issue B.trend C.challenge D.deadline
4.The Student Union organized a fundraising event out of ________ for earthquake victims.
A.admiration B.evaluation C.gratitude D.sympathy
5.We are________ about going to an ideal university with the help of our teachers.
A.flexible B.optimistic C.concerned D.cautious
6.The location of trapped people was described__________ so the rescue team could arrive in time.
A.uncertainly B.hesitantly C.precisely D.nervously
7 The Chess Club________ to attract like-minded members on social media platforms.
A.took a risk B.made an effort C.had a say D.create an obstacle
8.Parents play a crucial role in __________ cultural traditions and values to their children.
A.putting on B.resulting in C.taking in D.passing on
9 We have been _________our performance day and night for the art festival next month.
A.posing for B.showing off C.preparing for D.calling off
10.—What keeps you studying hard every day
—It's the belief ______I could accomplish I put my mind to.
A.that;whatever B.whether;whichever
C.that;whichever D.whether;whatever
11.—Why do you look worried
—I've been thinking about _________we can organize a craftworkshop next month.
A.which B.what
12.—What impressed you most on Mount Wutong
—The moment I saw the fog up from the valley. floating B.will float float D.floating
13.Alice had studied painting for years,but it was not until a week ago she got the hang of it.
A.that B.before C.after D.when
14.In the heart of the forest,the oak tree stands tall,with its branches towards the sky.
A.stretching B.are stretching C.stretched D.are stretched
15. attracted us most was the multi-colored lake in Jiuzhai Valley National Park.
A.It B.What C.That D.Which
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
High School Science Exploration Challenge
We are thrilled to announce the first-ever Exploration Challenge for high school students on campus.This challenge calls on you to dive into interesting scientific topics and present your thoughts creatively.
What You Can Do
Choose any science topic that interests you and present what you've learned through one of the following project types:
·Experiment and Report:Conduct a simple experiment and write about your findings.
·Poster or Digital Presentation:Create an informative poster or a digital presentation on science.
·Video or animation( 动 画 片 ) :Produce a video or animation to explain a scientific phenomenon you enjoy.
·Essay or Blog Posts:Write an essay or a series of blog posts with the theme of“Science and Me.”
How to Enter
Submit your projects to our e-mail address science@.Please keep in mind your projects are sent as attachment in the e-mail before Aug.31t.
Judging and Prizes
Projects will be judged on creativity,accuracy,and engagement.Prizes include scholarships, science kits,and opportunities to visit a university science lab.The winners' projects will be displayed in our school science magazine.
Award Ceremony
The award ceremony will be broadcast live on our official account,featuring a demonstration of the top 10 entries along with the stories behind them.It will then be followed by an award presentation and dinner for all.
For detailed rules and more information about the challenge,please subscribe to our official account.We can't wait to see your creations!
16.What may be a possible project for the challenge
A.A book on physics. B.A report on law study
C.A poster about music. D.A video on plant growth.
17.Which of the following is a reward for winners
A.Dining with a scientist. B.Receiving a gold medal.
C.Having their projects published. D.Making their family stories known.
18.What is the purpose of the challenge
A.To attract magazine subscribers B.To conduct scientific field research.
C.To encourage science exploration. D.To improve digital presentation skills.
I'm a 66-year-old harp(竖琴)student.Others in my class are five,seven,ten...I fancy myself a source of inspiration for them,who would say,“If he can do it,I can,too!”
For some years before we stepped on the real stage,our recitals(演奏会)were given online. I could play perfectly—when no one was looking.But those online recitals caused me a kind of stage fright.Something about being watched and recorded,perhaps Anyway,it was not too serious.
However,last year was a whole new ball game.That spring came with a real stage.An excited crowd.Clapping.Filming.A real recital!Exciting but stressful.I didn't know if I could handle it.
The adorable little performers were delicately dressed in their party-best skirts,with leather shoes hanging beneath too-high chairs,unable to reach the ground.Luckily,I could.We sat among the guests before the show,struck by their excitement.One by one,up and down,my fellow students went—each playing superbly.Then,it was my turn.I thought I was ready.
But I struggled from the start.I kept my fingers moving.Sound still radiated from the strings,but the tune was all wrong.I restarted both pieces three times.When I got totally lost for a few notes in the middle,I thought,“I don't know what this is anymore,but,hey,it sounds kind of nice!”I kept thinking,“Make a joyful noise,regardless!”
That eight minutes was like eight hours.Being the eldest in the room often makes people think you're the best.The truth,especially at that recital,was far different.But I would have awarded myself the gold for chutzpah —start playing a new instrument at 62,and then perform in front of a large audience.
Making music knows no age,and all players are welcome.Looking back,I realize my lengthy life experience has taught me that the show must go on—no matter what is occurring. Life's music is playing!It's my job to just show up and keep trying.
19.What can be inferred about the author at online recitals
A.He suffered mild stress in playing. B.He felt too nervous to play publicly.
C.He paid no attention to the audience. D.He played better than other performers.
20.How did the author deal with his stage fright on the real stage
A.By keeping a positive mindset. B.By interacting with the audience.
C.By adjusting the order of his pieces. D.By focusing on the playing techniques.
21.What does the underlined word“chutzpah”refer to in paragraph6
A.Honesty and tolerance. B.Experience and wisdom.
C.Competence and talent. D.Determination and courage.
22.What message does the author seem to convey in the text
A.Hard work pays off. B.Age is no barrier to trying.
C.Practice makes perfect. D.Failure is the mother of success.
Have you ever seen the Moon rising over your town or city It can appear very large when it is low on the horizon.Our moon goes through phases(月相)and it looks a little different every day.When the whole moon is lit up,it is called a full moon.When the Moon is entirely dark,it's a new moon.When there is only a thin edge of the circle shining,it's a crescent moon.
When a crescent moon is rising,we can occasionally see a unique event.When the Sun,the Earth,and the Moon are lined up just right,some of the sunlight that hits the Earth can be reflected onto the Moon.This causes most part of the Moon to give off a faint glow,while the rest of the Moon is brightly lit by the sunlight.
This phenomenon is named the Da Vinci glow.It was Leonardo da Vinci,a great artist, inventor and scientist,who explained it for the first time.Sometimes,it is also called “earthshine.”
When Da Vinci wrote about earthshine,he suggested that it might be caused by sunlight reflected from the Earth's oceans.He was almost completely correct,except for one detail:most of the reflected sunlight comes from the clouds in our atmosphere.The reflected light from the Earth is bright enough to light up the side of the Moon that isn't receiving direct sunlight.
The Da Vinci glow is not easy to see.Conditions need to be just right.Due to the angles of light,the Moon has to be very low on the horizon.The best time to see it will be in the days before and after the new moon.During these days,the lit-up edge of the crescent moon is at its thinnest stage.If you observe the Moon before sunrise or after sunset,it may be possible to witness the reflected light from the Earth.For the best experience,choose a location outdoors where there is not too much artificial light.You can use a telescope,but it's not necessary since the Moon will look just as impressive when viewed with the bare eye.
23.Which of the following is the Da Vinci glow
A. B. C. D.
24.What is the main cause of the Da Vinci glow
A.Sunlight received by the Moon's surface. B.Sunlight reflected from the Earth's clouds.
C.Sunlight reflected from the Earth's oceans. D.Sunlight received by the Moon's lit-up edge.
25.Why is the Da Vinci glow an unusual phenomenon
A.It requires specific light conditions. B.It lasts too short to be observed.
C.It occurs at the crescent moon stage. D.It needs bright light from the Sun.
26.Which of the following matters most to an ideal observation of the phenomenon
A.A suitable place B.Good eyesight
C.A special instrument. D.Bright moonlight.
A“spark bird”is the species that inspires someone to start bird watching,namely birding. For Trish Kane,that bird was the cardinal(红衣凤头鸟).Hearing cardinals' calls was an initial step toward over 1,960 hours of birding,33 field notebooks and a career change.In her book,Birding to Change the World,Kane charts her transformation from a journalist to an environmentalist
In 2005,a terrible hurricane hit Kane's hometown.After it,she had to cope with the loss of her home.In watching the cardinals and other birds,she found relief.Soon she started bringing her students along.“My students stared at me in disbelief when I told them I had never cared about birds before,”Kane writes.“I suddenly wondered how many creatures would die because of the way we lived.”She decided to pursue an environmentally-conscious career.In 2007,she took a course to study environmental science.
Most of the book focuses on Kane's efforts to preserve Warner Park,an ideal location satisfying birding requirements for her class.She successfully campaigned to stop the construction of a parking lot.Her activism snowballed into a local bird watching and protecting organization.It eventually became part of Kane's doctoral research,and launched a birding class that pairs middle school students with college-student advisors.
The book shows readers that a good knowledge of nature doesn't require a degree.Take Jeremy,a seemingly uninterested boy in Kane's birding class.When reporters joined an outing, the normally quiet Jeremy started talking excitedly about the bunting,a small blue bird.Kane soon learned that he had secretly taken to studying the field guide given to him by his advisor.
At its core,Birding to Change the World is about how people and birds today depend on one another.“For birds,that dependence is concrete.For thousands of years,our species has seen birds as a symbol of liberation,”Kane writes.In her case,it is liberation from the grief and depression that the hurricane brought."Bird by bird,they carve a new pathway in my life,a joyful pathway.”
27.What made Kane pursue an environmentalist career
A.Her guilt about the serious harm to birds. B.The desire to guide students to go birding.
C.The comfort from birding after the disaster. D.Her students' disbelief in her ignorance of birds.
28.What can we learn about Kane from paragraph 3
A.She worked hard on her latest book. B.She protected Warner Parkon her own.
C.Her birding class consisted of advisors D.Her activism led to positive chain effects.
29.What does Jeremy's experience suggest
A.Interest in nature differs between kids and adults. B.Children learn more from nature than from books.
C.Children are born curious about outdoor activities.
D.Potential in kids can be released with proper guide.
30.Which is the best title for the text
A.A Joyful Experience of Birding B.The Transformative Power of Birding
C.A Life Journey of an Environmentalist D.The Self-appreciation of a Book Writer
As the world's population increases,so does the need for food,especially from animal sources.This urges us to find sustainable ways to feed billions more people in the future. 31 It has a great impact on our health and environment.
Many people are skeptical about reducing meat consumption,but there are many benefits of adopting plant-based diet. 32 Besides,it produces significantly fewer greenhouse gases and requires less land and water than animals.This helps keep ecological balance and promotes better life quality.
33 This kind of diet is not usually preferred by people who enjoy the taste of animal meat.Just like the resistance some people have towards eating insects,the shift to plant-based diet also requires great changes in how people perceive and enjoy food.
The future of our food supply will depend heavily on our willingness to accept more sustainable eating habits.Options like lab-grown meats are promising.Yet will these food choices become common in our supermarkets 34
How we choose to eat in the coming years will contribute to ensuring a sustainable future for you and me. 35 Hopefully,we can balance our nutritional needs with the planet's ability to support us,building a harmonious relationship with our environment.
A.Such diet has been tried by many people.
B.It remains to be seen whether we can make it happen.
C.It is more nutritious compared with animal-based food.
D.Much depends on how such restaurants treat customers.
E.However,adapting to plant-based diet can be challenging.
F.Our choices directly impact the ecosystem and social welfare.
G.A practical solution is plant-based diet including fruits,vegetables and nuts.
第三部分语言运用 (共三节,满分40分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
As a growing family,we gathered lots of stuff,especially toys.After our first boy was born, friends and family 36 him with gifts,flooding our once 37 rooms with many colorful playthings.
38 my son's seemingly countless possessions robbed me of the mood to enjoy life. My spare time melting away,my 39 began to mount up.
Then one day,the weight of the mess became too much to bear.I 40 !It was time to make a 41.I grabbed trash bags and rushed into my son's bedroom, 42 the scattered (散落的)toys on the floor quickly.Then I took those bags of toys immediately to the basement (地下室) .Of course,there was the initial crying over losing his toys,but gradually he managed to 43 it.
Days went by.Then weeks. 44, the absence of disorder seemed to promote a deeper sense of appreciation for the toys that 45 .With fewer toys,my son had to rely on his imagination,like 46 a paper box into a spaceship and going on a fantasy adventure in it. It's been months,and those packed toys are still in the basement
With each passing day,the 47 of our minimalist lifestyle became more apparent. Freed from the burden of cleaning up the house,we 48 a world where less really became more.Minimalism allows me to see more 49 in life,and my boy is becoming more 50 _when playing with a reduced number of toys.
36.A.helped B.filled C.showered D.equipped
37.A.spacious B.modern C.bright D.quiet
38.A.Selling B.Sorting C.Counting D.Delivering
39.A.laziness B.anxiety C.regret D.guilt
40.A.retired B.escaped C.cheered D.exploded
41.A.donation B.record C.promise D.change
42.A.playing with B.putting aside C.picking up D.throwing away
43.A.accept B.believe C.share D.remember
44.A.Originally B.Hopefully C.Unexpectedly D.Unfortunately
45.A.waited B.remained C.increased D.appeared
46.A.placing B.turning C.dividing D.mixing
47.A.benefits B.symbols C.impressions D.patterns
48.A.missed B.disconnected C.imagined D.unlocked
49.A.problems B.predictions C.preparations D.possibilities
50.A.generous B.courageous C.creative D.supportive
Did you know that when you visit the zoo and see the chimpanzees(黑猩猩) ,you are visiting animals related to you
Humans and chimpanzees have a common 51 that existed millions of years ago. Scientists group us together because we share similar 52 _,like hands that can grasp things and brains that are large compared to body size.
Humans 53 chimpanzees in that we walk on our feet,we possess language,and we are much less hairy,for sure!Another big difference between humans and chimpanzees is how long we live.Chimpanzees 54 live past their 40's.Humans, 55 _,can live past our 80's.
As we humans get older,we can still do many of the things we enjoy,such as taking up our hobbies and playing with our grandchildren,but our activity levels may 56 ,and we are also more likely to get sick.
Chimpanzees have shorter lifespans,so many of them miss out on the fun that humans may experience in old age.For example,they have less opportunity to 57 their grandchildren. This may seem sad,but chimpanzees have a different family structure from humans',so the 58 of grandparents does not affect their lifestyle.
Is it cool that humans can live to such a(n) 59 age Next time you visit the zoo,think about the differences and similarities between you and your 60 relatives,and how amazing it is that humans can live for such a long time.
Many Chinese people hold at least one vivid memory of a kite from their childhood days — whether it is an 61 (elegance) diamond-shaped design wandering in the blue sky, 62 a classic bird-shaped kite dancing in the wind.
China's kite has a history of more than 2,000 years.In former times,people 63 (fly) kites around the Qingming Festival to remember those who had passed away.Nowadays,flying kites is known 64 a way to attract good fortune and drive away bad luck.
There have been many kite-lovers 65 (devote)themselves to the inheritance(传承)of kite culture.Cao Xueqin,a literary giant 66 wrote the novel,Dream of the Red Chamber, is one of them.He also wrote 67 book on kites in his later years,recording the techniques of kite making and flying.The book enabled people,especially those with disabilities, 68 (acquire)the skill and make a living.
Over time,kites 69 (play)a significant role in the lives of Chinese people,and have 70 (true) impressed foreign friends.This cultural heritage has been passed down through generations,showing the lasting vitality of Chinese civilization.
第 四 部 分 写 作(共一节,满分25分)
Maggie was an average teenager who often felt invisible among her peers(同龄人) .She felt like she was an outsider.School,in particular,was a source of anxiety for her.
When she was depressed,she would hide in her small garden.But the plants there never seemed to thrive(繁茂).It was always a disappointment,and she felt discouraged.“I am just a loser,”she thought to herself.
One day,while visiting a gardening website,Maggie discovered an exciting smart device called“Green Thumb.”It claimed to help even the most inexperienced gardeners grow amazing plants.Interested,she decided to give it a try.
As soon as Maggie received the GreenThumb device and unboxed it,she carefully followed the setup steps,and within minutes,GreenThumb was activated and began to scan(扫描) the garden.Imagine having a cool device that tells you exactly what the plants need —like a personal plant caretaker!It reminds you to water,gives you tips on when to feed your plants,and even warns you about diseases.Green Thumb was just like a friend who always cared and helped.
During a lunch break at school,some classmates began discussing the latest events that had happened.Maggie wanted to share GreenThumb with others,too.But her voice was soon drowned out by louder voices.The conversation soon shifted to music,with each person talking about their favorite song or artist.Maybe they didn't hear her.Or they were just uninterested. She sank into silence,feeling unseen and unheard again.“I'll show you what I can do with GreenThumb,”she said to herself with determination.
Every day after school,Maggie couldn't wait to take care of her garden.She spent countless hours in her garden tending to each plant.At first,she strictly followed Green Thumb's instructions.As time went by,she found her own talent in gardening and added some creative ideas to make her garden unique.
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
To Maggie's joy,her garden became beautiful and lively in a few months. “I saw the pictures online!How did you make your garden so amazing ”a classmate asked one morning.