人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件(共27张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件(共27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 3.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-23 18:48:57



Reading and Thinking
After this lesson, we will be able to:
know the city of San Francisco through reading a travel journal;
conclude that how a city has diverse cultures;
classify information by using diagrams(n.图表).
Learning objectives
1. occur  vi.发生;出现
2. downtown  adv.在市中心;往市中心
3. mission  n.传教(区);重要任务;使命
4. district  n.地区;区域
5. comic  n.连环画杂志;漫画杂志;喜剧演员 adj.滑稽的;使人发笑的
6. afterwards  adv.以后;后来
7. china  n.瓷;瓷器
8. diagram  n.简图;图解;图表;示意图
9. journal  n.日志;日记;报纸;刊物
10. claim  vt.& n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言
11. escape  vi.& vt.逃走;逃脱;避开
12. head to  (朝……)前进;(向……)去
13. seek one’s fortune  寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
14. earn a living  谋生
15. series of  一系列或一连串(事件)
16. apart from  除了……外(还);此外
17. bring about  导致;引起
18.admit vi.& vt.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入)→ admission  n.接入权;进入权
19.definitely adv.肯定;确实→ definite  adj.肯定的;确定的
20.select vt.选择;挑选;选拔→ selection  n.选择;挑选
固定搭配:have the good fortune to do sth.有幸做某事
make a fortune发大财
a small fortune一大笔钱
fame and fortune名利
seek one's fortune外出寻找发财机会
(2)misfortune n不幸,灾祸
固定搭配:be fortunate to do/in having sth.有幸做某事
(3)fortunate adj.幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地 unfortunate adj不幸的
(1)survive vt.&vi.幸存;活下来
survive sb. by+时间段 比某人活的时间长多久
survive sth.经历……而活下来
survive on靠……继续生存或存在
(2)survival 幸存;存活
the struggle/battle/fight for survival为生存而斗争/战斗/拼搏
the survival of the fittest适者生存
(3)survivor n幸存者
a survivor of the earthquake一名地震的幸存者
(1)vi. 承认
admit(to)sth. 承认某事
admit(to)doing sth= admit having done sth.承认做过某事
admit.to/into. 准许…进入(被动语态:be admitted to/ino)
be admitted as. 作为…而被接纳
(3)admission. n.(尤指对过错、罪行的)承认;入场费;进入权
an admission of guilt/failure/defeat 承认有罪/失败/被击败
gain admission 获得进入资格
admission charges入场费
近义词:happen,take place,break out
固定搭配:(sh)occur to(sb)(某人)产生(某种想法)
It occurred to sb.to do sth. 某人想起做某事
It occurred to sb. that… 某人想起……
seck for寻找
seek one's fortune 外出寻找发财机会;闯世界
seek out 找到,找出
seek advice/help/assistance征求意见/寻求帮助
seek sth.from sb. 向某人寻求某物
seek to do sth. 设法做某事,力图做某事
The Redwood Forest
in San Francisco
What impressed the writer first about San Francisco
2. What is so special about the Mission District
The beautiful old buildings, many sitting on top of big hills.
The Mission District is a vibrant, historical area full of culture and life.
Answer the questions using information from the travel journal.
3. Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco
To seek their fortune in the gold rush.
4. What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal
The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America; Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck; Chinatown.
1. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city…
2. It was quite modern and lively.
3. When these immigrants left their countries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here.
4. … I’m going to a jazz bar in the Richard District. Can’t wait!
Pay attention to the underlined words and understand the writer’s attitude in the sentences.
4. Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that __________ after it. More than 80% of the city was destroyed, including much of the _________ area. One area that was hit the hardest was the Mission _________.
5. Yunnan Province is __________ one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to. Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups. After visiting the southern part of Yunnan, I have to ___________ that it is the best __________ of China to escape the cold winter.
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. His son ______________(admit) to a famous university, which made
the whole family very pleased.
2. He opened the door and admitted me ____ the house.
was admitted
admit(to)sth. 承认某事
admit doing/having done sth. 承认做(了)某事
admit(to sb.)that... (向某人)承认……
admit... to be + adj. /n. 承认……是……
admit sb. into/to... 允许某人进入……/接纳某人为……的成员
sth. occurred to sb.
It occurred to sb. to do sth.
It occurred to sb. that...
It struck/hit sb. that... 某人突然想到……
[即学即练] 完成句子
3. ____________________________________(我突然想起) the band which I adored would perform at the National Stadium the next day.
4. I hope _____________________________(他没出什么事).
It occurred to me that / It struck/hit me that
no accident has occurred to him
[即学即练] 完成下列句子。
5.I used ______(go) to work on foot, but now I drive there.
6.Wood is often used _________(make) desks and chairs.
7.She __________ (习惯于) living in the countryside now.
8.This is what my mother ______________(过去常常告诉我的).
to go
to make
is used to
used to tell me
hide and seek 捉迷藏 seek fame 求名
seek through 找遍;搜查遍 seek to do sth. 试图/ 设法做某事
seek shelter 寻求庇护 seek advice from 向……征求意见seek one’s fortune 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
9. The farmers seek __________( harvest) all the crops before it rains.
10. Something suspicious was found after the room was sought ________.
to harvest
Named as the Spring City for its some 100 springs, 72 are famous, Jinan is located in the middle of Shandong province. It has a population of 8670000 and covers an area of more than ten thousand square kilometers.
Jinan is a political center with more than 4000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. The climate here is hot and rainy in summer and cold and dry in winter. There are many famous sites, including Baotu Spring Park, Daming Lake and Thousand Buddha Mountain. What’s more, it has a long history, with many famous figures living here, such as Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji.
Jinan not only plays an important part of the diverse culture of China, but also is really an amazing place to enjoy your holiday.
Jinan not only plays an important part of the diverse culture of China, but also is really an amazing place to enjoy your holiday.
1. If you have a chance to travel to San Francisco, which place mentioned in the travel journal will you want to go most Why
Pair work
Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture What do you think brought about the cultural diversity
What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
The benefits: People are able to experience a wide variety of cultures, making their lives more interesting.
The challenges: People may have trouble communicating or understanding each other.
If you have a chance to travel to San Francisco, which place mentioned in the travel journal will you want to go most Why