人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems Workbook 课件(共23张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems Workbook 课件(共23张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-10 10:13:29



Exploring Poetry in China
Before reading
Can you guess which Chinese poem they are
--translated by Xu
Before reading
Can you guess which Chinese poem they are
Before reading
Can you guess which Chinese poem they are
Spring View
On war-torn land streams flow and mountains stand;
In vernal town grass and weeds are o’ergrown.
Grieved o’er the years, flowers make us shed tears;
Hating to part, hearing birds breaks our heat.
The beacon fire has gone higher and higher;
Words from household are worth their weight in gold.
I cannot bear to scratch my grizzling hair;
It grows too thin to hold a light hairpin.
Before reading
Can you guess which Chinese poem they are
Mark each paragraph with a number in order
Main idea of each paragraph
para 1
para 2
para 3
para 4
para 5
para 6
the characters of poetry
the difference between classical and modern poetry
representatives of the Tang poets
translation between Chinese and English
western poems were introduced to China
shortcoming of translation
Poetry plays with sounds, words, and grammar. That makes poetry difficult to write but very interesting to read. Poetry uses colours, feelings, experences, and images to paint a picture in your mind.
In Chinese classical poetry, the form is very important: the correct number of lines and the number of characters in each line. Poetry often follows special patterns of rhythm and rhyme.However, modern poets began o reject traditonal forms and structures for poetry in the 20th century. As a result, most poetry today is written in free verse, with lines of varying length.
1. Why it is difficult to write a poem
2. What are the typical features of classical Chinese poetry
3.What are the typical features of modern poetry
Classical poetry has the correct number of lines and the number of characters in each line. The poetry often follows special pattern of rhythm and rhyme.
Most modern poetry is written in free verse, with lines of varying length
During the Tang Dynasty, a high point of classical Chinese poetry, poems by Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei became very popular. Widely known as a genius and often called the "immortal Poet", Li Bai(701-762)wrote with a romantic style and his poems celebrated things such as friendship,nature, and wine. Du Fu(712-770)is also known as one of the greatest Chinese poets. He has been called the"poet-historian"and the" Poet-Sage"by Chinese critics, and his poems cover a range of topics, with his most famous poems reflecting on the effects of war on the people.Wang Wei (701-761)was a painter, musician, and poet, and he was well known for his love of nature in his paintings and poetry.
Which poets are introduced in this paragraph
What are the characters of their poetry
poet title/identity character of poetry
Li Bai
Du Fu
Wang Wei
Immortal Poet
characters of the three poets
What theme does the poem display
This is a farewell poem, a combination of emotion and scenery. The poem is set against the background of the gorgeous spring and the boundless Yangtze River. It is a farewell painting of the handsome poet with a broad artistic conception, endless feelings, bright colors and charming charm. Although this poem is a works of bid farewell, but writes elegant smart, deep but not stagnation, meaning never sad, beautiful but not floating, rhyme but not empty.
望庐山瀑布 李白
What theme does the poem display
This poem vividly describes the magnificent scenery of Mount Lu Falls and reflects the poet’s boundless love for the beautiful rivers and mountains of his motherland. This poem is extremely successful in the use of metaphor, exaggeration and imagination with strange ideas, vivid language, clear and bright. “Wanglushan Waterfall” is indeed an example of scenery description and lyricism (抒情).
What theme does the poem display
The thought of the poem is very deep, the artistic expression is very mature. The disillusionment (破灭) of the ideal is caused by the dark society, and the poet is unable to change it. So he turns the soaring indignation into a bold and unrestrained act of pleasure, to vent (发泄) his dissatisfaction, to dispel (化解) his sorrow, and to rebel against the reality. The poem expresses the author’s exclamations (感叹) on the lack of talent, but also with optimism, understanding of the feelings, but also revealed the negative mood of the not-easy-life. The whole poem is full of passion and has outstanding artistic achievements.
poet title/identity character of poetry
Li Bai
Du Fu
Wang Wei
Immortal Poet
write with a romantic style and his poems celebrated things such as friendship,nature, and wine.
characters of the three poets
the effects of war
春望 杜甫
What theme does the poem display
This poem is full of deep feelings, but implicit condensation (含蓄凝练), concise and comprehensive, fully reflects the “Depression” of the artistic style. It shows the typical feelings generated under the typical background of the times, reflects the good wishes of the contemporary people who love their country and look forward to peace, and expresses the inner voice of everyone. Also shows the poet worry about the country and the people, sad when the noble feelings.
poet title/identity character of poetry
Li Bai
Du Fu
Wang Wei
Immortal Poet
write with a romantic style and his poems celebrated things such as friendship,nature, and wine.
his poems cover a range of topics, with his most famous poems reflecting on the effects of war on the people
characters of the three poets
This poem describes the beautiful scenery of the mountain village in the evening after the early autumn rain clears and the simple fashion of the mountain villagers, natural Beauty to show the beauty of personality and social beauty. The whole poem combines the cool autumn after the rain on the empty mountains, the light of the Moon among the pine trees, the sound of the clear spring on the stone, the sound of the raccoon girl returning to the bamboo forest, the dynamic motion of the fishing boat passing through the lotus flowers, in perfect harmony, give a person a rich and fresh feeling. It is like a fresh and beautiful landscape painting, but also like a quiet and beautiful lyric music, reflecting the painting in Wang Wei’s poetry creative characteristics.
love of nature
山居秋暝 王维
What theme does the poem display
poet title/identity character of poetry
Li Bai
Du Fu
Wang Wei
Immortal Poet
painter/ musician/ peot
write with a romantic style and his poems celebrated things such as friendship,nature, and wine.
his poems cover a range of topics, with his most famous poems reflecting on the effects of war on the people
express his love of nature in his paintings and poetry.
characters of the three poets
Outside of Asia, the study of Chinese language inroduced the West to Chinese poetry. Americans were first introduced to classical Chinese poetry by American poet Ezra Pound(1885-1973). He translated 18 classical Chinese poems, mainly by Li Bai, into English, based on the notes of the American art historian Emest Fenollosa(1853-1908). At about the same time, Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry. From around 1910 onwards, European literature came to China when some famous writers began to translate both poetry and novels into Chinese.
1. Who first introduced Americans to
Chinese poetry
2. When did European literature come to China
Just like readers in the West, Chinese readers admire Shakespeare, John Milton, Alexander Pope and many others for their fine English poetry. English Romantic poets are greatly loved in China. The nature poems by Wiliam Wordsworth, Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron's Isles of Greece, and long poems by John Keats have long been favourites. The style and the atmosphere in their poems have often led to companions with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai. Among modern poetry, the American poet Robert frost and his poems might be the best known.
Who are the most popular English Romantic poets Their works
William Wordsworth
Percy Bysshe Shelley
George Gordon Byron
John Keats
nature poems
Ode to the West Wind
Isles of Greece
long poems
Today, many Chinese people are becoming more interested in reading poems, no matter in what language they are written. Translations can be good, but being able to read in the original language is best. No matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. Besides, poems and literature can be bridges between East and West.They can help us to understand each other better, or as the poet Mu Dan wrote:
Quietly, we embrace 静静地,我们拥抱在
In a world lit up by words 用言语所能照明的世界里
What does the writer think about translations of poems
Discuss the questions with your partner.
1 How has foreign poetry influenced Chinese poetry Find the clues from the text to support your opinion.
2 Do you think translating poems from one language to another is a good thing Why
Chinese poetry has been influenced by foreign poetry such as the works of the English Romantic poets, like Wordsworth.
I think translating poems from one language to another is a good thing because it promotes cultural exchange between the people of the world.
Read the poems in Expanding Your World and choose the poem you like best. Write an essay about your understanding of the poem, and explain why you like it. The following expressions may help you.
The poem is written from a parent's/... perspective.
The poet describes the scene ...
The poet compares ... with ...
….. reminded me of...
The poet was filled with ... as he/she wrote ...
The image of ... brings a feeling of ...
The reason why I love this poem is that..
Sample Writing
The poem On Children describes parents’ relationship to their children. The poet is saying that your children are not your property, and that they are individual people with their own thoughts and souls that should be respected. Parents should not try and make their children exactly like themselves. The poet compares a parent and child to a bow and arrow to describe this relationship. The parent is the bow, which should remain stable and reliable, and the child is the arrow, which one should make sure is fired straight and true.
I think the poet was filled with love for his children when he wrote this, and also knowledge that he had come to understand himself. The reason why I love this poem is that I think it will help people become better parents by showing them that it is better not to control their children too much. They should be there to look after them when they need it and guide them on their way.