甘肃省平凉市灵台一中2023-2024 学年高二下学期7月教学质量监测 英语试卷(含答案,无听力原文,含音频)


名称 甘肃省平凉市灵台一中2023-2024 学年高二下学期7月教学质量监测 英语试卷(含答案,无听力原文,含音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 17.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-09 11:36:52


平凉市灵台一中2023-2024 学年高二下学期7月教学质量监测
1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the man do first after class
A.Meet the woman. B.See Prof. Smith. C.Attend a lecture.
2.Where will Peter spend his vacation
A.New York. B.Paris. C.Beijing.
3.When does the movie begin
A.At 10:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 6: 30.
4.Where are the speakers
A.At a swimming pool. B.In a clothing shop. C.At a school lab.
5.How does the woman go to work
A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike.
6.What is the possible relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Co-workers. C.Strangers.
7.How does the woman feel about Jack’s situation
A.Embarrassed. B.Disappointed. C.Concerned.
8.Where has the woman been
A.In the kitchen. B.At the bakery. C.In the park.
9.What will the children do in the afternoon
A.Help set the table. B.Have a party. C.Do their homework.
10.What will Mr. James do at 11 o’clock
A.Meet somebody. B.Read a report. C.Have a lunch.
11.Who will Mr. James meet at 4 after lunch
A.The woman. B.His senior staff. C.His sales team.
12.When will Miss Wilson see Mr. James
A.At lunchtime. B.Late in the afternoon. C.The next morning.
13.What is the man doing
A.Attending a lecture. B.Hosting a program. C.Conducting a survey.
14.Why is Grace doing unpaid work in the new season of the show
A.To follow the latest trend. B.To help raise the crew’s pay. C.To support the promotion.
15.What enables Grace to try different things in her field
A.Her company’s arrangement. B.Her college major. C.Her family tradition.
16.What does Emily think of her work at the Film Centre
A.Rewarding. B.Boring. C.Demanding.
17.How did the man help the old lady
A.He took the sick lady to hospital.
B.He carried her bags and took her home.
C.He helped her to find her son’s home.
18.Why did the man tell a white lie
A.To comfort the old lady.
B.To make friends with the old lady.
C.To win the trust of the old lady.
19.When did the man’s grandmother die
A.20 years ago. B.25 years ago. C.30 years ago.
20.What did it turn out to be
A.The old lady was his father’s aunt.
B.The old lady was his father’s neighbor.
C.The old lady looked after the man when he was two.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Creative Travel Guide
With impressive museums, trendy fashion, and incredible innovations, Stockholm is a city you must go.
Best Time to Travel
The best time to visit Stockholm is from July to September when the temperatures are the warmest and you can enjoy long sunny days. However, hotel prices are at their highest at this time too. Visiting at the beginning of June can give you better hotel prices. While at the end of September offers plenty of light, but the temperature does begin to drop slightly.
As the biggest city in Sweden, Stockholm is a transportation hub for the region, meaning that there are plenty of national and international connections to the city. You could choose to fly to one of the two airports that aren't too far from the city with Stockholm Orlando Airport being the biggest airport in the country.
Flights are available from across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. From the airport, you can take a bus or commuter train into the city center.
Getting Around
Stockholm has an excellent public transport system that is made up of several bus lines, commuter rails, trams metros, and ferries covering the majority of the city efficiently. Many people choose to cycle around Stockholm as the city has plenty of bike lanes and paths to get around. You can get yourself a Go City Stockholm card offering free entry to over 60 top attractions. You could also choose to take a taxi but it is expensive. So try to avoid if possible.
Food and Board
Hostel dorm prices can be found for under 350 Krona while budget Hotels begin at 2, 000, and four-or five-star hotels can be found for around 4, 000 Krona. Breakfast costs around 50Krona and lunch begins at 120, while dinner starts at around 200 Krona.
21. When will you get cheaper hotel prices
A. In July. B. At the beginning of June.
C. In August. D. At the end of September.
22. Which part will be helpful if accommodation is needed
A. Best Time to Travel. B. Transportation.
C. Getting Around. D. Food and Board.
23. In which column of a newspaper will you find the text
A. Entertainment. B. Technology. C. Travel. D. History.
The book, Art Forms in Nature, published in 1904, is the most famous work of the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. Including more than 450hand-drawn pictures by him, the book is also known as the encyclopedia(百科全书) of nature. The pictures in the book have been at the crossing of art, biology, and maths for over a century.
Born in Potsdam, Germany, Ernst Haeckel studied medicine in Berlin, Wurzburg and Vienna, and received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Berlin. He was also a professor of Zoology at Jena University. He was one of the first to draw animals. When Haeckel was a young medical student at the University of Berlin, Professor Johannes Muller took him to see small sea animals off the coast of Heligoland in the North Sea. At that time, Haeckel became intrigued in animals.
Haeckel's biological research is wide. He studied everything from the highest mountain to the deepest ocean. Haeckel's discoveries described and named thousands of new species. He used a paintbrush to draw these new species in fine detail. People learned about many animals that had never been seen before, and the most interesting one is the microorganism(微生物) described by Haeckel. These creatures that we can't see in daily life look like monsters that crawl out of science fiction. Through his book, Haeckel shows the diversity of the Earth's ecosystems.
It is worth mentioning that Haeckel and the famous biologist Darwin were very good friends. Haeckel would often send Darwin drawings of creatures he had drawn by hand for Darwin to study. Darwin once said, “Haeckel's paintings are the most attractive that I have ever seen, and I am proud to have his gifts.”
24. Why is Art Forms in Nature mentioned in the text
A. To explain the importance of biology. B. To introduce the author of the book.
C. To present the art skills in 1904. D. To show the features of animals.
25. What does the underlined word “intrigued” probably mean in paragraph 2
A. Worried. B. Tired. C. Interested. D. Agreed.
26. What do we know about Ernst Haeckel from paragraph 3
A. He found new species through his research.
B. He drew what he dreamed about in his spare time.
C. He made many experiments with his friends.
D. He discovered some animals that people had seen before.
27. What did Darwin think of his friend's gifts
A. Strange. B. Normal. C. Annoying. D. Impressive.
The world’s oceans, lakes and rivers are under increasing pressure from climate change, growing demand, urbanization, and pollution, threatening their ability to sustain life.
“Without better data to understand the health of increasingly stressed waterways, the fight to save these most precious resources will be ineffective,” said the co-founder of a technology company. “Virtually every waterway is polluted to an extent where the ecosystem just can’t balance back anymore,” he explains.
The company is aiming to fill that information gap using fishlike robots that collect data from underwater environments. Powered by batteries, they are designed to look and swim like fish. The standard version is about 1.3 meters long and weighs 30 kilograms and can be equipped with cameras and sensors to measure oxygen, salinity (盐度) and pH levels.
The founder was motivated to build the robots after his eight-year-old daughter learned about the ocean crisis and asked him to help protect the seas. He says it’s important that the robots can integrate into natural habitats—swimming among other creatures without disturbing them and moving around obstacles smoothly.
The company has put its technology to use in different regions. It has operated in both fresh and saltwater, near dams, and in harbors and fish farms, checking things like water quality and fish health and collecting data wherever they go. The CEO of the company said its technology could be used in the region for water management, sustainable aquaculture (水产养殖) operations, and monitoring the health of corals.
Still, the company has some blocks to clear before its fishlike robots will be seen cruising (游弋) through the world’s waterways. “We need capital to commercialize,” said the CEO, “but there are very few people who are willing to actually support those that are doing frontier technologies in the waterways.” The founder hopes more funding will follow. He said, “Investors should absolutely wake up.”
28. What is the purpose of the first two paragraphs
A. To introduce the topic of the text.
B. To state the importance of the text.
C. To explain the urgency of water resources.
D. To weaken the seriousness of water pollution.
29. Which is one of the advantages of the robots
A. They can lead other fishes.
B. They can easily catch children’s eyes.
C. They work efficiently under the water.
D. They can swim without being recharged.
30. What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A. The launch of a new program. B. The application of the technology.
C. Management of the company. D. Development of the company.
31. What problem does the company face currently
A. How to make people focus on technology.
B. How to keep investors positive.
C. How to produce more robots.
D. How to collect more money.
For centuries, explorers have searched for the fountain of youth. Surprisingly, the secret to staying young might have been within us all along. Amor, a scientist, and colleagues have discovered that T cells can be reprogrammed to fight aging, so to speak.
Given the right genetic changes, these white blood cells can attack another group of cells known as senescent (衰老的) cells, which are thought to be responsible for many of the diseases we fight with later in life. Senescent cells are those that stop replicating (再生). As we age, they build up in our bodies, resulting in some diseases.
While several existing drugs can eliminate these cells, many must be taken repeatedly over time. As an alternative, Amor and colleagues turned to a “living” drug called CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) T cells.
They discovered CAR T cells could be used to rid of senescent cells in mice. As a result, the mice ended up living healthier lives. They had lower body weight, improved metabolism (新陈代谢), and increased physical activity. All these came without any tissue damage or side effects.
Perhaps the greatest power of CAR T cells is their long-lasting effects. The team found that just one dose (一剂) at a young age can have lifelong effects. That single treatment can protect against conditions that commonly occur later in life.
“T cells have the ability to develop memory and exist in your body for really long periods, which is very different from a chemical drug,” Amor explained.
Amor’s lab is now investigating whether CAR T cells let mice live not only healthier but also longer. If so, society will be one step closer to the fountain of youth.
32. What discovery have scientists made about T cells and aging
A. T cells cause aging. B. T cells can fight aging.
C. Senescent cells are T cells. D. Aging is caused by genetic changes.
33. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Remove. B. Sustain. C. Cue. D. Polish.
34. Which effect of CAR T cells on young mice does the text emphasize
A. Short-term activity increase. B. Immediate weight reduction.
C. Lifelong health enhancement. D. Temporary metabolic improvement.
35. What is Amor’s attitude to the future of employing CAR T cells
A. Doubtful. B. Unclear. C. Critical. D. Optimistic.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How to become a good communicator
Being a good communicator is an important life skill. It can help you make friends, do well in school, and even get better jobs when you're older. Sometimes, you may find it a struggle to communicate effectively with people around you. 36
Listen to others.
Listening is a trait that is often forgotten about in modern society. In the process of communication, try to avoid responding to a text, opening an email, or thinking about your next meal. 37 Show them you're listening and interested by commenting on the story or asking questions.
Speak sincerely.
No one likes to be deceived. Tell people the truth. If you can't commit to something, it's better to be honest about it than to have to tell them last minute that you can't make it. When people ask for your opinion, you should be honest. 38 For instance, if you don't like your friend's shirt and they ask you about it, respond with, "I really like you in blue instead," rather than, "I hate it, it's ugly."
How you say things is arguably more important than what you say. If you try to give someone a genuine compliment(赞美), but they think you say it with an ironic undertone, your compliment won't mean a thing. Be aware of the way you speak. If you notice that people often take things you say the wrong way, there is a good chance you can change how you speak. Ask your friends to make you aware of the way you're coming across.
Help others communicate.
Get a bunch of people together for a fun get-together. It can be as simple as a gathering at the park, or as fancy as an elegant dinner party. 40
A. Know "how" vs "what".
B. Be aware of what you say.
C. You should pay attention to what others are saying.
D. This can be a good chance for you to communicate with others.
E. Do remember there is a difference between honest and rude opinions.
F. Either way, it shows them that you care and want to spread friendship.
G. However, with practice and patience, you can become a great communicator.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In my work as a vocational school teacher in Germany, there are a few refugees(难民) in my class. Their 41 of German is often rather poor regardless of whether they are " 42 off the boat" or have lived here for a few years. Some of these students who 43 to complete their three-year training may continue to go to school to attain 44 so they can attend university.
Over the last few weeks, I have taken them aside and given them 45 on how to enhance their language skills, such as finding ways to build their vocabulary beyond class and 46 language immersion courses. After class, I even took some of them to a 47 which displayed valuable information on a poster. They were 48 for this little gesture that benefited them a lot. Most important of all, I have given them tips on how to 49 themselves into the German culture better.
I do not get any 50 money for offering this sort of advice, though I have 51 my short breaks over the years. But I feel it is important to help the youngsters because after graduation from university, they have great chance of 52 jobs in Germany. Meanwhile, they will feel inspired to 53 here.
Good integration is so important as it builds bridges and expands 54 . It makes me happy to share my knowledge as a language teacher and spread those 55 ripples (涟漪) in everyday life.
41. A. description B. command C. appreciation D. opinion
42. A. fresh B. distant C. clear D. close
43. A. fail B. expect C. manage D. refuse
44. A. goals B. success C. qualifications D. advantage
45. A. credits B. tips C. permission D. information
46. A. recommending B. delivering C. giving D. running
47. A. gym B. noticeboard C. classroom D. stadium
48. A. sorrowful B. thoughtful C. grateful D. fearful
49. A. transform B. turn C. divide D. integrate
50. A. enough B. good C. extra D. limited
51. A. sacrificed B. wasted C. taken D. arranged
52. A. changing B. quitting C. creating D. landing
53. A. turn down B. calm down C. slow down D. settle down
54. A. business B. horizons C. friendship D. courses
55. A. kindness B. skill C. happiness D. culture
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
While 56 (visit) Lijiang, learn about Naxi culture, which differs from the Han culture in its writing system. The Naxi writing system, known only by a handful of people, 57 (use) hieroglyphs(象形文字). This people group is the only one in the world 58 they still uses hieroglyphs. Also be sure to enjoy traditional Naxi music in the Old Town.
Sifang Street, located in the center of the town, hums with activity. Don't overlook the chance 59 (try) the different kinds of food that are specific 60 the area.
Lijiang is also a great place to see the beauty of the natural world. Lion. Hills, 61 looks like a sleeping lion, rises from the middle of the city. The Wangu Tower on the hill provides views of the Old Town and surrounding villages. The view includes Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the most 62 (south) snow-capped mountain north of the equator. At 5,596 meters high, it offers an amazing view to 63 (that) willing to climb it.
You can also see Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 64 (reflect) in the waters of the Black Dragon Pool. This pool, located in Black Dragon Pool Park, is 65 (nature) formed where springs flow together.
Lijiang's beauty, history and rich culture make it a fascinating place to visit.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66.上周你校高三的学生举行了主题为感恩的成人典礼,你作为旁观者见证了全过程,你的英国朋友 Chris很想了解该活动请写一篇短文记录这次典礼,内容包括:
Our school's sports file d saw a coming-of-age ceremony last Sunday. _
My mother always said, “Can't never could until he tried.” She recited it to me many times during my childhood. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Angry as it was, it took root. I strongly believe that I will never be able to do something unless I try.
Last year, my husband was downsized out of his job, leaving us with a single income—mine. We were a two-income family with two children to support. Just when it looked like things couldn't get worse, I lost my job too.
While my husband was making calls for another job, I stayed at home and did my best to figure out how to make the most of every cent. When I tried to get some milk from the refrigerator, I found the milk had gone bad. What was wrong It took me some time to make it out. The refrigerator didn't work. It was often difficult for me to have a hopeful and positive attitude at that time.
Anxious about our situation, I tried to think of something that I could do to earn some money. Even a little would help. Maybe we could at least get the refrigerator repaired. But what could I do I began searching the want ads, applying for anything that I was even able to do.
I had lunch with a former coworker who insisted that I would be great at teaching computer classes. I had used word processing software at my former job and was definitely an expert. I used to help my friends learn how to use computer software. I was considerate and easygoing and I was good at describing things patiently. Once my friends had difficulty in using the computer, I would be willing to help—guiding them through, answering all their questions. From their facial expressions, I could tell they loved me.
Was it possible that people would actually pay me to teach them I suddenly remembered my mother's words “Can't never could until he tried”.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
I wasn't sure where to start, but finally I got an idea. ________________________________________________
Fortunately, I made enough money to do the things I wanted. _________________________________________
1-5 BAACC 6-10 BCBBA 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 ABACB
体裁:应用文 主题语境:人与社会——旅游
21. B 细节理解题。从文中首段小标题 Best Time to Travel段落中第三句内容可知,六月初来的话,旅馆的价格会稍微便宜一点。故选B。
22. D 细节理解题。从文中末段小标题及内容可知,其是关于旅游住宿信息。“旅游住宿酒店宿舍的价格在350 克朗以下,经济型酒店的价格从 2000 克朗开始,四星级或五星级酒店的价格在 4000 克朗左右。早餐约 50 克朗,午餐 120 克朗起,晚餐约200克朗。”故选 D。
23. C 文章出处题。从全文内容来分析,文章介绍前往斯德哥尔摩游览前须知,属于旅游的范畴,故选 C。
体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——生物领域的代表性作品和人物
24. B 细节理解题。从文章首段首句内容可知,介绍出版于 1904 年的《自然的艺术形式》是为了引出这本书的作者德国生物学家恩斯特·海克尔。故选B。
25. C 词义猜测题。从文章第二段最后两句内容可知,当海克尔还是柏林大学医学院的一名年轻学生时,约翰内斯·穆勒教授带他去观察北海黑尔戈兰海岸附近的小型海洋生物。就在那个时候,他对动物变得感兴趣。故选 C。
26. A 细节理解题。从文章第三段内容可知,海克尔发现并命名了数千个新物种。故选A。
27. D 观点态度题。根据文章末段末句,达尔文曾经说过:“海克尔的画是我见过的最吸引人的,我很自豪能拥有他的馈赠。”可推测出,达尔文被海克尔的画所打动,并感到很自豪。故选 D。
28—31 ACBD 32—35 BACD
36-40 GCEAF
41-45 BACCB 46-50ABCDC 51-55 ADDBA
visiting 57. uses 58. and 59. to try 60. to 61. which 62. southern. 63. those 64. reflected 65. naturally
66.One Possible Version
Our school's sports field saw a coming-of-age ceremony last Sunday. The: ceremony. was intended for the students of Grade 3. They, together with their parents and teachers, gathered -together. Wearing radiant smiles, parents. and teachers made their sincere wishes for the students. In return, the students. expressed their gratitude. to、their parents and teachers who devoted their love and. care to them. They hugged each other; and: some: of. them were. even. moved. to tears. I think it was a very touching moment.
I witnessed the whole ceremony, in that it was an enormous, activity on campus. The whole :ceremony was brief but meaningful. Standing by, I just. couldn't. help picturing my. coming-of-age ceremony, which is expected to happen next year. What will it be like Will I cry then, too Who knows! All that I:can ensure is that our. ceremony will definitely be a remarkable one.
Now I am really looking forward to my coming-of-age ceremony. Actually. I can't wait!
I wasn't sure where to start, but finally I got an idea. The first thing I did was write the advertisement for my computer class. Then I designed brochures, handing them out in the street. I was filled with self-doubt as I waited for responses. I had absolutely no experience in running a business and I had no training experience. But on the third day, I got my first response. Two people registered for my computer class. Then, I got another 10 registrations. I couldn't believe it.
Fortunately, I made enough money to do the things I wanted. I will never forget the day that our new refrigerator was delivered. It was much larger than our old one. I paid for it with the money I earned. I could not have been prouder of myself. I had a tremendous satisfaction that I had tried and succeeded. Thanks to my mother, I didn't give up easily before trying some ways to solve problems. Now I will tell my children my mother's words: “Can't never could until he tried”.