Unit 2 Ways to go to school-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理


名称 Unit 2 Ways to go to school-人教PEP版六年级上册知识点梳理
格式 zip
文件大小 10.8MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-15 13:51:38


7.traffic 的用法
类型:V型,L型, D型,B型,N型
1.V型:动词原形+其他. Open the door. 打开门。
2.L型:Let+人+动词原形+其他.Let Tom go home now.
3.B型:Be 动词+其他 Be quite! 安静
4.D型:“Don’t +动词原形+...” 祈使句的否定形式
Don’t open the door, please. 请不要打开门。
5.N型:No+名词或动词的-ing 形式!
No swimming!禁止游泳!
第一步: 审题、抓取关键词:去学校;交通方式
第二步: 罗列重要信息:介绍自己家离学校的远近、去学校的一些交通方式以及频度副词的运用
第三步: 知识储备:
1.常用的频度副词:usually 通常, often 经常, sometimes 有时
2.常见的交通方式:on foot 步行, by bike 骑自行车,by bus 乘公共车,
by train 乘火车,by subway 乘地铁, by ship 坐船
My home is ... the school. 我的家……学校。
Usually/Sometimes I go to school... 通常/有时我……去学校。
I often go to school... 我经常……去学校。
题目1:以“How do I go to school ”为题,写一写自己去学校的交通方式。
How do I go to school①
Hi, everyone. My home is near my school. So I usually go to school on foot .
Sometimes I go to school by bike. But I never take the train or subway③ to school. I will take my father’s car to school when it rains. What about you Please tell me.
要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。
2. 不少于50个单词。
Hi, I’m Tina. There are three people in my family. I’m a student in No.1 School. My home is near my school. So I go to school by bike every day. My father teaches English in my school. He goes to school on foot. He thinks walking is a good way to exercise.
My mother is a doctor. Her hospital is far from our home. She usually goes to work by bus. We all pay attention to the traffic lights. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.
I live near school. I often go to school on foot. I like walking with my friends together. My mother goes to work by bike. My father often goes to work by car. I like walking and riding a bike. I think they are good for our body. And they are good for our city.
题目4:Li Ying, Wang Hong和Du Fang是好朋友,可她们上学的方式不一样,为什么呢?请根据提示介绍她们是怎样来学校的并说明理由。
Name Ways to come toschool Why
Li Ying on foot near
Wang Hong by bus fast
Du Fang by bike likes riding a bike
Li Ying, Wang Hong and Du Fang are good friends. They have different ways to go to school. Li Ying usually comes to school on foot, because her home is near the school. Wang Hong often comes to school by bus, because it's fast. Du Fang usually comes to school by bike,because she likes riding a bike. That's good exercise.人教PEP版
Part A
on foot 步行 by bus 乘公交车 by taxi 乘出租车
by plane 乘飞机 by ship 乘船 by subway 乘地铁
Mrs 夫人 early 早的 classmate 同学 survey 调查
China 中国 USA 美国 from 从...... Hooray 好极了,万岁!
come to school 来学校 by bike 骑自行车 by car 乘小汽车
good exercise 很好的锻炼 early morning 清晨 an early bird 早起的人
from...to... 从...到... get to 到达 nature park 自然公园
1. --How do you come to school 你怎么来学校的?
--Usually,I come on foot. 我通常步行来学校。
2. That’s good exercise. 那是很好的锻炼。
3. Let’s go to the nature park. 让我们去自然公园吧。
4. --How do you get to the USA from China 你怎样从中国到达美国?
--By plane. 乘飞机。
How do you go to the zoo
--How do you come/go to+地点? I go on foot.
--I/We +come/go to +地点+表示出行方式的介词短语。
--How does +主语(第三人称单数)+come/go (to)+地点?
--How do +主语(第三人称复数/其他人称)+come/go (to)+地点?
How does he come to school
By bus.
当 come和 go后面跟 here,there和 home 等地点
副词时,应去掉 to。

always 总是
usually 通常
frequently 经常
often 经常
sometimes 有时
seldom 很少
从不 低
频度副词在句中习惯位于 be动词,助动词或
Sometimes,He walk to school.
by plane 乘飞机 by car 乘小汽车
by bike 骑自行车 by bus 乘公交车
by subway 乘地铁 by by train 乘火车
by taxi by ship 乘轮船乘出租车
by sled 乘雪橇 by ferry 乘轮渡
4.What about...句型的基本用法
What about 句型
What about +代词/名词 What about +doing
询问情况,打听消息 提出建议
What about this book What about going to the zoo
这本书怎么样? 去动物园怎么样?
What about...的同义短语:How about...
Part B
slow down 减速,慢下来 wait 等待 go 前行,出发 stop 停下
helmet 头盔 wear 穿戴 must 必须 attention 注意
traffic 交通 partner 伙伴 sign 标志 mean 意思是
touch 触摸 underline在...下划线 suggestion 建议
poster 海报 fast 快的 Munich 慕尼黑 Germany 德国
ferry 轮渡 Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛 Scotland 苏格兰
Alaska 阿拉斯加州 sled 雪橇
over there 在那里 get to 到达 so many 那么多
take the No.57 bus 乘坐 57 路公交车 people on bikes 骑自行车的人
cross the road 穿过马路 traffic lights 交通信号灯 pay attention to 注意
life jacket 救生衣 think of想起
1. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 黄灯时,减速并且停下。
2.Stop and wait at a red light. 红灯时,停下并等待。
3.Go at a green light.绿灯行。
4.Take the No.57 bus over there. 在那边乘坐 75路公交车
5.In the USA,people on bikes must wear one. 在美国,骑自行车的人必须带一个。
5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 我必须注意交通信号灯。
6.You must look right before you cross the road. 在你过马路之前你必须向右看。
7.Don’t touch the door.不要触摸门。
1. Take 表示乘坐时的用法
Take+冠词+交通工具 = by+交通工具 must无人称时态的变化,后接动
take a train=by train He must be tall and strong.
2. 情态动词 must的用法
情态动词 must
must:‘必须’必须表示必要或命令 must:“一定”表示肯定推测
You must know the traffic rules. The film must be funny.
你必须知道交通规则。 去这部影片肯定很有趣!
1.情态动词(Modal verbs)的含义:
can 表示能力:Can you play football We can’t go to the zoo today.
can 表示允许:Can I go outside now
may 表示允许:May I see it
must 表必须:We must cross the road.
must 表示猜测:He must be tall and strong.
should 表示应该:We should always remember: “Learning by doing.” He should see
a doctor.
Shall:表允许,可以不,Shall I watch TV now
不分人称和数量, 不同情感要看好。
Can 表能力和许可,也许、可能 may来表,
一定必须 must,should 应该来报道。
否定变化也不难,情态后把 not添。
3.wear 与 put on 的辨析
Wear: 表示穿着,戴着这一状态
Put on:表示穿上,戴上这一动作
I often wear my glasses. 我经常戴着我的眼镜(表状态)
When my mother reads books.she usually puts on her glasses.
4.一词多译的 right
对的,正确的 You are right. 你是正确的
right 合适的 The shirt is right. 这件衬衫正合适。
右边 The school is on the right.学校在右边。
5.pay attention to+名词/doing 注意
6.because of 与 because的区别
Because +句子
I go to school on foot because my home is next to my school.
Because of+短语
Amy doesn’t come to school because of the heavy rain.
Amy 因为大雨没有来学校。
7.traffic 的用法
traffic lights
traffic 交通 traffic police
不可数名词 traffic rules
traffic accidents
类型:V 型,L 型, D型,B型,N型
1.V 型:动词原形+其他. Open the door. 打开门。
2.L 型:Let+人+动词原形+其他.Let Tom go home now.
让 Tom 现在回家。
3.B 型:Be 动词+其他 Be quite! 安静
4.D 型:“Don’t +动词原形+...” 祈使句的否定形式
Don’t open the door, please. 请不要打开门。
5.N 型:No+名词或动词的-ing 形式!
No swimming!禁止游泳!
边的元音可以连起来读,这种现象叫连读。用符号“ ︶ ”表
例句: Put it on. 穿上它。
I want a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。
This is a coat. 这是一件外套。
Part C
missed 思念,想念 Chinese 中国的,中国人 different 不同的
British 英国的,英国人的 then 那时,然后 side 边,侧
double-decker 双层公共汽车 wrong 错误的 again 再一次
use 使用
British food 英国食物 look right 向右看 the same as 和...一样
It’s so good to see you,Annie!
句型结构:It is+形容词+动词不定式+其他
句中 it做形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式。
例句:It’s not easy to learn English well. 学好英语不容易。
第一步: 审题、抓取关键词:去学校;交通方式
第二步: 罗列重要信息:介绍自己家离学校的远近、去学校的一
第三步: 知识储备:
1.常用的频度副词:usually 通常, often 经常, sometimes 有时
2.常见的交通方式:on foot 步行, by bike 骑自行车,by bus 乘公共
by train 乘火车,by subway 乘地铁, by ship 坐船
3. 常用的句型:
My home is ... the school. 我的家……学校。
Usually/Sometimes I go to school... 通常/有时我……去学校。
I often go to school... 我经常……去学校。
题目 1:以“How do I go to school ”为题,写一写自己去学校的
How do I go to school①
Hi, everyone. My home is near my school. So I usually go to
school on foot .
Sometimes I go to school by bike. But I never take the train or
subway③ to school. I will take my father’s car to school when it
rains. What about you Please tell me.
题目 2:写一写你和家人是怎样去上学或上班的。
要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。
2. 不少于 50 个单词。
Hi, I’m Tina. There are three people in my family. I’m a
student in No.1 School. My home is near my school. So I go to
school by bike every day. My father teaches English in my school.
He goes to school on foot. He thinks walking is a good way to
My mother is a doctor. Her hospital is far from our home.
She usually goes to work by bus. We all pay attention to the
traffic lights. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and
wait at a red light. Go at a green light.
题目 3:你通常采用什么方式去上学,你的家人采用什么方式去
不要出现自己的真实姓名,不得少于 5句话。
I live near school. I often go to school on foot. I like walking
with my friends together. My mother goes to work by bike. My
father often goes to work by car. I like walking and riding a bike.
I think they are good for our body. And they are good for our
题目 4:Li Ying, Wang Hong和 Du Fang是好朋友,可她们上学
Name Ways to come toschool Why
Li Ying on foot near
Wang Hong by bus fast
Du Fang by bike likes riding a bike
Li Ying, Wang Hong and Du Fang are good friends. They have
different ways to go to school. Li Ying usually comes to school on
foot, because her home is near the school. Wang Hong often
comes to school by bus, because it's fast. Du Fang usually comes
to school by bike,because she likes riding a bike. That's good