

名称 浙江省宁波市慈溪市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题(音频暂未更新)
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文件大小 102.5KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-29 17:06:43


1.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What will the woman do first
A.Finish her report.
B.Buy some groceries.
C.Pick up her mother.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you like to go to a concert with me tonight
W: I'd love to, but I have to buy some groceries and then meet my mother at the airport after I finish writing this report.
【分析】题意: 女士首先会做什么 根据听力内容I'd love to, but I have to buy some groceries
and then meet my mother at the airport after I finish writing this report. 我很想去,但是我得买些杂货,写完报告后还要去机场接我妈妈。可知选项Finish her report.符合题意;故答案为A。
after I finish writing this report.来选出正确选项。
2.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) How much more does Brian want
A.$10. B.$20. C.$30.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here's ten dollars, Brian. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes at the front of the mall. Find a nice gift for your friend's birthday.
M: Aw, Mom! Can't I have twenty dollars
【分析】题意: 布莱恩还想要多少 根据听力内容Here's ten dollars, Brian. 这是10美元,布莱恩。 Mom! Can't I have twenty dollars 妈妈!不能给我20美元吗 可知选项$10.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Here's ten dollars, Brian.Can't I have twenty dollars 来选出正确选项。
3.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) Where will the man probably go for holiday
A.The National Park.
B.The mountain.
C.The seaside.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Have you planned your holiday
M: Well, I intend to climb the mountain, but my wife insists on visiting the National Park and my son Tom wants to go to the beach. I think both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please Tom.
【分析】题意:这个男士可能会去哪里度假 根据听力内容Tom wants to go to the beach. I think
both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please Tom. 我儿子汤姆想去海滩。我想我和我妻子都会放弃我们的想法来取悦汤姆。可知选项The seaside.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Tom wants to go to the beach. I think both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please
Tom. 来选出正确选项。
4.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What does the woman want to do
A.Study in the library.
B.Get a library card.
C.Borrow books.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What can I do for you today
W: I need to return a book and check out these two books.
M: May I see your library card, please
W: It's right here.
【分析】题意:女士想做什么 根据听力内容W: I need to return a book and check out these
two books.我需要还一本书,借这两本书。M: May I see your library card, please 我可以看一下你的借书证吗 可知选项Borrow books.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I need to return a book and check out these two books.来选出正确选项。
5.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What does the man suggest doing
A.Waiting for the repairman.
B.Doing nothing for a short while.
C.Pressing the emergency button at once.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Uh-oh. It looks like there's a problem.
M: Yeah, I'm afraid so. Last Friday this elevator was out of service all day long.
W: Should I press the emergency button
M: Let's just wait a minute or two first. It may start again by itself.
【分析】题意: 男士建议做什么 根据听力内容 Let's just wait a minute or two first. It may start
again by itself. 我们先等一两分钟吧。它可能会自行重新开始。可知选项Doing nothing for a short
while.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句et's just wait a minute or two first. It may start again by itself.来选出正确选项。
6.Why does the woman talk to the man
A.To ask for advice.
B.To confirm the test time.
C.To share study methods.
7.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Ways of doing the shooting.
B.Ways of doing maths homework.
C.Ways of remembering times tables.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'm pretty nervous about next Monday's maths test.
M: Why You are great with numbers.
W: Yes, in general. But this is all about times tables and I always forget, especially with the eight times tables. Do you have any tips
M: Sure, do what I do. Keep on writing them down until you get them all correct. This will also help you to find out exactly which ones you keep on forgetting.
W: Good idea. I'll give that a shot. Thank you so much.
M: No problem, that's what friends are for.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词tips 和关键句 But this is all about times tables and I always forget来选出正确选项。
6.题意:为什么女士和男士说话 根据听力内容 Do you have any tips 你有什么建议吗 可知选项To ask for advice.符合题意;故答案为A。
7.题意:说话者主要在谈论什么 根据听力内容But this is all about times tables and I always
forget, especially with the eight times tables. 但这都是关于乘法表的,我总是忘记,尤其是八乘法表。 可知选项Ways of remembering times tables.符合题意;故答案为C。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
8.What is the man going to do today
A.Write a report.
B.Take a test.
C.Make a presentation.
9.How does the man feel now
A.Worried. B.Confident. C.Tired.
10.What does the woman advise the man to do
A.Set off earlier. B.Work harder. C.Check the traffic.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hey, John. I know that you have been busy preparing for the presentation these days, and I'm sure that you will do it well today. I just want to wish you good luck.
M: Thanks. I have worked very hard, and I really know my material well. So, don't worry. I have faith in myself.
W: I am happy to hear that from you. Actually, I was a bit worried that you might not be ready. Another thing is that the traffic is quite heavy at this time. Why not set out at once I don't want to take any chances of being late.
M: Don't worry. It usually only takes about 15 minutes to get to the conference hall from here.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词faith和关键句Why not set out at once I don't want to take any chances of being late.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:男士今天要做什么 根据听力内容Hey, John. I know that you have been busy preparing
for the presentation these days, and I'm sure that you will do it well today. 嘿,约翰。我知道你这几天一直在忙着准备报告,我相信你今天会做得很好。 可知选项Make a presentation.符合题意;故答案为C。
9.题意:男士现在感觉如何 根据听力内容 I have faith in myself. 我对自己有信心。可知选项Confident. 符合题意;故答案为B。
10.题意:女士建议男士做什么 根据听力内容 Why not set out at once I don't want to take any
chances of being late.为什么不马上出发呢 我可不想冒迟到的危险。可知选项Set off earlier.符合题意;故答案为A。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
11.When should the woman arrive at the company
A.At 8:00 am. B.At 8:15 am. C.At 8:30 am.
12.Why did the woman get up so late this morning
A.She was too sleepy.
B.The weather was too cold.
C.The alarm didn't go off properly.
13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Former schoolmates. C.Colleagues.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I was late for the morning meeting again.
M: Oh, that's terrible. When did you get up
W: I got up at 7:10. It was 8: 15 when I arrived at the company. I was 15 minutes late today.
M: Your manager was really angry with you, right
W: Yes, you're right.
M: Why did you get up so late this time
W: The weather was the reason. It was so cold that I couldn't get up, even though the alarm I set is 6: 50 every morning.
M: Yeah. Getting up in winter is really painful. But when we were in college, you were often late for class too. I don't think being late is a good habit, you know.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 so cold 和关键句But when we were in college, you were often late for class too.来选出正确选项。
11.题意:女士应该什么时候到公司 根据听力内容It was 8: 15 when I arrived at the company. I was
15 minutes late today. 我到公司的时候是8点15分。我今天迟到了15分钟。可知选项At 8:00 am.符合题意;故答案为A。
12.题意:为什么这个女士今天早上起得这么晚 根据听力内容 The weather was the reason. It was
so cold that I couldn't get up, even though the alarm I set is 6: 50 every morning. 天气是原因。天气太冷了,我起不来,尽管我每天早上把闹钟定在6点50分。可知选项The weather was too cold.符合题意;故答案为B。
13.题意:说话者之间可能的关系是什么 根据听力内容But when we were in college, you were often
late for class too. 但是我们上大学的时候,你也经常上课迟到。可知选项Former schoolmates.符合题意;故答案为B。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
14.Where did the woman get her first job after college
A.In a film studio.
B.In a talent agency.
C.In a publishing firm.
15.Why did the woman's mother put her in acting classes
A.To develop her talent.
B.To let her know more people.
C.To help her overcome her shyness.
16.What sport does the woman like best
A.Swimming. B.Skiing. C.Skating.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What inspired you to pursue a career as a TV hostess
W: Well, I had no idea I was going to be a TV hostess. I was actually thinking of going to work in film production or for a talent agency. After college, I first worked for a publishing fi rm for two years. But I never looked for this job-it found me.
M: You said you were shy as a kid. Is it still hard for you to be in front of the camera
W: Since I was very shy, my mom put me in acting classes to help me get over my shyness. I tried it and then realized that I have no talent for acting. Well, I say I am still shy. I don't tend to go up and introduce myself to others. But at work, I'm not shy at all, because I know everyone there.
M: What do you like doing when you are free
W: I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating. But I think swimming is my favorite sport.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 get over my shyness和关键句But I think swimming is my favorite sport.来选出正确选项。
14.题意:这位女士大学毕业后的第一份工作是在哪里找到的 根据听力内容After college, I first
worked for a publishing firm for two years. 大学毕业后,我先是在一家出版公司工作了两年。可知选项In a publishing firm.符合题意;故答案为C。
15.题意:为什么这个女士的母亲要让她上表演课 根据听力内容Since I was very shy, my mom put
me in acting classes to help me get over my shyness. 因为我很害羞,我妈妈让我去上表演课来帮助我克服害羞。可知选项To help her overcome her shyness.符合题意;故答案为C。
16.题意:这位女士最喜欢什么运动 根据听力内容But I think swimming is my favorite sport. 但是我认为游泳是我最喜欢的运动。可知选项Swimming.符合题意;故答案为A。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
17.How did the speaker get to Spain
A.By train. B.By plane. C.By ship.
18.What did the speaker do on the first night in Spain
A.She rested at the hotel.
B.She visited some friends.
C.She experienced its nightlife.
19.Which place did the speaker visit last in Spain
A.Prado Museum. B.Santiago Stadium. C.Retiro Park.
20.What did the speaker think of her trip in Morocco
A.Great. B.Terrible. C.Boring.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I took a trip to Spain and Morocco with my friend Karen in May. Now I'd like to tell you about my experience in the countries.
We began to explore Spain as soon as we left the airport. First, we tried some traditional Spanish food. The food was so nice. Since Spain is famous for its nightlife, we decided to experience it that night instead of resting in our hotel rooms. The next day we went on a wine tour in Toledo. Toledo is so beautiful. To see where kings and queens once lived was amazing. There was so much history culture. Some of the other places Karen and I visited were Retiro Park, Prado Museum, and Santiago Stadium. After we toured Santiago Stadium, we left Spain and made it to Morocco. We traveled by train, ship and finally bus. Let me tell you, the local food was so good. After exploring the country for two days, both Karen and I felt like we got the full Moroccan experience.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词airport和关键句After we toured Santiago Stadium, we left Spain and made it to Morocco. 来选出正确选项。
17.题意:说话者是如何到达西班牙的 根据听力内容 We began to explore Spain as soon as we left
the airport. 我们一离开机场就开始探索西班牙。可知选项By plane.符合题意;故答案为B。
18.题意:说话者在西班牙的第一个晚上做了什么 根据听力内容 Since Spain is famous for its nightlife
, we decided to experience it that night instead of resting in our hotel rooms. 由于西班牙以其夜生活而闻名,我们决定那天晚上去体验一下,而不是在酒店房间里休息。可知选项She experienced
its nightlife.符合题意;故答案为C。
19.题意:演讲者在西班牙最后访问了哪个地方 根据听力内容 After we toured Santiago Stadium,
we left Spain and made it to Morocco. 在参观完圣地亚哥体育场后,我们离开了西班牙,来到了摩洛哥。可知选项Santiago Stadium.符合题意;故答案为B。
20.题意:说话者认为她在摩洛哥的旅行怎么样 根据听力内容 After exploring the country for two
days, both Karen and I felt like we got the full Moroccan experience.在这个国家探索了两天之后,凯伦和我都觉得我们得到了完整的摩洛哥体验。可知选项Great.符合题意;故答案为A。
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Europe's Most Beautiful Libraries
Libraries hold a special charm. Here's a brief introduction of some of the most amazing libraries across Europe.
Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark
Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, whose terrace(露台) can accommodate large crowds for events such as concerts and plays. Apart from the main functions of a library, the building houses a bookshop, a cafe and a restaurant.
Warsaw University Library in Poland
Located in the city center, it was founded in 1816, although the new building was completed in 1999. Its entrance contains blocks with writings in various languages, including a writing of Plato's in Ancient Greek and also one in Ancient Polish.
Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek in Vienna, Austria
Parts of the site were originally built in 1898, but the library was repaired following a fire in 2005. The innovative decoration gives the impression that they came from another planet. It also boasts the title of the biggest library in German-speaking countries.
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice, Italy
It is located off San Marco Square and was completed in the late 1500s. Designed by Jacopo Sansovino, it has an elegant and somewhat unusual style for the period in which it was built. The interior beauty can really hold your breath.
21.What can visitors do in the Royal Library
A.See movies. B.Sell books.
C.Make coffee. D.Enjoy concerts.
22.Which library has the longest history
A.Royal Library.
B.Warsaw University Library.
C.Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek.
D.Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana.
23.What do the first three libraries have in common
A.They all have many functions.
B.They are not the original architectures.
C.They are famous for their unique decoration.
D.They house many ancient works in various languages.
21.细节理解题。根据Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, whose terrace(露台) can
accommodate large crowds for events such as concerts and plays. Apart from the main functions of a library, the building houses a bookshop, a cafe and a restaurant. 它建于1999年,是旧图书馆的延伸,其露台(露台)可以容纳大量人群举办音乐会和戏剧等活动。除了图书馆的主要功能外,该建筑还设有书店、咖啡馆和餐厅。 可知在这里还可以享受音乐会;故答案为 D。
22.细节理解题。根据 Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark,Built in 1999;Warsaw University Library in Poland,it was founded in 1816;Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek in Vienna,
Austria, built in 1898;Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice, Italy,completed in the late
1500s;可知Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana历史最悠久.;故答案为 D。
23.推理判断题。根据 Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, 它建于1999年,是旧图书馆的扩建部分,Located in the city center, it was founded in 1816, although the new building
was completed in 1999.它位于市中心,始建于1816年,尽管新建筑于1999年完工。Parts of the
site were originally built in 1898, but the library was repaired following a fire in 2005.图书馆的部分建筑最初建于1898年,但在2005年的一场火灾后,图书馆得到了修复。可知它们不是最初的建筑结构;故答案为B 。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When 89-year-old Li Jinrong heard someone calling her "mom" at an event in Wuhan, Hubei Province, she immediately rose from her seat. s A foreign woman ran toward her before hugging her tightly and saying, "Mom, mom. "
The woman, Bouammouch Kheira, is from Algeria. She underwent a total nasal reconstruction operation(全鼻再造手术)—the first of its kind in Africa—that was done by Li and other members of a Chinese medical team 40 years ago. In 1984, Li joined the 11th Chinese medical aid mission to Algeria. She helped a hospital in the North African country carry out oral(口腔的) and facial operations. In 1985, 12-year-old Kheira visited the hospital to seek treatment for a stomach infection. Doctor Li happened to notice Kheira's badly disfigured(容貌受损的) nose, the tip of which was bitten off by a donkey when she was just 2 years old.
"Had she not been disfigured, she would have grown up to be a great beauty," Li said. Then she devised a detailed treatment plan and decided to transplant the skin from one of Kheira's upper arms to reconstruct her nose, because it matched her facial skin tone and would not leave noticeable scars.
Though scared at first, Li's sincere attitude and caring words reminded her of her mother and gave her hope. The reconstruction of Kheira's nose required four operations over a period of two months. After its perfect completion, Kheira ran from ward(病房) to ward, telling everyone that she now had a nose, a gift from her "Chinese mother".
Kheira travelled 10,000 kilometers from Algeria to Wuhan. "This is my first visit to China, but I don't feel the journey was hard at all, because I am so excited to meet Professor Li, my Chinese mother," Kheira added, "Without my Chinese mother, my life would be darker than death,"
24.Why did Kheira go to the hospital in 1985
A.She went to visit doctor Li by design.
B.Her nose tip was bitten off by a donkey.
C.She longed to learn about facial operations.
D.There was something wrong with her stomach.
25.What do we know about the operation performed on Kheira
A.It left no scars on Kheira' body.
B.It made Kheira's life more positive.
C.It was the first of this kind in the world.
D.It was finished totally in one significant operation.
26.Which of the following words can be used to describe Professor Li
A.Caring and considerate. B.Honest and energetic.
C.Humble and passionate. D.Selfless and ambitious.
27.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Mother of an African Girl.
B.A Heart-warming Reunion.
C.The Striking Nasal Operation.
D.Contributions of Chinese Medical Teams.
24.细节理解题。根据 In 1985, 12-year-old Kheira visited the hospital to seek treatment for a
stomach infection. 1985年,12岁的Kheira到医院寻求治疗胃部感染。可知凯拉在1985年去了医院是因为她的胃有点不舒服;故答案为D 。
25.推理判断题。根据After its perfect completion, Kheira ran from ward(病房) to ward, telling
everyone that she now had a nose, a gift from her "Chinese mother". 在完美完成四次手术后,凯拉从一个病房跑到另一个病房,告诉每个人她现在有了一个鼻子,这是她的"中国妈妈"给她的礼物。可知 凯拉的手术让她的生活更加积极 ;故答案为B 。
26.推理判断题。根据"Had she not been disfigured, she would have grown up to be a great
beauty," Li said. Then she devised a detailed treatment plan and decided to transplant the skin from one of Kheira's upper arms to reconstruct her nose, because it matched her facial skin tone and would not leave noticeable scars. "如果她没有被毁容,她长大后会是一个大美人,"李说。然后,她设计了一个详细的治疗计划,并决定从凯拉的上臂上移植皮肤来重建她的鼻子,因为它与她的面部肤色相匹配,不会留下明显的疤痕。可知"关怀、体贴" 可以用来形容李教授;故答案为A 。
27.主旨大意题。根据 Kheira travelled 10,000 kilometers from Algeria to Wuhan. "This is my first
visit to China, but I don't feel the journey was hard at all, because I am so excited to meet Professor Li, my Chinese mother," Kheira added, "Without my Chinese mother, my life would be darker than death,"凯拉从阿尔及利亚到武汉旅行了1万公里。"这是我第一次来中国,但我一点也不觉得旅途艰难,因为我很兴奋能见到我的中国母亲李教授,"凯拉补充道,"没有我的中国母亲,我的生活将比死还要黑暗。"可知这是一次暖人心的团聚;故答案为B 。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
The Paris Olympics are getting ready to defend against cyberattacks(网络攻击), with the threat possibly coming from criminals.
"We are worried about everything from the broadcasters to the sponsors, transport infrastructures(基础设施) and support, and competitions. Any kind of attack is on the table," said John Hultquist, an analyst at Mandiant Consulting, a US cybersecurity consultancy firm.
His concern is reasonable, as cyberattacks are surprisingly common during the Olympic Games. The first cyberattack on the Olympics was in Montreal in 1976. Many events had to be postponed or moved because of the 48-hour electrical disruption. Tokyo Olympics in 2021 reported 450 million cyberattacks—which doubled the number experienced during the 2012 London Olympics.
However, it's important to note that the Paris Olympics will make the first attempt to take heavy advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in its operation. "AI will have a huge impact on us," a senior French military official stated. "It will allow us to rearrange data faster and extract key events, which will help fight back. " However, he also warned that there are many enemies and the resources may not be enough to deal with all possible attacks.
These attacks could target gyms, local transportation such as trains and subways, Paris' electricity and water systems, phone networks, and media reporting of the Games. The highest risk involves disruption of infrastructures and broadcasts. Furthermore, attacks could extend beyond the Games with the spread of fake videos about the events. Deepfake videos could be used to distract from the reality of particular events. "
Hultquist also warned that competition results could be tampered (篡改) with, highlighting the potential for interference(干扰) with cameras, timekeeping devices, and scoreboards. Talking about the importance of data security, he recommended keeping systems isolated (隔离的) and using paper backups for scores to ensure their security.
28.What does the underlined phrase "on the table" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Ready. B.Harmful. C.Possible. D.Preventable.
29.Why are many Olympics in the history mentioned in paragraph 3
A.To give the evidence of John's worry.
B.To specify the figures of the cyberattacks.
C.To highlight the sharp increase in cyberattacks.
D.To illustrate the bad effect caused by the disruption.
30.What is the senior French military official's attitude toward the use of AI in the Paris Olympics
A.Curious but opposed. B.Positive and optimistic.
C.Supportive but cautious. D.Uninterested and doubtful.
31.What are the last two paragraphs mainly about
A.The high risks and their influences.
B.Safety concerns of the event and the solutions.
C.The impact of deepfake videos and related measures.
D.The potential interference and the importance of security.
28.词义猜测题。根据上文The Paris Olympics are getting ready to defend against cyberattacks(网络攻击), with the threat possibly coming from criminals. 巴黎奥运会正在准备防范网络攻击,威胁可能来自犯罪分子。We are worried about everything from the broadcasters to the sponsors,
transport infrastructures(基础设施) and support, and competitions. 我们对转播商、赞助商、交通基础设施、支持和比赛等一切都感到担忧。可知 on the table在文章中的意思为: 可能的;故答案为 C。
29.细节理解题。根据 His concern is reasonable, as cyberattacks are surprisingly common during
the Olympic Games. The first cyberattack on the Olympics was in Montreal in 1976. Many events had to be postponed or moved because of the 48-hour electrical disruption. Tokyo
Olympics in 2021 reported 450 million cyberattacks—which doubled the number
experienced during the 2012 London Olympics. 他的担忧不无道理,因为网络攻击在奥运会期间出人意料地普遍。第一次针对奥运会的网络攻击发生在1976年的蒙特利尔奥运会。由于48小时的电力中断,许多活动不得不推迟或转移。2021年东京奥运会报告了4.5亿次网络攻击,是2012年伦敦奥运会的两倍。可知在第三段提到历史上的许多奥运会是给约翰担心的证据;故答案为A 。
30.推理判断题。根据 "AI will have a huge impact on us," a senior French military official stated. "
It will allow us to rearrange data faster and extract key events, which will help fight back. " However, he also warned that there are many enemies and the resources may not be enough to deal with all possible attacks. 法国军方一位高级官员表示:"人工智能将对我们产生巨大影响。""它将使我们能够更快地重新排列数据并提取关键事件,这将有助于反击。"然而,他也警告说,敌人很多,资源可能不足以应对所有可能的袭击。 可知法国军方高级官员对在巴黎奥运会上使用人工智能持支持但谨慎的态度;故答案为 C。
31.推理判断题。根据These attacks could target gyms, local transportation such as trains and
subways, Paris' electricity and water systems, phone networks, and media reporting of the Games. The highest risk involves disruption of infrastructures and broadcasts. Furthermore, attacks could extend beyond the Games with the spread of fake videos about the events. Deepfake videos could be used to distract from the reality of particular events. " 这些攻击的目标可能是健身房、火车和地铁等当地交通工具、巴黎的电力和供水系统、电话网络以及媒体对奥运会的报道。最大的风险是基础设施和广播中断。此外,随着有关奥运会的虚假视频的传播,攻击可能会延伸到奥运会之外。深度造假视频可以用来分散人们对特定事件现实的注意力。"Hultquist also warned
that competition results could be tampered (篡改) with, highlighting the potential for
interference(干扰) with cameras, timekeeping devices, and scoreboards. Talking about the
importance of data security, he recommended keeping systems isolated (隔离的) and
using paper backups for scores to ensure their security. 胡尔特奎斯特还警告说,比赛结果可能会被篡改,他强调了摄像头、计时设备和记分牌干扰的可能性。在谈到数据安全的重要性时,他建议保持系统隔离,并使用纸质备份来确保分数的安全性。可知最后两段主要讲的是事件的安全问题及解决方案;故答案为B 。
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Have you ever wondered about the universal layout (布局) of supermarkets Smart designers are behind it, subtly tempting you to walk through each aisle and fill your shopping cart without even realizing it.
Grocery store design is a carefully crafted art from both psychological and marketing standpoints, according to Reeves Connelly, who studied architectural design at the Pratt Institute. He explained there is a specific reason why fruit and vegetables are often located at the front of the store, "You'll grab the fruits and vegetables first and then hopefully feel less guilty about buying junk food later on. " Meanwhile, essential items such as milk and eggs are placed at the back of the store to ensure customers walk through other aisles with many unhealthy options like snacks and sodas, potentially increasing the likelihood of impulse purchases.
There's also a reason why you often feel lost in local supermarkets. Shockingly, they move things around. Reeves explained, "They are very much aware that these strategies become less effective after you visit the store a few times and get a better sense of where everything is, so they'll regularly move the products to different aisles to con fuse you. The practice is not limited to a specific store but is employed across various retail chains. "
"Their little tricks always work on me," one regular shopper admits, "I walk in to get three things and end up spending $300; that's why I hate grocery shopping," he said. On the other hand, some shoppers are proud to declare they have never fallen into the trap. "That's why I always keep a shopping list on me," another shopper shared. "I've started having my groceries delivered. If I have to go to the store, I never grab a trolley. If I can't carry it, I'm not buying it," he added.
32.What is the purpose of the supermarket layout
A.To show the designer's wisdom.
B.To save consumers' shopping time.
C.To increase non-essential purchases.
D.To provide multiple goods for choice.
33.What would the store owner probably do to make more profits
A.Put the healthy food together.
B.Distribute junk food in different areas.
C.Place essential items before junk food.
D.Rearrange products in supermarkets regularly.
34.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.Most shoppers are trapped in marketing tricks.
B.Shopping baskets are better than heavy trolleys.
C.Making lists can be a smart act for impulse buying.
D.Grocery delivery can help improve supermarket sales.
35.Where is this text most likely from
A.A business magazine. B.A psychology report.
C.A research paper. D.A shopping guide.
32.推理判断题。根据 Have you ever wondered about the universal layout (布局) of
supermarkets Smart designers are behind it, subtly tempting you to walk through each aisle and fill your shopping cart without even realizing it. 你有没有想过超市的通用布局 聪明的设计师在背后巧妙地引诱你走过每一个通道,在你没有意识到的情况下装满你的购物车。可知超市布局的目的是增加非必需品的购买;故答案为 C。
33.推理判断题。根据There's also a reason why you often feel lost in local supermarkets.
Shockingly, they move things around. Reeves explained, "They are very much aware that these strategies become less effective after you visit the store a few times and get a better sense of where everything is, so they'll regularly move the products to different aisles to con fuse you. The practice is not limited to a specific store but is employed across various retail chains. " 这也是你经常在当地超市迷路的原因。令人震惊的是,它们会移动东西。里夫斯解释说:"他们非常清楚,在你逛了几次店,对所有东西的位置有了更好的了解之后,这些策略就会变得不那么有效,所以他们会定期把产品挪到不同的通道,让你感到困惑。这种做法并不局限于特定的商店,而是在各种零售连锁店中使用。"可知店主可能会定期在超市重新摆放商品来赚取更多的利润;故答案为D 。
34.推理判断题。根据 "Their little tricks always work on me," one regular shopper admits, "I walk
in to get three things and end up spending $300; that's why I hate grocery shopping," he said. On the other hand, some shoppers are proud to declare they have never fallen into the trap. "That's why I always keep a shopping list on me," another shopper shared. "I've started having my groceries delivered. If I have to go to the store, I never grab a trolley. If I can't carry it, I'm not buying it," he added. "他们的小把戏总能骗到我,"一位常客承认,"我进去买了三样东西,结果花了300美元;这就是我讨厌去杂货店购物的原因,"他说。另一方面,一些购物者自豪地宣称他们从未落入陷阱。"这就是为什么我总是随身带着购物清单,"另一位购物者分享道。"我已经开始叫外卖了。如果我必须去商店,我从不推手推车。如果我不能携带它,我就不会买它。"可知从最后一段可以推断出对于冲动消费来说,列清单是一种聪明的行为;故答案为C 。
35.推理判断题。根据文章的第一段超市布局的目的是增加非必需品的购买; 第二段从心理学和营销的角度来看,杂货店的设计是一门精心制作的艺术。第三段店主可能会定期在超市重新摆放商品来赚取更多的利润;第四段对于冲动消费来说,列清单是一种聪明的行为;可知这是一篇关于商业的文章,所以它可能来源于商业杂志;故答案为 A。
四、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
π(Pi) Day falls on March 14. This is the day when mathematicians and geometry(几何学)lovers around the world get together and celebrate the mathematical constant(常数) of Pi.
 36.   Firstly, the date which can be represented numerically in the format 3. 14represents the first 3 digits of π. Besides, one of our greatest physicists Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1897. In 2018, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking passed away on Pi Day.
The earliest known celebration of Pi Day was organized by the physicist Larry Shaw at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, featuring eating different kinds of fruit pies.  37.   The museum staff marched around a circular room, sang songs, and ate pie. News stories about the celebration spread the idea to schools, museums, and communities. In 2009, US House of Representatives officially named this special day—"Pi Day".
Many people celebrate Pi Day with family and friends.  38.   People make pizzas (round ones, of course) and bake cream pies. Some people even use a special pie pan shaped like the Greek letter π. They are also willing to drink pi-neapple juice.  39.  
Over thousands of years, people tried to unfold the puzzle behind this magic number. Before the appearance of modern computing technologies, mathematicians all over the world have made their efforts on calculating the approximation of Pi.  40.   While Indian mathematician
Aryabhata approximated Pi to using the circumference of a polygon(多边形) with 384 sides. On 2019's Pi Day, Google announced that the calculation of Pi has already reached 31. 4 trillion decimal(小数的) places.
A. The most popular way is by eating pi-themed foods.
B. March 14 seems to be tightly connected with Science.
C. It was because "Pi" and "pie" sounded same in English.
D. The world record for memorizing pi is held by Chao Lu from China.
E. Chinese ancient mathematician Zu Chongzhi extended Pi to 7 decimal places.
F. Another celebration is to recite this amazing number with countless decimal places.
G. Pic an also be used to calculate the volume of something shaped like a ball or a tube.
36.根据上文π(Pi) Day falls on March 14. This is the day when mathematicians and geometry
(几何学)lovers around the world get together and celebrate the mathematical constant(常数) of Pi. π日是每年的3月14日。世界各地的数学家和几何学(几何学)爱好者聚在一起庆祝数学常数(常数)圆周率的这一天。以及下文Firstly, the date which can be represented numerically in the
format 3. 14represents the first 3 digits of π. 首先,日期可以用数字表示,格式为3,14代表π的前三位数字。可知空白处需要过渡句:三月十四日对数学这门科学来说也很重要; 选项 March 14
seems to be tightly connected with Science. 3月14日似乎与科学密切相关。符合题意;故答案为B 。
37.根据上文The earliest known celebration of Pi Day was organized by the physicist Larry Shaw
at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, featuring eating different kinds of fruit pies. 已知最早的圆周率日庆祝活动是1988年由物理学家拉里·肖在旧金山探索馆组织的,活动内容是吃不同种类的水果派。可知空白处需要补充吃水果派的原因; 选项It was because "Pi" and "pie" sounded
same in English. 这是因为"Pi"和"pie"在英语中发音相同。符合题意;故答案为 C。
38.根据上文Many people celebrate Pi Day with family and friends. 许多人与家人和朋友一起庆祝圆周率日。以及下文 People make pizzas (round ones, of course) and bake cream pies.人们做披萨(当然是圆的)和烤奶油派。可知空白处需要过渡句:他们喜欢吃派类的食物;选项The most
popular way is by eating pi-themed foods. 最受欢迎的方式是吃pi主题的食物。符合题意;故答案为A 。
39.根据上文 Some people even use a special pie pan shaped like the Greek letter π. They are
also willing to drink pi-neapple juice. 有些人甚至用希腊字母π形状的特殊烤盘。他们也愿意喝菠萝汁。可知空白处需要补充还有其他特别的庆祝圆周率日的方式;选项 Another celebration is to
recite this amazing number with countless decimal places.另一个庆祝活动是背诵这个有无数小数点的惊人数字。符合题意;故答案为 F。
40.根据上文 Before the appearance of modern computing technologies, mathematicians all
over the world have made their efforts on calculating the approximation of Pi. 在现代计算技术出现之前,世界各地的数学家都在努力计算圆周率的近似值。以及下文While Indian mathematician
Aryabhata approximated Pi to using the circumference of a polygon(多边形)
with 384 sides.印度数学家Aryabhata用384条边的多边形(多边形)的周长来近似计算圆周率。可知空白处需要中国的数学家做出的成就; 选项Chinese ancient mathematician Zu Chongzhi extended
Pi to 7 decimal places. 中国古代数学家祖冲之将圆周率扩展到小数点后7位。符合题意;故答案为 E。
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Douglas Smith is a competitive guy. So when he turned his attention to the vegetable garden behind his home, he was devoted to it so much, in fact, that his casual hobby grew to 41. .
The British gardener has 42. a nearly 7-pound tomato, a 624-pound pumpkin and a 20-foot-tall sunflower. Recently, though, he has changed his focus from size to 43. . Twice in a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem. 44. , he broke the previous record of 488 cherry tomatoes—which had been 45. for more than 10 years—after he grew 839 cherry tomatoes on one stem in September,
2021. Then, in 2022, Guinness World Records 46. that Smith had actually beaten his own world record, growing 1,269 cherry tomatoes on a single stem.
Growing huge vegetables presented a(n) 47. opportunity to "push your gardening knowledge to do something different," Smith said. "If you're trying to grow for a competition, you learn a lot more about 48. to grow them best through an exercise like this. "
49. the prospect of earning prizes and praise, what inspired Smith most, he said, was the learning process and the strong sense of 50. among fellow growers. Although it's competitive in nature, the community cooperate. "Competitive vegetable-growing is actually knowledge sharing," Smith said. For Smith, the process of growing supersize 51. is scientific.
To 52. his cherry-tomato-growing operation, he spent countless hours reading research papers, sending soil samples to be tested in labs, trying out seed 53. and investigating the many tomato types.
Now, Smith has his sights 54. on a new mission. He hopes to win the record for "most cherry tomatoes on a single plant". He also intends to 55. at growing the world's heaviest potato and eggplant. "It's just a bit of fun," he said.
41.A. principle B. career
C. enthusiasm D. responsibility
42.A. harvested B. planted C. purchased D. won
43.A. price B. sum C. value D. nutrition
44.A. Finally B. Obviously C. Originally D. Absolutely
45.A. in doubt B. in turn C. in order D. in place
46.A. announced B. admitted C. pointed D. confirmed
47.A. familiar B. leading C. attractive D. brief
48.A. when B. where C. why D. how
49.A. Except B. Besides C. With D. Among
50.A. satisfaction B. belonging C. achievement D. competition
51.A. plant B. produce C. crop D. fruit
52.A. prepare for B. look into
C. contribute to D. bring about
53.A. alternatives B. occasions C. varieties D. ranges
54.A. set B. fallen C. entrusted D. delivered
55.A. make a bet B. make a fortune
C. take advantage D. take a shot
41.句意: 因此,当他把注意力转向家后面的菜园时,他非常投入,事实上,他的业余爱好变成了热爱。 根据上文Douglas Smith is a competitive guy. 道格拉斯·史密斯是个好胜的人。以及下文Twice in
a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。可知他对种植很热情,很热爱园艺种植。 A:principle原则;B:career职业;C:enthusiasm热情;D:responsibility责任;故答案为C 。
in a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。 可知他种植的蔬菜收获很多; A:harvested收获;B:planted种植;C:purchased购买;D:won赢得;故答案为 A。
43.句意:不过,最近他把关注点从规模转向了总和。根据下文Twice in a row, Smith broke the
Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。 可知他现在很在意单株植物产的总数量; A:price价格;B: sum总数,总和;C: value价值;D: nutrition营养;故答案为B 。
44.句意:2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。根据文章中的果实数字"488"" 839""1,269" 可知"488"是他最初申报吉尼斯世界纪录的产量; A:Finally最后;B: Obviously当然;C:Originally最初;D:Absolutely绝对;故答案为 C。
45.句意:2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。根据 for more than 10 years 十多年,可知这十多年他都没有突破单株产量超488的这个记录,所以他这十年都保持着这个记录; A: in doubt怀疑;B:in turn依次;C:in order有序;D:in place保持在适当的位置;故答案为D 。
46.句意:然后,在2022年,吉尼斯世界纪录宣布史密斯实际上打破了他自己的世界纪录,在一根茎上种植了1269个圣女果。根据句意"史密斯实际上打破了他自己的世界纪录,在一根茎上种植了1269个圣女果" 可知这个结果是由吉尼斯世界纪录的工作人员宣布的; A: announced宣布;B: admitted承认;C: pointed引导;D: confirmed确认;故答案为 A。
47.句意: 种植巨大的蔬菜提供了一个很有吸引力的机会,"把你的园艺知识应用到不同的事情上,"史密斯说。根据句意"把你的园艺知识应用到不同的事情上" 并且他还多次获得吉尼斯世界纪录认证;可知对他来说种植蔬菜是很吸引人的; A: familiar熟悉的;B: leading领导的;C: attractive吸引人的;D: brief简短的;故答案为C 。
48.句意:如果你想在竞争中成长,你可以通过这样的练习学到更多关于如何最好地培养他们的知识。根据上文句意"2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。" 可知要想产的多还必须知道怎样培养这些植株; A: when什么时候;B: where在哪里;C: why为什么;D: how怎样;故答案为D 。
49.句意:史密斯说,除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外,最鼓舞他的是学习过程和其他种植者之间强烈的归属感。根据句意"了赢得奖品和赞誉"和"最鼓舞他的是学习过程"这些都是他得到了的, 可知除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外他还获得了其他的东西; A: Except除……外,不包括;B: Besides除……之外(还);C: With以,凭借;D: Among在……当中;故答案为B 。
50.句意:史密斯说,除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外,最鼓舞他的是学习过程和其他种植者之间强烈的归属感。根据下文Although it's competitive in nature, the community cooperate. "Competitive
vegetable-growing is actually knowledge sharing," Smith said. 虽然它本质上是竞争的,但是是社区合作。"竞争蔬菜种植实际上是知识共享,"史密斯说。可知种植让他有了一种归属感; A:satisfaction满意;B: belonging归属;C: achievement成就;D: competition竞争;故答案为 B。
51.句意:对史密斯来说,种植超大型农产品的过程是科学的。根据上文句意"这位英国园丁收获了近7磅重的西红柿、624磅重的南瓜和20英尺高的向日葵。" 可知他种植的是农产品; A: plant植物;B: produce农产品;C: crop作物;D: fruit水果;故答案为B 。
52.句意: 为了准备樱桃番茄的种植,他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试,试验种子品种,调查许多番茄类型。 根据句意"他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试" 可知这是在为正式种植做准备; A:prepare for准备;B:look into研究;C:contribute
to贡献;D:bring about带来;故答案为A 。
53.句意:为了准备樱桃番茄的种植,他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试,试验种子品种,调查许多番茄类型。根据 investigating the many tomato types调查许多番茄类型; 可知在准备阶段他还有研究番茄种子的品种类型;A: alternatives替代品;B: occasions场合;C: varieties品种;D: ranges范围;故答案为C 。
54.句意:现在,史密斯将目光投向了一项新的任务。根据 He hopes to win the record for "most
cherry tomatoes on a single plant". 他希望赢得"一株植株上最多的圣女果"的纪录。可知这是他新设定的目标; A: set设置;B: fallen掉落;C: entrusted委托;D: delivered交付;故答案为 A。
55.句意:他还打算尝试种植世界上最重的土豆和茄子。根据句意"种植世界上最重的土豆和茄子" 可知这也是他想尝试成功的目标; A:make a bet打赌;B:make a fortune发财;C:take advantage利用;D: take a shot尝试成功;故答案为D 。
六、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Mankind's desire to explore the universe never fades away. They attach great importance to carrying on space exploration  56.   the huge risks. The impossible dream of travelling to space was finally realized by some great scientists with  57.  (determine).
In 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and  58.  (success) orbited around Earth. In 1961, the first Russian stepped into space. Over eight years later, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon,  59.  (claim)"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Since then, many more goals  60.  (achieve). The International Space Station  61.   the scientists can live and do research in space is a good example to show man's joint efforts and ongoing work.
Though China's space programme started later than  62.   of Russia and the US, it has made great progress in a short time. China was the third country  63.  (send) humans into space independently. The Shenzhou series have been launched, performing many important tasks. The completion of the Tiangong Space Station was also  64.   landmark in China's space development. In spite of the difficulties, the future is bright. More countries will make  65.  (far) studies about other planets and more valuable discoveries.
【答案】56.despite;57.determination;58.successfully;59.claiming;60.have been achieved;61.where;62.those;63.to send;64.a;65.further
56.句意: 尽管有巨大的风险,他们仍然高度重视进行太空探索。 根据句意"有巨大的风险"和"他们仍然高度重视进行太空探索"之间有让步关系,分析句子结构,空白处需要介词, 可知空白处需要表示让步的介词 despite;故答案为despite 。
57.句意:去太空旅行这个不可能实现的梦想终于被一些伟大的科学家以坚定的决心实现了。根据分析句子结构,介词with 后面需要接名词, 可知空白处需要动词determine 的名词形式determination ;故答案为determination 。
58.句意:1957年,苏联发射了斯普特尼克1号卫星,成功地绕地球轨道运行。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要修饰动词 orbited的副词; 可知空白处需要名词success 的副词形式 successfully;故答案为successfully 。
59.句意:八年后,美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗登上月球,并宣称"这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步"。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语表示伴随,可知空白处需要动词claim 的现在分词形式 claiming;故答案为 claiming。
60.句意:从那时起,更多的目标已经实现。根据时间短语 Since then常跟现在完成时态,主语goals 与动词achieve 之间是被动关系, 可知空白处需要动词achieve 的现在完成时态的被动形式 have been achieved ;故答案为 have been achieved。
61.句意:科学家可以在太空生活和研究的国际空间站是一个很好的例子,展示了人类的共同努力和正在进行的工作。根据分析句子结构空白处需要关系副词引导限制性定语从句,先行词为 The
International Space Station; 可知空白处需要关系副词 where ;故答案为 where。
62.句意:虽然中国的太空计划起步晚于俄罗斯和美国,但在短时间内取得了巨大的进步。根据分析句子结构空白处需要代词代指 Russia and the US的space programmes, 并且介词 of前面不能用人称代词,可知空白处需要复数的指示代词 those ;故答案为those 。
63.句意:中国是第三个独立将人类送入太空的国家。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语作定语,由于名词前面有序数词the third 修饰; 可知空白处相同动词send 的不定式形式 to send ;故答案为to send 。
64.句意:天宫空间站的建成也是中国航天发展的一个里程碑。根据 landmark 是单数可数名词,并且在文章中第一次出现, 可知空白处需要不定冠词 a ;故答案为 a。
65.句意:更多的国家将对其他行星进行进一步的研究,并获得更多有价值的发现。根据分析句子结构 More countries, more valuable discoveries 这些短语表明在于过去相比;可知空白处需要形容词far 的比较级 further (进一步的);故答案为further 。
七、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·慈溪期末)假定你是李华,某国际学校的学生会主席。你将在学校进行主题为"Say No to School Bullying"的宣讲。请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
1. school bullying的形式和伤害;
2. 提出可行的建议和措施。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 短文题目已给出。
Say No to School Bullying
【答案】One possible version:
Dear students,
Today, I want to address a serious issue: school bullying. Bullying can take many forms—physical, verbal, or even emotional. It harms victims by causing distress, lowering self-esteem, and impacting their academic performance.
To combat this, we should start by fostering a culture of respect and kindness. Encourage open communication, and report any incidents immediately. Support each other, and remember, every one of us has a role in creating a safe and inclusive environment.
Thank you.
本题是一篇英文发言稿。要求考生以校学生会主席李华 的身份以"Say No to School Bullying"为主题写一篇发言稿。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般现在时;文章可以分为共分三段:
第一段:school bullying的形式和伤害;
第三段:发出倡议"Say No to School Bullying"。
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构It harms victims by causing distress, lowering self-esteem, and impacting their academic performance.(运用了简单句,非谓语形式),Encourage open communication, and report any incidents immediately.(运用了祈使句),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇address,distress,combat,和固定短语has a role in,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
八、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第二节 (满分25分)
There was a time in my life twenty years ago when I was driving a taxi to earn a living. I encountered people whose lives amazed me, made me laugh and made me weep. But none of those lives touched me more than that of a woman I picked up late on a warm August night.
That night, I was called at 2:00am to pick someone up. When I arrived, the building was completely dark except for one light in a window. In this case, many other drivers would just honk(按喇叭) once or twice, wait a short minute, then drive away.
But I always went to the door to find the passenger. It might, I reasoned, be someone who needed my assistance. I walked to the door and knocked. "Just a minute," answered a weak and elderly voice. After a long wait, the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.
"Would you carry my bag out to the car " she said. I took her suitcase and gave her my arm. We walked slowly to the street. She kept thanking me for my kindness.
"It's nothing," I told her. "I try to treat my passengers how I want my mother treated. "
"You're such a good boy," she said. When we got in the taxi, she gave me an address. Then she asked, "Could you drive through the downtown "
"It's not the shortest way", I answered.
"I don't mind," she said. "I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice(临终安养院). " I saw her eyes shining with tears.
"I don't have any family left, she continued. "The doctor says I should go there. He says I don't have very long. "
I quietly turned off the meter(计程器). "What road do you want me to take " I asked.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: For the next two hours, we drove through the city.
Paragraph 2: I did not pick up any more passengers that day, driving aimlessly, lost in thought.
【解析】【分析】 参考作文 For the next two hours, we drove through the city. I took her through familiar streets, showing her places where she might have spent time in her younger years. We passed by landmarks, parks, and old buildings, each evoking memories for her. Occasionally, she would point out a place and share a brief story or memory associated with it. Her voice was soft and reflective, and though she spoke little, it was clear that each location held a special significance for her. We spent the time reminiscing about the past, and in doing so, I felt like I was helping her relive moments of joy and love before she reached her final destination.
I did not pick up any more passengers that day, driving aimlessly, lost in thought. The city seemed quieter and more reflective, mirroring my own mood. The experience had touched me deeply, and I found myself contemplating the fragility of life and the importance of compassion. As the sun began to rise, casting a warm light over the streets, I realized that the simple act of kindness I had shown her had created a lasting memory for both of us. I hoped that her final moments would be as peaceful and comforting as the drive we shared.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: I took her through familiar streets, showing her places where she might have spent time in her younger years. 运用了限制性定语从句; Her voice was soft and reflective, and though she spoke little, it was clear that each location held a special significance for her.运用了让步状语从句,主语从句; We spent the time reminiscing about the past, and in doing so, I felt like I was helping her relive moments of joy and love before she reached her final destination.运用了宾语从句,时间状语从句;The experience had touched me deeply, and I found myself contemplating the fragility of life and the importance of compassion.运用了并列句;As the sun began to rise, casting a warm light over the streets, I realized that the simple act of kindness I had shown her had created a lasting memory for both of us.运用了时间状语从句,宾语从句和限制性定语从句。
1 / 1浙江省宁波市慈溪市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题(音频暂未更新)
1.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What will the woman do first
A.Finish her report.
B.Buy some groceries.
C.Pick up her mother.
2.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) How much more does Brian want
A.$10. B.$20. C.$30.
3.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) Where will the man probably go for holiday
A.The National Park.
B.The mountain.
C.The seaside.
4.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What does the woman want to do
A.Study in the library.
B.Get a library card.
C.Borrow books.
5.(2024高一下·慈溪期末) What does the man suggest doing
A.Waiting for the repairman.
B.Doing nothing for a short while.
C.Pressing the emergency button at once.
6.Why does the woman talk to the man
A.To ask for advice.
B.To confirm the test time.
C.To share study methods.
7.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Ways of doing the shooting.
B.Ways of doing maths homework.
C.Ways of remembering times tables.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
8.What is the man going to do today
A.Write a report.
B.Take a test.
C.Make a presentation.
9.How does the man feel now
A.Worried. B.Confident. C.Tired.
10.What does the woman advise the man to do
A.Set off earlier. B.Work harder. C.Check the traffic.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
11.When should the woman arrive at the company
A.At 8:00 am. B.At 8:15 am. C.At 8:30 am.
12.Why did the woman get up so late this morning
A.She was too sleepy.
B.The weather was too cold.
C.The alarm didn't go off properly.
13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Former schoolmates. C.Colleagues.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
14.Where did the woman get her first job after college
A.In a film studio.
B.In a talent agency.
C.In a publishing firm.
15.Why did the woman's mother put her in acting classes
A.To develop her talent.
B.To let her know more people.
C.To help her overcome her shyness.
16.What sport does the woman like best
A.Swimming. B.Skiing. C.Skating.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 听录音,回答问题。
17.How did the speaker get to Spain
A.By train. B.By plane. C.By ship.
18.What did the speaker do on the first night in Spain
A.She rested at the hotel.
B.She visited some friends.
C.She experienced its nightlife.
19.Which place did the speaker visit last in Spain
A.Prado Museum. B.Santiago Stadium. C.Retiro Park.
20.What did the speaker think of her trip in Morocco
A.Great. B.Terrible. C.Boring.
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Europe's Most Beautiful Libraries
Libraries hold a special charm. Here's a brief introduction of some of the most amazing libraries across Europe.
Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark
Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, whose terrace(露台) can accommodate large crowds for events such as concerts and plays. Apart from the main functions of a library, the building houses a bookshop, a cafe and a restaurant.
Warsaw University Library in Poland
Located in the city center, it was founded in 1816, although the new building was completed in 1999. Its entrance contains blocks with writings in various languages, including a writing of Plato's in Ancient Greek and also one in Ancient Polish.
Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek in Vienna, Austria
Parts of the site were originally built in 1898, but the library was repaired following a fire in 2005. The innovative decoration gives the impression that they came from another planet. It also boasts the title of the biggest library in German-speaking countries.
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice, Italy
It is located off San Marco Square and was completed in the late 1500s. Designed by Jacopo Sansovino, it has an elegant and somewhat unusual style for the period in which it was built. The interior beauty can really hold your breath.
21.What can visitors do in the Royal Library
A.See movies. B.Sell books.
C.Make coffee. D.Enjoy concerts.
22.Which library has the longest history
A.Royal Library.
B.Warsaw University Library.
C.Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek.
D.Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana.
23.What do the first three libraries have in common
A.They all have many functions.
B.They are not the original architectures.
C.They are famous for their unique decoration.
D.They house many ancient works in various languages.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When 89-year-old Li Jinrong heard someone calling her "mom" at an event in Wuhan, Hubei Province, she immediately rose from her seat. s A foreign woman ran toward her before hugging her tightly and saying, "Mom, mom. "
The woman, Bouammouch Kheira, is from Algeria. She underwent a total nasal reconstruction operation(全鼻再造手术)—the first of its kind in Africa—that was done by Li and other members of a Chinese medical team 40 years ago. In 1984, Li joined the 11th Chinese medical aid mission to Algeria. She helped a hospital in the North African country carry out oral(口腔的) and facial operations. In 1985, 12-year-old Kheira visited the hospital to seek treatment for a stomach infection. Doctor Li happened to notice Kheira's badly disfigured(容貌受损的) nose, the tip of which was bitten off by a donkey when she was just 2 years old.
"Had she not been disfigured, she would have grown up to be a great beauty," Li said. Then she devised a detailed treatment plan and decided to transplant the skin from one of Kheira's upper arms to reconstruct her nose, because it matched her facial skin tone and would not leave noticeable scars.
Though scared at first, Li's sincere attitude and caring words reminded her of her mother and gave her hope. The reconstruction of Kheira's nose required four operations over a period of two months. After its perfect completion, Kheira ran from ward(病房) to ward, telling everyone that she now had a nose, a gift from her "Chinese mother".
Kheira travelled 10,000 kilometers from Algeria to Wuhan. "This is my first visit to China, but I don't feel the journey was hard at all, because I am so excited to meet Professor Li, my Chinese mother," Kheira added, "Without my Chinese mother, my life would be darker than death,"
24.Why did Kheira go to the hospital in 1985
A.She went to visit doctor Li by design.
B.Her nose tip was bitten off by a donkey.
C.She longed to learn about facial operations.
D.There was something wrong with her stomach.
25.What do we know about the operation performed on Kheira
A.It left no scars on Kheira' body.
B.It made Kheira's life more positive.
C.It was the first of this kind in the world.
D.It was finished totally in one significant operation.
26.Which of the following words can be used to describe Professor Li
A.Caring and considerate. B.Honest and energetic.
C.Humble and passionate. D.Selfless and ambitious.
27.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Mother of an African Girl.
B.A Heart-warming Reunion.
C.The Striking Nasal Operation.
D.Contributions of Chinese Medical Teams.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
The Paris Olympics are getting ready to defend against cyberattacks(网络攻击), with the threat possibly coming from criminals.
"We are worried about everything from the broadcasters to the sponsors, transport infrastructures(基础设施) and support, and competitions. Any kind of attack is on the table," said John Hultquist, an analyst at Mandiant Consulting, a US cybersecurity consultancy firm.
His concern is reasonable, as cyberattacks are surprisingly common during the Olympic Games. The first cyberattack on the Olympics was in Montreal in 1976. Many events had to be postponed or moved because of the 48-hour electrical disruption. Tokyo Olympics in 2021 reported 450 million cyberattacks—which doubled the number experienced during the 2012 London Olympics.
However, it's important to note that the Paris Olympics will make the first attempt to take heavy advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in its operation. "AI will have a huge impact on us," a senior French military official stated. "It will allow us to rearrange data faster and extract key events, which will help fight back. " However, he also warned that there are many enemies and the resources may not be enough to deal with all possible attacks.
These attacks could target gyms, local transportation such as trains and subways, Paris' electricity and water systems, phone networks, and media reporting of the Games. The highest risk involves disruption of infrastructures and broadcasts. Furthermore, attacks could extend beyond the Games with the spread of fake videos about the events. Deepfake videos could be used to distract from the reality of particular events. "
Hultquist also warned that competition results could be tampered (篡改) with, highlighting the potential for interference(干扰) with cameras, timekeeping devices, and scoreboards. Talking about the importance of data security, he recommended keeping systems isolated (隔离的) and using paper backups for scores to ensure their security.
28.What does the underlined phrase "on the table" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Ready. B.Harmful. C.Possible. D.Preventable.
29.Why are many Olympics in the history mentioned in paragraph 3
A.To give the evidence of John's worry.
B.To specify the figures of the cyberattacks.
C.To highlight the sharp increase in cyberattacks.
D.To illustrate the bad effect caused by the disruption.
30.What is the senior French military official's attitude toward the use of AI in the Paris Olympics
A.Curious but opposed. B.Positive and optimistic.
C.Supportive but cautious. D.Uninterested and doubtful.
31.What are the last two paragraphs mainly about
A.The high risks and their influences.
B.Safety concerns of the event and the solutions.
C.The impact of deepfake videos and related measures.
D.The potential interference and the importance of security.
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Have you ever wondered about the universal layout (布局) of supermarkets Smart designers are behind it, subtly tempting you to walk through each aisle and fill your shopping cart without even realizing it.
Grocery store design is a carefully crafted art from both psychological and marketing standpoints, according to Reeves Connelly, who studied architectural design at the Pratt Institute. He explained there is a specific reason why fruit and vegetables are often located at the front of the store, "You'll grab the fruits and vegetables first and then hopefully feel less guilty about buying junk food later on. " Meanwhile, essential items such as milk and eggs are placed at the back of the store to ensure customers walk through other aisles with many unhealthy options like snacks and sodas, potentially increasing the likelihood of impulse purchases.
There's also a reason why you often feel lost in local supermarkets. Shockingly, they move things around. Reeves explained, "They are very much aware that these strategies become less effective after you visit the store a few times and get a better sense of where everything is, so they'll regularly move the products to different aisles to con fuse you. The practice is not limited to a specific store but is employed across various retail chains. "
"Their little tricks always work on me," one regular shopper admits, "I walk in to get three things and end up spending $300; that's why I hate grocery shopping," he said. On the other hand, some shoppers are proud to declare they have never fallen into the trap. "That's why I always keep a shopping list on me," another shopper shared. "I've started having my groceries delivered. If I have to go to the store, I never grab a trolley. If I can't carry it, I'm not buying it," he added.
32.What is the purpose of the supermarket layout
A.To show the designer's wisdom.
B.To save consumers' shopping time.
C.To increase non-essential purchases.
D.To provide multiple goods for choice.
33.What would the store owner probably do to make more profits
A.Put the healthy food together.
B.Distribute junk food in different areas.
C.Place essential items before junk food.
D.Rearrange products in supermarkets regularly.
34.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.Most shoppers are trapped in marketing tricks.
B.Shopping baskets are better than heavy trolleys.
C.Making lists can be a smart act for impulse buying.
D.Grocery delivery can help improve supermarket sales.
35.Where is this text most likely from
A.A business magazine. B.A psychology report.
C.A research paper. D.A shopping guide.
四、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
π(Pi) Day falls on March 14. This is the day when mathematicians and geometry(几何学)lovers around the world get together and celebrate the mathematical constant(常数) of Pi.
 36.   Firstly, the date which can be represented numerically in the format 3. 14represents the first 3 digits of π. Besides, one of our greatest physicists Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1897. In 2018, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking passed away on Pi Day.
The earliest known celebration of Pi Day was organized by the physicist Larry Shaw at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, featuring eating different kinds of fruit pies.  37.   The museum staff marched around a circular room, sang songs, and ate pie. News stories about the celebration spread the idea to schools, museums, and communities. In 2009, US House of Representatives officially named this special day—"Pi Day".
Many people celebrate Pi Day with family and friends.  38.   People make pizzas (round ones, of course) and bake cream pies. Some people even use a special pie pan shaped like the Greek letter π. They are also willing to drink pi-neapple juice.  39.  
Over thousands of years, people tried to unfold the puzzle behind this magic number. Before the appearance of modern computing technologies, mathematicians all over the world have made their efforts on calculating the approximation of Pi.  40.   While Indian mathematician
Aryabhata approximated Pi to using the circumference of a polygon(多边形) with 384 sides. On 2019's Pi Day, Google announced that the calculation of Pi has already reached 31. 4 trillion decimal(小数的) places.
A. The most popular way is by eating pi-themed foods.
B. March 14 seems to be tightly connected with Science.
C. It was because "Pi" and "pie" sounded same in English.
D. The world record for memorizing pi is held by Chao Lu from China.
E. Chinese ancient mathematician Zu Chongzhi extended Pi to 7 decimal places.
F. Another celebration is to recite this amazing number with countless decimal places.
G. Pic an also be used to calculate the volume of something shaped like a ball or a tube.
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Douglas Smith is a competitive guy. So when he turned his attention to the vegetable garden behind his home, he was devoted to it so much, in fact, that his casual hobby grew to 41. .
The British gardener has 42. a nearly 7-pound tomato, a 624-pound pumpkin and a 20-foot-tall sunflower. Recently, though, he has changed his focus from size to 43. . Twice in a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem. 44. , he broke the previous record of 488 cherry tomatoes—which had been 45. for more than 10 years—after he grew 839 cherry tomatoes on one stem in September,
2021. Then, in 2022, Guinness World Records 46. that Smith had actually beaten his own world record, growing 1,269 cherry tomatoes on a single stem.
Growing huge vegetables presented a(n) 47. opportunity to "push your gardening knowledge to do something different," Smith said. "If you're trying to grow for a competition, you learn a lot more about 48. to grow them best through an exercise like this. "
49. the prospect of earning prizes and praise, what inspired Smith most, he said, was the learning process and the strong sense of 50. among fellow growers. Although it's competitive in nature, the community cooperate. "Competitive vegetable-growing is actually knowledge sharing," Smith said. For Smith, the process of growing supersize 51. is scientific.
To 52. his cherry-tomato-growing operation, he spent countless hours reading research papers, sending soil samples to be tested in labs, trying out seed 53. and investigating the many tomato types.
Now, Smith has his sights 54. on a new mission. He hopes to win the record for "most cherry tomatoes on a single plant". He also intends to 55. at growing the world's heaviest potato and eggplant. "It's just a bit of fun," he said.
41.A. principle B. career
C. enthusiasm D. responsibility
42.A. harvested B. planted C. purchased D. won
43.A. price B. sum C. value D. nutrition
44.A. Finally B. Obviously C. Originally D. Absolutely
45.A. in doubt B. in turn C. in order D. in place
46.A. announced B. admitted C. pointed D. confirmed
47.A. familiar B. leading C. attractive D. brief
48.A. when B. where C. why D. how
49.A. Except B. Besides C. With D. Among
50.A. satisfaction B. belonging C. achievement D. competition
51.A. plant B. produce C. crop D. fruit
52.A. prepare for B. look into
C. contribute to D. bring about
53.A. alternatives B. occasions C. varieties D. ranges
54.A. set B. fallen C. entrusted D. delivered
55.A. make a bet B. make a fortune
C. take advantage D. take a shot
六、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·慈溪期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Mankind's desire to explore the universe never fades away. They attach great importance to carrying on space exploration  56.   the huge risks. The impossible dream of travelling to space was finally realized by some great scientists with  57.  (determine).
In 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and  58.  (success) orbited around Earth. In 1961, the first Russian stepped into space. Over eight years later, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon,  59.  (claim)"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Since then, many more goals  60.  (achieve). The International Space Station  61.   the scientists can live and do research in space is a good example to show man's joint efforts and ongoing work.
Though China's space programme started later than  62.   of Russia and the US, it has made great progress in a short time. China was the third country  63.  (send) humans into space independently. The Shenzhou series have been launched, performing many important tasks. The completion of the Tiangong Space Station was also  64.   landmark in China's space development. In spite of the difficulties, the future is bright. More countries will make  65.  (far) studies about other planets and more valuable discoveries.
七、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·慈溪期末)假定你是李华,某国际学校的学生会主席。你将在学校进行主题为"Say No to School Bullying"的宣讲。请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
1. school bullying的形式和伤害;
2. 提出可行的建议和措施。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 短文题目已给出。
Say No to School Bullying
八、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第二节 (满分25分)
There was a time in my life twenty years ago when I was driving a taxi to earn a living. I encountered people whose lives amazed me, made me laugh and made me weep. But none of those lives touched me more than that of a woman I picked up late on a warm August night.
That night, I was called at 2:00am to pick someone up. When I arrived, the building was completely dark except for one light in a window. In this case, many other drivers would just honk(按喇叭) once or twice, wait a short minute, then drive away.
But I always went to the door to find the passenger. It might, I reasoned, be someone who needed my assistance. I walked to the door and knocked. "Just a minute," answered a weak and elderly voice. After a long wait, the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.
"Would you carry my bag out to the car " she said. I took her suitcase and gave her my arm. We walked slowly to the street. She kept thanking me for my kindness.
"It's nothing," I told her. "I try to treat my passengers how I want my mother treated. "
"You're such a good boy," she said. When we got in the taxi, she gave me an address. Then she asked, "Could you drive through the downtown "
"It's not the shortest way", I answered.
"I don't mind," she said. "I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice(临终安养院). " I saw her eyes shining with tears.
"I don't have any family left, she continued. "The doctor says I should go there. He says I don't have very long. "
I quietly turned off the meter(计程器). "What road do you want me to take " I asked.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: For the next two hours, we drove through the city.
Paragraph 2: I did not pick up any more passengers that day, driving aimlessly, lost in thought.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you like to go to a concert with me tonight
W: I'd love to, but I have to buy some groceries and then meet my mother at the airport after I finish writing this report.
【分析】题意: 女士首先会做什么 根据听力内容I'd love to, but I have to buy some groceries
and then meet my mother at the airport after I finish writing this report. 我很想去,但是我得买些杂货,写完报告后还要去机场接我妈妈。可知选项Finish her report.符合题意;故答案为A。
after I finish writing this report.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here's ten dollars, Brian. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes at the front of the mall. Find a nice gift for your friend's birthday.
M: Aw, Mom! Can't I have twenty dollars
【分析】题意: 布莱恩还想要多少 根据听力内容Here's ten dollars, Brian. 这是10美元,布莱恩。 Mom! Can't I have twenty dollars 妈妈!不能给我20美元吗 可知选项$10.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Here's ten dollars, Brian.Can't I have twenty dollars 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Have you planned your holiday
M: Well, I intend to climb the mountain, but my wife insists on visiting the National Park and my son Tom wants to go to the beach. I think both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please Tom.
【分析】题意:这个男士可能会去哪里度假 根据听力内容Tom wants to go to the beach. I think
both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please Tom. 我儿子汤姆想去海滩。我想我和我妻子都会放弃我们的想法来取悦汤姆。可知选项The seaside.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Tom wants to go to the beach. I think both my wife and I will give up our ideas to please
Tom. 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What can I do for you today
W: I need to return a book and check out these two books.
M: May I see your library card, please
W: It's right here.
【分析】题意:女士想做什么 根据听力内容W: I need to return a book and check out these
two books.我需要还一本书,借这两本书。M: May I see your library card, please 我可以看一下你的借书证吗 可知选项Borrow books.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I need to return a book and check out these two books.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Uh-oh. It looks like there's a problem.
M: Yeah, I'm afraid so. Last Friday this elevator was out of service all day long.
W: Should I press the emergency button
M: Let's just wait a minute or two first. It may start again by itself.
【分析】题意: 男士建议做什么 根据听力内容 Let's just wait a minute or two first. It may start
again by itself. 我们先等一两分钟吧。它可能会自行重新开始。可知选项Doing nothing for a short
while.符合题意;故答案为 B 。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句et's just wait a minute or two first. It may start again by itself.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'm pretty nervous about next Monday's maths test.
M: Why You are great with numbers.
W: Yes, in general. But this is all about times tables and I always forget, especially with the eight times tables. Do you have any tips
M: Sure, do what I do. Keep on writing them down until you get them all correct. This will also help you to find out exactly which ones you keep on forgetting.
W: Good idea. I'll give that a shot. Thank you so much.
M: No problem, that's what friends are for.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词tips 和关键句 But this is all about times tables and I always forget来选出正确选项。
6.题意:为什么女士和男士说话 根据听力内容 Do you have any tips 你有什么建议吗 可知选项To ask for advice.符合题意;故答案为A。
7.题意:说话者主要在谈论什么 根据听力内容But this is all about times tables and I always
forget, especially with the eight times tables. 但这都是关于乘法表的,我总是忘记,尤其是八乘法表。 可知选项Ways of remembering times tables.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hey, John. I know that you have been busy preparing for the presentation these days, and I'm sure that you will do it well today. I just want to wish you good luck.
M: Thanks. I have worked very hard, and I really know my material well. So, don't worry. I have faith in myself.
W: I am happy to hear that from you. Actually, I was a bit worried that you might not be ready. Another thing is that the traffic is quite heavy at this time. Why not set out at once I don't want to take any chances of being late.
M: Don't worry. It usually only takes about 15 minutes to get to the conference hall from here.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词faith和关键句Why not set out at once I don't want to take any chances of being late.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:男士今天要做什么 根据听力内容Hey, John. I know that you have been busy preparing
for the presentation these days, and I'm sure that you will do it well today. 嘿,约翰。我知道你这几天一直在忙着准备报告,我相信你今天会做得很好。 可知选项Make a presentation.符合题意;故答案为C。
9.题意:男士现在感觉如何 根据听力内容 I have faith in myself. 我对自己有信心。可知选项Confident. 符合题意;故答案为B。
10.题意:女士建议男士做什么 根据听力内容 Why not set out at once I don't want to take any
chances of being late.为什么不马上出发呢 我可不想冒迟到的危险。可知选项Set off earlier.符合题意;故答案为A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I was late for the morning meeting again.
M: Oh, that's terrible. When did you get up
W: I got up at 7:10. It was 8: 15 when I arrived at the company. I was 15 minutes late today.
M: Your manager was really angry with you, right
W: Yes, you're right.
M: Why did you get up so late this time
W: The weather was the reason. It was so cold that I couldn't get up, even though the alarm I set is 6: 50 every morning.
M: Yeah. Getting up in winter is really painful. But when we were in college, you were often late for class too. I don't think being late is a good habit, you know.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 so cold 和关键句But when we were in college, you were often late for class too.来选出正确选项。
11.题意:女士应该什么时候到公司 根据听力内容It was 8: 15 when I arrived at the company. I was
15 minutes late today. 我到公司的时候是8点15分。我今天迟到了15分钟。可知选项At 8:00 am.符合题意;故答案为A。
12.题意:为什么这个女士今天早上起得这么晚 根据听力内容 The weather was the reason. It was
so cold that I couldn't get up, even though the alarm I set is 6: 50 every morning. 天气是原因。天气太冷了,我起不来,尽管我每天早上把闹钟定在6点50分。可知选项The weather was too cold.符合题意;故答案为B。
13.题意:说话者之间可能的关系是什么 根据听力内容But when we were in college, you were often
late for class too. 但是我们上大学的时候,你也经常上课迟到。可知选项Former schoolmates.符合题意;故答案为B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What inspired you to pursue a career as a TV hostess
W: Well, I had no idea I was going to be a TV hostess. I was actually thinking of going to work in film production or for a talent agency. After college, I first worked for a publishing fi rm for two years. But I never looked for this job-it found me.
M: You said you were shy as a kid. Is it still hard for you to be in front of the camera
W: Since I was very shy, my mom put me in acting classes to help me get over my shyness. I tried it and then realized that I have no talent for acting. Well, I say I am still shy. I don't tend to go up and introduce myself to others. But at work, I'm not shy at all, because I know everyone there.
M: What do you like doing when you are free
W: I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating. But I think swimming is my favorite sport.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 get over my shyness和关键句But I think swimming is my favorite sport.来选出正确选项。
14.题意:这位女士大学毕业后的第一份工作是在哪里找到的 根据听力内容After college, I first
worked for a publishing firm for two years. 大学毕业后,我先是在一家出版公司工作了两年。可知选项In a publishing firm.符合题意;故答案为C。
15.题意:为什么这个女士的母亲要让她上表演课 根据听力内容Since I was very shy, my mom put
me in acting classes to help me get over my shyness. 因为我很害羞,我妈妈让我去上表演课来帮助我克服害羞。可知选项To help her overcome her shyness.符合题意;故答案为C。
16.题意:这位女士最喜欢什么运动 根据听力内容But I think swimming is my favorite sport. 但是我认为游泳是我最喜欢的运动。可知选项Swimming.符合题意;故答案为A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I took a trip to Spain and Morocco with my friend Karen in May. Now I'd like to tell you about my experience in the countries.
We began to explore Spain as soon as we left the airport. First, we tried some traditional Spanish food. The food was so nice. Since Spain is famous for its nightlife, we decided to experience it that night instead of resting in our hotel rooms. The next day we went on a wine tour in Toledo. Toledo is so beautiful. To see where kings and queens once lived was amazing. There was so much history culture. Some of the other places Karen and I visited were Retiro Park, Prado Museum, and Santiago Stadium. After we toured Santiago Stadium, we left Spain and made it to Morocco. We traveled by train, ship and finally bus. Let me tell you, the local food was so good. After exploring the country for two days, both Karen and I felt like we got the full Moroccan experience.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词airport和关键句After we toured Santiago Stadium, we left Spain and made it to Morocco. 来选出正确选项。
17.题意:说话者是如何到达西班牙的 根据听力内容 We began to explore Spain as soon as we left
the airport. 我们一离开机场就开始探索西班牙。可知选项By plane.符合题意;故答案为B。
18.题意:说话者在西班牙的第一个晚上做了什么 根据听力内容 Since Spain is famous for its nightlife
, we decided to experience it that night instead of resting in our hotel rooms. 由于西班牙以其夜生活而闻名,我们决定那天晚上去体验一下,而不是在酒店房间里休息。可知选项She experienced
its nightlife.符合题意;故答案为C。
19.题意:演讲者在西班牙最后访问了哪个地方 根据听力内容 After we toured Santiago Stadium,
we left Spain and made it to Morocco. 在参观完圣地亚哥体育场后,我们离开了西班牙,来到了摩洛哥。可知选项Santiago Stadium.符合题意;故答案为B。
20.题意:说话者认为她在摩洛哥的旅行怎么样 根据听力内容 After exploring the country for two
days, both Karen and I felt like we got the full Moroccan experience.在这个国家探索了两天之后,凯伦和我都觉得我们得到了完整的摩洛哥体验。可知选项Great.符合题意;故答案为A。
21.细节理解题。根据Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, whose terrace(露台) can
accommodate large crowds for events such as concerts and plays. Apart from the main functions of a library, the building houses a bookshop, a cafe and a restaurant. 它建于1999年,是旧图书馆的延伸,其露台(露台)可以容纳大量人群举办音乐会和戏剧等活动。除了图书馆的主要功能外,该建筑还设有书店、咖啡馆和餐厅。 可知在这里还可以享受音乐会;故答案为 D。
22.细节理解题。根据 Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark,Built in 1999;Warsaw University Library in Poland,it was founded in 1816;Wirtschaftsuniversit t Bibliothek in Vienna,
Austria, built in 1898;Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice, Italy,completed in the late
1500s;可知Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana历史最悠久.;故答案为 D。
23.推理判断题。根据 Built in 1999, it is an extension of the old library, 它建于1999年,是旧图书馆的扩建部分,Located in the city center, it was founded in 1816, although the new building
was completed in 1999.它位于市中心,始建于1816年,尽管新建筑于1999年完工。Parts of the
site were originally built in 1898, but the library was repaired following a fire in 2005.图书馆的部分建筑最初建于1898年,但在2005年的一场火灾后,图书馆得到了修复。可知它们不是最初的建筑结构;故答案为B 。
24.细节理解题。根据 In 1985, 12-year-old Kheira visited the hospital to seek treatment for a
stomach infection. 1985年,12岁的Kheira到医院寻求治疗胃部感染。可知凯拉在1985年去了医院是因为她的胃有点不舒服;故答案为D 。
25.推理判断题。根据After its perfect completion, Kheira ran from ward(病房) to ward, telling
everyone that she now had a nose, a gift from her "Chinese mother". 在完美完成四次手术后,凯拉从一个病房跑到另一个病房,告诉每个人她现在有了一个鼻子,这是她的"中国妈妈"给她的礼物。可知 凯拉的手术让她的生活更加积极 ;故答案为B 。
26.推理判断题。根据"Had she not been disfigured, she would have grown up to be a great
beauty," Li said. Then she devised a detailed treatment plan and decided to transplant the skin from one of Kheira's upper arms to reconstruct her nose, because it matched her facial skin tone and would not leave noticeable scars. "如果她没有被毁容,她长大后会是一个大美人,"李说。然后,她设计了一个详细的治疗计划,并决定从凯拉的上臂上移植皮肤来重建她的鼻子,因为它与她的面部肤色相匹配,不会留下明显的疤痕。可知"关怀、体贴" 可以用来形容李教授;故答案为A 。
27.主旨大意题。根据 Kheira travelled 10,000 kilometers from Algeria to Wuhan. "This is my first
visit to China, but I don't feel the journey was hard at all, because I am so excited to meet Professor Li, my Chinese mother," Kheira added, "Without my Chinese mother, my life would be darker than death,"凯拉从阿尔及利亚到武汉旅行了1万公里。"这是我第一次来中国,但我一点也不觉得旅途艰难,因为我很兴奋能见到我的中国母亲李教授,"凯拉补充道,"没有我的中国母亲,我的生活将比死还要黑暗。"可知这是一次暖人心的团聚;故答案为B 。
28.词义猜测题。根据上文The Paris Olympics are getting ready to defend against cyberattacks(网络攻击), with the threat possibly coming from criminals. 巴黎奥运会正在准备防范网络攻击,威胁可能来自犯罪分子。We are worried about everything from the broadcasters to the sponsors,
transport infrastructures(基础设施) and support, and competitions. 我们对转播商、赞助商、交通基础设施、支持和比赛等一切都感到担忧。可知 on the table在文章中的意思为: 可能的;故答案为 C。
29.细节理解题。根据 His concern is reasonable, as cyberattacks are surprisingly common during
the Olympic Games. The first cyberattack on the Olympics was in Montreal in 1976. Many events had to be postponed or moved because of the 48-hour electrical disruption. Tokyo
Olympics in 2021 reported 450 million cyberattacks—which doubled the number
experienced during the 2012 London Olympics. 他的担忧不无道理,因为网络攻击在奥运会期间出人意料地普遍。第一次针对奥运会的网络攻击发生在1976年的蒙特利尔奥运会。由于48小时的电力中断,许多活动不得不推迟或转移。2021年东京奥运会报告了4.5亿次网络攻击,是2012年伦敦奥运会的两倍。可知在第三段提到历史上的许多奥运会是给约翰担心的证据;故答案为A 。
30.推理判断题。根据 "AI will have a huge impact on us," a senior French military official stated. "
It will allow us to rearrange data faster and extract key events, which will help fight back. " However, he also warned that there are many enemies and the resources may not be enough to deal with all possible attacks. 法国军方一位高级官员表示:"人工智能将对我们产生巨大影响。""它将使我们能够更快地重新排列数据并提取关键事件,这将有助于反击。"然而,他也警告说,敌人很多,资源可能不足以应对所有可能的袭击。 可知法国军方高级官员对在巴黎奥运会上使用人工智能持支持但谨慎的态度;故答案为 C。
31.推理判断题。根据These attacks could target gyms, local transportation such as trains and
subways, Paris' electricity and water systems, phone networks, and media reporting of the Games. The highest risk involves disruption of infrastructures and broadcasts. Furthermore, attacks could extend beyond the Games with the spread of fake videos about the events. Deepfake videos could be used to distract from the reality of particular events. " 这些攻击的目标可能是健身房、火车和地铁等当地交通工具、巴黎的电力和供水系统、电话网络以及媒体对奥运会的报道。最大的风险是基础设施和广播中断。此外,随着有关奥运会的虚假视频的传播,攻击可能会延伸到奥运会之外。深度造假视频可以用来分散人们对特定事件现实的注意力。"Hultquist also warned
that competition results could be tampered (篡改) with, highlighting the potential for
interference(干扰) with cameras, timekeeping devices, and scoreboards. Talking about the
importance of data security, he recommended keeping systems isolated (隔离的) and
using paper backups for scores to ensure their security. 胡尔特奎斯特还警告说,比赛结果可能会被篡改,他强调了摄像头、计时设备和记分牌干扰的可能性。在谈到数据安全的重要性时,他建议保持系统隔离,并使用纸质备份来确保分数的安全性。可知最后两段主要讲的是事件的安全问题及解决方案;故答案为B 。
32.推理判断题。根据 Have you ever wondered about the universal layout (布局) of
supermarkets Smart designers are behind it, subtly tempting you to walk through each aisle and fill your shopping cart without even realizing it. 你有没有想过超市的通用布局 聪明的设计师在背后巧妙地引诱你走过每一个通道,在你没有意识到的情况下装满你的购物车。可知超市布局的目的是增加非必需品的购买;故答案为 C。
33.推理判断题。根据There's also a reason why you often feel lost in local supermarkets.
Shockingly, they move things around. Reeves explained, "They are very much aware that these strategies become less effective after you visit the store a few times and get a better sense of where everything is, so they'll regularly move the products to different aisles to con fuse you. The practice is not limited to a specific store but is employed across various retail chains. " 这也是你经常在当地超市迷路的原因。令人震惊的是,它们会移动东西。里夫斯解释说:"他们非常清楚,在你逛了几次店,对所有东西的位置有了更好的了解之后,这些策略就会变得不那么有效,所以他们会定期把产品挪到不同的通道,让你感到困惑。这种做法并不局限于特定的商店,而是在各种零售连锁店中使用。"可知店主可能会定期在超市重新摆放商品来赚取更多的利润;故答案为D 。
34.推理判断题。根据 "Their little tricks always work on me," one regular shopper admits, "I walk
in to get three things and end up spending $300; that's why I hate grocery shopping," he said. On the other hand, some shoppers are proud to declare they have never fallen into the trap. "That's why I always keep a shopping list on me," another shopper shared. "I've started having my groceries delivered. If I have to go to the store, I never grab a trolley. If I can't carry it, I'm not buying it," he added. "他们的小把戏总能骗到我,"一位常客承认,"我进去买了三样东西,结果花了300美元;这就是我讨厌去杂货店购物的原因,"他说。另一方面,一些购物者自豪地宣称他们从未落入陷阱。"这就是为什么我总是随身带着购物清单,"另一位购物者分享道。"我已经开始叫外卖了。如果我必须去商店,我从不推手推车。如果我不能携带它,我就不会买它。"可知从最后一段可以推断出对于冲动消费来说,列清单是一种聪明的行为;故答案为C 。
35.推理判断题。根据文章的第一段超市布局的目的是增加非必需品的购买; 第二段从心理学和营销的角度来看,杂货店的设计是一门精心制作的艺术。第三段店主可能会定期在超市重新摆放商品来赚取更多的利润;第四段对于冲动消费来说,列清单是一种聪明的行为;可知这是一篇关于商业的文章,所以它可能来源于商业杂志;故答案为 A。
36.根据上文π(Pi) Day falls on March 14. This is the day when mathematicians and geometry
(几何学)lovers around the world get together and celebrate the mathematical constant(常数) of Pi. π日是每年的3月14日。世界各地的数学家和几何学(几何学)爱好者聚在一起庆祝数学常数(常数)圆周率的这一天。以及下文Firstly, the date which can be represented numerically in the
format 3. 14represents the first 3 digits of π. 首先,日期可以用数字表示,格式为3,14代表π的前三位数字。可知空白处需要过渡句:三月十四日对数学这门科学来说也很重要; 选项 March 14
seems to be tightly connected with Science. 3月14日似乎与科学密切相关。符合题意;故答案为B 。
37.根据上文The earliest known celebration of Pi Day was organized by the physicist Larry Shaw
at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, featuring eating different kinds of fruit pies. 已知最早的圆周率日庆祝活动是1988年由物理学家拉里·肖在旧金山探索馆组织的,活动内容是吃不同种类的水果派。可知空白处需要补充吃水果派的原因; 选项It was because "Pi" and "pie" sounded
same in English. 这是因为"Pi"和"pie"在英语中发音相同。符合题意;故答案为 C。
38.根据上文Many people celebrate Pi Day with family and friends. 许多人与家人和朋友一起庆祝圆周率日。以及下文 People make pizzas (round ones, of course) and bake cream pies.人们做披萨(当然是圆的)和烤奶油派。可知空白处需要过渡句:他们喜欢吃派类的食物;选项The most
popular way is by eating pi-themed foods. 最受欢迎的方式是吃pi主题的食物。符合题意;故答案为A 。
39.根据上文 Some people even use a special pie pan shaped like the Greek letter π. They are
also willing to drink pi-neapple juice. 有些人甚至用希腊字母π形状的特殊烤盘。他们也愿意喝菠萝汁。可知空白处需要补充还有其他特别的庆祝圆周率日的方式;选项 Another celebration is to
recite this amazing number with countless decimal places.另一个庆祝活动是背诵这个有无数小数点的惊人数字。符合题意;故答案为 F。
40.根据上文 Before the appearance of modern computing technologies, mathematicians all
over the world have made their efforts on calculating the approximation of Pi. 在现代计算技术出现之前,世界各地的数学家都在努力计算圆周率的近似值。以及下文While Indian mathematician
Aryabhata approximated Pi to using the circumference of a polygon(多边形)
with 384 sides.印度数学家Aryabhata用384条边的多边形(多边形)的周长来近似计算圆周率。可知空白处需要中国的数学家做出的成就; 选项Chinese ancient mathematician Zu Chongzhi extended
Pi to 7 decimal places. 中国古代数学家祖冲之将圆周率扩展到小数点后7位。符合题意;故答案为 E。
41.句意: 因此,当他把注意力转向家后面的菜园时,他非常投入,事实上,他的业余爱好变成了热爱。 根据上文Douglas Smith is a competitive guy. 道格拉斯·史密斯是个好胜的人。以及下文Twice in
a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。可知他对种植很热情,很热爱园艺种植。 A:principle原则;B:career职业;C:enthusiasm热情;D:responsibility责任;故答案为C 。
in a row, Smith broke the Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。 可知他种植的蔬菜收获很多; A:harvested收获;B:planted种植;C:purchased购买;D:won赢得;故答案为 A。
43.句意:不过,最近他把关注点从规模转向了总和。根据下文Twice in a row, Smith broke the
Guinness World Record for the most cherry tomatoes grown on a single stem.史密斯连续两次打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为单茎种植最多圣女果的人。 可知他现在很在意单株植物产的总数量; A:price价格;B: sum总数,总和;C: value价值;D: nutrition营养;故答案为B 。
44.句意:2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。根据文章中的果实数字"488"" 839""1,269" 可知"488"是他最初申报吉尼斯世界纪录的产量; A:Finally最后;B: Obviously当然;C:Originally最初;D:Absolutely绝对;故答案为 C。
45.句意:2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。根据 for more than 10 years 十多年,可知这十多年他都没有突破单株产量超488的这个记录,所以他这十年都保持着这个记录; A: in doubt怀疑;B:in turn依次;C:in order有序;D:in place保持在适当的位置;故答案为D 。
46.句意:然后,在2022年,吉尼斯世界纪录宣布史密斯实际上打破了他自己的世界纪录,在一根茎上种植了1269个圣女果。根据句意"史密斯实际上打破了他自己的世界纪录,在一根茎上种植了1269个圣女果" 可知这个结果是由吉尼斯世界纪录的工作人员宣布的; A: announced宣布;B: admitted承认;C: pointed引导;D: confirmed确认;故答案为 A。
47.句意: 种植巨大的蔬菜提供了一个很有吸引力的机会,"把你的园艺知识应用到不同的事情上,"史密斯说。根据句意"把你的园艺知识应用到不同的事情上" 并且他还多次获得吉尼斯世界纪录认证;可知对他来说种植蔬菜是很吸引人的; A: familiar熟悉的;B: leading领导的;C: attractive吸引人的;D: brief简短的;故答案为C 。
48.句意:如果你想在竞争中成长,你可以通过这样的练习学到更多关于如何最好地培养他们的知识。根据上文句意"2021年9月,他在一根茎上种植了839个圣女果,打破了保持了10多年的488个圣女果的纪录。" 可知要想产的多还必须知道怎样培养这些植株; A: when什么时候;B: where在哪里;C: why为什么;D: how怎样;故答案为D 。
49.句意:史密斯说,除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外,最鼓舞他的是学习过程和其他种植者之间强烈的归属感。根据句意"了赢得奖品和赞誉"和"最鼓舞他的是学习过程"这些都是他得到了的, 可知除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外他还获得了其他的东西; A: Except除……外,不包括;B: Besides除……之外(还);C: With以,凭借;D: Among在……当中;故答案为B 。
50.句意:史密斯说,除了赢得奖品和赞誉的前景之外,最鼓舞他的是学习过程和其他种植者之间强烈的归属感。根据下文Although it's competitive in nature, the community cooperate. "Competitive
vegetable-growing is actually knowledge sharing," Smith said. 虽然它本质上是竞争的,但是是社区合作。"竞争蔬菜种植实际上是知识共享,"史密斯说。可知种植让他有了一种归属感; A:satisfaction满意;B: belonging归属;C: achievement成就;D: competition竞争;故答案为 B。
51.句意:对史密斯来说,种植超大型农产品的过程是科学的。根据上文句意"这位英国园丁收获了近7磅重的西红柿、624磅重的南瓜和20英尺高的向日葵。" 可知他种植的是农产品; A: plant植物;B: produce农产品;C: crop作物;D: fruit水果;故答案为B 。
52.句意: 为了准备樱桃番茄的种植,他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试,试验种子品种,调查许多番茄类型。 根据句意"他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试" 可知这是在为正式种植做准备; A:prepare for准备;B:look into研究;C:contribute
to贡献;D:bring about带来;故答案为A 。
53.句意:为了准备樱桃番茄的种植,他花了无数的时间阅读研究论文,把土壤样本送到实验室测试,试验种子品种,调查许多番茄类型。根据 investigating the many tomato types调查许多番茄类型; 可知在准备阶段他还有研究番茄种子的品种类型;A: alternatives替代品;B: occasions场合;C: varieties品种;D: ranges范围;故答案为C 。
54.句意:现在,史密斯将目光投向了一项新的任务。根据 He hopes to win the record for "most
cherry tomatoes on a single plant". 他希望赢得"一株植株上最多的圣女果"的纪录。可知这是他新设定的目标; A: set设置;B: fallen掉落;C: entrusted委托;D: delivered交付;故答案为 A。
55.句意:他还打算尝试种植世界上最重的土豆和茄子。根据句意"种植世界上最重的土豆和茄子" 可知这也是他想尝试成功的目标; A:make a bet打赌;B:make a fortune发财;C:take advantage利用;D: take a shot尝试成功;故答案为D 。
【答案】56.despite;57.determination;58.successfully;59.claiming;60.have been achieved;61.where;62.those;63.to send;64.a;65.further
56.句意: 尽管有巨大的风险,他们仍然高度重视进行太空探索。 根据句意"有巨大的风险"和"他们仍然高度重视进行太空探索"之间有让步关系,分析句子结构,空白处需要介词, 可知空白处需要表示让步的介词 despite;故答案为despite 。
57.句意:去太空旅行这个不可能实现的梦想终于被一些伟大的科学家以坚定的决心实现了。根据分析句子结构,介词with 后面需要接名词, 可知空白处需要动词determine 的名词形式determination ;故答案为determination 。
58.句意:1957年,苏联发射了斯普特尼克1号卫星,成功地绕地球轨道运行。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要修饰动词 orbited的副词; 可知空白处需要名词success 的副词形式 successfully;故答案为successfully 。
59.句意:八年后,美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗登上月球,并宣称"这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步"。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语表示伴随,可知空白处需要动词claim 的现在分词形式 claiming;故答案为 claiming。
60.句意:从那时起,更多的目标已经实现。根据时间短语 Since then常跟现在完成时态,主语goals 与动词achieve 之间是被动关系, 可知空白处需要动词achieve 的现在完成时态的被动形式 have been achieved ;故答案为 have been achieved。
61.句意:科学家可以在太空生活和研究的国际空间站是一个很好的例子,展示了人类的共同努力和正在进行的工作。根据分析句子结构空白处需要关系副词引导限制性定语从句,先行词为 The
International Space Station; 可知空白处需要关系副词 where ;故答案为 where。
62.句意:虽然中国的太空计划起步晚于俄罗斯和美国,但在短时间内取得了巨大的进步。根据分析句子结构空白处需要代词代指 Russia and the US的space programmes, 并且介词 of前面不能用人称代词,可知空白处需要复数的指示代词 those ;故答案为those 。
63.句意:中国是第三个独立将人类送入太空的国家。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语作定语,由于名词前面有序数词the third 修饰; 可知空白处相同动词send 的不定式形式 to send ;故答案为to send 。
64.句意:天宫空间站的建成也是中国航天发展的一个里程碑。根据 landmark 是单数可数名词,并且在文章中第一次出现, 可知空白处需要不定冠词 a ;故答案为 a。
65.句意:更多的国家将对其他行星进行进一步的研究,并获得更多有价值的发现。根据分析句子结构 More countries, more valuable discoveries 这些短语表明在于过去相比;可知空白处需要形容词far 的比较级 further (进一步的);故答案为further 。
66.【答案】One possible version:
Dear students,
Today, I want to address a serious issue: school bullying. Bullying can take many forms—physical, verbal, or even emotional. It harms victims by causing distress, lowering self-esteem, and impacting their academic performance.
To combat this, we should start by fostering a culture of respect and kindness. Encourage open communication, and report any incidents immediately. Support each other, and remember, every one of us has a role in creating a safe and inclusive environment.
Thank you.
本题是一篇英文发言稿。要求考生以校学生会主席李华 的身份以"Say No to School Bullying"为主题写一篇发言稿。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般现在时;文章可以分为共分三段:
第一段:school bullying的形式和伤害;
第三段:发出倡议"Say No to School Bullying"。
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构It harms victims by causing distress, lowering self-esteem, and impacting their academic performance.(运用了简单句,非谓语形式),Encourage open communication, and report any incidents immediately.(运用了祈使句),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇address,distress,combat,和固定短语has a role in,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
【解析】【分析】 参考作文 For the next two hours, we drove through the city. I took her through familiar streets, showing her places where she might have spent time in her younger years. We passed by landmarks, parks, and old buildings, each evoking memories for her. Occasionally, she would point out a place and share a brief story or memory associated with it. Her voice was soft and reflective, and though she spoke little, it was clear that each location held a special significance for her. We spent the time reminiscing about the past, and in doing so, I felt like I was helping her relive moments of joy and love before she reached her final destination.
I did not pick up any more passengers that day, driving aimlessly, lost in thought. The city seemed quieter and more reflective, mirroring my own mood. The experience had touched me deeply, and I found myself contemplating the fragility of life and the importance of compassion. As the sun began to rise, casting a warm light over the streets, I realized that the simple act of kindness I had shown her had created a lasting memory for both of us. I hoped that her final moments would be as peaceful and comforting as the drive we shared.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: I took her through familiar streets, showing her places where she might have spent time in her younger years. 运用了限制性定语从句; Her voice was soft and reflective, and though she spoke little, it was clear that each location held a special significance for her.运用了让步状语从句,主语从句; We spent the time reminiscing about the past, and in doing so, I felt like I was helping her relive moments of joy and love before she reached her final destination.运用了宾语从句,时间状语从句;The experience had touched me deeply, and I found myself contemplating the fragility of life and the importance of compassion.运用了并列句;As the sun began to rise, casting a warm light over the streets, I realized that the simple act of kindness I had shown her had created a lasting memory for both of us.运用了时间状语从句,宾语从句和限制性定语从句。
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