【核心素养】 Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第一册


名称 【核心素养】 Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第一册
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-23 22:13:00


/ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科
Unit 4 Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 分层练习
语言能力 掌握限制性定语从句的功能和规则。
学习能力 掌握语法的高效学习方法。
思维品质 根据规则,举一反三,分析图片并深入思考背后的含义。
文化意识 了解灾后救援工作,对救援人员的辛苦付出表示敬畏。
1.The economy is beginning to r   .
【解析】【分析】句意:经济开始复苏。根据句意和首字母,应用动词 revive “复苏”,此处不定式作宾语,故填 revive 。
2.She always has her head b    in a book.
【解析】【分析】句意:她总是把头埋在书里。根据句意和首字母,应用动词bury“埋头”,与her head在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作宾补,故填 buried 。
3.Her death was a great s    to us all.
【解析】【分析】句意:她的死对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的冲击。此处名词作表语,根据句意和首字母,应用 shock “冲击”,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 shock 。
4.She s    out while no one was looking.
【解析】【分析】句意:趁着没人看,她溜了出去。此处是谓语动词,根据句意和首字母,应用slide“悄悄地溜走”,结合 while no one was looking的时态,可知应用一般过去时,故填slid 。
5.It doesn't need much e   .
【解析】【分析】句意:不需要太多努力。此处名词作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 effort “努力”,much后接不可数名词,故填effort 。
6.Skilled readers make use of c    and prediction.
【解析】【分析】句意:熟练的读者会利用上下文和预测。此处名词作宾语,与 prediction 并列,根据句意和首字母,应用 context ,“上下文,语境”,不可数,故填 context 。
7.We moved into a cabin with e    but no running water.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们搬进了一间有电但没有自来水的小屋。此处名词作介词宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 electricity ,“电”,不可数名词,故填 electricity 。
8.Her d    was a great shock to us all.
【解析】【分析】句意:她的死对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的冲击。此处名词作主语,根据句意和首字母,应用 death ,“死”,不可数,故填 death 。
9.A h    was scrambled(命令紧急起飞) to help r    three young climbers.
【解析】【分析】句意:一架直升机紧急救援三名年轻的登山者。第一空名词作主语,根据句意和首字母,应用 helicopter “直升机”,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 helicopter ;第二空是不带to的动词不定式作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 rescue “援救”,故填 rescue ,故答案为:helicopter ; rescue 。
10.At l    my father went into the house.
【解析】【分析】句意:终于,我父亲走进了屋子。此处名词作介词宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 length ,at length 固定短语,“最后,终于”,作状语,故填 length 。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语at length。
11.The e    will last for the whole of his life.
【解析】【分析】句意:这种影响会持续一生。此处名词作主语,根据句意和首字母,应用名词 effect “影响”,不可数名词,故填 effect 。
12.I made a s    report for the records.
【解析】【分析】句意:我做了一个总结报告以备记录。此处名词作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 summary ,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 summary 。
13.Ancient w    has stood the test of time.
【解析】【分析】句意:古老的智慧经受住了时间的考验。根据句意和首字母,应用 wisdom“智慧”,不可数名词,故填wisdom 。
14.It is not within my p    to help you.
【解析】【分析】句意:帮助你不在我的能力范围之内。此处名词作介词宾语,根据句意和首字母应用名词 power “能力”,不可数名词,故填 power 。
15.Large numbers of immigrants f    into the area
【解析】【分析】句意:大量移民涌入该地区。此处是谓语动词,根据句意和首字母,应用动词 flood “涌入”,结合语境应用一般过去时,故填 flooded。
judge invite special congratulation express
16.My friends and teachers gave their    to me on my winning the competition.
17.At the meeting yesterday the manager    his thanks to his workers.
18.Both of the twin sisters    to the boy's birthday party.
19.    from his pale face,the boy seems to be ill.
20.They    came to the city to visit me.
18.were invited
It was a busy morning,about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30.
The nurse had him take a (1) in the waiting area, (2) him it would be at least 40 minutes (3) someone would be able to see him. I saw him (4) his watch and decided I would examine his wound, since I was (5) busy-my (6) didn't come at the appointed hour. While taking care of his wound, I asked him (7) he had another doctor's appointment.
The gentleman said no and told me that he (8) to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his (9) . He told me that she had been (10) for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be (11) if he was a bit late. He replied that she (12) knew who he was, and that she had not been able to (13) him for five years now. I was (14) and asked him, "And you (15) go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are "
He smiled and said, "She doesn't know me, but I know who she is." I had to hold back (16) as he left. Now I (17) that in marriages, true love is acceptance of all that is. The (18) people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just (19) the best of everything they have. (20) is not about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
(1)A.breath B.seat C.test D.break
(2)A.telling B.promising C.understanding D.persuading
(3)A.if B.after C.since D.before
off B.fixing C.looking at D.bringing
(5)A.very B.also C.seldom D.not
(6)A.patient B.doctor C.nurse D.friend
(7)A.when B.where C.why D.whether
(8)A.needed B.forgot C.agreed D.happened
(9)A.daughter B.wife C.mother D.sister
(10)A.late B.well C.around D.there
(11)A.lonely B.worried C.doubtful D.hungry
(12)A.so far B.neither C.no longer D.already
(13)A.recognize B.answer C.believe D.expect
(14)A.interested B.disappointed C.surprised D.satisfied
(15)A.only B.then C.thus D.still
(16)A.imagination B.tears C.words D.excitement
(17)A.realize B.suggest C.hope D.prove
(18)A.happiest B.richest C.healthiest D.luckiest
(19)A.learn B.make C.favour D.try
(20)A.Adventure B.Beauty C.Trust D.Life
(1)考查名词。A:breath“呼吸”;B:seat“座位”;C:test“测试”;D:break “休息,间断”。此处指老人在等待区坐了下来。take a seat固定短语,“请坐”,故选B。
(2)考查动词。A:telling“告诉”;B:promising“许诺”;C:understanding“ 理解”;D:persuading “劝说”。护士对老人能做就是告诉老人需要等待。故选A。
(3)考查连词。A:if“如果”;B:after“在……之后”;C:since“ 自从,因为”;D:before“在……之前”。 此处表示至少要等40分钟才能有人看他。故选D。
(4) 考查动词(短语)。A:taking off“起飞,成功,脱掉”;B:fixing“修理”;C:looking at“看”;D:bringing “带来”。看动作的发出者,一个焦急等待的老人会做的动作。故选C。
(5) 考查副词。A:very“很,非常”;B:also“也”;C:seldom“几乎不”;D:not “不”。根据上文,我观察到老人在看表,可知我不是很忙,故选D。
(6)考查名词。句意:我看到他看表,就决定检查他的伤口,因为我不忙,我的病人没有在约定的时间来。A:patient“病人”;B:doctor“医生”;C:nurse“护士”;D:friend “朋友”。故选A。
(8)考查动词。A:needed“需要”;B:forgot“忘记”;C:agreed“同意”;D:happened “发生”。老人告诉医生他要去疗养院吃早餐,故选A。
(9)考查名词。A:daughter“女儿”;B:wife“妻子”;C:mother“母亲”;D:sister “姐姐”。根据语境可知,老人去陪伴的是他的妻子。故选B。
(10)考查副词。A:late“迟,晚”;B:well“好”;C:around“周围”;D:there“那”。 根据语境可知,老人的妻子在疗养院那里已经很长时间,故选D。
(11)考查形容词。A:lonely“寂寞的”;B:worried“担心的”;C:doubtful“怀疑的”;D:hungry “饥饿的”。我问老人如果迟到,老伴会不会担心。l故选B。
(12)考查副词(短语)。A:so far“到目前为止”;B:neither“ 两者都不”;C:no longer“不再”;D:already“ 已经”。根据下文可知老人的妻子不再认得他了,故选C。
(13)考查动词。A:recognize“认得出”;B:answer“回答”;C:believe“相信”;D:expect “ 期待”。此处应是老人妻子认不出他已经五年了,故选A。
(14) 考查形容词。A:interested“感兴趣的”;B:disappointed“失望的”;C:surprised“吃惊的”;D:satisfied“ 满意的”。我听到这样的情况很惊讶,故选C。
(15) 考查副词。A:only“只有”;B:then“然后”;C:thus“因此”;D:still “仍然”。根据语境,我发出了即使对方一点都不记得老人,还仍然坚持每天去看她的疑问。故选D。
(16) 考查名词。A:imagination“想象”;B:tears“眼泪”;C:words“话语”;D:excitement “激动”。作者被感动了,并控制住了自己的泪水,故选B。
(17)考查动词。A:realize“意识到”;B:suggest“建议,表明”;C:hope“希望”;D:prove “证明”。文中表达的是作者通过老人的故事意识到婚姻的真谛,故选A。
(18) 考查形容词。A:happiest“最幸福的”;B:richest“最富有的”;C:healthiest“最健康的”;D:luckiest“最幸运的”。 最幸福的人并不一定是一个拥有所有最好东西的人。故选A。
(19) 考查动词。A:learn“学习”;B:make“制作,使”;C:favour“支持”;D:try“尝试,努力”。最幸福的人应该是最懂得珍惜所拥有的人,故选B。
(20)考查名词。A:Adventure“冒险”;B:Beauty“美丽”;C:Trust“信任”;D:Life P“人生,生活”。文章的目的就是告诉我们生活不仅仅是经历过风雨,还包括珍惜和享受所拥有的一切。故选D。
A terrible storm destroyed fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to the hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer, Mr Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.”
Mrs Woo said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.
“There was no time to take anything,” she said. “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought them food, clothes and shelters.
22.How many homes altogether were damaged in the storm
A.Fourteen. B.Twenty- one.
C.Twenty -nine. D.Thirty- six.
23.Where was Mr Tan when the storm first began
A.He was in bed. B.He was inside the house.
C.He was outside the house. D.He was on the roof.
24.Mrs Woo and her children didn't get hurt because ________.
A.her husband knew there would be a storm
B.they were all outside the house when the storm came
C.she felt the house was moving and ran outside at once with her children
D.the welfare department helped her
22.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的”A terrible storm destroyed fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. “一场可怕的风暴摧毁了十四座房屋。 其他七家人被严重损坏,以至于他们的主人不得不离开。另外十五家的窗户或屋顶被打破。因此有14+7+15=36家遭受损失,故选D。
23.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“I was eating with my wife and children ...”我和我的妻子和孩子一起吃饭......,以及”I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.“我回到屋里,发现他很安全,但非常害怕。可知选B。
24.考查细节理解。根据第四段”Mrs Woo said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.“胡女士说,她丈夫刚去上班,她就觉得她的房子在动。 她立刻带着孩子们跑到外面去了。故选C。
Climate change (气候变化) influences people in many ways. Extreme weather and sea-level rise can destroy homes. People can suffer physical harm from the effects of rising greenhouse gases.  25.   And children and teens are especially at risk of suffering from such mental problems, according to a new report.
"The brains of children and teens are still growing and developing," says Lise Van Susteren. She is an expert on the mental-health effects of climate change. Those growing brains make young people especially easily influenced by climate change. For example, many kids worry that the influences of climate change are expected to only worsen.  26.   Not every young person will have these feelings. But for many, the feelings can get in the way of their normal life.
Luckily, there are things the young can do to deal with bad feelings. For example, Van Susteren advises, "  27.   These are people who can help you let these feelings out."
Susie Burke is an expert providing mental health care in Melbourne, Australia.
 28.   Playing outside can help children keep calm. It can also improve someone's ability to pay full attention to things.
 29.   For example, 14-year-old Milou Albrecht is an activist (积极分子). Since last year, she has been one of the members of Australia's energy-saving programs. Milou says doing something to stop climate change helps her relax to some degree.
A. Talk with your friends or families.
B. She encourages students to get out in nature.
C. No part of the world has been left untouched.
D. The most important thing is to have a sense of hope.
E. It's also a great way to take action to protect the environment.
F. But climate change can also be bad for people's mental health.
G. This can cause feelings of sadness, fear, worry and nervousness.
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇教育类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
25.根据空前” People can suffer physical harm from the effects of rising greenhouse gases. “人们可能会因温室气体上升的影响而遭受身体伤害;以及空后“ And children and teens are especially at risk of suffering from such mental problems ”儿童和青少年尤其容易患上此类精神问题。可推知,空格处提到了气候变化对人类精神上造成的影响。F. But climate change can also be bad for people's mental health.”但气候变化也可能不利于人们的心理健康。“符合语境,故选F。
26.根据空前”many kids worry that the influences of climate change are expected to only worsen.“很多孩子担心气候变化的影响只会恶化;以及空后”But for many, the feelings can get in the way of their normal life.“但对许多人来说,这些感觉会妨碍他们的正常生活。可推知G. This can cause feelings of sadness, fear, worry and nervousness.“这会导致伤心,恐惧、担忧和紧张等情绪”。符合语境,故选G。
27.根据空前”Luckily, there are things the young can do to deal with bad feelings.“幸运的是,年轻人可以做一些事情来应对不良情绪。介绍年轻人处理由气候变化带来的负面情绪的方法;以及空后"These are people who can help you letthese feelings out."这些人可以帮助你释放这些感受。可推知,此处提到年轻人可以把自己的负面情绪通过与其他人诉说的方式发泄出来。 A. Talk with your friends or families. ”与你的朋友或家人交谈。“承上启下,符合语境,故选A。
28.根据空后”Playing outside can help children keep calm.“在户外玩耍可以帮助孩子保持冷静。可推知本段给出的建议是鼓励儿童和青少年走进大自然。B. She encourages students to get out in nature.”她鼓励学生走出大自然。“符合语境,故选B。
29.根据空后”For example, 14-year-old Milou Albrecht is an activist (积极分子). Since last year, she has been one of the members of Australia's energy-saving programs. Milou says doing something to stop climate change helps her relax to some degree.“例如,14 岁的 Milou Albrecht 是一名活动家。 自去年以来,她一直是澳大利亚节能计划的成员之一。Milou 说,做一些事情来阻止气候变化有助于她在一定程度上放松。可推知,E. It's also a great way to take action to protect the environment.“采取行动保护环境也是(处理气候变化导致的负面情绪的)一个极好的方式”。符合语境,故选E。
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Unit 4 Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 分层练习
语言能力 掌握限制性定语从句的功能和规则。
学习能力 掌握语法的高效学习方法。
思维品质 根据规则,举一反三,分析图片并深入思考背后的含义。
文化意识 了解灾后救援工作,对救援人员的辛苦付出表示敬畏。
1.The economy is beginning to r   .
2.She always has her head b    in a book.
3.Her death was a great s    to us all.
4.She s    out while no one was looking.
5.It doesn't need much e   .
6.Skilled readers make use of c    and prediction.
7.We moved into a cabin with e    but no running water.
8.Her d    was a great shock to us all.
9.A h    was scrambled(命令紧急起飞) to help r    three young climbers.
10.At l    my father went into the house.
11.The e    will last for the whole of his life.
12.I made a s    report for the records.
13.Ancient w    has stood the test of time.
14.It is not within my p    to help you.
15.Large numbers of immigrants f    into the area
judge invite special congratulation express
16.My friends and teachers gave their    to me on my winning the competition.
17.At the meeting yesterday the manager    his thanks to his workers.
18.Both of the twin sisters    to the boy's birthday party.
19.    from his pale face,the boy seems to be ill.
20.They    came to the city to visit me.
It was a busy morning,about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30.
The nurse had him take a (1) in the waiting area, (2) him it would be at least 40 minutes (3) someone would be able to see him. I saw him (4) his watch and decided I would examine his wound, since I was (5) busy-my (6) didn't come at the appointed hour. While taking care of his wound, I asked him (7) he had another doctor's appointment.
The gentleman said no and told me that he (8) to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his (9) . He told me that she had been (10) for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be (11) if he was a bit late. He replied that she (12) knew who he was, and that she had not been able to (13) him for five years now. I was (14) and asked him, "And you (15) go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are "
He smiled and said, "She doesn't know me, but I know who she is." I had to hold back (16) as he left. Now I (17) that in marriages, true love is acceptance of all that is. The (18) people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just (19) the best of everything they have. (20) is not about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
(1)A.breath B.seat C.test D.break
(2)A.telling B.promising C.understanding D.persuading
(3)A.if B.after C.since D.before
off B.fixing C.looking at D.bringing
(5)A.very B.also C.seldom D.not
(6)A.patient B.doctor C.nurse D.friend
(7)A.when B.where C.why D.whether
(8)A.needed B.forgot C.agreed D.happened
(9)A.daughter B.wife C.mother D.sister
(10)A.late B.well C.around D.there
(11)A.lonely B.worried C.doubtful D.hungry
(12)A.so far B.neither C.no longer D.already
(13)A.recognize B.answer C.believe D.expect
(14)A.interested B.disappointed C.surprised D.satisfied
(15)A.only B.then C.thus D.still
(16)A.imagination B.tears C.words D.excitement
(17)A.realize B.suggest C.hope D.prove
(18)A.happiest B.richest C.healthiest D.luckiest
(19)A.learn B.make C.favour D.try
(20)A.Adventure B.Beauty C.Trust D.Life
A terrible storm destroyed fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to the hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer, Mr Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.”
Mrs Woo said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.
“There was no time to take anything,” she said. “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought them food, clothes and shelters.
22.How many homes altogether were damaged in the storm
A.Fourteen. B.Twenty- one.
C.Twenty -nine. D.Thirty- six.
23.Where was Mr Tan when the storm first began
A.He was in bed. B.He was inside the house.
C.He was outside the house. D.He was on the roof.
24.Mrs Woo and her children didn't get hurt because ________.
A.her husband knew there would be a storm
B.they were all outside the house when the storm came
C.she felt the house was moving and ran outside at once with her children
D.the welfare department helped her
Climate change (气候变化) influences people in many ways. Extreme weather and sea-level rise can destroy homes. People can suffer physical harm from the effects of rising greenhouse gases.  25.   And children and teens are especially at risk of suffering from such mental problems, according to a new report.
"The brains of children and teens are still growing and developing," says Lise Van Susteren. She is an expert on the mental-health effects of climate change. Those growing brains make young people especially easily influenced by climate change. For example, many kids worry that the influences of climate change are expected to only worsen.  26.   Not every young person will have these feelings. But for many, the feelings can get in the way of their normal life.
Luckily, there are things the young can do to deal with bad feelings. For example, Van Susteren advises, "  27.   These are people who can help you let these feelings out."
Susie Burke is an expert providing mental health care in Melbourne, Australia.
 28.   Playing outside can help children keep calm. It can also improve someone's ability to pay full attention to things.
 29.   For example, 14-year-old Milou Albrecht is an activist (积极分子). Since last year, she has been one of the members of Australia's energy-saving programs. Milou says doing something to stop climate change helps her relax to some degree.
A. Talk with your friends or families.
B. She encourages students to get out in nature.
C. No part of the world has been left untouched.
D. The most important thing is to have a sense of hope.
E. It's also a great way to take action to protect the environment.
F. But climate change can also be bad for people's mental health.
G. This can cause feelings of sadness, fear, worry and nervousness.