

名称 浙江省宁波市九校2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末联考英语试卷(音频暂未更新)
格式 zip
文件大小 105.7KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-29 17:06:57


1.(2024高一下·宁波期末) Which flavor of ice cream will the boy have
A.Blueberry. B.Strawberry. C.Chocolate.
2.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What is the woman going to do this afternoon
A.Borrow a book. B.Visit Mr. Smith. C.Attend a meeting.
3.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What does the woman offer to do for the boy
A.Fix his phone.
B.Treat him to dinner.
C.Give him a ride.
4.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What will the woman do the day after tomorrow
A.Leave for London. B.Attend a seminar. C.Do the gardening.
5.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What are the speakers going to do next
A.Buy tickets. B.Make a drink. C.See a film.
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The weather. B.The mountain. C.The clothes.
7.What does the woman decide to do during the day
A.Go on a road trip.
B.Appreciate the sunrise.
C.Go hiking.
8.How does the woman sound at first
A.Regretful. B.Excited. C.Relieved.
9.What do we know about the woman
A.She is a member of the city team.
B.She likes to have snacks with beer.
C.She watched the game on the scene.
10.What does the woman like most about solving the puzzle
A.It helps broaden her knowledge.
B.It gives her a sense of achievement.
C.It motivates her to think hard.
11.What was zip lining used as before in the Alps
A.A form of entertainment.
B.A means of transport.
C.A way to explore the nature.
12.What do we know about the man
A.He's a quiet person.
B.He avoids dangerous sports.
C.He's a big fan of outdoor activities.
13.Where did Nancy attend middle school
A.In Beijing. B.In Shanghai. C.In Shenzhen.
14. When did Nancy earn a master's degree
A.In 2012. B.In 2016. C.In2019.
15.What did Nancy do in the first company
A.She traveled abroad for work.
B.She offered help to students.
C.She passed many examinations.
16.Why did Nancy quit her second job
A.She didn't get a fairly good salary.
B.She stood little chance of being promoted.
C.She couldn't get along with her colleagues.
17.What is the speaker doing
A.Hosting a program.
B.Giving a lesson.
C.Holding a conference.
18.When did the Bermuda Triangle gain fame
A.In 1945. B.In 1950. C.In 1975.
19.Who proved the stories about the Bermuda Triangle false
A.Vincent Gaddis. B.Edward Jones. C.Larry Kusche.
20.What does the speaker mean in the end
A.The Bermuda Triangle isn't that dangerous.
B.The list isn't correct.
C.Fewer ships travel through the Bermuda Triangle now.
Want to know all the ins-and-outs regarding the Paris 2024 Olympics Then you've come to the right place! Below you will find all the information about the new Olympic sports.
Olympic skateboarding
Who will follow in the footsteps of Momiji Nishiya, the first Olympic skateboarding champion, who was crowned at the last Games at the age of 13 The answer will be revealed in Paris this summer. Speed, technique, mastery of the board will be required to successfully perform the most beautiful tricks.
Olympic sports climbing
With its second time entering the Olympics, sports climbing has three branches: Speed, Bouldering (抱石攀岩)and Lead. Speed is all about the speed of climbing. Bouldering is all about climbing a boulder on a wall and Lead requires athletes to climb a difficult route 20 meters high.
Olympic surfing
The Olympics will be held in Paris, but what about Olympic surfing There is one venue(场地)that is literally on the other side of the world. The location Teahupoo, on the island of Tahiti, is where Olympic surfing will take place. This island is part of French Polynesia, between Australia and South America.
Olympic breakdancing
Breakdancing is the new Olympic sport that will make its first appearance in Paris 2024. How to establish a grading system without taking away the artistic freedom at the same time The points should be based on creativity and musicality, a gray area that depends a lot on feeling and thus has a lot of subjectivity to it.
Looking for a handy list of all sports Click here! Throughout Paris there are all kinds of stadiums and arenas(竞技场)where sporting events are held. Not only Paris itself, but also the surrounding suburbs of the capital of France set the stage for the Olympic Games!
21. Which sport is entering the Olympics for the first time in Paris 2024
A.Olympic skateboarding. B.Olympic sports climbing.
C.Olympic surfing. D.Olympic breakdancing.
22. Which of the following statements is correct
A.Olympic skateboarding requires a high level of physical strength.
B.Three branches of Olympic sports climbing evaluate various sides of skills.
C.All the above four Olympic events will be held in Paris.
D.The scoring of Olympic breakdancing is highly objective.
23.Where is the text probably taken from
A.A sports website. B.A health magazine.
C.A travel brochure. D.An Olympic news report.
Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse(逆向的)culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad.
This situation is especially strange with people who have known me for a long time, like my parents, who witnessed all my major life changes before this one. I didn't realize how much I'd changed until I interacted with them and close friends. Despite only being away for three and a half months, I quickly noticed the differences between who I was before and who I am now. Over the past few weeks at home, I've been wondering how to maintain the positive changes and qualities gained from my semester abroad.
I've realized that surroundings and situations greatly influence mindset, and keeping a certain mindset while losing its corresponding(相对应的)environment is challenging. For instance, being in Madrid taught me to be more relaxed and stress-free. However, returning to Penn State with its demanding course load makes maintaining that mentality(心态)difficult. I've come to realize the problem that perpetual stress about school isn't healthy, especially after experiencing a semester of travel, fun, and academic success. Therefore, I've decided to work hard and study as usual but occasionally give myself a break, and do what I can to avoid getting over-stressed about tests and assignments. This means I will put in effort when necessary in order to make sure I am always caught up or ahead of class material.
Coming home has been more challenging than expected, but I'm confident I'll get through it in the next few weeks. Nevertheless, I'm determined to maintain the important lessons I learned about myself and others in Madrid.
24.What was the author's biggest concern when returning home
A.Going back to his original self.
B.Adapting to new surroundings.
C.Experiencing culture shock.
D.Missing old acquaintances.
25.What did the author realize after returning home
A.He should make his family familiar with his positive changes.
B.He should change his mentality to care less about his study.
C.He should adapt his mindset to fit into the old learning environment.
D.He should apply himself to his study to stay ahead of class.
26.What does the underlined word "perpetual" in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Current. B.Improper. C.Unnecessary. D.Continuous.
27.What is the passage mainly about
A.The sufferings of reverse culture shock.
B.The reflections on personal growth.
C.The adaptations to new environments.
D.The success in academic performance.
In the spring, the western tanagers(唐纳雀)prepared to migrate(迁徙)thousands of miles to the forests of the Mountain West, flying through grasslands, deserts, and occasionally, suburban yards.
To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries. They must take advantage of the early-season boom in insects that started with springtime plant growth to produce healthy young. But as global climate change caused spring to start earlier, birds such as western tanagers were arriving at their destination after what was known as "green-up", when flowers began blooming and insects popped up. With the shift of the time when plants put out new leaves, western tanagers became more likely to reach their destinations when food is in shortage or after insect numbers have begun to drop.
Scott Loss, a professor at Oklahoma State University and his colleagues used satellite imagery to calculate the average start of spring green-up along the typical migration routes of 150 North American bird species, and then compared that timing with the current green-up. They found that spring was indeed beginning earlier along birds' migration routes. The trend continued this year.
The paper continued to build this picture of the inability of birds to track the changing seasons caused by climate change. Timing mismatches between birds and their food could affect whether birds survived the migration and how many chicks they had.
Morgan Tingley, an researcher at UCLA said that the migration research could indicate conservation efforts in the future. "Part of it suggested which species were vulnerable(易受伤害的)to various threats," Tingley said. "This added to the knowledge about vulnerability of a wide range of bird species." And he hoped that the information would serve to highlight the urgent need to lower greenhouse-gas emissions as fast as possible: "It was really important, if we couldn't address climate change immediately, to try to stop habitat loss as much as we can."
28.During the migration, what will happen to the western tanagers after "green-up"
A.They will struggle to find enough insects and berries.
B.They will have difficulty finding suitable nesting sites.
C.They will hardly find blooming flowers for reproduction.
D.They will find it hard to survive harsher weather conditions.
29.What is the direct result of the timing mismatch between birds and their food
A.The loss of birds' habitats.
B.The decrease of birds' survival rate.
C.The contribution to the greenhouse effect.
D.The increase of difficulty in biodiversity conservation.
30.What is Morgan Tingley's attitude towards the research findings in the last paragraph
A.Uncertain. B.Critical. C.Concerned. D.Indifferent.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.The Diverse Patterns of Bird Migration
B.The Timing Mismatch of Western Tanagers
C.The Impact of Climate Change on Migratory Birds
D.The Vulnerability of Bird Species to Various Threats
One thing that many Americans can agree on, even in an era of deep political polarization(两极分化), is that our country is in a moral free fall. In survey after survey, US adults of all ages, education levels, political or religious backgrounds say that people are less kind, honest, generous, and respectful than they used to be. So is our nation's moral foundation falling apart
Not necessarily. In fact, two psychologists, Columbia's Adam Mastroianni and Harvard's Daniel Gilbert, say that the widespread belief in moral decline(下降)is a misconception. They recently conducted a meta-analysis of all the major surveys that asked Americans about the state of moral values in this country and they found that US residents have been complaining about one another's declining morality for as long as researchers have been seeking their opinions on the matter. And yet when individual respondents are asked multiple times, over the span of a decade or more, to describe the level of politeness and kindness they observe in their fellow citizens, their descriptions of other people's attitudes and behaviors do not actually worsen at all.
Mastroianni and Gilbert, whose paper appears in the journal Nature, say the results of similar surveys conducted in dozens of other countries over the decades suggest that people all over the world are easy to be influenced by the misconception that their peers are less moral than they once were. They say that this misconception is likely explained by two well-established psychological phenomena acting together: that we tend to pay closer attention to negative rather than positive information about people's actions in the present day; and that we tend to selectively forget such negative impressions as the years roll on, leaving us with good memories for the past.
Mastroianni and Gilbert also say that their discovery has important social and political implications, especially given that, as one 2015 survey found, three-quarters of all Americans believe that addressing the moral breakdown of the country should be a high priority(优先项)for the government. "The United States faces many well-documented problems, from climate change and terrorism to racial injustice and economic inequality — and yet, nowadays it is believed that the government should devote fewer resources to reversing an imaginary trend."
32.What is the function of the first paragraph
A.To provide a historical review of American society.
B.To present contrasting viewpoints on moral decline.
C.To introduce the topic of moral decline in American society.
D.To discuss the method of psychological research on moral decline.
33. What is the main argument presented by Mastroianni and Gilbert in their research
A.The morality of American society seems to be on a rapid rise.
B.American citizens' belief in declining morality is a false idea.
C.The moral breakdown has already been a long-term issue in America.
D.American society has realized its own misconception of moral decline.
34.According to the passage, what is the reason for the widespread belief in moral decline
A.Selective memory about previous impressions.
B.The mixed influence of psychological phenomena.
C.Negative descriptions of morality from peers.
D.Lack of government involvement in moral issues.
35.What does Mastroianni and Gilbert's research imply on social and political views
A.Americans should attach more importance to global issues.
B.Americans should help the government reverse the moral decline.
C.Government resources should be focused on addressing the moral decline.
D.Addressing the imaginary moral breakdown should not be a top choice.
Does your teenager seem addicted to the Internet Probably yes.  36.   At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children.  37.   Instead of using the Internet for homework or research, they are spending hours messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.
Keeping a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult.  38.  .
However, parents are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community.
Children and young people can easily become hooked on online activities such as multi-player games, instant messaging and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children are those who are unpopular or shy with peers.  39.   Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. For the children who are not so outgoing, playing these games with thousands of other users may apparently be a social activity.  40.  . So parents need to help children limit the online time to an appropriate amount.
A. That is especially obvious when it comes to online social games.
B. In fact, playing too much can further keep them away from friends and peers.
C. The amount of time teenagers spend online is a source of concern for many parents.
D. But numerous parents don't discover this worrying situation and ignore it naturally.
E. However, many parents soon realize that their kids were gradually becoming Internet addicts.
F. The engaging nature of the Internet makes many children lose track of time when they're online.
G. They can be easily attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities.
When Hailey Fort was six, she saw a person standing on the street in her town. She wanted to 41. him, so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water.
Hailey kept thinking about the man and what it would be like to be 42. . She knew that fresh fruits and vegetables often weren't 43. at food banks, where homeless people may get canned or boxed food. An idea 44. to her.
"There was a garden in our backyard, and we weren't using it," she said. "I asked my mom if I could use that garden to grow food for the homeless."
Now, several years later, Hailey's garden had 45. many people with fresh produce. When food was ready to be 46. , Hailey picked, washed, and bagged it. Then she and her mom gave the bags to people on the street or to a local food bank. Hailey had given away more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables 47. !
While 48. food, Hailey and her mom often saw people more than once. They learned their names and talked with people about what it was like to be homeless. When Hailey found out that people without homes didn't 49. have safe or comfortable places to sleep, she thought of a new project — building a sleeping 50. .
Due to her mom's 51. , Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in. Hailey's family was working with local groups to find a good place to park the structure as 52. housing for someone in need.
Hailey had learned a lot since she gave away her first sandwich — and not just about gardens and
53. . She has learned to see people who are homeless as individuals. To help others, she said, "Start
54. . You can always 55. over the years."
41.A. feed B. adopt C. help D. rescue
42.A. hungry B. miserable C. lonely D. generous
43.A. adjustable B. accessible C. affordable D. possible
44.A. appealed B. applied C. happened D. occurred
45.A. equipped B. supplied C. connected D. satisfied
46.A. harvested B. sold C. cooked D. preserved
47.A. by chance B. at least C. in total D. on purpose
48.A. trying out B. setting out
C. handing out D. figuring out
49.A. accidentally B. absolutely C. eventually D. regularly
50.A. center B. shelter C. platform D. community
51.A. patience B. attention C. permission D. guidance
52.A. temporary B. fixed C. necessary D. flexible
53.A. production B. collection C. selection D. construction
54.A. big B. small C. long D. short
55.A. grow B. change C. believe D. understand
Humans like to think of themselves as individuals, capable of making their own decisions without consulting anyone else. They  56.   (prize) for their ability to stand out, blaze their own path, and create their own style. However, underneath this originality lies a deep-rooted  57.   (eager) to fit in. That's
 58.   teen peer pressure is so hard for kids to resist.
Studies suggest that peer pressure from a child's friends becomes more significant during adolescence. The pressure grows  59.   (great), and the things teens are pressured to do become more dangerous. Besides, teens are born to connect with peers and struggle for belonging. As they mature and gradually become independent,  60.   (gain) the approval of others in their age group becomes increasingly important.  61.  , some teens will follow their peers to make an unwise choice in order to feel accepted.
But how much social pressure a teen feels depends on who they spend time with.  62.   universally recognized study in the journal Developmental Psychologyfound that teens who spent time with  63.  who don't engage in unhealthy behaviors are less likely to misbehave themselves. In other words, teens
 64.   (surround) with peers who would share their values and don't behave in destructive ways, are less likely to engage in harmful acts, without  65.   they could have healthy bodies and rosy futures.
66.(2024高一下·宁波期末)请你写一篇短文向校英文报《Music and Life》投稿,投稿短文内容是推荐一首适合晨跑时聆听的音乐,内容包括:
1. 介绍推荐的音乐;
2. 阐述推荐的理由。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Run with the Music, Everyone!
67.(2024高一下·宁波期末)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoyed the hot chocolate. Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. The snow disappeared before my birthday and started after it. The seed of receiving that special gift was deeply planted in my heart.
As I lived with my grandparents in my girlhood, I would always ask my grandmother why it didn't snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions, and my grandfather would always smile at me affectionately, sitting beside the stove. But one day, my grandmother promised that she would make it snow when I was enjoying life to the fullest. I thanked her and asked for snow on my next birthday, but my mind was occupied with confusion. "How can you make it snow " My grandmother didn't reply but shot me a determined look. It seemed that she had already hatched(策划)a plot.
But that year, before my birthday, my grandmother passed away. I was at an emotional loss, but angry because she had promised me to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to my window, hoping to see just one snowflake. Unfortunately, there was no snow. I cried and cried all day because my grandmother had let me down, but my grandfather said with certainty that my grandmother would keep her word.
Before my birthday every year, I would pray but it never came. By my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for it. During my party, I had the best time ever! I enjoyed the company of my friends and family, and I was truly happy.
I was outside with a friend when she asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was enjoying my life to the fullest. Then I saw the white snow falling all around. I became like a little child on Christmas morning as I ran around screaming and laughing. I was so excited that my friend looked at me as if I were crazy, and laughed at me. She asked me if I had ever seen snow before, and I laughed and said that I had, but that this snow was very special to me.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Curious about my reply, my friend asked, "Why was this snow so special "
Paragraph 2:
Hearing my friend's advice, I decided to head for my grandfather's home.
【解析】【听力原文】M: It's burning hot today. I'd like to have some blueberry ice cream.
W: But there is no blueberry ice cream left. Only three types of ice cream for you to choose from: strawberry, chocolate and orange.
M: Then the second one will be my first choice. (1)
【分析】问题:这个男孩要哪种口味的冰淇淋?根据"Only three types of ice cream for you to choose from: strawberry, chocolate and orange."只有三种冰淇淋可供选择:草莓、巧克力和橙子;以及" Then the second one will be my first choice. "那么第二个将是我的第一选择。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello, Professor Smith.How can I expand my vocabulary The wider vocabulary I learn, the faster I can finish English novels.
M: That's a good question. I'm leaving for a meeting now. Why not come to my office this afternoon
W: Okay. Thanks. (2)
【分析】问题:女士今天下午要做什么?根据" Hello, Professor Smith. "你好,史密斯教授;" Why not come to my office this afternoon "今天下午为什么不来我办公室?;以及"Okay. Thanks."可以。谢谢。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Mom, can I use your phone for a while My phone is dead. I need to tell Sam that I will be a little late for the party.
W: Certainly. But don't worry. I can drive you to his house on my way to the Harbor House Restaurant. (3)
【分析】问题:女士愿意为这个男孩做什么?根据"I can drive you to his house on my way to the Harbor House Restaurant."我可以开车送你去他家,在我去海港之家餐厅的路上。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hannah, you're going away soon
W: Yes. Parker and I will set out for London tomorrow. We're going to attend a medical seminar the day after tomorrow.(4) Can you do me a favor and water the flowers in the garden before we come back
M: That's okay.
【分析】问题:这位女士后天要做什么?根据" We're going to attend a medical seminar the day after tomorrow. "后天我们要参加一个医学研讨会。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey, Nancy! Why didn't you wait for me at the entrance
W: I thought you might have arrived early, Jason. Where have you been
M: I went to the grocery store nearby to buy some drinks. Here you are.
W: Thanks. You just missed the first five minutes of the e on in and sit down.
【分析】问题:谈话人接下来要做什么?根据"You just missed the first five minutes of the e on in and sit down."你只是错过了电影的前五分钟。请进,坐下。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Brrr, why is it a bit cold I'm sure the weatherman said that today would be warmer. He has never got it right, has he
W: I wouldn't say that. He gets it right most of the time, but we only remember the times when he is wrong. Look! The sun has come out. It's going to be a fine day, I believe. Are you in the mood for an outdoor activity There's only a 10-minute drive to reach the foot of the mountain.
M: Well, I hope you're right. In that case, I should take off my woolen hat and scarf.
W: Yeah, that'll probably be the right decision, because we have a hike ahead of us. (7)
6.问题:谈话人主要谈论什么?根据"Brrr, why is it a bit cold I'm sure the weatherman said that today would be warmer. He has never got it right, has he "为什么有点冷?我肯定气象员说今天会暖和些。他从来没有做对,是吗?可推知他们在谈论天气,故选A。
7.问题:女士白天决定做什么?根据" Yeah, that'll probably be the right decision, because we
have a hike ahead of us "是的,这可能是正确的决定,因为我们前面还有一次徒步旅行,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a pity that our city team was only one point behind the winning team! They nearly won. (8)
M: Yes, but they did a great job and tried their best in the baseball final today.
W: If the third baseman had rushed into the home base, it could have been a draw. In that case, there could have been extra innings. The result might change.
M: Anything may happen during a game. It's not an easy job. We should take their feelings into consideration.
W: You're right. What also impressed me was the snacks in the stadium. Thechicken nuggets were so delicious. I really wanted to have more. (9)
M: They were a good match for the beer and welcomed by the crowd.
8.问题:女士一开始听起来怎么样?根据" What a pity that our city team was only one point behind the winning team! They nearly won. "真遗憾,我们城市队只落后获胜队一分!他们几乎赢了。故选A。
9.问题:我们对女士了解多少?根据"What also impressed me was the snacks in the stadium. Thechicken nuggets were so delicious. I really wanted to have more."体育场里的小吃也给我留下了深刻的印象。鸡块太好吃了。我真的很想拥有更多。可推知她在现场观看了比赛。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What are you doing, Anna
W: I am doing the crossword. (10) I find it so funny. It could help me to think while I am organizing information with the help of the given clues. Most importantly, this one is totally about history. It's a good way to improve my historical knowledge. (10)
M: It suits you, since you are a quiet person. However, my passion is going zip lining in the forest.
W: What's that I've never heard of it.
M: Zip lining is a kind of activity that involves sliding down a cable or a rope in the air.It's considered as a fun activity now. But in the past, it was highly practical and used in the Himalayas and the Alps as a way of transportation, without damaging the natural environment. (11)
W: Oh, I guess I once saw people doing it on TV. It seems quite exciting but a bit dangerous.
M: You are right. I never treat it lightly while enjoying the beautiful scenery. I always pay attention to all the equipment like gloves and the helmet.
W: Hmm … I'd like to give it a shot someday.
10.问题:关于解决这个难题,这位女士最喜欢什么?根据"Most importantly, this one is totally about history. It's a good way to improve my historical knowledge."最重要的是,这完全是关于历史的。这是提高我历史知识的好方法。故选A。
11.问题:阿尔卑斯山以前用的拉链衬里是什么?根据"Zip lining is a kind of activity that involves sliding down a cable or a rope in the air. It's considered as a fun activity now. But in the past, it was highly practical and used in the Himalayas and the Alps as a way of transportation, without damaging the natural environment."拉链衬里是一种涉及在空中滑下电缆或绳索的活动。现在它被认为是一项有趣的活动。但在过去,它非常实用,在喜马拉雅山和阿尔卑斯山被用作一种交通方式,而不会破坏自然环境。故选B。
12.问题:我们对男士了解多少?根据"I never treat it lightly while enjoying the beautiful scenery."在欣赏美丽的风景时,我从不掉以轻心。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Nancy, (13) could you share something about yourself with me
W: Well, I was born in Beijing and went to school there right through middle school. (13)After that, I moved to Shenzhen with my family and I finished high school there. I spent my college life in Shanghai. It was the first time that I had lived on my own.
M: When did you graduate
W: I started college in 2012 and graduated with a Master's in English after seven years of study. (14)Then I returned to my hometown and started my career.
M: OK. Have you got any work experience
W: Yes,I have worked for two companies so far. Both are about English teaching. I helped students pass examinations to study abroad and taught middle school students to improve their grades respectively. (15)
M: How long did you work for the first company
W: About two years. I learned a lot there, so I'm very grateful to my former leaders and colleagues.
M: Why did you leave your second company (16)
W: Well, I wasn't well paid. I couldn't feel a sense of achievement when my efforts weren't rewarded. (16)
13.问题: Nancy 在哪里上中学?根据" Well, I was born in Beijing and went to school there
right through middle school. "嗯,我出生在北京,一直到中学都在那里上学。故选A。
14.问题: Nancy 什么时候获得硕士学位的?根据"I started college in 2012 and graduated with a Master's in English after seven years of study."我于2012年开始上大学,经过七年的学习,我获得了英语硕士学位。故选C。
15.问题: Nancy 在第一家公司做了什么?根据"I have worked for two companies so far. Both are about English teaching. I helped students pass examinations to study abroad and taught middle school students to improve their grades respectively."到目前为止,我已经为两家公司工作过。两者都是关于英语教学的。我帮助学生通过出国留学考试,并分别教中学生提高成绩。故选B。
16.问题: Nancy 为什么辞掉了第二份工作?根据" I wasn't well paid. I couldn't feel a sense of achievement when my efforts weren't rewarded. "我的工资不高。当我的努力没有得到回报时,我感觉不到成就感。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】Good evening, everyone! Tonight, I'd like to share with you something about the Bermuda Triangle on the program. Have you ever heard about the Bermuda Triangle It was on everyone's lips from about 1950 till about 1980. During that time, people were convinced that mysterious powers were at work there, causing the disappearance of many airplanes and ships.
The Bermuda Triangle is a large triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean. It became famous in 1950, after theMiami Herald published an article by Edward Jones about five American planes disappearing within that area in 1945.(18)A U.S. Navy search plane was sent out to look for them but it also vanished.
People started wondering what had happened, and in 1964 Vincent Gaddis wrote an article called "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle". It was followed by several books, and very quickly, almost everyone in the world was talking about the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.
In 1975, however, a librarian by the name of Larry Kusche published a book. The book shows that the tales about the Bermuda Triangle and its dangers are mostly untrue.(19) He proved that planes or ships disappearing within the Bermuda Triangle are not more than anywhere else on the Earth, and that the Bermuda Triangle is just a sensational story.
In 2013, a list of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes was published. The Bermuda Triangle wasn't even mentioned on the list! (20)
17.问题:发言人在做什么?根据"Good evening, everyone! Tonight, I'd like to share with you something about the Bermuda Triangle on the program."大家晚上好!今晚,我想在节目中与大家分享一些关于百慕大三角的事情。故选A。
18.问题:百慕大三角是什么时候出名的?根据"It became famous in 1950, after theMiami Herald published an article by Edward Jones about five American planes disappearing within that area in 1945."1950年,《迈阿密先驱报》发表了爱德华·琼斯的一篇文章,讲述了1945年五架美国飞机在该地区消失后,该地区变得出名。故选B。
19.问题:谁证明了百慕大三角的故事是假的?根据"In 1975, however, a librarian by the name of Larry Kusche published a book. The book shows that the tales about the Bermuda Triangle and its dangers are mostly untrue."然而,1975年,一位名叫拉里·库什的图书管理员出版了一本书。这本书表明,关于百慕大三角及其危险的故事大多是不真实的。故选C。
20.问题:发言人最后是什么意思?根据"In 2013, a list of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes was published. The Bermuda Triangle wasn't even mentioned on the list!"2013年,世界上最危险的航道名单公布。百慕大三角甚至没有在名单上被提及!可知百慕大三角并没有那么危险,故选A。
21.考查细节理解。根据Olympic breakdancing部分中的"Breakdancing is the new Olympic sport that will make its first appearance in Paris 2024"霹雳舞是新的奥运项目,将在2024年巴黎奥运会上首次亮相。可知,奥运霹雳舞将在2024年巴黎奥运会上首次亮相。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Olympic sports climbing部分中的"With its second time entering the Olympics, sports climbing has three branches: Speed, Bouldering (抱石攀岩) and Lead. Speed is all about the speed of climbing. Bouldering is all about climbing a boulder on a wall and Lead requires athletes to climb a difficult route 20 meters high. "第二次进入奥运会的运动攀岩有三个分支:速度攀岩、抱石攀岩和难度攀岩。速度与攀岩的速度有关。抱石就是在墙上爬一块巨石,而难度攀岩则要求运动员爬一条20米高的高难度路线。可知,攀岩运动有三个项目:速度攀岩、抱石攀岩和难度攀岩,分别评估了攀岩速度、技巧和难度等多方面的技能。故选B。
23.考查推理判断。根据第一段"Want to know all the ins-and-outs regarding the Paris 2024 Olympics Then you've come to the right place! Below you will find all the information about the new Olympic sports. "想知道关于2024年巴黎奥运会的所有细节吗?那你来对地方了!下面你会发现所有关于新奥运项目的信息。可知,该文主要介绍了2024年巴黎奥运会中的新项目,包括滑板、攀岩、冲浪和霹雳舞等,提供了这些项目的具体信息。这显然是与体育赛事相关的介绍,因此最有可能来源于一个体育网站。故选A。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse (逆向的) culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad."在出国之前,我非常担心文化冲击,但事实证明,当我回国时,我很难应对逆向文化冲击。回归后的过渡期比预期的要艰难。这不仅仅是回到家庭生活;这也是关于在相同的旧环境中处理不同的人的奇怪情况。我最害怕的是几个月后醒来,感觉自己还是出国留学前的那个我。可知,作者回国后最担心的是回到原来的自己。故选A。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Over the past few weeks at home, I've been wondering how to maintain the positive changes and qualities gained from my semester abroad."在过去的几周里,我一直在思考如何保持我在国外学期所获得的积极变化和品质;以及第三段中的"I've realized that surroundings and situations greatly influence mindset, and keeping a certain mindset while losing its corresponding(相对应的)environment is challenging."我意识到环境和情形对心态有很大的影响,在失去相应环境的同时保持某种心态是很有挑战性的。可知,作者回国后意识到他应该调整自己的心态,以适应原来的学习环境。故选C。
26.考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的"…especially after experiencing a semester of travel, fun, and academic success."尤其是在经历了一个学期的旅行、娱乐和学业成功之后;以及"Therefore, I've decided to work hard and study as usual but occasionally give myself a break, and do what I can to avoid getting over-stressed about tests and assignments. This means I will put in effort when necessary in order to make sure I am always caught up or ahead of class material."因此,我决定像往常一样努力学习,偶尔让自己休息一下,尽我所能避免考试和作业带来的过度压力。这意味着我会在必要的时候付出努力,以确保我总是赶上或领先于课堂材料)可知,此处为我开始意识到学校的持续的压力并不健康。可推知划线词perpetual为"持续的"之意,故选D。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段"Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse (逆向的) culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad."在出国之前,我非常担心文化冲击,但事实证明,当我回国时,我很难应对逆向文化冲击。回归后的过渡期比预期的要艰难。这不仅仅是回到家庭生活;这也是关于在相同的旧环境中处理不同的人的奇怪情况。我最害怕的是几个月后醒来,感觉自己还是出国留学前的那个我;以及最后一段中的"Coming home has been more challenging than expected, but I'm confident I'll get through it in the next few weeks. "回家的过程比想象中更有挑战性,但我有信心在接下来的几周内度过难关。可知,文章主要讲的作者最初担心出国时的文化冲击,但发现回国后的适应其实更困难。可推知,本文讲述了逆向文化冲击带来的痛苦。故选A。
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries."为了在漫长的旅途中补充能量,唐纳雀以昆虫和浆果为食;以及"With the shift of the time when plants put out new leaves, western tanagers became more likely to reach their destinations when food is in shortage or after insect numbers have begun to drop."随着植物长新叶时间的改变,唐纳雀更有可能在食物短缺或昆虫数量开始下降时到达目的地。可知,在迁移过程中,唐纳雀在"绿期"后将很难找到足够的昆虫和浆果。故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"Timing mismatches between birds and their food could affect whether birds survived the migration and how many chicks they had."鸟类和食物之间的时间不匹配可能会影响鸟类能否在迁徙中幸存下来,以及它们有多少只小鸟。可知,鸟类和它们的食物之间的时间不匹配的直接结果是鸟类存活率的降低。故选B。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"And he hoped that the information would serve to highlight the urgent need to lower greenhouse-gas emissions as fast as possible: ‘It was really important, if we couldn't address climate change immediately, to try to stop habitat loss as much as we can.'"他希望这些信息能够强调尽快降低温室气体排放的迫切需要:"如果我们不能立即解决气候变化问题,那么尽可能地阻止栖息地的丧失是非常重要的。"可知,Morgan Tingley对研究结果的态度是关切的。故选C。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries. They must take advantage of the early-season boom in insects that started with springtime plant growth to produce healthy young. But as global climate change caused spring to start earlier, birds such as western tanagers were arriving at their destination after what was known as ‘green-up', when flowers began blooming and insects popped up."为了在漫长的旅途中补充能量,唐纳雀以昆虫和浆果为食。它们必须利用春季植物生长带来的早期昆虫繁盛来生产健康的后代。但随着全球气候变化导致春天提前到来,像唐纳雀这样的鸟类在所谓的"绿期"之后才到达目的地,这时花朵开始绽放,昆虫开始出现;结合文章主要说明了气候变化影响了候鸟的生存,并介绍了相关研究以及启发。"气候变化对候鸟的影响"适合作文章标题。故选C。
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段"One thing that many Americans can agree on, even in an era of deep political polarization(两极分化), is that our country is in a moral free fall. In survey after survey, US adults of all ages, education levels, political or religious backgrounds say that people are less kind, honest, generous, and respectful than they used to be. So is our nation's moral foundation falling apart "即使在一个政治两极分化严重的时代,许多美国人都同意的一件事是,我们的国家正在道德上自由落体。在一项又一项的调查中,各个年龄段、教育程度、政治或宗教背景的美国成年人都认为,人们不像以前那么善良、诚实、慷慨和尊重人了。那么,我们国家的道德基础正在分崩离析吗?可推知,第一段的作用是介绍美国社会道德衰退的话题。故选C。
33.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Not necessarily. In fact, two psychologists, Columbia's Adam Mastroianni and Harvard's Daniel Gilbert, say that the widespread belief in moral decline(下降)is a misconception."不一定。事实上,两位心理学家,哥伦比亚大学的亚当·马斯楚安尼和哈佛大学的丹尼尔·吉尔伯特说,普遍认为道德衰退是一种误解。可知,马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特在他们的研究中提出的主要论点是美国公民认为道德在下降,这是一种错误的观念。故选B。
34.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"They say that this misconception is likely explained by two well-established psychological phenomena acting together: that we tend to pay closer attention to negative rather than positive information about people's actions in the present day; and that we tend to selectively forget such negative impressions as the years roll on, leaving us with good memories for the past."他们说,这种误解可能是由两种公认的心理现象共同作用来解释的:我们倾向于更关注当下人们行为的负面信息,而不是正面信息;随着岁月的流逝,我们往往会选择性地忘记这些负面印象,给过去留下美好的回忆。可知,普遍认为道德衰退的原因是心理现象的综合影响。故选B。
35.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"Mastroianni and Gilbert also say that their discovery has important social and political implications, especially given that, as one 2015 survey found, three-quarters of all Americans believe that addressing the moral breakdown of the country should be a high priority(优先项)for the government. ‘The United States faces many well-documented problems, from climate change and terrorism to racial injustice and economic inequality — and yet, nowadays it is believed that the government should devote fewer resources to reversing an imaginary trend.'"马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特还表示,他们的发现具有重要的社会和政治意义,尤其是考虑到2015年的一项调查发现,四分之三的美国人认为解决国家道德崩溃问题应该是政府的首要任务。"美国面临着许多有据可证的问题,从气候变化和恐怖主义到种族不公正和经济不平等——然而,如今人们认为,政府应该投入更少的资源来扭转假想的趋势。"可推知,马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特的研究对社会和政治观点意味着解决假想的道德衰退不应该是首要选择。故选D。
36.根据空前"Does your teenager seem addicted to the Internet Probably yes."你的孩子似乎沉迷于网络吗?可能是的。引出话题,提到沉迷网络;以及空后"At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children."起初,父母欢迎互联网进入他们的家,相信他们正在为他们的孩子打开一个令人兴奋的教育机会的新世界。提到起初父母认为互联网带来的好处。C. The amount of time teenagers spend online is a source of concern for many parents."青少年花在网上的时间是许多家长担心的一个问题。",承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
37.根据空前"At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children."起初,父母欢迎互联网进入他们的家,相信他们正在为他们的孩子打开一个令人兴奋的教育机会的新世界。提到起初父母认为互联网带来的好处;以及空后"Instead of using the Internet for homework or research, they are spending hours messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms."他们不是用互联网做作业或研究,而是花几个小时和朋友发信息,玩网络游戏或在聊天室和陌生人聊天。提到互联网带来的负面影响。E. However, many parents soon realize that their kids were gradually becoming Internet addicts."然而,许多家长很快就意识到他们的孩子正在逐渐成为网瘾者。"承接上文内容,同时下文内容是对空格处的具体解释和说明,起到上下文的承上启下作用。故选E。
38.根据空前"Keeping a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult."对于父母来说,在娱乐媒体和孩子生活中的其他活动之间保持健康的平衡一直是一个挑战。互联网使这一挑战变得更加困难。提到互联网给父母带来的挑战。F. The engaging nature of the Internet makes many children lose track of time when they're online."互联网吸引人的本质使许多孩子上网时忘记了时间。"可知,为具体解释这一挑战和困难的原因,上下文紧密连接,符合语境。故选F。
39.根据空前"The most vulnerable children are those who are unpopular or shy with peers."最容易受影响的孩子是那些不受欢迎或在同龄人面前害羞的孩子。提到最容易受影响的孩子;以及空后"Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players."尤其是男孩,他们是在线角色扮演游戏的常客,在那里他们扮演新的身份并与其他玩家互动。提到尤其是男孩是在线角色扮演游戏的常客。 G. They can be easily attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. "他们很容易被在网络社区中创造新身份的机会所吸引。承接上文内容,为对上文内容的语意递进,同时下文是对空格处内容的进一步解释和说明,上下文语意连贯。故选G。
40.根据空前"For the children who are not so outgoing, playing these games with thousands of other users may apparently be a social activity."对于那些不那么外向的孩子来说,与成千上万的其他用户一起玩这些游戏显然是一种社交活动。提到对于外向的孩子来说是一种社交活动;以及空后"So parents need to help children limit the online time to an appropriate amount."所以父母需要帮助孩子限制上网时间到一个适当的量。提到父母需要帮助孩子限制上网时间。B. In fact, playing too much can further keep them away from friends and peers."事实上,玩得太多会让他们远离朋友和同龄人。"符合语境。故选B。
41.句意:她想帮助他,所以她和妈妈给了那个男人一个三明治和一瓶水。A. feed"喂养";B. adopt "采用,采取";C. help"帮助";D. rescue"救援"。根据空后"so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water"可知,Hailey想帮助那个人,故选C。
42.句意:Hailey一直想着那个男人,想着饿着肚子会是什么样子。A. hungry"饥饿的";B. miserable "悲惨的";C. lonely"孤单的";D. generous"慷慨的"。根据上文"so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water"可知,Hailey和妈妈给了那个男人一个三明治和一瓶水,说明那个男人是饥饿的,故选A。
43.句意:她知道食物赈济处通常无法得到新鲜的水果和蔬菜,无家可归的人可能会在那里得到罐装或盒装食品。A. adjustable"可调节的";B. accessible"可接近的,可得到的";C. affordable"买得起的";D. possible"可能的"。根据空后"where homeless people may get canned or boxed food"可知,食物赈济处都是罐装或盒装食品,故无法得到新鲜水果和蔬菜,故选B。
44.句意:她突然想到一个主意。A. appealed"呼吁";B. applied"申请,应用";C. happened"发生";D. occurred"发生,存在于"。根据下文"‘There was a garden in our backyard, and we weren't using it,' she said. ‘I asked my mom if I could use that garden to grow food for the homeless.'"可知,她突然想到一个主意,occur to sb固定短语,"观念或想法被想到,出现在脑海中",故选D。
45.句意:现在,几年后,Hailey的花园为许多人提供了新鲜的农产品。A. equipped"配备";B. supplied"供应,提供";C. connected"连接";D. satisfied"使满意"。根据上文"use that garden to grow food for the homeless"提到用花园为无家可归的人种植食物,此处指"为许多人提供了新鲜的农产品",故选B。
46.句意:当食物准备好收割时,Hailey采摘、清洗、装袋。A. harvested"收割,收获";B. sold "卖";C. cooked"烹饪";D. preserved"保护"。根据空后"Hailey picked, washed, and bagged it"可知,此处指食物准备好收割时,故选A。
47.句意:Hailey总共送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜!A. by chance"偶然";B. at least"至少";C. in total"总共";D. on purpose"故意"。根据空前"more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables"可知,此处指总共送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜,故选C。
48.句意:在分发食物的时候,Hailey和她的妈妈经常不止一次地看到人们。A. trying out"试用";B. setting out"动身,出发";C. handing out"分发";D. figuring out"解决,想出"。根据上文"Then she and her mom gave the bags to people on the street or to a local food bank. Hailey had given away more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables 7 ."然后她和她的妈妈把袋子给了街上的人或当地的食品银行。Hailey送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜……可知,Hailey把食物分发给无家可归的人,故选C。
49.句意:当Hailey发现无家可归的人不能经常有安全舒适的地方睡觉时,她想到了一个新项目——建造一个睡眠庇护所。A. accidentally"偶然地";B. absolutely"绝对地";C. eventually"最后";D. regularly"定期地"。根据空前"people without homes";以及空后"building a sleeping 10 ."可知,此处指无家可归的人经常没有安全舒适的地方睡觉,故选D。
50.句意:当Hailey发现无家可归的人不能经常有安全舒适的地方睡觉时,她想到了一个新项目——建造一个睡眠庇护所。A. center"中心";B. shelter"庇护所";C. platform"平台";D. community "社区"。根据空前"safe or comfortable places to sleep";以及下文"Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in"可知,Hailey要建造一个让无家可归的人睡觉的地方,即他们的庇护所,故选B。
51.句意:在妈妈的指导下,Hailey学会了建一个足够大的房间供一个人睡觉。A. patience"耐心";B. attention"注意力";C. permission"允许";D. guidance"指导"。根据空后"Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in"可知,在妈妈的指导下,Hailey学会了建一个足够大的房间供一个人睡觉,故选D。
52.句意:Hailey的家人正与当地团体合作,为有需要的人找一个好地方停放这座建筑,作为临时住所。A. temporary"临时的,暂时的";B. fixed"固定的";C. necessary"必需的";D. flexible"灵活的"。根据空前"the structure";以及空后"housing for someone in need"可知,Hailey建造的庇护所只是一个临时的住所,故选A。
53.句意:自从Hailey送出她的第一个三明治后,她学到了很多东西——不仅仅是关于花园和建筑。A. production"生产";B. collection"收藏";C. selection"选择";D. construction"建筑"。根据上文"build one big enough for a person to sleep in"和语境可知,Hailey为无家可归的人在花园种植食物,建造庇护所,故选D。
54.句意:为了帮助别人,她说:"从小事做起。"A. big"大的";B. small"小的";C. long"长久的";D. short"不足的,缺少"。根据上文Hailey为无家可归的人种植食物和提供庇护所可知,此处指从小事做起,故选B。
55.句意:随着时间的推移,你总是可以成长的。A. grow"成长";B. change"改变";C. believe"相信";D. understand"理解"。根据空后"over the years"可知,此处指随着时间的推移逐渐成长,故选A。
【答案】56.are prized;57.eagerness;58.why;59.greater;60.gaining;61.Thus/Therefore/So;62.A;63.those;64.surrounded;65.which
56.句意:他们因能够脱颖而出、开辟自己的道路和创造自己的风格而受到珍视此处是谓语动词,根据上下文时态可知,应用一般现在时,结合主语They和动词prize为被动关系,所以为一般现在时的被动语态结构,主语主谓一致。故填are prized。
58.句意:这就是为什么孩子们很难抵抗来自同龄人的压力。 teen peer pressure is so hard for kids to resist是表语从句,结合句意可知,应为连接副词why引导,故填why。
59.句意:压力变得越大,青少年被迫做的事情也变得越来越危险。根据句意以及后面的more dangerous可知,此处为形容词比较级形式和后面的more dangerous形成呼应,故填greater。
65.句意:换句话说,青少年周围的同龄人会分享他们的价值观,不会有破坏性的行为,他们不太可能从事有害的行为,没有这些,他们就会有健康的身体和美好的未来。 without they could have healthy bodies and rosy futures 是非限制性定语从句,先行词harmful acts,指物,关系词替代先行词在从句中作without的宾语成分,用关系代词which。故填which。
66.【答案】Run with the Music, Everyone!
Looking for the perfect companion to your morning run Look no further than "Morning Glory" by Kevin MacLeod. This instrumental piece combines upbeat rhythms with uplifting melodies, creating the ideal soundtrack for your dawn workout.
As you lace up your shoes and hit the pavement, let the invigorating music propel you forward. The dynamic beats will synchronize with your strides, motivating you to push harder and go farther. With each step, feel the rush of strength as you immerse yourself in the exhilarating combination of motion and melody.
So, why wait Start your day on the right foot and run with the music. Let "Morning Glory" inspire you to embrace the endless possibilities of a new day and elevate your morning routine to new heights.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 写一篇短文向校英文报《Music and Life》投稿,投稿短文内容是推荐一首适合晨跑时聆听的音乐 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 介绍推荐的音乐;2. 阐述推荐的理由。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: Look no further than "Morning Glory" by Kevin MacLeod. 运用了祈使句;This instrumental piece combines upbeat rhythms with uplifting melodies, creating the ideal soundtrack for your dawn workout.运用了现在分词作状语;As you lace up your shoes and hit the pavement, let the invigorating music propel you forward.运用了时间状语从句,祈使句; The dynamic beats will synchronize with your strides, motivating you to push harder and go farther. 运用了现在分词作状语;With each step, feel the rush of strength as you immerse yourself in the exhilarating combination of motion and melody.运用了祈使句,时间状语从句; Start your day on the right foot and run with the music. 运用了祈使句;Let "Morning Glory" inspire you to embrace the endless possibilities of a new day and elevate your morning routine to new heights.运用了祈使句,省略to的不定式作宾补。
67.【答案】Paragraph 1: Curious about my reply, my friend asked, "Why was this snow so special " I was still bathed in the ecstasy of seeing the snow, without even hearing my friend's question, just exclaiming out aloud, "Snow! I see it!" It was when my friend tapped on my shoulder that I realized I lost control of myself and was immersed in this blissful world. I explained with my choking words to my friend that my grandmother who had died several years ago kept her word to make it snow when I lived my life to the fullest. Seeing that snow was like seeing my grandmother and her long-awaited gift. At that moment, a surge of nostalgia rushed into my mind and I couldn't help bursting into tears. My friend, standing beside me, comforted me in her reassuring voice and suggested me going back home to share the delight with my grandfather.
Paragraph 2: Hearing my friend's advice, I decided to head for my grandfather's home.When I opened the door, what greeted me was my grandfather's affectionate smile as usual, which deeply tugged at my soft heartstrings. Without thinking twice, I instantly threw my arms around him, poured out my sentiment of missing for my grandmother and shared the pleasure of seeing the snow. My grandfather stroked my head fondly and then withdrew an elaborately-packed gift from the drawer. Inside, nestled in white paper, was a crystal snowflake with a card that read, "Happy Birthday!" Confused, I asked my grandfather how this could be. He explained that it was my grandmother's final wish to give it to me when I lived my life to the fullest. At that moment, surrounded by the warmth of family and the magic of the falling snow, I realized that while my grandmother may no longer be with us physically, her love and legacy lived on in our hearts, forever etched in the delicate dance of snowflakes.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I was still bathed in the ecstasy of seeing the snow, without even hearing my friend's question, just exclaiming out aloud, "Snow! I see it!"运用了现在分词作状语; It was when my friend tapped on my shoulder that I realized I lost control of myself and was immersed in this blissful world. 运用了强调句,时间状语从句,宾语从句;I explained with my choking words to my friend that my grandmother who had died several years ago kept her word to make it snow when I lived my life to the fullest. 运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句,时间状语从句; At that moment, a surge of nostalgia rushed into my mind and I couldn't help bursting into tears. 运用了并列句;When I opened the door, what greeted me was my grandfather's 浙江省宁波市九校2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末联考英语试卷(音频暂未更新)
1.(2024高一下·宁波期末) Which flavor of ice cream will the boy have
A.Blueberry. B.Strawberry. C.Chocolate.
【解析】【听力原文】M: It's burning hot today. I'd like to have some blueberry ice cream.
W: But there is no blueberry ice cream left. Only three types of ice cream for you to choose from: strawberry, chocolate and orange.
M: Then the second one will be my first choice. (1)
【分析】问题:这个男孩要哪种口味的冰淇淋?根据"Only three types of ice cream for you to choose from: strawberry, chocolate and orange."只有三种冰淇淋可供选择:草莓、巧克力和橙子;以及" Then the second one will be my first choice. "那么第二个将是我的第一选择。故选C。
2.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What is the woman going to do this afternoon
A.Borrow a book. B.Visit Mr. Smith. C.Attend a meeting.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello, Professor Smith.How can I expand my vocabulary The wider vocabulary I learn, the faster I can finish English novels.
M: That's a good question. I'm leaving for a meeting now. Why not come to my office this afternoon
W: Okay. Thanks. (2)
【分析】问题:女士今天下午要做什么?根据" Hello, Professor Smith. "你好,史密斯教授;" Why not come to my office this afternoon "今天下午为什么不来我办公室?;以及"Okay. Thanks."可以。谢谢。故选B。
3.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What does the woman offer to do for the boy
A.Fix his phone.
B.Treat him to dinner.
C.Give him a ride.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Mom, can I use your phone for a while My phone is dead. I need to tell Sam that I will be a little late for the party.
W: Certainly. But don't worry. I can drive you to his house on my way to the Harbor House Restaurant. (3)
【分析】问题:女士愿意为这个男孩做什么?根据"I can drive you to his house on my way to the Harbor House Restaurant."我可以开车送你去他家,在我去海港之家餐厅的路上。故选C。
4.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What will the woman do the day after tomorrow
A.Leave for London. B.Attend a seminar. C.Do the gardening.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hannah, you're going away soon
W: Yes. Parker and I will set out for London tomorrow. We're going to attend a medical seminar the day after tomorrow.(4) Can you do me a favor and water the flowers in the garden before we come back
M: That's okay.
【分析】问题:这位女士后天要做什么?根据" We're going to attend a medical seminar the day after tomorrow. "后天我们要参加一个医学研讨会。故选B。
5.(2024高一下·宁波期末) What are the speakers going to do next
A.Buy tickets. B.Make a drink. C.See a film.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey, Nancy! Why didn't you wait for me at the entrance
W: I thought you might have arrived early, Jason. Where have you been
M: I went to the grocery store nearby to buy some drinks. Here you are.
W: Thanks. You just missed the first five minutes of the e on in and sit down.
【分析】问题:谈话人接下来要做什么?根据"You just missed the first five minutes of the e on in and sit down."你只是错过了电影的前五分钟。请进,坐下。故选C。
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The weather. B.The mountain. C.The clothes.
7.What does the woman decide to do during the day
A.Go on a road trip.
B.Appreciate the sunrise.
C.Go hiking.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Brrr, why is it a bit cold I'm sure the weatherman said that today would be warmer. He has never got it right, has he
W: I wouldn't say that. He gets it right most of the time, but we only remember the times when he is wrong. Look! The sun has come out. It's going to be a fine day, I believe. Are you in the mood for an outdoor activity There's only a 10-minute drive to reach the foot of the mountain.
M: Well, I hope you're right. In that case, I should take off my woolen hat and scarf.
W: Yeah, that'll probably be the right decision, because we have a hike ahead of us. (7)
6.问题:谈话人主要谈论什么?根据"Brrr, why is it a bit cold I'm sure the weatherman said that today would be warmer. He has never got it right, has he "为什么有点冷?我肯定气象员说今天会暖和些。他从来没有做对,是吗?可推知他们在谈论天气,故选A。
7.问题:女士白天决定做什么?根据" Yeah, that'll probably be the right decision, because we
have a hike ahead of us "是的,这可能是正确的决定,因为我们前面还有一次徒步旅行,故选C。
8.How does the woman sound at first
A.Regretful. B.Excited. C.Relieved.
9.What do we know about the woman
A.She is a member of the city team.
B.She likes to have snacks with beer.
C.She watched the game on the scene.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a pity that our city team was only one point behind the winning team! They nearly won. (8)
M: Yes, but they did a great job and tried their best in the baseball final today.
W: If the third baseman had rushed into the home base, it could have been a draw. In that case, there could have been extra innings. The result might change.
M: Anything may happen during a game. It's not an easy job. We should take their feelings into consideration.
W: You're right. What also impressed me was the snacks in the stadium. Thechicken nuggets were so delicious. I really wanted to have more. (9)
M: They were a good match for the beer and welcomed by the crowd.
8.问题:女士一开始听起来怎么样?根据" What a pity that our city team was only one point behind the winning team! They nearly won. "真遗憾,我们城市队只落后获胜队一分!他们几乎赢了。故选A。
9.问题:我们对女士了解多少?根据"What also impressed me was the snacks in the stadium. Thechicken nuggets were so delicious. I really wanted to have more."体育场里的小吃也给我留下了深刻的印象。鸡块太好吃了。我真的很想拥有更多。可推知她在现场观看了比赛。故选C。
10.What does the woman like most about solving the puzzle
A.It helps broaden her knowledge.
B.It gives her a sense of achievement.
C.It motivates her to think hard.
11.What was zip lining used as before in the Alps
A.A form of entertainment.
B.A means of transport.
C.A way to explore the nature.
12.What do we know about the man
A.He's a quiet person.
B.He avoids dangerous sports.
C.He's a big fan of outdoor activities.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What are you doing, Anna
W: I am doing the crossword. (10) I find it so funny. It could help me to think while I am organizing information with the help of the given clues. Most importantly, this one is totally about history. It's a good way to improve my historical knowledge. (10)
M: It suits you, since you are a quiet person. However, my passion is going zip lining in the forest.
W: What's that I've never heard of it.
M: Zip lining is a kind of activity that involves sliding down a cable or a rope in the air.It's considered as a fun activity now. But in the past, it was highly practical and used in the Himalayas and the Alps as a way of transportation, without damaging the natural environment. (11)
W: Oh, I guess I once saw people doing it on TV. It seems quite exciting but a bit dangerous.
M: You are right. I never treat it lightly while enjoying the beautiful scenery. I always pay attention to all the equipment like gloves and the helmet.
W: Hmm … I'd like to give it a shot someday.
10.问题:关于解决这个难题,这位女士最喜欢什么?根据"Most importantly, this one is totally about history. It's a good way to improve my historical knowledge."最重要的是,这完全是关于历史的。这是提高我历史知识的好方法。故选A。
11.问题:阿尔卑斯山以前用的拉链衬里是什么?根据"Zip lining is a kind of activity that involves sliding down a cable or a rope in the air. It's considered as a fun activity now. But in the past, it was highly practical and used in the Himalayas and the Alps as a way of transportation, without damaging the natural environment."拉链衬里是一种涉及在空中滑下电缆或绳索的活动。现在它被认为是一项有趣的活动。但在过去,它非常实用,在喜马拉雅山和阿尔卑斯山被用作一种交通方式,而不会破坏自然环境。故选B。
12.问题:我们对男士了解多少?根据"I never treat it lightly while enjoying the beautiful scenery."在欣赏美丽的风景时,我从不掉以轻心。故选C。
13.Where did Nancy attend middle school
A.In Beijing. B.In Shanghai. C.In Shenzhen.
14. When did Nancy earn a master's degree
A.In 2012. B.In 2016. C.In2019.
15.What did Nancy do in the first company
A.She traveled abroad for work.
B.She offered help to students.
C.She passed many examinations.
16.Why did Nancy quit her second job
A.She didn't get a fairly good salary.
B.She stood little chance of being promoted.
C.She couldn't get along with her colleagues.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Nancy, (13) could you share something about yourself with me
W: Well, I was born in Beijing and went to school there right through middle school. (13)After that, I moved to Shenzhen with my family and I finished high school there. I spent my college life in Shanghai. It was the first time that I had lived on my own.
M: When did you graduate
W: I started college in 2012 and graduated with a Master's in English after seven years of study. (14)Then I returned to my hometown and started my career.
M: OK. Have you got any work experience
W: Yes,I have worked for two companies so far. Both are about English teaching. I helped students pass examinations to study abroad and taught middle school students to improve their grades respectively. (15)
M: How long did you work for the first company
W: About two years. I learned a lot there, so I'm very grateful to my former leaders and colleagues.
M: Why did you leave your second company (16)
W: Well, I wasn't well paid. I couldn't feel a sense of achievement when my efforts weren't rewarded. (16)
13.问题: Nancy 在哪里上中学?根据" Well, I was born in Beijing and went to school there
right through middle school. "嗯,我出生在北京,一直到中学都在那里上学。故选A。
14.问题: Nancy 什么时候获得硕士学位的?根据"I started college in 2012 and graduated with a Master's in English after seven years of study."我于2012年开始上大学,经过七年的学习,我获得了英语硕士学位。故选C。
15.问题: Nancy 在第一家公司做了什么?根据"I have worked for two companies so far. Both are about English teaching. I helped students pass examinations to study abroad and taught middle school students to improve their grades respectively."到目前为止,我已经为两家公司工作过。两者都是关于英语教学的。我帮助学生通过出国留学考试,并分别教中学生提高成绩。故选B。
16.问题: Nancy 为什么辞掉了第二份工作?根据" I wasn't well paid. I couldn't feel a sense of achievement when my efforts weren't rewarded. "我的工资不高。当我的努力没有得到回报时,我感觉不到成就感。故选A。
17.What is the speaker doing
A.Hosting a program.
B.Giving a lesson.
C.Holding a conference.
18.When did the Bermuda Triangle gain fame
A.In 1945. B.In 1950. C.In 1975.
19.Who proved the stories about the Bermuda Triangle false
A.Vincent Gaddis. B.Edward Jones. C.Larry Kusche.
20.What does the speaker mean in the end
A.The Bermuda Triangle isn't that dangerous.
B.The list isn't correct.
C.Fewer ships travel through the Bermuda Triangle now.
【解析】【听力原文】Good evening, everyone! Tonight, I'd like to share with you something about the Bermuda Triangle on the program. Have you ever heard about the Bermuda Triangle It was on everyone's lips from about 1950 till about 1980. During that time, people were convinced that mysterious powers were at work there, causing the disappearance of many airplanes and ships.
The Bermuda Triangle is a large triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean. It became famous in 1950, after theMiami Herald published an article by Edward Jones about five American planes disappearing within that area in 1945.(18)A U.S. Navy search plane was sent out to look for them but it also vanished.
People started wondering what had happened, and in 1964 Vincent Gaddis wrote an article called "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle". It was followed by several books, and very quickly, almost everyone in the world was talking about the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.
In 1975, however, a librarian by the name of Larry Kusche published a book. The book shows that the tales about the Bermuda Triangle and its dangers are mostly untrue.(19) He proved that planes or ships disappearing within the Bermuda Triangle are not more than anywhere else on the Earth, and that the Bermuda Triangle is just a sensational story.
In 2013, a list of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes was published. The Bermuda Triangle wasn't even mentioned on the list! (20)
17.问题:发言人在做什么?根据"Good evening, everyone! Tonight, I'd like to share with you something about the Bermuda Triangle on the program."大家晚上好!今晚,我想在节目中与大家分享一些关于百慕大三角的事情。故选A。
18.问题:百慕大三角是什么时候出名的?根据"It became famous in 1950, after theMiami Herald published an article by Edward Jones about five American planes disappearing within that area in 1945."1950年,《迈阿密先驱报》发表了爱德华·琼斯的一篇文章,讲述了1945年五架美国飞机在该地区消失后,该地区变得出名。故选B。
19.问题:谁证明了百慕大三角的故事是假的?根据"In 1975, however, a librarian by the name of Larry Kusche published a book. The book shows that the tales about the Bermuda Triangle and its dangers are mostly untrue."然而,1975年,一位名叫拉里·库什的图书管理员出版了一本书。这本书表明,关于百慕大三角及其危险的故事大多是不真实的。故选C。
20.问题:发言人最后是什么意思?根据"In 2013, a list of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes was published. The Bermuda Triangle wasn't even mentioned on the list!"2013年,世界上最危险的航道名单公布。百慕大三角甚至没有在名单上被提及!可知百慕大三角并没有那么危险,故选A。
Want to know all the ins-and-outs regarding the Paris 2024 Olympics Then you've come to the right place! Below you will find all the information about the new Olympic sports.
Olympic skateboarding
Who will follow in the footsteps of Momiji Nishiya, the first Olympic skateboarding champion, who was crowned at the last Games at the age of 13 The answer will be revealed in Paris this summer. Speed, technique, mastery of the board will be required to successfully perform the most beautiful tricks.
Olympic sports climbing
With its second time entering the Olympics, sports climbing has three branches: Speed, Bouldering (抱石攀岩)and Lead. Speed is all about the speed of climbing. Bouldering is all about climbing a boulder on a wall and Lead requires athletes to climb a difficult route 20 meters high.
Olympic surfing
The Olympics will be held in Paris, but what about Olympic surfing There is one venue(场地)that is literally on the other side of the world. The location Teahupoo, on the island of Tahiti, is where Olympic surfing will take place. This island is part of French Polynesia, between Australia and South America.
Olympic breakdancing
Breakdancing is the new Olympic sport that will make its first appearance in Paris 2024. How to establish a grading system without taking away the artistic freedom at the same time The points should be based on creativity and musicality, a gray area that depends a lot on feeling and thus has a lot of subjectivity to it.
Looking for a handy list of all sports Click here! Throughout Paris there are all kinds of stadiums and arenas(竞技场)where sporting events are held. Not only Paris itself, but also the surrounding suburbs of the capital of France set the stage for the Olympic Games!
21. Which sport is entering the Olympics for the first time in Paris 2024
A.Olympic skateboarding. B.Olympic sports climbing.
C.Olympic surfing. D.Olympic breakdancing.
22. Which of the following statements is correct
A.Olympic skateboarding requires a high level of physical strength.
B.Three branches of Olympic sports climbing evaluate various sides of skills.
C.All the above four Olympic events will be held in Paris.
D.The scoring of Olympic breakdancing is highly objective.
23.Where is the text probably taken from
A.A sports website. B.A health magazine.
C.A travel brochure. D.An Olympic news report.
21.考查细节理解。根据Olympic breakdancing部分中的"Breakdancing is the new Olympic sport that will make its first appearance in Paris 2024"霹雳舞是新的奥运项目,将在2024年巴黎奥运会上首次亮相。可知,奥运霹雳舞将在2024年巴黎奥运会上首次亮相。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Olympic sports climbing部分中的"With its second time entering the Olympics, sports climbing has three branches: Speed, Bouldering (抱石攀岩) and Lead. Speed is all about the speed of climbing. Bouldering is all about climbing a boulder on a wall and Lead requires athletes to climb a difficult route 20 meters high. "第二次进入奥运会的运动攀岩有三个分支:速度攀岩、抱石攀岩和难度攀岩。速度与攀岩的速度有关。抱石就是在墙上爬一块巨石,而难度攀岩则要求运动员爬一条20米高的高难度路线。可知,攀岩运动有三个项目:速度攀岩、抱石攀岩和难度攀岩,分别评估了攀岩速度、技巧和难度等多方面的技能。故选B。
23.考查推理判断。根据第一段"Want to know all the ins-and-outs regarding the Paris 2024 Olympics Then you've come to the right place! Below you will find all the information about the new Olympic sports. "想知道关于2024年巴黎奥运会的所有细节吗?那你来对地方了!下面你会发现所有关于新奥运项目的信息。可知,该文主要介绍了2024年巴黎奥运会中的新项目,包括滑板、攀岩、冲浪和霹雳舞等,提供了这些项目的具体信息。这显然是与体育赛事相关的介绍,因此最有可能来源于一个体育网站。故选A。
Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse(逆向的)culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad.
This situation is especially strange with people who have known me for a long time, like my parents, who witnessed all my major life changes before this one. I didn't realize how much I'd changed until I interacted with them and close friends. Despite only being away for three and a half months, I quickly noticed the differences between who I was before and who I am now. Over the past few weeks at home, I've been wondering how to maintain the positive changes and qualities gained from my semester abroad.
I've realized that surroundings and situations greatly influence mindset, and keeping a certain mindset while losing its corresponding(相对应的)environment is challenging. For instance, being in Madrid taught me to be more relaxed and stress-free. However, returning to Penn State with its demanding course load makes maintaining that mentality(心态)difficult. I've come to realize the problem that perpetual stress about school isn't healthy, especially after experiencing a semester of travel, fun, and academic success. Therefore, I've decided to work hard and study as usual but occasionally give myself a break, and do what I can to avoid getting over-stressed about tests and assignments. This means I will put in effort when necessary in order to make sure I am always caught up or ahead of class material.
Coming home has been more challenging than expected, but I'm confident I'll get through it in the next few weeks. Nevertheless, I'm determined to maintain the important lessons I learned about myself and others in Madrid.
24.What was the author's biggest concern when returning home
A.Going back to his original self.
B.Adapting to new surroundings.
C.Experiencing culture shock.
D.Missing old acquaintances.
25.What did the author realize after returning home
A.He should make his family familiar with his positive changes.
B.He should change his mentality to care less about his study.
C.He should adapt his mindset to fit into the old learning environment.
D.He should apply himself to his study to stay ahead of class.
26.What does the underlined word "perpetual" in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Current. B.Improper. C.Unnecessary. D.Continuous.
27.What is the passage mainly about
A.The sufferings of reverse culture shock.
B.The reflections on personal growth.
C.The adaptations to new environments.
D.The success in academic performance.
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse (逆向的) culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad."在出国之前,我非常担心文化冲击,但事实证明,当我回国时,我很难应对逆向文化冲击。回归后的过渡期比预期的要艰难。这不仅仅是回到家庭生活;这也是关于在相同的旧环境中处理不同的人的奇怪情况。我最害怕的是几个月后醒来,感觉自己还是出国留学前的那个我。可知,作者回国后最担心的是回到原来的自己。故选A。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Over the past few weeks at home, I've been wondering how to maintain the positive changes and qualities gained from my semester abroad."在过去的几周里,我一直在思考如何保持我在国外学期所获得的积极变化和品质;以及第三段中的"I've realized that surroundings and situations greatly influence mindset, and keeping a certain mindset while losing its corresponding(相对应的)environment is challenging."我意识到环境和情形对心态有很大的影响,在失去相应环境的同时保持某种心态是很有挑战性的。可知,作者回国后意识到他应该调整自己的心态,以适应原来的学习环境。故选C。
26.考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的"…especially after experiencing a semester of travel, fun, and academic success."尤其是在经历了一个学期的旅行、娱乐和学业成功之后;以及"Therefore, I've decided to work hard and study as usual but occasionally give myself a break, and do what I can to avoid getting over-stressed about tests and assignments. This means I will put in effort when necessary in order to make sure I am always caught up or ahead of class material."因此,我决定像往常一样努力学习,偶尔让自己休息一下,尽我所能避免考试和作业带来的过度压力。这意味着我会在必要的时候付出努力,以确保我总是赶上或领先于课堂材料)可知,此处为我开始意识到学校的持续的压力并不健康。可推知划线词perpetual为"持续的"之意,故选D。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段"Before going abroad, I was very concerned about culture shock, but it turned out that I had a harder time dealing with reverse (逆向的) culture shock when returning ing back has been a tougher transition than expected. It's not just about transitioning back to home life; it's also about handling the strange situation of being a different person in the same old environment. I am most terrified of waking up in a few months and feeling like I'm the same person I was before I studied abroad."在出国之前,我非常担心文化冲击,但事实证明,当我回国时,我很难应对逆向文化冲击。回归后的过渡期比预期的要艰难。这不仅仅是回到家庭生活;这也是关于在相同的旧环境中处理不同的人的奇怪情况。我最害怕的是几个月后醒来,感觉自己还是出国留学前的那个我;以及最后一段中的"Coming home has been more challenging than expected, but I'm confident I'll get through it in the next few weeks. "回家的过程比想象中更有挑战性,但我有信心在接下来的几周内度过难关。可知,文章主要讲的作者最初担心出国时的文化冲击,但发现回国后的适应其实更困难。可推知,本文讲述了逆向文化冲击带来的痛苦。故选A。
In the spring, the western tanagers(唐纳雀)prepared to migrate(迁徙)thousands of miles to the forests of the Mountain West, flying through grasslands, deserts, and occasionally, suburban yards.
To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries. They must take advantage of the early-season boom in insects that started with springtime plant growth to produce healthy young. But as global climate change caused spring to start earlier, birds such as western tanagers were arriving at their destination after what was known as "green-up", when flowers began blooming and insects popped up. With the shift of the time when plants put out new leaves, western tanagers became more likely to reach their destinations when food is in shortage or after insect numbers have begun to drop.
Scott Loss, a professor at Oklahoma State University and his colleagues used satellite imagery to calculate the average start of spring green-up along the typical migration routes of 150 North American bird species, and then compared that timing with the current green-up. They found that spring was indeed beginning earlier along birds' migration routes. The trend continued this year.
The paper continued to build this picture of the inability of birds to track the changing seasons caused by climate change. Timing mismatches between birds and their food could affect whether birds survived the migration and how many chicks they had.
Morgan Tingley, an researcher at UCLA said that the migration research could indicate conservation efforts in the future. "Part of it suggested which species were vulnerable(易受伤害的)to various threats," Tingley said. "This added to the knowledge about vulnerability of a wide range of bird species." And he hoped that the information would serve to highlight the urgent need to lower greenhouse-gas emissions as fast as possible: "It was really important, if we couldn't address climate change immediately, to try to stop habitat loss as much as we can."
28.During the migration, what will happen to the western tanagers after "green-up"
A.They will struggle to find enough insects and berries.
B.They will have difficulty finding suitable nesting sites.
C.They will hardly find blooming flowers for reproduction.
D.They will find it hard to survive harsher weather conditions.
29.What is the direct result of the timing mismatch between birds and their food
A.The loss of birds' habitats.
B.The decrease of birds' survival rate.
C.The contribution to the greenhouse effect.
D.The increase of difficulty in biodiversity conservation.
30.What is Morgan Tingley's attitude towards the research findings in the last paragraph
A.Uncertain. B.Critical. C.Concerned. D.Indifferent.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.The Diverse Patterns of Bird Migration
B.The Timing Mismatch of Western Tanagers
C.The Impact of Climate Change on Migratory Birds
D.The Vulnerability of Bird Species to Various Threats
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries."为了在漫长的旅途中补充能量,唐纳雀以昆虫和浆果为食;以及"With the shift of the time when plants put out new leaves, western tanagers became more likely to reach their destinations when food is in shortage or after insect numbers have begun to drop."随着植物长新叶时间的改变,唐纳雀更有可能在食物短缺或昆虫数量开始下降时到达目的地。可知,在迁移过程中,唐纳雀在"绿期"后将很难找到足够的昆虫和浆果。故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"Timing mismatches between birds and their food could affect whether birds survived the migration and how many chicks they had."鸟类和食物之间的时间不匹配可能会影响鸟类能否在迁徙中幸存下来,以及它们有多少只小鸟。可知,鸟类和它们的食物之间的时间不匹配的直接结果是鸟类存活率的降低。故选B。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"And he hoped that the information would serve to highlight the urgent need to lower greenhouse-gas emissions as fast as possible: ‘It was really important, if we couldn't address climate change immediately, to try to stop habitat loss as much as we can.'"他希望这些信息能够强调尽快降低温室气体排放的迫切需要:"如果我们不能立即解决气候变化问题,那么尽可能地阻止栖息地的丧失是非常重要的。"可知,Morgan Tingley对研究结果的态度是关切的。故选C。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"To fuel them on their lengthy journey, western tanagers feed on insects and berries. They must take advantage of the early-season boom in insects that started with springtime plant growth to produce healthy young. But as global climate change caused spring to start earlier, birds such as western tanagers were arriving at their destination after what was known as ‘green-up', when flowers began blooming and insects popped up."为了在漫长的旅途中补充能量,唐纳雀以昆虫和浆果为食。它们必须利用春季植物生长带来的早期昆虫繁盛来生产健康的后代。但随着全球气候变化导致春天提前到来,像唐纳雀这样的鸟类在所谓的"绿期"之后才到达目的地,这时花朵开始绽放,昆虫开始出现;结合文章主要说明了气候变化影响了候鸟的生存,并介绍了相关研究以及启发。"气候变化对候鸟的影响"适合作文章标题。故选C。
One thing that many Americans can agree on, even in an era of deep political polarization(两极分化), is that our country is in a moral free fall. In survey after survey, US adults of all ages, education levels, political or religious backgrounds say that people are less kind, honest, generous, and respectful than they used to be. So is our nation's moral foundation falling apart
Not necessarily. In fact, two psychologists, Columbia's Adam Mastroianni and Harvard's Daniel Gilbert, say that the widespread belief in moral decline(下降)is a misconception. They recently conducted a meta-analysis of all the major surveys that asked Americans about the state of moral values in this country and they found that US residents have been complaining about one another's declining morality for as long as researchers have been seeking their opinions on the matter. And yet when individual respondents are asked multiple times, over the span of a decade or more, to describe the level of politeness and kindness they observe in their fellow citizens, their descriptions of other people's attitudes and behaviors do not actually worsen at all.
Mastroianni and Gilbert, whose paper appears in the journal Nature, say the results of similar surveys conducted in dozens of other countries over the decades suggest that people all over the world are easy to be influenced by the misconception that their peers are less moral than they once were. They say that this misconception is likely explained by two well-established psychological phenomena acting together: that we tend to pay closer attention to negative rather than positive information about people's actions in the present day; and that we tend to selectively forget such negative impressions as the years roll on, leaving us with good memories for the past.
Mastroianni and Gilbert also say that their discovery has important social and political implications, especially given that, as one 2015 survey found, three-quarters of all Americans believe that addressing the moral breakdown of the country should be a high priority(优先项)for the government. "The United States faces many well-documented problems, from climate change and terrorism to racial injustice and economic inequality — and yet, nowadays it is believed that the government should devote fewer resources to reversing an imaginary trend."
32.What is the function of the first paragraph
A.To provide a historical review of American society.
B.To present contrasting viewpoints on moral decline.
C.To introduce the topic of moral decline in American society.
D.To discuss the method of psychological research on moral decline.
33. What is the main argument presented by Mastroianni and Gilbert in their research
A.The morality of American society seems to be on a rapid rise.
B.American citizens' belief in declining morality is a false idea.
C.The moral breakdown has already been a long-term issue in America.
D.American society has realized its own misconception of moral decline.
34.According to the passage, what is the reason for the widespread belief in moral decline
A.Selective memory about previous impressions.
B.The mixed influence of psychological phenomena.
C.Negative descriptions of morality from peers.
D.Lack of government involvement in moral issues.
35.What does Mastroianni and Gilbert's research imply on social and political views
A.Americans should attach more importance to global issues.
B.Americans should help the government reverse the moral decline.
C.Government resources should be focused on addressing the moral decline.
D.Addressing the imaginary moral breakdown should not be a top choice.
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段"One thing that many Americans can agree on, even in an era of deep political polarization(两极分化), is that our country is in a moral free fall. In survey after survey, US adults of all ages, education levels, political or religious backgrounds say that people are less kind, honest, generous, and respectful than they used to be. So is our nation's moral foundation falling apart "即使在一个政治两极分化严重的时代,许多美国人都同意的一件事是,我们的国家正在道德上自由落体。在一项又一项的调查中,各个年龄段、教育程度、政治或宗教背景的美国成年人都认为,人们不像以前那么善良、诚实、慷慨和尊重人了。那么,我们国家的道德基础正在分崩离析吗?可推知,第一段的作用是介绍美国社会道德衰退的话题。故选C。
33.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Not necessarily. In fact, two psychologists, Columbia's Adam Mastroianni and Harvard's Daniel Gilbert, say that the widespread belief in moral decline(下降)is a misconception."不一定。事实上,两位心理学家,哥伦比亚大学的亚当·马斯楚安尼和哈佛大学的丹尼尔·吉尔伯特说,普遍认为道德衰退是一种误解。可知,马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特在他们的研究中提出的主要论点是美国公民认为道德在下降,这是一种错误的观念。故选B。
34.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"They say that this misconception is likely explained by two well-established psychological phenomena acting together: that we tend to pay closer attention to negative rather than positive information about people's actions in the present day; and that we tend to selectively forget such negative impressions as the years roll on, leaving us with good memories for the past."他们说,这种误解可能是由两种公认的心理现象共同作用来解释的:我们倾向于更关注当下人们行为的负面信息,而不是正面信息;随着岁月的流逝,我们往往会选择性地忘记这些负面印象,给过去留下美好的回忆。可知,普遍认为道德衰退的原因是心理现象的综合影响。故选B。
35.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"Mastroianni and Gilbert also say that their discovery has important social and political implications, especially given that, as one 2015 survey found, three-quarters of all Americans believe that addressing the moral breakdown of the country should be a high priority(优先项)for the government. ‘The United States faces many well-documented problems, from climate change and terrorism to racial injustice and economic inequality — and yet, nowadays it is believed that the government should devote fewer resources to reversing an imaginary trend.'"马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特还表示,他们的发现具有重要的社会和政治意义,尤其是考虑到2015年的一项调查发现,四分之三的美国人认为解决国家道德崩溃问题应该是政府的首要任务。"美国面临着许多有据可证的问题,从气候变化和恐怖主义到种族不公正和经济不平等——然而,如今人们认为,政府应该投入更少的资源来扭转假想的趋势。"可推知,马斯楚安尼和吉尔伯特的研究对社会和政治观点意味着解决假想的道德衰退不应该是首要选择。故选D。
Does your teenager seem addicted to the Internet Probably yes.  36.   At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children.  37.   Instead of using the Internet for homework or research, they are spending hours messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.
Keeping a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult.  38.  .
However, parents are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community.
Children and young people can easily become hooked on online activities such as multi-player games, instant messaging and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children are those who are unpopular or shy with peers.  39.   Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. For the children who are not so outgoing, playing these games with thousands of other users may apparently be a social activity.  40.  . So parents need to help children limit the online time to an appropriate amount.
A. That is especially obvious when it comes to online social games.
B. In fact, playing too much can further keep them away from friends and peers.
C. The amount of time teenagers spend online is a source of concern for many parents.
D. But numerous parents don't discover this worrying situation and ignore it naturally.
E. However, many parents soon realize that their kids were gradually becoming Internet addicts.
F. The engaging nature of the Internet makes many children lose track of time when they're online.
G. They can be easily attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities.
36.根据空前"Does your teenager seem addicted to the Internet Probably yes."你的孩子似乎沉迷于网络吗?可能是的。引出话题,提到沉迷网络;以及空后"At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children."起初,父母欢迎互联网进入他们的家,相信他们正在为他们的孩子打开一个令人兴奋的教育机会的新世界。提到起初父母认为互联网带来的好处。C. The amount of time teenagers spend online is a source of concern for many parents."青少年花在网上的时间是许多家长担心的一个问题。",承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
37.根据空前"At first, parents welcome the Internet into their homes, believing they are opening up an exciting new world of educational chances for their children."起初,父母欢迎互联网进入他们的家,相信他们正在为他们的孩子打开一个令人兴奋的教育机会的新世界。提到起初父母认为互联网带来的好处;以及空后"Instead of using the Internet for homework or research, they are spending hours messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms."他们不是用互联网做作业或研究,而是花几个小时和朋友发信息,玩网络游戏或在聊天室和陌生人聊天。提到互联网带来的负面影响。E. However, many parents soon realize that their kids were gradually becoming Internet addicts."然而,许多家长很快就意识到他们的孩子正在逐渐成为网瘾者。"承接上文内容,同时下文内容是对空格处的具体解释和说明,起到上下文的承上启下作用。故选E。
38.根据空前"Keeping a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult."对于父母来说,在娱乐媒体和孩子生活中的其他活动之间保持健康的平衡一直是一个挑战。互联网使这一挑战变得更加困难。提到互联网给父母带来的挑战。F. The engaging nature of the Internet makes many children lose track of time when they're online."互联网吸引人的本质使许多孩子上网时忘记了时间。"可知,为具体解释这一挑战和困难的原因,上下文紧密连接,符合语境。故选F。
39.根据空前"The most vulnerable children are those who are unpopular or shy with peers."最容易受影响的孩子是那些不受欢迎或在同龄人面前害羞的孩子。提到最容易受影响的孩子;以及空后"Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players."尤其是男孩,他们是在线角色扮演游戏的常客,在那里他们扮演新的身份并与其他玩家互动。提到尤其是男孩是在线角色扮演游戏的常客。 G. They can be easily attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. "他们很容易被在网络社区中创造新身份的机会所吸引。承接上文内容,为对上文内容的语意递进,同时下文是对空格处内容的进一步解释和说明,上下文语意连贯。故选G。
40.根据空前"For the children who are not so outgoing, playing these games with thousands of other users may apparently be a social activity."对于那些不那么外向的孩子来说,与成千上万的其他用户一起玩这些游戏显然是一种社交活动。提到对于外向的孩子来说是一种社交活动;以及空后"So parents need to help children limit the online time to an appropriate amount."所以父母需要帮助孩子限制上网时间到一个适当的量。提到父母需要帮助孩子限制上网时间。B. In fact, playing too much can further keep them away from friends and peers."事实上,玩得太多会让他们远离朋友和同龄人。"符合语境。故选B。
When Hailey Fort was six, she saw a person standing on the street in her town. She wanted to 41. him, so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water.
Hailey kept thinking about the man and what it would be like to be 42. . She knew that fresh fruits and vegetables often weren't 43. at food banks, where homeless people may get canned or boxed food. An idea 44. to her.
"There was a garden in our backyard, and we weren't using it," she said. "I asked my mom if I could use that garden to grow food for the homeless."
Now, several years later, Hailey's garden had 45. many people with fresh produce. When food was ready to be 46. , Hailey picked, washed, and bagged it. Then she and her mom gave the bags to people on the street or to a local food bank. Hailey had given away more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables 47. !
While 48. food, Hailey and her mom often saw people more than once. They learned their names and talked with people about what it was like to be homeless. When Hailey found out that people without homes didn't 49. have safe or comfortable places to sleep, she thought of a new project — building a sleeping 50. .
Due to her mom's 51. , Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in. Hailey's family was working with local groups to find a good place to park the structure as 52. housing for someone in need.
Hailey had learned a lot since she gave away her first sandwich — and not just about gardens and
53. . She has learned to see people who are homeless as individuals. To help others, she said, "Start
54. . You can always 55. over the years."
41.A. feed B. adopt C. help D. rescue
42.A. hungry B. miserable C. lonely D. generous
43.A. adjustable B. accessible C. affordable D. possible
44.A. appealed B. applied C. happened D. occurred
45.A. equipped B. supplied C. connected D. satisfied
46.A. harvested B. sold C. cooked D. preserved
47.A. by chance B. at least C. in total D. on purpose
48.A. trying out B. setting out
C. handing out D. figuring out
49.A. accidentally B. absolutely C. eventually D. regularly
50.A. center B. shelter C. platform D. community
51.A. patience B. attention C. permission D. guidance
52.A. temporary B. fixed C. necessary D. flexible
53.A. production B. collection C. selection D. construction
54.A. big B. small C. long D. short
55.A. grow B. change C. believe D. understand
41.句意:她想帮助他,所以她和妈妈给了那个男人一个三明治和一瓶水。A. feed"喂养";B. adopt "采用,采取";C. help"帮助";D. rescue"救援"。根据空后"so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water"可知,Hailey想帮助那个人,故选C。
42.句意:Hailey一直想着那个男人,想着饿着肚子会是什么样子。A. hungry"饥饿的";B. miserable "悲惨的";C. lonely"孤单的";D. generous"慷慨的"。根据上文"so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water"可知,Hailey和妈妈给了那个男人一个三明治和一瓶水,说明那个男人是饥饿的,故选A。
43.句意:她知道食物赈济处通常无法得到新鲜的水果和蔬菜,无家可归的人可能会在那里得到罐装或盒装食品。A. adjustable"可调节的";B. accessible"可接近的,可得到的";C. affordable"买得起的";D. possible"可能的"。根据空后"where homeless people may get canned or boxed food"可知,食物赈济处都是罐装或盒装食品,故无法得到新鲜水果和蔬菜,故选B。
44.句意:她突然想到一个主意。A. appealed"呼吁";B. applied"申请,应用";C. happened"发生";D. occurred"发生,存在于"。根据下文"‘There was a garden in our backyard, and we weren't using it,' she said. ‘I asked my mom if I could use that garden to grow food for the homeless.'"可知,她突然想到一个主意,occur to sb固定短语,"观念或想法被想到,出现在脑海中",故选D。
45.句意:现在,几年后,Hailey的花园为许多人提供了新鲜的农产品。A. equipped"配备";B. supplied"供应,提供";C. connected"连接";D. satisfied"使满意"。根据上文"use that garden to grow food for the homeless"提到用花园为无家可归的人种植食物,此处指"为许多人提供了新鲜的农产品",故选B。
46.句意:当食物准备好收割时,Hailey采摘、清洗、装袋。A. harvested"收割,收获";B. sold "卖";C. cooked"烹饪";D. preserved"保护"。根据空后"Hailey picked, washed, and bagged it"可知,此处指食物准备好收割时,故选A。
47.句意:Hailey总共送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜!A. by chance"偶然";B. at least"至少";C. in total"总共";D. on purpose"故意"。根据空前"more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables"可知,此处指总共送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜,故选C。
48.句意:在分发食物的时候,Hailey和她的妈妈经常不止一次地看到人们。A. trying out"试用";B. setting out"动身,出发";C. handing out"分发";D. figuring out"解决,想出"。根据上文"Then she and her mom gave the bags to people on the street or to a local food bank. Hailey had given away more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables 7 ."然后她和她的妈妈把袋子给了街上的人或当地的食品银行。Hailey送出了550多磅的水果和蔬菜……可知,Hailey把食物分发给无家可归的人,故选C。
49.句意:当Hailey发现无家可归的人不能经常有安全舒适的地方睡觉时,她想到了一个新项目——建造一个睡眠庇护所。A. accidentally"偶然地";B. absolutely"绝对地";C. eventually"最后";D. regularly"定期地"。根据空前"people without homes";以及空后"building a sleeping 10 ."可知,此处指无家可归的人经常没有安全舒适的地方睡觉,故选D。
50.句意:当Hailey发现无家可归的人不能经常有安全舒适的地方睡觉时,她想到了一个新项目——建造一个睡眠庇护所。A. center"中心";B. shelter"庇护所";C. platform"平台";D. community "社区"。根据空前"safe or comfortable places to sleep";以及下文"Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in"可知,Hailey要建造一个让无家可归的人睡觉的地方,即他们的庇护所,故选B。
51.句意:在妈妈的指导下,Hailey学会了建一个足够大的房间供一个人睡觉。A. patience"耐心";B. attention"注意力";C. permission"允许";D. guidance"指导"。根据空后"Hailey learned to build one big enough for a person to sleep in"可知,在妈妈的指导下,Hailey学会了建一个足够大的房间供一个人睡觉,故选D。
52.句意:Hailey的家人正与当地团体合作,为有需要的人找一个好地方停放这座建筑,作为临时住所。A. temporary"临时的,暂时的";B. fixed"固定的";C. necessary"必需的";D. flexible"灵活的"。根据空前"the structure";以及空后"housing for someone in need"可知,Hailey建造的庇护所只是一个临时的住所,故选A。
53.句意:自从Hailey送出她的第一个三明治后,她学到了很多东西——不仅仅是关于花园和建筑。A. production"生产";B. collection"收藏";C. selection"选择";D. construction"建筑"。根据上文"build one big enough for a person to sleep in"和语境可知,Hailey为无家可归的人在花园种植食物,建造庇护所,故选D。
54.句意:为了帮助别人,她说:"从小事做起。"A. big"大的";B. small"小的";C. long"长久的";D. short"不足的,缺少"。根据上文Hailey为无家可归的人种植食物和提供庇护所可知,此处指从小事做起,故选B。
55.句意:随着时间的推移,你总是可以成长的。A. grow"成长";B. change"改变";C. believe"相信";D. understand"理解"。根据空后"over the years"可知,此处指随着时间的推移逐渐成长,故选A。
Humans like to think of themselves as individuals, capable of making their own decisions without consulting anyone else. They  56.   (prize) for their ability to stand out, blaze their own path, and create their own style. However, underneath this originality lies a deep-rooted  57.   (eager) to fit in. That's
 58.   teen peer pressure is so hard for kids to resist.
Studies suggest that peer pressure from a child's friends becomes more significant during adolescence. The pressure grows  59.   (great), and the things teens are pressured to do become more dangerous. Besides, teens are born to connect with peers and struggle for belonging. As they mature and gradually become independent,  60.   (gain) the approval of others in their age group becomes increasingly important.  61.  , some teens will follow their peers to make an unwise choice in order to feel accepted.
But how much social pressure a teen feels depends on who they spend time with.  62.   universally recognized study in the journal Developmental Psychologyfound that teens who spent time with  63.  who don't engage in unhealthy behaviors are less likely to misbehave themselves. In other words, teens
 64.   (surround) with peers who would share their values and don't behave in destructive ways, are less likely to engage in harmful acts, without  65.   they could have healthy bodies and rosy futures.
【答案】56.are prized;57.eagerness;58.why;59.greater;60.gaining;61.Thus/Therefore/So;62.A;63.those;64.surrounded;65.which
56.句意:他们因能够脱颖而出、开辟自己的道路和创造自己的风格而受到珍视此处是谓语动词,根据上下文时态可知,应用一般现在时,结合主语They和动词prize为被动关系,所以为一般现在时的被动语态结构,主语主谓一致。故填are prized。
58.句意:这就是为什么孩子们很难抵抗来自同龄人的压力。 teen peer pressure is so hard for kids to resist是表语从句,结合句意可知,应为连接副词why引导,故填why。
59.句意:压力变得越大,青少年被迫做的事情也变得越来越危险。根据句意以及后面的more dangerous可知,此处为形容词比较级形式和后面的more dangerous形成呼应,故填greater。
65.句意:换句话说,青少年周围的同龄人会分享他们的价值观,不会有破坏性的行为,他们不太可能从事有害的行为,没有这些,他们就会有健康的身体和美好的未来。 without they could have healthy bodies and rosy futures 是非限制性定语从句,先行词harmful acts,指物,关系词替代先行词在从句中作without的宾语成分,用关系代词which。故填which。
66.(2024高一下·宁波期末)请你写一篇短文向校英文报《Music and Life》投稿,投稿短文内容是推荐一首适合晨跑时聆听的音乐,内容包括:
1. 介绍推荐的音乐;
2. 阐述推荐的理由。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Run with the Music, Everyone!
【答案】Run with the Music, Everyone!
Looking for the perfect companion to your morning run Look no further than "Morning Glory" by Kevin MacLeod. This instrumental piece combines upbeat rhythms with uplifting melodies, creating the ideal soundtrack for your dawn workout.
As you lace up your shoes and hit the pavement, let the invigorating music propel you forward. The dynamic beats will synchronize with your strides, motivating you to push harder and go farther. With each step, feel the rush of strength as you immerse yourself in the exhilarating combination of motion and melody.
So, why wait Start your day on the right foot and run with the music. Let "Morning Glory" inspire you to embrace the endless possibilities of a new day and elevate your morning routine to new heights.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 写一篇短文向校英文报《Music and Life》投稿,投稿短文内容是推荐一首适合晨跑时聆听的音乐 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 介绍推荐的音乐;2. 阐述推荐的理由。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: Look no further than "Morning Glory" by Kevin MacLeod. 运用了祈使句;This instrumental piece combines upbeat rhythms with uplifting melodies, creating the ideal soundtrack for your dawn workout.运用了现在分词作状语;As you lace up your shoes and hit the pavement, let the invigorating music propel you forward.运用了时间状语从句,祈使句; The dynamic beats will synchronize with your strides, motivating you to push harder and go farther. 运用了现在分词作状语;With each step, feel the rush of strength as you immerse yourself in the exhilarating combination of motion and melody.运用了祈使句,时间状语从句; Start your day on the right foot and run with the music. 运用了祈使句;Let "Morning Glory" inspire you to embrace the endless possibilities of a new day and elevate your morning routine to new heights.运用了祈使句,省略to的不定式作宾补。
67.(2024高一下·宁波期末)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoyed the hot chocolate. Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. The snow disappeared before my birthday and started after it. The seed of receiving that special gift was deeply planted in my heart.
As I lived with my grandparents in my girlhood, I would always ask my grandmother why it didn't snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions, and my grandfather would always smile at me affectionately, sitting beside the stove. But one day, my grandmother promised that she would make it snow when I was enjoying life to the fullest. I thanked her and asked for snow on my next birthday, but my mind was occupied with confusion. "How can you make it snow " My grandmother didn't reply but shot me a determined look. It seemed that she had already hatched(策划)a plot.
But that year, before my birthday, my grandmother passed away. I was at an emotional loss, but angry because she had promised me to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to my window, hoping to see just one snowflake. Unfortunately, there was no snow. I cried and cried all day because my grandmother had let me down, but my grandfather said with certainty that my grandmother would keep her word.
Before my birthday every year, I would pray but it never came. By my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for it. During my party, I had the best time ever! I enjoyed the company of my friends and family, and I was truly happy.
I was outside with a friend when she asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was enjoying my life to the fullest. Then I saw the white snow falling all around. I became like a little child on Christmas morning as I ran around screaming and laughing. I was so excited that my friend looked at me as if I were crazy, and laughed at me. She asked me if I had ever seen snow before, and I laughed and said that I had, but that this snow was very special to me.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Curious about my reply, my friend asked, "Why was this snow so special "
Paragraph 2:
Hearing my friend's advice, I decided to head for my grandfather's home.
【答案】Paragraph 1: Curious about my reply, my friend asked, "Why was this snow so special " I was still bathed in the ecstasy of seeing the snow, without even hearing my friend's question, just exclaiming out aloud, "Snow! I see it!" It was when my friend tapped on my shoulder that I realized I lost control of myself and was immersed in this blissful world. I explained with my choking words to my friend that my grandmother who had died several years ago kept her word to make it snow when I lived my life to the fullest. Seeing that snow was like seeing my grandmother and her long-awaited gift. At that moment, a surge of nostalgia rushed into my mind and I couldn't help bursting into tears. My friend, standing beside me, comforted me in her reassuring voice and suggested me going back home to share the delight with my grandfather.
Paragraph 2: Hearing my friend's advice, I decided to head for my grandfather's home.When I opened the door, what greeted me was my grandfather's affectionate smile as usual, which deeply tugged at my soft heartstrings. Without thinking twice, I instantly threw my arms around him, poured out my sentiment of missing for my grandmother and shared the pleasure of seeing the snow. My grandfather stroked my head fondly and then withdrew an elaborately-packed gift from the drawer. Inside, nestled in white paper, was a crystal snowflake with a card that read, "Happy Birthday!" Confused, I asked my grandfather how this could be. He explained that it was my grandmother's final wish to give it to me when I lived my life to the fullest. At that moment, surrounded by the warmth of family and the magic of the falling snow, I realized that while my grandmother may no longer be with us physically, her love and legacy lived on in our hearts, forever etched in the delicate dance of snowflakes.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I was still bathed in the ecstasy of seeing the snow, without even hearing my friend's question, just exclaiming out aloud, "Snow! I see it!"运用了现在分词作状语; It was when my friend tapped on my shoulder that I realized I lost control of myself and was immersed in this blissful world. 运用了强调句,时间状语从句,宾语从句;I explained with my choking words to my friend that my grandmother who had died several years ago kept her word to make it snow when I lived my life to the fullest. 运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句,时间状语从句; At that moment, a surge of nostalgia rushed into my mind and I couldn't help bursting into tears. 运用了并列句;When I opened the door, what greeted me was my grandfather's affectionate smile as usual, whic