人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters单元整体设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters单元整体设计(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 193.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-10 11:52:59



单元(或主题)名称 Unit 4 Natural Disasters
任务一 Listening and Speaking (1课时)
教师 学科 英语 年级 高一
教学课题 B1U4 Listening and Speaking 课时 共 1 课时 第 1 课时
时间 年 月 日
课标要求 This section is made up of two parts:Opening Page and Listening and Speaking. Opening Page aims to get students to learn facts about disasters, know their effects and increase students' awareness of taking precautions. Listening to news reports is still an essential way of obtaining information today.
教学目标(核心素养) 1.To identify the common natural disasters.2.To listen to news reports about natural disasters, listen for key words and details from a news report.3.To present a brief news report with given details.
教学重点 Make predictions about listening material based on the questions and extract important details from the audio news.
教学难点 Apply what they have learned in news reports to describing a natural disaster by themselves.
实施策略 教学方法 Task-based Approach,Cooperative Learning method
教学资源(信息技术应用) Seewo Whiteboard 5
教  学  过  程 备 注
Step 1 Unit overview1.Lead inAsk students the following questions:1)What do you know about natural disasters 2)How many kinds of natural disasters can you think of 3)Have you ever experienced any natural disasters Ask students to read and explain the quote on the Opening Page.Ask students to read the learning goals and underline the key words.2.Discussing the theme pictureAsk students to work in groups of four and discuss the questions at the bottom of the Opening Page.Ask the following questions to help students think further on the topic:1)What kind of disaster do you see in the picture 2)What do you think the soldiers are doing 3)Is there any way to prevent natural disasters 4)How do you understand the quote Step 2 Listening for details1.Lead in Play the video in Activity 1. Ask students to take notes of the key words and expressions to describe natural disasters.Ask students to name the disasters in the photos.Check answers with the class. Read some of the words out loud as students follow. if students have difficulty pronouncing them.Raise questions to get students to talk more about these disasters:1)Which of the disasters could affect our life here 2)What could people do if any of the disasters took place 2.Listening for details 1)Ask students to read through the options in Activity 2 before listening and explain the new words. Then play the recording for them to tick the disasters talked about in the audio. 2)Check the answers with the class. 3)Ask students to go through the chart in Activity 3. Then have them circle the key words and decide the type of information to listen for and make predictions about the answers. 4)Play the recording again for students to check their answers. Organize discussion for students to clear up any misunderstandings. Circulate around the class and provide instructions when necessary.Step 3 Speaking Ask students to go through the instructions and the information on three disasters. Ask students to choose any group of information, put the information into complete sentences and organize the sentences into a short paragraph. And then invite students to report their papagraph.Ask other students to listen carefully to the student presenter' s paragraph and evaluate his/ her performance with the following checklist:Does the presenter give all the information from the book 2)Does the presenter use expressions that are common in news reports What are they Step 4 Pronunciation1.Practicing voiceless and voiced consonants 1)Ask students to read the words in Activity 1 by themselves. Play the recording for students to compare the differences. 2)Ask students to pay special attention to the letters and combinations of letters in bold and distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants.2.Practicing different pronunciations of"-ed”1)Ask students to read the words in Activity 2 by themselves, focusing on the different pronunciations of “-ed", and then put the words in different boxes. 2) Play the audio of Activity 3 and ask students to check their answers. Play the audio several times for students to imitate and repeat.BLACKBOARD DESIGNUnit 4Opening Page & Listening and SpeakingNatural Disasters Words & Expressions Listening Strategytornado damage Listening for detailstsunami destroyearthquake survive/survivalflood affectshelter
作 业(体现分层设计) Ask students to write down the short news report in the speaking activity.Improve the draft with the help of comments from other students and the teacher.
教 学反 思 成 效
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任务二 Reading and thinking(1课时)
教师 学科 英语 年级 高一
教学课题 B1U4 Reading and Thinking 课时 共 1 课时 第1 课时
时间 年 月 日
课标要求 This section is made up of two parts:Opening Page and Listening and Speaking. Opening Page aims to get students to learn facts about disasters, know their effects and increase students' awareness of taking precautions. Listening to news reports is still an essential way of obtaining information today.
教学目标(核心素养) At the end of this section, students will be able to :1. identify and learn the words and phrases related to an earthquake, and get a good understanding of the text;2.analyze the structural and language features of literary journalism,appreciate the rhetoric devices and descriptive techniques of the text;3.master the strategy of using context to understand new words, predicting before reading, summarizing the main idea of each paragraph;4.illustrate the damage that earthquakes have caused to people by listing the figures and think about what we can do to help after an earthquake.
教学重点 Identify and learn the expressions related to an earthquake,and get a good understanding of the text by analyzing the structural and language features of the text; appreciate the rhetorical devices and descriptive techniques of the text.
教学难点 Cultivate students' empathy with the people in disasters and pay attention to the relationship between humans and nature.
实施策略 教学方法 Communicative approach, Task-based Approach,Cooperative Learning method
教学资源(信息技术应用) Multimedia, Seewo Whiteboard 5
教  学  过  程 备 注
Activity 2 Predicting·Ask students to look at the title and the photos, interpreting the title and predicting the content of the text. The teacher can ask the following questions:1)How do you understand the title Does the earth sleep each night Try to imagine what will happen when the earth doesn't sleep.What do you think will be talked about in the text While-readingActivity 3 SkimmingAsk students to skim the text and verify their predictions about the content.Ask students t write down the main idea of each paragraph in Activity 3. Then check the answers with the class. (Give instructions that help students to discover the main idea of each paragraph:First find the topic sentence, which usually comes at the beginning of a paragraph. Then find the key words that provide the most important information in the sentence. After that, paraphrase the topic sentence into a noun phrase that includes the key words.)Activity 4 Closing reading·Ask students to read the text quickly and answer the following questions:1)How many strange things are talked about in the first paragraph 2)Do you believe those strange things were warning signs of an earthquake Why or why not 3)When did the earthquake happen 4)Why was it one of the deadliest earthquakes of the 20th century 5)What happened to the city and the people 6)What happened later that afternoon 7)What do the words in Activity 4 mean Try to guess their meanings from the context.8)Who came to the rescue What did they do 9)What does the author mean by "Slowly, the city began to breathe again" Activity 5 Appreciating the languageAsk students to read the text again and focus on the language features (rhetorical devices and descriptive techniques). Raise the following questions to guide students into deeper thinking:1)Which sentence in the text do you think paints a vivid picture of what happened Why 2)Why does the author use many numbers, dates and time 3)Many verbs and verb phrases are used in paragraph 1, such as "rose and fell, come out of,ran out of" and so on. Why does the author use them What effect have these expressions achieved 4)What is your understanding of the title Do you think it's a good title Why or why not
Post-readingActivity 6 Restating the eventAsk students to draw a timeline of the event and retell the story of the earthquake in their own words.(Encourage students to use the vocabulary in the text as much as possible and try to remember as much information as possible.)Activity 7 Critical thinkingAsk students in groups to discuss the questions in Activity 7 and express their opinions.Encourage students to develop a positive attitude toward such disasters, using questions such as:Is there any method we can use to reduce the damage done to cities by earthquakes What would you do to help people who suffered from a natural disaster BLACKBOARD DESIGNUnit 4Section 2 Reading and ThinkingTHE NIGHT THE EARHT DIDN'T SLEEPBefore the quake During the quake After the quake (strange things) (what happened) (rescue and help) wells, water, shake, come to an end, soldiers, doctors and nurses, gases, animals, cause damage, lie in ruins, workers, breathe, revive, lights and noises left without parents, rebuild, stay positive
作 业(体现分层设计) Whole class:Listen and read the text fluently after class.Finish Activity 5 on page 51.Stronger students:Do a research of other natural events.
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任务三 Discovering useful structures (1 课时)
活动 具体内容 学生活动 教师行为
Activity 1Words revision and preparations for grammar Play a game with students: give the Chinese meaning quickly on the screen, and students can have a competition to talk the English words as soon as possible. Ask students to find out those sentences using restrictive relative clauses in the reading passage, and let students try to taste the usage of them. 回忆本单元的重点词汇,快速进入课堂活动;浏览课文,找到运用定语从句的句子并品读 引导学生积极复习所学的重点词汇,为新课打基础;走进学生,引导辅助学生找句子
Activity 2Learning about the grammar 1.Group work: ask students to discuss the usage of restrictive relative clauses mentioned in activity 1 and share with other groups.2.Give students a presentation about the usage and principles of restrictive relative clauses . 小组活动,跟同伴一起尝试讨论定语从句的用法;理解定语从句的用法及规则,积极输入语言知识 关注讨论进展,适时给予帮助
Activity 3Production and Consolidation 1. Create some real situation and give some sentences related to reality, and ask students to finish those exercises.2. Try to make sentences with restrictive relative clauses to describe the pictures about natural disasters and share with others. 积极参与,完成练习,认真交流,积极分享 创设情境,关注学情,走进学生,进行指导
Assessment Have you mastered the basic usage of restrictive relative clauses Can you finish those exercises in this class
Homework Polish those sentences.Finished the exercise related to restrictive relative clauses in exercise book.
任务四 listening and Talking(1课时)
教师 学科 英语 年级 高一年级
教学课题 B1U4 Listening and talking 课时 共 1 课时 第 1课时
时间 年 月 日
课标要求 The topic relates to the quote on the Opening Page-Raising awareness, reducing mortality. It is hoped that through this section students will be aware of the importance of disaster preparedness and start to think about how to prepare for a disaster and how to stay alive during a disaster like an earthquake.
教学目标(核心素养) At the end of this section,students will be able to:1.use vocabulary from the listening material to talk about how to prepare for an earthquake;2.link the vocabulary to a larger concept of natural disasters and talk about how to prepare for other natural disasters;3.develop a positive attitude in the face of natural disasters and give others practical safety instructions.
教学重点 Use the vocabulary learned from the listening material to talk about how to prepare for a natural disaster.
教学难点 Link the vocabulary to a larger concept of natural disasters and talk about how to prepare for other natural disasters.
实施策略 教学方法 Link the vocabulary to a larger concept of natural disasters and talk about how to prepare for other natural disasters.
教学资源(信息技术应用) Multimedia, Seewo Whiteboard 5
教  学  过  程 备 注
Activity 1 Pr-listening·Before class, divide students into groups of four and ask each group to choose a natural disaster listed in activity 1 on page 48. Have students search for information online or read about such disasters and make a list of ways to protect themselves.·Ask students to share their list of ways of protection with the class and highlight the voActivity 2 Making predictions·Ask students to read the table in Activity 1 on page 53 and make predictions about the listening material.(Help students with some words such as tap,whistle and pipe so that they can be fully prepared for the listening.)Step 3 Listening for details·Play the recording for students and ask them to complete the table as they listen. Then check the answers with the class.Activity 4 Listening for useful structures·Play the recording again and ask students to pay attention to the imperatives the speaker uses. Ask students to take down as many imperative expressions as possible.Activity 5 Retelling the safety instructionsAsk students to work in pairs and retell the safety instructions in the listening material.Activity 6 Talking about an emergency kitAsk students to read the requirement of Activity 3 and come up with more emergency supplies and state the reasons for adding them to the kit.Activity 7 Making a presentationAsk students to list ways of protecting oneself, and work in groups of four (the same group as in Step 1) and prepare a conversation in which one student acts as the rescue worker and others raise questions about the safety instructions. Encourage students to use the vocabulary and imperatives learned from the listening material.vocabulary that students may use later in the speaking activity.BLACKBOARD DESIGNUnit 4Section 4 Listening and TalkingPrepare for a disasterVocabularyTapPipeWhistleemergency kitCalmfirst aidon hand...Imperative StructuresMake a list of ...Remember to ...Go to/Stay out of ...Stay calm.Use/Avoid...Make sure to / that.Don't/Never...
作 业(体现分层设计) Whole class:Prepare a conversation in group of four which will be presented on next class.Stronger students:Have a research and write down the protection you know about in an natural disaster.
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任务五 Reading for writing(1课时)
教师 学科 英语 年级 高一
教学课题 B1U4 Reading for Writing 课时 共 1 课时 第 1 课时
时间 年 月 日
课标要求 The topic of this section is to "write a summary". Writing a summary is an essential skill,which requires students to fully understand the text, break down the main points of the piece, categorize information and finally use concise and well-organized sentences to form a paragraph.
教学目标(核心素养) To read the news report to find out five W's and one H; identify main points of a news report.To organize the structure of a summary.To write a summary.
教学重点 Analyze a sample summary and identify main points of a news report.
教学难点 Write a summary of the reading passage “The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”
实施策略 教学方法 Task-based Approach,Cooperative Learning method
教学资源(信息技术应用) Seewo Whiteboard 5
教  学  过  程 备 注
Step 1: Lead in Begin the class with the lead-in questions: What is a tsunami What causes it Will it cause great damage to humans Watch the video Tsumani: Killer Wave and express their ideas.Step 2: Reading for key informationThe teacher asks students to read a news report about a tsunami silently and then request students to discuss the questions below.1)When did the tsunami happen 2)What caused the tsunami 3)Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies Then check the answers with the class.Step 3 : Reading for structure and language featuresAsk students to read the passage again and answer the following questions:1)What is shown in the photo 2)What is the function of the photo 3)Why does the author use many numbers in the report 4)What makes a news report believable Step 4: Analyzing a sample summaryAsk students to read the requirement of Activity 2 and complete the task individually. Then check the answers with the class.Step 5: Drafting a summary1)Ask students to follow the instructions in Activity 3 and draft a summary.2)Ask students to read the text on page 50 and extract the main details to complete 3-1.3)Have students summarize the main idea of each paragraph.4)Guide students to read the tips in 3-3, then organize the ideas and draft the summary.Step 6: Reviewing each other's drafts1)Ask students to exchange their drafts and use the checklist on page 55 to give feedback on each other's drafts. Walk among the class and monitor this process. Provide help when necessary and respond to any questions students come up with.2)Refine their summaries with feedback from other students. Write a final draft and invite some students to share their summary in class.
教  学  过  程 备 注
BLACKBOARD DESIGNUnit 4 Reading for WritingWrite a summaryFeatures of news reportsStriking illustrationsRevealing titles /headlinesObjective and accurate descriptionUse of numbersQuotes from people on the sceneSummary WritingIdentifying key points--writing down the main ideas--organizing sentences--drafting the summary
作 业(体现分层设计) 1.Read the passage “The Story of an Eyewitness” on Page 92 and write a summary about it.2.Selective reading: “China to the Rescue”of Expanding Your World.
任务六 Assessing your progress(1课时)
活动 具体内容 学生活动 教师行为
Activity 1Recall the important words and expressions Give students several minutes to recall the important words, expressions and grammar that can be used to give a presentation on natural disasters:1.Circle the correct word in each sentence on p56 to understand and taste the usage of those words.2. Read a passage and fill in the blanks with relative pronouns to review the grammar. 自主回忆本单元的重点词汇,快速进入课堂活动;小组活动,运用重点词汇进行造句 引导学生回忆,进行板书;检查订正,
Activity 2 Give a presentation on natural disasters 1.Ask students to choose a natural disaster and then work in groups in order to brainstorm answer to some questions: (1) Are there any known causes of the disaster What can be done to prevent it (2) What are the possible effects of the disaster What can be done to prepare for it (3) What can you do to stay safe during the disaster What kind of help do survivors need 2. Group work: discuss those questions and search some of them on the Internet.3. Prepare the presentation:(1) Using those words and expressions in unit 5.(2) using all the information and tips of news report you have learned in unit 5.4. Give a group presentation to your class, 小组合作准备并进行新闻播报,进行分享 辅助指导;进行指导,适当评价
Activity 2assessment 见附件1 学生自评,思考这一单元的成就与不足 指导学生进行自评
任务七 Video time and conclusion(1课时)
活动 具体内容 学生活动 教师行为
Activity 1Video Time Before watching:1.Ask students to read the sentence in the textbook about Tsunami.2. Let students look at those pictures and match those picture with the sentences.While watching:1. Do the true or false in the textbook;2. Circle the correct word in the sentence.After watching:Group work: discuss two questions1.What have you learned about Tsunami (Cause, effect, how to stay safe)2.What kind of help do you think people who have suffered from a tsunami need 3. If you were a news reporter, what information do you want to report 按照任务,认真观看视频,及时完成练习 积极引导,播放视频
Activity 2 Conclusion 1. Conclude words and expressions in unit 5 by brainstorm. Teacher give them “natural disasters”, and students speak out some words and expressions about it.2. Conclude what we can learn from this unit.(1) The causes of different natural disasters;(2) The effect of different natural disasters;(3) The importance of raising the awareness and reducing mortality. 头脑风暴,复习回顾。 辅助指导;进行指导,适当评价