

名称 湖北省咸宁市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
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文件大小 101.1KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-29 17:06:49


一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Who will Peter go camping with
A.Dave. B.Tom. C.Mike.
【解析】【听力原文】W: So, Peter, who are you going camping with
M: Well, Dave from work can't make it, so Tom—you know him, an old school friend. I'll do a trip with Dave and Mike another time.
【分析】问题: Peter 将和谁一起去露营?根据"so Tom—you know him, an old school friend."所以汤姆,你认识他,一个老同学。故选B。
2.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Which place does the man want to go to now
A.A supermarket. B.His home. C.The field.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Jane. Could you give me a ride I want to buy some food for the picnic.
W: OK. I'm going home but I can drop you off at the supermarket.
【分析】问题:男士现在想去哪个地方?根据"Could you give me a ride I want to buy some food for the picnic."你能载我一程吗?我想为野餐买些食物;以及"but I can drop you off at the supermarket."但我可以送你去超市。故选A。
3.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Where are the speakers
A.In a department store.
B.In a hotel.
C.In a restaurant.
【解析】【听力原文】M: I'd like to check out. I live in Room 608. I stayed in the room for two days, and asked for room service once. They sent me some food and drinks.
W: OK. Let me see. It's $458 in total. How would you like to pay for it In cash or by credit card
【分析】问题:谈话人在哪里?根据"I'd like to check out. I live in Room 608. I stayed in the room for two days, and asked for room service once."我想退房。我住在608房间。我在房间里住了两天,并要求过一次客房服务。可推知他们可能在宾馆,故选B。
4.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) What is the most probable relationship between the speakers
A.Customer and salesman.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Daughter and father.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Sorry, but I don't want this skirt. That's too expensive for me.
M: What about this one It's 20 dollars cheaper. But it is not made of cotton.
【分析】问题:谈话人之间最有可能的关系是什么?根据"Sorry, but I don't want this skirt. That's too expensive for me."对不起,我不想要这条裙子。那对我来说太贵了;以及"What about this one It's 20 dollars cheaper. But it is not made of cotton."这条怎么样?便宜20美元。但它不是棉的。可知他们是客户和销售员。故选A。
5.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) What does the man think of his roommate
A.Tidy. B.Dishonest. C.Undependable.
【解析】【听力原文】W: So how is your new roommate
M: Well, he is just not very reliable. He doesn't pay the room rent on time, and seldom cleans the room. Above all, he always leaves the door unlocked.
W: Oh, that must drive you crazy!
M: Yeah. I'm thinking about moving out.
【分析】问题:男士觉得他的室友怎么样?根据"he is just not very reliable. He doesn't pay the room rent on time, and seldom cleans the room. Above all, he always leaves the door unlocked."他只是不太可靠。他不按时付房租,也很少打扫房间。最重要的是,他总是不锁门。故选C。
二、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
6.Why does the man want to change his job
A.The pay is low.
B.The working hours are long.
C.The boss is dissatisfied with him.
7.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Have a dance class.
B.Make some friends.
C.Take up a new hobby.
【解析】【听力原文】M: This year I want to get a new job.
W: Really You just said your boss has praised you recently.
M: Yeah. And I make good money now, but the hours are long. How about you What do you plan to do this year
W: I'm not sure. This year I want to meet some new people and do something fun. Maybe I need a hobby. I love to dance. I'd like to study modern dance.
M: You should take a class. Then you can do something fun and meet other people too.
6.问题:男士为什么想换工作?根据"but the hours are long."但时间很长。故选B。
7.问题:男士建议女士做什么?根据"Maybe I need a hobby. I love to dance. I'd like to study modern dance."也许我需要一个爱好。我喜欢跳舞。我想学习现代舞;以及"You should take a class."你应该去上课。故选A。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
8.What happened to Mrs. Hill last weekend
A.She lost her direction.
B.She was badly injured.
C.Her phone was stolen.
9.Who found Mrs. Hill
A.Her husband. B.Her best friend. C.A hiker.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Tom, did you hear about Mrs. Hill, who went missing last weekend
M: Yeah, she was walking her dogs in the forest, and didn't come back. Did she get lost
W: No. She often goes there and knows the forest well. She fell down a hill and broke her leg and her phone. She is in the hospital right now.
M: Wow. How did she survive so long
W: Her two dogs slept beside her to keep her warm.
M: That is amazing. I guess that's why people say dogs are"man's best friend".
W: Yeah A hiker discovered her after he heard the dogs barking.
M: Look! I think that is her husband on TV right now. Turn up the volume.
8.问题: Hill 太太上周末怎么了?根据"She fell down a hill and broke her leg and her phone."她从山上摔了下来,摔断了腿,摔坏了手机。故选B。
9.问题:谁找到Hill太太了?根据"A hiker discovered her after he heard the dogs barking."一位徒步旅行者在听到狗叫声后发现了她。故选C。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
10.What do we know about Kingswell Sports club
A.It is a tennis club.
B.It is a golf club.
C.It is a football club
11.Where can people relax after exercise
A.At a swimming pool.
B.In a restaurant.
C.In a bar.
12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Football fans.
B.Manager and club member.
C.Receptionist and customer.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Good afternoon, Kingswell Sports club, how can I help you
M: Oh, I was wondering if you could give me some information about your club.
W: Of course.
M: Do you have tennis courts, for example
W: No, I'm afraid we don't. We're mainly a golf club.
M: What about football I heard you had a team.
W: No, I'm sorry. Perhaps you're thinking about Fresham Sports Center. But we have a keep-fit studio, which is very popular with members, and then as well as that there's a swimming pool, of course.
M: That's good. I like to swim every day. What about relaxing after exercise I assume you have a restaurant or something.
W: At the moment, we've only got a salad bar. The restaurant will be in use by the end of the year.
M: Sounds good!
10.问题:我们对Kingswell体育俱乐部了解多少?根据"We're mainly a golf club."我们主要是一个高尔夫俱乐部。故选B。
11.问题:锻炼后人们可以在哪里放松?根据"At the moment, we've only got a salad bar."目前,我们只有一个沙拉吧。故选C。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
13.When can readers go to the public library on Monday
A.At 9 a. m.. B.At 2:30 p. m.. C.At 5:30 p. m..
14.Where are the professional books
A.On the first floor.
B.On the second floor.
C.On the third floor.
15.What can readers do on the third floor
A.Attend lectures. B.Have coffee. C.Use computers.
16.How long can readers keep a book for free
A.For a month. B.For five weeks. C.For six weeks.
【解析】【听力原文】W: A new public library opened last week downtown. Have you been there
M: No. I've been planning to go there. When does it open every day
W: From9 a. m. to 5 p. m. , except on Monday, only in the afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00.
M: Great! Tell me more about it!
W: On the first floor, there are novels, best-sellers and children 's books. The second floor houses reference books and professional books. And there is a cafe where readers can read with coffee on this floor. Besides, there is a hall where lectures may be given sometimes.
M: Are there electronic resources
W: Of course. There are computers and other electronic devices on the third floor.
M: Sounds interesting. How long can I keep books
W: You can keep two books for a month for free.
13.问题:读者星期一什么时候可以去公共图书馆?根据"except on Monday, only in the afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00."除了周一,只有下午2:30到5:00。故选B。
14.问题:专业书籍在哪里?根据"The second floor houses reference books and professional books."二楼有参考书和专业书籍。故选B。
15.问题:读者在三楼可以做什么?根据"There are computers and other electronic devices on the third floor."三楼有电脑和其他电子设备。故选C。
16.问题:读者可以免费借阅一本书多久?根据"You can keep two books for a month for free."你可以免费借两本书一个月。故选A。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
17.What is the speaker
A.A radio host. B.A teacher. C.A journalist.
18.At what age did Margaret begin her school education
A.6. B.9. C.10.
19.Why was Margaret so well known at that time
A.She became a teacher at a young age.
B.She paid much attention to female topics.
C.She translated different types of literature.
20.What do we know about Margaret
A.She was African American.
B.She was the first female editor.
C.She dared to make sharp comments.
【解析】【听力原文】 Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Story Time, and this week we're going to talk about Margaret Fuller. Margaret Fuller was born in 1810 in America. At the age of nine, her education was at home, with her father. Margaret was an excellent student. In fact, by the age of six, she was translating Latin poetry into English. At the age of ten, she went to school. And eventually, she became a teacher. So, why did she become so well known Well, she had very strong opinions about the role of women and particularly about what jobs they could do. Margaret believed that a woman could do any job that a man could do. Later, she became a journalist. She worked for the New York Tribune and became its first female editor. She also wrote reviews for it, as she was famous for having strong opinions about literature. Some of the reviews she wrote were very sharp. As a result, she was not always popular with novelists and poets of her time. Besides, she was interested in many different topics. For example, she wanted to change people's attitudes to Native Americans and African Americans. She certainly tried to make the world a better place. This is Tom, on 685 FM.
17.问题:发言人是谁?根据"Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Story Time, and this week we're going to talk about Margaret Fuller."大家好。欢迎回到故事时间,本周我们将讨论玛格丽特·富勒;以及"This is Tom, on 685 FM."我是汤姆,调频685。可推知他是一名电台主持人,故选A。
18.问题: Margaret 几岁开始上学?根据"At the age of ten, she went to school."十岁时,她去上学了。故选C。
19.问题:为什么Margaret在那个时候如此出名?根据"she had very strong opinions about the role of women and particularly about what jobs they could do."她对女性的角色,尤其是她们能做什么工作,有着非常强烈的看法。故选B。
20.问题:我们对Margaret了解多少?根据"She worked for the New York Tribune and became its first female editor."她为《纽约论坛报》工作,成为该报的第一位女编辑。故选B。
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Ever wanted to make a difference and train to become a coach With the Ollie School, you could be changing lives before you know it.
Despite the very best efforts of our education system, it is struggling to cope with fully supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children within the curriculum. Have you ever felt that you would love to help, but were powerless to act Well, here's your opportunity to do something positive.
The Ollie School plans to build an army of coaches who can make the world a better place, one child at a time. Ollie Coaching is an approach that leads all our youngsters to a place where they can live well in the complex modern living.
The Ollie method is all about empowering children to seek solutions and take control of their emotions, rather than be controlled by them. It also focuses on personalization and identifying which means will work with each individual child - no one-size-fits-all approach here.
Licence to help
The Ollie School graduates are awarded a qualification(资格证书) in NLP and a licence to work as an Ollie coach. If helping children and their families deal with stress and difficulties interests you, contact Ollie School for further information.
Get in touch
To train to become an Ollie coach,,oremailinfo@. The Ollie School is waiting to hear from you!
21.What can the Ollie school do
A.build an army to help the world keep peace
B.lead teenagers to live a complex modern life
C.teach children to take control of their emotions
D.train a person to help emotionally troubled children
22.How can you contact the Ollie School for more information
A.By writing a letter. B.By making a call.
C.By visiting its website. D.By going to its office.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To advertise a school.
B.To introduce a teaching method.
C.To offer parents advice.
D.To criticize the education system.
21.考查细节理解。根据第二段"Despite the very best efforts of our education system, it is struggling to cope with fully supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children within the curriculum. Have you ever felt that you would love to help, but were powerless to act Well, here's your opportunity to do something positive."尽管我们的教育系统尽了最大的努力,但它仍难以在课程中充分支持孩子们的情感健康。你是否曾经觉得你很想帮忙,但却无能为力?这是你做一些积极的事情的机会;第三段中的"The Ollie School plans to build an army of coaches who can make the world a better place, one child at a time."奥利学校计划建立一支教练队伍,他们可以让世界变得更美好,一次一个孩子;以及第四段中的"The Ollie method is all about empowering children to seek solutions and take control of their emotions, rather than be controlled by them. "奥利方法就是让孩子们去寻找解决办法,控制自己的情绪,而不是被情绪控制。可知,奥利学校旨在培养能够帮助儿童处理情绪问题的教练,即对人进行培训使其帮助有情感问题的孩子,支持孩子的情感健康。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Licence to help部分中的"If helping children and their families deal with stress and difficulties interests you, contact Ollie School for further information."如果你对帮助孩子和他们的家庭处理压力和困难感兴趣,请联系奥利学校了解更多信息;以及 Get in touch 部分中的"To train to become an Ollie coach, visit , or email info@."要想成为奥利教练,请访问,或发送电子邮件info@。可知,你通过访问奥利学校网站或者发送邮件了解更多信息。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据第一段"Ever wanted to make a difference and train to become a coach With the Ollie School, you could be changing lives before you know it."曾经想要有所作为,想要成为一名教练吗 在奥利学校,你可能会在不知不觉中改变人生;以及最后一段"To train to become an Ollie coach, visit , or email info@olli eandhis superpo . The Ollie School is waiting to hear from you!"要想成为奥利教练,请访问ollieandhis ,或发送电子邮件info@。奥利学校正等着你的消息!;以及文章内容可知,整篇文章都在介绍Ollie学校的培训项目,资格证书以及联系方式,所以本文目的是为了宣传这所学校,为学校做广告。故选A。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution, Pitzer College, the same question," What do you look forward to the most in college " I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied," Ilook forward to the possibility of failure." Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk.
"You see, my parents have never let me fail," he said. "When I want to take a chance at something, they remind me it's not a safe route to take. Taking a more demanding(要求高的) course or trying an activity I may not succeed in, they tell me, will ruin my chances at college admission. Even the sacrifice of staying up late to do something unrelated to school, they see as a risk to my academic work and college success."
These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive. This is supported by a secondary school culture where teachers are under pressure to give students nothing less than an A, and are told not to report disciplinary infractions(违纪) to colleges. Education agents in other countries are known to falsify student transcripts(成绩单), assuming that outstanding grades are the ticket to admission.
I've spent enough time in high schools to know teenagers will never be perfect. They do silly things, mess up, fall down, and lack confidence. The ability to bounce(回弹) back is an essential life skill students have to learn on their own. The lessons of failure can't be taught in a classroom; they are experienced and reflected upon.
Failure is about growth, learning, overcoming, and moving on. Let's allow young people to fail. Not only will they learn something, it might even get them into college.
24.What can you infer about students in the author's interviews
A.They usually try all out to display their strengths.
B.They usually express a desire to experience failure.
C.They usually take a risk so as to get admitted into college.
D.They usually complain about their parents' control over them.
25.What can you learn from paragraph 3
A.Students should make their college applications perfect.
B.Secondary school teachers don't like to give studentsA.
C.Secondary schools tend to help cover students' imperfections.
D.Outstanding scores will certainly ensure you a place in a college.
26.According to the author, what quality may be expected from students by college professors
A.The ability to learn outside class.
B.The ability to deal with failure.
C.The ability to be always confident.
D.The ability to learn on their own.
27.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.Teenagers are far from being perfect.
C.If you want to get into college, learn to fail.
D.If you want to impress interviewers, take a risk.
24.考查推理判断。根据第一段"I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution, Pitzer College, the same question,‘ What do you look forward to the most in college ' I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied, ‘I look forward to the possibility of failure.' Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk. "我在Pitzer College面试每一个学生时都会问同样的问题:"你在大学里最期待什么?"最近,在纽约的一家星巴克,一个学生坐在我对面回答我:"我期待着失败的可能性。"这让我既惊讶又高兴。当然,大多数学生坐在能决定他们学术前途的人面前时,并不是这样回答这个问题的,但这个年轻人冒了一个险;以及第三段中的"These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive."如今,在大学申请中寻找缺陷就像大海捞针一样困难。学生们尽力隐藏他们认为消极的因素,只告诉我们他们认为会给我们留下深刻印象的事情。可知,学生们在面试中通常会尽力展示他们的优点,隐藏他们认为负面的因素。故选A。
25.考查推理判断。根据第三段"These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive. This is supported by a secondary school culture where teachers are under pressure to give students nothing less than an A, and are told not to report disciplinary infractions (违纪) to colleges. Education agents in other countries are known to falsify student transcripts (成绩单), assuming that outstanding grades are the ticket to admission. "如今,在大学申请中寻找缺陷就像大海捞针一样困难。学生们尽力隐藏他们认为消极的因素,只告诉我们他们认为会给我们留下深刻印象的事情。这一观点得到了中学文化的支持,在中学文化中,老师们承受着给学生不低于A的压力,并被告知不要向大学报告违纪行为。众所周知,其他国家的教育中介伪造学生成绩单,认为优秀的成绩是进入大学的入场券。可知,第三段主要说明了当前中学文化中存在的问题,即教师受到压力给予学生高分,且不向大学报告学生的纪律违规行为,以及国外教育中介篡改学生成绩单的情况。可推知,这反映了中学倾向于掩盖学生的不完美之处。故选C。
26.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"The ability to bounce (回弹) back is an essential life skill students have to learn on their own. The lessons of failure can't be taught in a classroom; they are experienced and reflected upon."重新振作起来的能力是学生们必须自学的一项基本生活技能。失败的教训不能在教室里教授;他们经历和反思。可知,作者认为处理失败的能力是一个学生需要自己学习的重要生活技能。故选B。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied,"Ilook forward to the possibility of failure." Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk. "最近,在纽约的一家星巴克,一个学生坐在我对面回答我:"我期待着失败的可能性。"这让我既惊讶又高兴。当然,大多数学生坐在能决定他们学术前途的人面前时,并不是这样回答这个问题的,但这个年轻人冒了一个险;以及最后一段"Failure is about growth, learning, overcoming, and moving on. Let's allow young people to fail. Not only will they learn something, it might even get them into college. "失败是成长、学习、克服和继续前进的过程。让我们允许年轻人失败。他们不仅会学到一些东西,甚至可能会进入大学。可知,整篇文章通过一个学生期待在大学里体验失败的例子,引出当前教育体系下学生被过度保护,缺乏面对和处理失败的机会的问题,并强调了失败对于个人成长和学习的重要性,最终呼吁应允许年轻人经历失败。可推知"如果你想上大学,就要学会面对失败" 最能概括文章的主旨。故选C。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Made from sustainably cut down trees, and sat in the middle of a beautiful nature reserve, with views of splendid mountain s and glassy lakes, this brand-new hotel in Scotland is already a firm favorite among guests. Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind.
Measuring more than 7,000 cubic feet, a Scottish conservation group, Highland Titles,used cut-down Sitka spruce(西加云杉), bamboo canes, bricks, wood chips, forest bark, clay pipes, and strawberry netting to build a hotel for insects. The hotel sits in the group's nature reserve in Duror, in the West of Scotland. Overlooking Loch Linnhe, it's a desirable spot that most human guests would pay hundreds of dollars for the opportunity to stay there.
"This record-breaking project is about the environmental message," says Douglas Wilson, CEO of Highland Titles. "We bought this land in 2006 when it was a poorly performing commercial forestry plantation of non-native Sitka Spruce. "Like much of the Highlands, it was unsuitably planted in the late 1980s with no thought or consideration given to biodiversity. Using these same trees for something that puts nature first symbolizes that the world has changed, and we hope our efforts will inspire others."
The decline of insects in Scotland parallels what's happening across the world—a trend of what scientists are calling the sixth mass extinction. The UK is seeing the most significant of those declines out of every country in the world. A report released in 2019 showed the extent(程度) of the damage that humans have caused to the planet: wiping out 60% of mammals(哺乳动物), birds, fish, and reptiles(爬行动物) since 1970. The report also highlighted(强调) the"terrible state" of insect biodiversity in the world. Almost half of the species are rapidly declining and a third are being threatened with extinction.
Insects are the heart of global food web s and ecosystems. They're essential in recycling nutrients, pollinating(授粉) plants, and as food for countless vertebrate(有脊椎的) species.In Scotland's Duror, there are high hopes that the region's new hotel will not help promote insect visitors, but inspire other reserves and environmental organizations to build their own.
28.Which of the following are likely to become guests of the hotel mentioned in the text
A.Ants whose nests are destroyed.
B.Hikers attracted to the beautiful views.
C.Bears that need to find a shelter.
D.Guests willing to pay hundreds of dollars.
29.Why does Highland Titles build this hotel
A.To use the trees properly.
B.To attract visitors to this land.
C.To make the land commercial.
D.To protect the diversity of insects.
30.What does the underlined word "parallel" mean in paragraph 4
A.be related to B.be in contrast to
C.be in line with D.be fed up with
31.Which of the following is not the reason why insects are important
A.They play a key role in global food webs.
B.They inspire people to build their own hotels.
C.They are an essential medium(媒介) to pollinate plants.
D.They can absorb nutrients from the environment.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了苏格兰保护组织Highland Titles开设世界上最大的昆虫酒店,以保护昆虫的多样性。
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind."虽然对人类来说很不幸,但这个宏伟的建筑招待六条腿的动物。可知,巢穴被破坏的蚂蚁最可能成为昆虫酒店的客人,故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind."虽然对人类来说很不幸,但这个宏伟的建筑招待了六条腿的动物;第三段中的"This record-breaking project is about the environmental message"这个破纪录的项目是关于环境信息的;以及第四段提到昆虫数量下降可知,Highland Titles建立昆虫酒店是出于环境目的,为了保护昆虫多样性,故选D。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"The UK is seeing the most significant of those declines out of every country in the world. A report released in 2019 showed the extent (程度) of the damage that humans have caused to the planet: wiping out 60% of mammals (哺乳动物), birds, fish, and reptiles "爬行动物) since 1970.(在世界上所有国家中,英国的下降幅度最大。2019年发布的一份报告显示了人类对地球造成的破坏程度:自1970年以来,人类消灭了60%的哺乳动物、鸟类、鱼类和爬行动物。可知,世界上其他国家的昆虫数量也在下降,由此推知划线词所在句意为"苏格兰昆虫数量的减少与世界各地正在发生的情况相似——科学家们称之为第六次大灭绝的趋势",划线词parallel意为"与……一致",故选C。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"Insects are the heart of global food web s and ecosystems. They're essential in recycling nutrients, pollinating(授粉) plants, and as food for countless vertebrate (有脊椎的) species. In Scotland's Duror, there are high hopes that the region's new hotel will not help promote insect visitors, but inspire other reserves and environmental organizations to build their own."昆虫是全球食物网和生态系统的核心。它们在循环养分、授粉植物和无数脊椎动物物种的食物中至关重要。在苏格兰的杜罗尔,人们对该地区的新酒店寄予厚望,希望它不会帮助吸引昆虫游客,而是激励其他保护区和环保组织建立自己的酒店。可知,昆虫重要的原因在于它们在全球食物网中发挥着关键作用、鼓励人们建造自己的酒店以及是植物授粉的重要媒介,"它们能从环境中吸收营养"不是其原因,故选D。
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It's good to share, right Growing up as kids, we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much With new crazes trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media
What is oversharing The term has become connected with social media, but it isn't exclusive(独有的) to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone.
Within five minutes they have revealed details about their life. While some of us may try to escape these people, according to specialist Carolyn Cole, this form of oversharing could come from a strong desire to connect with someone. But how does oversharing translate into social media
Dr Christopher Hand, a lecturer in cyberpsychology, says the more details people expose(使显露), the less sympathy(同情) we express when things go wrong. This could be due to a belief that we will get more negative experiences if we share them more. It seems that sad fishing, the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be.
However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more we post on a platform, the more socially attractive we become—if our posts are positive. Even back in2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We should also avoid showing off or bragging(吹嘘). It makes sense-if your life is going that well', would you really have time to share a photo with text
So, how can you know if you are oversharing Well, why not ask your friends in real life They would probably be more than happy to tell you if your posts about your breakfast or your complaints about your lack of money really are too much.
32.How does the author introduce the topic in paragraph 1
A.By providing data.
B.By raising a question.
C.By giving an example.
D.By analyzing cause and effect.
33.Why does the author describe a scene in paragraph 2
A.To illustrate what oversharing is.
B.To attract readers' attention and interest.
C.To explain the reason of oversharing.
D.To connect oversharing with social media.
34.According to Dr Hand, what may happen when people overshare online
A.They would have no time to enjoy their real life.
B.People are likely to doubt their intention for help.
C.People show no sympathy when they are in trouble.
D.They will definitely become more socially attractive.
35.Which of the following online sharing does the author most agree with
A.Showing off your expensive lifestyle.
B.Complaining frequently about your work.
C.Sharing photos of your breakfast every day.
D.Recording a video of how you save money.
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段"It's good to share, right Growing up as kids, we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much With new crazes trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media "分享是件好事,对吧 从小,我们就被告知要分享玩具,不要自私。我们也生活在一个鼓励讨论自己感受的时代。但什么时候这一切会变得过分呢 随着舞蹈挑战和穿枕头当裙子等新潮流的不断流行,问题是:社交媒体上的分享何时变得过度分享的 。可知,在第一段中作者连续提出三个问题"分享是件好事,对吧 "、"但什么时候这一切会变得过分呢 "以及"社交媒体上的分享何时会变得过度分享 ",从而引出本文讨论的话题,可推知,该段是通过提问的方式引出话题的。故选B。
33.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"What is oversharing "什么是过度分享)可知,本段使用提问的形式引出本段讲述的主题,;以及"The term has become connected with social media, but it isn't exclusive (独有的) to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone. Within five minutes they have revealed details about their life. "这个词已经与社交媒体联系在一起,但它并不是这个平台所独有的。想象一下,你去参加一个聚会,遇到了一个人。在五分钟内,他们就透露了自己生活的细节。可知,接下来提到了一个与陌生人相遇五分钟内就透露自己生活细节的场景,可推知,本段主要是为了阐述"什么过度分享"。故选A。
34.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"It seems that sadfishing, the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be."在社交媒体上博同情,即通过过度分享来寻求同情的想法,似乎通常被认为是消极的,而不是真正的求助。可知,在Dr Hand看来,在社交平台上过度分享来寻求同情的想法,经常被人认为不是真正的求助,所以说,如果在网上过度分享,人们可能会怀疑这些人们寻求帮助的意图。故选B。
35.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more we post on a platform, the more socially attractive we become—if our posts are positive."然而,Dr Hand的研究似乎也表明,如果我们的帖子是积极的,我们在一个平台上发布的越多,我们就越有社会吸引力。可知,在社交媒体上发布积极地帖子,就会越有社会吸引力;以及"Even back in2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We should also avoid showing off or bragging (吹嘘). It makes sense-if your life is going that well, would you really have time to share a photo with text "早在2015年,格温多林·塞德曼博士就说过,我们应该避免在网上抱怨和消极。我们也应该避免炫耀或吹嘘。这是有道理的——如果你的生活过得很好,你真的有时间用文字分享照片吗 。可知,我们不应该在社交平台上抱怨和消极,也不应该炫耀或吹嘘,如果自己过得好,也不会去分享照片的时间,所以A项、B项和C项讲述的内容与原文信息不符,可推子,作者应该会赞成录制你如何省钱的视频。故选D。
四、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Refresh your bedroom
Whether you would like to change the theme of your bedroom or just want to give it an updated look, you don't need a big budget to make it happen.  36.   Here's how you can get started.
Clear out the mess
Before you start freshening up your space, take a look around to see what you have that you could give away to someone who could use it. Ask an adult for two bags or boxes, one for items you want to donate and one for anything that can go directly in the trash.  37.  
Think about light
One simple room update that has a big impact is turning up your lighting. One idea is to hang inexpensive LED string lights on a wall.  38.  Moving other lighting devices from another part of the house to your room, with permission from an adult, can also add soft lighting to your space.
Another inexpensive change that can have big results is paint. Ask an adult if they're willing to help you paint an ac cent wall in your room. An accent wall is a good chance to take a risk with color since it's only one wall. You can choose to paint the wall behind your headboard or even a closet door. If you don't want to paint, you could check out wallpaper whose colors matches your room.
Add personal touches
 40.  You can ask a parent for any spare picture frames(框架) or pick some up together at a thrift shop or craft store. Print out photos and frame() them for display. You could also frame your own artwork to hang on a wall or lean it against a dresser.
A. Consider color. B. Green your space. C. Or you could try a lamp on a nightstand or desk. D. Personalize your room with photos of family and friends. E. With a few smart strategies , you can give your room a whole new feel. F. Add new colors and patterns to liven up the look and feel of your space. G. Once your room is neat, you can see what kinds of changes you might want to make.
36.根据空前"Whether you would like to change the theme of your bedroom or just want to give it an updated look, you don't need a big budget to make it happen."无论你是想改变卧室的主题,还是只是想给它一个更新的外观,你都不需要大量的预算来实现。说明刷新装饰卧室不需要大量预算就能实现,E. With a few smart strategies , you can give your room a whole new feel. "用一些聪明的策略,你可以给你的房间一个全新的感觉。"承上启下,引出下文"Here's how you can get started."下面是如何开始的方法。说明文章主题。故选E。
37.根据本段小标题"Clear out the mess"清理杂乱;以及空前"Before you start freshening up your space, take a look around to see what you have that you could give away to someone who could use it. Ask an adult for two bags or boxes, one for items you want to donate and one for anything that can go directly in the trash."在你开始整理你的空间之前,环顾一下周围,看看你有什么东西可以送给需要的人。向成年人要两个袋子或盒子,一个装你想捐赠的东西,另一个装任何可以直接扔进垃圾桶的东西。建议清理房间中没有用的东西,使房间更整洁,G. Once your room is neat, you can see what kinds of changes you might want to make."一旦你的房间整洁了,你就可以看到你可能想要做什么样的改变。"承接上文,说明整洁的房间是令人满意的。故选G。
38.根据本段小标题"Think about light"考虑照明;以及空前"One simple room update that has a big impact is turning up your lighting. One idea is to hang inexpensive LED string lights on a wall. "一个简单的房间更新,有很大的影响是打开你的照明。其中一个想法是把便宜的LED灯串挂在墙上。建议考虑房间的照明灯光,并介绍一个具体方法,C. Or you could try a lamp on a nightstand or desk."或者你可以试试在床头柜或桌子上放盏灯。"承接上文,介绍另一个有关照明的方法。故选C。
39.根据空后"Another inexpensive change that can have big results is paint. Ask an adult if they're willing to help you paint an accent wall in your room. An accent wall is a good chance to take a risk with color since it's only one wall. "另一个可以产生巨大效果的廉价变化是绘画颜料。问一个成年人是否愿意帮你在房间里刷一面特色墙。特色墙是冒险使用颜色的好机会,因为它只是一面墙。谈论了房间墙的颜色,A. Consider color."考虑颜色。"概括本段主题,建议考虑房间的颜色。故选A。
40.根据空后"You can ask a parent for any spare picture frames(框架) or pick some up together at a thrift shop or craft store. Print out photos and frame them for display. "你可以向父母要一些多余的相框,或者在旧货店或手工艺品店一起买一些。打印出照片并将其框起来以供展示。建议使用照片在房间展示, D. Personalize your room with photos of family and friends. "用家人和朋友的照片装饰你的房间。"引领下文,建议使用照片装饰房间。故选D。
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A Surprise Message
Eli walked to school every day. When the 41. bell rang, he walked home, too. During his trip, Eli often cut through an empty lot where a house used to be.
One day, when Eli was walking across the empty lot, he caught sight of a bright red streak(条状物) 42. loosely from the branch of the old maple tree at the lot. Eli walked toward the tree to get a 43. look.
The red streak was actually an old 44. . Eli thought he should throw it away. It was litter, which wasn't pretty. And 45. a bird tried to eat it
Eli picked up the f loppy balloon. There was still a long string(线) 46. . At the end of the string, Eli was surprised to see a plastic bag. Even 47. , the bag wasn't empty. There was a piece of white paper inside.
Eli was 48. . What could it be He opened the bag to find out.
The piece of paper was folded into a small square. Eli 49. it. It was a letter!
Dear Friend,
If you have found this letter, it means my balloon finally 50. . I used the balloon to see how far my letter would travel. I 51. it from Wisconsin on May 1. Please write back to me and tell me where and when you found it.
Joe Valentino
Eli read it aloud:
Eli was excited. Wisconsin was a different state, so the balloon traveled very 52. .He ran home to get a pen and paper to write back to the 53. included in the letter.
Eli spent the rest of the afternoon 54. to Joe Valentino. He answered Joe's questions and asked what he liked to do for fun. Eli was happy and hoped Joe would be his pen pal and 55. .
41.A. first B. door C. final D. alarm
42.A. packing B. hanging C. flowing D. balancing
43.A. shorter B. closer C. nearer D. deeper
44.A. jacket B. ribbon C. litter D. balloon
45.A. what if B. even if C. as if D. if only
46.A. attacked B. attracted C. attached D. attended
47.A. stranger B. smarter C. slimmer D. stronger
48.A. anxious B. obvious C. curious D. cautious
49.A. explored B. discovered C. recognized D. unfolded
50.A. charged B. rolled C. stuck D. burst
51.A. trapped B. released C. blew D. struggled
52.A. far B. straight C. fast D. slow
53.A. person B. address C. house D. state
54.A. speaking B. talking C. writing D. messaging
55.A. friend B. teacher C. brother D. competitor
41.句意:当放学铃响时,他也步行回家。A. first"第一";B. door"门";C. final"最终的";D. alarm"警报,闹钟"。根据空后"he walked home"可知,此处指放学铃声,final bell "最后的铃声",指代放学铃声。故选C。
42.句意:一天,当Eli穿过空地时,他看到一条鲜红色的条状物松散地挂在那块地上的老枫树枝上。A. packing"打包";B. hanging"悬挂";C. flowing"流动";D. balancing"平衡"。根据空后"loosely from the branch of the old maple tree"可知,这里描述的是气球挂着的状态。故选B。
43.句意:Eli朝树走去,想看得更清楚些。A. shorter"更短的";B. closer"更近的";C. nearer"更近的";D. deeper"更深的"。根据空前"Eli walked toward the tree to get a";以及空后"look"可知,Eli走向树是为了更近距离地观察它。这里的look指的是视觉上的观察,所以应用closer更为合适,因为它更直接地关联到视觉上的接近。故选B。
44.句意:那条红条原来是一个旧气球。A. jacket"夹克";B. ribbon"缎带";C. litter"垃圾";D. balloon"气球"。根据下文"Eli picked up the floppy balloon"可知,红色的条状物最终被确认为是气球。故选D。
45.句意:如果一只鸟试图吃它呢?A. what if"如果……会怎样";B. even if"即使";C. as if"好像";D. if only"要是……就好了"。根据空后"a bird tried to eat it"可知,这里表示对可能情况的担忧,因此用what if。故选A。
46.句意:还有一根长长的绳子系在上面。A. attacked"攻击";B. attracted"吸引";C. attached "系,附着";D. attended"出席"。根据空前"Eli picked up the floppy balloon. There was still a long string(线)"可知,绳子是系在气球上的。故选C。
47.句意:更奇怪的是,袋子里不是空的。A. stranger"更奇怪的";B. smarter"更聪明的";C. slimmer"更苗条的";D. stronger"更强壮的"。根据下文"Life was tough, and proper schooling"可知,这里表示出乎意料,因此是"更奇怪的"。故选A。
48.句意:Eli很好奇。A. anxious"焦虑的";B. obvious"明显的";C. curious"好奇的";D. cautious"小心的"。根据下文"What could it be "可知,Eli想知道会是什么,可见Eli很好奇。故选C。
49.句意:Eli把它展开了。A. explored"探索";B. discovered"发现";C. recognized"认出";D. unfolded"展开"。根据上文"The piece of paper was folded into a small square";以及空后"It was a letter!"可知,这里指把折叠的纸展开,下文Eli才会知道是封信。故选D。
50.句意:如果你找到了这封信,那就意味着我的气球终于爆了。A. charged"充电";B. rolled"滚动";C. stuck"卡住";D. burst"爆炸,爆裂"。根据空前"If you have found this letter, it means my balloon finally"可知,气球爆了后落下来,人们才有可能发现这封信。故选D。
51.句意:我在5月1日从威斯康星州放飞的。A. trapped"陷阱";B. released"释放";C. blew "吹";D. struggled"挣扎"。根据空后"it from Wisconsin on May 1."可知,这里指释放气球。故选B。
52.句意:威斯康星州是另一个州,所以气球飞得很远。A. far"远";B. straight"直";C. fast "快";D. slow"慢"。根据空前"Wisconsin was a different state, so the balloon traveled very"可知,气球从一个州飘到另一个州,说明飞得远。故选A。
53.句意:他跑回家拿笔和纸给信中包含的地址写回信。A. person"人";B. address"地址";C. house"房子";D. state"州"。根据空后"included in the letter"可知,给对方回信需要地址,地址在发现的这封信里写着。故选B。
54.句意:Eli整个下午都在给Joe Valentino写信。A. speaking"说";B. talking"谈话";C. writing "写";D. messaging"信息"。根据上文"He ran home to get a pen and paper to write back"可知,他跑回家拿笔和纸给信中包含的地址写回信,因此Eli整个下午都在给Joe Valentino写信。故选C。
55.句意:Eli很高兴,并希望Joe能成为他的笔友和朋友。A. friend"朋友";B. teacher"老师";C. brother"兄弟";D. competitor"竞争对手"。根据空前"Eli was happy and hoped Joe would be his pen pal and"可知,Eli希望他们能成为朋友。故选A。
六、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Science literacy(素养) has increased dramatically in the past 12 years in China, said NiMinjing, head of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, who believed the progress was due to society-wide efforts  56.  (popularize) science.
"For example, CPPCC National Committee has launched a Members' Science Lecture Hall,  57.   many scholars and well-known scientists take the lead in popularizing science," he said.
" 58.   increasing number of scientists are taking on part-time roles as vice-principals(副校长) for science and technology in primary and secondary schools."
Ni said global science education is shifting toward  59.  (learn) for innovation, where innovation(创新) originates from diverse minds and actions. Playing basketball, joining a chorus competition,  60.   helping with household chores, can all strengthen their mental abilities and reduce the chance of psychological problems and,  61.  (eventual), increase the likelihood of innovative talents.
He said that top innovative talents share three common qualities, all of which can 62.   (develop) and are the true value and power of education, regardless of exam performance. First, they are very 63.  (dependent) and active; second, they have a strong interest in a particular field and are highly focused; third, they are particularly resilient(适应力强的) and can persevere.
Ni stressed that scientific education  64.  (be) not just about high-tech education. "Everything is open  65.  exploration, and even rural areas are full of scientific resources. Every piece of soil, every flower and every clear night sky presents excellent opportunities for scientific exploration."
【答案】56.to popularize;57.where;58.An.;59.learning;60.and;61.eventually;62.be developed;63.independent;64.is;65.to
56.句意:上海科技馆馆长倪敏静说,在过去的12年里,中国的科学素养有了显著的提高,他认为这一进步归功于全社会的科普努力。名词efforts后应用动词不定式作后置定语,表示"普及科学的努力"。故填to popularize。
57.句意:他说:"例如,全国政协推出了一个会员科学大讲堂,许多学者和知名科学家在这里带头科普。"。 many scholars and well-known scientists take the lead in popularizing science 是非限制性定语从句,先行词为a Members' Science Lecture Hall,表示地点,用关系副词where引导,在从句中作地点状语。故填where。
58.句意:"越来越多的顶尖科学家在中小学担任科学技术副校长。"a number of固定短语,"许多",后接复数名词,谓语动词用复数。所连接的单词increasing发音以元音开头,句首字母大写,故填An。
60.句意:打篮球、参加合唱比赛和帮助做家务,都可以增强他们的心理能力,减少出现心理问题的机会,最终增加创新人才的可能性。空后动名词短语helping with household chores和空前动名词短语是并列关系。故填and。
62.句意:他说,顶尖创新人才有三个共同的品质,无论考试成绩如何,这些品质都是可以培养的,是教育的真正价值和力量。动词develop和主语时间是被动关系,用被动语态。情态动词后接动词原形,故填be developed。
63.句意:首先,他们非常独立和积极;第二,他们对某一特定领域有强烈的兴趣,并且高度专注;第三,他们特别有韧性,能够坚持下去。根据句意可知,此处表示"优良品质"应用其形容词的反义词independent "独立的,自主的"作表语。故填independent。
64.句意:倪强调,科学教育不仅仅是高科技教育。虽然主句为一般过去时,但宾语从句中描述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语scientific education为单数,主谓一致,故填is。
65.句意:一切都是开放探索的,甚至农村地区也充满了科学资源。be open to sth固定短语,"对……开放",故填to。
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)第一节 (满分 15分)
66.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 假设你是校学生会主席李华,你校近期将举办"纪录身边的美好瞬间"的英语视频征集活动,请你为这次活动写一则英语通知,内容包括:
【答案】One possible version:
An upcoming English video collection activity titled "Capturing the Beautiful Moments Around Us" is going to be held in our school, with the ai m of encouraging students to observe and record the beauty in our everyday lives and improving our English storytelling abilities.
Videos should focus on documenting beautiful, inspiring, or heartwarming moments encountered in your daily life. These can range from a stunning sunrise, acts of kindness, to any scene that you find beautiful or meaningful. Each video should be between 1 to 3 minutes in length. If you are interested, please sent your works to BMoments @ before June 6th.
We look forward to your participation and are excited to see the beautiful moments you choose to share.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以 校学生会主席 李华的身份 写一则英语通知 ,写作背景: 你校近期将举办"纪录身边的美好瞬间"的英语视频征集活动 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.活动目的;2.视频要求(内容、时长);3.投稿方式。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:An upcoming English video collection activity titled "Capturing the Beautiful Moments Around Us" is going to be held in our school, with the aim of encouraging students to observe and record the beauty in our everyday lives and improving our English storytelling abilities. 运用了被动语态,with的复合结构;These can range from a stunning sunrise, acts of kindness, to any scene that you find beautiful or meaningful.运用了限制性定语从句; If you are interested, please sent your works to BMoments @ before June 6th. 运用了条件状语从句,祈使句;We look forward to your participation and are excited to see the beautiful moments you choose to share.运用了限制性定语从句。
八、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)第二节 (满分25分)
67.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ella walked into the kitchen and twirled. She was wearing a new dress and felt like a famous model. Even better, it was a dress she made! Her very first piece of fashion !"What do you think " she asked her mother who was laying her school breakfast on the table.
"Is that the secret dress you've been working on " Mom asked.
"Yes! This is it! Don't you love it " Ella twirled again.
"It's very pretty, Ella. I can't believe you designed and sewed that all by yourself!"
Ella grinned. She had so many problems making the dress, but right now it was all worth it. It was going to be a great day.
The kids at school weren't quite as excited about her dress as she thought they would be, but she did get some nice comments from some of the girls, so she was happy about that. The day went by quickly, and before she knew it, she was outside for the last recess of the day. Soon, she'd be going home. What a perfect day, she thought to herself as she swung on the swings. Ella leaned back in the swing and looked up at the blue sky full of white wispy clouds. She smiled. This would be the first dress of many that she would make. Some day she would have her very own fashion line with all kinds of clothes.
The school bell rang and recess was over. Ella sat up straight on the swing and waited for it to stop. She thought about dragging her feet but didn't want to get her shoes dirty.
When the swing was close to stopping, Ella jumped off. When she landed, she heard a loud rip. "Oh no!" she whispered as she moved her hand to the back of her dress. It was ripped(裂开) all the way down the back!
All the students were moving toward the door to go back inside. Ella spotted her teacher, Miss Miller, near the door. "Come on, Ella! It's time to go in," Miss Miller called out.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Ella stood still. She didn't know what to do.
Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on.
【答案】One possible version:
Ella stood still. She didn't know what to do. She put her hands behind her and tried to hold her dress shut. Miss Miller called again, this time louder. Ella shook her head and said nothing, for fear of being laughed at by her classmates. With confusion and concern, Miss Miller started walking toward her. "What's wrong, Ella Are you hurt " Miss Miller asked when she reached Ella. "No. I'm not hurt. It's my dress. It ripped in the back. "Miss Miller looked at the back of Ella's dress and knew the embarrassing situation Ella was in.
Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on. "There! My sweater is long on you. Even longer than your dress!" Miss Miller comforted Ella in a gentle voice. At these words, Ella broke into a grateful smile. Then Miss Miller accompanied Ella to get back inside. Though other students shot a few curious and confused glances at Ella, Ella didn't feel embarrassed at all, because she was bathed in the kindness and warmth Miss Miller showered on her. The moment Ella got home, she ran right into Mom's room to tell her what had happened. "Miss Miller saved me. "Ella said repeatedly.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Ella shook her head and said nothing, for fear of being laughed at by her classmates. 运用了动名词的被动式作介词宾语; "What's wrong, Ella Are you hurt " Miss Miller asked when she reached Ella. 运用了时间状语从句; Miss Miller looked at the back of Ella's dress and knew the embarrassing situation Ella was in. 运用了限制性定语从句;Though other students shot a few curious and confused glances at Ella, Ella didn't feel embarrassed at all, because she was bathed in the kindness and warmth Miss Miller showered on her.运用了让步状语从句,原因状语从句; The moment Ella got home, she ran right into Mom's room to tell her what had happened. 运用了时间状语从句,不定式作目的状语,宾语从句。
1 / 1湖北省咸宁市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Who will Peter go camping with
A.Dave. B.Tom. C.Mike.
2.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Which place does the man want to go to now
A.A supermarket. B.His home. C.The field.
3.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) Where are the speakers
A.In a department store.
B.In a hotel.
C.In a restaurant.
4.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) What is the most probable relationship between the speakers
A.Customer and salesman.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Daughter and father.
5.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) What does the man think of his roommate
A.Tidy. B.Dishonest. C.Undependable.
二、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
6.Why does the man want to change his job
A.The pay is low.
B.The working hours are long.
C.The boss is dissatisfied with him.
7.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Have a dance class.
B.Make some friends.
C.Take up a new hobby.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
8.What happened to Mrs. Hill last weekend
A.She lost her direction.
B.She was badly injured.
C.Her phone was stolen.
9.Who found Mrs. Hill
A.Her husband. B.Her best friend. C.A hiker.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
10.What do we know about Kingswell Sports club
A.It is a tennis club.
B.It is a golf club.
C.It is a football club
11.Where can people relax after exercise
A.At a swimming pool.
B.In a restaurant.
C.In a bar.
12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Football fans.
B.Manager and club member.
C.Receptionist and customer.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
13.When can readers go to the public library on Monday
A.At 9 a. m.. B.At 2:30 p. m.. C.At 5:30 p. m..
14.Where are the professional books
A.On the first floor.
B.On the second floor.
C.On the third floor.
15.What can readers do on the third floor
A.Attend lectures. B.Have coffee. C.Use computers.
16.How long can readers keep a book for free
A.For a month. B.For five weeks. C.For six weeks.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 听录音,回答问题。
17.What is the speaker
A.A radio host. B.A teacher. C.A journalist.
18.At what age did Margaret begin her school education
A.6. B.9. C.10.
19.Why was Margaret so well known at that time
A.She became a teacher at a young age.
B.She paid much attention to female topics.
C.She translated different types of literature.
20.What do we know about Margaret
A.She was African American.
B.She was the first female editor.
C.She dared to make sharp comments.
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Ever wanted to make a difference and train to become a coach With the Ollie School, you could be changing lives before you know it.
Despite the very best efforts of our education system, it is struggling to cope with fully supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children within the curriculum. Have you ever felt that you would love to help, but were powerless to act Well, here's your opportunity to do something positive.
The Ollie School plans to build an army of coaches who can make the world a better place, one child at a time. Ollie Coaching is an approach that leads all our youngsters to a place where they can live well in the complex modern living.
The Ollie method is all about empowering children to seek solutions and take control of their emotions, rather than be controlled by them. It also focuses on personalization and identifying which means will work with each individual child - no one-size-fits-all approach here.
Licence to help
The Ollie School graduates are awarded a qualification(资格证书) in NLP and a licence to work as an Ollie coach. If helping children and their families deal with stress and difficulties interests you, contact Ollie School for further information.
Get in touch
To train to become an Ollie coach,,oremailinfo@. The Ollie School is waiting to hear from you!
21.What can the Ollie school do
A.build an army to help the world keep peace
B.lead teenagers to live a complex modern life
C.teach children to take control of their emotions
D.train a person to help emotionally troubled children
22.How can you contact the Ollie School for more information
A.By writing a letter. B.By making a call.
C.By visiting its website. D.By going to its office.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To advertise a school.
B.To introduce a teaching method.
C.To offer parents advice.
D.To criticize the education system.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution, Pitzer College, the same question," What do you look forward to the most in college " I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied," Ilook forward to the possibility of failure." Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk.
"You see, my parents have never let me fail," he said. "When I want to take a chance at something, they remind me it's not a safe route to take. Taking a more demanding(要求高的) course or trying an activity I may not succeed in, they tell me, will ruin my chances at college admission. Even the sacrifice of staying up late to do something unrelated to school, they see as a risk to my academic work and college success."
These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive. This is supported by a secondary school culture where teachers are under pressure to give students nothing less than an A, and are told not to report disciplinary infractions(违纪) to colleges. Education agents in other countries are known to falsify student transcripts(成绩单), assuming that outstanding grades are the ticket to admission.
I've spent enough time in high schools to know teenagers will never be perfect. They do silly things, mess up, fall down, and lack confidence. The ability to bounce(回弹) back is an essential life skill students have to learn on their own. The lessons of failure can't be taught in a classroom; they are experienced and reflected upon.
Failure is about growth, learning, overcoming, and moving on. Let's allow young people to fail. Not only will they learn something, it might even get them into college.
24.What can you infer about students in the author's interviews
A.They usually try all out to display their strengths.
B.They usually express a desire to experience failure.
C.They usually take a risk so as to get admitted into college.
D.They usually complain about their parents' control over them.
25.What can you learn from paragraph 3
A.Students should make their college applications perfect.
B.Secondary school teachers don't like to give studentsA.
C.Secondary schools tend to help cover students' imperfections.
D.Outstanding scores will certainly ensure you a place in a college.
26.According to the author, what quality may be expected from students by college professors
A.The ability to learn outside class.
B.The ability to deal with failure.
C.The ability to be always confident.
D.The ability to learn on their own.
27.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.Teenagers are far from being perfect.
C.If you want to get into college, learn to fail.
D.If you want to impress interviewers, take a risk.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Made from sustainably cut down trees, and sat in the middle of a beautiful nature reserve, with views of splendid mountain s and glassy lakes, this brand-new hotel in Scotland is already a firm favorite among guests. Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind.
Measuring more than 7,000 cubic feet, a Scottish conservation group, Highland Titles,used cut-down Sitka spruce(西加云杉), bamboo canes, bricks, wood chips, forest bark, clay pipes, and strawberry netting to build a hotel for insects. The hotel sits in the group's nature reserve in Duror, in the West of Scotland. Overlooking Loch Linnhe, it's a desirable spot that most human guests would pay hundreds of dollars for the opportunity to stay there.
"This record-breaking project is about the environmental message," says Douglas Wilson, CEO of Highland Titles. "We bought this land in 2006 when it was a poorly performing commercial forestry plantation of non-native Sitka Spruce. "Like much of the Highlands, it was unsuitably planted in the late 1980s with no thought or consideration given to biodiversity. Using these same trees for something that puts nature first symbolizes that the world has changed, and we hope our efforts will inspire others."
The decline of insects in Scotland parallels what's happening across the world—a trend of what scientists are calling the sixth mass extinction. The UK is seeing the most significant of those declines out of every country in the world. A report released in 2019 showed the extent(程度) of the damage that humans have caused to the planet: wiping out 60% of mammals(哺乳动物), birds, fish, and reptiles(爬行动物) since 1970. The report also highlighted(强调) the"terrible state" of insect biodiversity in the world. Almost half of the species are rapidly declining and a third are being threatened with extinction.
Insects are the heart of global food web s and ecosystems. They're essential in recycling nutrients, pollinating(授粉) plants, and as food for countless vertebrate(有脊椎的) species.In Scotland's Duror, there are high hopes that the region's new hotel will not help promote insect visitors, but inspire other reserves and environmental organizations to build their own.
28.Which of the following are likely to become guests of the hotel mentioned in the text
A.Ants whose nests are destroyed.
B.Hikers attracted to the beautiful views.
C.Bears that need to find a shelter.
D.Guests willing to pay hundreds of dollars.
29.Why does Highland Titles build this hotel
A.To use the trees properly.
B.To attract visitors to this land.
C.To make the land commercial.
D.To protect the diversity of insects.
30.What does the underlined word "parallel" mean in paragraph 4
A.be related to B.be in contrast to
C.be in line with D.be fed up with
31.Which of the following is not the reason why insects are important
A.They play a key role in global food webs.
B.They inspire people to build their own hotels.
C.They are an essential medium(媒介) to pollinate plants.
D.They can absorb nutrients from the environment.
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It's good to share, right Growing up as kids, we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much With new crazes trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media
What is oversharing The term has become connected with social media, but it isn't exclusive(独有的) to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone.
Within five minutes they have revealed details about their life. While some of us may try to escape these people, according to specialist Carolyn Cole, this form of oversharing could come from a strong desire to connect with someone. But how does oversharing translate into social media
Dr Christopher Hand, a lecturer in cyberpsychology, says the more details people expose(使显露), the less sympathy(同情) we express when things go wrong. This could be due to a belief that we will get more negative experiences if we share them more. It seems that sad fishing, the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be.
However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more we post on a platform, the more socially attractive we become—if our posts are positive. Even back in2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We should also avoid showing off or bragging(吹嘘). It makes sense-if your life is going that well', would you really have time to share a photo with text
So, how can you know if you are oversharing Well, why not ask your friends in real life They would probably be more than happy to tell you if your posts about your breakfast or your complaints about your lack of money really are too much.
32.How does the author introduce the topic in paragraph 1
A.By providing data.
B.By raising a question.
C.By giving an example.
D.By analyzing cause and effect.
33.Why does the author describe a scene in paragraph 2
A.To illustrate what oversharing is.
B.To attract readers' attention and interest.
C.To explain the reason of oversharing.
D.To connect oversharing with social media.
34.According to Dr Hand, what may happen when people overshare online
A.They would have no time to enjoy their real life.
B.People are likely to doubt their intention for help.
C.People show no sympathy when they are in trouble.
D.They will definitely become more socially attractive.
35.Which of the following online sharing does the author most agree with
A.Showing off your expensive lifestyle.
B.Complaining frequently about your work.
C.Sharing photos of your breakfast every day.
D.Recording a video of how you save money.
四、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Refresh your bedroom
Whether you would like to change the theme of your bedroom or just want to give it an updated look, you don't need a big budget to make it happen.  36.   Here's how you can get started.
Clear out the mess
Before you start freshening up your space, take a look around to see what you have that you could give away to someone who could use it. Ask an adult for two bags or boxes, one for items you want to donate and one for anything that can go directly in the trash.  37.  
Think about light
One simple room update that has a big impact is turning up your lighting. One idea is to hang inexpensive LED string lights on a wall.  38.  Moving other lighting devices from another part of the house to your room, with permission from an adult, can also add soft lighting to your space.
Another inexpensive change that can have big results is paint. Ask an adult if they're willing to help you paint an ac cent wall in your room. An accent wall is a good chance to take a risk with color since it's only one wall. You can choose to paint the wall behind your headboard or even a closet door. If you don't want to paint, you could check out wallpaper whose colors matches your room.
Add personal touches
 40.  You can ask a parent for any spare picture frames(框架) or pick some up together at a thrift shop or craft store. Print out photos and frame() them for display. You could also frame your own artwork to hang on a wall or lean it against a dresser.
A. Consider color. B. Green your space. C. Or you could try a lamp on a nightstand or desk. D. Personalize your room with photos of family and friends. E. With a few smart strategies , you can give your room a whole new feel. F. Add new colors and patterns to liven up the look and feel of your space. G. Once your room is neat, you can see what kinds of changes you might want to make.
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A Surprise Message
Eli walked to school every day. When the 41. bell rang, he walked home, too. During his trip, Eli often cut through an empty lot where a house used to be.
One day, when Eli was walking across the empty lot, he caught sight of a bright red streak(条状物) 42. loosely from the branch of the old maple tree at the lot. Eli walked toward the tree to get a 43. look.
The red streak was actually an old 44. . Eli thought he should throw it away. It was litter, which wasn't pretty. And 45. a bird tried to eat it
Eli picked up the f loppy balloon. There was still a long string(线) 46. . At the end of the string, Eli was surprised to see a plastic bag. Even 47. , the bag wasn't empty. There was a piece of white paper inside.
Eli was 48. . What could it be He opened the bag to find out.
The piece of paper was folded into a small square. Eli 49. it. It was a letter!
Dear Friend,
If you have found this letter, it means my balloon finally 50. . I used the balloon to see how far my letter would travel. I 51. it from Wisconsin on May 1. Please write back to me and tell me where and when you found it.
Joe Valentino
Eli read it aloud:
Eli was excited. Wisconsin was a different state, so the balloon traveled very 52. .He ran home to get a pen and paper to write back to the 53. included in the letter.
Eli spent the rest of the afternoon 54. to Joe Valentino. He answered Joe's questions and asked what he liked to do for fun. Eli was happy and hoped Joe would be his pen pal and 55. .
41.A. first B. door C. final D. alarm
42.A. packing B. hanging C. flowing D. balancing
43.A. shorter B. closer C. nearer D. deeper
44.A. jacket B. ribbon C. litter D. balloon
45.A. what if B. even if C. as if D. if only
46.A. attacked B. attracted C. attached D. attended
47.A. stranger B. smarter C. slimmer D. stronger
48.A. anxious B. obvious C. curious D. cautious
49.A. explored B. discovered C. recognized D. unfolded
50.A. charged B. rolled C. stuck D. burst
51.A. trapped B. released C. blew D. struggled
52.A. far B. straight C. fast D. slow
53.A. person B. address C. house D. state
54.A. speaking B. talking C. writing D. messaging
55.A. friend B. teacher C. brother D. competitor
六、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Science literacy(素养) has increased dramatically in the past 12 years in China, said NiMinjing, head of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, who believed the progress was due to society-wide efforts  56.  (popularize) science.
"For example, CPPCC National Committee has launched a Members' Science Lecture Hall,  57.   many scholars and well-known scientists take the lead in popularizing science," he said.
" 58.   increasing number of scientists are taking on part-time roles as vice-principals(副校长) for science and technology in primary and secondary schools."
Ni said global science education is shifting toward  59.  (learn) for innovation, where innovation(创新) originates from diverse minds and actions. Playing basketball, joining a chorus competition,  60.   helping with household chores, can all strengthen their mental abilities and reduce the chance of psychological problems and,  61.  (eventual), increase the likelihood of innovative talents.
He said that top innovative talents share three common qualities, all of which can 62.   (develop) and are the true value and power of education, regardless of exam performance. First, they are very 63.  (dependent) and active; second, they have a strong interest in a particular field and are highly focused; third, they are particularly resilient(适应力强的) and can persevere.
Ni stressed that scientific education  64.  (be) not just about high-tech education. "Everything is open  65.  exploration, and even rural areas are full of scientific resources. Every piece of soil, every flower and every clear night sky presents excellent opportunities for scientific exploration."
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)第一节 (满分 15分)
66.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 假设你是校学生会主席李华,你校近期将举办"纪录身边的美好瞬间"的英语视频征集活动,请你为这次活动写一则英语通知,内容包括:
八、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)第二节 (满分25分)
67.(2024高一下·咸宁期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ella walked into the kitchen and twirled. She was wearing a new dress and felt like a famous model. Even better, it was a dress she made! Her very first piece of fashion !"What do you think " she asked her mother who was laying her school breakfast on the table.
"Is that the secret dress you've been working on " Mom asked.
"Yes! This is it! Don't you love it " Ella twirled again.
"It's very pretty, Ella. I can't believe you designed and sewed that all by yourself!"
Ella grinned. She had so many problems making the dress, but right now it was all worth it. It was going to be a great day.
The kids at school weren't quite as excited about her dress as she thought they would be, but she did get some nice comments from some of the girls, so she was happy about that. The day went by quickly, and before she knew it, she was outside for the last recess of the day. Soon, she'd be going home. What a perfect day, she thought to herself as she swung on the swings. Ella leaned back in the swing and looked up at the blue sky full of white wispy clouds. She smiled. This would be the first dress of many that she would make. Some day she would have her very own fashion line with all kinds of clothes.
The school bell rang and recess was over. Ella sat up straight on the swing and waited for it to stop. She thought about dragging her feet but didn't want to get her shoes dirty.
When the swing was close to stopping, Ella jumped off. When she landed, she heard a loud rip. "Oh no!" she whispered as she moved her hand to the back of her dress. It was ripped(裂开) all the way down the back!
All the students were moving toward the door to go back inside. Ella spotted her teacher, Miss Miller, near the door. "Come on, Ella! It's time to go in," Miss Miller called out.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Ella stood still. She didn't know what to do.
Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on.
【解析】【听力原文】W: So, Peter, who are you going camping with
M: Well, Dave from work can't make it, so Tom—you know him, an old school friend. I'll do a trip with Dave and Mike another time.
【分析】问题: Peter 将和谁一起去露营?根据"so Tom—you know him, an old school friend."所以汤姆,你认识他,一个老同学。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Jane. Could you give me a ride I want to buy some food for the picnic.
W: OK. I'm going home but I can drop you off at the supermarket.
【分析】问题:男士现在想去哪个地方?根据"Could you give me a ride I want to buy some food for the picnic."你能载我一程吗?我想为野餐买些食物;以及"but I can drop you off at the supermarket."但我可以送你去超市。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: I'd like to check out. I live in Room 608. I stayed in the room for two days, and asked for room service once. They sent me some food and drinks.
W: OK. Let me see. It's $458 in total. How would you like to pay for it In cash or by credit card
【分析】问题:谈话人在哪里?根据"I'd like to check out. I live in Room 608. I stayed in the room for two days, and asked for room service once."我想退房。我住在608房间。我在房间里住了两天,并要求过一次客房服务。可推知他们可能在宾馆,故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Sorry, but I don't want this skirt. That's too expensive for me.
M: What about this one It's 20 dollars cheaper. But it is not made of cotton.
【分析】问题:谈话人之间最有可能的关系是什么?根据"Sorry, but I don't want this skirt. That's too expensive for me."对不起,我不想要这条裙子。那对我来说太贵了;以及"What about this one It's 20 dollars cheaper. But it is not made of cotton."这条怎么样?便宜20美元。但它不是棉的。可知他们是客户和销售员。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: So how is your new roommate
M: Well, he is just not very reliable. He doesn't pay the room rent on time, and seldom cleans the room. Above all, he always leaves the door unlocked.
W: Oh, that must drive you crazy!
M: Yeah. I'm thinking about moving out.
【分析】问题:男士觉得他的室友怎么样?根据"he is just not very reliable. He doesn't pay the room rent on time, and seldom cleans the room. Above all, he always leaves the door unlocked."他只是不太可靠。他不按时付房租,也很少打扫房间。最重要的是,他总是不锁门。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: This year I want to get a new job.
W: Really You just said your boss has praised you recently.
M: Yeah. And I make good money now, but the hours are long. How about you What do you plan to do this year
W: I'm not sure. This year I want to meet some new people and do something fun. Maybe I need a hobby. I love to dance. I'd like to study modern dance.
M: You should take a class. Then you can do something fun and meet other people too.
6.问题:男士为什么想换工作?根据"but the hours are long."但时间很长。故选B。
7.问题:男士建议女士做什么?根据"Maybe I need a hobby. I love to dance. I'd like to study modern dance."也许我需要一个爱好。我喜欢跳舞。我想学习现代舞;以及"You should take a class."你应该去上课。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Tom, did you hear about Mrs. Hill, who went missing last weekend
M: Yeah, she was walking her dogs in the forest, and didn't come back. Did she get lost
W: No. She often goes there and knows the forest well. She fell down a hill and broke her leg and her phone. She is in the hospital right now.
M: Wow. How did she survive so long
W: Her two dogs slept beside her to keep her warm.
M: That is amazing. I guess that's why people say dogs are"man's best friend".
W: Yeah A hiker discovered her after he heard the dogs barking.
M: Look! I think that is her husband on TV right now. Turn up the volume.
8.问题: Hill 太太上周末怎么了?根据"She fell down a hill and broke her leg and her phone."她从山上摔了下来,摔断了腿,摔坏了手机。故选B。
9.问题:谁找到Hill太太了?根据"A hiker discovered her after he heard the dogs barking."一位徒步旅行者在听到狗叫声后发现了她。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Good afternoon, Kingswell Sports club, how can I help you
M: Oh, I was wondering if you could give me some information about your club.
W: Of course.
M: Do you have tennis courts, for example
W: No, I'm afraid we don't. We're mainly a golf club.
M: What about football I heard you had a team.
W: No, I'm sorry. Perhaps you're thinking about Fresham Sports Center. But we have a keep-fit studio, which is very popular with members, and then as well as that there's a swimming pool, of course.
M: That's good. I like to swim every day. What about relaxing after exercise I assume you have a restaurant or something.
W: At the moment, we've only got a salad bar. The restaurant will be in use by the end of the year.
M: Sounds good!
10.问题:我们对Kingswell体育俱乐部了解多少?根据"We're mainly a golf club."我们主要是一个高尔夫俱乐部。故选B。
11.问题:锻炼后人们可以在哪里放松?根据"At the moment, we've only got a salad bar."目前,我们只有一个沙拉吧。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: A new public library opened last week downtown. Have you been there
M: No. I've been planning to go there. When does it open every day
W: From9 a. m. to 5 p. m. , except on Monday, only in the afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00.
M: Great! Tell me more about it!
W: On the first floor, there are novels, best-sellers and children 's books. The second floor houses reference books and professional books. And there is a cafe where readers can read with coffee on this floor. Besides, there is a hall where lectures may be given sometimes.
M: Are there electronic resources
W: Of course. There are computers and other electronic devices on the third floor.
M: Sounds interesting. How long can I keep books
W: You can keep two books for a month for free.
13.问题:读者星期一什么时候可以去公共图书馆?根据"except on Monday, only in the afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00."除了周一,只有下午2:30到5:00。故选B。
14.问题:专业书籍在哪里?根据"The second floor houses reference books and professional books."二楼有参考书和专业书籍。故选B。
15.问题:读者在三楼可以做什么?根据"There are computers and other electronic devices on the third floor."三楼有电脑和其他电子设备。故选C。
16.问题:读者可以免费借阅一本书多久?根据"You can keep two books for a month for free."你可以免费借两本书一个月。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】 Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Story Time, and this week we're going to talk about Margaret Fuller. Margaret Fuller was born in 1810 in America. At the age of nine, her education was at home, with her father. Margaret was an excellent student. In fact, by the age of six, she was translating Latin poetry into English. At the age of ten, she went to school. And eventually, she became a teacher. So, why did she become so well known Well, she had very strong opinions about the role of women and particularly about what jobs they could do. Margaret believed that a woman could do any job that a man could do. Later, she became a journalist. She worked for the New York Tribune and became its first female editor. She also wrote reviews for it, as she was famous for having strong opinions about literature. Some of the reviews she wrote were very sharp. As a result, she was not always popular with novelists and poets of her time. Besides, she was interested in many different topics. For example, she wanted to change people's attitudes to Native Americans and African Americans. She certainly tried to make the world a better place. This is Tom, on 685 FM.
17.问题:发言人是谁?根据"Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Story Time, and this week we're going to talk about Margaret Fuller."大家好。欢迎回到故事时间,本周我们将讨论玛格丽特·富勒;以及"This is Tom, on 685 FM."我是汤姆,调频685。可推知他是一名电台主持人,故选A。
18.问题: Margaret 几岁开始上学?根据"At the age of ten, she went to school."十岁时,她去上学了。故选C。
19.问题:为什么Margaret在那个时候如此出名?根据"she had very strong opinions about the role of women and particularly about what jobs they could do."她对女性的角色,尤其是她们能做什么工作,有着非常强烈的看法。故选B。
20.问题:我们对Margaret了解多少?根据"She worked for the New York Tribune and became its first female editor."她为《纽约论坛报》工作,成为该报的第一位女编辑。故选B。
21.考查细节理解。根据第二段"Despite the very best efforts of our education system, it is struggling to cope with fully supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children within the curriculum. Have you ever felt that you would love to help, but were powerless to act Well, here's your opportunity to do something positive."尽管我们的教育系统尽了最大的努力,但它仍难以在课程中充分支持孩子们的情感健康。你是否曾经觉得你很想帮忙,但却无能为力?这是你做一些积极的事情的机会;第三段中的"The Ollie School plans to build an army of coaches who can make the world a better place, one child at a time."奥利学校计划建立一支教练队伍,他们可以让世界变得更美好,一次一个孩子;以及第四段中的"The Ollie method is all about empowering children to seek solutions and take control of their emotions, rather than be controlled by them. "奥利方法就是让孩子们去寻找解决办法,控制自己的情绪,而不是被情绪控制。可知,奥利学校旨在培养能够帮助儿童处理情绪问题的教练,即对人进行培训使其帮助有情感问题的孩子,支持孩子的情感健康。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Licence to help部分中的"If helping children and their families deal with stress and difficulties interests you, contact Ollie School for further information."如果你对帮助孩子和他们的家庭处理压力和困难感兴趣,请联系奥利学校了解更多信息;以及 Get in touch 部分中的"To train to become an Ollie coach, visit , or email info@."要想成为奥利教练,请访问,或发送电子邮件info@。可知,你通过访问奥利学校网站或者发送邮件了解更多信息。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据第一段"Ever wanted to make a difference and train to become a coach With the Ollie School, you could be changing lives before you know it."曾经想要有所作为,想要成为一名教练吗 在奥利学校,你可能会在不知不觉中改变人生;以及最后一段"To train to become an Ollie coach, visit , or email info@olli eandhis superpo . The Ollie School is waiting to hear from you!"要想成为奥利教练,请访问ollieandhis ,或发送电子邮件info@。奥利学校正等着你的消息!;以及文章内容可知,整篇文章都在介绍Ollie学校的培训项目,资格证书以及联系方式,所以本文目的是为了宣传这所学校,为学校做广告。故选A。
24.考查推理判断。根据第一段"I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution, Pitzer College, the same question,‘ What do you look forward to the most in college ' I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied, ‘I look forward to the possibility of failure.' Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk. "我在Pitzer College面试每一个学生时都会问同样的问题:"你在大学里最期待什么?"最近,在纽约的一家星巴克,一个学生坐在我对面回答我:"我期待着失败的可能性。"这让我既惊讶又高兴。当然,大多数学生坐在能决定他们学术前途的人面前时,并不是这样回答这个问题的,但这个年轻人冒了一个险;以及第三段中的"These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive."如今,在大学申请中寻找缺陷就像大海捞针一样困难。学生们尽力隐藏他们认为消极的因素,只告诉我们他们认为会给我们留下深刻印象的事情。可知,学生们在面试中通常会尽力展示他们的优点,隐藏他们认为负面的因素。故选A。
25.考查推理判断。根据第三段"These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try their best to hide factors they regard as negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive. This is supported by a secondary school culture where teachers are under pressure to give students nothing less than an A, and are told not to report disciplinary infractions (违纪) to colleges. Education agents in other countries are known to falsify student transcripts (成绩单), assuming that outstanding grades are the ticket to admission. "如今,在大学申请中寻找缺陷就像大海捞针一样困难。学生们尽力隐藏他们认为消极的因素,只告诉我们他们认为会给我们留下深刻印象的事情。这一观点得到了中学文化的支持,在中学文化中,老师们承受着给学生不低于A的压力,并被告知不要向大学报告违纪行为。众所周知,其他国家的教育中介伪造学生成绩单,认为优秀的成绩是进入大学的入场券。可知,第三段主要说明了当前中学文化中存在的问题,即教师受到压力给予学生高分,且不向大学报告学生的纪律违规行为,以及国外教育中介篡改学生成绩单的情况。可推知,这反映了中学倾向于掩盖学生的不完美之处。故选C。
26.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"The ability to bounce (回弹) back is an essential life skill students have to learn on their own. The lessons of failure can't be taught in a classroom; they are experienced and reflected upon."重新振作起来的能力是学生们必须自学的一项基本生活技能。失败的教训不能在教室里教授;他们经历和反思。可知,作者认为处理失败的能力是一个学生需要自己学习的重要生活技能。故选B。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"I was amazed and delighted recently when a student sat across from me at a Starbucks in New York City and replied,"Ilook forward to the possibility of failure." Of course, this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures, but this young man took a risk. "最近,在纽约的一家星巴克,一个学生坐在我对面回答我:"我期待着失败的可能性。"这让我既惊讶又高兴。当然,大多数学生坐在能决定他们学术前途的人面前时,并不是这样回答这个问题的,但这个年轻人冒了一个险;以及最后一段"Failure is about growth, learning, overcoming, and moving on. Let's allow young people to fail. Not only will they learn something, it might even get them into college. "失败是成长、学习、克服和继续前进的过程。让我们允许年轻人失败。他们不仅会学到一些东西,甚至可能会进入大学。可知,整篇文章通过一个学生期待在大学里体验失败的例子,引出当前教育体系下学生被过度保护,缺乏面对和处理失败的机会的问题,并强调了失败对于个人成长和学习的重要性,最终呼吁应允许年轻人经历失败。可推知"如果你想上大学,就要学会面对失败" 最能概括文章的主旨。故选C。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了苏格兰保护组织Highland Titles开设世界上最大的昆虫酒店,以保护昆虫的多样性。
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind."虽然对人类来说很不幸,但这个宏伟的建筑招待六条腿的动物。可知,巢穴被破坏的蚂蚁最可能成为昆虫酒店的客人,故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Although unfortunately for humans, this grand establishment entertains the six-legged kind."虽然对人类来说很不幸,但这个宏伟的建筑招待了六条腿的动物;第三段中的"This record-breaking project is about the environmental message"这个破纪录的项目是关于环境信息的;以及第四段提到昆虫数量下降可知,Highland Titles建立昆虫酒店是出于环境目的,为了保护昆虫多样性,故选D。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"The UK is seeing the most significant of those declines out of every country in the world. A report released in 2019 showed the extent (程度) of the damage that humans have caused to the planet: wiping out 60% of mammals (哺乳动物), birds, fish, and reptiles "爬行动物) since 1970.(在世界上所有国家中,英国的下降幅度最大。2019年发布的一份报告显示了人类对地球造成的破坏程度:自1970年以来,人类消灭了60%的哺乳动物、鸟类、鱼类和爬行动物。可知,世界上其他国家的昆虫数量也在下降,由此推知划线词所在句意为"苏格兰昆虫数量的减少与世界各地正在发生的情况相似——科学家们称之为第六次大灭绝的趋势",划线词parallel意为"与……一致",故选C。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"Insects are the heart of global food web s and ecosystems. They're essential in recycling nutrients, pollinating(授粉) plants, and as food for countless vertebrate (有脊椎的) species. In Scotland's Duror, there are high hopes that the region's new hotel will not help promote insect visitors, but inspire other reserves and environmental organizations to build their own."昆虫是全球食物网和生态系统的核心。它们在循环养分、授粉植物和无数脊椎动物物种的食物中至关重要。在苏格兰的杜罗尔,人们对该地区的新酒店寄予厚望,希望它不会帮助吸引昆虫游客,而是激励其他保护区和环保组织建立自己的酒店。可知,昆虫重要的原因在于它们在全球食物网中发挥着关键作用、鼓励人们建造自己的酒店以及是植物授粉的重要媒介,"它们能从环境中吸收营养"不是其原因,故选D。
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段"It's good to share, right Growing up as kids, we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much With new crazes trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media "分享是件好事,对吧 从小,我们就被告知要分享玩具,不要自私。我们也生活在一个鼓励讨论自己感受的时代。但什么时候这一切会变得过分呢 随着舞蹈挑战和穿枕头当裙子等新潮流的不断流行,问题是:社交媒体上的分享何时变得过度分享的 。可知,在第一段中作者连续提出三个问题"分享是件好事,对吧 "、"但什么时候这一切会变得过分呢 "以及"社交媒体上的分享何时会变得过度分享 ",从而引出本文讨论的话题,可推知,该段是通过提问的方式引出话题的。故选B。
33.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"What is oversharing "什么是过度分享)可知,本段使用提问的形式引出本段讲述的主题,;以及"The term has become connected with social media, but it isn't exclusive (独有的) to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone. Within five minutes they have revealed details about their life. "这个词已经与社交媒体联系在一起,但它并不是这个平台所独有的。想象一下,你去参加一个聚会,遇到了一个人。在五分钟内,他们就透露了自己生活的细节。可知,接下来提到了一个与陌生人相遇五分钟内就透露自己生活细节的场景,可推知,本段主要是为了阐述"什么过度分享"。故选A。
34.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"It seems that sadfishing, the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be."在社交媒体上博同情,即通过过度分享来寻求同情的想法,似乎通常被认为是消极的,而不是真正的求助。可知,在Dr Hand看来,在社交平台上过度分享来寻求同情的想法,经常被人认为不是真正的求助,所以说,如果在网上过度分享,人们可能会怀疑这些人们寻求帮助的意图。故选B。
35.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more we post on a platform, the more socially attractive we become—if our posts are positive."然而,Dr Hand的研究似乎也表明,如果我们的帖子是积极的,我们在一个平台上发布的越多,我们就越有社会吸引力。可知,在社交媒体上发布积极地帖子,就会越有社会吸引力;以及"Even back in2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We should also avoid showing off or bragging (吹嘘). It makes sense-if your life is going that well, would you really have time to share a photo with text "早在2015年,格温多林·塞德曼博士就说过,我们应该避免在网上抱怨和消极。我们也应该避免炫耀或吹嘘。这是有道理的——如果你的生活过得很好,你真的有时间用文字分享照片吗 。可知,我们不应该在社交平台上抱怨和消极,也不应该炫耀或吹嘘,如果自己过得好,也不会去分享照片的时间,所以A项、B项和C项讲述的内容与原文信息不符,可推子,作者应该会赞成录制你如何省钱的视频。故选D。
36.根据空前"Whether you would like to change the theme of your bedroom or just want to give it an updated look, you don't need a big budget to make it happen."无论你是想改变卧室的主题,还是只是想给它一个更新的外观,你都不需要大量的预算来实现。说明刷新装饰卧室不需要大量预算就能实现,E. With a few smart strategies , you can give your room a whole new feel. "用一些聪明的策略,你可以给你的房间一个全新的感觉。"承上启下,引出下文"Here's how you can get started."下面是如何开始的方法。说明文章主题。故选E。
37.根据本段小标题"Clear out the mess"清理杂乱;以及空前"Before you start freshening up your space, take a look around to see what you have that you could give away to someone who could use it. Ask an adult for two bags or boxes, one for items you want to donate and one for anything that can go directly in the trash."在你开始整理你的空间之前,环顾一下周围,看看你有什么东西可以送给需要的人。向成年人要两个袋子或盒子,一个装你想捐赠的东西,另一个装任何可以直接扔进垃圾桶的东西。建议清理房间中没有用的东西,使房间更整洁,G. Once your room is neat, you can see what kinds of changes you might want to make."一旦你的房间整洁了,你就可以看到你可能想要做什么样的改变。"承接上文,说明整洁的房间是令人满意的。故选G。
38.根据本段小标题"Think about light"考虑照明;以及空前"One simple room update that has a big impact is turning up your lighting. One idea is to hang inexpensive LED string lights on a wall. "一个简单的房间更新,有很大的影响是打开你的照明。其中一个想法是把便宜的LED灯串挂在墙上。建议考虑房间的照明灯光,并介绍一个具体方法,C. Or you could try a lamp on a nightstand or desk."或者你可以试试在床头柜或桌子上放盏灯。"承接上文,介绍另一个有关照明的方法。故选C。
39.根据空后"Another inexpensive change that can have big results is paint. Ask an adult if they're willing to help you paint an accent wall in your room. An accent wall is a good chance to take a risk with color since it's only one wall. "另一个可以产生巨大效果的廉价变化是绘画颜料。问一个成年人是否愿意帮你在房间里刷一面特色墙。特色墙是冒险使用颜色的好机会,因为它只是一面墙。谈论了房间墙的颜色,A. Consider color."考虑颜色。"概括本段主题,建议考虑房间的颜色。故选A。
40.根据空后"You can ask a parent for any spare picture frames(框架) or pick some up together at a thrift shop or craft store. Print out photos and frame them for display. "你可以向父母要一些多余的相框,或者在旧货店或手工艺品店一起买一些。打印出照片并将其框起来以供展示。建议使用照片在房间展示, D. Personalize your room with photos of family and friends. "用家人和朋友的照片装饰你的房间。"引领下文,建议使用照片装饰房间。故选D。
41.句意:当放学铃响时,他也步行回家。A. first"第一";B. door"门";C. final"最终的";D. alarm"警报,闹钟"。根据空后"he walked home"可知,此处指放学铃声,final bell "最后的铃声",指代放学铃声。故选C。
42.句意:一天,当Eli穿过空地时,他看到一条鲜红色的条状物松散地挂在那块地上的老枫树枝上。A. packing"打包";B. hanging"悬挂";C. flowing"流动";D. balancing"平衡"。根据空后"loosely from the branch of the old maple tree"可知,这里描述的是气球挂着的状态。故选B。
43.句意:Eli朝树走去,想看得更清楚些。A. shorter"更短的";B. closer"更近的";C. nearer"更近的";D. deeper"更深的"。根据空前"Eli walked toward the tree to get a";以及空后"look"可知,Eli走向树是为了更近距离地观察它。这里的look指的是视觉上的观察,所以应用closer更为合适,因为它更直接地关联到视觉上的接近。故选B。
44.句意:那条红条原来是一个旧气球。A. jacket"夹克";B. ribbon"缎带";C. litter"垃圾";D. balloon"气球"。根据下文"Eli picked up the floppy balloon"可知,红色的条状物最终被确认为是气球。故选D。
45.句意:如果一只鸟试图吃它呢?A. what if"如果……会怎样";B. even if"即使";C. as if"好像";D. if only"要是……就好了"。根据空后"a bird tried to eat it"可知,这里表示对可能情况的担忧,因此用what if。故选A。
46.句意:还有一根长长的绳子系在上面。A. attacked"攻击";B. attracted"吸引";C. attached "系,附着";D. attended"出席"。根据空前"Eli picked up the floppy balloon. There was still a long string(线)"可知,绳子是系在气球上的。故选C。
47.句意:更奇怪的是,袋子里不是空的。A. stranger"更奇怪的";B. smarter"更聪明的";C. slimmer"更苗条的";D. stronger"更强壮的"。根据下文"Life was tough, and proper schooling"可知,这里表示出乎意料,因此是"更奇怪的"。故选A。
48.句意:Eli很好奇。A. anxious"焦虑的";B. obvious"明显的";C. curious"好奇的";D. cautious"小心的"。根据下文"What could it be "可知,Eli想知道会是什么,可见Eli很好奇。故选C。
49.句意:Eli把它展开了。A. explored"探索";B. discovered"发现";C. recognized"认出";D. unfolded"展开"。根据上文"The piece of paper was folded into a small square";以及空后"It was a letter!"可知,这里指把折叠的纸展开,下文Eli才会知道是封信。故选D。
50.句意:如果你找到了这封信,那就意味着我的气球终于爆了。A. charged"充电";B. rolled"滚动";C. stuck"卡住";D. burst"爆炸,爆裂"。根据空前"If you have found this letter, it means my balloon finally"可知,气球爆了后落下来,人们才有可能发现这封信。故选D。
51.句意:我在5月1日从威斯康星州放飞的。A. trapped"陷阱";B. released"释放";C. blew "吹";D. struggled"挣扎"。根据空后"it from Wisconsin on May 1."可知,这里指释放气球。故选B。
52.句意:威斯康星州是另一个州,所以气球飞得很远。A. far"远";B. straight"直";C. fast "快";D. slow"慢"。根据空前"Wisconsin was a different state, so the balloon traveled very"可知,气球从一个州飘到另一个州,说明飞得远。故选A。
53.句意:他跑回家拿笔和纸给信中包含的地址写回信。A. person"人";B. address"地址";C. house"房子";D. state"州"。根据空后"included in the letter"可知,给对方回信需要地址,地址在发现的这封信里写着。故选B。
54.句意:Eli整个下午都在给Joe Valentino写信。A. speaking"说";B. talking"谈话";C. writing "写";D. messaging"信息"。根据上文"He ran home to get a pen and paper to write back"可知,他跑回家拿笔和纸给信中包含的地址写回信,因此Eli整个下午都在给Joe Valentino写信。故选C。
55.句意:Eli很高兴,并希望Joe能成为他的笔友和朋友。A. friend"朋友";B. teacher"老师";C. brother"兄弟";D. competitor"竞争对手"。根据空前"Eli was happy and hoped Joe would be his pen pal and"可知,Eli希望他们能成为朋友。故选A。
【答案】56.to popularize;57.where;58.An.;59.learning;60.and;61.eventually;62.be developed;63.independent;64.is;65.to
56.句意:上海科技馆馆长倪敏静说,在过去的12年里,中国的科学素养有了显著的提高,他认为这一进步归功于全社会的科普努力。名词efforts后应用动词不定式作后置定语,表示"普及科学的努力"。故填to popularize。
57.句意:他说:"例如,全国政协推出了一个会员科学大讲堂,许多学者和知名科学家在这里带头科普。"。 many scholars and well-known scientists take the lead in popularizing science 是非限制性定语从句,先行词为a Members' Science Lecture Hall,表示地点,用关系副词where引导,在从句中作地点状语。故填where。
58.句意:"越来越多的顶尖科学家在中小学担任科学技术副校长。"a number of固定短语,"许多",后接复数名词,谓语动词用复数。所连接的单词increasing发音以元音开头,句首字母大写,故填An。
60.句意:打篮球、参加合唱比赛和帮助做家务,都可以增强他们的心理能力,减少出现心理问题的机会,最终增加创新人才的可能性。空后动名词短语helping with household chores和空前动名词短语是并列关系。故填and。
62.句意:他说,顶尖创新人才有三个共同的品质,无论考试成绩如何,这些品质都是可以培养的,是教育的真正价值和力量。动词develop和主语时间是被动关系,用被动语态。情态动词后接动词原形,故填be developed。
63.句意:首先,他们非常独立和积极;第二,他们对某一特定领域有强烈的兴趣,并且高度专注;第三,他们特别有韧性,能够坚持下去。根据句意可知,此处表示"优良品质"应用其形容词的反义词independent "独立的,自主的"作表语。故填independent。
64.句意:倪强调,科学教育不仅仅是高科技教育。虽然主句为一般过去时,但宾语从句中描述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语scientific education为单数,主谓一致,故填is。
65.句意:一切都是开放探索的,甚至农村地区也充满了科学资源。be open to sth固定短语,"对……开放",故填to。
66.【答案】One possible version:
An upcoming English video collection activity titled "Capturing the Beautiful Moments Around Us" is going to be held in our school, with the ai m of encouraging students to observe and record the beauty in our everyday lives and improving our English storytelling abilities.
Videos should focus on documenting beautiful, inspiring, or heartwarming moments encountered in your daily life. These can range from a stunning sunrise, acts of kindness, to any scene that you find beautiful or meaningful. Each video should be between 1 to 3 minutes in length. If you are interested, please sent your works to BMoments @ before June 6th.
We look forward to your participation and are excited to see the beautiful moments you choose to share.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以 校学生会主席 李华的身份 写一则英语通知 ,写作背景: 你校近期将举办"纪录身边的美好瞬间"的英语视频征集活动 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.活动目的;2.视频要求(内容、时长);3.投稿方式。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:An upcoming English video collection activity titled "Capturing the Beautiful Moments Around Us" is going to be held in our school, with the aim of encouraging students to observe and record the beauty in our everyday lives and improving our English storytelling abilities. 运用了被动语态,with的复合结构;These can range from a stunning sunrise, acts of kindness, to any scene that you find beautiful or meaningful.运用了限制性定语从句; If you are interested, please sent your works to BMoments @ before June 6th. 运用了条件状语从句,祈使句;We look forward to your participation and are excited to see the beautiful moments you choose to share.运用了限制性定语从句。
67.【答案】One possible version:
Ella stood still. She didn't know what to do. She put her hands behind her and tried to hold her dress shut. Miss Miller called again, this time louder. Ella shook her head and said nothing, for fear of being laughed at by her classmates. With confusion and concern, Miss Miller started walking toward her. "What's wrong, Ella Are you hurt " Miss Miller asked when she reached Ella. "No. I'm not hurt. It's my dress. It ripped in the back. "Miss Miller looked at the back of Ella's dress and knew the embarrassing situation Ella was in.
Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on. "There! My sweater is long on you. Even longer than your dress!" Miss Miller comforted Ella in a gentle voice. At these words, Ella broke into a grateful smile. Then Miss Miller accompanied Ella to get back inside. Though other students shot a few curious and confused glances at Ella, Ella didn't feel embarrassed at all, because she was bathed in the kindness and warmth Miss Miller showered on her. The moment Ella got home, she ran right into Mom's room to tell her what had happened. "Miss Miller saved me. "Ella said repeatedly.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Ella shook her head and said nothing, for fear of being laughed at by her classmates. 运用了动名词的被动式作介词宾语; "What's wrong, Ella Are you hurt " Miss Miller asked when she reached Ella. 运用了时间状语从句; Miss Miller looked at the back of Ella's dress and knew the embarrassing situation Ella was in. 运用了限制性定语从句;Though other students shot a few curious and confused glances at Ella, Ella didn't feel embarrassed at all, because she was bathed in the kindness and warmth Miss Miller showered on her.运用了让步状语从句,原因状语从句; The moment Ella got home, she ran right into Mom's room to tell her what had happened. 运用了时间状语从句,不定式作目的状语,宾语从句。
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