Unit 5 What does he do-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理


名称 Unit 5 What does he do-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理
格式 zip
文件大小 7.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-15 13:51:03


factory worker 工人 police officer 警察
postman 邮递员 businessman 商人
cleaner 清洁工 singer 歌唱家 dancer 舞蹈家
country 国家 nation 国家 head teacher 校长
headmaster 校长 headmistress 女校长
car factory 汽车厂 farm worker 农场工人
post office 邮局 postcard 明信片
police office 警察局 police car 警车
police dog 警犬
in Australia 在澳大利亚 other countries 其他国家
That’s nice. 那太棒了!
--Is your father a postman 你爸爸是邮递员吗?
--No,he isn’t./Yes,he is. 不,他不是。/是的,他是。
--What does he do 他是做什么的?
--He’s a businessman. 他是个商人。
He’s in Australia. 他在澳大利亚。
He often goes to other countries. 他经常去其他的国家
--Do you want to be a head teacher too
--No,I want to be a businessman.
--What does he do 他是做什么的?
--He’s a businessman. 他是一名商人。
问句句型:--What +do/does+主语+do
--What +be+某人?
--What do you want to be 你将来想做什么职业?
--I want to be a businessman. 我想成为一名商人。
句型:主语+want/wants+to be+a/an+职业
同义句型:主语+be going to +be+a/an+职业。
例句:I want to be a football player.=I am going to be a football player.
businessman 是合成词
单词1 单词2 合成词
class mate classmate
snow man snowman
news paper newspaper
story book storybook
sun glasses sunglasses
foot ball football
basket ball basketball
black board blackboard
ice cream Ice cream
water melon watermelon
bed room bedroom
bath room bathroom
super market supermarket
构词方式 例词
V.+er/r write 写→writer作家 clean打扫→cleaner清洁工 drive驾驶→driver司机 dance跳舞→dancer舞蹈家 teach教→teacher教师 work工作→worker工人
V.+or/ress act表演→actor演员 visit参观→visitor参观者 act表演→actress女演员 wait等待→waitress女服务员
n.+er/r/ist farm农场→farmer农民 art美术→artist艺术家 police office警察局→police officer警察
V./n.+man post邮递→postman邮递员 business生意→businessman商人 police警方→policeman警察
特殊 cook 厨师 student 学生 nurse 护士
fisherman 渔民 scientist 科学家
pilot 飞行员 coach教练
sea 大海 ocean 海洋 stay 保持 university 大学
gym体育馆 if 如果 reporter 记者 use 使用
type 打字 quickly 迅速地 secretary 秘书
at sea 在海上 lots of 很多
healthy life 健康的生活 work hard 努力工作
stay healthy 保持健康 study hard 努力学习
on a boat 在船上 everyday每天
I see. 我明白了 sea coast 海岸
go to sea 去当水手 stay up 熬夜
stay at home 待在家 stay fresh 保持新鲜
stay silent 保持安静 doctor 医生
Rescue 救援 any other job 其他工作
those people 那些人 be good at doing 擅长做...
want to 想要做某事 use computer 使用电脑
type quickly 打字迅 list 清单 compare 比较
Partner 伙伴 different 不同的 both 两者都
Title 题目 tip提示 allow 允许
real 真实的 camp 营地 information 信息
signature 签名 how many 有多少
after school 放学后 sport reporter 体育记者
The real World Camp 真实世界度假营
phone number 电话号码 think of 想到
Play games 玩游戏 how about=what about 怎么样?
--Where does she work 她在哪里工作?
--She works at a university. 她在一所大学里工作。
--Where does he work 他在哪里工作?
--He works at sea.He sees lots of fish every day!
--How does he go to work By boat
--No,He works on a boat.He goes to work by bike.
He has a very healthy life.他有一个非常健康的生活。
He works very hard and stays healthy.
We should study hard and stay healthy, too.
Hu Bin likes sports.He is good at playing football.
He wants to work in a gym.
--Where does he work 他在哪工作?
--He works at sea. 他在海上工作。
问句句型:Where do/does+主语+work
2.--How does he go to work By boat
--No,He works on a boat.He goes to work by bike.
问句句型:How do/does +主语+go to work
答语句型:主语+go/goes to work +表示出行方式的介词短语。
3.We should study hard and stay healthy, too.
Should 是情态动词,意为“应该”没有人称和数的变化。
句型:主语+should+动词原形+其他 某人应该做某事。
例句:We should be quiet in the library.
4.He is good at football,ping-pong and basketball.
考点:be good at 的用法:
句型结构:be good at+名词/doing形式 在...方面擅长
例句:He is good at chess. 他擅长下棋。
I am good at swimming.我擅长游泳。
词性 结构 意义 例句
动词 like+n./pron 喜欢某人/某物 I like football and basketball. 我喜欢足球和篮球。
like to do 喜欢(一次性) I like to go to swim today. 我今天喜欢游泳。
like doing 喜欢(长期) He likes reading books. 他喜欢读书。
与would连用 想要 I would like some noodles. 我想要点面条。
介词 像,和...一样 He wants to be a worker like his father.他想和他爸爸一样成为一名工人。
5.Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin’s grandfather.
构成 举例
冠词+名词 A country
名词+名词 Uncle Ben
指示代词+名词 This book
形容词+名词 Natural science
数词+名词 Thirty-two notebook
介词短语 At a university
副词短语 First of all
副词+介词短语 Early in the morning
副词+动词 /动词+副词 Study hard
主语+谓语 He stands up.
主语+谓语+宾语 I can speak English.
1. In Papa Westray//, Scotland//, the children go to school
by ferry//, too.
2. We eat mooncakes// and tell stories// about the moon.
unusual不寻常的,与众不同的 lion狮子 honey蜂
tamer 驯兽师 dangerous危险的 bee 蜜蜂
tester 测试员 assistant助理,助手 magician魔术师 nut 坚果 cracker爆竹,破碎机,破密高手短语
think of想起,想到 how about 如何,怎么样 what about 如何,怎么样 at home在家 lion tamer驯狮师 bee farmer 养蜂人
play games 玩游戏 computer game tester 电脑游戏测试员 magician's assistant 魔术师助手
nut cracker 坚果粉碎钳,坚果粉碎者
unusual job 不寻常的工作
Unit 5四步法介绍家人的工作情况
工作 ②:从事 什么工作?在哪里上班?
第三步: 知识储备:(1)职业类:postman (邮递员)…
(2)地点类:post office (邮局)…
(3)出行方式类:on foot (步行)…
(1) My father/mother is a... 我父亲/母亲是一名……
(2) He/She works in a... 他/她在……工作。
(3) He/She goes to... by subway/bus.
注意:介绍 家人职业时,一般先介绍家人的职业,最后再介绍
题目1:请以“My Family”为题,介绍一下你家人的工作情况,要求不少于50个单词。
My Family
Hello!My name is John. There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother and me.① My father is a doctor②. He works in a hospital. He works very hard. He goes to work by subway.② My mother is a teacher②. She works in a school. She teaches math. She goes to school by bus.③ I’m a student②. I often go to school on foot. We are very busy. But we are very happy. I love my family.
题目2:请你以“ My friend’s family” 为题,写一篇小短文。(12分)
1. 写出他家人的职业、工作地点及交通工具。
2. 语句通顺,书写工整。
3. 不少于50个单词。
My friend’s family
Hello!My name is Tom. I have a good friend. His name is John. He is a student. He goes to work on foot. He likes drawing pictures. His father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by bus. He likes playing football. His mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital, too. She goes to work by bike. She likes listening to music.
要求:1. 不少于5句话。
2. 不得在短文中出现真实的姓名。
3. 表达要通顺,书写要规范。
I'm a boy. I like playing sports a lot. I often go running in the morning and play football after school with my friends. On Sunday, I often go to a football school to learn to play football. I want to be a good football player. My friend Tom likes singing and dancing very much. He wants to be an actor. I think that's cool.
假如你是Mike,请以“My family”为题写一篇短文介绍一下你家人的职业、工作地点及上班或上学的方式等情况。
My family
Hello! My name is Mike. There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother and me. My father is a fisherman. He works on a boat. He works very hard. He goes to work by bike. My mother is a worker. She works in a clothing factory. She goes to work by bus. I'm a student. I often go to school on foot. We are very busy. But we are very happy. I love my family.人教PEP版
Part A
factory worker 工人 police officer 警察
postman 邮递员 businessman 商人
cleaner 清洁工 singer 歌唱家 dancer 舞蹈家
country 国家 nation 国家 head teacher 校长
headmaster 校长 headmistress 女校长
car factory 汽车厂 farm worker 农场工人
post office 邮局 postcard 明信片
police office 警察局 police car 警车
police dog 警犬
in Australia 在澳大利亚 other countries 其他国家
That’s nice. 那太棒了!
1. --Is your father a postman 你爸爸是邮递员吗?
--No,he isn’t./Yes,he is. 不,他不是。/是的,他是。
2. --What does he do 他是做什么的?
--He’s a businessman. 他是个商人。
3. He’s in Australia. 他在澳大利亚。
4.He often goes to other countries. 他经常去其他的国家
5. --Do you want to be a head teacher too
--No,I want to be a businessman.
1. --What does he do 他是做什么的?
--He’s a businessman. 他是一名商人。
考点 1:询问人物职业的句型及答语:
问句句型:--What +do/does+主语+do
She’s a singer. What does your sister do
她是一位歌手。 你姐姐是做什么工作的?
考点 2:询问人物职业还可以用以下句型:
--What +be+某人?
She’s a singer. What is your sister
她是一位歌手。 你姐姐是做什么工作的?
2. --What do you want to be 你将来想做什么职业?
--I want to be a businessman. 我想成为一名商人。
考点 1:表达理想职业的句型:
句型:主语+want/wants+to be+a/an+职业
同义句型:主语+be going to +be+a/an+职业。
例句:I want to be a football player.=I am going to be
a football player.
考点 2:常见的合成词
businessman 是合成词
单词 1 单词 2 合成词
class mate classmate
snow man snowman
news paper newspaper
story book storybook
sun glasses sunglasses
foot ball football
basket ball basketball
black board blackboard
ice cream Ice cream
water melon watermelon
bed room bedroom
bath room bathroom
super market supermarket
考点 3:职业名词的构成方式
构词方式 例词
write 写→writer 作家
clean 打扫→cleaner 清洁工
V.+er/r drive 驾驶→driver 司机
dance 跳舞→dancer 舞蹈家
teach 教→teacher 教师
work 工作→worker 工人
act 表演→actor 演员
V.+or/ress visit 参观→visitor 参观者
act 表演→actress 女演员
wait 等待→waitress 女服务员
farm 农场→farmer 农民
n.+er/r/ist art 美术→artist艺术家
police office 警察局→police officer 警察
post 邮递→postman 邮递员
V./n.+man business 生意→businessman商人
police 警方→policeman 警察
特殊 cook 厨师 student 学生 nurse 护士
fisherman 渔民 scientist 科学家
pilot 飞行员 coach教练
sea 大海 ocean 海洋 stay 保持 university 大学
gym体育馆 if 如果 reporter 记者 use 使用
type 打字 quickly 迅速地 secretary 秘书
at sea 在海上 lots of 很多
healthy life 健康的生活 work hard 努力工作
stay healthy 保持健康 study hard 努力学习
on a boat 在船上 everyday每天
I see. 我明白了 sea coast 海岸
go to sea 去当水手 stay up 熬夜
stay at home 待在家 stay fresh 保持新鲜
stay silent 保持安静 doctor 医生
Rescue 救援 any other job 其他工作
those people 那些人 be good at doing 擅长做...
want to 想要做某事 use computer 使用电脑
type quickly 打字迅 list 清单 compare 比较
Partner 伙伴 different 不同的 both 两者都
Title 题目 tip提示 allow 允许
real 真实的 camp 营地 information 信息
signature 签名 how many 有多少
after school 放学后 sport reporter 体育记者
The real World Camp 真实世界度假营
phone number 电话号码 think of 想到
Play games 玩游戏 how about=what about 怎么样?
1. --Where does she work 她在哪里工作?
--She works at a university. 她在一所大学里工作。
2. --Where does he work 他在哪里工作?
--He works at sea.He sees lots of fish every day!
3. --How does he go to work By boat
--No,He works on a boat.He goes to work by bike.
4. He has a very healthy life.他有一个非常健康的生活。
5. He works very hard and stays healthy.
6. We should study hard and stay healthy, too.
7. Hu Bin likes sports.He is good at playing football.
8. He wants to work in a gym.
1. --Where does he work 他在哪工作?
--He works at sea. 他在海上工作。
问句句型:Where do/does+主语+work
He goes to work by Where does your brother work
car. 你哥哥在哪里工作?
1. 在问句中,当主语是第三人称单数时,助动词用 does
当主语是其他人称时,助动词要用 do
2. 在答语中,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词用 works
当主语是其他人称时,动词要用 work
2.--How does he go to work By boat
--No,He works on a boat.He goes to work by bike.
问句句型:How do/does +主语+go to work
答语句型:主语+go/goes to work +表示出行方式的介词短语。
How does Miss White go to work
She goes to work by car.
3.We should study hard and stay healthy, too.
考点:情态动词 should
Should 是情态动词,意为“应该”没有人称和数的变化。
句型:主语+should+动词原形+其他 某人应该做某事。
例句:We should be quiet in the library.
4.He is good at football,ping-pong and basketball.
考点:be good at 的用法:
句型结构:be good at+名词/doing形式 在...方面擅长
例句:He is good at chess. 他擅长下棋。
I am good at swimming.我擅长游泳。
5.Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin's grandfather.
词性 结构 意义 例句
like+n./pron 喜欢某人/某物 I like football and basketball.
like to do 喜欢(一次性) I like to go to swim today.
like doing 喜欢(长期) He likes reading books.
与 would连用 想要 I would like some noodles.
介词 像,和...一样 He wants to be a worker like his
构成 举例
冠词+名词 A country
名词+名词 Uncle Ben
指示代词+名词 This book
形容词+名词 Natural science
数词+名词 Thirty-two notebook
介词短语 At a university
副词短语 First of all
副词+介词短语 Early in the morning
副词+动词 /动词+副词 Study hard
主语+谓语 He stands up.
主语+谓语+宾语 I can speak English.
1. In Papa Westray//, Scotland//, the children go to school
by ferry//, too.
2. We eat mooncakes// and tell stories// about the moon.
unusual不寻常的,与众不同的 lion狮子 honey蜂
tamer 驯兽师 dangerous危险的 bee 蜜蜂
tester 测试员 assistant助理,助手 magician魔术师 nut 坚果
think of想起,想到 how about 如何,怎么样 what about 如何,
怎么样 at home在家 lion tamer驯狮师 bee farmer 养蜂人
play games 玩游戏 computer game tester 电脑游戏测试员
magician's assistant 魔术师助手
nut cracker 坚果粉碎钳,坚果粉碎者
unusual job 不寻常的工作
Unit 5四步法介绍家人的工作情况
工作 ②:从事 什么工作?在哪里上班?
第三步: 知识储备:(1)职业类:postman (邮递员)…
(2)地点类:post office (邮局)…
(3)出行方式类:on foot (步行)…
(1) My father/mother is a... 我父亲/母亲是一名……
(2) He/She works in a... 他/她在……工作。
(3) He/She goes to... by subway/bus.
注意:介绍 家人职业时,一般先介绍家人的职业,最后再介绍
题目 1:请以“My Family”为题,介绍一下你家人的工作情况,要
求不少于 50个单词。
My Family
Hello!My name is John. There are three people in my family.
They are my father,my mother and me.① My father is a
doctor②. He works in a hospital. He works very hard. He goes to
work by subway.② My mother is a teacher②. She works in a
school. She teaches math. She goes to school by bus.③ I’m a
student②. I often go to school on foot. We are very busy. But
we are very happy. I love my family.
题目 2:请你以“ My friend’s family” 为题,写一篇小短文。(12
1. 写出他家人的职业、工作地点及交通工具。
2. 语句通顺,书写工整。
3. 不少于 50 个单词。
My friend’s family
Hello!My name is Tom. I have a good friend. His name is John.
He is a student. He goes to work on foot. He likes drawing
pictures. His father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes
to work by bus. He likes playing football. His mother is a nurse.
She works in a hospital, too. She goes to work by bike. She likes
listening to music.
题目 3:你将来想从事什么职业呢?为什么?你的家人或朋友的
要求:1. 不少于 5句话。
2. 不得在短文中出现真实的姓名。
3. 表达要通顺,书写要规范。
I'm a boy. I like playing sports a lot. I often go running in the
morning and play football after school with my friends. On
Sunday, I often go to a football school to learn to play football.
I want to be a good football player. My friend Tom likes singing
and dancing very much. He wants to be an actor. I think that's
题目 4:
假如你是Mike,请以“My family”为题写一篇短文介绍一下你家人的
要求:句子通顺,条理清晰,50 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词
My family
Hello! My name is Mike. There are three people in my family.
They are my father , my mother and me. My father is a
fisherman. He works on a boat. He works very hard. He goes to
work by bike. My mother is a worker. She works in a clothing
factory. She goes to work by bus. I'm a student. I often go to
school on foot. We are very busy. But we are very happy. I love
my family.