Unit 3 My weekend plan-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理


名称 Unit 3 My weekend plan-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理
格式 zip
文件大小 6.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-15 13:50:21


含义 短语
进行,从事 have an art lesson 上美术课 have a picnic 去野餐
有,得到 have a kite 有一个风筝 have a book 有一本书
吃,喝 have lunch 吃午餐 have some tea 喝茶
固定搭配 have a look 看一看 have a good time 玩的开心
特殊疑问词 用法 例句
What 询问活动 What are you going to do tonight
when 询问时间 When are you going to dance
where 询问地点 Where are you going to play football
how 询问方式 How are they going to Shanghai
节日 活动
Spring Festival 春节 Visit relatives and friends 走亲访友 Light firecrackers 放鞭炮 Pay a New Year call 拜年
Lantern Festival 元宵节 Enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏漂亮的花灯 Eat sweet dumplings 吃元宵
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Watch the dragon boat race 看赛龙舟 Eat zongzi 吃粽子
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Eat mooncakes 吃月饼
A new weekend is coming!
I’m going to have a nice weekend.
On Saturday/Sunday, I’m going to... in the morning.
I'm going to ... in the afternoon.
I'm going to ... in the evening.
How nice my weekend will be!
(1)时间单词:Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 ……
(2)活动单词及短语③:visit my grandparents play football
(3)句型:be going to+动词原形
表示时间的词汇 表示活动的词汇
today 今天 evening晚上 wash clothes 洗衣服 see a film 看电影
Saturday 星期六 tonight 在今晚 do homework 做作业 fly kites 放风筝
Sunday 星期天 this weekend 这个周末 take a trip 去旅行 row a boat 划船
morning 早上 next week 下周 go to the park 去公园 climb a mountain 爬山
afternoon 下午 tomorrow 明天 go shopping 去购物 buy some books 买书
Friday① Sunny①
I’m going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning②, I’m going to the bookstore to buy some new books.
Then I’m going to visit my grandparents③. In the afternoon② , I’m going to play football with my friends. I’m going to watch TV③ at home in the evening②. On Sunday morning,I’m going to clean my room. I’m going to do my homework in the afternoon. I’m going to read books in the evening. What about you What are you going to do on the weekend
题目2:请你以“A happy Saturday”为题,根据图片提示用be going to结构写一篇小短文。
A happy Saturday
Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to have a happy Saturday. In the morning I’m going to the zoo with my friend by bike. We are going to see elephants, monkeys, giraffes and lions. That will be funny. I love monkeys very much. I’m going to have lunch at home. I’m going to eat some rice and fish. Fish is good for our health. In the afternoon I’m going to play football with my friends.
寒假(winter holiday)快要来了,你准备怎样度过这个寒假呢?请以My Winter Holiday Plan为题写一篇小短文来介绍一下吧。
要求:1. 注意时态,语句通顺,不少于5句话。
2. 短文中不得出现自己的真实姓名等信息。
3. 要给出健康、快乐、平安的活动方案。
My Winter Holiday Plan
Winter holiday is coming. I'm excited. I like winter holiday very much. I am going to read some interesting books in winter holiday. The Spring Festival is in winter holiday. I will visit my grandparents. I will make dumplings with my mother. I will help my parents clean our rooms. I will play with my friends. I will have a happy winter holiday.
题目4:周末就要到了, 你会有一个忙碌的周末吗 假设你是Chen Jie, 请以“My weekend plan”为题, 用be going to 结构写写你的周末计划吧。
要求:条理清楚, 行文连贯, 不少于50词。
My weekend plan
Hi, I'm Chen Jie. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore by taxi. I'm going to buy a new CD, a dictionary and some storybooks. Then, I'm going to go home and read the new books. On Sunday, I'm going to the shoe store with my friend. Then, in the evening, I'm going to the gym with my mom. We're going to play ping pong together. I will have a nice weekend!人教PEP版
Part A
visit my grandparents 拜访我的祖父母 see a film 看电影
take a trip去旅行 go to the supermarket 去超市
this morning 今天早上 this afternoon 今天下午
this evening今天傍晚 tonight 今晚
tomorrow 明天 next week下周
Plan 计划 partner 同伴 have an art lesson 上美术课
in Renmin park 在人民公园 talk about 讨论关于......
Sounds great! 听起来不错 Have a good time!玩的开心!
You too!你也是 make a plan 制定一个计划
visit 拜访→visitor参观者,游客 film=movie 电影
See a film=see a movie=go to the cinema 看电影 go ice-skating 去滑冰
draw some pictures 画一些图画 wash clothes 洗衣服
draw pictures 画图画 make a snowman 堆雪人 go for a picnic 去野餐
1. --What are you going to do tomorrow 你们明天打算去做什么?
--I’m going to have an art lesson. 我要去上一节美术课。
2. --What are you going to do in your lesson 在课上你们将要做什么?
--We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin park.我们要去人民公园画画。
3. I’m going to see a film tomorrow. 我打算明天去看电影。
4. Have a good time! 玩的开心。
5. I have to do my homework now. 现在,我必须要做我的作业了。
6. We’re going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。
7. Where are you going 你们打算去哪?
8. When are you going 你们什么时候去
1.--What are you going to do tomorrow
--I’m going to have an art lesson.
be going to+动词原形:常用来表示按计划要发生的事情,有时也可以根据目前情
I’m going to go to bed at 9:00 tonight. 今晚我打算 9点睡觉。
1. be going to 结构的时间状语必须是将来的时间,如:
tomorrow,tonight,next week.
2. Be 动词随着主语的变化而变化。
3. 询问某人打算做什么的句型及答语
问句句型:①What +be+主语+going to +动词原形+将来时间?
②What +will+主语+动词原形+将来时间?
答语句型:①主语+be going to+动词原形+其他。
Be going to=will
What are you going to
I’m going to go swimming. do this weekend
4.have 的用法
含义 短语
进行,从事 have an art lesson 上美术课 have a picnic 去野餐
有,得到 have a kite 有一个风筝 have a book 有一本书
吃,喝 have lunch 吃午餐 have some tea 喝茶
固定搭配 have a look 看一看 have a good time 玩的开心
5.see,look,watch,read “看”法不同
see:强调看的结果,没有进行时态。I can see a bird in the sky.
look:强调看的动作,常与 at连用。Look at the blackboard.
watch: 强调过程,观看电视,比赛,戏剧,Let’s watch TV together.
read: 阅读,常用于看书,看报。He likes reading books.
6.Have a good time ! 祝你玩的愉快
Have a nice time!
Have a great time!
Have fun.
Enjoy yourself!
7.I have to do my homework now.
have to的用法:表示迫于某种限制条件或客观需要不得不做某事。意为“必须”后
It’s late.I have to go home now.(客观需要)
I must go now. (主观看法)
旅行 travel:尤指长途旅行。
9.take 的用法
take a dancing class 上舞蹈课
take a trip 去旅行
take a walk 去散步
take a look 看一看
Part B
dictionary 字典,词典 comic book 连环画 word book 单词书 postcard 明信片
space travel 太空旅行 half price 半价 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
get together 团聚 mooncake 月饼 poem 诗 moon 月亮
then 然后 interview 采访 report 报告
spaceship 太空飞船 travel plan 旅行计划 low price 低价
at a price 花高价 another 另一个 have a big dinner 吃大餐
Tell a story about... 讲关于...的故事 make mooncakes 做月饼
read a poem 读一首诗 play together 一起玩耍 live together 一起居住
go together 一起去 full moon 满月 half-moon 半月
1.My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. 我的表弟杰克下周要来看我。
2. We’re going to see a film about space travel.我们将要看一部关于太空旅游的电影。
3. I have lots of comic books about space. 我们有许多关于太空的漫画书。
4.It’s half price then. 那时半价。
5.My family are going to get together and have a big dinner.
6.My grandmother will tell us a story about Chang’e.
7.F is for family. F代表家庭。
8.We’ll all be together tonight. 今晚我们都将聚在一起。
9. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.
10.You can be together with your family too. 你也可以和你的家人聚在一起。
1. --Where are you going 你们打算去哪?
--We’re going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。
问句句型:①Where +be+主语+going to +动词原形+将来时间?
②Where +will+主语+动词原形+将来时间?
答语句型:①主语+be going to+地点。
②主语+will+go to+地点。
Be going to=will
Where is Amy
going tomorrow She is going to the park.
1. Where +be动词+主语+going+将来时间?
错2. 主语+be going (to)+地点,
提 表示地点的词是名词,前面+to

常用的疑问副词:how when where why
常用的地点副词:here there home everywhere anywhere
2.含有 be going to结构的特殊疑问句:
特殊疑问词 用法 例句
What 询问活动 What are you going to do tonight
when 询问时间 When are you going to dance
where 询问地点 Where are you going to play football
how 询问方式 How are they going to Shanghai
3.Why not的用法
Why not+动词原形?
例句:Why not go there by bus 为什么不乘公共汽车去那儿呢?
Why don’t you+动词原形 “为什不……呢?”
例句:Why not play football=Why don’t you play football
4.Here they are!的用法
例句:Here you are.给你。Here it is.它在这儿。
(2) 如果句子的主语是名词,则要将 be 动词置于主语之前。
例句:Here are your pencils.这些是你的铅笔。
易错点提示:be动词是用 is还是用 are,取决于后面的主语。
5.tell 的用法
tell 讲述,告诉
tell sb (not)to do tell sb about sth
告诉某人(不)做某事 告诉某人某事
Tell your brother to take My mother often tells me
his bag,please. stories.
tell sb. sth. =tell sb. about
sth. 告诉某人某事。
6. 单词的音节划分规则
但 r音节和字母组合除外。photo paper
一个属后,但 r音节和字母组合除外。apple sister
元音+r”归前头:相邻处是“元音字母+r”时,一般 r归前边。forty
daughter brother
一般的双音节词,重音在第一个音节上,如:worker/'w k /(工人)。
有的双音节词,重音在第二个音节上,如:until/ n'tIl/(直到……)。
三音节词的重音,一般在第一个音节上,如:family/'f m li/(家庭)。
也有在第二个音节上的,如:December/d 'semb /(十二月)。
节日 活动
Spring Festival 春节 Visit relatives and friends 走亲访友
Light firecrackers 放鞭炮
Pay a New Year call 拜年
Lantern Festival 元宵节 Enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏漂亮的花灯
Eat sweet dumplings 吃元宵
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Watch the dragon boat race 看赛龙舟
Eat zongzi 吃粽子
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Eat mooncakes 吃月饼
He is going to buy some flowers tomorrow.
I am going to Guangzhou Bookstore.
I will buy a Chinese English dictionary.
tomorrow明天 tomorrow morning 明天早上 the day after tomorrow 后天
next day/week/month/year/time
in 2050 在 2050年 in the future 在未来
in two days/weeks/years
some day 将来某一天 soon 不久、将要
①主语+ be going to + 动词原形+其他;
②主语+will+ 动词原形+其他.
同义句:be going to = will
I am going to go swimming tomorrow.
= I will go swimming tomorrow.
①直接在 be动词后面加 not。
②will+not+动词原形+其他. (will not=won't)
(some变 any,and变 or, too变 either)
例:He is going to buy some flowers tomorrow. (变否定句)
He is not going to buy any flowers tomorrow.
We will have a party next Sunday . (变否定句)
We will not going to have a party next Sunday.
一提:将 be动词或 will 提前;
二改:I,we→you my,our→your, am→are some 变成 any;
She is going to have a party next Sunday . (变一般疑问句)
Is she going to have a party next Sunday
① 问人:Who
I’m going to New York soon.
→ Who’s going to New York soon?
② 问干什么:What … do…
My father is going to watch TV with me this afternoon.
→ What is your father going to do with you this afternoon?
③ 问什么时候:When.
She’s going to go to bed at nine.
→ When is she going to bed
I’m going to New York soon.
→ Where are you going soon (不加 to)
She is going to Shanghai by plane.
→How is she going to Shanghai
Part C
disturb打扰;妨碍 without没有,缺乏 catch抓住
pool水塘;游泳池 afraid 害怕;畏惧 remember 记得
swimming pool 游泳池 be afraid of害怕
learn by doing在实践中学习 just try(尽管)试试
A new weekend is coming!
I’m going to have a nice weekend.
On Saturday/Sunday, I’m going to... in the morning.
I'm going to ... in the afternoon.
I'm going to ... in the evening.
How nice my weekend will be!
(1)时间单词:Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 ……
(2)活动单词及短语③:visit my grandparents play football
(3)句型:be going to+动词原形
表示时间的词汇 表示活动的词汇
today 今天 evening晚上 wash clothes see a film
洗衣服 看电影
Saturday tonight do homework fly kites
星期六 在今晚 做作业 放风筝
Sunday this weekend take a trip row a boat
星期天 这个周末 去旅行 划船
morning next week go to the park climb a mountain
早上 下周 去公园 爬山
afternoon tomorrow go shopping buy some books
下午 明天 去购物 买书
题目 1:你喜欢周末吗?你有什么周末计划?请把你的周末计划
I’m going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning②, I’m
going to the bookstore to buy some new books.
Then I’m going to visit my grandparents③. In the afternoon② ,
I’m going to play football with my friends. I’m going to watch
TV③ at home in the evening②. On Sunday morning,I’m going to
clean my room. I’m going to do my homework in the afternoon.
I’m going to read books in the evening. What about you What
are you going to do on the weekend
题目 2:请你以“A happy Saturday”为题,根据图片提示用 be
going to结构写一篇小短文。
A happy Saturday
Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to have a happy Saturday. In
the morning I’m going to the zoo with my friend by bike. We are
going to see elephants, monkeys, giraffes and lions. That will be
funny. I love monkeys very much. I’m going to have lunch at home.
I’m going to eat some rice and fish. Fish is good for our health.
In the afternoon I’m going to play football with my friends.
题目 3:
寒假(winter holiday)快要来了,你准备怎样度过这个寒假呢?请以
My Winter Holiday Plan为题写一篇小短文来介绍一下吧。
要求:1. 注意时态,语句通顺,不少于 5 句话。
2. 短文中不得出现自己的真实姓名等信息。
3. 要给出健康、快乐、平安的活动方案。
My Winter Holiday Plan
Winter holiday is coming. I'm excited. I like winter holiday very
much. I am going to read some interesting books in winter
holiday. The Spring Festival is in winter holiday. I will visit my
grandparents. I will make dumplings with my mother. I will help
my parents clean our rooms. I will play with my friends. I will
have a happy winter holiday.
题目 4:周末就要到了, 你会有一个忙碌的周末吗 假设你是
Chen Jie, 请以“My weekend plan”为题, 用 be going to 结构写
要求:条理清楚, 行文连贯, 不少于 50词。
My weekend plan
Hi, I'm Chen Jie. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On
Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore by taxi. I'm going to buy a
new CD, a dictionary and some storybooks. Then, I'm going to go
home and read the new books. On Sunday, I'm going to the shoe
store with my friend. Then, in the evening, I'm going to the gym
with my mom. We're going to play ping pong together. I will have
a nice weekend!