人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness Reading for Writing 课件 (共27张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness Reading for Writing 课件 (共27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-23 22:47:40



Period 4
Reading for Writing
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Learning aims
1. To discover the main structure and the main idea of this passage;
2. To master some useful expressions;
3. To realize the importance of being fit and write a passage on how to change your thinking on doing exercise.
Which do you think is healthy Why
1. What problem did Kayla have in the past
She wanted to be slim and tried every new diet she read about online but she didn't get desired results.
2. What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean
“I almost went bananas” means I am almost close to be mad.
Kayla was so eager to lose weight.
3. What made her change her thinking
The article she read changed her thinking: being fit is more important than being slim.
I. Read and answer the questions.
Reading Comprehension
1. What is Kayla’s trouble in the past
She looked like the slim girls on TV.
B. She worried about her weight.
C. She can not get along well with her classmates.
D. She tried healthy foods in her diet.
2. How does she become happier and healthier
A. Be positive about herself and her body.
B. Try every new diet she read about online.
C. Read an article about healthy diet.
D. Add healthy foods to her meals.
II. Read and choose.
III. Read the passage again and figure out the organization and
language features.
Title going positive
The turning point
The past The present
mood worried
happier and positive
run 2 kilometers in eight minutes
do 30 push-ups
add healthy foods to my meals
tried every new diet, tried no fat , low –fat ,only bananas
cut out the foods she enjoys,
to keep slim
to keep fit,
read an article about being fit
Ⅳ. 课文语法填空
Until last year, I was trying to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was __________. To lose weight, I tried every new diet I read about online. I tried no-fat, low-fat, 5:2, only bananas, no bananas---I almost ______ (go) mad.
Then an article changed me . It said instead of asking “Am I fat ” I should be asking “Am I fit ” I didn’t know a letter could make such a _________(different)! Then I started thinking about fitness rather than weight. I did not say that I wanted to lose three kilos. Instead, I would say I wanted to run two kilometers in eight _______ (minute) or that I wanted to be able to do 30 push-ups. I preferred ________ (add) healthy foods to my meals rather than cut ______ the foods I enjoyed. I still had a burger now ______ then, but I would add a salad or an apple.
to add
Finally, I stopped __________ (compare) myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body. Instead, I made a list of the things I liked about ________ (I). I became more positive about myself and my body. As _____ result, I became both happier and healthier.
1.compete vi.竞争;对抗
The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. 孩子们互相竞争着抵达池子的另一端。
(1)compete in 参加……比赛; 在……方面竞争
compete for 为……而竞争
compete with/against... for 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争
(2)competition n. 比赛; 竞争
competitive adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
competitor n. 竞争者; 对手
Language points
(1)The two players competed with each other ________ a gold medal.
(2)The young ____________ (compete) won a gold medal in the match.
(3)(2022·浙江1月高考)Above all, I hoped he wouldn't assign me to work with the fiercely (compete), extremely serious fellow.
I'm writing ________________________ Chinese paper cutting art exhibition.
to invite you to compete in
2. pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮
I don't know whether to say hi or to pretend not to see them.
pretend to be 假装是...
pretend to do sth 假装(要)做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth. 假装做了某事
(1)When his mother came in, he pretended ________ (do) his homework.
(2)Mary pretended to ___________ (finish) her homework and went out to play with her classmates.
①She pretended ________________ when we met in the street, which really made me upset.(宾语从句)
②She pretended ________________ when we met in the street, which really made me upset.(不定式)
to be doing
have finished
she didn't know me
not to know me
3. diet n.[C,U]规定饮食;日常饮食 vi.节食,控制饮食
I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online.
go on a diet 节食,控制饮食(表动作)
be on a diet 在节食(表状态)
a balanced/healthy diet 均衡的/健康的饮食
During festivals and celebrations, doctors remind people to _______________________.
I need to____________________ .
Have you ____________________recently?
have a balanced diet
go on a diet
been on a diet
4. stress n.压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安
Our teacher stressed the importance of communicating with others.
under the stress of 在……压力下;为……所迫
lay/place/put stress on sth. 强调某事物;把重点放在某物上
stress the importance of 强调……的重要性
①When ____________ stress, a person can have a headache or feel worried.
②Most students in China live under ____________ (stress) conditions.
③He laid particular stress ____________ the protection of the environment.
④Our teacher often lays stress on the importance of making full use of time.
Our teacher often stresses the importance of making full use of time.
Know how to write a small passage about healthy living habits.
Step 1 List the outline of the passage.
Paragraph 1: _____________________________________
Paragraph 2: _____________________________________
Paragraph 3: _____________________________________
I couldn’t balance rest and study before.
How to balance rest and study.
I can balance rest and study now.
Step 2 List the words, phrases and sentences.
Ⅰ.Words and phrases
1.________________ 结果
2.________________ 生病
3.________________ 一直
4.________________ 打篮球
5.________________ 落后
as a result
fall ill
all the time
play basketball
fall behind
6.________________ 良好的生活习惯
7.________________ adj. 肥胖的
8.________________ 强身健体
9.________________ 充足的睡眠
10.________________ 进行运动
good living habits
build up one’s body
enough sleep
take exercise
11.________________ 减肥
12.___________________ 对……有益处
13.________________ 节食
14.________________ 养成一个……的饮食习惯
15.___________________ 身体健康/不健康
16.____________________________ 对某人的健康/视力有益/害
be good for/do good to
go on a diet
form a...eating habit
be in good/poor health
be good/bad for one’s health/eyes
lose weight
②我不是整天学习,而是开始抽出时间来休息。(rather than)
③我不是整天做作业,而是一天踢一个小时足球。(instead of)
I was often busy with my study, so I had no time to have a rest.
Rather than studying all the time, I began to spare some time to have a rest.
Instead of doing my homework all the day, I went to play football for an hour a day.
Two years ago, I didn’t balance rest and study. I was often busy with my study, so I had no time to have a rest. As a result, I often felt uncomfortable and stressed. At last I fell ill and had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks.
After I recovered, I began to think about my way of life. I got to realize the importance of balancing rest and study. Rather than studying all the time, I began to spare some time to have a rest. Instead of doing my homework all the day, I went to play football for an hour a day.
Finally, I managed to balance rest and study. I became healthier. I didn’t fall behind; instead, I studied better than before.
Step 3 Draft the article.
应用词汇:1.compete : compete in, compete for, compete with/against... for
2.pretend: pretend to be, pretend to do sth, pretend to be doing sth., pretend to have done sth.
3.brief: go on a diet, be on a diet, a balanced/healthy diet
4. stress: under the stress of, lay/place/put stress on sth. , stress the importance of
make sense, pretend to do sth., even if/though, make a difference, cut... out, now and then, compare...with, be positive about, make a list of
认知词汇:fitness, legend, glory, championship, injure, injured, graceful, push-up
拓展词汇:compete→competition→competitor→competitive, stress→stressful
I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible.(even if 引导让步状语从句)
1. You must be __________ (积极的) about the stressful situation and believe that you can do it.
2. She is tall and ________ (苗条的) because she keeps doing exercise every day.
3.She’s always ____________ (控制饮食) in order to look nice on the stage.
4. It is walking and ____________ (慢跑) that get his weight down.
5. My English teacher made an ___________ (错误) and mixed up my results with someone else’s.
6. It is what you will do that ________________(有作用).
7. (2022·浙江6月高考)A lack of trust can make people work against you (而不是)for you.
8. When you give a speech, you’d better ________ (删掉) unimportant details.
9. He goes to be a volunteer in the hospital ________________(偶尔), though he’s very busy.
10. It is very high ___________(与……相比) previous reserve.
makes a difference
rather than
cut out
now and then
compare to
11. 即使你每天锻炼仅仅30分钟 ,对你身体健康也有好处。
_________________for only 30 minutes every day, it will be good for your health.
It was the culture _______________________ that made it hard for him to get used to the new environment abroad.
The doctor advised that we should ________________ and get into the good habit of going to bed early.
Your encouragement ___________________________.
made a great difference to me
rather than the language 
have a healthy diet 
Even if you exercise
Adversity is a good discipline.