【核心素养】 Unit 4 History and Traditions Period 5 Reading for Writing分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第二册


名称 【核心素养】 Unit 4 History and Traditions Period 5 Reading for Writing分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第二册
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-29 08:44:25


/ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科
Unit 4 Period 5 Reading for Writing分层练习
语言能力 掌握地点描写相关词汇,了解英语文章基本结构。
学习能力 学会运用感官词类进行描绘。
思维品质 获取文中描写感觉的语言及方式
文化意识 了解爱尔兰的自然及历史文化特征。
1.The g    houses 2 000 works of modern art.
【解析】【分析】句意:画廊收藏了 2, 000 件现代艺术作品。此处名词作主语,根据句意和首字母,应用 gallery “画廊”,根据谓语动词 houses ,单三式,可知应用单数名词,故填 gallery 。
2.Don't have too many s   , or you may get fat.
【解析】【分析】句意:不要吃太多零食,否则你可能会发胖。此处名词作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 snack “零食”,many后接复数名词,故填 snacks 。
3.The beauty of the l    overwhelmed me.
【解析】【分析】句意:美丽的风景让我不知所措。此处名词作介词宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 landscape“风景” ,结合语境应用单数名词,故填 landscape 。
4.He spread b    on a roll.
【解析】【分析】句意:他把黄油涂在一个面包卷上。此处名词作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 butter “黄油”,不可数名词,故填 butter 。
5.The exhibition is a f    for the eyes.
【解析】【分析】句意:展览是一场视觉盛宴。此处名词作表语,根据句意和首字母,应用 feast “盛宴”,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 feast 。
6.Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the o   .
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的海滨别墅距离大海只有几英里。此处名词作介词宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 ocean ,结合语境应用单数形式,故填 ocean 。
7.He was e    to communicate his ideas to the group.
【解析】【分析】句意:他渴望将他的想法传达给团队。此处形容词作表语,根据句意和首字母,应用 eager “热情的”,be eager to do固定短语,“渴望做......”,故填 eager 。
【点评】考查形容词,本题涉及形容词作表语,以及固定短语be eager to do。
8.The United K    consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
【解析】【分析】句意:英国由大不列颠及北爱尔兰组成。根据句意和首字母,应用 kingdom “王国”,the United Kingdom“联合王国”是专有名词,作主语,故填 Kingdom 。
【点评】考查名词,掌握专有名词the United Kingdom的应用。
9.Her p    of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
【解析】【分析】句意:她的人生哲学是抓住每一个出现的机会。此处名词作主语,根据句意和首字母,应用 philosophy “哲学”,不可数名词,故填 philosophy 。
10.It was a remarkable a    for such a young player.
【解析】【分析】句意:对于这么年轻的球员来说,这是一个了不起的成就。此处名词作宾语,根据句意和首字母,应用 achievement ,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 achievement 。
11.   (surround) by green trees, the farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school. There is a small river flowing through the farm.
【解析】【分析】句意:农场位于我们学校的山脚下,被绿树环绕,有一条小河流过农场。根据句子结构和语境分析可知,空处为非谓语且在句中作状语,动词surround与其逻辑主语 the farm构成逻辑上的被动关系,故空处应用过去分词作状语,空处位于句首,故首字母大写。故填Surrounded。
12. When the little girl was asked such a    (puzzle) question, she stood there with a    (puzzle) look on her face.
13. The    (announce)of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们的结婚公告将于下周在当地的报纸上刊登。根据句子结构分析可知,"The 1(announce)of their marriage "为名词短语在句中作主语,即"the+n.+of+n.",故空处应用名词形式,空处前面有the并结合语境可知,空处用名词的单数形式。故填 announcement 。
14. The hostels (旅社) in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you'll often get to stay in a central    (locate) with security and comfort.
【解析】【分析】句意:罗马的旅社提供大约每晚25美元的宿舍床位,而为此,你通常会得到一个安全舒适的中心位置住宿。根据句子结构和语境分析可知,"a central 1(locate)"为名词短语在句中做介词in的宾语且空处为中心词,空前有形容词修饰,故空处应用名词location,可数名词,且空前由a,故用单数。故填location。
15. Life,   (make) up of giving and getting, is both meaningful and wonderful.
【解析】【分析】句意:生命由给予和获得组成,既有意义又精彩。 Life 和make在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填 made 。
16. They said goodbye to the villages, with tears   (roll) down their cheeks.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们向村庄道别,泪流满面。 tears 和 roll 在逻辑上是主谓关系,现在分词表主动,此处作宾补,故填 rolling 。
17. Measures have been taken   (ensure) people's lives and safety.
【答案】to ensure
【解析】【分析】句意:已采取措施确保人民的生命和安全。此处不定式作目的状语,故填 to ensure 。
18. When he came in, he found all the students   (seat)there reading.
【解析】【分析】句意:当他进来时,他发现所有的学生都坐在那里看书。 all the students 和 seat 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作宾补,故填 seated 。
19. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature    (take).
【解析】【分析】句意:打扰了,是给你量体温的时候了。 your temperature 和 take 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作宾语,故填 taken 。
20. The yoga club,    (open) last month in our school, is popular among women teachers.
【解析】【分析】句意:上个月在我们学校开设的瑜伽俱乐部在女教师中很受欢迎。 The yoga club 和 open 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填 opened 。
The Palace Museum's clock collection, more than 1,500 in number, is arguably one of the most breathtaking clock preservations worldwide.  21.   (make) between the 18th century and the 20th century, some were crafted in Britain, France and Switzerland, some were from the Clock Worship of the Qing Palace, the others were  22.   mixture of both the East and the West.
The  23.   (major) of British clocks feature bronze cases inlaid with splendidly colorful jewels. They are diverse  24.   form, recreating all kinds of architecture and natural sights, and often include automatic  25.   (decorate) such as fountains, moving figures, boats and birds. These clocks represent the highest level of craftsmanship in Britain.
Most of the French clocks here are the products of the early 20th century. Whether in terms of theme  26.   decorative style, the French clocks in the collection have a style of  27.   (they) own, and deserve their place in history.
The Swiss timepieces  28.   (most) comprise small, unconventionally shaped desk clocks and delicate pocket watches. They were specially made  29.   (suit) the tastes of Chinese customers.
Clocks may turn back in time, but humans may never dream of doing so. Today, the Palace Museum  30.   (aim) to carry on this touching tale of "time" as guardians of this traditional craftsmanship.
【答案】21.Made;22.a;23.majority;24.in;25.decorations;26.or;27.their;28.mostly;29.to suit;30.aims
22.句意:制作于18世纪至20世纪之间,有的是英国、法国和瑞士的手工制作,有的是来自清宫的钟祭,还有的则是东西方的混合。a mixture of固定短语,"……的混合",故填a。
23.句意:大多数英国钟表的特点是青铜外壳上镶嵌着华美的珠宝。the majority of固定短语,"大多数",故填majority。
24.句意:它们的形式多种多样,再现了各种建筑和自然景观,通常还包括喷泉、活动人物、船只和鸟类等自动装饰。be diverse in固定短语,"在……中有差异",故填in。
25.句意:它们的形式多种多样,再现了各种建筑和自然景观,通常还包括喷泉、活动人物、船只和鸟类等自动装饰。此处名词作宾语,应用decoration,结合后文such as fountains, moving figures, boats and birds可知为复数。故填decorations。
27.句意:无论是主题还是装饰风格,藏品中的法国钟表都有自己的风格,在历史上占有一席之地。of one's own,固定短语,"属于某人自己的",结合上文the French clocks可知应用形容词性物主代词their。故填their。
29.句意:它们是专门为满足中国顾客的口味而制作的。be made to do sth.固定短语,"被要求做某事",故填to suit。
30.句意:今天,故宫博物院的目标是将这个感人的"时间"故事作为这一传统工艺的守护者传承下去。结合Today,此处陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为专有名词the Palace Museum,谓语动词aim用单数形式。故填aims。
In many countries of the world, people can
confidently tell you the meaning of their town or city, but most people who
live in Manchester, Oxford or Birmingham would not be able to explain what the
name of their city means. The name of every British town or city, however, has
a long history.
Two thousand years ago, most people living
in Britain were Celts. Even the word "Britain"
is Celtic (凯尔特语). Then the Romans
arrived and built camps which became cities called "castra". This is why
there are so many place names in England which end in "-chester" or "-caster", Manchester, for
The Romans never reached Wales or Scotland,
and many place names there are Celtic. For example, Welsh place names that
begin with "Llan" come from the
Celtic word for "church".
After the Romans left Britain, it was
attacked by the Anglo-Saxons who were from the area of Europe that is now
Germany and Holland. The names of their villages often end in "- ham" or "- ton". Some get their
names from the leader of the village. Birmingham for example, means "Beormund's village"
The Anglo-Saxons were farmers and the
landscape was very important to them, so we have villages called Upton (village
on a hill)—a good place to build a village and Moreton ("village by a lake") where floods
could make life hard. Place names that end in "- ford" (a place where
you could cross a river) also describe the location of Anglo-
Saxon villages.
Finally, in 1066 England became Norman—the
Normans gave us the place name "grange", which means
And how about London Experts cannot agree.
The Romans called the city Londinium, but they were not the first inhabitants (居民). People once believed that the United Kingdom's capital
city got its name from the castle of a King called Lud, but this is very
unlikely. Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word
meaning a fast-flowing river. Like a number of British place names, its history
is lost in time.
(1)According to the article, Stratford is most likely a town .
A.on a hill B.near a castle C.beside a river D.with a church
(2)Which of the following shows the correct order of the arrival of the inhabitants in Britain
A.The Celts—The Romans—The Normans—The Anglo-Saxons.
B.The Celts—The Romans—The Anglo-Saxons—The Normans.
C.The Romans—The Celts—The Anglo-Saxons—The Normans.
D.The Romans—The Anglo-Saxons—The Celts—The Normans.
(3)What does London mean in Celtic
A.River. B.Londinium. C.Lud. D.Castle.
(1)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Place names that end in ‘-ford” (a place where you could cross a river) also describe the location of Anglo-Saxon villages.”可知以-ford结尾的名字是和河流有关的。故选C。
(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Two thousand years ago, most people living in Britain were Celts.”可知The Celts为第一批到达英国的居民;“Then the Romans arrived”可知The Romans为第二批;第四段中的“After the Romans left Britain, it was attacked by the Anglo-Sacons who were from the area of Europe that is now Germany and Holland.”可知The Anglo-Saxons为第三批;以及倒数第二段中的“Finally, in 1066 England became Norman ”可知The Normans为最后一批。故选B。
(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“句Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word meaning a fast-flowing river.”可知伦教这个名字来自凯尔特语,意思是一条湍急的河流。故选A。
The Qingming Festival is usually celebrated with a three day national holiday, whose name originates(起源) from the saying "Plants start to revive(复活) and prosper at Qingming in a clean and bright way." Thus, the festival is called Qingming, which means "clean and bright".  32.  Tomb sweeping is aimed at commemorating family ancestors, while going on a spring outing allows everyone the chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the season.
Traditional customs
Tomb sweeping. 33.   On this day, the whole family gathers in front of their ancestral tombs. They offer fruit and wine to their ancestors and clear the weeds from around the tomb. Finally, they kowtow and pray, hoping for their ancestors' blessing for the rest of the year.
Spring outings. The time around the Qingming Festival is one of the most suitable seasons for a spring outing, as plants are thriving and flowers are blooming. People can have a great time outdoors with their friends and family. 34.  
Traditional food
Qingtuan is a green rice ball tiny enough to fit into your hand.  35.   It is a mixture of sticky rice powder and green vegetable juice. Stuffed(装满) with sweetened bean paste, Qingtuan tastes sweet with the fresh fragrance of Aicao, a green spring vegetable. In celebration of Qingming, people from Shaanxi make steamed buns known as Huamo, which are made into different shapes.  36.   Some are for peaceful family life, while others represent(象征) the wish for health.
A.Each different look brings a good blessing.
B.The tradition of tomb sweeping originates from the Qin Dynasty.
C.The two main activities over the festival include tomb sweeping and going on a spring outing.
D.Family members gather together to celebrate and taste the food.
E.Playing football and flying kites are popular activities.
F.Many traditional customs are practiced to show respect for our ancestors.
G.It is popular in Jiangnan.
32.根据空后"Tomb sweeping is aimed at commemorating family ancestors, while going on a spring outing allows everyone the chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the season."扫墓是为了纪念家族祖先,而春游让每个人都有机会欣赏美丽的风景,享受这个季节。解释了"Tomb sweeping"和"going on a spring outing"两项清明节习俗的意义,是对 C.The two main activities over the festival include tomb sweeping and going on a spring outing. "清明节的两项主要活动是扫墓和春游"内容的阐述,上下文句意连贯。故选C。
33.根据空前"Tomb sweeping."扫墓,可知,本段主要是介绍清明的扫墓习俗。 B.The tradition of tomb sweeping originates from the Qin Dynasty. "扫墓的传统起源于秦朝"承接上文,介绍扫墓的起源,上下文句意连贯。故选B。
34.根据空前"Spring outing."春游,可知,本段主要介绍清明的春游习俗;以及"People can have a great time outdoors with their friends and family."人们可以和他们的朋友和家人在户外度过美好的时光。提出"在户外度过美好的时光", E.Playing football and flying kites are popular activities." 踢足球和放风筝是很受欢迎的活动"承接上文,介绍了在户外可以进行的活动,上下文句意连贯。故选E。
35.根据空前"Qingtuan is a green rice ball tiny enough to fit into your hand"青团是一种绿色的饭团,很小,可以放进你的手。介绍了清明传统食物中的青团, G.It is popular in Jiangnan. "它在江南地区很流行"承接上文,说明食用青团的地域,句中"It"即上文中的"Qingtuan",上下文句意连贯。故选G。
36.根据空前"In celebration of Qingming, people from Shaanxi make steamed buns known as Huamo, which are made into different shapes."为了庆祝清明,陕西人会制作各种形状的馒头,称为"花馍"。 A.Each different look brings a good blessing. "每一个不同的形状都带来了美好的祝福"承接上文,介绍"花馍"每一个独特的形状都有美好的寓意,选项中"different look"与上文"different shapes"相照应,上下文句意连贯。故选A。
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Unit 4 Period 5 Reading for Writing分层练习
语言能力 掌握地点描写相关词汇,了解英语文章基本结构。
学习能力 学会运用感官词类进行描绘。
思维品质 获取文中描写感觉的语言及方式
文化意识 了解爱尔兰的自然及历史文化特征。
1.The g    houses 2 000 works of modern art.
2.Don't have too many s   , or you may get fat.
3.The beauty of the l    overwhelmed me.
4.He spread b    on a roll.
5.The exhibition is a f    for the eyes.
6.Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the o   .
7.He was e    to communicate his ideas to the group.
8.The United K    consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
9.Her p    of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
10.It was a remarkable a    for such a young player.
11.   (surround) by green trees, the farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school. There is a small river flowing through the farm.
12. When the little girl was asked such a    (puzzle) question, she stood there with a    (puzzle) look on her face.
13. The    (announce)of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.
14. The hostels (旅社) in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you'll often get to stay in a central    (locate) with security and comfort.
15. Life,   (make) up of giving and getting, is both meaningful and wonderful.
16. They said goodbye to the villages, with tears   (roll) down their cheeks.
17. Measures have been taken   (ensure) people's lives and safety.
18. When he came in, he found all the students   (seat)there reading.
19. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature    (take).
20. The yoga club,    (open) last month in our school, is popular among women teachers.
The Palace Museum's clock collection, more than 1,500 in number, is arguably one of the most breathtaking clock preservations worldwide.  21.   (make) between the 18th century and the 20th century, some were crafted in Britain, France and Switzerland, some were from the Clock Worship of the Qing Palace, the others were  22.   mixture of both the East and the West.
The  23.   (major) of British clocks feature bronze cases inlaid with splendidly colorful jewels. They are diverse  24.   form, recreating all kinds of architecture and natural sights, and often include automatic  25.   (decorate) such as fountains, moving figures, boats and birds. These clocks represent the highest level of craftsmanship in Britain.
Most of the French clocks here are the products of the early 20th century. Whether in terms of theme  26.   decorative style, the French clocks in the collection have a style of  27.   (they) own, and deserve their place in history.
The Swiss timepieces  28.   (most) comprise small, unconventionally shaped desk clocks and delicate pocket watches. They were specially made  29.   (suit) the tastes of Chinese customers.
Clocks may turn back in time, but humans may never dream of doing so. Today, the Palace Museum  30.   (aim) to carry on this touching tale of "time" as guardians of this traditional craftsmanship.
In many countries of the world, people can
confidently tell you the meaning of their town or city, but most people who
live in Manchester, Oxford or Birmingham would not be able to explain what the
name of their city means. The name of every British town or city, however, has
a long history.
Two thousand years ago, most people living
in Britain were Celts. Even the word "Britain"
is Celtic (凯尔特语). Then the Romans
arrived and built camps which became cities called "castra". This is why
there are so many place names in England which end in "-chester" or "-caster", Manchester, for
The Romans never reached Wales or Scotland,
and many place names there are Celtic. For example, Welsh place names that
begin with "Llan" come from the
Celtic word for "church".
After the Romans left Britain, it was
attacked by the Anglo-Saxons who were from the area of Europe that is now
Germany and Holland. The names of their villages often end in "- ham" or "- ton". Some get their
names from the leader of the village. Birmingham for example, means "Beormund's village"
The Anglo-Saxons were farmers and the
landscape was very important to them, so we have villages called Upton (village
on a hill)—a good place to build a village and Moreton ("village by a lake") where floods
could make life hard. Place names that end in "- ford" (a place where
you could cross a river) also describe the location of Anglo-
Saxon villages.
Finally, in 1066 England became Norman—the
Normans gave us the place name "grange", which means
And how about London Experts cannot agree.
The Romans called the city Londinium, but they were not the first inhabitants (居民). People once believed that the United Kingdom's capital
city got its name from the castle of a King called Lud, but this is very
unlikely. Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word
meaning a fast-flowing river. Like a number of British place names, its history
is lost in time.
(1)According to the article, Stratford is most likely a town .
A.on a hill B.near a castle C.beside a river D.with a church
(2)Which of the following shows the correct order of the arrival of the inhabitants in Britain
A.The Celts—The Romans—The Normans—The Anglo-Saxons.
B.The Celts—The Romans—The Anglo-Saxons—The Normans.
C.The Romans—The Celts—The Anglo-Saxons—The Normans.
D.The Romans—The Anglo-Saxons—The Celts—The Normans.
(3)What does London mean in Celtic
A.River. B.Londinium. C.Lud. D.Castle.
The Qingming Festival is usually celebrated with a three day national holiday, whose name originates(起源) from the saying "Plants start to revive(复活) and prosper at Qingming in a clean and bright way." Thus, the festival is called Qingming, which means "clean and bright".  32.  Tomb sweeping is aimed at commemorating family ancestors, while going on a spring outing allows everyone the chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the season.
Traditional customs
Tomb sweeping. 33.   On this day, the whole family gathers in front of their ancestral tombs. They offer fruit and wine to their ancestors and clear the weeds from around the tomb. Finally, they kowtow and pray, hoping for their ancestors' blessing for the rest of the year.
Spring outings. The time around the Qingming Festival is one of the most suitable seasons for a spring outing, as plants are thriving and flowers are blooming. People can have a great time outdoors with their friends and family. 34.  
Traditional food
Qingtuan is a green rice ball tiny enough to fit into your hand.  35.   It is a mixture of sticky rice powder and green vegetable juice. Stuffed(装满) with sweetened bean paste, Qingtuan tastes sweet with the fresh fragrance of Aicao, a green spring vegetable. In celebration of Qingming, people from Shaanxi make steamed buns known as Huamo, which are made into different shapes.  36.   Some are for peaceful family life, while others represent(象征) the wish for health.
A.Each different look brings a good blessing.
B.The tradition of tomb sweeping originates from the Qin Dynasty.
C.The two main activities over the festival include tomb sweeping and going on a spring outing.
D.Family members gather together to celebrate and taste the food.
E.Playing football and flying kites are popular activities.
F.Many traditional customs are practiced to show respect for our ancestors.
G.It is popular in Jiangnan.