

名称 吉林省“BEST合作体”2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题(无答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 3.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-16 14:19:17



A.Choose your friend circle wisely.
coming up,take a moment to reflect before reacting.
are controlling your thoughts in a healthy way.So next time you notice a powerful thought
without thinking.40 However,by choosing to respond mindfully rather than react,you
.Choose to respond rather than react.Often,when people feel touched,they react
can guide them toward happiness and success.
become stuck in their ways,with repetitive thoughts circling around their heads.
health problems than someone with a fixed mindset.People with a fixed mindset tend to
develop over time.A person with a growth mindset tends to be less likely to suffer mental
Shift your mindset toward growth.A growth mindset is a belief that your talents will
own thought patter can be positively influenced.
together with friends who express healthy thoughts and a positive mindset,and then your
with people wha want to see you do good and support your highest self.Spend a lot of time
.38 If you want to live a happy and fulfilling life,it's vital to surround yourself
thoughts with healthy ones as you begin to change your way of thinking.
limits and concerns.
down any negative thought that may be coming to your mind.You may replace negative
thoughts to break the bad cycle of negative thought patterns.It is important for you to write
.Identify negative thoughts.
But sometimes,that inner dialogue also presents a critical voice that points out shortcomings,
The voice within can be your inside guidance system toward development and optimism
D.Bumblebees Probably Enjoy Playing
C.Bumblebees Are selfless Insects
B.Bumblebees Roll Balls for Food
A.Bumblebees Are Hard workers
35.Which of the following can serve as the best title of the text
34.How does Samadi Galpayage feel about bumblebees'behavior in the new study
D.They shared food with each other.
C.They stayed in the feeding area.
B.They played with the balls.
A.They rolled their food around.
33.What did bumblebees do in the latest experiment of the new study
D.They are smarter than other creatures.
C.They like rolling balls for pleasure.
B.They are friendly to human beings
So you must first learn how to identify these
always met with
42.A.pick out
and joy and then she smiled 53
B.turn out
release our 55 feelings and let them go.
49.We repeated this several more times.I held back the
C.work out
tensions between us in daily life.It's nice to have a place where both of us can
Now we always find time to play tennis.We're both eager for an activity that can
she finally got it back over the net."This is tun,"she said with a mixture of surprise
just repeated the 52 of me hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before
51 the racket too close to the neck or to step more into her forehand.We
I started by hitting a ball over the net,and Julianna took a big swing and
desiring a connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.
court.The net felt like the visual representation of a growing
down our bags,picked up our rackets ()and 47 towards our sides of the
you want to play tennis "I asked."Sure,"she said.Arriving at the
Midway through summer,we stayed at home one afternoon,really bored."Do
me when I was a teenage girl.
would help Julianna.I've seen how sports help deal with stress,which was 45 to
Still,I was undiscouraged.I was convinced that
some of her growing teen worries on a larger playing field.But my suggestion was
Tennis seemed like a natural progression from ping-pong and a great way to
because some of my recent happiest memories were of playing ping-pong with her.
41,so stop trying to get me to do sports,"Julianna said.I suggested it
When I suggested my 13-year-old try tennis,she quickly turned me down."I'm
However,those who develop a growth mindset often express determination
People who lack confidence can allow negative thoughts to guide them.
E.This usually ends with saying something they may regret
D.It is easy to change your way of thinking and mindset.
Here are some ways to train your inner voice.
B.Spend much time with all kinds of friends.
D.leave out
50 to tell her she
48 between us-l
44 some physical energy