Unit 3 what would you like?共六课时 表格式教案


名称 Unit 3 what would you like?共六课时 表格式教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-10 16:48:22



Unit 3 What would you like
主备人 辅备人
上课时间 课时 6 审核人
单元主题 Unit 3 What would you like
学情分析(知识基础、认知特点、生活经验) 学生通过三、四年级的学习,已有一些食物类( juice, egg, milk, bread, cake, fish, rice, water, beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables 等)词汇基础。在四年级上册也已熟悉了关键句型Can I have some water What would you like I’d like some... Help yourself. 等。 因此本课教学可通过对旧知的复习,逐步过度到新知,引导下进行思考,讨论,并主动将新旧知识组合在一起成为一个整体。该单元话题贴合学生生活实际,与学生日常饮食息息相关,在新授过程中应当注意渗透合理饮食,营养均衡这一健康理念。
单元教材分析 本单元学习的主题是饮食。教学内容是通过Sarah和父母在家用餐以及Sarah和张鹏在学校餐厅里点餐的场景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like...” “—What’s your favourite food? —I love... They’re delicious.”;能够听、说、读、写五个食品饮料类单词和词组“tea, ice cream, hamburger, salad, sandwich”以及五个描述食物特征的单词“fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet”。
单元总目标 本单元结束时学生能够: 能够听、说、读、写句型“—What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like...”“—What’s your favourite food —I love...” 能够在情景中运用句型“—What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like...”询问并回答某人想要吃什么、喝什么;以及运用句型“—What’s your favourite food/drink —I love...”询问并回答最喜欢的食物或饮品 能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演 能够听、说、读、写五个食品饮料类单词和词组“tea, ice cream, hamburger, salad, sandwich”以及五个描述食物特征的单词“fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet”。能够在模拟点餐对话时正确使用上述单词,并能在有意义的语境中运用上述单词描述食物或饮品的味道及其他特征 能够掌握字母组合ow在单词中的发音规则,即ow在单词中发/au/或/ u/; 能够读出符合ow发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合ow发音规则的单词 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确 能够在教师的帮助下总结名词单、复数的变化规律,并学会利用规律记忆名词的复数形式 通过参与本单元开展的活动,能够保持健康的饮食习惯,坚持绿色生活。
课时内容 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 [What]主要内容/主题意义 本单元的重要话题是食物。本课时Let's try部分通过一段听力进行旧知复习,为学习新知搭好语言支架。Let’s talk通过爸爸下班回家,一家人用晚餐时的对话情景,让学生感知重点句型及其语用情景。 [Why]文本意图 本课时为第三单元第一课时A部分的对话课。主要围绕What would you like to eat I’d like some... 句型展开教学活动。要求学生能够听懂、会说这些对话,并在实际情境中进行运用。 [How]文本结构/语言修辞 在三年级上册Unit 5 Let’s eat! 已经学习过句型I’d like some juice, please. Here you are. I’m hungry! Can I have some water, please 在四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner’s ready 已经学习过句型What would you like I’d like some soup and bread, please. Help yourself. 等句型。本课时核心语言What would you like to eat/drink 是对前面句型的延伸和拓展。
教学目标 Let’s try部分,学生能够对核心句型在听觉上有所感知,并能够完成听录音、选词补全句子的练习 Let’s talk部分,学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意 ;通过丰富的课堂活动,能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演,能够在情景中运用句型“—What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like...”询问并回答自己想要吃什么、喝什么 学生能够在语境中理解新单词“sandwich”和“thirsty”的意思,并能够正确发音
教学重 难点 学生能够掌握四会句子“What would you like to eat/drink ”并能用“I’d like...”作答。 2 .学生能够在实际情景中灵活运用所学句型谈论关于“饮食”的话题。
教具准备 PPT课件、课文录音、视频、单词卡片、人物头饰
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Enjoy the song—What would you like to eat today (出示课件) (1) Play the song for the first time. (2) Play the song again. Ask students to choose the words that appear in the song. The teacher ticks or crosses the words after students say the words. 3. Lead-in. Show the picture of the main scene on page 22 on the PPT. (出示课件) The sentences of the picture are covered. T:Look! This is Sarah’s family. They are ready for dinner. What are they talking about Sarah’s mother’s favourite food is salad. Sarah’s father likes sandwiches. Oh, they are talking about food. Write down the topic “Unit 3 What would you like ” on the blackboard. Step 2: Presentation 1. Let’s try. T:Sarah is hungry. (Do the action of “hungry”.) What would she like to eat Read the content of “Let’s try”. (出示课件) Guess the answers. Students say out their guessing. Then the teacher plays the recording. (出示课件) Ask students to try to catch the key information, such as bread, chicken. Let students listen carefully and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with students. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s try板块的听力材料及答案) Encourage students to read the sentences with answers. 2. Let’s talk. (1)Learn Picture 1.(出示课件) ①Listen and answer. T:Look at the picture! What are they talking about Ss:They are talking about food. T:Yes. Sarah’s father comes back home. He is very tired. Is he hungry Let’s listen carefully. Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的第一段音频) Let students listen and try to answer the question. T:Is Sarah’s father hungry Ss:Yes, he is. ②Watch and answer. T:Sarah would like some bread and chicken. Sarah’s father is hungry. What would he like to eat Let’s watch the cartoon. Then try to find the answer. Play the cartoon. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的第一段视) Students watch and find the answer. Show the picture of “sandwich” and help students learn the word “sandwich” (sand+ wich =sandwich). (出示课件) Remind students to pay attention to the pronunciation. T:Now I’m Sarah’s mother, and you are her father. I ask and you answer. What would you like to eat Ss:A sandwich, please. Then exchange the roles. The teacher writes down the sentences on the blackboard. At the same time, students read them aloud. (2)Learn Picture 2. (出示课件) ①Observe the picture and answer. T:Sarah’s father is full now. But he is thirsty. What would he like to drink T:(Point to the water.) Look! What’s this Ss:Water! / A cup of water. T:Yes. Water! Sarah’s father is thirsty. What would he like to drink Ss:Some water. T:Yes, he’d like some water. Say the words “thirsty” and “drink” in a tone of emphasis with some actions. Help students learn the words “thirsty” and “drink” with word cards and actions. ②Watch and answer. T:Now, you are Sarah’s father and I’m Sarah. Watch the cartoon and try to answer my question. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的第二段视频) T:What would you like to drink Ss:I’d like some water. Explain that “I’d like...” equals to “I would like...” and teach students to read the two sentence patterns. Then write them down on the blackboard. Students practice these sentence patterns on the blackboard after the teacher. 3. Read and act. (1) Read after the recording. The teacher plays the recording. (出示课件) Students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then students read together. Boys read first, then girls read. They can have a competition. At last, students read freely. (2) Role-play. First, the teacher can make a model. Then students work in pairs. It can be done between the teacher and students or boys and girls. (3) Act out the dialogues. Let students act out the dialogues with the head-wear. Praise the students who do a good job and then correct the mistakes. Encourage more students to participate. Step 3: Practice Ask and answer. Show the picture of “Ask and answer”. (出示课件) Students ask and answer according to the PPT. They can do like this: A:What would you like to eat B:I’d like some... A:What would you like to drink B:I’d like some... Students can play the game “Drive a train” to practice. The first student asks, and the second student answers. Then they can exchange. Step 4: Extension 1. Make a new dialogue. Students work in groups of four. T:Now our school is building a canteen in our school. Please help school to make an investigation about your classmates’ favourite food. The key sentence patterns learned today will help you. First, I’ll make a model with one of you. T:What would you like to eat/drink S1:I’d like some bread/ orange juice. 2. Show their new dialogues. Ask some groups to show their dialogues. Give evaluations to them. 3. Emotional education. Show some pictures. (课件出示:不同职业的爸爸妈妈辛苦工作的图片) Lead students to care for and love their parents. Step 5: Sum-up Sentence patterns —What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like ... New words: sandwich, thirsty
作业 1. Copy the key sentences. 2. Practice the dialogues.
板书 设计
课时内容 Part A Let’s learn & Role-play&Let’s wrap it up
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 本课时由Let’s learn和Role-play两部分组成。在Let’s learn部分通过Sarah和Mum在餐厅用餐的情境呈现了5个新词汇“ice cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad” 以及核心句型”—What would you like to eat —I’d like a sandwich, please.” 通过第一课时学习的铺垫, 学生对于核心句型已经较为熟悉,因此重点可通过创设符合情境的对话引出生词。另外,ice cream, hamburger, sandwich, salad在之前课堂中也已经出现过,重点可以放在帮助学生巩固记忆词形、发音和单复数变化上。单词tea是第一次出现的生词,词形较为简单,在新授时可适当融入一些文化元素。 Let’s wrap it up部分通过两栏表格对比,呈现了英语中可数名词变复数的两种形式(直接加-s和加-es),与本课时内容关联度大,可作为练习巩固拓展。
教学目标 Let’s learn部分,学生能够听、说、读、写五个食物饮品类单词和词组“ice cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad”;能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词和词组模拟点餐并填写菜单 学生能够总结名词单数变复数的基本规则,并根据要求完成Let’s wrap it up的表格 Role-play部分,学生能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词及词组,在模拟点餐对话时,能够写出相应食物和饮品的名称
教学重 难点 能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用五个食物饮品类单词和词组“ice cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad”,并能够在语境中熟练运用核心句型及所学词汇。 理解英文中一些可数名词变复数词尾加-es的规律
教具准备 PPT课件 课文录音
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Quick response. Show some words and phrases on the PPT one by one and ask students to read out the words and the phrases quickly and loudly. Step 2: Presentation 1.Learn the word “sandwich”. Point to the last word and ask:What’s this Ss:Sandwich. T:Right. It’s “sandwich”. Play the recording of “sandwich”. (出示课件) Students read after it. And then show different kinds of sandwiches on the PPT. T:Look! What are these Please read together. T:All these are sandwiches. The “es” sounds / z/. And “sandwiches” is the plural form of “sandwich”. The teacher writes down the word “sandwich” on the blackboard. And students read it several times after the tape. Then read the word one by one. T:(with actions) I’m hungry. I’d like a sandwich. And I’m thirsty. I’d like some orange juice. I will go to a restaurant with my friends. Look! This is my order. My order. T:You’re waiter. What will you ask me Students ask the teacher questions like “What would you like to eat ” or “What would you like to drink ” Ss:What would you like to eat T:I’d like a sandwich, please. Ss:What would you like to drink T:I’d like some orange juice. … 2.Learn the words “hamburger” and “tea”. Show a boy and a girl on the PPT and introduce them. (课件出示:Tom和Sarah的图片) T:They are my friends Tom and Sarah. They are hungry and thirsty, too. They go to the restaurant with me. Look, this is Tom’s order. The teacher plays the recording of “hamburger”. (出示课件)Students follow it to read. Then the teacher shows some pictures of hamburgers. T:(Point to the beef hamburger.) What’s this Ss:It’s a beef hamburger. T:(Point to the chicken hamburger.) What’s this Ss:It’s a chicken hamburger. Ask boys and girls to read. Write down the word “hamburger” on the blackboard. T: (Point to all the hamburgers) What are these Ss: They’re hamburgers. Write down the plural form of hamburger. T:Tom is full now. But he’s thirsty. He would like some tea. Play the recording of “tea” and write it down on the blackboard. (出示课件) Students read after it. Then the teacher shows the pictures of “green tea” and “black tea”. (出示课件) Encourage students read them. T:Now you are Tom. I ask and you answer. OK Ss:OK. T:What would you like to eat, Tom Ss:I’d like a hamburger, please. T:What would you like to drink Ss:I’d like some tea. Encourage students to practice the dialogue between boys and girls and then exchange the roles. 3.Learn “salad” and “ice cream”. T:I’d like a sandwich and some juice. Tom would like a hamburger and tea. How about Sarah Look, this is her order. T:What would Sarah like to eat Can you guess Ask students to guess. Try to ask more students to answer. Then remove the first cover. Students learn to read the word “salad” after the recording. (出示课件) Write down the word “salad” on the blackboard. Then show the pictures of salad. Students practice reading it in every group. Point to Sarah’s order and ask. T:What else would Sarah like Let’s have a look. Remove the second cover. Encourage students to read “ice cream” after the recording. (出示课件) Then explain “ice” and “cream” and write down the phrase on the blackboard. Students practice in groups. Encourage students to practice the key sentence patterns between the groups according to Sarah’s order. They can do like this: Group One:What would you like to eat, Sarah Group Two:I’d like some salad and ice cream. T:What would Sarah like to drink Guess. Ss:… Remove the third cover and make a funny face. T:Nothing! She isn’t thirsty. Haha! 4. Read and act. (1) Students read the dialogue after the recording. (课件出示:教材P25 Let’s learn板块的音频) Then read together. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (2) Students practice the dialogue in pairs. (3) Act out the dialogue. Step 3: Practice Role-play (课件出示:教材P25 Role-play板块的图片) T:Look! Zoom and Zip are talking about food and drinks. They can write their orders. Can you Now try to talk with your partner and write down your partner’s order. 3. Show time Ask some students to show their own dialogues in class according to the orders in “Pair work”. Step 4: Extension 1.A little waiter/waitress. Students work in groups. Choose one student as a waiter/waitress. The others are customers. The teacher gives out a menu to every group. Ask students to order dishes. The teacher can make a model. 2.Act out the dialogues. Ask some groups to act out. Students choose the best waiter/waitress and the best customer. 3.Emotional education. Show some pictures of food and drinks. (出示课件) Help students know the healthy food and the unhealthy food. Ask students to have a healthy diet. Step 5: Sum-up Key words: sandwich (sandwiches), hamburger (hamburgers), tea, salad (既可以是可数名词salads,也可以是不可数名词), ice cream (当单个冰激凌的时候为可数ice creams,集合名词时不可数) Key sentence patterns:—What would you like to eat/drink —I’d like ...
作业 1. Listen to the recording of “Let’s learn” 3 times. 2. Copy the new words and key sentence patterns.
板书 设计
课时内容 Part A Let’s spell
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 本课时主要介绍了常见字母组合ow在单词中的发音,即ow在单词中通常有两种发音/a / 和/ /。示例词汇中的cow, flower, wow, yellow, window都是接触认读过的,对于学生来说难度不高,因此在新授时可更偏重于新授down, slow, snow. 由于语音知识本身较为枯燥,因此,为增加语音学习的趣味性,可通过发现示例词汇间的练习,创建一个简短的小故事来逐一呈现目标词汇,并且通过分组PK的方式提高学生学习兴趣。要重视引导学生通过自己的朗读和思考去发现ow字母组合的发音规律。该过程中,教师宜采用鼓励性评价语,使得学生能够在学习过程中获得成就感。 通过Listen, circle and say部分检测学生的掌握程度,并及时进行教学调整。 Listen, write and say部分应鼓励学生自行通过发音规则,尝试拼写出横线上的词汇。评价方式,可采用同桌之间互相批改,集体订正的方式。
教学目标 学生能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ow在单词中的发音规则/a / & / / 学生能够根据ow的发音规则读出新单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合规则的单词 学生能够在单线上正确规范地书写句子
教学重 难点 学生能够掌握字母组合ow在单词中的发音,能够读准Let’s spell板块的例词,并完成本部分的练习。 学生能够自主发现并总结ow的发音规则,并根据发音规则读出新单词。
教具准备 PPT课件、课文录音、视频、单词卡片
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Lead-in. Show some pictures of food and drinks and ask students to practice the key sentence patterns. (出示课件) T:What would you like to eat/drink Ss:… (课件出示:一头奶牛、一些鲜花和一些青草的图片) T:What would the cow like to eat, flowers or grass Ss:… Step 2: Presentation 1.Look and find. Show a picture of a cow with the word “cow” on the PPT and ask, “What’s this ” (出示课件) Then show a picture of some flowers with the word “flower” and say, “Wow! There are some flowers. How beautiful!”(出示课件) At last, show a picture with the word “down”. In the picture, a girl sits down beside the flowers. (出示课件) And say, “The girl likes flowers. She sits down and enjoys the beautiful flowers.” Lead students to find the rule:All these words include the letter combination “ow”. Emphasize “ow” with red colour. (课件出示:开着窗户的房子图片,窗外有一棵树,树上有黄叶和一只蜗牛;单词“window, yellow, slow”) T:What can you see (Point to the window in the picture.) Ss:I can see a window. T:Great! And we can see some yellow leaves and a snail. The snail is slow. Do the action to explain the word “slow”. T:Winter is coming. What can we see (课件出示:冬天雪花纷飞的场景和单词“snow”) Ss:Snow./ 雪。 T:Super! We can see white snow. Lead students to find the rule:All these words include the letter combination “ow”. 2. Listen and find. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s spell板块第一部分的单词) T:Find the same letters in these words, boys and girls! Ss:They all have “ow”. T:Yes! Do they make the same sound Let’s listen. And then discuss with your partners. The teacher plays the recording of “Read, Listen and Chant”. (出示课件) Students listen to the recording and repeat. After their discuss, teacher encourages students to answer the question. Ss:No! They make the sounds of /a / and / /. Give evaluations and write down the words with sounds on the blackboard. Emphasize “ow” with red colour. 3. Read, listen and chant. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s spell板块第一部分的图片) Lead students to read these words like this: cow—/k/-/a / flower—/f/-/l/-/a /-/ / wow—/w/-/a / down—/d/-/a /-/n/ slow—/s/-/l/-/ / snow—/s/-/n/-/ / yellow—/j/-/e/-/l/-/ / window—/w/-/ /-/n/-/d/-/ / Explain the pronunciation methods and help students know /a / and / / through the video on teaching phonetic symbols (for example, a BBC video on teaching phonetic symbols). The teacher plays the recording of the chant of “Let’s spell”. (出示课件) Students listen to the chant and repeat. After reading together, students practice it between boys and girls. Step 3: Practice 1.Listen, circle and say. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s spell 板块第二部分的内容) Encourage students to read the words by themselves first. Then play the recording. (出示课件) Students listen and circle. Invite a student to share the answers and the reasons. Play the recording again. (出示课件) Check the answers together. Encourage students to read all these words again. (课件出示: 教材P26 Let’s spell板块第二部分的听力材料及答案) 2.Listen, write and say. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s spell板块的第三部分的内容) Encourage students to observe the pictures and guess the answers. Then play the recording. (出示课件) Students listen to the recording and try to write down the answers. Play the recording again. (出示课件) Check answers with students. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s spell 板块第三部分的听力材料及答案) Then encourage students to read the sentences together and to choose one sentence from above to write down on the line. Step 4: Extension Activity: Am I right Take out the word cards with the letter combination “ow”. Ask some students to read out the words loudly one by one. If someone is right, the other students say “Yes.” If someone is wrong, the other students say “No.” Then they read out the right pronunciation loudly. Play the game like this: The teacher shows the card and someone says:cow—/ka / Ss:Yes! The teacher shows the card and someone says:snow—/sna / Ss:No! /sn /. Step 5: Sum-up “ow” has 2 sounds: /a / and / /
作业 Read the words of “Let’s spell” after class. Write the words on your exercise book without referring to the textbook. 3. Finish Part A exercises on your workbook .
板书 设计
课时内容 Part B Let’s try& Let’s talk& Let’s check
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 本课时分为两个部分,Let's try和Let's talk。Let's try板块是为核心句型What's your favorite food/drink?而设计的听的活动,旨在使学生能够借助图片及指令语的提示听懂简短对话,抓住关键信息,提高听的能力。本活动的目的是使学生对新句型在听觉上有所感知,并完成听录音将人物与他们喜欢的饮料连线的活动,为进入B Let's talk板块的对话学习做好准备。 Let's talk部分学习的核心句型是What's your favourite food I love... They’re delicious. 询问并回答最喜欢的事物。教材通过Sarah与张鹏看菜单的情景介绍他们喜欢的食物,请学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。 学生在三年级上册,四年级上下册都分别学习了蔬菜和食物的单词,为本课时介绍最爱的食物奠定一定的单词基础。在通过Part A的学习之后,学生已具备了相关的词汇量。 在教学过程中,教师应引导学生注意养成良好的饮食习惯,提醒学生多吃健康的蔬菜瓜果,不暴饮暴食等。
教学目标 1.听懂、理解Let’s try中的内容,并根据录音完成听力活动。 2.从听觉上感知B部分的核心句型,为进入对话学习做好准备,理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。 3.在情景中运用句型“—What’s your favourite food/drink —I love… They’re delicious. ”询问并回答最喜欢的食物。 4.在语境中理解新单词“delicious”的意思,并正确发音。 5.运用句型“What’s your favourite food ”完成调查活动并尝试进行口头汇报。
教学重 难点 重点:学生能够听、说、认读单词“favourite”,掌握四会句子“What’s your favourite food/drink ”并能做出相应的回答。 难点:学生能够在情景中灵活运用所学句型谈论关于“最喜爱的食物或饮品”的话题。
教具准备 PPT课件 课文录音 视频、人物头饰等。
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. Show a picture with a cover. (出示课件) T:I’m hungry. I’d like something to eat. Can you guess the food S1:Salad S2:Hamburgers T:Yes, you’re right. I love… 3. Lead-in. Do the action of “thirsty”. T:I’m thirsty. I’d like something to drink. Can you guess the drink S1:Milk S2:Water … T:Yes, you’re right. I love… Sarah and Zhang Peng are thirsty, too. What would they like to drink Step 2: Presentation 1. Let’s try. T:Now turn to page 27. What can you see in “Let’s try” Ss:I can see four pictures. T:What are they And who are they Ss:Milk, grape juice. Zhang Peng and Sarah. T:Zhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty. What would they like to drink Guess the answers. (课件出示:教材P27 Let’s try板块的内容) Students share their guessing. Then the teacher plays the recording. (出示课件) Ask students to try to catch the key information, such as Zhang Peng-grape juice, Sarah-milk. Students listen carefully and match. The teacher checks the answers with students. (课件出示:教材P27 Let’ try板块的答案) 2. Let’s talk. (1) Learn the word “favourite”. T:Zhang Peng is hungry. And I’m hungry, too. I like noodles. I like noodles. T:So I can say “My favourite food is rice.” Write down “favourite” on the blackboard and help students learn the word. Split the word into syllables to teach the word. The emphasis is on the first syllable of the word. Let students practice the word syllable by syllable. (2) Learn the key sentence patterns. Show pictures of milk, juice and water. (出示课件) T:My favourite drink is milk. What’s your favourite drink Ss:My favourite drink is…/I love… Boys ask and girls answer with the help of the pictures. Then exchange. Show pictures of noodles, sandwiches and rice. (出示课件) T:My favourite food is rice. What’s your favourite food Ss:My favourite food is…/I love… Divide students into two groups. Group One asks and Group Two answers with the help of the pictures. Then exchange. Write down the sentence patterns “—What’s your favourite food/drink —My favorite food/drink is/I love…” on the blackboard. (3) Learn “Let’s talk”. ①Watch and answer. T:Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about what to eat. What’s Sarah’s favourite food What’s Zhang Peng’s favourite food Do you know Let’s watch the cartoon. Play the cartoon and ask students to watch it carefully. (出示课件) T:What’s Sarah’s favourite food Ss:Fish. T:What’s Zhang Peng’s favourite food Ss:Noodles. Learn the word “delicious”. T:Good job! And I like noodles, too. I like beef noodles. They’re delicious. Help students learn the word “delicious”. Split the word into syllables to teach the word. The emphasis is on the second syllable of the word. Show the picture of “beef noodles”. (出示课件) Pretend to taste and say, “Wow! Delicious!” Then ask some students to “taste” and encourage them to say “Delicious!” Make a dialogue. Then the teacher and students start a dialogue like this: T:What’s your favourite food (Paint to the picture of “beef noodles”.) Ss:Beef noodles. T:Why Ss:They are delicious. Read and answer. Ask students to read the dialogue silently with the question:What do they have today Check the answer with students. 3. Read and act. (1) The teacher plays the recording. (课件出示: 教材P27 Let’s talk板块的音频) Students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then students read together. After that, boys read and girls read. They can have a competition. At last, students read freely. (2) Pair work. Students practice the dialogue with their partners. (3) Act out. Take out the headwear. Ask some students to act out the dialogue and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Praise and correct in time. Encourage more students to participate. Step 3: Practice 1. Pair work. Show pictures of food and drinks and the key sentence “What’s your favourite food/drink ” on the PPT. (出示课件) According to the PPT, students ask and answer with their partners. 2. Finish Let’s check on Page 30. 3. Investigate and report. (课件出示:教材P27 Let’s talk板块第二部分的表格) (1) Students work in groups of four. One plays the role of a reporter and asks the others about their favourite food and drinks, and then fills in the form. The teacher can make a model. (2) Make a report. Ask several “reporters” to report the findings of the investigation. Make a model: Sarah’s favourite food is fish. Her favourite drink is milk. Mike’s favourite food is… His favourite drink is… Step 4: Extension 1. Look, ask and answer. Show three pictures of different food/drinks/animals. (出示课件) Ask:What’s your favourite food/drink/animal Students choose one to answer. Then students can ask and answer with their partners. At last act out. Show some nouns to help students make dialogues, such as fruit, colour, book and so on. 2. Emotional education. Show some pictures and give emotional education: Cherish food! Don’t be picky about your food. (课件出示:学校餐厅有学生浪费食物的情景) Step 5: Sum-up Let’s make a summary.
作业 1. Practice the dialogue and ask your family about their favourite food and drinks. 2. Do the exercises.
板书 设计
课时内容 Part B Let’s learn
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 What:该课时描述了Sarah最喜爱的食物味道以及其特征的单词。 Why:通过该课时的学习,学生能够用更多的词汇表达食物的味道及其特征。 How:该课时围绕描述食物味道及特征的单词展开“fresh, healthy, delicious, hot,sweet”。
教学目标 1.听、说、读、写五个描述食物味道及特征的单词“fresh, healthy, delicious, hot,sweet”。 2.在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述食物或饮品。 3.练习和巩固B Let’s learn板块的词汇。 4.根据食物图片的提示描述自己最喜欢的食物,并描述这种食物的特征或味道。 5.理解并运用有关食物味道及特征的相关句子。
教学重 难点 重点: 学生能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用五个描述食物味道及特征的单词“fresh, healthy, delicious, hot,sweet”。 难点: 学生能够在语境中熟练运用所学词汇及核心句型描述食物。
教具准备 PPT课件 课文录音 单词卡片、水果实物等。
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. T:What’s your favourite food S1:My favourite food is salad. What’s your favourite food S2:My favourite food is beef. What’s your favourite food S3:My favourite food is noodles. What’s your favourite food … Step 2: Presentation T:Today is my birthday. Sarah, Mike, Amy and John are my friends. And I will invite them to have dinner. Look, I bought many things. (Take out a big bag.) What’s in the big bag Do you want to know Let’s have a look. Learn the word “healthy”. Take out some apples from the big bag. T:What are these Ss:Apples. T:Right!Sarah’s favourite fruit is apples. Because they are healthy. The teacher shows a card with the word “healthy” and reads the word three times slowly. Students read after the teacher. The teacher emphasizes its pronunciation of the end of the word and writes it down on the blackboard. Lead students to compare the two words: healthy (adj.), health (n.). Practice “healthy” group by group. T:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Let’s eat an apple a day, because it’s healthy. Learn the word “fresh”. Take out some oranges with green leaves. T:Mike’s favourite fruit is oranges. Can you see the green leaves They are fresh. The teacher shows a card with the word “fresh” and reads the word three times slowly. Students read after the teacher. The teacher shows two apples. One is fresh, and the other isn’t fresh. Help students say: This apple is fresh. This one isn’t fresh. Then the teacher writes down “fresh” on the blackboard. Practice “fresh” between boys and girls. Learn the word “delicious”. Take out some pictures of beef. T:John’s favourite food is beef, because it’s delicious. The teacher shows a card with the word “delicious” and reads the word three times slowly. Students read after the teacher. The teacher splits the word into syllables to teach the word. The emphasis is on the second syllable. T:Beef is delicious. Chicken is delicious, too. Then write down “delicious” on the blackboard. Practice “delicious” one by one. Learn the word “hot”. Ask students to read the word. Then take out some pictures of chilies. T:Look! Chilies are Amy’s favourite vegetable. Then pretend to taste and say, “Wow! So hot! They are hot!” Ask students to guess the meaning of “hot” and explain its other meanings like this: It’s hot in summer. The soup is hot. Then write it down on the blackboard. Practice “hot” in class. Learn the word “sweet”. T:Sarah’s favourite fruit is apples. Mike’s favourite fruit is oranges. John’s favourite food is beef. Amy’s favourite vegetable is chilies. What’s my favourite food Guess! Ss:… Take out an ice cream. T: Look! My favourite food is ice cream, because it’s sweet. The teacher shows a card with the word “sweet” and reads it. Students read after the teacher. Take out a candy. T:Ice cream is sweet. The candy is sweet, too. Then write down “sweet” on the blackboard. Practice “sweet” row by row. 6. Read and act.(课件出示:教材P28 Let’s learn板块的图片和单词) (1) First, students read after the recording of “Let’s learn”. (出示课件) Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (2) Students read the words together. They can have a competition between different groups. (3) Students practice the dialogue of “Let’s learn” in pairs. Then act out. Step 3: Practice Game: What’s missing Show the five words “healthy, fresh, delicious, hot, sweet” and let them disappear one by one at random. Students should say the missing word as quickly as they can. (出示课件) Game: × is here. Ask every student to write down the five words on five cards. Then say out a word. Students raise up the card and say loudly “× is here.” Divide students into several groups. The group that has the least errors will be the winner. Step 4: Extension Can you say (课件出示:苹果图片及单词healthy,葡萄图片及单词fresh,鱼肉图片及单词delicious) Ask two students to the front. Point to the picture and say. T:I like/love apples. They’re healthy. What about you S1:I like/love grapes. They’re fresh. What about you S2:I like/love fish. It’s delicious. 2. Look, write and say. (出示课件) Ask students to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with students and ask students in different groups to say sentences according to the four pictures. S1:I like/love chicken. It’s very delicious. What about you S2:I like/love vegetables. They are fresh and healthy. What about you S3:… 3. Do a survey and fill in the form. (1) Students work in groups of four. One plays the role of reporter and asks the others about their favourite food and the reasons. He / She can ask by using the key sentence patterns in this lesson. Then the reporter fills in the form. (2) Choose a student from every group to report the result. Then give evaluations. 4. Emotional education. Show some pictures of food and drinks, and ask students not to eat junk food, but eat more healthy food. (出示课件) Step 5: Sum-up Summarize the new words and sentences.
作业 1. Read and write the new words, and try to remember them. 2. Do the exercises.
板书 设计
课时内容 Part B Read and write & Part C Story time
上课时间 审核人
教材分析 Read and write部分通过Wu Binbin和grandpa写给Robin留言条的方式,复习和巩固了本单元的核心词汇和句型。在该情境下,学生通过自主的阅读,寻找细节信息去完成Read and tick部分。在新授过程中,教师要重视引导学生观察图片,结合文本寻找有效信息,从而提高学生的阅读能力。 紧接着是Write to Robin的一个书写任务。需要教师注意引导并唤起学生记忆中储备的食物饮品词汇和相应的描述词汇。鼓励学生根据实际情况完成这一部分练习。末尾要提醒学生,留言条的格式,千万不要忘记署名,并注意中文名的英文书写方式。 Story time 通过Zoom和Zip在田间摘取并制作沙拉的小故事,对本单元的词汇和句型进一步做了巩固和拓展。新授过程中,要突出故事的趣味性。并通过故事引导学生认识到自己动手制作的食物会更加美味。
教学目标 Read and write部分学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂两张便条,完成读后选图的活动 学生能够参考范例,在有意义的语境中填充单词,完成一张留给机器人的便条 Story time 部分,学生能够在图片的帮助下,自主阅读并理解故事大意
教学重 难点 1.学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下读懂便条,完成阅读任务。 2.学生能够了解英文便条(书信)的书写格式。 3.学生能够自主尝试阅读英文小故事。
教具准备 PPT课件、课文录音、视频、教学卡片
教 学 过 程 个性 修改
Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. (30-second non-stop talking) Students work in groups of four. Say some words about food or some words describing taste or features of food. The student who says the most words within 30 seconds will be the winner. The teacher gives an award to the winner. T:Sarah likes sweet food. So what’s her favourite food T:Wu Binbin likes vegetables. So what’s his favourite food Show a picture of an onion to teach the word “onion”. (出示课件) Encourage students to pay attention to its pronunciation. T:What’s Robin’s favourite food Do you know Ss:I don’t know. T:I don’t know Robin’s favourite food, either. But I know Robin is good at cooking. Look! Robin will cook today. (课件出示:Robin的图片) Step 2: Presentation & Practice 1. Watch and find. T:Robin will cook today. Guess: What will Robin cook Ss:A hamburger A sandwich Rice Noodles … T:OK. Let’s enjoy a cartoon and find the answer. Play the cartoon and students give the answer: Chicken ice cream. (课件出示: 教材P29 Read and write板块的视频) 2. Read quickly and answer the questions. Questions: (1) What’s Wu Binbin’s favourite food Why (Answer: Ice cream. It’s sweet.) (2) What’s Wu Binbin’s favourite vegetable (Answer: Onions.) (3) What’s Grandpa’s favourite food Why (Answer: Chicken. It’s delicious.) Students read quickly and underline the key sentences. Check the answers like this: Dear×××, can you answer Question 1/2/3 Emphasize the word “dear”. After checking the answers, explain the word “dear” to students with a word card and make some examples: Dear Mum, Dear Dad, … 3. Read freely and tick. (课件出示:教材P29 Read and write板块第一部分的练习) Students read and tick the picture. The teacher checks the answer with students. (课件出示:教材P29 Read and write板块第一部分的答案) 4. Try to write. (1) Finish the task of writing. T:Suppose your parents are busy. You can write to Robin. Tell him what you would like to eat. And he can cook for you. But how to write Let’s review the two notes and pay attention to the several factors of writing a note. Show the factors of writing a note on the PPT. (出示课件) Then students try to write and pay attention to the writing criteria. (2) Show time. Step 4: Extension Story time Pre-reading: Predict the general idea of the story through checking pictures. While-reading: Read the story carefully and answer below questions What vegetables are in the salad Where are Zip and Zoom Post-reading Try to talk about the story in your own words. Step 5: Sum-up Review the key sentence patterns on the blackboard.
作业 1. Read the notes 3 times after school. 2. Finish Part B workbook.
板书 设计