

名称 安徽省滁州市九校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题
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文件大小 98.6KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-09 20:12:53


一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高二下·滁州月考) Who is the woman speaking to
A.Mr. Paxton. B.Mr. Brown. C.Mr. White.
【解析】【听力原文】M: This is Hugh White. Can I speak to Mr. Paxton, please
W: Sorry, he's out for a meeting. But Mr. Brown is here.
【分析】问题:女士在和谁说话?根据"This is Hugh White. Can I speak to Mr. Paxton, please "我是Hugh White。我可以和Paxton先生通话吗?故选C。
2.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What does the man mean
A.He enjoys trying new things.
B.He doesn't like making cakes.
C.He is fond of eating cakes.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Would you like to try your hand at making cakes
M: Of course.
W: You seem to like it very much.
M: I'd be pleased to do something new.
【分析】问题:女士是什么意思?根据"I'd be pleased to do something new."我很乐意做一些新的事情。故选A。
3.(2024高二下·滁州月考) Where will the speakers meet
A.At the amusement park.
B.Beside the shopping mall.
C.Next to the hamburger truck.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, Mary. I'm just sitting next to the shopping mall. Could you see me
W: No, there are too many people. I'm near the entrance to the amusement park. I can see a hamburger truck parked on the side of the road.
M: OK, I can see the truck, too. Let's meet there.
【分析】问题:谈话人将在哪里会面?根据"I can see a hamburger truck parked on the side of the road."我可以看到一辆汉堡包卡车停在路边;以及"OK, I can see the truck, too. Let's meet there."好的,我也能看到卡车。让我们在那里见面。故选C。
4.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The man's brother.
B.A music school.
C.The woman's talent.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a cheerful song! Who sang it
M: My brother. He has a talent for singing. And he doesn't receive any formal training.
W: In that case, your parents should send him to a music school.
【分析】问题:谈话人主要在谈论什么?根据"My brother. He has a talent for singing. And he doesn't receive any formal training."我的兄弟。他有唱歌的天赋。而且他没有接受任何正式的训练。故选A。
5.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What is the woman going to do
A.Meet a new friend.
B.Go to the movies with Harry.
C.Introduce someone to the man.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Jack, I'm going to introduce you to my friend Harry. You two are the only people I know who love to watch movies every day.
M: Oh, thanks.
【分析】问题:女士要做什么?根据"I'm going to introduce you to my friend Harry."我要把你介绍给我的朋友Harry。故选C。
6.What will Tony do
A.Watch a film.
B.Do housework.
C.Finish his schoolwork.
7.Where does the conversation take place
A.At home. B.In a cinema. C.In a classroom.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Tony, what's going on here It is such a mess! Clear it up right now!
M: OK, Mom. I will do it in a minute. Let me just finish the TV series.
W: No, I said now! Or you won't be allowed to watch TV at weekends. Now, you have to sweep the floors and do the laundry.
M: OK, OK. I will do it immediately.
6.问题: Tony 将做什么?根据"Tony, what's going on here It is such a mess! Clear it up right now!"Tony,这是怎么回事?真是一团糟!马上清理!;以及"OK, Mom. I will do it in a minute."好的,妈妈。我马上就做。故选B。
8. What does the woman say about Prof. Millers
A.He is inexperienced.
B.His class is interesting.
C.He spent a year in another school.
9.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A.Worried. B.Uninterested. C.Grateful.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Schoolmates. C.Mother and son.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you mind talking to me about Prof. Millers
W: Of course not. Have you ever been in one of his classes
M: No. I'm thinking about taking his class next term. I always worry about grades.
W: Grades are important. But don't you think that gaining the knowledge is more important He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by. Do you know what I mean
M: Yeah, anything else
W: He came here last year after 10 years in another school.
M: That sounds like a good thing. I think I can make the best decision now. You've really been a great help. Thanks a lot.
W: No problem. Enjoy your year!
8.问题:这位女士怎么评价 Millers 教授?根据"He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by."他把一切都做得很有趣,时间过得很快。故选B。
9.问题:谈话结束时,男士听起来怎样?根据" Thanks a lot."非常感谢。故选C。
11.Why does the woman call the man
A.To make an invitation.
B.To discuss a new plan.
C.To ask for information.
12.How much will the woman save if she rents the microbus
A.60 yuan. B.240 yuan. C.300 yuan.
13.What do we know about the woman
A.She fails to make the reservation.
B.She has her friends' flight information.
C.She is familiar with the airport shuttle service.
【解析】【听力原文】M: City Transportation Company. How can I help you
W: I have several friends coming to visit during the New Year holiday, and I wonder how I can get them from the airport to my house.
M: OK. Are you familiar with our airport shuttle service
W: No, I just did some research on the Internet. I found that it costs 60 yuan a person. That means 540 yuan for nine people. It's a little expensive.
M: Why not rent our microbus It costs you 300 yuan altogether, and you can drive straight home.
W: That sounds great. Can I make a reservation now
M: Sure, but I need your friends' flight information.
W: Sorry, I don't have the information now. I'll call you back in two days.
M: OK, goodbye.
11.问题:为什么女士打电话给男士?根据" I have several friends coming to visit during the New Year holiday, and I wonder how I can get them from the airport to my house."我有几个朋友在新年假期来看我,我想知道如何把他们从机场送到我家。故选C。
12.问题:如果这位女士租了微型巴士,她能省下多少钱?根据"I found that it costs 60 yuan a person. That means 540 yuan for nine people. It's a little expensive."我发现一个人要60元。这意味着9个人540元。它有点贵;"Why not rent our microbus It costs you 300 yuan altogether, and you can drive straight home."为什么不租我们的微型巴士?总共花了你300元,你可以直接开车回家。可推知她会节省¥540-$300=$240,故选B。
13.问题:我们对女士了解多少?根据"Can I make a reservation now "我现在可以预订吗?;以及"Sorry, I don't have the information now. I'll call you back in two days."对不起,我现在没有信息。我两天后给你回电话。故选A。
14.What does the man want to do
A.Check in.
B.Rebook the room.
C.Confirm a reservation.
15. When does the man check into the hotel
A.On Dec.16. B.On Dec.17. C.On Dec. 18.
16.Who is Charles Smith
A.The man's boss.
B.The man's brother.
C.The man's secretary.
17. What does the man probably think of the woman's service
A.Just so-so. B.Satisfactory. C.Disappointing.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Neu Hotel. How may I help you
M: Good afternoon. I'd like to check in please.
W: Certainly. Do you have a reservation
M: Yes, it's under Wilson.
W: I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson. There's no record of your reservation in the computer.
M: Well, that's impossible. A double room was booked one week ago. Can you check again My full name is Thomas Wilson.
W: I'm sorry. It's not here.
M: How strange! Can you check whether it is under Charles Smith It's my secretary's name. Maybe he had got the name wrong.
W: That's right. He's booked a double room from December 16th to December 18th. May I have your travel document, please
M: Here you go.
W: OK. In this case, I'll change the reservation to your name.
M: You are so thoughtful. Thanks.
W: It's no problem at all. Here is your room number and key card. And the checkout time is twelve noon. But there is no extra charge if you leave your room before 1:00 pm. I hope you enjoy your stay.
M: It's so kind of you. Thank you very much.
14.问题:男士想做什么?根据" I'd like to check in please."我想办理入住手续。故选A。
15.问题:男士什么时候入住酒店?根据"He's booked a double room from December 16th to December 18th."他订了一间双人间,从12月16日到12月18日。故选A。
16.问题: Charles Smith 是谁?根据"Can you check whether it is under Charles Smith It's my secretary's name."你能检查一下它是否在Charles Smith名下吗?这是我秘书的名字。故选C。
17.问题:男士可能对女士的服务有什么看法?根据"You are so thoughtful. Thanks."你真体贴。谢谢。故选B。
18. What is the problem with the speaker
A.He can't find his textbook.
B.He can't finish his homework.
C.He has a hard time learning physics.
19.How does the speaker deal with his problem
A.By reading more books.
B.By joining a study group.
C.By turning to his teacher.
20.What can we learn according to the speaker
A.Most of the other students find the erhu easy.
B.The speaker's classmates don't like the erhu.
C.The speaker will have trouble in the final exam.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Dear David,
I have some difficulties in physics this term. It's so hard. The teacher thinks we're so smart that we should have no difficulty in learning it, so we have a lot of time to study by ourselves. But exactly the opposite is true. I find the textbook puzzling and then I get disappointed. Well, some of us got together and formed a study group. It seems to work fine most of the time. The only problem is that sometimes one of my classmates will come to the study group unprepared. He'll forget his notes or he won't pre view the textbook beforehand. I guess those who are not prepared will have a hard time in the final exam. And I'm trying to learn the erhu at school as well. It's also pretty hard. Most of the other students have learned it easily, and I just can't get it. I borrow the music score and take it home to practice, but it doesn't seem to work. There is too much music theory for me to remember. I'm not sure what to do next. Please give me some suggestions.
18.问题:发言人有什么问题?根据"I have some difficulties in physics this term. "这学期我在物理方面有一些困难。故选C。
19.问题:发言人是如何处理他的问题的?根据"Well, some of us got together and formed a study group. "我们中的一些人聚在一起组成了一个学习小组。故选B。
20.问题:根据发言人的话,我们能学到什么?根据"And I'm trying to learn theerhu at school as well. It's also pretty hard. Most of the other students have learned it easily"我也在学校学习二胡。这也很难。其他大多数学生都学得很容易,故选A。
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Live classes
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Self-study courses
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21.What do we know about live classes
A.Their timetables are flexible.
B.Their group lessons are unpopular.
C.They fail to provide private lessons.
D.They are only available in the UK.
22. Which of the following can best describe self-study courses
A.Time-wasting. B.Traditional. C.Cheap. D.Inefficient.
23.What is the text
A.A research article. B.A guidebook.
C.A diary entry. D.An advertisement.
21.考查细节理解。根据Live classes部分中的"Our live, online, interactive classes are taught by expert British Council teachers and are available 24/7 via our easily accessible interactive platform."我们的现场,在线,互动课程由英国文化协会的专家教师授课,并通过我们易于访问的互动平台提供全天候服务。可知,该课程的时间比较灵活。故选A。
22.考查细节理解。根据Self-study courses部分中的"Our English online self-study courses cost just 5.99 per month and give you a low-cost way to reach your goals in English."我们的英语在线自学课程每月只需5.99英镑,让您以低成本的方式实现英语学习目标。可知,该课程是便宜的。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"All the courses are recommended for participants with: A1 Elementary to C1 Advanced English levels;Contact us at britishcouncil@"所有课程推荐给具有A1初级到C1高级英语水平的学员;联系我们:britishcouncil @learneng ,可推知,本文是一个课程的广告。故选D。
As the shift from traditional farming to modern farming is progressing, the use of technology such as drones(无人机), robots and machinery has also begun, producing favorable results and increasing efficiency in the industry. A farmer from the Philippines, Rey Kent Dejesica, wanted to help and contribute to the agriculture industry. Through an advertisement, he saw DIAGRAS drones and was interested in the idea of drones being used for farm applications.
In the Philippines, when people think of farmers or agriculture, they usually picture long hours working in the sun. Farming is an onerous process, especially for young people, who like everything instant. "Rice and bananas are the primary sources of income in my city. I want to contribute to the agriculture industry in a way to reduce growers' expenses and make the usage of pesticides(农药) more precise and efficient because I've seen how innovative individuals are and how they always find ways and methods to make tasks easier," Rey Kent Dejesica said.
"Using drones as a sprayer(喷雾器) also lessens human labor. Besides that, we can obtain a bird's-eye view of fields and spa y crops precisely / and effectively with drones," Rey Kent Dejesica said. Moreover, farmers stated that the use of drones also minimized the Panama disease. "After we switched to drone technology, our field became more beautiful," they added.
Agriculture is the main source of income for some Asian regions. Parts of Asia are now going through a rapidly aging farmer population and a fear of food shortage. That is why the youth must be part of the trade to ensure food security in the future. Advancements in agricultural technology such as drones can attract the youth back to the farming scene.
Armed with his knowledge of drone technology and having a positive attitude, Rey Kent sets an example for the next generation of farmers. May this be a stepping stone showing that farming is not something to be embarrassed about, but to be accepted through applying new technology.
24.Why was Rey Kent Dejesica interested in using drones for farming
A.He was influenced by his parents.
B.He was doing experiments with drones.
C.He wanted farmers to stop using pesticides.
D.He aimed to use them to help the agricultural industry.
25. What does the underlined word "onerous" in paragraph 2mean
A.Simple. B.Creative. C.Heavy. D.Dangerous.
26. What do the farmers think of the use of drones
A.Helpful. B.Harmful. C.Useless. D.Funny.
27.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about
A.The aging farmer population in Asia.
B.The importance of food security in the world.
C.The youth's role in high-tech agriculture.
D.The advancements in agricultural technology.
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"A farmer from the Philippines, Rey Kent Dejesica, wanted to help and contribute to the agriculture industry. Through an advertisement, he saw DIAGRAS drones and was interested in the idea of drones being used for farm applications. "来自菲律宾的农民Rey Kent Dejesica希望帮助并为农业做出贡献。通过一则广告,他看到了DIAGRAS无人机,并对无人机用于农业应用的想法感兴趣。知,Rey Kent Dejesica想用无人机技术助力农业生产。故选D。
25.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"In the Philippines, when people think of farmers or agriculture, they usually picture long hours working in the sun."在菲律宾,当人们想到农民或农业时,他们通常会想到长时间在阳光下工作。说明农业工作非常繁重,从而推知"Farming is an onerous process, especially for young people, who like everything instant."农业是一个onerous过程,尤其是对年轻人来说,他们喜欢一切都是即时的。划线词 onerous 意思是"繁重的"。故选C。
26.考查推理判断。根据第三段"‘Using drones as a sprayer (喷雾器) also lessens human labor. Besides that, we can obtain a bird's-eye view of fields and spay crops precisely and effectively with drones,' Rey Kent Dejesica said. Moreover, farmers stated that the use of drones also minimized the Panama disease. ‘After we switched to drone technology, our field became more beautiful,' they added. ""使用无人机作为喷雾器也减少了人力劳动。除此之外,我们还可以鸟瞰田野,用无人机精确有效地喷洒作物。"此外,农民表示,无人机的使用也最大限度地减少了巴拿马病。"在我们转向无人机技术后,我们的田野变得更加美丽,"他们补充说。可知,农民认为在田里使用无人机技术是有帮助的。故选A。
27.考查段落大意。根据第四段中的"That is why the youth must be part of the trade to ensure food security in the future. Advancements in agricultural technology such as drones can attract the youth back to the farming scene. "这就是为什么年轻人必须成为农业的一部分,以确保未来的粮食安全。无人机等农业技术的进步可以吸引年轻人回到农业现场。可知,本段主要说明了年轻人在高科技农业中的作用。故选C。
Retired Army Col. Farrell Patrick taught computer science at West Point during the 1970s and then at two private universities through the 1990s, so he isn't surprised by the progress technology has made over the decades. But when the 91-year-old got his first virtual reality(VR) experience recently, he was amazed.
Sitting in a conference room at John Knox Village, Patrick sat up straight as his eyes and ears experienced what it would be like to be in a Navy fighter jet flying off the Florida coast. John Knox Village was one of 17 senior communities around the country that participated in a recently published Stanford University study.
During the study, the seniors picked from seven-minute virtual experiences such as riding in a tank, watching stage performances, playing with dogs and cats or visiting places like Paris or Egypt. The participants wore headsets that gave them 360-degree views and sounds, making it seem like they had been all but dropped into the actual experience.
The study, working with the company Mynd Immersive, found that almost 80% of the seniors reported having a more positive attitude after their VR session and almost 60% said they felt less isolated socially. The enjoyment lessened somewhat for older respondents whose sight and hearing had deteriorated(恶化). Those who found VR less enjoyable were also more likely to dislike technology in general.
The company has worked on the biggest complaints the seniors in the study had about VR—the headsets were too heavy and the heat they generated made the seniors' foreheads sweat. The new headsets weigh about six ounces(189 grams) instead of a pound【答案】
(454 grams). Besides, they have a built-in fan for cooling, and the videos aren't as jumpy.
Patrick says he hopes to live to 100 because he believes the next five years will see momentous changes in VR. Still a technology enthusiast, he believes the cost of systems will drop dramatically and become part of everyday living, even for seniors.
28.What is the function of the first paragraph
A.To lead in the topic. B.To reach a conclusion.
C.To present an argument. D.To make a definition.
29.Why does the author mention "Paris or Egypt" in paragraph 3
A.To illustrate the two cities' support for VR.
B.To explain why seniors are crazy about traveling.
C.To compare the differences between the two cities.
D.To show the VR experiences the seniors can choose from.
30.What did the study find
A.Most seniors enjoyed VR.
B.Old people preferred socializing.
C.Seniors' sight and hearing became worse.
D.Most retired people disliked high-tech products.
31. What do the figures in paragraph 5 indicate about Mynd Immersive
A.Its products hardly appeal to seniors.
B.Its goal is to produce high-quality videos.
C.It has made improvements on the headsets.
D.It has got a lot of complaints from teenagers.
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"But when the 91-year-old got his first virtual reality (VR) experience recently, he was amazed."但是当这个91岁的老人第一次经历虚拟现实体验时,他感到十分惊讶;以及下文对这次体验的详细介绍可知,第一段介绍Patrick这个人的背景和体验感受是为了引入主题,故选A。
29.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"During the study, the seniors picked from seven-minute virtual experiences such as riding in a tank, watching stage performances, playing with dogs and cats or visiting places like Paris or Egypt."在这项研究中,老年人可从七分钟的虚拟体验中挑选活动,比如说乘坐坦克、观看舞台表演、与猫狗玩耍或参观巴黎或埃及等地。可知,本段提到巴黎和埃及是因为巴黎和埃及是七分钟的虚拟体验的活动之一,也就是老年人可以选择的体验,故选D。
30.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"The study, working with the company Mynd Immersive, found that almost 80% of the seniors reported having a more positive attitude after their VR session and almost 60% said they felt less isolated socially."这项与Mynd Immersive公司合作的研究发现,80%的老年人报道说在虚拟现实课堂后表现出积极的态度,近60%的人表示他们在社交上感到不那么孤立。可知,80%和60%的老年人在参加虚拟课堂后表现积极,他们表示很喜欢虚拟现实,故选A。
31.考查推理判断。根据第五段中的"The new headsets weigh about six ounces (189 grams) instead of a pound (454 grams)."新的耳机大概重6盎司(189克),而不是1磅(454克)。可知,参加研究的老年人抱怨耳机太重了,因此新的耳机的重量大大减少,此数据表明Mynd Immersive公司在耳机上做出的改进,故选C。
Want to know what is coming soon to a cinema near you Probably not a 1.5-hour-long movie, as in the old days. On October 20th comes Killers of the Flower Moon. At nearly three and a half hours, its length is nearly double that of the average film last year. Even movie fans struggle to concentrate for that ridiculously(荒谬地) long time and some viewers even nod off. Afterwards, there is a mad run for the toilets. When does watching a film become such an effort
The Economist analyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood's golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from 1 hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to 1 hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s.
One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property, but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs. The hope is that a spectacular, drawn-out "event" movie will draw audiences away from the small screen and into cinemas. This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel's three-hour superhero masterpiece was the highest-grossing(票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year, long movie series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America.
Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors'growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out their masterpieces Moreover, streaming platforms, which do not have to worry as much about the length because viewers can pause whenever they like, may attract big names by promising them sufficient fund and creative flix funded and released three-hour The Irishman in 2019, a film that would have benefited from a decisive editor, Irish or otherwise.
32.How does the author organize the second paragraph
A.By listing numbers and making comparisons.
B.By giving examples and explaining theories.
C.By telling stories and showing experiments.
D.By asking questions and offering solutions.
33. Why is Avengers: Endgame Marvel mentioned in paragraph 3
A.To introduce its impact.
B.To explain why its gross is the highest.
C.To prove that the studio's strategy is working.
D.To summarize the secret of the studio's success.
34.What is probably Mr. Nolan
A.A photographer. B.A director.
C.An actor. D.An audience.
35. What is the text mainly about
A.A brief history of long movies.
B.How film studios distribute their movies.
C.The production process of a movie.
D.Why films have become so ridiculously long.
32.考查推理判断。根据第二段"The Economistanalyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood's golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from 1 hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to 1 hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s. "《经济学人》利用电影数据库IMDb的数据,分析了自20世纪30年代好莱坞黄金时代开始以来在全球发行的10多万部故事片。制作的平均长度增加了约24%,从20世纪30年代的1小时21分钟增加到2022年的1小时47分钟。2022年,十大最受欢迎的游戏的平均时长增长到两个半小时左右,比上世纪30年代高出近50%。可知,经济学家列举数据分析了自从20世纪30年代以来的10万部电影,比较了时长的变化。因此本段使用了列数字与作比较的方法。故选A。
33.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel's three-hour superhero masterpiece was the highest-grossing (票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year, long movie series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America. "这种做法通常会得到回报:漫威的这部长达3小时的超级英雄巨作是2019年票房最高的电影。去年,美国票房最高的电影大多是长篇系列电影。可推断,此处提到《复仇者联盟:终局之战》这部电影是为了证明电影公司的策略是奏效的——时长长的电影会取得高票房。故选C。
34.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors' growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out their masterpieces "另一种解释是,导演的影响力越来越大。谁敢让诺兰这样的人去删减他们的杰作呢?可推断,Mr. Nolan是一位知名的导演。故选B。
35.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"When does watching a film become such an effort "什么时候看电影变得如此费力了?;第三段中的"One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property, but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs."这一趋势的一个驱动因素是,电影公司希望最大限度地利用其昂贵的知识产权,但他们正在与流媒体平台争夺眼球;以及最后一段中的Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors' growing influence."另一种解释是,导演的影响力越来越大。可知,文章主要讲了电影时长在增加的现象及其原因。故选D。
四、第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Being approachable brings you many advantages. However, you often struggle to make friends and network when you are perceived as not being friendly. So how do you make yourself approachable  36.  .
Avoid isolating yourself
The first step is to consider whether you open yourself to contact with others. Looking angry and crossing your arms can suggest to others that you are not to be approached.  37.  . Besides, avoid corners and spaces where you can't be seen if you want others to find you.
Listen actively
The basic skill to master to be someone's go-to person is to listen first.  38.  . We might feel like we get the hang of everything or just want to provide the advice and get it over with. However, listening is often important and even more important than being able to fix the problem.
Avoid a judgmental attitude
 39.   . It depends on how you choose to respond to them and what you say. Sometimes, we might make a judgment. It has certainly happened to you before. Usually, it hurts, even if it could be true. It makes others less likely to come back and talk to you again. Instead, offer listening and reserve your judgments.
 40.  .
If you want to be seen as more approachable, you can also invite people to come to you. Do it only if you mean it and be sincere in offering your support. Open some time in your schedule to welcome people or, if you can't, schedule a follow-up meeting.
A. Invite people to come to you
B. Persuade people to come back later
C. Here are a few ways to help you enhance this aspect
D. It allows you to share your troubles with others honestly
E. Often, we get the urge to interrupt or rush the conversation along
F. The way you respond also encourages others to come to you again
G. So you can try to appear more approachable by focusing on your body language
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇教育类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
36.根据空前"Being approachable brings you many advantages. However, you often struggle to make friends and network when you are perceived as not being friendly. So how do you make yourself approachable "平易近人会给你带来很多好处。然而,当你被认为不友好时,你往往很难交朋友和建立关系网。那么,如何让自己变得平易近人呢?可知,接下来的内容将介绍如何使自己变得平易近人的方法。 C. Here are a few ways to help you enhance this aspect "以下是一些帮助你提升这一方面的方法"承接上文,引领下文,交代文章主旨,符合语境,故选C。
37.根据本段小标题"Avoid isolating yourself "避免孤立自己;以及空前"The first step is to consider whether you open yourself to contact with others. Looking angry and crossing your arms can suggest to others that you are not to be approached. "第一步是考虑自己是否愿意与他人接触。看起来很生气或者交叉双臂会让别人觉得你不应该被接近。可知,前文提到避免孤立自己,以及封闭的肢体语言会让人难以接近。本空要说跟"恰当的肢体语言"有关的话题, G. So you can try to appear more approachable by focusing on your body language "因此,你可以通过关注自己的肢体语言来让自己看起来更平易近人"承接上文,提出了具体的改善建议,即通过调整肢体语言显得更加可接近,符合语境,故选G。
38.根据空前"The basic skill to master to be someone's go-to person is to listen first. "要成为别人的得力助手,首先要掌握的基本技能是倾听。可知,空前句子强调了倾听在成为别人首选倾诉对象时的基本技能地位。E. Often, we get the urge to interrupt or rush the conversation along"(我们常常会有打断对话或匆忙推进对话的冲动"指出人们在倾听时常犯的错误,与前文形成对比,进一步强调了倾听的重要性,符合语境。故选E。
39.根据空后"It depends on how you choose to respond to them and what you say. Sometimes, we might make a judgment. It has certainly happened to you before. Usually, it hurts, even if it could be true. It makes others less likely to come back and talk to you again. Instead, offer listening and reserve your judgments. "这取决于你选择如何回应他们以及你说了什么。有时候,我们可能会做出判断。你以前肯定遇到过这种事。通常,它很伤人,即使它可能是真的。这会让别人不太可能再回来和你说话。相反,倾听并保留你的判断。可知,空后内容讲述对他人的评价可能带来的负面影响及如何更恰当地回应,本空要说跟"回应的方式"有关的话题, F. The way you respond also encourages others to come to you again "你回应的方式也会鼓励别人再次来找你"作为过渡句,指出回应方式对人际交往的影响,与后文紧密相连,符合语境。故选F。
40.根据空后"If you want to be seen as more approachable, you can also invite people to come to you. Do it only if you mean it and be sincere in offering your support. Open some time in your schedule to welcome people or, if you can't, schedule a follow-up meeting. "如果你想让别人觉得你更平易近人,你也可以邀请别人来找你。只有当你是真心的时候才去做,并真诚地提供你的支持。在你的日程安排中留出一些时间来欢迎人们,如果你不能,安排一个后续会议。可知,该段主要讲述主动邀请他人这一策略,本空要说跟"邀请他人"有关的话题, A. Invite people to come to you "邀请人们来找你"作为小标题,简洁明了地概括了段落主旨。故选A。
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Sarkar is a nanotechnologist(纳米技术专家) and assistant professor at MIT. She is conducting her research on br ain diseases that 41. the minds of millions of people worldwide.
Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 42. . Her courage as a researcher comes from her 43. , who as a young woman went against social norms(常态)in her village by 44. to fund her own education. Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 45. her interest in engineering. Sarkar recalls her father finding time for his 46. , fashioning devices to make home life more 47. , including an electricity-free washing machine. "That got me very 48. in science and technology," Sarkar says.
After 49. a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Sarkar 50. California to study nanoelectronies. There, she tested new ways to 51. nanodevices that could reduce the amount of 52. consumed by computers and other everyday electronics. 53. , she made a breakthrough by developing a standout nanodevice.
Along the way, Sarkar became fascinated with the 54. , which she calls "the lowest energy computer". She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons(神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains. "Our brains are 55. , but we could be better than what we are," she says.
41.A. enrich B. read C. affect D. poison
42.A. birds B. researchers C. failures D. inspirations
43.A. aunt B. mother C. sister D. grandmother
44.A. working B. pretending C. refusing D. waiting
45.A. protected B. switched C. stimulated D. supported
46.A. job B. holiday C. discomfort D. passion
47.A. complex B. convenient C. peaceful D. meaningful
48.A. interested B. honest C. lucky D. disappointed
49.A. starting B. earning C. needing D. introducing
50.A. adapted to B. related to
C. headed to D. belonged to
51.A. create B. fix C. operate D. sell
52.A. water B. money C. power D. time
53.A. Unfortunately B. Immediately
C. Obviously D. Eventually
54.A. computer B. brain C. exercise D. fashion
55.A. empty B. busy C. relaxed D. remarkable
41.句意:她正在研究影响全世界数百万人思想的脑部疾病。A. enrich"使丰富";B. read"阅读";C. affect"影响";D. poison"毒害"。根据常识和下文"She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons (神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains."可知,她希望把纳米装置放在人类神经元之间,以提高我们大脑处理器的计算速度,可推断,她现在从事的研究应该会影响全世界数百万人思维的大脑疾病。故选C。
42.句意:萨卡尔出生于印度加尔各答,她认为父母是她早年的灵感来源。A. birds"鸟";B. researchers"研究者";C. failures"失败";D. inspirations"灵感"。根据下文"Her courage as a researcher comes from her 3 , who as a young woman went against social norms (常态) in her village by 4 to fund her own education."以及"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,她母亲打破常规为她提供教育基金,而她的父亲让她对工程学产生兴趣,可推断,此处指的是她认为她早年的"灵感"源自于父母。故选D。
43.句意:她作为研究人员的勇气来自于她的母亲,她年轻时违背了她所在村庄的社会规范,努力为自己的教育提供资金。A. aunt"姑妈";B. mother"母亲";C. sister"姐妹";D. grandmother"祖母"。根据上文"Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 2 ." 可知,她认为她早年的灵感源自于父母;以及空后"who as a young woman went against social norms (常态) in her village by 4 to fund her own education."可知,此处介绍的是一位女性,她作为研究人员的勇气来于她的母亲。故选B。
44.句意:她作为研究人员的勇气来自于她的母亲,她年轻时违背了她所在村庄的社会规范,努力为自己的教育提供资金。A. working"工作";B. pretending"假装";C. refusing"拒绝";D. waiting "等待"。根据空后"to fund her own education."可知,母亲要为她获取教育基金,所以此处指的是工作,故选A。
45.句意:与此同时,萨卡尔的父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣。A. protected"保护";B. switched"改变,转变";C. stimulated"刺激";D. supported"支持"。根据上文"Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 2 ."可知,她认为她早年的灵感源自于父母,所以此处应指的是她的父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣。故选C。
46.句意:萨卡尔回忆说,她的父亲为自己的爱好腾出时间,设计各种设备,使家庭生活更方便,包括一台无电洗衣机。A. job"工作";B. holiday"假期";C. discomfort"不适";D. passion"激情"。根据上文"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣,所以此处指的是萨卡尔回忆父亲是如何让她对工程学产生兴趣的,故选D。
47.句意:萨卡尔回忆说,她的父亲为自己的激情找时间,设计各种设备,使家庭生活更方便,包括一台无电洗衣机。A. complex"复杂的";B. convenient"方便的";C. peaceful"平静的";D. meaningful"有意义的"。根据空后"including an electricity-free washing machine."可知,父亲设计了很多设备,包括一台误点洗衣机,可推断,此处指的是设计的这些设备能是家庭生活方便。故选B。
48.句意:"这让我对科学技术产生了浓厚的兴趣。"Sarkar说。A. interested"感兴趣的";B. honest "诚实的";C. lucky"幸运的";D. disappointed"失望的"。根据上文"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣,所以此处指的是萨卡尔回忆父亲是如何让她对工程学 感兴趣的。故选A。
49.句意:萨卡尔从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后,前往加州学习纳米电子学。A. starting"开始";B. earning"获得";C. needing"需要";D. introducing"介绍"。根据常识和空后"Sarkar 10 California to study nanoclectronics."可知,萨卡尔去加州学习纳米电子学,可推断,萨卡尔应该是从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后。故选B。
50.句意:萨卡尔从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后,前往加州学习纳米电子学。A. adapted to "适应";B. related to"相关";C. headed to"朝……前进";D. belonged to"属于"。根据空前"After 9 a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad,"可知,萨卡尔在印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后;以及空后"California to study nanoclectronics."可知,她去了加州学习纳米电子学,故选C。
51.句意:在那里,她测试了制造纳米器件的新方法,这些纳米器件可以减少计算机和其它日常电子产品的耗电量。A. create"创造";B. fix"修理";C. operate"操作";D. sell"售卖"。根据空前"There, she tested new ways"可知,萨卡尔在加州测试新方法,可推断,此处应为制造纳米器件,故选A。
52.句意:在那里,她测试了制造纳米器件的新方法,这些纳米器件可以减少计算机和其它日常电子产品的耗电量。A. water"水";B. money"金钱";C. power"电";D. time"时间"。根据常识和空后"consumed by computers and other everyday electronics."可知,电脑和其他的电子产品应该是耗电的,所以此处指的是制造出可以减少计算机和其他日常电子产品的消耗的电量。故选C。
53.句意:最终,她通过开发一种出色的纳米器件取得了突破。A. Unfortunately"不幸地";B. Immediately"立刻";C. Obviously"显而易见地";D. Eventually"最终"。根据语境以及空后"she made a breakthrough by developing a standout nanodevice."可知,她开发了一种出色的纳米器件取得了突破,可推知,此处应是经过不懈努力后,最终取得突破。故选D。
54.句意:在此过程中,萨卡尔开始对大脑着迷,她称之为"最低能量的计算机"。A. computer"电脑";B. brain"大脑";C. exercise"练习";D. fashion"时尚"。根据下文"She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons (神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains."可知,她希望把纳米装置放在人类神经元之间,以提高我们大脑处理器的计算速度;以及空后"which she calls "the lowest energy computer""可知,被成为"最低能量的计算机"应该是大脑,所以,此处指的是她开始对大脑感兴趣。故选B。
55.句意:"我们的大脑是非凡的,但我们可以做得更好。"她说。A. empty"空的";B. busy"忙的";C. relaxed"放松的";D. remarkable"非凡的"。根据常识和空后"but we could be better than what we are."可知,我们可以比我们现在做的更好,可推知,我们的大脑应是非凡的,故选D。
六、第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The "Understanding Contemporary China" Foreign Language Contests were held in Beijing from December 4 to 8.
Nearly one million college students from more than 1,300 universities participated, with about 2,500  56.  (enter) the national final. The contests aimed to  57.   (deep) college students'understanding of China, enhance their linguistic(语言的) abilities and intercultural communication  58.   (competent), and provide a platform for them to tell China's stories well.
The champion of the English group  59.   (determine) through a simulated(模拟的)"Global Youth Summit". Three contestants discussed  60.   (topic) including cultural diversity and the future development of mankind with Xinhua News Agency's reporter Simon Keith Robinson,  61.   tested their knowledge and ability to handle diverse subjects.
Xu Chengcheng, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, won  62.   national championship of the International Communication Contest. She demonstrated a high-level of English proficiency(熟练) and strong communication skills in the prepared speech  63.   the Global Youth Summit session(会议).
A special session of "Multilingual Champions Showcase" was part  64.   the closing ceremony, where champions used their foreign language skills  65.   (share) stories about their understanding of China and communication with the world, showcasing youthful insights.
【答案】56.entering;57.deepen;58.competence/competency;59.was determined;60.topics;61.which;62.the;63.and;64.of;65.to share
56.句意:来自1300多所大学的近100万名大学生参加了比赛,其中约2500人进入了全国决赛。此处是with的复合结构,about 2,500和enter为逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,故填entering。
57.句意:这些比赛旨在加深大学生对中国的了解,提高他们的语言能力和跨文化交际能力,并为他们提供一个讲好中国故事的平台。aim to do sth.固定短语,"打算做某事"。故填deepen。
58.句意:这些比赛旨在加深大学生对中国的了解,提高他们的语言能力和跨文化交际能力,并为他们提供一个讲好中国故事的平台。空处需填不可数名词 competence/competency ,作宾语。故填 competence/competency 。
59.句意:英语组的冠军是通过模拟"全球青年峰会"决出的。此处是谓语动词,结合下文的discussed可知,应用一般过去时,主语The champion of the English group,是单数形式,且与determine为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was determined。
61.句意:三位选手与新华社记者西蒙·基思·罗宾逊讨论了文化多样性和人类未来发展等话题,测试了他们处理不同话题的知识和能力。 tested their knowledge and ability to handle diverse subjects 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的句子,关系词在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
62.句意:来自北京外国语大学的徐成成同学获得了国际交流大赛的全国冠军。此处对"national championship of the International Communication Contest"进行特指,需用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
63.句意:在准备好的演讲和全球青年峰会上,她展示了高水平的英语水平和良好的沟通能力。the prepared speech和the Global Youth Summit session为并列关系,应用连词and连接。故填and。
64.句意:闭幕式上还有一个特别的"多语种冠军展示"环节,冠军们用他们的外语技能分享了他们对中国的了解以及与世界交流的故事,展示了他们年轻的见解。part of固定短语,"部分的"。故填of。
65.句意:闭幕式上还有一个特别的"多语种冠军展示"环节,冠军们用他们的外语技能分享了他们对中国的了解以及与世界交流的故事,展示了他们年轻的见解。use sth. to do sth.固定短语,"使用某物做某事"。故填to share。
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
66.(2024高二下·滁州月考)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校上周组织的诗歌朗诵比赛(poetry recitation competition)的情况。请给他回信,内容包括:
1. 介绍比赛的目的;
2. 你参加此次活动的收获。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter,
Best regards,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Peter,Last Friday, our school organized a poetry recitation competition in the school hall. The competition was held to promote the appreciation of poetry among students. It was a great opportunity to share and explore the beauty of poetry.
I actively participated in this competition. Through this competition, I not only deepened my understanding and appreciation of poetry but also learned more about its power to express emotions and ideas.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the competition, please feel free to write back.
Best regards,
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 回信 。写作背景:你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校上周组织的诗歌朗诵比赛的情况。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 介绍比赛的目的;2. 你参加此次活动的收获。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The competition was held to promote the appreciation of poetry among students. 运用了被动语态;It was a great opportunity to share and explore the beauty of poetry.运用了it作形式主语;
If you have any questions or want to know more about the competition, please feel free to write back.运用了条件状语从句,祈使句。
八、第二节 (满分25分)
"Alice, you spend too much time on your phone," her father said. "You need to focus on your studies."
"But Dad, I'm doing my best," Alice replied. "I'm balancing my phone time with my studies."
In the tense meal, Alice and her parents argued about her recent changes. They were focused on her increased attachment to her phone and its impact on her studies. Her parents were concerned that she was neglecting(忽视) her studies and worried about the impact it might have on her future. They felt that her attachment to the phone was taking her away from her studies.
Alice said, "I know you're worried about me, but I'm trying my best. I just want to have some fun with my friends and take a break from studying sometimes." However, her parents didn't seem to understand or accept her explanation. They felt that she needed to focus more on her studies and less on the phone.
The argument escalated(升级) when Alice announced that she wanted to leave the science club she had been a member of for years to join a new social media club. Alice explained, "I'm not sure if leaving the science club was a right decision or not. I just feel like I need a change." Her mother was shocked and said angrily, "You made this decision without thinking it through. You've done well in the science club, and you have a lot of potential to go further. You'll regret it if you don't keep going."
After that argument, Alice, feeling increasingly frustrated, withdrew into herself and spent more time in her room. She started to avoid her parents as much as possible and didn't want to talk to them about anything related to her studies or her future.
Her parents saw that the little girl who had come back laughing and talking was gone, and now they saw a face that was alternately angry and sad. She did spend less time on her phone, but she became increasingly unhappy.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One night, Alice's parents knocked on the girl's door and said they wanted to talk to her.
At this point, Alice seemed to see some hope of joining the social media club.
【答案】One night, Alice's parents knocked on the girl's door and said they wanted to talk to her. The girl opened the door unhappily. They looked at her and told of their recent worries about her. They admitted that all along, they had not given Alice enough freedom to make her own decisions. They should really listen to Alice's point of view. Alice looked at her parents in disbelief, and tears fell. They encouraged her to say what she thought and give them another chance to understand.
At this point, Alice seemed to see some hope of joining the social media club. She actively shared her passion with her parents. They were still not too optimistic, but as they got to know more about the club and saw how passionate Alice was about it, they began to support her more. They also realized that they needed to give Alice more freedom and trust in her judgment in order for their relationship to work again.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:They admitted that all along, they had not given Alice enough freedom to make her own decisions.运用了宾语从句;Alice looked at her parents in disbelief, and tears fell. 运用了并列句; They encouraged her to say what she thought and give them another chance to understand.运用了不定式作宾补,宾语从句;They were still not too optimistic, but as they got to know more about the club and saw how passionate Alice was about it, they began to support her more. 运用了转折并列句,时间状语从句,宾语从句,不定式作宾语; They also realized that they needed to give Alice more freedom and trust in her judgment in order for their relationship to work again.运用了宾语从句。
1 / 1安徽省滁州市九校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题
一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高二下·滁州月考) Who is the woman speaking to
A.Mr. Paxton. B.Mr. Brown. C.Mr. White.
2.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What does the man mean
A.He enjoys trying new things.
B.He doesn't like making cakes.
C.He is fond of eating cakes.
3.(2024高二下·滁州月考) Where will the speakers meet
A.At the amusement park.
B.Beside the shopping mall.
C.Next to the hamburger truck.
4.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The man's brother.
B.A music school.
C.The woman's talent.
5.(2024高二下·滁州月考) What is the woman going to do
A.Meet a new friend.
B.Go to the movies with Harry.
C.Introduce someone to the man.
6.What will Tony do
A.Watch a film.
B.Do housework.
C.Finish his schoolwork.
7.Where does the conversation take place
A.At home. B.In a cinema. C.In a classroom.
8. What does the woman say about Prof. Millers
A.He is inexperienced.
B.His class is interesting.
C.He spent a year in another school.
9.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A.Worried. B.Uninterested. C.Grateful.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Schoolmates. C.Mother and son.
11.Why does the woman call the man
A.To make an invitation.
B.To discuss a new plan.
C.To ask for information.
12.How much will the woman save if she rents the microbus
A.60 yuan. B.240 yuan. C.300 yuan.
13.What do we know about the woman
A.She fails to make the reservation.
B.She has her friends' flight information.
C.She is familiar with the airport shuttle service.
14.What does the man want to do
A.Check in.
B.Rebook the room.
C.Confirm a reservation.
15. When does the man check into the hotel
A.On Dec.16. B.On Dec.17. C.On Dec. 18.
16.Who is Charles Smith
A.The man's boss.
B.The man's brother.
C.The man's secretary.
17. What does the man probably think of the woman's service
A.Just so-so. B.Satisfactory. C.Disappointing.
18. What is the problem with the speaker
A.He can't find his textbook.
B.He can't finish his homework.
C.He has a hard time learning physics.
19.How does the speaker deal with his problem
A.By reading more books.
B.By joining a study group.
C.By turning to his teacher.
20.What can we learn according to the speaker
A.Most of the other students find the erhu easy.
B.The speaker's classmates don't like the erhu.
C.The speaker will have trouble in the final exam.
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
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21.What do we know about live classes
A.Their timetables are flexible.
B.Their group lessons are unpopular.
C.They fail to provide private lessons.
D.They are only available in the UK.
22. Which of the following can best describe self-study courses
A.Time-wasting. B.Traditional. C.Cheap. D.Inefficient.
23.What is the text
A.A research article. B.A guidebook.
C.A diary entry. D.An advertisement.
As the shift from traditional farming to modern farming is progressing, the use of technology such as drones(无人机), robots and machinery has also begun, producing favorable results and increasing efficiency in the industry. A farmer from the Philippines, Rey Kent Dejesica, wanted to help and contribute to the agriculture industry. Through an advertisement, he saw DIAGRAS drones and was interested in the idea of drones being used for farm applications.
In the Philippines, when people think of farmers or agriculture, they usually picture long hours working in the sun. Farming is an onerous process, especially for young people, who like everything instant. "Rice and bananas are the primary sources of income in my city. I want to contribute to the agriculture industry in a way to reduce growers' expenses and make the usage of pesticides(农药) more precise and efficient because I've seen how innovative individuals are and how they always find ways and methods to make tasks easier," Rey Kent Dejesica said.
"Using drones as a sprayer(喷雾器) also lessens human labor. Besides that, we can obtain a bird's-eye view of fields and spa y crops precisely / and effectively with drones," Rey Kent Dejesica said. Moreover, farmers stated that the use of drones also minimized the Panama disease. "After we switched to drone technology, our field became more beautiful," they added.
Agriculture is the main source of income for some Asian regions. Parts of Asia are now going through a rapidly aging farmer population and a fear of food shortage. That is why the youth must be part of the trade to ensure food security in the future. Advancements in agricultural technology such as drones can attract the youth back to the farming scene.
Armed with his knowledge of drone technology and having a positive attitude, Rey Kent sets an example for the next generation of farmers. May this be a stepping stone showing that farming is not something to be embarrassed about, but to be accepted through applying new technology.
24.Why was Rey Kent Dejesica interested in using drones for farming
A.He was influenced by his parents.
B.He was doing experiments with drones.
C.He wanted farmers to stop using pesticides.
D.He aimed to use them to help the agricultural industry.
25. What does the underlined word "onerous" in paragraph 2mean
A.Simple. B.Creative. C.Heavy. D.Dangerous.
26. What do the farmers think of the use of drones
A.Helpful. B.Harmful. C.Useless. D.Funny.
27.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about
A.The aging farmer population in Asia.
B.The importance of food security in the world.
C.The youth's role in high-tech agriculture.
D.The advancements in agricultural technology.
Retired Army Col. Farrell Patrick taught computer science at West Point during the 1970s and then at two private universities through the 1990s, so he isn't surprised by the progress technology has made over the decades. But when the 91-year-old got his first virtual reality(VR) experience recently, he was amazed.
Sitting in a conference room at John Knox Village, Patrick sat up straight as his eyes and ears experienced what it would be like to be in a Navy fighter jet flying off the Florida coast. John Knox Village was one of 17 senior communities around the country that participated in a recently published Stanford University study.
During the study, the seniors picked from seven-minute virtual experiences such as riding in a tank, watching stage performances, playing with dogs and cats or visiting places like Paris or Egypt. The participants wore headsets that gave them 360-degree views and sounds, making it seem like they had been all but dropped into the actual experience.
The study, working with the company Mynd Immersive, found that almost 80% of the seniors reported having a more positive attitude after their VR session and almost 60% said they felt less isolated socially. The enjoyment lessened somewhat for older respondents whose sight and hearing had deteriorated(恶化). Those who found VR less enjoyable were also more likely to dislike technology in general.
The company has worked on the biggest complaints the seniors in the study had about VR—the headsets were too heavy and the heat they generated made the seniors' foreheads sweat. The new headsets weigh about six ounces(189 grams) instead of a pound【答案】
(454 grams). Besides, they have a built-in fan for cooling, and the videos aren't as jumpy.
Patrick says he hopes to live to 100 because he believes the next five years will see momentous changes in VR. Still a technology enthusiast, he believes the cost of systems will drop dramatically and become part of everyday living, even for seniors.
28.What is the function of the first paragraph
A.To lead in the topic. B.To reach a conclusion.
C.To present an argument. D.To make a definition.
29.Why does the author mention "Paris or Egypt" in paragraph 3
A.To illustrate the two cities' support for VR.
B.To explain why seniors are crazy about traveling.
C.To compare the differences between the two cities.
D.To show the VR experiences the seniors can choose from.
30.What did the study find
A.Most seniors enjoyed VR.
B.Old people preferred socializing.
C.Seniors' sight and hearing became worse.
D.Most retired people disliked high-tech products.
31. What do the figures in paragraph 5 indicate about Mynd Immersive
A.Its products hardly appeal to seniors.
B.Its goal is to produce high-quality videos.
C.It has made improvements on the headsets.
D.It has got a lot of complaints from teenagers.
Want to know what is coming soon to a cinema near you Probably not a 1.5-hour-long movie, as in the old days. On October 20th comes Killers of the Flower Moon. At nearly three and a half hours, its length is nearly double that of the average film last year. Even movie fans struggle to concentrate for that ridiculously(荒谬地) long time and some viewers even nod off. Afterwards, there is a mad run for the toilets. When does watching a film become such an effort
The Economist analyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood's golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from 1 hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to 1 hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s.
One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property, but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs. The hope is that a spectacular, drawn-out "event" movie will draw audiences away from the small screen and into cinemas. This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel's three-hour superhero masterpiece was the highest-grossing(票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year, long movie series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America.
Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors'growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out their masterpieces Moreover, streaming platforms, which do not have to worry as much about the length because viewers can pause whenever they like, may attract big names by promising them sufficient fund and creative flix funded and released three-hour The Irishman in 2019, a film that would have benefited from a decisive editor, Irish or otherwise.
32.How does the author organize the second paragraph
A.By listing numbers and making comparisons.
B.By giving examples and explaining theories.
C.By telling stories and showing experiments.
D.By asking questions and offering solutions.
33. Why is Avengers: Endgame Marvel mentioned in paragraph 3
A.To introduce its impact.
B.To explain why its gross is the highest.
C.To prove that the studio's strategy is working.
D.To summarize the secret of the studio's success.
34.What is probably Mr. Nolan
A.A photographer. B.A director.
C.An actor. D.An audience.
35. What is the text mainly about
A.A brief history of long movies.
B.How film studios distribute their movies.
C.The production process of a movie.
D.Why films have become so ridiculously long.
四、第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Being approachable brings you many advantages. However, you often struggle to make friends and network when you are perceived as not being friendly. So how do you make yourself approachable  36.  .
Avoid isolating yourself
The first step is to consider whether you open yourself to contact with others. Looking angry and crossing your arms can suggest to others that you are not to be approached.  37.  . Besides, avoid corners and spaces where you can't be seen if you want others to find you.
Listen actively
The basic skill to master to be someone's go-to person is to listen first.  38.  . We might feel like we get the hang of everything or just want to provide the advice and get it over with. However, listening is often important and even more important than being able to fix the problem.
Avoid a judgmental attitude
 39.   . It depends on how you choose to respond to them and what you say. Sometimes, we might make a judgment. It has certainly happened to you before. Usually, it hurts, even if it could be true. It makes others less likely to come back and talk to you again. Instead, offer listening and reserve your judgments.
 40.  .
If you want to be seen as more approachable, you can also invite people to come to you. Do it only if you mean it and be sincere in offering your support. Open some time in your schedule to welcome people or, if you can't, schedule a follow-up meeting.
A. Invite people to come to you
B. Persuade people to come back later
C. Here are a few ways to help you enhance this aspect
D. It allows you to share your troubles with others honestly
E. Often, we get the urge to interrupt or rush the conversation along
F. The way you respond also encourages others to come to you again
G. So you can try to appear more approachable by focusing on your body language
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Sarkar is a nanotechnologist(纳米技术专家) and assistant professor at MIT. She is conducting her research on br ain diseases that 41. the minds of millions of people worldwide.
Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 42. . Her courage as a researcher comes from her 43. , who as a young woman went against social norms(常态)in her village by 44. to fund her own education. Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 45. her interest in engineering. Sarkar recalls her father finding time for his 46. , fashioning devices to make home life more 47. , including an electricity-free washing machine. "That got me very 48. in science and technology," Sarkar says.
After 49. a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Sarkar 50. California to study nanoelectronies. There, she tested new ways to 51. nanodevices that could reduce the amount of 52. consumed by computers and other everyday electronics. 53. , she made a breakthrough by developing a standout nanodevice.
Along the way, Sarkar became fascinated with the 54. , which she calls "the lowest energy computer". She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons(神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains. "Our brains are 55. , but we could be better than what we are," she says.
41.A. enrich B. read C. affect D. poison
42.A. birds B. researchers C. failures D. inspirations
43.A. aunt B. mother C. sister D. grandmother
44.A. working B. pretending C. refusing D. waiting
45.A. protected B. switched C. stimulated D. supported
46.A. job B. holiday C. discomfort D. passion
47.A. complex B. convenient C. peaceful D. meaningful
48.A. interested B. honest C. lucky D. disappointed
49.A. starting B. earning C. needing D. introducing
50.A. adapted to B. related to
C. headed to D. belonged to
51.A. create B. fix C. operate D. sell
52.A. water B. money C. power D. time
53.A. Unfortunately B. Immediately
C. Obviously D. Eventually
54.A. computer B. brain C. exercise D. fashion
55.A. empty B. busy C. relaxed D. remarkable
六、第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The "Understanding Contemporary China" Foreign Language Contests were held in Beijing from December 4 to 8.
Nearly one million college students from more than 1,300 universities participated, with about 2,500  56.  (enter) the national final. The contests aimed to  57.   (deep) college students'understanding of China, enhance their linguistic(语言的) abilities and intercultural communication  58.   (competent), and provide a platform for them to tell China's stories well.
The champion of the English group  59.   (determine) through a simulated(模拟的)"Global Youth Summit". Three contestants discussed  60.   (topic) including cultural diversity and the future development of mankind with Xinhua News Agency's reporter Simon Keith Robinson,  61.   tested their knowledge and ability to handle diverse subjects.
Xu Chengcheng, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, won  62.   national championship of the International Communication Contest. She demonstrated a high-level of English proficiency(熟练) and strong communication skills in the prepared speech  63.   the Global Youth Summit session(会议).
A special session of "Multilingual Champions Showcase" was part  64.   the closing ceremony, where champions used their foreign language skills  65.   (share) stories about their understanding of China and communication with the world, showcasing youthful insights.
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
66.(2024高二下·滁州月考)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校上周组织的诗歌朗诵比赛(poetry recitation competition)的情况。请给他回信,内容包括:
1. 介绍比赛的目的;
2. 你参加此次活动的收获。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter,
Best regards,
Li Hua
八、第二节 (满分25分)
"Alice, you spend too much time on your phone," her father said. "You need to focus on your studies."
"But Dad, I'm doing my best," Alice replied. "I'm balancing my phone time with my studies."
In the tense meal, Alice and her parents argued about her recent changes. They were focused on her increased attachment to her phone and its impact on her studies. Her parents were concerned that she was neglecting(忽视) her studies and worried about the impact it might have on her future. They felt that her attachment to the phone was taking her away from her studies.
Alice said, "I know you're worried about me, but I'm trying my best. I just want to have some fun with my friends and take a break from studying sometimes." However, her parents didn't seem to understand or accept her explanation. They felt that she needed to focus more on her studies and less on the phone.
The argument escalated(升级) when Alice announced that she wanted to leave the science club she had been a member of for years to join a new social media club. Alice explained, "I'm not sure if leaving the science club was a right decision or not. I just feel like I need a change." Her mother was shocked and said angrily, "You made this decision without thinking it through. You've done well in the science club, and you have a lot of potential to go further. You'll regret it if you don't keep going."
After that argument, Alice, feeling increasingly frustrated, withdrew into herself and spent more time in her room. She started to avoid her parents as much as possible and didn't want to talk to them about anything related to her studies or her future.
Her parents saw that the little girl who had come back laughing and talking was gone, and now they saw a face that was alternately angry and sad. She did spend less time on her phone, but she became increasingly unhappy.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One night, Alice's parents knocked on the girl's door and said they wanted to talk to her.
At this point, Alice seemed to see some hope of joining the social media club.
【解析】【听力原文】M: This is Hugh White. Can I speak to Mr. Paxton, please
W: Sorry, he's out for a meeting. But Mr. Brown is here.
【分析】问题:女士在和谁说话?根据"This is Hugh White. Can I speak to Mr. Paxton, please "我是Hugh White。我可以和Paxton先生通话吗?故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Would you like to try your hand at making cakes
M: Of course.
W: You seem to like it very much.
M: I'd be pleased to do something new.
【分析】问题:女士是什么意思?根据"I'd be pleased to do something new."我很乐意做一些新的事情。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, Mary. I'm just sitting next to the shopping mall. Could you see me
W: No, there are too many people. I'm near the entrance to the amusement park. I can see a hamburger truck parked on the side of the road.
M: OK, I can see the truck, too. Let's meet there.
【分析】问题:谈话人将在哪里会面?根据"I can see a hamburger truck parked on the side of the road."我可以看到一辆汉堡包卡车停在路边;以及"OK, I can see the truck, too. Let's meet there."好的,我也能看到卡车。让我们在那里见面。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a cheerful song! Who sang it
M: My brother. He has a talent for singing. And he doesn't receive any formal training.
W: In that case, your parents should send him to a music school.
【分析】问题:谈话人主要在谈论什么?根据"My brother. He has a talent for singing. And he doesn't receive any formal training."我的兄弟。他有唱歌的天赋。而且他没有接受任何正式的训练。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Jack, I'm going to introduce you to my friend Harry. You two are the only people I know who love to watch movies every day.
M: Oh, thanks.
【分析】问题:女士要做什么?根据"I'm going to introduce you to my friend Harry."我要把你介绍给我的朋友Harry。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Tony, what's going on here It is such a mess! Clear it up right now!
M: OK, Mom. I will do it in a minute. Let me just finish the TV series.
W: No, I said now! Or you won't be allowed to watch TV at weekends. Now, you have to sweep the floors and do the laundry.
M: OK, OK. I will do it immediately.
6.问题: Tony 将做什么?根据"Tony, what's going on here It is such a mess! Clear it up right now!"Tony,这是怎么回事?真是一团糟!马上清理!;以及"OK, Mom. I will do it in a minute."好的,妈妈。我马上就做。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you mind talking to me about Prof. Millers
W: Of course not. Have you ever been in one of his classes
M: No. I'm thinking about taking his class next term. I always worry about grades.
W: Grades are important. But don't you think that gaining the knowledge is more important He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by. Do you know what I mean
M: Yeah, anything else
W: He came here last year after 10 years in another school.
M: That sounds like a good thing. I think I can make the best decision now. You've really been a great help. Thanks a lot.
W: No problem. Enjoy your year!
8.问题:这位女士怎么评价 Millers 教授?根据"He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by."他把一切都做得很有趣,时间过得很快。故选B。
9.问题:谈话结束时,男士听起来怎样?根据" Thanks a lot."非常感谢。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: City Transportation Company. How can I help you
W: I have several friends coming to visit during the New Year holiday, and I wonder how I can get them from the airport to my house.
M: OK. Are you familiar with our airport shuttle service
W: No, I just did some research on the Internet. I found that it costs 60 yuan a person. That means 540 yuan for nine people. It's a little expensive.
M: Why not rent our microbus It costs you 300 yuan altogether, and you can drive straight home.
W: That sounds great. Can I make a reservation now
M: Sure, but I need your friends' flight information.
W: Sorry, I don't have the information now. I'll call you back in two days.
M: OK, goodbye.
11.问题:为什么女士打电话给男士?根据" I have several friends coming to visit during the New Year holiday, and I wonder how I can get them from the airport to my house."我有几个朋友在新年假期来看我,我想知道如何把他们从机场送到我家。故选C。
12.问题:如果这位女士租了微型巴士,她能省下多少钱?根据"I found that it costs 60 yuan a person. That means 540 yuan for nine people. It's a little expensive."我发现一个人要60元。这意味着9个人540元。它有点贵;"Why not rent our microbus It costs you 300 yuan altogether, and you can drive straight home."为什么不租我们的微型巴士?总共花了你300元,你可以直接开车回家。可推知她会节省¥540-$300=$240,故选B。
13.问题:我们对女士了解多少?根据"Can I make a reservation now "我现在可以预订吗?;以及"Sorry, I don't have the information now. I'll call you back in two days."对不起,我现在没有信息。我两天后给你回电话。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Neu Hotel. How may I help you
M: Good afternoon. I'd like to check in please.
W: Certainly. Do you have a reservation
M: Yes, it's under Wilson.
W: I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson. There's no record of your reservation in the computer.
M: Well, that's impossible. A double room was booked one week ago. Can you check again My full name is Thomas Wilson.
W: I'm sorry. It's not here.
M: How strange! Can you check whether it is under Charles Smith It's my secretary's name. Maybe he had got the name wrong.
W: That's right. He's booked a double room from December 16th to December 18th. May I have your travel document, please
M: Here you go.
W: OK. In this case, I'll change the reservation to your name.
M: You are so thoughtful. Thanks.
W: It's no problem at all. Here is your room number and key card. And the checkout time is twelve noon. But there is no extra charge if you leave your room before 1:00 pm. I hope you enjoy your stay.
M: It's so kind of you. Thank you very much.
14.问题:男士想做什么?根据" I'd like to check in please."我想办理入住手续。故选A。
15.问题:男士什么时候入住酒店?根据"He's booked a double room from December 16th to December 18th."他订了一间双人间,从12月16日到12月18日。故选A。
16.问题: Charles Smith 是谁?根据"Can you check whether it is under Charles Smith It's my secretary's name."你能检查一下它是否在Charles Smith名下吗?这是我秘书的名字。故选C。
17.问题:男士可能对女士的服务有什么看法?根据"You are so thoughtful. Thanks."你真体贴。谢谢。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Dear David,
I have some difficulties in physics this term. It's so hard. The teacher thinks we're so smart that we should have no difficulty in learning it, so we have a lot of time to study by ourselves. But exactly the opposite is true. I find the textbook puzzling and then I get disappointed. Well, some of us got together and formed a study group. It seems to work fine most of the time. The only problem is that sometimes one of my classmates will come to the study group unprepared. He'll forget his notes or he won't pre view the textbook beforehand. I guess those who are not prepared will have a hard time in the final exam. And I'm trying to learn the erhu at school as well. It's also pretty hard. Most of the other students have learned it easily, and I just can't get it. I borrow the music score and take it home to practice, but it doesn't seem to work. There is too much music theory for me to remember. I'm not sure what to do next. Please give me some suggestions.
18.问题:发言人有什么问题?根据"I have some difficulties in physics this term. "这学期我在物理方面有一些困难。故选C。
19.问题:发言人是如何处理他的问题的?根据"Well, some of us got together and formed a study group. "我们中的一些人聚在一起组成了一个学习小组。故选B。
20.问题:根据发言人的话,我们能学到什么?根据"And I'm trying to learn theerhu at school as well. It's also pretty hard. Most of the other students have learned it easily"我也在学校学习二胡。这也很难。其他大多数学生都学得很容易,故选A。
21.考查细节理解。根据Live classes部分中的"Our live, online, interactive classes are taught by expert British Council teachers and are available 24/7 via our easily accessible interactive platform."我们的现场,在线,互动课程由英国文化协会的专家教师授课,并通过我们易于访问的互动平台提供全天候服务。可知,该课程的时间比较灵活。故选A。
22.考查细节理解。根据Self-study courses部分中的"Our English online self-study courses cost just 5.99 per month and give you a low-cost way to reach your goals in English."我们的英语在线自学课程每月只需5.99英镑,让您以低成本的方式实现英语学习目标。可知,该课程是便宜的。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"All the courses are recommended for participants with: A1 Elementary to C1 Advanced English levels;Contact us at britishcouncil@"所有课程推荐给具有A1初级到C1高级英语水平的学员;联系我们:britishcouncil @learneng ,可推知,本文是一个课程的广告。故选D。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"A farmer from the Philippines, Rey Kent Dejesica, wanted to help and contribute to the agriculture industry. Through an advertisement, he saw DIAGRAS drones and was interested in the idea of drones being used for farm applications. "来自菲律宾的农民Rey Kent Dejesica希望帮助并为农业做出贡献。通过一则广告,他看到了DIAGRAS无人机,并对无人机用于农业应用的想法感兴趣。知,Rey Kent Dejesica想用无人机技术助力农业生产。故选D。
25.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"In the Philippines, when people think of farmers or agriculture, they usually picture long hours working in the sun."在菲律宾,当人们想到农民或农业时,他们通常会想到长时间在阳光下工作。说明农业工作非常繁重,从而推知"Farming is an onerous process, especially for young people, who like everything instant."农业是一个onerous过程,尤其是对年轻人来说,他们喜欢一切都是即时的。划线词 onerous 意思是"繁重的"。故选C。
26.考查推理判断。根据第三段"‘Using drones as a sprayer (喷雾器) also lessens human labor. Besides that, we can obtain a bird's-eye view of fields and spay crops precisely and effectively with drones,' Rey Kent Dejesica said. Moreover, farmers stated that the use of drones also minimized the Panama disease. ‘After we switched to drone technology, our field became more beautiful,' they added. ""使用无人机作为喷雾器也减少了人力劳动。除此之外,我们还可以鸟瞰田野,用无人机精确有效地喷洒作物。"此外,农民表示,无人机的使用也最大限度地减少了巴拿马病。"在我们转向无人机技术后,我们的田野变得更加美丽,"他们补充说。可知,农民认为在田里使用无人机技术是有帮助的。故选A。
27.考查段落大意。根据第四段中的"That is why the youth must be part of the trade to ensure food security in the future. Advancements in agricultural technology such as drones can attract the youth back to the farming scene. "这就是为什么年轻人必须成为农业的一部分,以确保未来的粮食安全。无人机等农业技术的进步可以吸引年轻人回到农业现场。可知,本段主要说明了年轻人在高科技农业中的作用。故选C。
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"But when the 91-year-old got his first virtual reality (VR) experience recently, he was amazed."但是当这个91岁的老人第一次经历虚拟现实体验时,他感到十分惊讶;以及下文对这次体验的详细介绍可知,第一段介绍Patrick这个人的背景和体验感受是为了引入主题,故选A。
29.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"During the study, the seniors picked from seven-minute virtual experiences such as riding in a tank, watching stage performances, playing with dogs and cats or visiting places like Paris or Egypt."在这项研究中,老年人可从七分钟的虚拟体验中挑选活动,比如说乘坐坦克、观看舞台表演、与猫狗玩耍或参观巴黎或埃及等地。可知,本段提到巴黎和埃及是因为巴黎和埃及是七分钟的虚拟体验的活动之一,也就是老年人可以选择的体验,故选D。
30.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"The study, working with the company Mynd Immersive, found that almost 80% of the seniors reported having a more positive attitude after their VR session and almost 60% said they felt less isolated socially."这项与Mynd Immersive公司合作的研究发现,80%的老年人报道说在虚拟现实课堂后表现出积极的态度,近60%的人表示他们在社交上感到不那么孤立。可知,80%和60%的老年人在参加虚拟课堂后表现积极,他们表示很喜欢虚拟现实,故选A。
31.考查推理判断。根据第五段中的"The new headsets weigh about six ounces (189 grams) instead of a pound (454 grams)."新的耳机大概重6盎司(189克),而不是1磅(454克)。可知,参加研究的老年人抱怨耳机太重了,因此新的耳机的重量大大减少,此数据表明Mynd Immersive公司在耳机上做出的改进,故选C。
32.考查推理判断。根据第二段"The Economistanalyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood's golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from 1 hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to 1 hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s. "《经济学人》利用电影数据库IMDb的数据,分析了自20世纪30年代好莱坞黄金时代开始以来在全球发行的10多万部故事片。制作的平均长度增加了约24%,从20世纪30年代的1小时21分钟增加到2022年的1小时47分钟。2022年,十大最受欢迎的游戏的平均时长增长到两个半小时左右,比上世纪30年代高出近50%。可知,经济学家列举数据分析了自从20世纪30年代以来的10万部电影,比较了时长的变化。因此本段使用了列数字与作比较的方法。故选A。
33.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel's three-hour superhero masterpiece was the highest-grossing (票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year, long movie series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America. "这种做法通常会得到回报:漫威的这部长达3小时的超级英雄巨作是2019年票房最高的电影。去年,美国票房最高的电影大多是长篇系列电影。可推断,此处提到《复仇者联盟:终局之战》这部电影是为了证明电影公司的策略是奏效的——时长长的电影会取得高票房。故选C。
34.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors' growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out their masterpieces "另一种解释是,导演的影响力越来越大。谁敢让诺兰这样的人去删减他们的杰作呢?可推断,Mr. Nolan是一位知名的导演。故选B。
35.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"When does watching a film become such an effort "什么时候看电影变得如此费力了?;第三段中的"One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property, but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs."这一趋势的一个驱动因素是,电影公司希望最大限度地利用其昂贵的知识产权,但他们正在与流媒体平台争夺眼球;以及最后一段中的Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors' growing influence."另一种解释是,导演的影响力越来越大。可知,文章主要讲了电影时长在增加的现象及其原因。故选D。
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇教育类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
36.根据空前"Being approachable brings you many advantages. However, you often struggle to make friends and network when you are perceived as not being friendly. So how do you make yourself approachable "平易近人会给你带来很多好处。然而,当你被认为不友好时,你往往很难交朋友和建立关系网。那么,如何让自己变得平易近人呢?可知,接下来的内容将介绍如何使自己变得平易近人的方法。 C. Here are a few ways to help you enhance this aspect "以下是一些帮助你提升这一方面的方法"承接上文,引领下文,交代文章主旨,符合语境,故选C。
37.根据本段小标题"Avoid isolating yourself "避免孤立自己;以及空前"The first step is to consider whether you open yourself to contact with others. Looking angry and crossing your arms can suggest to others that you are not to be approached. "第一步是考虑自己是否愿意与他人接触。看起来很生气或者交叉双臂会让别人觉得你不应该被接近。可知,前文提到避免孤立自己,以及封闭的肢体语言会让人难以接近。本空要说跟"恰当的肢体语言"有关的话题, G. So you can try to appear more approachable by focusing on your body language "因此,你可以通过关注自己的肢体语言来让自己看起来更平易近人"承接上文,提出了具体的改善建议,即通过调整肢体语言显得更加可接近,符合语境,故选G。
38.根据空前"The basic skill to master to be someone's go-to person is to listen first. "要成为别人的得力助手,首先要掌握的基本技能是倾听。可知,空前句子强调了倾听在成为别人首选倾诉对象时的基本技能地位。E. Often, we get the urge to interrupt or rush the conversation along"(我们常常会有打断对话或匆忙推进对话的冲动"指出人们在倾听时常犯的错误,与前文形成对比,进一步强调了倾听的重要性,符合语境。故选E。
39.根据空后"It depends on how you choose to respond to them and what you say. Sometimes, we might make a judgment. It has certainly happened to you before. Usually, it hurts, even if it could be true. It makes others less likely to come back and talk to you again. Instead, offer listening and reserve your judgments. "这取决于你选择如何回应他们以及你说了什么。有时候,我们可能会做出判断。你以前肯定遇到过这种事。通常,它很伤人,即使它可能是真的。这会让别人不太可能再回来和你说话。相反,倾听并保留你的判断。可知,空后内容讲述对他人的评价可能带来的负面影响及如何更恰当地回应,本空要说跟"回应的方式"有关的话题, F. The way you respond also encourages others to come to you again "你回应的方式也会鼓励别人再次来找你"作为过渡句,指出回应方式对人际交往的影响,与后文紧密相连,符合语境。故选F。
40.根据空后"If you want to be seen as more approachable, you can also invite people to come to you. Do it only if you mean it and be sincere in offering your support. Open some time in your schedule to welcome people or, if you can't, schedule a follow-up meeting. "如果你想让别人觉得你更平易近人,你也可以邀请别人来找你。只有当你是真心的时候才去做,并真诚地提供你的支持。在你的日程安排中留出一些时间来欢迎人们,如果你不能,安排一个后续会议。可知,该段主要讲述主动邀请他人这一策略,本空要说跟"邀请他人"有关的话题, A. Invite people to come to you "邀请人们来找你"作为小标题,简洁明了地概括了段落主旨。故选A。
41.句意:她正在研究影响全世界数百万人思想的脑部疾病。A. enrich"使丰富";B. read"阅读";C. affect"影响";D. poison"毒害"。根据常识和下文"She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons (神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains."可知,她希望把纳米装置放在人类神经元之间,以提高我们大脑处理器的计算速度,可推断,她现在从事的研究应该会影响全世界数百万人思维的大脑疾病。故选C。
42.句意:萨卡尔出生于印度加尔各答,她认为父母是她早年的灵感来源。A. birds"鸟";B. researchers"研究者";C. failures"失败";D. inspirations"灵感"。根据下文"Her courage as a researcher comes from her 3 , who as a young woman went against social norms (常态) in her village by 4 to fund her own education."以及"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,她母亲打破常规为她提供教育基金,而她的父亲让她对工程学产生兴趣,可推断,此处指的是她认为她早年的"灵感"源自于父母。故选D。
43.句意:她作为研究人员的勇气来自于她的母亲,她年轻时违背了她所在村庄的社会规范,努力为自己的教育提供资金。A. aunt"姑妈";B. mother"母亲";C. sister"姐妹";D. grandmother"祖母"。根据上文"Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 2 ." 可知,她认为她早年的灵感源自于父母;以及空后"who as a young woman went against social norms (常态) in her village by 4 to fund her own education."可知,此处介绍的是一位女性,她作为研究人员的勇气来于她的母亲。故选B。
44.句意:她作为研究人员的勇气来自于她的母亲,她年轻时违背了她所在村庄的社会规范,努力为自己的教育提供资金。A. working"工作";B. pretending"假装";C. refusing"拒绝";D. waiting "等待"。根据空后"to fund her own education."可知,母亲要为她获取教育基金,所以此处指的是工作,故选A。
45.句意:与此同时,萨卡尔的父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣。A. protected"保护";B. switched"改变,转变";C. stimulated"刺激";D. supported"支持"。根据上文"Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early 2 ."可知,她认为她早年的灵感源自于父母,所以此处应指的是她的父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣。故选C。
46.句意:萨卡尔回忆说,她的父亲为自己的爱好腾出时间,设计各种设备,使家庭生活更方便,包括一台无电洗衣机。A. job"工作";B. holiday"假期";C. discomfort"不适";D. passion"激情"。根据上文"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣,所以此处指的是萨卡尔回忆父亲是如何让她对工程学产生兴趣的,故选D。
47.句意:萨卡尔回忆说,她的父亲为自己的激情找时间,设计各种设备,使家庭生活更方便,包括一台无电洗衣机。A. complex"复杂的";B. convenient"方便的";C. peaceful"平静的";D. meaningful"有意义的"。根据空后"including an electricity-free washing machine."可知,父亲设计了很多设备,包括一台误点洗衣机,可推断,此处指的是设计的这些设备能是家庭生活方便。故选B。
48.句意:"这让我对科学技术产生了浓厚的兴趣。"Sarkar说。A. interested"感兴趣的";B. honest "诚实的";C. lucky"幸运的";D. disappointed"失望的"。根据上文"Meanwhile, Sarkar's father 5 her interest in engineering."可知,父亲激发了她对工程学的兴趣,所以此处指的是萨卡尔回忆父亲是如何让她对工程学 感兴趣的。故选A。
49.句意:萨卡尔从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后,前往加州学习纳米电子学。A. starting"开始";B. earning"获得";C. needing"需要";D. introducing"介绍"。根据常识和空后"Sarkar 10 California to study nanoclectronics."可知,萨卡尔去加州学习纳米电子学,可推断,萨卡尔应该是从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后。故选B。
50.句意:萨卡尔从印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后,前往加州学习纳米电子学。A. adapted to "适应";B. related to"相关";C. headed to"朝……前进";D. belonged to"属于"。根据空前"After 9 a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad,"可知,萨卡尔在印度理工学院获得电气工程学士学位后;以及空后"California to study nanoclectronics."可知,她去了加州学习纳米电子学,故选C。
51.句意:在那里,她测试了制造纳米器件的新方法,这些纳米器件可以减少计算机和其它日常电子产品的耗电量。A. create"创造";B. fix"修理";C. operate"操作";D. sell"售卖"。根据空前"There, she tested new ways"可知,萨卡尔在加州测试新方法,可推断,此处应为制造纳米器件,故选A。
52.句意:在那里,她测试了制造纳米器件的新方法,这些纳米器件可以减少计算机和其它日常电子产品的耗电量。A. water"水";B. money"金钱";C. power"电";D. time"时间"。根据常识和空后"consumed by computers and other everyday electronics."可知,电脑和其他的电子产品应该是耗电的,所以此处指的是制造出可以减少计算机和其他日常电子产品的消耗的电量。故选C。
53.句意:最终,她通过开发一种出色的纳米器件取得了突破。A. Unfortunately"不幸地";B. Immediately"立刻";C. Obviously"显而易见地";D. Eventually"最终"。根据语境以及空后"she made a breakthrough by developing a standout nanodevice."可知,她开发了一种出色的纳米器件取得了突破,可推知,此处应是经过不懈努力后,最终取得突破。故选D。
54.句意:在此过程中,萨卡尔开始对大脑着迷,她称之为"最低能量的计算机"。A. computer"电脑";B. brain"大脑";C. exercise"练习";D. fashion"时尚"。根据下文"She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons (神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains."可知,她希望把纳米装置放在人类神经元之间,以提高我们大脑处理器的计算速度;以及空后"which she calls "the lowest energy computer""可知,被成为"最低能量的计算机"应该是大脑,所以,此处指的是她开始对大脑感兴趣。故选B。
55.句意:"我们的大脑是非凡的,但我们可以做得更好。"她说。A. empty"空的";B. busy"忙的";C. relaxed"放松的";D. remarkable"非凡的"。根据常识和空后"but we could be better than what we are."可知,我们可以比我们现在做的更好,可推知,我们的大脑应是非凡的,故选D。
【答案】56.entering;57.deepen;58.competence/competency;59.was determined;60.topics;61.which;62.the;63.and;64.of;65.to share
56.句意:来自1300多所大学的近100万名大学生参加了比赛,其中约2500人进入了全国决赛。此处是with的复合结构,about 2,500和enter为逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,故填entering。
57.句意:这些比赛旨在加深大学生对中国的了解,提高他们的语言能力和跨文化交际能力,并为他们提供一个讲好中国故事的平台。aim to do sth.固定短语,"打算做某事"。故填deepen。
58.句意:这些比赛旨在加深大学生对中国的了解,提高他们的语言能力和跨文化交际能力,并为他们提供一个讲好中国故事的平台。空处需填不可数名词 competence/competency ,作宾语。故填 competence/competency 。
59.句意:英语组的冠军是通过模拟"全球青年峰会"决出的。此处是谓语动词,结合下文的discussed可知,应用一般过去时,主语The champion of the English group,是单数形式,且与determine为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was determined。
61.句意:三位选手与新华社记者西蒙·基思·罗宾逊讨论了文化多样性和人类未来发展等话题,测试了他们处理不同话题的知识和能力。 tested their knowledge and ability to handle diverse subjects 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的句子,关系词在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
62.句意:来自北京外国语大学的徐成成同学获得了国际交流大赛的全国冠军。此处对"national championship of the International Communication Contest"进行特指,需用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
63.句意:在准备好的演讲和全球青年峰会上,她展示了高水平的英语水平和良好的沟通能力。the prepared speech和the Global Youth Summit session为并列关系,应用连词and连接。故填and。
64.句意:闭幕式上还有一个特别的"多语种冠军展示"环节,冠军们用他们的外语技能分享了他们对中国的了解以及与世界交流的故事,展示了他们年轻的见解。part of固定短语,"部分的"。故填of。
65.句意:闭幕式上还有一个特别的"多语种冠军展示"环节,冠军们用他们的外语技能分享了他们对中国的了解以及与世界交流的故事,展示了他们年轻的见解。use sth. to do sth.固定短语,"使用某物做某事"。故填to share。
66.【答案】Dear Peter,Last Friday, our school organized a poetry recitation competition in the school hall. The competition was held to promote the appreciation of poetry among students. It was a great opportunity to share and explore the beauty of poetry.
I actively participated in this competition. Through this competition, I not only deepened my understanding and appreciation of poetry but also learned more about its power to express emotions and ideas.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the competition, please feel free to write back.
Best regards,
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 回信 。写作背景:你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校上周组织的诗歌朗诵比赛的情况。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 介绍比赛的目的;2. 你参加此次活动的收获。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The competition was held to promote the appreciation of poetry among students. 运用了被动语态;It was a great opportunity to share and explore the beauty of poetry.运用了it作形式主语;
If you have any questions or want to know more about the competition, please feel free to write back.运用了条件状语从句,祈使句。
67.【答案】One night, Alice's parents knocked on the girl's door and said they wanted to talk to her. The girl opened the door unhappily. They looked at her and told of their recent worries about her. They admitted that all along, they had not given Alice enough freedom to make her own decisions. They should really listen to Alice's point of view. Alice looked at her parents in disbelief, and tears fell. They encouraged her to say what she thought and give them another chance to understand.
At this point, Alice seemed to see some hope of joining the social media club. She actively shared her passion with her parents. They were still not too optimistic, but as they got to know more about the club and saw how passionate Alice was about it, they began to support her more. They also realized that they needed to give Alice more freedom and trust in her judgment in order for their relationship to work again.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:They admitted that all along, they had not given Alice enough freedom to make her own decisions.运用了宾语从句;Alice looked at her parents in disbelief, and tears fell. 运用了并列句; They encouraged her to say what she thought and give them another chance to understand.运用了不定式作宾补,宾语从句;They were still not too optimistic, but as they got to know more about the club and saw how passionate Alice was about it, they began to support her more. 运用了转折并列句,时间状语从句,宾语从句,不定式作宾语; They also realized that they needed to give Alice more freedom and trust in her judgment in order for their relationship to work again.运用了宾语从句。
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