专题04 【题型易-语法填空专练】高一语英语期末考试真题 历年真题汇编(全国通用)(原卷+解析卷)


名称 专题04 【题型易-语法填空专练】高一语英语期末考试真题 历年真题汇编(全国通用)(原卷+解析卷)
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文件大小 336.6KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-29 09:15:26


专题04 语法填空专练 最新高一上语英语真题汇编 期末真题+历年真题(全国通用)
最新名校期末真题 第1-10篇
历年真题参考练习 Passage 1-10
Scholars are exploring and using the wisdom of one of China’s leading neo-Confucian (新儒家) philosophers. Wang Yangming(1472-1529) 36 (develop) the “Philosophy of Mind” stressing understanding the world from within the mind. His famous doctrine (学说) of the “unity of knowing and acting” states that knowledge is the 37 (begin) of action, while action is the completion of knowledge.
The authorities of Shaoxing city, Zhejiang, 38 Wang spent most of his lifetime, have managed to use academic (学术) 39 (exchange) to promote Wang’s philosophy while examining its practical effect 40 modern society.
In 2020, the city held the Conference on Wang Yangming Mind Philosophy. Over the past three years, the annual event has become 41 platform for scholars from around the world 42 (share) their views on the Philosophy of Mind.
“Wang’s Philosophy of Mind 43 (exist) for more than 500 years,” said Ding Wei, vice-chairman of the International Confucian Association, “ Despite rapid social development, our desire to improve 44 (us) and to build a better future remains constant. That’s 45_____ we are still studying it.”
36. developed 解析:根据时间 1472 - 1529 可知,此处用一般过去时,动词 develop 要用过去式 developed 。
37. beginning 解析:定冠词 the 后要用名词,begin 的名词形式是 beginning ,“the beginning of...”表示“......的开端”。
38. where 解析:先行词是 Shaoxing city,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词 where 。
39. exchanges 解析:academic 是形容词,修饰名词,exchange 作“交流”讲时是可数名词,此处用复数 exchanges 。
40. on 解析:“effect on...”表示“对......的影响”,是固定搭配。
41. a 解析:platform 是可数名词,此处表示“一个平台”,用不定冠词 a 。
42. to share 解析:此处用动词不定式作目的状语,表示“为了分享”。
43. has existed 解析:根据时间状语 for more than 500 years 可知,此处用现在完成时,主语是 Wang’s Philosophy of Mind ,是单数,所以用 has existed 。
44. ourselves 解析:improve oneself 表示“自我提高”,主语是 our ,所以用 ourselves 。
45. why 解析:That’s why...表示“这就是为什么......”,此处解释我们仍然研究它的原因。
第二篇 (山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题的语法填空题)
China is famous for its 5000-year-long civilization which/that has never been stopped. Among all the factors contributing to this is the Chinese writing system.
In the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language mostly carved on animal bones and shells. By 1046 BCE, it had become a well-developed writing system. Over the centuries, it developed into different forms as people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of different dialects and characters. However, this changed when Emperor Qin Shihuang united different countries into the whole country.
Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the standardization of the writing system, 56.________ (make) it easier for people to communicate and share ideas. This uniformity of the writing system played a crucial role in maintaining the 57.________ (unify) and stability of the country.
The Chinese writing system has also had a significant impact on East Asian cultures. Many countries in the region, such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, adopted Chinese characters and incorporated them 58.________ their own languages. Even today, one can still find traces of Chinese influence in their writing systems.
Furthermore, the Chinese writing system serves as a 59.________ (record) of China's rich history, literature, and philosophy. Ancient texts, poems, and philosophical works 60.________ (pass) down through generations, allowing us to gain a deep understanding of the wisdom and thoughts of our ancestors.
In modern times, with the development of technology, the Chinese writing system has adapted 61.________ new mediums. It is now widely used in digital devices, enabling people around the world to access and communicate in Chinese with ease.
Looking forward, as China continues to play an important role on the global stage, the Chinese writing system will undoubtedly remain a 62.________ (value) part of its cultural heritage and a means of international communication, 63.________ (bridge) the gap between different cultures and facilitating greater understanding among people from all walks of life.
The beauty and complexity of the Chinese writing system continue to fascinate scholars and language enthusiasts, who are constantly exploring its 64.________ (hide) mysteries and potential. It is a 65.________ (testimony) to the creativity and intelligence of the Chinese people throughout history.
56. making 解析:Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered... 这个句子已经有谓语动词 ordered ,此处用现在分词 making 作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。
57. unity 解析:定冠词 the 后要用名词,unify 的名词形式是 unity ,“the unity of...”表示“......的统一”。
58. into 解析:incorporate...into...表示“把......并入......”,是固定搭配。
59. record 解析:a 后接可数名词单数,record 作名词表示“记录”。
60. have been passed 解析:Ancient texts, poems, and philosophical works 与 pass down 之间是被动关系,根据 through generations 可知,用现在完成时的被动语态,所以是 have been passed 。
61. to 解析:adapt to 表示“适应”,是固定短语。
62. valuable 解析:part 是名词,前面用形容词修饰,value 的形容词是 valuable ,表示“有价值的”。
63. bridging 解析:此处用现在分词 bridging 作伴随状语,表示主动关系。
64. hidden 解析:mysteries 与 hide 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词 hidden 作定语,表示“隐藏的”。
65. testimony 解析:a 后接可数名词单数,testimony 表示“证明;证据”。
Imagine mountains wrapped in silver water, shining in the spring sun. Summer 41 (sees) the mountains turn bright green with growing rice. During autumn, these same mountains are gold, and in winter they are covered in 42 (sheets) of white frost. These are the colours of the Longji Rice Terraces.
These terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people. 43 (Stretching) as far as the eye can see, these terraces cover tall mountains, often from the bottom to the very top.
So why did these people go 44 (through) so much trouble to turn the entire mountains into terraces Firstly, building the terraces meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. Secondly, the 45 (winding) terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away.
But perhaps what is most significant is the way in which people have worked in 46 (harmony) with nature to make these terraces and grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that 47 (interconnect) with each other. During the rainy season, it is along these waterways that rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. The sun heats the water 48 (and) turns it into vapour. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again.
Although modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces still mean a lot to the local people for 49 (whose) traditions hold much value. Today, the Longji Rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder 50 (created) by people and nature working together.
41. sees 解析:Summer 作主语,此处表示“夏天见证”,是一种拟人化的表达,用一般现在时,动词用第三人称单数 sees 。
42. sheets 解析:sheet 是可数名词,此处表示“一片片的白霜”,用复数 sheets 。
43. Stretching 解析:逗号前部分没有主语,此处用现在分词作状语,Stretch 与 these terraces 是主动关系,所以用 Stretching 。
44. through 解析:go through 表示“经历;遭受”,是固定短语。
45. winding 解析:形容词修饰名词,winding 表示“蜿蜒的”,修饰 terraces 。
46. harmony 解析:in harmony with 表示“与......和谐相处”,是固定短语,此处用名词 harmony 。
47. interconnect 解析:that 引导定语从句,先行词是 waterways ,从句中缺少谓语动词,根据上下文时态用一般现在时,interconnect 用原形。
48. and 解析:The sun heats the water 和 turns it into vapour 是并列关系,用 and 连接。
49. whose 解析:for whose traditions 表示“对于他们的传统”,whose 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 the local people 。
50. created 解析:wonder 与 create 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词 created 作后置定语。
I still remember the first day I came to this new school. Everything was new to me, 51 made me a little nervous. I looked around and tried to find someone 52 (talk) to, but I didn't know anyone.
Then, a girl came up to me and introduced 53 (her) with a big smile. She asked me if I needed any help. I felt so 54 (relieve) and nodded. We talked a lot and found out that we had a lot 55 common.
After that, we became good friends. We always sat together in class, 56 (discuss) questions and sharing ideas. We also went to the library together 57 (borrow) books.
One day, I had a problem with my math homework. I was very worried 58 I didn't understand it at all. She noticed my worry and offered 59 (help) me. She explained the problem to me patiently until I completely understood it.
Thanks to her, I have adapted 60 (good) to the new school life. I really appreciate her friendship.
51. which 解析:此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 Everything was new to me 这句话,关系词在从句中作主语,用 which 。
52. to talk 解析:find someone to talk to 表示“找某人说话”,用动词不定式作后置定语。
53. herself 解析:introduce oneself 表示“自我介绍”,此处是 a girl ,所以用 herself 。
54. relieved 解析:felt 是系动词,后面接形容词作表语,relieve 的形容词是 relieved ,表示“感到宽慰的”。
55. in 解析:have...in common 表示“有......共同之处”,是固定短语。
56. discussing 解析:We always sat together... 这个句子已经有谓语动词 sat ,此处用现在分词 discussing 作伴随状语。
57. to borrow 解析:went to the library 的目的是 borrow books ,用动词不定式作目的状语。
58. because 解析:I was very worried 后面解释原因,用 because 引导原因状语从句。
59. to help 解析:offer to do sth. 表示“主动提出做某事”,所以用 to help 。
60. well 解析:adapt 是动词,用副词 well 修饰。
It was a sunny weekend. My parents and I decided to go to the park for a picnic. We prepared a lot of delicious food, 61 (include) sandwiches, fruits, and juice.
When we arrived at the park, we found a nice place 62 (put) our blanket. There were many people there. Some were flying kites, some were playing games, and others were just 63 (lie) on the grass enjoying the sunshine.
My father and I played football for a while, 64 my mother was busy setting out the food. After that, we sat down and began to enjoy our picnic. The food tasted 65 (wonderfully).
While we were eating, we heard a beautiful song. We followed the sound and saw a young man 66 (play) the guitar under a big tree. He sang very well and many people stopped 67 (listen) to him.
We had a really 68 (please) time in the park. It was a simple but happy day, 69 made me feel relaxed and happy. I hope 70 we can have more family activities like this in the future.
61. including 解析:逗号后是对前面 food 的补充说明,用现在分词 including 。
62. to put 解析:a place to do sth. 表示“做某事的地方”,用动词不定式作后置定语。
63. lying 解析:were 后接现在分词构成过去进行时,lie 的现在分词是 lying 。
64. while 解析:“My father and I played football”和“my mother was busy setting out the food”两个动作同时进行,用 while 表示“然而;当......时候”。
65. wonderful 解析:taste 是系动词,后面接形容词作表语,wonderfully 的形容词是 wonderful 。
66. playing 解析:see sb. doing sth. 表示“看到某人正在做某事”。
67. to listen 解析:stop to do sth. 表示“停下来去做某事”,此处表示停下来去听他唱歌。
68. pleasant 解析:time 是名词,前面用形容词修饰,please 的形容词是 pleasant ,表示“令人愉快的”。
69. which 解析:此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 It was a simple but happy day 这句话,关系词在从句中作主语,用 which 。
70. that 解析:hope 后面接宾语从句,此处用 that 引导,且 that 在从句中不充当成分。
第六篇 (湖南省岳阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题 )
Tai Chi, also noted as Taijiquan, is a 36 (tradition) Chinese martial art that has evolved into a popular form of exercise and meditation. Originated from China’s ancient philosophy of Taoism, Tai Chi emphasizes the harmony between Yin and Yang.
The movements of Tai Chi are slow, gentle, and continuous, 37 (require) a high level of concentration and relaxation. By practicing Tai Chi regularly, people can improve their physical balance, flexibility, and strength. Moreover, it helps to reduce stress and 38 (anxiety).
There are many different styles of Tai Chi, each with 39 (it) unique characteristics. Some of the most well-known styles include Chen Style, Yang Style, and Wu Style. 40 (learn) Tai Chi usually starts with basic postures and movements, and then progresses to more complex forms.
In recent years, Tai Chi has gained 41 (increase) popularity worldwide. Many people are attracted to its benefits for both the body and mind. Some even see it as a way to connect with Chinese culture. Tai Chi classes can be found in various places, such as parks, community centers, and martial arts schools.
To become 42 (skill) in Tai Chi, one needs to practice 43 (constant) and under the guidance of a qualified instructor. It is not just about mastering the movements, but also about understanding the philosophy and spirit behind them.
Whether for health, relaxation, or cultural exploration, Tai Chi offers a 44 (value) practice that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It continues to play an important role in promoting physical and mental well-being, as well as 45 (preserve) and passing down traditional Chinese culture.
36. traditional 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“Chinese martial art”,tradition 的形容词形式是 traditional ,表示“传统的”。
37. requiring 解析:逗号前句子完整,“The movements of Tai Chi”与“require”之间是主动关系,用现在分词作状语。
38. anxiety 解析:and 连接并列成分,reduce 后接名词,anxiety 是不可数名词,表示“焦虑”。
39. its 解析:此处需要形容词性物主代词修饰“unique characteristics”,each 表示“每个”,其后用 its 。
40. Learning 解析:动词短语作主语,用动名词形式,Learning Tai Chi 表示“学习太极”。
41. increasing 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“popularity”,increase 的形容词形式是 increasing ,表示“不断增加的”。
42. skilled 解析:become 是系动词,后接形容词,skilled 表示“熟练的;有技能的”。
43. constantly 解析:此处需要副词修饰动词“practice”,constant 的副词形式是 constantly ,表示“不断地;经常地”。
44. valuable 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“practice”,value 的形容词形式是 valuable ,表示“有价值的”。
45. preserving 解析:as well as 连接并列成分,前面是 promoting ,此处也用动名词形式,preserve 的动名词是 preserving 。
第七篇 (湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 )
During 36_______ (child), friendship helps us understand and develop the habit of sharing and caring. Small kids develop friendship faster than adults and they enjoy the company of their friends. They play and learn together. Making friends 37 (be) important for their proper growth and development.
As teenagers, friends become 38 (important) for us. We go 39 many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems 40 (face) during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other 41 (family). 42 , we are quite comfortable communicating with our friends. Having good friends 43 can listen to our problems and offer us support and guidance is indeed a lucky thing during this age.
More and more people these days 44 (suffer) from mid-life crisis (中年危机). Their family, job, kid and almost everything around begin to appear 45 struggle to them at this age. Having good friends at this time can help them a lot.
Friends are important for old people, too. If they have friends around, their life will remain joyful and interesting.
36. childhood 解析:during 是介词,后接名词,child 的名词形式是 childhood ,表示“童年时期”。
37. is 解析:Making friends 是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数,此处是一般现在时,所以用 is 。
38. more important 解析:根据语境,此处是与成年人比较,要用比较级,important 的比较级是 more important 。
39. through 解析:go through 表示“经历”,是固定短语。
40. faced 解析:“Many of the problems”与“face”之间是被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语。
41. families 解析:family 是可数名词,other 后接名词复数,所以用 families 。
42. However 解析:前文说不能和父母及其他家人讨论,后文说和朋友交流很舒服,是转折关系,用 However 。
43. who/that 解析:先行词是“good friends”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 who/that 引导定语从句。
44. are suffering 解析:these days 常与现在进行时连用,people 是复数,所以用 are suffering 。
45. a 解析:struggle 是可数名词,此处表示“一种挣扎”,用不定冠词 a 。
第八篇 (湖南省郴州市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题 )
The Chongyang Festival, which has 36.___ history of over 2,000 years, falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
37.___ (tradition), we should celebrate the festival by going mountain climbing, but how many people today still observe this tradition
Traditional Chinese Festivals are an important part of Chinese culture, and they must 38.___ (promote).
Traditional festivals teach us a lot about our nation’s history. The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, 39.___ (pass) down the story of Qu Yuan, a great poet 40.___ (live) in the Warring States period of ancient China, from generation to generation by celebrating with rice dumplings and dragon boat races.
Moreover, celebrating traditional festivals enables us to learn to honor fine Chinese values. The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival 41.___ has a caring, family-centered message at their heart is considered 42.___ family togetherness.
Finally, traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national identity. For example, we celebrate the Hanshi Festival and Laba Festival with unique customs, and these shared 43.___ (experience) bring us together as a people.
Traditional festivals tell us 44.___ we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese. Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations. It is the duty of every one of us to protect them for generations 45.___ (come).
36. a 解析:“a history of...”表示“......的历史”,history 是可数名词,此处表示泛指,用不定冠词 a 。
37. Traditionally 解析:此处需要副词修饰整个句子,tradition 的副词形式是 traditionally ,表示“传统上”。
38. be promoted 解析:“they”(Traditional Chinese Festivals)与“promote”之间是被动关系,must 后接动词原形,所以用 be promoted 。
39. passes 解析:The Dragon Boat Festival 是单数,句子是一般现在时,谓语动词用 passes 。
40. living 解析:“a great poet”与“live”之间是主动关系,用现在分词作后置定语,所以用 living 。
41. which/that 解析:先行词是“The full moon”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 which/that 引导定语从句。
42. as 解析:be considered as 表示“被认为是......”,是固定短语。
43. experiences 解析:experience 表示“经历”时是可数名词,these 后接名词复数,所以用 experiences 。
44. who 解析:tell 后接宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,用 who 表示“我们是谁”。
45. to come 解析:for generations to come 表示“为了未来的几代人”,是固定短语。
第九篇 (湖南省湘潭市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题 )
Qingdao is a beautiful city, which is famous for the sea, and you can spend a happy time by 36 (lose) yourself in this wonderful city. Lying across the Shandong Peninsula while looking out to the Yellow Sea, Qingdao today 37 (consider) as a major seaport, naval base, and industrial center.
Together with the professional guide, you will visit the most 38 (attract) places in the city. From skyscrapers to parks and 39 (bench), you will have a great time. Qingdao has the second 40 (large) brewery (啤酒厂) in China. You will have a chance 41 (explore) the city of fascinating facts and legends, 42 (especial) great buildings full of much history. Some of them are Guest House, Pichaiyuan, Signal Hill, Qingdao Railway Station and Badaguan Scenic Area. You will be surprised at stories behind the streets, buildings, and corners. Your guide will tell you 43 is special and unique about living in this city. It is perfect for those 44 are visiting the city for the first time and want to get the most out 45____ it!
36. losing 解析:by 是介词,后接动名词,lose 的动名词是 losing 。
37. is considered 解析:Qingdao 与 consider 之间是被动关系,句子是一般现在时,所以用 is considered 。
38. attractive 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“places”,attract 的形容词形式是 attractive ,表示“吸引人的”。
39. benches 解析:and 连接并列成分,parks 是复数,bench 也用复数 benches 。
40. largest 解析:“the + 序数词 + 形容词最高级”表示“第几......的”,所以用 largest 。
41. to explore 解析:have a chance to do sth. 表示“有机会做某事”,用动词不定式。
42. especially 解析:此处需要副词修饰形容词“great”,especial 的副词形式是 especially ,表示“尤其;特别”。
43. what 解析:tell 后接宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,用 what 表示“什么”。
44. who 解析:先行词是 those ,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,用 who 引导定语从句。
45. of 解析:get the most out of... 表示“从......中获得最多”,是固定短语。
第十篇 (湖南省株洲市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题 )
Whether it is a child, a teenager, a middle-aged person or an old person, everybody needs good friends.
During 36 (child), friendship helps us understand and develop the habit of sharing and caring. Small kids develop friendship faster than adults and they enjoy the company of their friends. They play and learn together. Making friends 37 (be) important for their proper growth and development. As teenagers, friends become 38 (important) for us. We go 39__ many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems 40 (face) during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other 41 (family). 42 , we are quite comfortable communicating with our friends. Having good friends 43 can listen to our problems and offer us support and guidance is indeed a lucky thing during this age.
More and more people these days 44 (suffer) from mid-life crisis (中年危机). Their family, job, kid and almost everything around begin to appear 45 struggle to them at this age. Having good friends at this time can help them a lot.
Friends are important for old people, too. If they have friends around, their life will remain joyful and interesting.
36. childhood 解析:during 是介词,后接名词,child 的名词形式是 childhood ,表示“童年时期”。
37. is 解析:Making friends 是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数,此处是一般现在时,所以用 is 。
38. more important 解析:根据语境,此处是与成年人比较,要用比较级,important 的比较级是 more important 。
39. through 解析:go through 表示“经历”,是固定短语。
40. faced 解析:“Many of the problems”与“face”之间是被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语。
41. families 解析:family 是可数名词,other 后接名词复数,所以用 families 。
42. However 解析:前文说不能和父母及其他家人讨论,后文说和朋友交流很舒服,是转折关系,用 However 。
43. who/that 解析:先行词是“good friends”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 who/that 引导定语从句。
44. are suffering 解析:these days 常与现在进行时连用,people 是复数,所以用 are suffering 。
45. a 解析:struggle 是可数名词,此处表示“一种挣扎”,用不定冠词 a 。
Passage 1:(2022-2023 陕西渭南高一上统考期末)
Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeastern Hebei. For several days, the water in the village wells (水井)rose and 1______ ( fall). Deep cracks appeared in the well walls. Chickens and even pigs 2 ( be ) too nervous to eat and fish jumped out of the water. Dogs refused to go inside the buildings. At 3 :42 a. m, everything began to shake. In a moment, the city lay in ruins. A huge crack cut across houses, roads, 3 waterways. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. More than 400, 000 4______ (person) were killed or badly injured in the quake. As 5 result, thousands of children were left without parents. Later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan again, which made more buildings fall down. People found water, food, and electricity hard 6_____ (get) and wondered how long the disaster would last. But hope was not lost. 7_______ (luck), 150, 000 soldiers and more than 10, 000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care. Water and food 8 (bring) into the city by train, truck, and plane. Besides, workers built shelters for survivors (幸存者) 9_ homes had been destroyed. Slowly, Tangshan started to recover 10 (it) and breathe again.
Passage 1
fell 解析:根据“rose”可知,此处用一般过去时,fall 的过去式是 fell 。
were 解析:主语“Chickens and even pigs”是复数,句子是一般过去时,所以用 were 。
and 解析:“houses, roads”和“waterways”是并列关系,用 and 连接。
persons 解析:“person”是可数名词,400,000 修饰,用复数 persons 。
a 解析:as a result 表示“结果”,是固定短语。
to get 解析:“be + 形容词 + to do”是固定结构,此处用 to get 。
Luckily 解析:此处需要副词修饰整个句子,luck 的副词是 luckily 。
were brought 解析:“Water and food”与“bring”之间是被动关系,句子是一般过去时,用一般过去时的被动语态 were brought 。
whose 解析:先行词是“survivors”,关系词在从句中作定语,用 whose 。
itself 解析:Tangshan 与 recover 之间是主动关系,且此处表示“它自己恢复”,用反身代词 itself 。
Passage 2:(山东滨州2022-2023高一上期末统考)
Heatherwick Studio recently built a greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust's Woolbeding Gardens. This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse, is at the centre of a new garden that shows how the Silk Road influences English gardens even in modern times. The latest 56._________ (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective 57._________ (function) structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals (萼片)”made of glass and aluminium(铝). These sepals open on warm days 58. __________ (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cold weather, the structure stays 59. __________ (close) to protect the plants. Further, the Silk Route Garden around the greenhouse 60. __________ (walk) visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road, by which silk as well as many plant species came to Britain for 61._______first time. These plants included modern Western 62. __________ (favorite) such as rosemary, lavender and fennel. The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too. The Glasshouse stands 63._________ a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing(追溯) the steps along the Silk Route 64._________ brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the 65.__________ (rich) of gardening in England.
Passage 2
56. engineering 解析:此处需要名词修饰名词“techniques”,engineer 的名词形式是 engineering ,表示“工程”。
57. functional 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“structure”,function 的形容词是 functional ,表示“功能的”。
58. to give 解析:此处用动词不定式作目的状语,表示“为了给......”。
59. closed 解析:stay 是系动词,后接形容词,close 的形容词是 closed ,表示“关闭的”。
60. walks 解析:句子主语是“the Silk Route Garden”,是单数,句子是一般现在时,谓语动词用 walks 。
61. the 解析:for the first time 表示“第一次”,是固定短语。
62. favorites 解析:“Western favorites”表示“西方最受欢迎的东西”,用复数。
63. as 解析:stand as 表示“作为;充当”,是固定短语。
64. that/which 解析:先行词是“the Silk Route”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 that/which 引导定语从句。
65. richness 解析:the 后接名词,rich 的名词是 richness ,表示“丰富”。
Passage 3:(云南玉溪2023 - 2024 学年高一上统考期末)
Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are two Living Legends of Sports. They are 11 (athlete) mastering in their sports and also set good examples for others. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to 12_______ (she) country. As a coach, she led the China women's volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping 13 (love) by fans at home and abroad. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 14 (lose) two important players was 15____ big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She faced difficulties 16 (brave) and the team finally won the game.
Michael Jordan, 17 (know) as “Air Jordan”, changed the game of basketball. His skills were 18 (amaze). He could jump very high and fly through the air, 19______ made him difficult to defend. Jordan was also a very competitive player. He never gave up, no matter how difficult the situation was. He once said, “I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying.” This spirit helped him 20 (become) one of the greatest players of all time.
Passage 3
11. athletes 解析:根据“two”可知,此处用名词复数 athletes 。
12. her 解析:此处需要形容词性物主代词修饰“country”,she 的形容词性物主代词是 her 。
13. is loved 解析:Lang Ping 与 love 之间是被动关系,句子是一般现在时,用一般现在时的被动语态 is loved 。
14. Losing 解析:此处用动名词作主语,lose 的动名词是 Losing 。
15. a 解析:“a big challenge”表示“一个大挑战”,用不定冠词 a 。
16. bravely 解析:此处需要副词修饰动词“faced”,brave 的副词是 bravely 。
17. known 解析:“Michael Jordan”与“know”之间是被动关系,用过去分词 known 作后置定语。
18. amazing 解析:此处需要形容词作表语,amaze 的形容词 amazing 表示“令人惊叹的”。
19. which 解析:此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是“He could jump very high and fly through the air”这句话,关系词在从句中作主语,用 which 。
20. become 解析:help sb. do sth. 表示“帮助某人做某事”,用动词原形 become 。
Passage 4:(广东省部分重点高中2023-2024学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测)
The Internet has made our lives much easier and more convenient. We can do a wide range of things online, such as shopping, learning, and communicating with others. However, it also brings some problems. One of the major concerns is the issue of online privacy. When we use the Internet, we often leave behind a great deal of personal information, 21 can be collected and used by others without our knowledge. This may lead to various 22 (risk), such as identity theft and fraud.
To protect our online privacy, we should take certain 23 (measure). Firstly, we need to be cautious about sharing personal information on the Internet. Only provide information when it is necessary and make sure the website is secure. Secondly, it is advisable 24 (use) strong passwords and change them regularly. Moreover, we can use privacy-enhancing tools and software to add an extra layer of protection.
Another problem related to the Internet is the spread of false information. With the ease of 25 (share) information online, it becomes very easy for false news and rumors 26 (spread) quickly. This can cause confusion and even have negative impacts on individuals and society. To address this issue, we should develop the ability to critically evaluate the information we come across. Don't simply believe everything you read or hear online. Try to verify the source and check for multiple 27 (confirm) before accepting it as true.
In conclusion, while the Internet offers numerous benefits, we must be aware 28 the potential problems and take steps to protect ourselves. By being 29 (care) and informed, we can enjoy the convenience of the Internet while minimizing the risks. 30 (hopeful), with the continuous development of technology, solutions to these problems will also be found.
Passage 4
21. which 解析:此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是“a great deal of personal information”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 which 。
22. risks 解析:“various”修饰名词复数,risk 是可数名词,用 risks 。
23. measures 解析:“take measures”表示“采取措施”,measure 是可数名词,用复数 measures 。
24. to use 解析:“it is + 形容词 + to do sth.”是固定句型,用 to use 。
25. sharing 解析:“the ease of doing sth.”表示“做某事的容易性”,用 sharing 。
26. to spread 解析:“it becomes + 形容词 + for sb. / sth. + to do sth.”是固定句型,用 to spread 。
27. confirmations 解析:“multiple”修饰名词复数,confirm 的名词是 confirmation ,用 confirmations 。
28. of 解析:“be aware of”表示“意识到”,是固定短语。
29. careful 解析:此处需要形容词作表语,care 的形容词是 careful 。
30. Hopefully 解析:此处需要副词修饰整个句子,hopeful 的副词是 hopefully 。
Passage 5:(武汉市部分重点中学高一上学期2024年1月期末联考)
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in traditional culture. Many people are eager to learn about the wisdom and beauty 31 (contain) in it. One of the aspects that attract a lot of attention is traditional Chinese music.
Traditional Chinese music has a long history, 32 (date) back thousands of years. It is characterized by its unique melodies and rhythms. The instruments used in traditional Chinese music, such as the guzheng, the erhu, and the pipa, each have their own charm and expressiveness.
Learning to play a 33 (tradition) Chinese musical instrument can not only bring us pleasure but also help us understand the culture better. When we play these instruments, we need to pay attention 34 every note and rhythm, which requires patience and concentration. Through this process, we can develop our musical skills and at the same time, appreciate the 35 (deep) of the culture.
Moreover, traditional Chinese music often conveys certain emotions and ideas. The music can express the 36 (beauty) of nature, the love for life, and the thoughts and feelings of the musicians. By listening to and performing traditional Chinese music, we can have a 37 (close) connection with the ancient wisdom and spirit.
In order to inherit and promote traditional Chinese music, many schools and cultural institutions have started to offer courses and activities related to it. More and more young people are getting involved and showing great enthusiasm 38 learning and performing traditional Chinese music.
It is believed that by keeping this wonderful part of our culture alive, we can not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the 39 (diverse) of the world's music culture. Let's embrace the beauty of traditional Chinese music and make it shine 40 (bright) in the modern world.
Passage 5
31. contained 解析:“the wisdom and beauty”与“contain”之间是被动关系,用过去分词 contained 作后置定语。
32. dating 解析:“date back”与“Traditional Chinese music”之间是主动关系,用现在分词 dating 。
33. traditional 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“instrument”,tradition 的形容词是 traditional 。
34. to 解析:“pay attention to”表示“注意”,是固定短语。
35. depth 解析:the 后接名词,deep 的名词是 depth 。
36. beauty 解析:the 后接名词,beautiful 的名词是 beauty 。
37. closer 解析:根据语境,此处表示“更紧密的联系”,用比较级 closer 。
38. in 解析:“show enthusiasm in”表示“在......方面表现出热情”,是固定短语。
39. diversity 解析:the 后接名词,diverse 的名词是 diversity 。
40. brightly 解析:此处需要副词修饰动词“shine”,bright 的副词是 brightly 。
Passage 6:(湖北省荆州中学 高一10月月考)
The day before my friend Alex and I went to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, I was very excited. I found that we were in an actual kitchen with other adults and it wasn’t always soup that we were cooking. We made hot dogs and cookies.
Also, students 36. (usual) didn’t cook and just made the plates and set tables. Since Alex was fourteen and I was thirteen, we weren’t allowed 37. (enter) the dinner area while people 38. (eat).
I was sort of 39. (frighten) because my friends told us that we had to serve dirty and homeless people after 40. (learn) that we were going to volunteer at the soup kitchen. But the 41. (true) was that the people there weren’t all homeless. Some of the people were homeless 42. most of them weren’t.
I learned so much that night. I grew to respect those who weren’t so 43. (luck) as me. I wish more students would take their time away 44. video games or TV programs and would come and help out at the soup kitchen. It’s 45. amazing learning experience and can even be fun! Alex and I still talk about it and pretty soon we’re going to go back.
Passage 6
36. usually 解析:此处需要副词修饰动词“didn't cook”,usual 的副词形式是 usually 。
37. to enter 解析:be allowed to do sth. 表示“被允许做某事”,是固定搭配,所以用 to enter 。
38. were eating 解析:while 引导的时间状语从句,常用进行时态,根据主句时态可知,此处用过去进行时 were eating 。
39. frightened 解析:此处表示“感到害怕的”,修饰人,用 frightened 。
40. learning 解析:after 是介词,后接动名词,learn 的动名词是 learning 。
41. truth 解析:the 后接名词,true 的名词形式是 truth 。
42. but 解析:“Some of the people were homeless”和“most of them weren't”之间是转折关系,用 but 。
43. lucky 解析:so 后接形容词,luck 的形容词是 lucky 。
44. from 解析:away from 表示“远离”,是固定短语。
45. an 解析:amazing 是以元音音素开头,此处表示“一次令人惊奇的学习经历”,用不定冠词 an 。
Passage 7:(重庆第一中学 高一10月月考)
China held a meeting 36. Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to praise role models in the country's fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Medal of the Republic was conferred on a famous respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan. The 37. (nation) honorary title, "the People's Hero," was conferred on Zhang Boli, 38. expert who was responsible for the research of the COVID-19 treatment plan 39. (combine) traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Zhang Dingyu, head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, and Chen Wei, a military medical scientist 40. made major achievements in the development of vaccine and protective medicine.
"I would like to 41. (sincere) thank the Party and the state for granting this honor to us four medical 42. (worker)," Zhong said. “There should be no relaxation 43. China won victory at the beginning of the COVID-19 fight and I promise 44. (work) together with colleagues around the country and the world.” In addition, 1,499 persons, 500 groups, 186 CPC members and 150 primary-level Party organizations 45. (praise) for their roles in fighting the epidemic.
Passage 7
36. on 解析:在具体某一天的上午用介词 on 。
37. national 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“honorary title”,nation 的形容词是 national 。
38. an 解析:expert 是可数名词单数,此处表示泛指,且发音以元音音素开头,用 an 。
bining 解析:“the COVID-19 treatment plan”与“combine”之间是主动关系,用现在分词作后置定语,所以用 combining 。
40. who / that 解析:先行词是“a military medical scientist”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 who / that 引导定语从句。
41. sincerely 解析:此处需要副词修饰动词“thank”,sincere 的副词是 sincerely 。
42. workers 解析:four 修饰可数名词复数,worker 的复数是 workers 。
43. though / although 解析:“There should be no relaxation”和“China won victory at the beginning of the COVID-19 fight”之间是让步关系,用 though / although 。
44. to work 解析:promise to do sth. 表示“承诺做某事”,用 to work 。
45. were praised 解析:“1,499 persons, 500 groups, 186 CPC members and 150 primary-level Party organizations”与“praise”之间是被动关系,且句子是一般过去时,用一般过去时的被动语态 were praised 。
Passage 8:(南京市航空航天大学附属高级中学 高一10月调研)
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to admire 36. who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have 37. (value) cars and lots of money. 38. (actual) happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble, your friends will lend you 39. hand. When you are successful, you friends will provide you with 40. (congratulate). When you do something wrong, people who love you will help you correct it. And doing something good for others makes you feel happy, too. Taking a look around you, you’ll see that you are surrounded with 41. (happy).
Happiness is not necessarily related 42. money. It is a feeling in your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very OPP because you have something else 43. can’t be bought with money. When 44. (meet) with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances 45. (challenge) yourself. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
Passage 8
36. those 解析:此处指代“那些人”,用 those 。
37. valuable 解析:此处需要形容词修饰名词“cars”,value 的形容词是 valuable 。
38. Actually 解析:此处需要副词修饰整个句子,actual 的副词是 Actually 。
39. a 解析:lend sb. a hand 表示“帮助某人”,是固定短语,用 a 。
40. congratulations 解析:congratulation 常用复数形式 congratulations 。
41. happiness 解析:with 是介词,后接名词,happy 的名词是 happiness 。
42. to 解析:be related to 表示“与......有关”,是固定短语。
43. that / which 解析:先行词是“something else”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 that / which 。
44. meeting 解析:When 后省略了主语和 be 动词,完整形式是 When you are meeting with difficulties ,用 meeting 。
45. to challenge 解析:have chances to do sth. 表示“有机会做某事”,用 to challenge 。
Passage 9:(河北省保定市徐水区第一中学 高一上学期10月月考)
Adam is a handsome boy 35.is a freshman in senior high school. 36. (go) from junior school to senior high school is a really big challenge to him. The first week was a little 37. (confuse). First, he had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take. With the help of the school adviser, he 38. (choose) the suitable ones. He hopes to be fluent 39. Chinese when he graduates. What's more, he had to choose extra-curricular 40. (activity). He failed to join the school football team. 41. (obvious), he was unhappy 42. he won't give up. Instead, he joined a volunteer club and helped to hand out food to homeless people. Finally, he will have to study harder although 43. will be quite difficult to get used to all homework. He will be well 44. (prepare) for university or whatever else comes in the future.
Passage 9
35. who / that 解析:先行词是“a handsome boy”,关系词在从句中作主语,用 who / that 。
36. Going 解析:此处用动名词作主语,go 的动名词是 Going 。
37. confusing 解析:此处表示“令人困惑的”,修饰事物,用 confusing 。
38. chose 解析:根据上下文可知,此处用一般过去时,choose 的过去式是 chose 。
39. in 解析:be fluent in 表示“在......方面流利”,是固定短语,用 in 。
40. activities 解析:activity 是可数名词,此处用复数 activities 。
41. Obviously 解析:此处需要副词修饰整个句子,obvious 的副词是 Obviously 。
42. but 解析:“he was unhappy”和“he won't give up”之间是转折关系,用 but 。
43. it 解析:it 作形式主语,真正的主语是“to get used to all homework”。
44. prepared 解析:be prepared for 表示“为......做好准备”,是固定短语。
Passage 10:(黑龙江吉林两省十校 高一上期中联考)
Owen Estee and Zach Appel found a way to both teach the sport 36. they love and help people in need.
The Acalanes High School lacrosse (长曲棍球) 37. (play) in the San Francisco Bay Area started “Lacrosse Against Hunger”, a plan to teach little children the basics of the sport for $25 a lesson and sent the money to a food organization that collects food for the 38. (hunger). So far, the 15-year-olds have raised more than $20,000. It was enough 39. (provide) over 2,000 meals for the homeless and their families.
“It’s such an 40. (amaze) feeling,” Estee said. “I’ve had parents tell me that their kids call sport time the happiest moments of their summer. It’s something they look forward 41. every week.”
Through a website, they sent all the money to the White Pony Express, which usually 42. (deliver) food collected from food shops to the poor.
“Zach and Owen are really helping us a lot,” said Eve Birge of White Pony Express. “ 43. (We) deliveries are now three times as big as before. We really want to help all of those in need.”
At White Pony Express, most of the 44. (volunteer) have been teenagers, Birge said. “Zach and Owen are setting 45. great example for the other young people.”
Passage 10
36. that / which 解析:先行词是“the sport”,关系词在从句中作宾语,用 that / which 。
37. players 解析:此处表示“运动员”,根据语境用复数 players 。
38. hungry 解析:the + 形容词,表示一类人,the hungry 表示“饥饿的人”。
39. to provide 解析:be + 形容词 + enough + to do sth. 表示“足够......去做某事”,用 to provide 。
40. amazing 解析:此处表示“令人惊奇的”,修饰事物,用 amazing 。
41. to 解析:look forward to 表示“期待”,是固定短语,用 to 。
42. delivers 解析:which 指代“the White Pony Express”,是单数,句子是一般现在时,谓语动词用 delivers 。
43. Our 解析:此处需要形容词性物主代词修饰“deliveries”,用 Our 。
44. volunteers 解析:most of 后接名词复数,volunteer 的复数是 volunteers 。
45. a 解析:set a great example 表示“树立一个好榜样”,用 a 。
1专题04 语法填空专练 最新高一上语英语真题汇编 期末真题+历年真题(全国通用)
最新名校期末真题 第1-10篇
历年真题参考练习 Passage 1-10
Scholars are exploring and using the wisdom of one of China’s leading neo-Confucian (新儒家) philosophers. Wang Yangming(1472-1529) 36 (develop) the “Philosophy of Mind” stressing understanding the world from within the mind. His famous doctrine (学说) of the “unity of knowing and acting” states that knowledge is the 37 (begin) of action, while action is the completion of knowledge.
The authorities of Shaoxing city, Zhejiang, 38 Wang spent most of his lifetime, have managed to use academic (学术) 39 (exchange) to promote Wang’s philosophy while examining its practical effect 40 modern society.
In 2020, the city held the Conference on Wang Yangming Mind Philosophy. Over the past three years, the annual event has become 41 platform for scholars from around the world 42 (share) their views on the Philosophy of Mind.
“Wang’s Philosophy of Mind 43 (exist) for more than 500 years,” said Ding Wei, vice-chairman of the International Confucian Association, “ Despite rapid social development, our desire to improve 44 (us) and to build a better future remains constant. That’s 45_____ we are still studying it.”
第二篇 (山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题的语法填空题)
China is famous for its 5000-year-long civilization which/that has never been stopped. Among all the factors contributing to this is the Chinese writing system.
In the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language mostly carved on animal bones and shells. By 1046 BCE, it had become a well-developed writing system. Over the centuries, it developed into different forms as people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of different dialects and characters. However, this changed when Emperor Qin Shihuang united different countries into the whole country.
Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the standardization of the writing system, 56.________ (make) it easier for people to communicate and share ideas. This uniformity of the writing system played a crucial role in maintaining the 57.________ (unify) and stability of the country.
The Chinese writing system has also had a significant impact on East Asian cultures. Many countries in the region, such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, adopted Chinese characters and incorporated them 58.________ their own languages. Even today, one can still find traces of Chinese influence in their writing systems.
Furthermore, the Chinese writing system serves as a 59.________ (record) of China's rich history, literature, and philosophy. Ancient texts, poems, and philosophical works 60.________ (pass) down through generations, allowing us to gain a deep understanding of the wisdom and thoughts of our ancestors.
In modern times, with the development of technology, the Chinese writing system has adapted 61.________ new mediums. It is now widely used in digital devices, enabling people around the world to access and communicate in Chinese with ease.
Looking forward, as China continues to play an important role on the global stage, the Chinese writing system will undoubtedly remain a 62.________ (value) part of its cultural heritage and a means of international communication, 63.________ (bridge) the gap between different cultures and facilitating greater understanding among people from all walks of life.
The beauty and complexity of the Chinese writing system continue to fascinate scholars and language enthusiasts, who are constantly exploring its 64.________ (hide) mysteries and potential. It is a 65.________ (testimony) to the creativity and intelligence of the Chinese people throughout history.
Imagine mountains wrapped in silver water, shining in the spring sun. Summer 41 (sees) the mountains turn bright green with growing rice. During autumn, these same mountains are gold, and in winter they are covered in 42 (sheets) of white frost. These are the colours of the Longji Rice Terraces.
These terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people. 43 (Stretching) as far as the eye can see, these terraces cover tall mountains, often from the bottom to the very top.
So why did these people go 44 (through) so much trouble to turn the entire mountains into terraces Firstly, building the terraces meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. Secondly, the 45 (winding) terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away.
But perhaps what is most significant is the way in which people have worked in 46 (harmony) with nature to make these terraces and grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that 47 (interconnect) with each other. During the rainy season, it is along these waterways that rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. The sun heats the water 48 (and) turns it into vapour. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again.
Although modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces still mean a lot to the local people for 49 (whose) traditions hold much value. Today, the Longji Rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder 50 (created) by people and nature working together.
I still remember the first day I came to this new school. Everything was new to me, 51 made me a little nervous. I looked around and tried to find someone 52 (talk) to, but I didn't know anyone.
Then, a girl came up to me and introduced 53 (her) with a big smile. She asked me if I needed any help. I felt so 54 (relieve) and nodded. We talked a lot and found out that we had a lot 55 common.
After that, we became good friends. We always sat together in class, 56 (discuss) questions and sharing ideas. We also went to the library together 57 (borrow) books.
One day, I had a problem with my math homework. I was very worried 58 I didn't understand it at all. She noticed my worry and offered 59 (help) me. She explained the problem to me patiently until I completely understood it.
Thanks to her, I have adapted 60 (good) to the new school life. I really appreciate her friendship.
It was a sunny weekend. My parents and I decided to go to the park for a picnic. We prepared a lot of delicious food, 61 (include) sandwiches, fruits, and juice.
When we arrived at the park, we found a nice place 62 (put) our blanket. There were many people there. Some were flying kites, some were playing games, and others were just 63 (lie) on the grass enjoying the sunshine.
My father and I played football for a while, 64 my mother was busy setting out the food. After that, we sat down and began to enjoy our picnic. The food tasted 65 (wonderfully).
While we were eating, we heard a beautiful song. We followed the sound and saw a young man 66 (play) the guitar under a big tree. He sang very well and many people stopped 67 (listen) to him.
We had a really 68 (please) time in the park. It was a simple but happy day, 69 made me feel relaxed and happy. I hope 70 we can have more family activities like this in the future.
第六篇 (湖南省岳阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题 )
Tai Chi, also noted as Taijiquan, is a 36 (tradition) Chinese martial art that has evolved into a popular form of exercise and meditation. Originated from China’s ancient philosophy of Taoism, Tai Chi emphasizes the harmony between Yin and Yang.
The movements of Tai Chi are slow, gentle, and continuous, 37 (require) a high level of concentration and relaxation. By practicing Tai Chi regularly, people can improve their physical balance, flexibility, and strength. Moreover, it helps to reduce stress and 38 (anxiety).
There are many different styles of Tai Chi, each with 39 (it) unique characteristics. Some of the most well-known styles include Chen Style, Yang Style, and Wu Style. 40 (learn) Tai Chi usually starts with basic postures and movements, and then progresses to more complex forms.
In recent years, Tai Chi has gained 41 (increase) popularity worldwide. Many people are attracted to its benefits for both the body and mind. Some even see it as a way to connect with Chinese culture. Tai Chi classes can be found in various places, such as parks, community centers, and martial arts schools.
To become 42 (skill) in Tai Chi, one needs to practice 43 (constant) and under the guidance of a qualified instructor. It is not just about mastering the movements, but also about understanding the philosophy and spirit behind them.
Whether for health, relaxation, or cultural exploration, Tai Chi offers a 44 (value) practice that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It continues to play an important role in promoting physical and mental well-being, as well as 45 (preserve) and passing down traditional Chinese culture.
第七篇 (湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 )
During 36_______ (child), friendship helps us understand and develop the habit of sharing and caring. Small kids develop friendship faster than adults and they enjoy the company of their friends. They play and learn together. Making friends 37 (be) important for their proper growth and development.
As teenagers, friends become 38 (important) for us. We go 39 many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems 40 (face) during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other 41 (family). 42 , we are quite comfortable communicating with our friends. Having good friends 43 can listen to our problems and offer us support and guidance is indeed a lucky thing during this age.
More and more people these days 44 (suffer) from mid-life crisis (中年危机). Their family, job, kid and almost everything around begin to appear 45 struggle to them at this age. Having good friends at this time can help them a lot.
Friends are important for old people, too. If they have friends around, their life will remain joyful and interesting.
第八篇 (湖南省郴州市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题 )
The Chongyang Festival, which has 36.___ history of over 2,000 years, falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
37.___ (tradition), we should celebrate the festival by going mountain climbing, but how many people today still observe this tradition
Traditional Chinese Festivals are an important part of Chinese culture, and they must 38.___ (promote).
Traditional festivals teach us a lot about our nation’s history. The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, 39.___ (pass) down the story of Qu Yuan, a great poet 40.___ (live) in the Warring States period of ancient China, from generation to generation by celebrating with rice dumplings and dragon boat races.
Moreover, celebrating traditional festivals enables us to learn to honor fine Chinese values. The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival 41.___ has a caring, family-centered message at their heart is considered 42.___ family togetherness.
Finally, traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national identity. For example, we celebrate the Hanshi Festival and Laba Festival with unique customs, and these shared 43.___ (experience) bring us together as a people.
Traditional festivals tell us 44.___ we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese. Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations. It is the duty of every one of us to protect them for generations 45.___ (come).
第九篇 (湖南省湘潭市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题 )
Qingdao is a beautiful city, which is famous for the sea, and you can spend a happy time by 36 (lose) yourself in this wonderful city. Lying across the Shandong Peninsula while looking out to the Yellow Sea, Qingdao today 37 (consider) as a major seaport, naval base, and industrial center.
Together with the professional guide, you will visit the most 38 (attract) places in the city. From skyscrapers to parks and 39 (bench), you will have a great time. Qingdao has the second 40 (large) brewery (啤酒厂) in China. You will have a chance 41 (explore) the city of fascinating facts and legends, 42 (especial) great buildings full of much history. Some of them are Guest House, Pichaiyuan, Signal Hill, Qingdao Railway Station and Badaguan Scenic Area. You will be surprised at stories behind the streets, buildings, and corners. Your guide will tell you 43 is special and unique about living in this city. It is perfect for those 44 are visiting the city for the first time and want to get the most out 45____ it!
第十篇 湖南省株洲市2023-2024学年高一上期末考试英语试题
Whether it is a child, a teenager, a middle-aged person or an old person, everybody needs good friends.
During 36 (child), friendship helps us understand and develop the habit of sharing and caring. Small kids develop friendship faster than adults and they enjoy the company of their friends. They play and learn together. Making friends 37 (be) important for their proper growth and development. As teenagers, friends become 38 (important) for us. We go 39__ many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems 40 (face) during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other 41 (family). 42 , we are quite comfortable communicating with our friends. Having good friends 43 can listen to our problems and offer us support and guidance is indeed a lucky thing during this age.
More and more people these days 44 (suffer) from mid-life crisis (中年危机). Their family, job, kid and almost everything around begin to appear 45 struggle to them at this age. Having good friends at this time can help them a lot.
Friends are important for old people, too. If they have friends around, their life will remain joyful and interesting.
Passage 1:(2022-2023 陕西渭南高一上统考期末)
Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeastern Hebei. For several days, the water in the village wells (水井)rose and 1______ ( fall). Deep cracks appeared in the well walls. Chickens and even pigs 2 ( be ) too nervous to eat and fish jumped out of the water. Dogs refused to go inside the buildings. At 3 :42 a. m, everything began to shake. In a moment, the city lay in ruins. A huge crack cut across houses, roads, 3 waterways. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. More than 400, 000 4______ (person) were killed or badly injured in the quake. As 5 result, thousands of children were left without parents. Later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan again, which made more buildings fall down. People found water, food, and electricity hard 6_____ (get) and wondered how long the disaster would last. But hope was not lost. 7_______ (luck), 150, 000 soldiers and more than 10, 000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care. Water and food 8 (bring) into the city by train, truck, and plane. Besides, workers built shelters for survivors (幸存者) 9_ homes had been destroyed. Slowly, Tangshan started to recover 10 (it) and breathe again.
Passage 2:(山东滨州2022-2023高一上期末统考)
Heatherwick Studio recently built a greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust's Woolbeding Gardens. This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse, is at the centre of a new garden that shows how the Silk Road influences English gardens even in modern times. The latest 56._________ (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective 57._________ (function) structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals (萼片)”made of glass and aluminium(铝). These sepals open on warm days 58. __________ (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cold weather, the structure stays 59. __________ (close) to protect the plants. Further, the Silk Route Garden around the greenhouse 60. __________ (walk) visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road, by which silk as well as many plant species came to Britain for 61._______first time. These plants included modern Western 62. __________ (favorite) such as rosemary, lavender and fennel. The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too. The Glasshouse stands 63._________ a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing(追溯) the steps along the Silk Route 64._________ brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the 65.__________ (rich) of gardening in England.
Passage 3:(云南玉溪2023 - 2024 学年高一上统考期末)
Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are two Living Legends of Sports. They are 11 (athlete) mastering in their sports and also set good examples for others. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to 12_______ (she) country. As a coach, she led the China women's volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping 13 (love) by fans at home and abroad. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 14 (lose) two important players was 15____ big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She faced difficulties 16 (brave) and the team finally won the game.
Michael Jordan, 17 (know) as “Air Jordan”, changed the game of basketball. His skills were 18 (amaze). He could jump very high and fly through the air, 19______ made him difficult to defend. Jordan was also a very competitive player. He never gave up, no matter how difficult the situation was. He once said, “I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying.” This spirit helped him 20 (become) one of the greatest players of all time.
Passage 4:(广东省部分重点高中2023-2024学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测)
The Internet has made our lives much easier and more convenient. We can do a wide range of things online, such as shopping, learning, and communicating with others. However, it also brings some problems. One of the major concerns is the issue of online privacy. When we use the Internet, we often leave behind a great deal of personal information, 21 can be collected and used by others without our knowledge. This may lead to various 22 (risk), such as identity theft and fraud.
To protect our online privacy, we should take certain 23 (measure). Firstly, we need to be cautious about sharing personal information on the Internet. Only provide information when it is necessary and make sure the website is secure. Secondly, it is advisable 24 (use) strong passwords and change them regularly. Moreover, we can use privacy-enhancing tools and software to add an extra layer of protection.
Another problem related to the Internet is the spread of false information. With the ease of 25 (share) information online, it becomes very easy for false news and rumors 26 (spread) quickly. This can cause confusion and even have negative impacts on individuals and society. To address this issue, we should develop the ability to critically evaluate the information we come across. Don't simply believe everything you read or hear online. Try to verify the source and check for multiple 27 (confirm) before accepting it as true.
In conclusion, while the Internet offers numerous benefits, we must be aware 28 the potential problems and take steps to protect ourselves. By being 29 (care) and informed, we can enjoy the convenience of the Internet while minimizing the risks. 30 (hopeful), with the continuous development of technology, solutions to these problems will also be found.
Passage 5: (武汉市部分重点中学高一上学期2024年1月期末联考)
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in traditional culture. Many people are eager to learn about the wisdom and beauty 31 (contain) in it. One of the aspects that attract a lot of attention is traditional Chinese music.
Traditional Chinese music has a long history, 32 (date) back thousands of years. It is characterized by its unique melodies and rhythms. The instruments used in traditional Chinese music, such as the guzheng, the erhu, and the pipa, each have their own charm and expressiveness.
Learning to play a 33 (tradition) Chinese musical instrument can not only bring us pleasure but also help us understand the culture better. When we play these instruments, we need to pay attention 34 every note and rhythm, which requires patience and concentration. Through this process, we can develop our musical skills and at the same time, appreciate the 35 (deep) of the culture.
Moreover, traditional Chinese music often conveys certain emotions and ideas. The music can express the 36 (beauty) of nature, the love for life, and the thoughts and feelings of the musicians. By listening to and performing traditional Chinese music, we can have a 37 (close) connection with the ancient wisdom and spirit.
In order to inherit and promote traditional Chinese music, many schools and cultural institutions have started to offer courses and activities related to it. More and more young people are getting involved and showing great enthusiasm 38 learning and performing traditional Chinese music.
It is believed that by keeping this wonderful part of our culture alive, we can not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the 39 (diverse) of the world's music culture. Let's embrace the beauty of traditional Chinese music and make it shine 40 (bright) in the modern world.
Passage 6:(湖北省荆州中学 高一10月月考)
The day before my friend Alex and I went to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, I was very excited. I found that we were in an actual kitchen with other adults and it wasn’t always soup that we were cooking. We made hot dogs and cookies.
Also, students 36. (usual) didn’t cook and just made the plates and set tables. Since Alex was fourteen and I was thirteen, we weren’t allowed 37. (enter) the dinner area while people 38. (eat).
I was sort of 39. (frighten) because my friends told us that we had to serve dirty and homeless people after 40. (learn) that we were going to volunteer at the soup kitchen. But the 41. (true) was that the people there weren’t all homeless. Some of the people were homeless 42. most of them weren’t.
I learned so much that night. I grew to respect those who weren’t so 43. (luck) as me. I wish more students would take their time away 44. video games or TV programs and would come and help out at the soup kitchen. It’s 45. amazing learning experience and can even be fun! Alex and I still talk about it and pretty soon we’re going to go back.
Passage 7:(重庆第一中学 高一10月月考)
China held a meeting 36. Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to praise role models in the country's fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Medal of the Republic was conferred on a famous respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan. The 37. (nation) honorary title, "the People's Hero," was conferred on Zhang Boli, 38. expert who was responsible for the research of the COVID-19 treatment plan 39. (combine) traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Zhang Dingyu, head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, and Chen Wei, a military medical scientist 40. made major achievements in the development of vaccine and protective medicine.
"I would like to 41. (sincere) thank the Party and the state for granting this honor to us four medical 42. (worker)," Zhong said. “There should be no relaxation 43. China won victory at the beginning of the COVID-19 fight and I promise 44. (work) together with colleagues around the country and the world.” In addition, 1,499 persons, 500 groups, 186 CPC members and 150 primary-level Party organizations 45. (praise) for their roles in fighting the epidemic.
Passage 8:(南京市航空航天大学附属高级中学 高一10月调研)
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to admire 36. who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have 37. (value) cars and lots of money. 38. (actual) happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble, your friends will lend you 39. hand. When you are successful, you friends will provide you with 40. (congratulate). When you do something wrong, people who love you will help you correct it. And doing something good for others makes you feel happy, too. Taking a look around you, you’ll see that you are surrounded with 41. (happy).
Happiness is not necessarily related 42. money. It is a feeling in your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very OPP because you have something else 43. can’t be bought with money. When 44. (meet) with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances 45. (challenge) yourself. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
Passage 9:(河北省保定市徐水区第一中学 高一上学期10月月考)
Adam is a handsome boy 35.is a freshman in senior high school. 36. (go) from junior school to senior high school is a really big challenge to him. The first week was a little 37. (confuse). First, he had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take. With the help of the school adviser, he 38. (choose) the suitable ones. He hopes to be fluent 39. Chinese when he graduates. What's more, he had to choose extra-curricular 40. (activity). He failed to join the school football team. 41. (obvious), he was unhappy 42. he won't give up. Instead, he joined a volunteer club and helped to hand out food to homeless people. Finally, he will have to study harder although 43. will be quite difficult to get used to all homework. He will be well 44. (prepare) for university or whatever else comes in the future.
Passage 10:(黑龙江吉林两省十校 高一上期中联考)
Owen Estee and Zach Appel found a way to both teach the sport 36. they love and help people in need.
The Acalanes High School lacrosse (长曲棍球) 37. (play) in the San Francisco Bay Area started “Lacrosse Against Hunger”, a plan to teach little children the basics of the sport for $25 a lesson and sent the money to a food organization that collects food for the 38. (hunger). So far, the 15-year-olds have raised more than $20,000. It was enough 39. (provide) over 2,000 meals for the homeless and their families.
“It’s such an 40. (amaze) feeling,” Estee said. “I’ve had parents tell me that their kids call sport time the happiest moments of their summer. It’s something they look forward 41. every week.”
Through a website, they sent all the money to the White Pony Express, which usually 42. (deliver) food collected from food shops to the poor.
“Zach and Owen are really helping us a lot,” said Eve Birge of White Pony Express. “ 43. (We) deliveries are now three times as big as before. We really want to help all of those in need.”
At White Pony Express, most of the 44. (volunteer) have been teenagers, Birge said. “Zach and Owen are setting 45. great example for the other young people.”