【核心素养】 Unit 4 Body Language Period 3 Using Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第一册


名称 【核心素养】 Unit 4 Body Language Period 3 Using Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第一册
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-31 13:13:48


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Unit 4 Period 3 Using Language分层练习
语言能力 通过阅读获取有关肢体语言的词汇、句式、语法等语言知识。
学习能力 学会肢体语言的表现形式及其表达的意义。
思维品质 培养批判性思维能力和创新思维能力
文化意识 了解中外身体语言的区别。
1.Ken gave me an     (尴尬的) smile when I asked where he had been.
2.You can     (阐明) this question if you make a careful study of British history.
3.The situation calmed down when
police     (干预).
【解析】【分析】句意:警方介入后,局势平静下来。此处是谓语动词,根据The situation calmed down的时态,可知用一般过去时,故填intervened。
4.Liz     (调整) her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking space.
【解析】【分析】句意:Liz 调整了后视镜,然后把车开出了停车位。此处是谓语动词,根据and then edged the car out of its parking space的时态,可知用一般过去时,故填adjusted。
5.He called them several times to    
(询问) about job possibilities.
6.Try to     (分心) yourself by playing mind games, choosing new running routes, or
running with other people.
【解析】【分析】句意:通过玩心理游戏选择新的跑步路线,或者和其他人一起跑步来转移注意力。try to do固定短语,“尽力做......”,不定式作宾语,故填distract。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及不定式作宾与,以及固定短语try to do。
7.Don't     (打扰) me while I am taking my nap.
8.He is     (困窘) because he made a mistake.
9.The twins were so much alike that it
was impossible to     (分辨) one from the other.
10.We can     (察觉) his sorrow by the looks on his face.
11.My Chinese teacher is possibly one
of the most inspiring     (educate) I've ever met.
【解析】【分析】句意:我的中文老师可能是我见过的,最鼓舞人心的教育家之一。此处名词作介词宾语,one of...“.....的之一”,后接可数名词复数,结合句意应填“教育家”,故填educators。
12.I intend to call     him and
discuss this question again.
【解析】【分析】句意:我打算再次拜访他,讨论这个问题。call on sb固定短语,“拜访某人”,故填on。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语call on。
13.The young couple are always
occupied     endless whispers of love.
【解析】【分析】句意:这对年轻的情侣总是沉浸在无尽的爱的低语中。be occupied with固定短语,“忙于......”,故填with。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语be occupied with。
14.I've made a few     (adjust) to the design.
【解析】【分析】句意:我对设计做了一些调整。a few 后接可数名词复数,此处作宾语,故填adjustments。
15.There has been a mixed     (react)
to her appointment as director.
16.Why bother     (ask) if you're not
really interested
【答案】asking/to ask
【解析】【分析】句意:如果你不是真的感兴趣,为什么还要问呢?bother doing/to do固定短语,“费心做某事,麻烦做某事”,故填asking/to ask。
17.In some parts of London, missing a
bus means     (wait) for another hour.
【解析】【分析】句意:在伦敦的某些地方,错过一辆巴士意味着要再等一个小时。mean doing固定短语,“意味着”,动名词作宾语,故填waiting。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语以及固定短语mean doing。
18.The flowers need     (water).
【答案】watering/to be watered
【解析】【分析】句意:花需要浇水。need doing =need to be done 固定短语,“需要被做.....”,此处动名词作宾语或者不定式的被动式作宾语,故填watering/to be watered。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词/不定式的被动式作宾语,以及固定短语need doing /need to be done。
19.He remained     (stand) beside the table.
【解析】【分析】句意:他依然站在桌旁。stand,站,动词,remain doing,保持做某事,表示状态,固定搭配, 故填standing。
【点评】考查固定搭配,注意识记短语remain doing。
20.    (learn) new words is very
useful to me.
Body language is one of  21.  (powerful) means of communication, often even more powerful than  22.  (speak) language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might ever speak aloud.  23.   so many cultural differences between people, it is great  24.  (have) some similarities in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is  25.   amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do. Not all cultures greet each other in the same way, nor  26.  (be) they comfortable in the same way with touching or  27.  (distant) between people. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways  28.   cultures have developed. I have seen, however, that  29.  (culture) customs for body language are very general—nor all members of a culture behave in the same way. In general, though,  30.  (study) international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads.
【答案】21.most powerful;22.spoken;23.With;24.to have;25.an;26.are;27.distance;28.in which;29.cultural;30.studying
21.句意:肢体语言是最强大的交流手段之一,通常比口语更强大。此处应用形容词修饰名词means,由"one of + 形容词最高级+复数名词"可知,此处应用该形容词的最高级,powerful是多音节词,其最高级是在它的前面加most,故填most powerful。
22.句意:肢体语言是最强大的交流手段之一,通常比口语更强大。spoken language固定短语,"口语",故填spoken
24.句意:人们之间的文化有如此多的不同,在肢体语言上有相似之处是很好的。此句it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语,故填 to have 。
27.句意:并不是所有的文化都以相同的方式互相问候,也不是所有文化都以同样的方式对人与人之间的接触或距离感到舒适。此处名词作介词宾语,故填 distance 。
28.句意:这些行为没有好坏之分,只是文化发展的方式。 cultures have developed 是限制性定语从句,先行词是 ways ,在从句中作状语,应用 in which 引导,故填 in which 。
29.句意:然而,我已经看到,肢体语言的文化习俗是非常普遍的——也不是一个文化的所有成员都有相同的行为方式。此处形容词作定语,修饰名词 cultures ,故填cultural。
Body language or, as it is also known, nonverbal communication, is about all the things that people say and do without using words. Research suggests that more than 70% of communication occurs without people having to say a single word.
Like language, the way we communicate nonverbally varies across cultures. But, unlike language, it can be very difficult to find out what the nonverbal rules are.
It's very well-known that there are differences in the ways that cultures work, but what can you do to try to prepare yourself for living and surviving in another culture
I think you've got two things to think about. I personally don't fully accept the idea of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. " I don't think people expect you to completely adopt all of the things that they do. What I think people would like is that you agree and understand it and that you do your best.
One of the things you can do is actually to explain to the other culture, saying, "Well, you know, actually we don't normally kiss in my culture, so it's a bit uncomfortable. " But then do your best, so it's a learning process.
Well, kissing is just one of many different ways of interaction that you need to know. You can get into difficult or embarrassing or even worse situations if you don't know it. Eye contact, tone of voice, how close you stand, any touching, how many times you kiss, a long handshake, a short handshake, it can go on and on. So I think, yes, you do need to get these correct and you need to have good observation skills.
31.From the passage, it can be inferred that ________.
A.only grown ups have body language
B.body language can be understood by all the people all the time
C.only the same body language has the same meaning all over the world
D.body language varies from culture to culture
32.The passage is mainly to tell readers ________.
A.body language is important
B.to find out the rules of body language
C.when in Rome, do as the Romans do
D.to learn good observation skills
33.According to the author, we know that ________.
A.to learn body language, you should watch people and observe what they do
B.to learn a language, you should prepare yourself for living in another culture
C.when you learn a language, you must know the differences of different cultures
D.to know body language, you should adopt all that other cultures do
31.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"Body language or, as it is also known, nonverbal communication, is about all the things that people say and do without using words."肢体语言,也被称为非语言沟通,是指人们不用语言就能说的和做的所有事情;以及第二段中的"Like language, the way we communicate nonverbally varies across cultures."就像语言一样,我们非语言交流的方式也因文化而异。可推知,肢体语言(也就是非语言交流)因文化而异。故选D。
32.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"But, unlike language, it can be very difficult to find out what the nonverbal rules are."但是,与语言不同的是,要找出非语言规则是非常困难的;以及第三段"It's very well-known that there are differences in the ways that cultures work, but what can you do to try to prepare yourself for living and surviving in another culture "众所周知,不同文化的运作方式是不同的,但是你能做些什么来为自己在另一种文化中生活和生存做好准备呢?;以及下文可知,本文目的是告知发现肢体语言的规则。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"So I think, yes, you do need to get these correct and you need to have good observation skills."所以我认为,是的,你需要把这些做对,你需要有良好的观察技巧。可知,要学习肢体语言,需要具有观察技巧,你应该观察人们,观察他们做了什么。故选A。
Mr. Garcia, a businessman from Madrid, Spain, is speaking English to one of his customers, Mr. Patton, from Vancouver, Canada. Mr. Garcia slowly approaches Mr. Patton.  34.  This slow dance continues throughout the conversation until Mr. Patton is against the wall.
What is going on here Probably a misunderstanding in body language. Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication which plays a key role in communication.  35.  For example, in the above case, Spanish speakers enjoy a much closer speaking distance than English speakers.
Another example is eye contact. In many American Indian and East Asian cultures, respect is shown by not looking directly into the eyes.  36.  Because anything less than full eye contact is considered disrespectful or even devious (不诚实的) in their culture.
Sometimes gestures used in different languages have opposite meanings.  37.  In Vietnam and China, the gesture for "come here" is quite similar to that of waving "good-bye" in English. Thus, when speakers of these two cultures are leaving each other, fun things may happen.
 38.  The best way to learn gestures for any language or culture is to stay a while in a foreign country to learn not only what people say but how they say it.
A. The latter slowly steps away.
B. Body language is very important.
C. This can produce a humorous effect.
D. But it is not the same in all cultures.
E. Mr. Patton walks slowly in the room.
F. For Western Europeans, the opposite is true.
G. Learning body gestures is rather difficult from textbooks.
34.根据空前"Mr. Garcia slowly approaches Mr. Patton." Garcia先生慢慢地走近Patton先生;以及空后"This slow dance continues throughout the conversation until Mr. Patton is against the wall." 整个对话过程就像在跳慢舞似的一进一退,直到 Patton 先生靠到墙壁。可知, Patton 先生一直向后退, A. The latter slowly steps away. "后者慢慢地向后撤"承上启下,符合语境,故选A。
35.根据空前" Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication which plays a key role in communication. "肢体语言是一种在交流中起着关键作用的非语言交流;以及空后"For example, in the above case, Spanish speakers enjoy a much closer speaking distance, than English speakers." 例如,在上述案例中,说西班牙语的人比说英语的人喜欢更近的说话距离。说明肢体语言在对于不同的文化的人是不同的, D. But it is not the same in all cultures. "但这在所有的文化中并不是都一样的。"说明尽管肢体语言重要,但是并不是在所有的文化中都一样。与上文是转折关系,下文是举例说明。故选D。
36.根据空前"In many American Indian and East Asian cultures, respect is shown by not looking directly into the eyes." 在许多美洲印第安人和东亚文化中,人们通过不直接看眼睛来表示尊重;以及空后"Because anything less than full eye contact is considered disrespectful or even devious in their culture." 因为在他们的文化中,如果不正视对方就会被视为不敬,甚至是不够坦诚。说明此处与上文是转折关系,F项中的"the opposite is true"表示转折,F. For Western Europeans, the opposite is true."在西欧,事实正好相反。"承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
37.根据空后"In Vietnam and China, the gesture for ‘come here' is quite similar to that of waving ‘good-bye' in English. Thus, when speakers of these two cultures are leaving each other, fun things may happen." 在越南和中国,"来这里"的手势和在英语中挥手"告别"非常相似。因此,当这两种文化的演讲者离开对方时,可能会发生有趣的事情。说明不同的文化的肢体语言可能有相反的意思,因此会发生一些有趣的事情, C. This can produce a humorous effect. "这可以产生一种幽默的效果。"承接下文,符合语境,故选C。
38.根据空后"The best way to learn gestures for any language or culture is to stay a while in a foreign country to learn not only what people say but how they say it." 学习任何语言或文化的手势的最好方法是在国外呆一段时间,不仅学习人们说什么,而且学习是如何说的。可知,本段谈论学习肢体语言的方式, G. Learning body gestures is rather difficult from textbooks "从教科书上是很难学习到肢体语言。"符合语境。故选G。
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Unit 4 Period 3 Using Language分层练习
语言能力 通过阅读获取有关肢体语言的词汇、句式、语法等语言知识。
学习能力 学会肢体语言的表现形式及其表达的意义。
思维品质 培养批判性思维能力和创新思维能力
文化意识 了解中外身体语言的区别。
1.Ken gave me an     (尴尬的) smile when I asked where he had been.
2.You can     (阐明) this question if you make a careful study of British history.
3.The situation calmed down when
police     (干预).
4.Liz     (调整) her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking space.
5.He called them several times to    
(询问) about job possibilities.
6.Try to     (分心) yourself by playing mind games, choosing new running routes, or
running with other people.
7.Don't     (打扰) me while I am taking my nap.
8.He is     (困窘) because he made a mistake.
9.The twins were so much alike that it
was impossible to     (分辨) one from the other.
10.We can     (察觉) his sorrow by the looks on his face.
11.My Chinese teacher is possibly one
of the most inspiring     (educate) I've ever met.
12.I intend to call     him and
discuss this question again.
13.The young couple are always
occupied     endless whispers of love.
14.I've made a few     (adjust) to the design.
15.There has been a mixed     (react)
to her appointment as director.
16.Why bother     (ask) if you're not
really interested
17.In some parts of London, missing a
bus means     (wait) for another hour.
18.The flowers need     (water).
19.He remained     (stand) beside the table.
20.    (learn) new words is very
useful to me.
Body language is one of  21.  (powerful) means of communication, often even more powerful than  22.  (speak) language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might ever speak aloud.  23.   so many cultural differences between people, it is great  24.  (have) some similarities in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is  25.   amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do. Not all cultures greet each other in the same way, nor  26.  (be) they comfortable in the same way with touching or  27.  (distant) between people. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways  28.   cultures have developed. I have seen, however, that  29.  (culture) customs for body language are very general—nor all members of a culture behave in the same way. In general, though,  30.  (study) international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads.
Body language or, as it is also known, nonverbal communication, is about all the things that people say and do without using words. Research suggests that more than 70% of communication occurs without people having to say a single word.
Like language, the way we communicate nonverbally varies across cultures. But, unlike language, it can be very difficult to find out what the nonverbal rules are.
It's very well-known that there are differences in the ways that cultures work, but what can you do to try to prepare yourself for living and surviving in another culture
I think you've got two things to think about. I personally don't fully accept the idea of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. " I don't think people expect you to completely adopt all of the things that they do. What I think people would like is that you agree and understand it and that you do your best.
One of the things you can do is actually to explain to the other culture, saying, "Well, you know, actually we don't normally kiss in my culture, so it's a bit uncomfortable. " But then do your best, so it's a learning process.
Well, kissing is just one of many different ways of interaction that you need to know. You can get into difficult or embarrassing or even worse situations if you don't know it. Eye contact, tone of voice, how close you stand, any touching, how many times you kiss, a long handshake, a short handshake, it can go on and on. So I think, yes, you do need to get these correct and you need to have good observation skills.
31.From the passage, it can be inferred that ________.
A.only grown ups have body language
B.body language can be understood by all the people all the time
C.only the same body language has the same meaning all over the world
D.body language varies from culture to culture
32.The passage is mainly to tell readers ________.
A.body language is important
B.to find out the rules of body language
C.when in Rome, do as the Romans do
D.to learn good observation skills
33.According to the author, we know that ________.
A.to learn body language, you should watch people and observe what they do
B.to learn a language, you should prepare yourself for living in another culture
C.when you learn a language, you must know the differences of different cultures
D.to know body language, you should adopt all that other cultures do
Mr. Garcia, a businessman from Madrid, Spain, is speaking English to one of his customers, Mr. Patton, from Vancouver, Canada. Mr. Garcia slowly approaches Mr. Patton.  34.  This slow dance continues throughout the conversation until Mr. Patton is against the wall.
What is going on here Probably a misunderstanding in body language. Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication which plays a key role in communication.  35.  For example, in the above case, Spanish speakers enjoy a much closer speaking distance than English speakers.
Another example is eye contact. In many American Indian and East Asian cultures, respect is shown by not looking directly into the eyes.  36.  Because anything less than full eye contact is considered disrespectful or even devious (不诚实的) in their culture.
Sometimes gestures used in different languages have opposite meanings.  37.  In Vietnam and China, the gesture for "come here" is quite similar to that of waving "good-bye" in English. Thus, when speakers of these two cultures are leaving each other, fun things may happen.
 38.  The best way to learn gestures for any language or culture is to stay a while in a foreign country to learn not only what people say but how they say it.
A. The latter slowly steps away.
B. Body language is very important.
C. This can produce a humorous effect.
D. But it is not the same in all cultures.
E. Mr. Patton walks slowly in the room.
F. For Western Europeans, the opposite is true.
G. Learning body gestures is rather difficult from textbooks.